0.6 released

RTR: Imperium Surrectum 0.6.0
new updated map wit over 1800 cities

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Rome starts off losing 10k denarii a turn, we're so back.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick yes

    • 7 months ago

      It's not so bad as Sparta, only 1.5k a turn at the start.

  2. 7 months ago

    How does the EB2 feel about this?

    • 7 months ago

      >Rome 1 peak players in the last 30 days = 1,308
      >Rome 1 Remaster peak players in the last 30 days = 1,505
      >Med 2 peak players in the last 30 days = 5,836
      I think they are fine.

  3. 7 months ago

    >map wit over 1800 cities
    Holy mother of bloats
    Its clear that devs in charge have no idea what are they doing

    • 7 months ago

      >he got filtered by the BLOVTLORD
      go back to your rome 2 cuck provinces little boy

    • 7 months ago

      Shut up you fricking autist. Every thread with this shit. Bloat is not a thing in this game. You don't have to paint the whole map every campaign.

      • 7 months ago

        so how much you have to paint? let's say with a faction like Athens

        • 7 months ago

          you need to build slowly, the way this mod works if you embark on a quest to paint the entire map you will end up losing cities to rebellion as your resources become stretched, also building defenses and armies is difficult, enemies will pounce when they sense you are weak, and weakness isn't only about the state of your armies but also the state of your finances, diplomatic status and of course resources and supply chains.

          You really need to pace your growth carefully, and do not attack enemies capable of influencing those you have trade agreements with. The best way to proceed is to attempt to spread gradually in one direction, then consolidate your position, then explore oither directions, always keeping an eye on the largest rivalks no matter their distance, because the AI is doing the same thing and when you meet that is when you will really understand the meaning of the phrase 'If you defend everything you defend nothing'.

          Also bear in mind that the AI is good at bribing generals and governer and with the subversion mechanics they ca remain as part of your faction while working against you from within, and striking when they can hurt you the most.

          Oh wait, that's a different game that nobody ever bothered to make.

        • 7 months ago

          It literally tells you on the new game screen when you pick your faction what the victory condition is.

        • 7 months ago

          >how much you have to paint?
          It tasks you with capturing a few "must have" provinces and hold a certain number of cities in total to win. Depending on the faction it can also be a requirement that a specific rival faction is eliminated.

          Played it last night. I only played this mod a couple of times and always played as lesser factions (Britons and German tribes), this time i played as Rome for the first time.

          Unbelievable, the rebellion in the south is a real problem, the extra cities bring both opportunities and risks, the other rebel and greek settlements need to be dealt with and there is the growing threat from the north.

          They did a great job in putting the player in at that pivotal moment in Romes history, I'm still not 100% fluent in all of the mods mechanics so I'm playing it safe, keeping the northern tribes and greeks at bay with diplomacy while I consolidate the boot of Italy, also focusing on stabilizing the economy, planning a road building project as well as securing food resources. Economy is a b***h but I'm close to clearing the early game debt mountain.

          Most fun I had since EBII.

          This is why I think rome remaster is GOOD despite its flaws and am hoping they don't go bankrupt before MII remastered

    • 7 months ago

      >new updated map wit over 1800 cities
      why though? less is more

      >1800 cities
      The worst part about pre-empire total war were the sieges, and the worst part of Roma Surrectum was 10 battles a turn, having 1800 cities will just make this worse.

      why are you guys like this? theres ten thousand mods to play, noone is forcing you to play this. just dont download it lol

      • 7 months ago

        they are afraid, afraid of greatness and revel in mediocrity

        • 7 months ago

          why are you guys like this? theres ten thousand mods to play, noone is forcing you to play this. just dont download it lol

          I'm sure that's it.

  4. 7 months ago

    Why is it in my ass?

  5. 7 months ago

    How do you get the mod for a pirated version of rtw:r

    • 7 months ago

      just came to ask the same. tried steam downloader: ERROR
      probably have to buy it, download it and then refund it

      • 7 months ago

        How do you get the mod for a pirated version of rtw:r


    • 7 months ago

      just came to ask the same. tried steam downloader: ERROR
      probably have to buy it, download it and then refund it


      • 7 months ago

        can you link it please

  6. 7 months ago

    >over 1800 cities

  7. 7 months ago

    >new updated map wit over 1800 cities
    why though? less is more

    • 7 months ago

      >over 1800 cities

      Gaze ye mortals, and despair

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        It's "ye mighty" as to imply that even among great men Ozymandia's accomplishments would be unparalleled

        • 7 months ago

          Thanks for your insight

        • 6 months ago

          It's ye mighty to tell the great people of the time that everything crumbles and that they should be sad because they're screwed. What are you talking about?

          • 6 months ago

            I see where you're coming from but the other poster is also right, you can interpret "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!" as both Ozymandias bragging to his contemporaries of his unparalleled achievements of the time but also in a meta context Shelley warning his contemporaries that time will march on and make their achievements inconsequential in the future, particularly if you pair it with part of the next line "Nothing beside remains."

      • 7 months ago

        Wasn't the removal of the faction limit a big selling point for modders?Why is there so much grey?

        • 7 months ago

          I never understood the appeal of having ten billion filler factions, all they do is make ending a turn take longer.

          • 7 months ago

            How is having more factions not better than having 90% of the map be grey generic rebels, the frick

        • 7 months ago

          with the amount of factions they have now, even on my ssd, it can sometimes take 40 seconds to a minute of turn times. the biggest turn time suckers are the big factions, so i dont think adding an additional 20 factions to fill out the barbarian areas would impact too much but I think having literally every single city be an independent faction would be unfeasible.

        • 7 months ago

          Because having rebel areas to expand into without warring with a whole other faction is nice from a gameplay perspective. Also many of those regions historically were very empty. I agree that Britain and Russia are too empty though.

          • 7 months ago

            Wasn't the removal of the faction limit a big selling point for modders?Why is there so much grey?

            Only the Greek world has gotten it's factions. IIRC they're going to add to Italy next.

            • 7 months ago

              Yes, but they are remastering one last culture pack at the end of the 0.6 patch cycle 9 new factions. Its anyones guess as to what it is. Hopefully the romans wont take a long time. Ahowl said the team had the greeks ready at the end of december but the map expansion sucked up all of the time. With the map now completed, I hope that means the path to 0.7 wont take a year.

            • 7 months ago

              Isn't the mod maker a historian of ancient greece or something?

              • 7 months ago

                ahowl? masca? the unknown people in the team of historians? i think they did greece first because
                >greece is popular, sparta epirus athens macedon plus cult favorites
                >greece has a lot of their equipment used around the world so they can basically reuse assets for all the cultures that copied greek armor/weapons

      • 7 months ago

        This is ridiculous, who's going to finish even a single campaign with this map? Going beyond even just the punic wars as Rome is going to require some serious autism.

        • 7 months ago

          >Going beyond even just the punic wars as Rome is going to require some serious autism.

        • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        I'm going to play this mod when it's finished just for the spectacle, it's just so absurd.

        • 7 months ago

          have fun waiting 8 years

        • 7 months ago

          by the time its completely finished, we would have super computers so i guess end turn times wont be so bad by then with the 500 faction roster list

      • 7 months ago

        with a map like this are you not actually inteded to play rome
        its already at the point of snowballing
        i assume the Selukids are saddled with a shitload of things weighing it down

        • 6 months ago

          >i assume the Selukids are saddled with a shitload of things weighing it down
          Seleucids have the problem of being stretched thin with enemies at all sides. Anatolia is basically an enclave, Syria is a warzone, and Persia is vulnerable to the Parni and Medes.
          On top of that, their economy is not strong enough for them to develop their provinces well, so they have to balance protecting their lands with actually developing them.

          They're one of my favorite factions to fight against, because they're either sending a doomstack against you or you're taking all their settlements with minimal casualties.

      • 7 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        >starts a campaign
        >has to spend an hour sorting out all the settlements
        no thanks, I'll just play as a small nation

  8. 7 months ago

    does anyone here actually like siege battles?

    • 7 months ago

      >he actually plays the siege battles
      i always starve them out frick sieges in total war only good ones were in attila

      • 7 months ago

        i do that too but man, sometimes waiting 10 fricking turns for a siege sucks, specially if you are outnumbered

    • 7 months ago

      I like them, but it would be great if they gave each culture their own settlement layouts. Some more variety can go a long way for making taking hundreds of cities bearable.

      • 7 months ago

        That's probably something they'll work on after they finish the roster overhauls.

        • 7 months ago

          see you in ten years

          • 7 months ago

            The pace of the roster overhauls has been remarkable for a mod team though? Like half the map has been done in the last year.

  9. 7 months ago

    trying to take over the cretan islands instead of smashing my head against the greeks on the mainland, ez first battle the spartan body guards and the teenage boys held up surprisingly well enough for my jav guys to shred their hoplites.

    • 7 months ago

      i can't take this homies serious

      • 7 months ago

        I really don't like this overarm meme

        • 7 months ago

          i can't take this homies serious

          is there some file somewhere we can change to make them use the vanilla animation?

        • 7 months ago

          is there some file somewhere we can change to make them use the vanilla animation?

          Why?It‘s the only way to use a spear in a a very tight formation.

          • 7 months ago

            Come on, it isn't. Btw overhand isn't any less clumsy than underhand in a tight formation (and the doru isn't a short spear). Maybe they used both stances in fighting, but only stabbing your enemy with overarm because of formation doesn't seem optimal

  10. 7 months ago

    Played it last night. I only played this mod a couple of times and always played as lesser factions (Britons and German tribes), this time i played as Rome for the first time.

    Unbelievable, the rebellion in the south is a real problem, the extra cities bring both opportunities and risks, the other rebel and greek settlements need to be dealt with and there is the growing threat from the north.

    They did a great job in putting the player in at that pivotal moment in Romes history, I'm still not 100% fluent in all of the mods mechanics so I'm playing it safe, keeping the northern tribes and greeks at bay with diplomacy while I consolidate the boot of Italy, also focusing on stabilizing the economy, planning a road building project as well as securing food resources. Economy is a b***h but I'm close to clearing the early game debt mountain.

    Most fun I had since EBII.

  11. 7 months ago

    And I still won’t buy the remaster.

  12. 7 months ago

    i fricking hate the "bankruptcy at turn 1" bullshit

    • 7 months ago

      It really doesn't matter. Just spend all the gold you can turn 1 because otherwise it goes towards paying debt. Debt has no penalty except you can't build new armies or improvements. Spend everything before ending your first turn and you've got more than enough to conquer your way to financial security.

    • 7 months ago

      its a lot toned down from 0.5, check the sparta photo above. it was a lot worse before.

  13. 7 months ago

    Enjoying my Rhodes run.

    • 7 months ago

      same its comfy im slowly taking over Crete and surrounding islands

      I never understood the appeal of having ten billion filler factions, all they do is make ending a turn take longer.

      this on 0.5 turn times are about half of what its is now on 0.6 turns sometimes take full 2 minuets which takes the fun out of it if your just waiting for a siege or there is not much to do in a turn

      • 7 months ago

        >be Rhodes
        >turn 1 snipe the Antigonid holdout at Kaunos and ally with the Ptolemies to protect my ass
        >attack Chios and take it, try to build mini empire in the Aegean
        >barely a few turns in Ptolemies betray me (fricking Rome AI)
        >start sniping all of their islands with my small army
        >barely breaking even
        >invade Lycia and the annoying as frick Anatolians begin sending doom stacks my way after attacking me
        >siege down Tlos and fight a multi front war
        >Miletos revolts against the Ptolemies and becomes my ally, quickly taking the neighboring towns
        >manage to push the Ptolemies entirely out of western Anatolia
        >manage to bribe the Seleucids into joining in
        It's the not the campaign I expected but I'm liking it. Now the Ptolemies are finally starting to send real stacks my way and I've barely got half a stack in my entire army to fight them with.

  14. 7 months ago

    Im glad they managed to implement traits for this update. Love reading traits. Excited to see what the future brings. Ahowl said that the final patch for 0.6 will be a last remastered culture pack with 9 factions, what do you guys think it will be? Illyrians?

  15. 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    I said it before and I'll say it again.

    Rome remastered with mods is peak Total War, tragic but true.

  17. 7 months ago

    is there a way of playing this without having steam?

    • 7 months ago

      Unlikely, i tried.the 5.5 version of the mod with a pirated copy but it didnt work so i bought the game on sale last month

      • 7 months ago

        was the pirated version on the latest patch?

        • 7 months ago

          Ye Its the 2.0.5 version

      • 7 months ago

        was the pirated version on the latest patch?

        Ye Its the 2.0.5 version

        Oops sorry i remembered incorrectly, the pirated copy did work with the mods but there was an issue in the pirated one that you need to set back your date in the computer to be before 2020 in order for the game to be playable, it was a hassle so i bought the game while it was on sale

        • 7 months ago

          do you have to set it back to 2020 with the legit copy?

          • 7 months ago

            Nah legit copy worked fine

            • 7 months ago

              so strange that a pirated copy would act up like that

        • 7 months ago

          Lol ive got this bug too and it frustrated me so much i uninstalled the game.
          Such a bizarre thing, i never had similar issue with any other game

  18. 7 months ago

    >1800 cities
    The worst part about pre-empire total war were the sieges, and the worst part of Roma Surrectum was 10 battles a turn, having 1800 cities will just make this worse.

  19. 7 months ago

    new monthly peak today, im guessing due to RIS. this mod will be for RR what DEI is to Rome 2 when the roman update drops this time next year.

    • 7 months ago

      highest peak today since its release the power of AUTISM

  20. 7 months ago

    they look good, almost if not better, than rome 2

    • 7 months ago

      That looks amazing, looking forward to seeing the Scythians in the future

  21. 7 months ago

    So should i play this or Divide et Impera

    • 7 months ago

      What game do you have?

  22. 7 months ago

    Pretty good so far. I like the EB2 style traits and my campaign as Rhodes is comfy.

    • 7 months ago

      I've started a Bosporan campaign with the goal of having complete dominion over the the Black Sea.

      Autistic map painters need to frick off. There's way more fun and variety now that you can have a grand campaign on a regional basis.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Yea its nice actually. At least on normal, the AI smaller factions dont have a billion armies and the two turns helps reduce the spam. I don't understand the complaint about siege fests, since there are so many cities many of them are not going to have full stacks like in rome 2 where every city had like 10 units. I autoresolved all of my sieges so far and only had to fight field battles manually. More cities means I have a lot more options on where to expand, its great.

  23. 7 months ago

    >1800 fricking cities
    So how's the performance? And what's actually playing it like? I assume fricking terrible because if you want to do anything like unite Anatolia or Italy or whatever you'll have to spend hundreds of hours micromanaging shit.

    • 7 months ago

      on my ssd around 40 seconds to a minute turn time. its not terrible to play despite what you might think. the cities allow more room for expansion for both you and the AI. you dont have to micromanage cities as much as you think. since barracks and things like blacksmiths take up tax revenue you dont want to build them everywhere otherwise that will take up precious money as it starts to add up. instead you want to place barracks in strategic places and places with good AoR units. the rest you place on growth for the AI and build farms thats it.

      since cities have varying fertility levels, not every city will get built up super fast either, you really only want to put generals into the cities that make a lot of money. the rest you leave to the AI on growth policy and basically forget about it.

      • 7 months ago

        >leave to the AI on growth policy and basically forget about it.
        Then what is the point in such quantity of cities if you’re encouraged to forget about them?

        • 7 months ago

          that when you step on the tail of a big faction you have a few turn before the waves roll back on your shores.

          besides the only settlements you need to focus on are those on the frontline and a moving frontline is more engaging than the same two cities like in the original.

          and you can't destroy the dangerous factions in one go by sieging their three cities at the same time, at best you're only pushing them off a region.

          Gaze ye mortals, and despair

          still imma save that map as of now with the fog of war i don't want my spies to wander the desert for ages trying to find the settlements so i know where to send my armies.

          Will they do other time periods or can others do with this big map? Like earlier/late antiquity, early/middle/late medieval etc

          i thought about doing an empire divided submod for this but i think i'll wait for 0.7 so the romans are done right

        • 7 months ago

          it helps both you and the AI
          for the AI, it helps that there are so many settlements because they are more likely to sustain a large empire, such as rome or carthage and makes them more of a challenge than vanilla. often in rome 2 with many factions, sometimes the major faction is wiped out by a minor faction because their one standing army was defeated and their provinces quickly taken. not so much an issue here because the large empires like even rome have many settlements to fall back on. hell how many times was macedon neutered before you even got to face it? much better here. its still the rome AI though so it wont be all too good but better than vanilla when it has more settlements to cushion themselves on.

          for the player, its like the other poster said, you can choose which city to prioritze which is good because maybe this city has units you like or this one, its all about choice and RP here. and history. youre less likely to save scum too since you know that if your cities get captured it wont be campaign ruining so there is a better flow to the wars.

          it just gives a grand sense to the world as well. every region is basically a campaign unto itself and playing greece is so fun because the constant backstabs and betrayals since you can garrison all of your cities properly and its just TOTAL WAR. its pretty fun and hopefully people will be able to go crazy with time specific mods since the map is now complete.

          • 7 months ago

            >hell how many times was macedon neutered before you even got to face it?
            In my RS3 game right now Macedon has close to ERE borders. All it took was me abandoning my single Greek settlement, Macedon declared war on me in the punic wars but then instantly ceasefired since the city revolted to rebels when I took my general out of it. This let me ignore Macedon while I formed the WRE borders because all the barbarian c**ts kept declaring war on me while I just wanted to kill Carthage.

  24. 7 months ago

    Will they do other time periods or can others do with this big map? Like earlier/late antiquity, early/middle/late medieval etc

    • 7 months ago

      all the assets are free to use but i dont see why people cant already use the kirsi map, though i guess with kirsi he is still not technically finished with the map.

      • 7 months ago

        Based tbh

        that when you step on the tail of a big faction you have a few turn before the waves roll back on your shores.

        besides the only settlements you need to focus on are those on the frontline and a moving frontline is more engaging than the same two cities like in the original.

        and you can't destroy the dangerous factions in one go by sieging their three cities at the same time, at best you're only pushing them off a region.

        still imma save that map as of now with the fog of war i don't want my spies to wander the desert for ages trying to find the settlements so i know where to send my armies.

        i thought about doing an empire divided submod for this but i think i'll wait for 0.7 so the romans are done right

        Also based, what date would you start?

        • 7 months ago

          >starting date

          the perfect time to have the three main claimants seems to be august 270ac
          (funnily enough as rome 1 starts around 270bc)

          by then most of the barracks emperors got killed off and those who remain have roughly the same power.

          Tetricus I was proclaimed emperor by his troops in Burdingala but has a pretender in belgium
          southern gaul got seized for Rome and Hispania seceded from the gallic empire
          germanic tribes press the confines while the celts menace britannia

          Zenobia secured first the levant then arabia and is about to attack roman egypt
          but the sassanids are about to recover from their last defeat inflicted by her husband

          Aurelianus has just been crowned emperor in pannonia and has to fend off a strong goth incursion coming from the carpathians before he can think of uniting the empire

          and everybody (roman) has to deal with christian unrest on the rise.

          there's lot of interesting shit happening, a lot of claimants, usurpers and would be conquerors starting at around the same level of power with more than one front open.

          it's basically a moment of extreme vulnerability for the roman empire just like in BI, and if you look closely all the actors for the fall of the empire are already closing in.

          except the huns of course.

          i plan to round a bit the powers by making the emperors own their starting province plus give them roman vassals

          so aurelianus only holds the balkans directly while italy is a vassal and southern gaul, hispania, carthaginensis and anatolia are close allies

          zenobia has the palmyran kingdom and vassalized arabia.

          Tetricus has most of gaul most of belgica and vassal britannia

          • 7 months ago

            >so aurelianus only holds the balkans directly while italy is a vassal and southern gaul, hispania, carthaginensis and anatolia are close allies
            Are they gonna be integrated if Aurelianus defeats Zenobia and the Gallic Empire?

  25. 7 months ago

    im playing OG RTW right now but I think about trying remastered, how are the load times in it? i always read people complaining about warhammer load times and if its the same i wont even bother.

    • 7 months ago

      They don't feel longer than the original. Everything loads pretty quick for me except larger sieges. They take up to twice as long, but they're still only around 30 seconds.

    • 7 months ago

      You don’t notice them at all

  26. 7 months ago

    trying a campaign with kush, and i did the one thing i shouldn't have done. trust the AI

    leaving the border settlement with the ptolemaics with only one unit garrison after allying them, like a fool.

    obliviously they attack me under 8 turns but it was rushed as it was only little more than a half stack which took the one settlement before i wheeled my army about and squashed the incursion.

    their singular phalanx unit was the only one that fought valiantly but my horde of homies with spears overwhelmed them, now i'm pushing down the nile but i think i will stop before overcoming them as i will need to manage my gains.

    imagine one fifth of egypt is almost too much to capture at once.
    feels like eu4 where you can bite pieces off your neighbors and it's encouraged to do so while they're distracted/weakened.

    this isn't a game where the AI will prioritize rebel settlements, if they can they will come frick you up because it's easier and more lucrative.

    • 7 months ago

      kush? but why?

      • 7 months ago


        among the greeks they also added Kush, Nabatea and Saba (albeit probably just as a placeholder to be reformed later)

        and it's a piece of the world i've never played in any total war before.

    • 7 months ago

      I dont know about this mod but the AI in vanilla has always been very biased against the player.

      • 7 months ago

        >very biased against the player
        its not, its just dirty opportunist(like in OG Shogun)
        thing is AI trust Auto resolve and send forces that should be enough for the task(well most of the times) and players leave mostly skeleton crew(enough to keep taxes high and squash unrest) so the AI thinks that its easy target for the picking, leave decent stack on guard duty and AI will steer clear of it
        that is if we talk about OG Rome but it also work for some other games

  27. 7 months ago

    imagine how good the romans will look

    • 7 months ago

      i can't take seriously any mods that have dense formations and overarm hoplites(at the same time)

      • 7 months ago

        Pray tell anon ,why?How would (You) use a spear in a tight formation without hitting your own comrades?

        • 7 months ago

          the row behind me probably didn't was so close
          tbh there is plenty of what we don't know about ancient warfare
          its quite possible that there was period where hoplites fought in more loose formations and toss javelins at each other
          for me its just look silly and that it is, no need other reason
          but back to your question I would use it like a rifle with bayonet(with two hands), better control, reach and power(if you have shield just strap it over)

          • 7 months ago

            >soldiers in a formation always known for being tightly packed using a mass of men with overlapping shields should all be spread out as individuals like some Hollywood movie
            It's true we don't know exactly how hoplites fought, but we know enough about literally every other age of warfare to have a good idea of what it would look like and for sure they would be nearly shoulder to shoulder since that's pretty much the optimal way to fight up until the development of automatic firearms

        • 7 months ago

          I would use it like in pic related. It's an underarm grip which aligns with eye level. Early modern pikes were also used at eye level. Underarm, aside from having longer reach, also allows for you to use the sauroter to adjust your grip or rest in battle.

          i can't take this homies serious

          I really don't like this overarm meme

          Why?It‘s the only way to use a spear in a a very tight formation.

          I am really shocked the overarm meme is continuing to this day. It nearly ruined EB2.

          • 7 months ago

            That doesn't work in a tight formation anon.You need to be able to move the spear backwards without hitting the guy behind you in the face or bumping into their shield.Formations weren't two man deep and would often push against each other.Pic related only works if you don't move the spear.
            Pike formations were less dense than a hoplite phalanx that used the Dory becasue they needed the extra space to move the pike.

            • 7 months ago

              they're in tight formation though, yes? It seems dishonest to claim that they're not, in fact, in a tight formation. They're as tight as its possible to get.

              >You need to be able to move the spear backwards without hitting the guy behind you in the face
              Easy to do, see pic. you don't stand directly behind the guy in front.
              > or bumping into their shield.
              The shields overlap and are below spear height. You rest your spear on your shield if its not planted in the ground for a rest.

              pikes were just as tight: have you ever heard of the 'push of pike'?

              I hope you have abandoned your misguided overarm inclinations. There's no reason they couldn't have used an overarm strike in single combat or out of formation (aside from perhaps if the sauroter was too heavy, as it may have been) but the phalanx was an underarm pushing contest, no time to flail your arm above your body for many hours on end.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Smart formation.

              • 7 months ago

                No and if the hoplite in your pic move his spear they will hit the shield of the man behind them.According to the greeks they would often push shield against shield,so an underarm grip wouldn’t give them enough room to move the spears.

              • 7 months ago

                If you can insist contrary to reason, I can at least insist with good reason. The alternative of holding a heavy spear overhead for hours or even minutes during a scrum is simply too absurd. Abandon the delusion.

  28. 7 months ago

    Is there a manual or any documentation to this game? Any guides to the new features?

    • 7 months ago

      Did you need a manual or a guide to learn how to play your first total war game?
      The best way to learn is by exploration (but I also acknowledge that most of us don't have as much free time as we did when we were playing for the first time. Used to run through a campaign every month or so now it takes me at least 2-3)

      • 7 months ago

        >>Did you need a manual or a guide to learn how to play your first total war game?

        All lot of mods add features with scripts that aren't going to explain exactly what's going on. An example would be this .pdf available on the EB1 website, and it would be pretty difficult to understand what's going on without it.

        • 7 months ago

          Why would you not build roads, markets and govt. buildings?

          • 7 months ago

            To achieve an anprim paradise.

          • 7 months ago

            Knowing what each building does in full is essential to making intelligent decisions. Separating them into "build/don't build" isn't good enough.

  29. 7 months ago

    Does it have the autismo 30 flavours of legion each with their specific regions of recruitment that I remember Roma Surrectum having?
    Is it worth picking up the remaster just for this?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes to your second question. The modding potential for this game mean it's the future of Total War, if you even remotely like the premise of the franchise it's a must have.

      • 7 months ago


        Others have already said this but Remastered really is peak TW, it's a sad indictment of CA's dev team over the past 10-12 years that a third party studio managed to turn one of their oldest titles into something that shits from orbit all over everything that CA produced since Med 2.

        Of course it's not perfect, but as a foundation it has unparalleled modding potential and is therefore absolutely the future of TW for anyone who understands how bad the Warscape games really are.

        We all live in hope that a new passionate not mercenary dev team comes up with a truly modern alternative that takes the TW concept to new heights, but until then this is where the Patricians will be.

      • 7 months ago

        >The modding potential for this game mean it's the future of Total War
        Why is this?

        • 7 months ago

          Because CA run their business like shit and will never fix the TW franchise, and because R:R has a solid foundation and lots of tools that allow modders to put in things that players actually want.

        • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Yes to your second question. The modding potential for this game mean it's the future of Total War, if you even remotely like the premise of the franchise it's a must have.

      Do they still use the Lorica Shitmentata?

  30. 7 months ago

    How is the Rome Remastered game? Might pick it up during the next steam sale.

    • 7 months ago

      same as original rome just with slightly worse ui and much expanded modding capabilities

  31. 7 months ago

    I was told RTWR is worse than the original. Is my friend a moron?

    • 7 months ago

      yes. it has an ugly ui but its usable. for better or for worse, its practically the same rome but doesnt run like a piece of shit on anything higher than windows 10 but with higher modding capabilities that we see coming into fruition with RIS.

      Does it have the autismo 30 flavours of legion each with their specific regions of recruitment that I remember Roma Surrectum having?
      Is it worth picking up the remaster just for this?

      they only finished the greeks and some bonus cultures like thracians. next major update will focus on the romans and presumably all the legion autism that comes with it.

  32. 7 months ago

    I just did a fresh install of both RTWR and then the mod. It ctd when I start a new campaign. Please tell me there's a fix? It took way too long to download the massive game and mod.

    • 7 months ago

      legit copy? what are your specs? rr starts okay on vanilla? you chose the base rome game? ive read on the discord there will be a patch in the upcoming days to fix corrupted saves and crashes so might wanna wait for that too.

      • 7 months ago

        yes, enough to comfortably run the game, yes. I did what is in the FAQ in picrel but still no.

        • 7 months ago

          im afraid its ogre
          all you can do is post logs

          %localappdata%Feral InteractiveTotal War ROME REMASTEREDVFSLocalRomelogs

          and to enable

          enable_logging - Look for message_log.txt in VFS/Local/Rome/logs
          enable_dialogs - Displays messages when they happen
          verbose_script_logging - Dumps out really detailed logging for scripts

  33. 7 months ago

    hotfix "soon"

    • 7 months ago

      10/10 pic

  34. 7 months ago

    Will they ever fix the economy being complete shit? I like playing slow and building up my nation, not rushing all the neighboring settlements so I can break even.

    • 7 months ago

      Disband your expensive unit and sell map.information, i dunno why but when I play as Athens, i got trade right with Macedon, after that they agreed to buy my map info for 5000 denarii for 999 turns lol, then they broke the treaty by attacking me after a couple of turns

    • 7 months ago

      the economy is easier in 0.6 than 0.5.

  35. 7 months ago

    kirsi released new map


    • 7 months ago

      Sick map but when are we going to get more breadth? He talks about hitting a map size limit here, wasn’t the whole idea of RR that there aren’t such limits?

      • 7 months ago

        There's always limits. A lot of these mods think more cities = better, and as a result they eat up what could be otherwise possible. You basically have two extremes:
        >Greece has 50 cities, half of which are literal where's
        >it's like Empire where France is a one city province
        No inbetween.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah I don’t care much for having a gorillion cities in a tiny space. Do the cities added somehow take away from the number of map tiles that can be added?

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah I don’t care much for having a gorillion cities in a tiny space. Do the cities added somehow take away from the number of map tiles that can be added?

          The reason the number of cities in the Mediterranean has been enormously expanded is both to make more factions fit there as existed historically, and to make fighting a major war for control of a historical region a much greater enterprise like they were historically. Wars lasted a really long time in the ancient world, in large part because of sieges. The first two Punic Wars lasted over 15 years, the first was mostly fought in an area roughly the size of Belgium, and while the second was fought in more territory, Hannibal spent most of the war wandering around just Southern Italy trying to force Roman allies to defect to him.

          • 7 months ago

            however it is also true that some campaigns would end after an humiliating defeat on the field with settlements being exchanged much more easily, during the roman civil wars besting your rival would crumble resistance easily and often it would end within one or two years.

            they could remake the diplomacy part a bit more in favor of a successful general so exchanging cities isn't so taboo.
            as it is now even with the reparations mechanics it seems like once you enter war it must be to the death. (which to be fair it was like that against romans, madmen that they were)

          • 7 months ago

            It was also one of the regions with the highest population and population density in europe .

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah I don’t care much for having a gorillion cities in a tiny space. Do the cities added somehow take away from the number of map tiles that can be added?

        I'm not sure what you mean by more breadth, but IIRC there is still a tile limit to how big the campaign map can get.

        • 7 months ago

          after a certain point it breaks i think

        • 7 months ago

          after a certain point it breaks i think

          I mean more lands, rather than just making the same lands bigger. Hopefully someone makes a nice Eurasia map soon, or alternatively figures out a trick to work around the tile limit.

          • 7 months ago

            im pretty sure its entirely possible to do a nice sized world map. the ww2 mod for OG rome was able to do so with its worse limits, its just about the number of tiles themselves i think, and maps like RIS and Kirsi have like a gorillion tiles in europe and middle east but im sure you can stretch that out to make a good world map.

  36. 7 months ago

    Can't bear it. It runs like shit, the ui of the base game is awful, the end turns are slow.

    • 7 months ago

      Is there a way to mod the UI for Total War games at all? I'm surprised they're never touched.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't think so. Seems to me it is hardcoded, else someone would have made an ui mod for Rome Remaster already

      • 7 months ago

        I don't think so. Seems to me it is hardcoded, else someone would have made an ui mod for Rome Remaster already

        Try checking the workshop before you speak.

        • 7 months ago

          Frick yourself you unfriendly little Black person.

    • 7 months ago

      UI is fine. Why do autists keep saying this?

      • 7 months ago

        because old good new bad

    • 7 months ago

      Gave the mod another try, playing Bactria. I do think with the little money you make, you can't really build up settlements enough. Perhaps that goes along with the idea of expanding slowly. It does mean I don't care about some towns though.
      Sieges are strategically boring as ever though.

      • 7 months ago

        The speed of your build-up depends on how fast you can capture settlements early game. Once you stabilize your economy, you start snowballing pretty hard.
        It does fit barbarians and other "uncivilized" factions more than it fits the Diadochi, though.

  37. 7 months ago

    I bought Rome Remastered for this, it better be good when I try it, but first I need to win a vanilla Julii campaign.

  38. 7 months ago

    Yawn. I'll stick with Pharaoh.

  39. 7 months ago

    >every mod that is successful just bloats the game to no end
    >the game is never better for it

    • 7 months ago

      >the game is never better for it
      but the game is infinitely better for it. there are other lite mods for you to play. go play those. me and the other autists will enjoy our high quality mod with a gorillion factions, thank you very much.

    • 7 months ago

      >premise of the game is playing different historical factions and conquering new lands
      >more factions and more lands is apparently a bad thing
      You are fricking moronic

    • 7 months ago

      >the game is never better for it
      but the game is infinitely better for it. there are other lite mods for you to play. go play those. me and the other autists will enjoy our high quality mod with a gorillion factions, thank you very much.

      It's better, but also worse.
      Take RS3, the prequel to IS as an example. In RS3 there are a lot of great additions including different reforms, but along with those you have 20+ different legions all with almost the same stats that can only be recruited with specific sets of buildings in specific locations.
      Taking Roma as an example, in Roma after the Marian reforms you can recruit some basic unnamed legions and auxilia. If you upgrade your recruitment building you can recruit a bunch of named legions, that's cool. except if you then build the praetorian recruitment building all of those named legions disappear and all you can recruit are early praetorian cohorts, until you build the campus maximus where you get another set of legions and the early praetorian cohorts disappear, then you build the next building and your named legions disappear until you build the next praetorian building and get another set of new units. Basically making it a fricking nightmare to figure out where you can actually replenish your armies.

      • 7 months ago

        I imagine when they get around to the romans, they wouldnt need to delete units and due to the new building limit, they will tie all the recruitment to the same system of culture recruitment building + barracks and not make it so units disappear but rather keep the units where it makes sense.

  40. 7 months ago

    its out

  41. 7 months ago

    Is og RS for Rome 1 worth a try? I did some research and seems like installing it is a bit b***h on modern hardware.

    • 7 months ago

      why not play EB?

  42. 7 months ago

    why are greeks so gay

    • 7 months ago

      A combination of Minoan influence, near eastern influence, and ~~*modern scholars*~~ massively overstating homosexuality. In reality homosexuality was very rare and was punished very harshly, but modern society doesn't appreciate affection and bonds without gay sex.

      • 7 months ago

        >homosexuality was very rare and was punished very harshly
        Was it revealed to you in a dream or do you have a source?

        • 7 months ago

          It was illegal in most city states.

        • 7 months ago

          >and ~~*modern scholars*~~ massively overstating homosexuality
          >sparta state built on a society of raping little boys
          >alexander the great fondled his closest "friends" nuts
          >dude like DA israeliteS AND GAYS

          It was literally punishable by death you fricking morons. The only ones called gay are called that by their enemies.

          • 7 months ago

            It was punishable by death in Rome as well and yet people still act like everyone back then was a homosexual.

          • 7 months ago

            >It was literally punishable by death you fricking morons.
            so was homosexualry in Great Britain during the Victorian Era and yet still there was rampant butt fricking during that time
            almost like written law doesnt reflect society lol
            let me guess nobody does meth either, its against the law!!!!!

          • 7 months ago

            >literally punishable by death
            What? Where?

          • 7 months ago

            >Ancient Greece
            Fricking adultery was more harshly punished than homosexuality, you mong. Or do you think being called names is worse than having a peeled horseradish stuck up your ass?

            >Ancient Rome
            The hierarchy was "hetero veganal sex between free people> hetero anal sex between free people> hetero veganal sex between free man and slave woman> hetero anal sex between free man and slave woman> homosexual anal sex between active free man and passive slave> any kind of sex between a free woman and a slave man> homosexual anal sex between free men>>>>>> hetero oral sex between free people".

            Or, in other words, it was infinitely more disdainful and repressed to eat pussy than to have buttsex.

      • 7 months ago

        >and ~~*modern scholars*~~ massively overstating homosexuality
        >sparta state built on a society of raping little boys
        >alexander the great fondled his closest "friends" nuts
        >dude like DA israeliteS AND GAYS

      • 7 months ago

        >homosexuality was very rare and was punished very harshly
        Was it revealed to you in a dream or do you have a source?

        >Ancient Greece
        Fricking adultery was more harshly punished than homosexuality, you mong. Or do you think being called names is worse than having a peeled horseradish stuck up your ass?

        >Ancient Rome
        The hierarchy was "hetero veganal sex between free people> hetero anal sex between free people> hetero veganal sex between free man and slave woman> hetero anal sex between free man and slave woman> homosexual anal sex between active free man and passive slave> any kind of sex between a free woman and a slave man> homosexual anal sex between free men>>>>>> hetero oral sex between free people".

        Or, in other words, it was infinitely more disdainful and repressed to eat pussy than to have buttsex.

        Here you go my dear propagandized friends. Complete with sources in the video.

        • 7 months ago

          >le alt /misc/ grifter u tube account
          yea i think ill trust the word of legit historians with decades of research and experience than some pathetic youtube grifter

          • 7 months ago

            >"are those sources I don't agree with? FAKE!"
            israelites are so pathetic.

          • 7 months ago



            Here you go my dear propagandized friends. Complete with sources in the video.

            >"are those sources I don't agree with? FAKE!"
            israelites are so pathetic.

            seethe harder

            • 7 months ago

              adamantine cope

          • 7 months ago

            >yea i think ill trust the word of legit historians with decades of research and experience

          • 7 months ago

            argumentum ad verecundiam

        • 7 months ago

          I saw the video, but I think he tried too hard to say paederasty wasn't widespread. Maybe we need to reach a common ground about this: average, poorer people didn't partake in homosexualry, but the rulling rich classes were always more inclined to it. Kinda like today.

        • 7 months ago

          >they werent gay, they just fricked little boys
          wow cool man, very based and redpilled good thing they didnt frick grown men. that would have been gross.

          • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      that is made up BS, they were supposed to be sworn brothers, not homosexuals

      • 7 months ago


  43. 7 months ago

    1800 cities including villages in the west of Ireland but yet still no

    • 7 months ago

      thats the following update coming in around one year.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't really want to wait a year though, this is out 2 or 3 years now. There is a submod that lets you do it as an interim fix but it's missing a lot of the legions

        • 7 months ago

          These things take time and the RIS guys are working pretty fast all things considered. EB2 is still in active development despite being out for like 8+ years. Having the Greeks done with a couple of surrounding cultures is pretty fast for two years time.

          • 7 months ago

            Cant wait for 30 plus legions and samnites and sheeit. Rome seriously needs a cheap town guard militia unit of some kind though, in EB you had Vigiles and crap which is a lot more player friendly considering the hardcoded game mechanics of needed at least one unit per settlement, with 1800 settlements its an outrageous cost to have 1 legion unit per city wasting your turn income doing nothing when you need armies guarding the frontier.

            I'm sure it will all come good eventually and be the greatest mod ever made but waiting until 2025 is hard

            you're not counting the map expansion which has probably been the main time bottleneck since they had to wait for it to be ready before coding the settlements their garrisons etc..

            • 7 months ago

              thats true hopefully we get the update within 6 months, the greeks alone had RR peak with its highest player numbers since launch. imagine what the romans will do....

    • 7 months ago

      there are already the files for it inside, but they have yet to make the connections for it, probably because they will be AOR and they just got the final? map

      as for the next update arrival if the were to only fix the romans it could just take a few months

      etruscans at this point in time had already been absorbed completely and the samnites were thoroughly subdued.

      epyrus meddling and syracuse defiance have been already fixed and cartage is scheduled for another later update.

      • 7 months ago

        idk, they plan to update a lot of stuff with rome and samnites and everything italian. i think its gonna 6 months at the minimum. the original was known for its legions and with the huge map, imagine the amount of legions they will put on with the mod.

        • 7 months ago

          Cant wait for 30 plus legions and samnites and sheeit. Rome seriously needs a cheap town guard militia unit of some kind though, in EB you had Vigiles and crap which is a lot more player friendly considering the hardcoded game mechanics of needed at least one unit per settlement, with 1800 settlements its an outrageous cost to have 1 legion unit per city wasting your turn income doing nothing when you need armies guarding the frontier.

          I'm sure it will all come good eventually and be the greatest mod ever made but waiting until 2025 is hard

          • 7 months ago

            never played the original ris, is that it how it worked in the OG mod? you needed one legion per city?

  44. 7 months ago

    Been trying the new campaign on my favorite nation, the Odrysian kingdom.
    The economy and warfare are both a lot better feeling, since Thrace now has multiple different factions and so you aren't fighting rebel settlements with massive garrisons as much.

    I also like the feeling of going from some tribal backwater to a legitimate state that can compete with the Diadochi. I ended up fighting and winning a war against the Seleucids, which gave me complete control over the Dardanelles.

    • 7 months ago

      What are those dotted lines?

      • 7 months ago

        It's the limits of terra incognita

    • 7 months ago

      Awesome, love those little strategic settlements in the Aegean and Asia. Also how many turns per year in the mod?

      • 7 months ago

        >Also how many turns per year in the mod?
        4 turns

  45. 7 months ago

    the dreaded swamp ass

  46. 7 months ago
  47. 7 months ago

    How hard it is to port mods into Remastered? I wanted to try porting End of Days 2 sometime later

    • 7 months ago

      nobody mods anything here go ask on discord

      • 7 months ago

        I hate discord but fair, guess it's time to learn on my own

        • 7 months ago

          godspeed, heres hoping you finish it and publish it on the workshop

    • 7 months ago

      You can start from here

  48. 7 months ago

    I'm now at turn 70, have conquered half of the Peleponnese.

    What i really like:

    1) the AOR and mercenary system is fantastic. I never used mercs in other mods or vanilla. Here i made extensive use of them and they won me quite a few battles. I also love how hard it is to build up a decent army and recruitment places.
    2) the campaign map has some nice intricacies that are fun. I couldn't move units from Sparta to Olympia without crossing through Antigonid Megalopolis and angering them.

    3) economy seems more thought out and complex

    4) the units look stunning and are mostly very well balanced.

    Overall these aspects made the campaign a lot of fun so far. It's the best experience i had in a very long time.

    However, i also notice some fatigue on my end.

    The AI is a bit better overall, but it is damn aggressive and while that makes the mod more challenging, i just can't catch a break.

    I'm always at war, because every faction with an army next to one of my settlements decides to attack. I even had the Aetolian League betray our allience just because they had a two unit army next to my town with one archer garrisoned inside.

    Now, after a very lengthy and exhausting campaign against the Achaean League, the Boiotians randomly started a war against me. While that is very much Total War, i am tired of fighting at this point and i just want to organize my realm for once. I also noticed that pathfinding and responsiveness from units is quite an issue - this may be down to RR in general.
    Remember, other campaigns might be different and more chill, but i need a break now.

    Overall my campaign as Sparta was a ton of fun and i really enjoy the smaller scale expansion more than i had thought. Conquering the whole Peleponnese is definitely a challenge and will feel like a campaign victory in other mods.

    • 7 months ago

      >the AOR and mercenary system is fantastic
      It's by far one of my favorite parts. Recruiting Illyrian or Greek units as I conquered those regions as Thrace made my army roster feel a lot more interesting.
      >the units look stunning and are mostly very well balanced.
      Agreed. I wish I understood why people would use slingers rather than archers, since the archer stats just look objectively better (and neither has armor-piercing).
      >However, i also notice some fatigue on my end.
      >The AI is a bit better overall, but it is damn aggressive and while that makes the mod more challenging, i just can't catch a break.
      I found that a bit of early game aggression against weak neighboring factions will save you a lot of pain later on. Once you get established, you can start setting up supply lines and get reprieve.
      The real fatigue comes when you fight over-extended empires like the Antigonids or Seleucids and keep taking settlements with 2 or 3 units garrisoned.
      >Conquering the whole Peleponnese is definitely a challenge and will feel like a campaign victory in other mods
      I really like the way playing smaller factions gives the feeling of going from some insignificant tribe to a major power. Wars definitely start getting tedious past turn 80 or so, once your economy and nation start snowballing.

      • 7 months ago

        For me, it just feels like archers have a harder time going through the armor of hoplites. I know on paper the stats favor ther archer but idk. Also the slingers do have a bit longer range too which is nice.

        • 7 months ago

          >the AOR and mercenary system is fantastic
          It's by far one of my favorite parts. Recruiting Illyrian or Greek units as I conquered those regions as Thrace made my army roster feel a lot more interesting.
          >the units look stunning and are mostly very well balanced.
          Agreed. I wish I understood why people would use slingers rather than archers, since the archer stats just look objectively better (and neither has armor-piercing).
          >However, i also notice some fatigue on my end.
          >The AI is a bit better overall, but it is damn aggressive and while that makes the mod more challenging, i just can't catch a break.
          I found that a bit of early game aggression against weak neighboring factions will save you a lot of pain later on. Once you get established, you can start setting up supply lines and get reprieve.
          The real fatigue comes when you fight over-extended empires like the Antigonids or Seleucids and keep taking settlements with 2 or 3 units garrisoned.
          >Conquering the whole Peleponnese is definitely a challenge and will feel like a campaign victory in other mods
          I really like the way playing smaller factions gives the feeling of going from some insignificant tribe to a major power. Wars definitely start getting tedious past turn 80 or so, once your economy and nation start snowballing.

          slingers have more ammo, tend to have better stamina, worse in melee, worse range*
          archers have flaming, do more damage (but less total) and do better in melee.

  49. 7 months ago

    how does this mod compare to eb? specifically with its autism to historical authenticity?

    eb ruined me and i can't play a game unless my hellenes misthophoroi speak koine

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not going to play a game that doesn't have a decent reconstructed pronunciation of hypaspists or sparabara

    • 7 months ago

      no mod can stand up to the autism of EB

  50. 7 months ago

    No gore no buy

  51. 7 months ago

    wonder what new features are coming in the future patches for 0.6

    • 7 months ago

      Why are people reacting with fricking flags? Discorders are subhuman

      • 7 months ago

        how do you have a problem with people reacting with flags? its such a nonissue.

        • 7 months ago

          Because it's completely irrelevant

          • 7 months ago

            I expect some of those flags are people expressing how they want to fight as the ancient equivalent to their modern nation. Except for the Ukraine flags, those guys seem like buttholes.

            • 7 months ago

              Then why the frick is Turkey in there? Slavs were at least around even if they weren't Ukrainians yet.

              • 7 months ago

                I think it's how morons express support for the Anatolian factions.

    • 7 months ago

      >no trans flags under a Discord post
      Just proof that Total War has a less autistic community than Paradox games.

      • 7 months ago

        you are autistic

      • 7 months ago

        Paradox games are just Microsoft Excel with a better GUI, of course they have a more autistic fanbase

  52. 7 months ago

    just had troops lost due to winter attrition
    do any other old mods do this? cant seem to remember.

  53. 7 months ago


    77BC port released today

    • 7 months ago

      Really enjoying 77BC. Playing the Sertoriani.

      • 7 months ago

        I've secured Iberia from the Romans and now have to genocide the Gauls.

        • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        I've secured Iberia from the Romans and now have to genocide the Gauls.

        >its another episode of modder ports the tenth roman mod
        >its another episode of modder creating his first ever mod that will contain a gorillion factions and scripts (abandoned at version 0.015)
        frick me cant someone port over the good mods? and there should be a requirement that you have to port at least one mod before starting your overly ambitious mod project that you will never finish anyways.

        • 7 months ago

          What are the good mods you want to see ported?

          • 7 months ago

            nta but I really want to see Fourth Age and Napoleonic Wars ported over.

            • 7 months ago

              its ok, based dagovax is porting over his WW2 mod as we speak

          • 7 months ago

            Bronze Age

          • 6 months ago

            IB:RR, that shit constantly crashes for me

            • 6 months ago


              • 6 months ago

                Invasio Barbarorim:Ruina Romae

                IB:RR, that shit constantly crashes for me

                Does it crash when you fight against/with the Romans?

        • 7 months ago

          The frick are you talking about? There's no more factions than vanilla and the unit rosters are even more restricted than vanilla. The only scripting I've seen so far are for invasions/rebellions.

  54. 7 months ago

    Why do some of these battles eat up so much of my memory sometimes? It's not consistent and it sometimes fixes it self and sometimes doesn't. Makes no sense, seems to be worse the more turns I play.

    • 7 months ago

      Played a siege battle and the smoke nearly crashed my fricking pc.

  55. 7 months ago

    Started a campaign as the Parni. I forgot just how OP horse archers are in Rome 1, especially when your temples upgrade ranged weapons.

    Killed a Seleucid 18 stack (~1400 soldiers) with just 6 units of horse archers.

    • 7 months ago

      how did you manage that? my archers feel pretty useless going up against hoplites. they maybe get like a couple of kills from the front. did the seleucids just decide to have their entire army face their back towards your HAs?

      • 7 months ago

        >they maybe get like a couple of kills from the front
        Don't shoot at them from the front. Hoplites tire out fast compared to horse archers and rely mostly on their shields.

        Also, snipe their leaders and archers. Horse archers can generally beat archers and slingers, and with numbers will kill a general's bodyguard. After that, you can isolate and destroy most spearmen so long as their morale breaks on the initial charge.

        • 7 months ago

          Forgot I took a screenshot of how it looks when I kill Seleucid heavy infantry.

      • 6 months ago

        horse archers can just easily manage to get behind enemy infantry and then just shoot them
        pro tip:
        >shields from the front count double
        >shields from the left count normal
        >shields from the back don't count
        >only half armor count from the back
        >skill don't count
        so just get behind them and shoot

        >they maybe get like a couple of kills from the front
        Don't shoot at them from the front. Hoplites tire out fast compared to horse archers and rely mostly on their shields.

        Also, snipe their leaders and archers. Horse archers can generally beat archers and slingers, and with numbers will kill a general's bodyguard. After that, you can isolate and destroy most spearmen so long as their morale breaks on the initial charge.

        >Horse archers can generally beat archers and slingers
        >be Xenophon
        >shtf and you need to gtfo from the middle of(now) enemy and hostile country togheter with 10k your bros
        >plenty of horse Black folk shoot at you
        >some bro from rodos grab his bandana and some stones and frick them up
        >horse Black folk are so scared that they try to shoot you only from max range and from the high ground
        >bro from rodos and few other out range them with their rocks
        >horse Black folk with bows just quit and watch from afar

        • 6 months ago

          being a good slinger is a skill learnt over a lifetime of practice (1 turn recruitment)

          • 6 months ago

            i always thought that rome 1 ranged units should work differently
            >slingers, long range, decent attack, no ap, flat trajectory, fast unit in loose formation(need space) but small size - so they are essentially long range skirmishers
            >archers, medium range, no ap, normal infantry speed, rapid fire, tight formation, normal size units - so they are main line support or even mainline for some factions(don't skirmish)
            >javeliners, short to med range, no ap, fast, throw on movement, smaller numbers - so they are real skirmishers
            >infantry with 1-2 javs, throw before charge, maybe throw on move

            • 6 months ago

              Units not throwing javelins as they charge annoys me so much. That's their entire purpose.

              • 6 months ago

                Something that Rome 2 actually did better then

              • 6 months ago

                do they?
                how they behave in r2?
                my memories are vague

              • 6 months ago

                i think in rome 2 they throw at the same time when they are charging
                earlier games they stop, throw, then charge

              • 6 months ago

                They throw before charging and while stationary when the enemy is in range (and with fire at will on ofc)

              • 6 months ago

                It's been two gorillion years since i played RTW1 but im pretty sure the way i figured out how hastati etc. reliably chuck their javelins is to only right click once and not double-click in how you would normally order a unit to charge in
                right clicking once will have them approach, throw javs, then close in

              • 6 months ago

                For me it's closing in, unticking fire at will, letting the unit get fully in position (holding the pila up in throwing position) and then ticking fire at will back.

            • 6 months ago

              > slingers
              > no ap

              My brother in christ it is a crushing/bruising weapon not a piercing one. It doesn't stab you like an arrow, it breaks bones. It is AP as frick

              • 6 months ago

                the thing is ap slings would be to devastating when levels up
                *chevrons are bugged and don't work like they should do

  56. 7 months ago

    What's the difference between all the Rome Total Realism versions?

  57. 7 months ago

    can any of you gays seed the torrent

    • 7 months ago

      >he pooringly plays the broken pirated version where you have to wind back the system time to 2020 only for it to still have game breaking bugs

      • 6 months ago

        how many worthless post are you planning to make? if you are going to (You) me do it with an useful post israelite

      • 6 months ago

        not him but it really pissed me off
        >lack of advisor speaking
        >some other minor shit that annoyed me

    • 6 months ago

      Just finished downloading from Ivan the based and some nice serb who waited for me

      can you link it please

      just came to ask the same. tried steam downloader: ERROR
      probably have to buy it, download it and then refund it

      How do you get the mod for a pirated version of rtw:r

      if any of you still want it from somewhere that's not pixelshit i'll keep it seeded for a while

  58. 6 months ago

    stop being poor, its really embarrassing

    • 6 months ago

      come at me bro

  59. 6 months ago

    Imagine giving money to CA, hope you enjoy hyenas bro

  60. 6 months ago

    hates CA but would still desperately wants to play their games but stupidly wants to get a buggy broken version because he is poor

  61. 6 months ago

    That is what our local German schizo would call an
    >e*l post

  62. 6 months ago

    Does this mod make it so i don't have to conquer Greece+Asia Minor if i want to have money?
    Even as a kid, i remember just prioritizing crushing Greece no matter who i started as because they fricking drown in money, Julii, Scipii, Carthage, even if i'm not positioned the way the Brutii are i still needed to run to Greece fast and cuck them of that place's gigantic trade income

    • 6 months ago

      Greece is still insane because of Aegean trade, but it's not possible to conquer there unless you have a stake in the region or have already built your nation up.

      In my Parni game, I found Persia and Central Asia to be fairly wealthy because of all the trade income (especially once you build roads).

  63. 6 months ago

    rhodesian slingers rock

  64. 6 months ago

    That was a close one, hoplites are OP as frick

    • 6 months ago

      damn captcha

      • 6 months ago

        Spartan siege defense?
        If so, then hoplites are awesome at holding the line. There's a reason that most of the Greek rosters are just varying levels of spearman, and they were by far the most dangerous enemy I fought as the Parni or any other cavalry faction.

        • 6 months ago

          Here I was using Knosos hoplites and Cretan archers against Syracuse in southern Italy as Sparta. Hoplites are the best for defending a chokepoint with a few men just like in real life,m but there achilles heel is other hoplites with high morale.

          rhode hoplites are one of the best for some reason. also is it just me or are the spartan non spartan hoplites kinda shit? on paper they should have one of the better stats out of the hoplites but they seem to die quickly. im pretty sure i set battle difficulty to normal....

          Yeah the Spartan periokioe (?) hoplites are kinda shitty, same stats as your generic greek hoplite but if you can upgrade their veterancy / armour they can get quite decent. After the Spartan hoplites, the Boetians and Elians seem to be some of the strongest too.

          Does anybody else also have the problem of about 20% of any Greek Marine unit being bright green men? They are such good units but it hurts my eyes to look at pic related

          • 6 months ago

            >Does anybody else also have the problem of about 20% of any Greek Marine unit being bright green men?

            • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, this is a windows bug. Solution is using Linux.

              • 6 months ago

                Will linux also cure hardcore circle moshing?

              • 6 months ago

                do you have the mod that lets you keep the spartan hoplites after the reform? do you know if its save game compatible?

              • 6 months ago

                I have that mod but don't know if its save game compatible, probably not

              • 6 months ago

                report it to the devs

          • 6 months ago

            >Yeah the Spartan periokioe (?) hoplites are kinda shitty, same stats as your generic greek hoplite but if you can upgrade their veterancy / armour they can get quite decent. After the Spartan hoplites, the Boetians and Elians seem to be some of the strongest too.
            its weird, they should be better than regular mooks, but they feel so shitty. idk maybe im not charging them correctly or there might be a bug but they feel weaker than the regular mooks.

      • 6 months ago

        rhode hoplites are one of the best for some reason. also is it just me or are the spartan non spartan hoplites kinda shit? on paper they should have one of the better stats out of the hoplites but they seem to die quickly. im pretty sure i set battle difficulty to normal....

  65. 6 months ago

    Hoplite Mike and team are apparently porting Fourth Age Total War. He is accepting campaign testers over discord right now, DM him if you wish to participate. They have their own channel on the RTW discord.

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