>10/10 combat gameplay. >absolute dogshit setting, visuals, sounds, literally anything else

>10/10 combat gameplay
>absolute dogshit setting, visuals, sounds, literally anything else
Name other games like that

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  1. 7 months ago

    Actually 7/10 combat gameplay because the combat is kinda easy. The parry window is too wide.

    • 7 months ago

      Wide parry windows make the game feel very smooth and satisfying, which is more important than difficulty.

      >absolute dogshit setting, visuals, sounds, literally anything else

      I think you picked the wrong image to represent this argument? Because it certainly doesn't represent Wo Long.

      No, i picked exactly the right game.

    • 7 months ago

      Say "kinda easy" about DLC 2 and higher difficulties, i fricking dare you
      That pirate and not-Ibis at the end of DLC2 are among the most bullshit bosses TN has ever did

    • 7 months ago

      >The parry window is too wide.
      God shut the frick up. The parry is literally the core of the entire game and making the timing stricter would just make the game worse and nothing else. Why do you think Sekiro made it's window easier?

  2. 7 months ago

    Does this have all the loot bloat like Nioh?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes. It's even worse because most of the loot is fricking useless.

      • 7 months ago

        aaaaaannnnnnddddddd DROPPED

        What's with Koei and their obsession with all this fricking loot bloat in their action games?

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't get far in Nioh, but i'm in the third zone of Wo Long now and i think i have already gotten more armor pieces than i did in the entirety of 1 Dark Souls game. I already no longer care about the loot because it's just too much.

      • 7 months ago

        Set the auto disassemble and only check out rarity 4 gear. Takes less than a minute per mission.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes but you can mostly ignore it. It has souls style upgrading so you just need to find something you like and you can use it for the rest of the game. I got a 4 star sabre and 2 star light armor set about 1/3 through ng and used them almost through all of ng+ before I got something marginally better. I had 400 pieces of trash in my inventory for most of the game which is annoying but I kind of just ignored it to be honest

  3. 7 months ago

    That's every Team Ninja game, though.

    • 7 months ago

      Doa and ninja gaiden has top tier visuals and ost. Also they invented boobs physics in video games

  4. 7 months ago

    >absolute dogshit setting, visuals, sounds, literally anything else

    I think you picked the wrong image to represent this argument? Because it certainly doesn't represent Wo Long.

  5. 7 months ago

    Unless they changed a lot since release, the combat feels very clunky. Magic was mostly useless, you were unable to cancel martial arts, and most bosses relied on waiting for a red attack to counter them (and a big frick you if you missed because you'd take heavy damage in addition to not hurting the boss). I'm not even sure that I'll try the DLC.

    • 7 months ago

      >Magic was mostly useless
      Magic was never useless even back when you only had 4 slots. You just need to learn elemental counters and invest into at least 3 different elements to always have a countermeasure ready. Certain spells are nearly gamebreaking like earth stalagmite shotgun.
      Now you have 8 slots, and morale no longer stops you from casting, you just use marginally more spirit for it.
      >you were unable to cancel martial arts
      Why would you? Learn to use correct MAs for correct situations. Endlag gets cancelled just fine.
      >and most bosses relied on waiting for a red attack to counter them
      That's an actual skill issue. You're supposed to shorten their spirit bar with MAs/spirit attacks and debuff them with magic.

      • 7 months ago

        Magic took a lot of time to cast (during which you were usually attacked) and lasted a few seconds. Good for you if you were able to use it efficiently, but it wasn't fun for me at all .

        • 7 months ago

          There are typically 3 stages of Wo Long player
          >magic is useless, i only use buffs!
          >some magic is kinda cool, i just dump 99 into one element and spam a small selection of spells!
          >magic is super useful and the more elements you have the better, having 3 element at 30-40 is better than pumping one to 99 because i can actively negate a ton of enemy and boss aoe bullshit while debuffing them
          And then you get insane DLC magic and realise how game changing it can be

          • 7 months ago

            this is the best you got? pokemon rock papers scissors and a teleport?

      • 7 months ago

        >>and most bosses relied on waiting for a red attack to counter them
        >That's an actual skill issue. You're supposed to shorten their spirit bar with MAs/spirit attacks and debuff them with magic.
        not that anon and I haven't played in a while but many bosses were unsafe to use MAs or heavy swings on unless they had just done a red attack. the most reliable thing to do was just wait to parry reds with occasional light hits in between and in my experience the bosses through out enough reds that you could kill them fairly quickly even doing this. I must say I never really used magic on release though and I'm glad to hear they apparently reworked it.

        • 7 months ago

          There are different types of MAs for different situations. Some MA are very very fast and can be used safely even if you anticipate a red attack coming. It's even easier if you give your weapon an innate element and can use the stagger window from element infliction to safely pull off a high investment MA.

    • 7 months ago

      holy shitter

      • 7 months ago

        Frick you too, tough guy homosexual.

  6. 7 months ago

    Don't care
    Hong jing / diaochan is my wife

  7. 7 months ago

    Is the PC port still completely fricked or what because I've been wanting to play this for a good while now

    • 7 months ago

      After disabling ambient occlusion, that caused a lot of graphical bugs, it worked rather well for me. Still kind of looks like ass, like OP said, but I don't think it's a PC problem.

      • 7 months ago

        More bothered about the performance than the visual quality, I read there was stuttering and shit, and having stutters mid-combat in these types of games is (literally) killer

        • 7 months ago

          It was OK for me with a 3060 but I'm not playing at 4k.

          • 7 months ago

            Same for me on a 3060 at 1080p.

  8. 7 months ago

    >sekiro except you dodge everything

  9. 7 months ago

    I beat it once and theres 0 motivation to do it again, combat gets stale unlike Nioh, and while I wouldn't call everything else dogshit, it surely is a downgrade compared to Nioh. Part of me. Only wants SoP2, Nioh3 or a new Ninja Gaiden. But I guess we are stuck with Rise of the Ronin next year, we'll see

  10. 7 months ago

    My favorite was the absolute disconnect between what the player gets to the enemies in terms of visual design and scope. On one hand you sometimes backflip over demons the size of houses and fight transformed guys with raven wings wielding huge scythe and then on the other you get most trash looking generic npc tier armor, weapons and weapon types. It's like one half of the design worked on this game thinking it would be somewhat grounded in a more fictional historical style with small scale magic and the other half just finished playing through the Devil May Cry series as inspiration and they never talked to each other. If the endboss rolls around fused to a corrupted demon dragon on top of castle summoning darkness meteorites and the most out there stuff I got is some regular dull armor with a bit of demon stuff growing on it instead of looking like a main character from Dynasty Warriors the game is doing something wrong.

    • 7 months ago

      >baby's first wuxia

      • 7 months ago

        That's just the thing, there barely was any wuxia, at least on the player's side. Like the final endboss summons sword storms that you dodge and parry and then you get his weapon and you are allowed to summon all of 3 swords if you stand perfectly still for what feels like half a minute. In Souls games or Nioh the bosses are of course also way over the top compared to the player character but you still get to often do their cool stuff to some degree if you get their weapon/spells/etc., not the tiniest shittiest version of it like in Wo Long. And in terms of weapon variety the game could've really done with some unique stuff you also find in wuxia like hidden blades, chain weapons, glaives, fans, just something instead of 3 flavors of spears and don't know how many one-handed swords. The most glaring thing is probably that in this game entirely cantered around martial arts you don't even have fricking gauntlets.

        • 7 months ago

          Player character does bullshit no boss is capable of through magic
          No one has a blink move akin to a normal or water god's blink. No one can summon a literal Cruel Sun. No boss can do sick ass Devastating Rush like charge, etc.
          And the caestus is literally the first DLC wepon they added. With insanely stylish charge based longsword as the second.

          • 7 months ago

            I feel like they did a terrible job explaining why there was magic and demons to such a prevalent degree.
            It felt weirdly in contrast to everything else, and I don't know why I feel moreso compared to Nioh

            • 7 months ago

              My homie you're literally living in a cultivation village. You're an immortal wizard together with Hong.
              They actually explain why there are demons several times. Demon is a result of demonic qi spawned by an elixir, it was distributed among entire armies by the taoist so he could reap even more lives and create even more elixir.

  11. 7 months ago

    Has anyone finished the newest DLC and can tell me how it is? I got too bored after the second mission. Literally zero new locales, more burning boats and villages. Most of the QOL changes are just stuff that was obviously missing from the start or is stuff that Nioh already had

    • 7 months ago

      The first mission is a sea mission with a pretty cool gimmick (battleships shooting at you, need to find oil bomb ships to ram them) and a very good level design that interconnects with earlier parts of the level several times
      Second and third mission has probably my favourite aesthetics in the entire game, it's a mountainside with several waterfalls and tall grass you can use to stealth around the encounters, feels like something straight out of chinese martial movies, there's a moment with a field of tall grass that reminded me about Samurai Champloo
      Bosses are bullshit hard, especially on ng+ and beyond where they feel like they came out of the next NG cycle. The last boss is like an ice demon version of AC6 Ayre, with ice funnels and everything.

  12. 7 months ago

    i started this game recently, it's cool but playing it kinda makes me just wanna play nioh 2 instead. i don't really know that i want to go through the de-rusting process though.
    does the game ever stop foisting npc partners on me? i'm like 4 missions in and they keep showing up. i feel like they make me play worse because the enemies stop directing their focus on me making them harder to predict

    • 7 months ago

      >does the game ever stop foisting npc partners on me? i'm like 4 missions in and they keep showing up. i feel like they make me play worse because the enemies stop directing their focus on me making them harder to predict
      I hate that shit so much. I don't mind stuff like that occasionally happening, but it's in literally every zone so far.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah it was fine in nioh when it happened sometimes but doing it every mission is a little extreme. thing is i don't want to miss dialogue so even if there's an option to dismiss them somewhere i'd rather just hope the game stops doing it eventually

        • 7 months ago

          It's funny how in SoP, the party dialogue plays even if you're running solo, because you can't have everyone on the field at once anyways
          They should have just done that, or made a toggle at least.

    • 7 months ago

      You can dismiss the partners.
      They really need a setting where they are just passively on a background instead of trying to jump into the fray and dying

  13. 7 months ago

    A solid 7/10 game. Only boss I remember was the monkey king on a horse fight. That shit was such a huge difficulty spike and nothing comes close to it in difficulty before or after

  14. 7 months ago

    This game was mid. I just want Nioh 3.

    • 7 months ago

      >worst lord
      >receives the most dicksucking
      god I hate him

  15. 7 months ago

    When's DLC 3?

  16. 7 months ago

    What kind of uncultured swine dislikes the Three Kingdoms setting?

    • 7 months ago

      It's chink shit. Everything is about dragons, the dialogue is extremely corny and cringe, it's just bad.

  17. 7 months ago

    I know absolutely nothing about Wuxia or Three Kingdoms or whatever beyond what I hear in /vee/ or a passing Ganker thread, so it was very hard to be invested in all of the same-named characters I was dealing with.
    Nioh and SoP were also 7.9/10s, but I felt at least familiar enough to try and care
    The gameplay was good, but not enough

    • 7 months ago

      What you can't keep up with
      >Zhang Chang
      >Zhiang Liang
      >Zhuge Buhuge
      >Wu Li Chi
      >Wang wu Xiao
      And shit?

      • 7 months ago

        If you're going to complain about this, at least pick the 6 or 7 major characters that are genuinely all called Zhang, some of which are related and some which aren't.

        • 7 months ago

          I would but I dropped the game about a month after release for not being very fun. Got to Lu Bu and was like.... why even fricking bother? To access another boring level like the one Lu Bu is in?

          I'm hoping that the 3 DLCs will salvage the game.

          • 7 months ago

            That was the exact point I dropped it too lol
            Fought Lu Bu, had fun with him specifically, and decided I needed to end it there rather than sour my time any further

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah Lu Bu is clearly a great fight and at the time most people were saying he's the peak of the game.

              I'll come back eventually. After DLC 3.

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah Lu Bu is clearly a great fight and at the time most people were saying he's the peak of the game.

              I'll come back eventually. After DLC 3.

              Lu Bu is a great fight, but the Zhang Liao fight is better. If you don't like the regular gameplay it probably isn't worth carrying on just for that, but you're definitely missing out.

              • 7 months ago

                >If you don't like the regular gameplay
                It's only okay. The deflection gameplay is fricking GAY but the real issue is how morale works and the legitimately objectively inferior level layouts compared to Nioh. It's so FRICKING gay that I can get basically oneshot by a random mook who decides to RED ATTACK while I'm using a Martial Art with a 40 minute animation.

  18. 7 months ago

    >10/10 gameplay
    >press l1 when Simon says

  19. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I don't think Thymesia's setting and graphics are THAT bad.

      • 7 months ago

        Wish it was longer maybe 2 more levels
        otherwise its my personal fav soulslike

        • 7 months ago

          he used to live in a korean gaming house
          what more do you want

  20. 7 months ago

    >parry vastly superior to any approach using the genuinely fun movesets
    Game is a dogshit 4/10 that could leap to 8 with a simple rebalance towards combos and away from parries and the boring lootsplosion shit that makes Nioh a 9. Then if they learn how to make a good fricking level in Itagaki's absence they can make 10s in future.

  21. 7 months ago

    >play for an hour
    >refund because its nowhere as good as nioh 1 or 2
    Didnt care for it

    • 7 months ago

      I'm glad they put up a demo for the game before release, that way I could try it and decide not to buy the game.

  22. 7 months ago

    In between this and Lies of P, I just need to accept that there will never be a more satisfying parry mechanic than Sekiro's

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