>14 years old. >still the best written Pokemon game of all time

>14 years old
>still the best written Pokemon game of all time

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  1. 10 months ago

    The story in BW is much better

    • 10 months ago

      i liked the setup, but the story was straight up ruined at the climax of the game

    • 10 months ago

      Not really, no. BW might be the best story among the core games, but let's face it - the competition is really weak.

    • 10 months ago

      i liked the setup, but the story was straight up ruined at the climax of the game

      Not really, no. BW might be the best story among the core games, but let's face it - the competition is really weak.

      The story of Black/White is SHIT, even for Pokémon standards.

  2. 10 months ago

    Why has it never been topped? Have they just stopped trying?

  3. 10 months ago

    Is it though? It's not that ambitious of a story.

    • 10 months ago

      Compared to almost every other Pokemon game I can see it

      • 10 months ago

        I've played it but I feel like it's about on par with most Pokemon stories.

        • 10 months ago

          on par with what other story then?
          gen 1 barely has a narrative and its just an adventure while you fight a generic mafia group.
          gen 8’s story is a dumpster fire and chairman rose still has me confused.
          gen 5 maybe? it’s still too vague with the truth and ideals concept with the “pokemon liberation” never really going anywhere.
          gen 9 had a strong final sequence but everything before was too underwhelming by comparison.

          at least pmd sky has a basic jrpg plot. it isn’t all that great but serviceable and still more coherent than anything GF spits out

          • 10 months ago

            Read books if you want books. Might help with literacy.

            • 10 months ago

              cry about it.

            • 10 months ago

              play video games outside of pokemon. 9/10 there’ll be character writing better than Tierno. or how about that rival in Gen 3. or Brock in RBY whose only characterization is just a paragraph of dialogue inside a gym before being non-existent in the story.

              • 10 months ago

                I have played a shitton of games, I see these threads as wishful thinking. We know they will never improve, but we wish they gave a shit.

  4. 10 months ago

    >the entire guild is useless and just spouts the same catchphrase over and over while contributing literally nothing of value to the plot
    >every single character has to be comically moronic for the plot to progress
    >flashbacks to the same fricking cutscene
    >endless repetition of key phrases because the writers were ridiculously fricking lazy and couldn't be bothered to even just reword it (the planet's paralysis, distortion of space, etc)
    >complete asspull twist villain at the tail end of the game who shits all over the story by being the grand mastermind behind everything who's evil because... because he's just evil, okay?
    >final final story bit (special episode 5) ends in a literal deus ex machina where the entire story of the special episode and everything it built up to is tossed aside

    • 10 months ago

      Seriously, I've been replaying this in the last few days and the plot just falls apart if you think about it even just a little.
      It really makes no sense, the people who say it's well written are either speaking out of nostalgia or legitimately moronic

      • 10 months ago

        You know that if it was just a Shiren Mystery Dungeon game no one would care about the plot

    • 10 months ago

      >asspull twist villain
      he appeared in the opening cutscene you fricking tard

      • 10 months ago

        NTA but still makes no sense, Black person
        Why is Darkrai so powerful? Why doesn't he just kill the player character? How does ths player turn into a pokemon? How could a human even survive in the paralyzed future in the first place, how could a human explore a dungeon? I could go on and on
        >b-but muh sad ending! muh feewings!
        A story having a few emotional moments doesn't make it good if it has more holes than the fricking surface of the moon

        • 10 months ago

          >Why is Darkrai so powerful?
          he's a legendary pokemon with nightmare powers
          >Why doesn't he just kill the player character?
          he tried to at the beginning of the game when the mc and grovyle were traveling back in time
          >How does ths player turn into a pokemon?
          does an isekai really need a technical explanation? the transformation into a pokemon is just there to get the story started. human got attacked, got amnesia and turned into a pokemon. that's how the rules of the world works and you just accept it
          > How could a human even survive in the paralyzed future in the first place
          post-apocalypse rules or whatever. by sleeping and eating
          >how could a human explore a dungeon?
          by walking

          • 10 months ago

            >he's a legendary pokemon with nightmare powers
            What do nightmare powers have with the control over space and time he exhibits?
            >he tried to at the beginning of the game when the mc and grovyle were traveling back in time
            >does an isekai really need a technical explanation? the transformation into a pokemon is just there to get the story started. human got attacked, got amnesia and turned into a pokemon. that's how the rules of the world works and you just accept it
            >post-apocalypse rules or whatever. by sleeping and eating
            >by walking
            moron, why would a human be able to fight off Pokemon? There's no reason to believe humans in the md world are any more powerful than in the main series. The human transformation thing is just a power fantasy for kids and neckbeards like (You) that comes at the detriment of the story

            • 10 months ago

              >What do nightmare powers have with the control over space and time he exhibits?
              you mean how darkrai uses nightmares to manipulate palkia and dialga who control space and time
              duh, that's how fiction works. how to pokeballs digitize large pokemon to fit them in a small ball? rules of the world.
              why do villain teams surrender when you beat them in a battle when they can just shoot or punch the kid? rules of the world
              in harry potter how does chanting words with a wand make magic appear out of nowhere? rules of the world
              how does "abc" cause "xyz" to happen in fiction if that's not how the real world works? rules of the world
              >moron, why would a human be able to fight off Pokemon? There's no reason to believe humans in the md world are any more powerful than in the main series
              that's why the human had a grovyle partner moron

              you're nitpicking and getting hung up over pointless things like an autistic sperg like something out of cinemasins. learn to suspend your disbelief so you can critique the more relevant things in a fictional story like charaterization, pacing, etc. I don't think pmd sky is the best story ever but I'm also not a moron who would play FF6 and complain how moving a couple of statues causes the end of the world.

          • 10 months ago

            The one thing I think is stupid is the whole "human" thing
            The games imply that humans are a thing in the setting, which is a stupid part of the story that adds nothing but confusion

            It would have been perfectly fine to just Isekai the MC into the Pokemon world, trying to justify it as "you were a human in the Pokemon world, but turned into a Pokemon in an in-world accident"

            >he's a legendary pokemon with nightmare powers
            What do nightmare powers have with the control over space and time he exhibits?
            >he tried to at the beginning of the game when the mc and grovyle were traveling back in time
            >does an isekai really need a technical explanation? the transformation into a pokemon is just there to get the story started. human got attacked, got amnesia and turned into a pokemon. that's how the rules of the world works and you just accept it
            >post-apocalypse rules or whatever. by sleeping and eating
            >by walking
            moron, why would a human be able to fight off Pokemon? There's no reason to believe humans in the md world are any more powerful than in the main series. The human transformation thing is just a power fantasy for kids and neckbeards like (You) that comes at the detriment of the story

            Was there any other Dark-type Legendary that could fit? Given that Dark-type is Evil-type in japanese, and how Chunsoft never has given a flying frick about english versions, it's not that surprising that they made Darkrai into the villain
            I do agree he undermines everything else by existing, all other villains were much more interesting

            • 10 months ago

              How would you explain Pokemon like Porygon and Mewtwo if humans don’t exist?

              • 10 months ago

                By not doing it. Featuring offscreen humans leads to more stupidity than not including them
                PMD doesn't even have dex descriptions, so it's not like it matters

              • 10 months ago

                Mewtwo, Porygon, Castform, and Genesect make 0 sense without humans existing. Grimer line, Koffing line, Kanto Voltorb line, Trubbish line, Golett line, all the fossils, Yamask, and Phantump could be explained away, but their existence rely on humans.

              • 10 months ago

                In a world where Pokemon are sapient, the artificial Pokemon would presumably have been created by other Pokemon, though the technology level of the PMD world does seem lower than that of the human world.

              • 10 months ago

                >the technology level of the PMD world does seem lower than that of the human world
                That’s an understatement

              • 10 months ago

                They were made by humans, still. In PMD1 there’s an abandoned lab and power plant that are stated to have been made by humans.

              • 10 months ago

                >Iron Jugulus made of twigs and seeds

              • 10 months ago

                Mewtwo, Porygon, Castform, and Genesect make 0 sense without humans existing. Grimer line, Koffing line, Kanto Voltorb line, Trubbish line, Golett line, all the fossils, Yamask, and Phantump could be explained away, but their existence rely on humans.

                PMD games are set in a post apocalyptic world

            • 10 months ago

              The "used to be human" thing feels like a holdover from the first set of games where it kind of makes sense as it's you, the player who's human irl and/or used to playing humans in Pokemon games, suddenly being introduced to a world where everyone's a Polemon and the Pokemon are sapient. When the player character in EoT/D/S actually has a backstory and originates from within thar world, albeit in the future, then they're no longer a straight self insert and their formerly being human now just seems like a bizarre detail that doesn't really fit.

        • 10 months ago

          Those are craters

        • 10 months ago

          >Why is Darkrai so powerful?
          Same goes for all legendary/mythicals
          >Why doesn't he just kill the player character?
          He tried to attack the player and grovyle at the start of the game like I fricking said you dumb c**t.
          >How does ths player turn into a pokemon?
          Time/space distortions, the player and Grovyle were attacked while travelling through time - interfering with this process has unprecedented effects. This was shown at the end as well when Palkia destroyed the dimensional hole Darkrai escaped to, that caused him to lose his memory
          >How could a human even survive in the paralyzed future in the first place, how could a human explore a dungeon?
          Same goes for any post-apocalypse story.

          However, humans in the PMD world is the thing that makes the least sense and that goes for every game.

    • 10 months ago

      if you genuinely thought dusknoir was a good guy and bought into all the bootlicking and praising of how great he was from the guild members and thinking the heel turn into being a surprise villain is an asspull, then you're genuinely a dumbass

      • 10 months ago

        the anon meant darkrai

      • 10 months ago

        Frick you, I was six.

    • 10 months ago

      these are all shonen tropes, and the people talking about how good the story is are probably also mindless shonen anime consumers who think this is good writing by actual adult standards

      • 10 months ago

        yes, generic shonen anime is still the best written pokemon game of all time. because gen 1-9's stories range from mediocre to garbage

    • 10 months ago

      Replaying it recently for the first time since I was a kid, it was unreal how often the game does flashbacks to things that happened a few minutes ago.

    • 10 months ago

      In defense to this, on a somewhat recent playthrough I noticed that, most of the time, this happened between points where the game asks if you want to save. It's definitely silly when you're playing straight through, but this is a story-heavy handheld game at the end of the day.

    • 10 months ago

      The entire guild is useless, yes, just like in Super. Just like the townsfolk in Rescue Team. The plot is weak compared to real stories but as far as Pokemon go its good, AND the gameplay is stellar.

  5. 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    Who cares about the writing in a game made for kids

    • 10 months ago

      Anyone who isn't a kid

    • 10 months ago

      I hate this cope.
      The writing should be good especially if it's a kids game.

  7. 10 months ago

    I so badly want to read a pokemon manga written by Ganker
    >hard mode- no hentai

    • 10 months ago

      It would be full of angsty teenager shit because the average user of this site is literally underage or mentally underage. Best case scenario it would be enjoyably bad, but I doubt we'd be that lucky. lol

  8. 10 months ago

    red/blue rescue team was better.

  9. 10 months ago

    Those are craters

    • 10 months ago

      Your father was better off painting turds with his spunk

  10. 10 months ago

    Pokemon Super MD had a better story.
    The Gameplay was shit which in turn rubs off to sour the story for some despite the fact it shouldn't.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah the school part is shit though. But the fan service is goat in PMD super.

  11. 10 months ago

    The music is also some of the best

  12. 10 months ago

    Rescue Team is miles better story wise lmao.

    • 10 months ago

      so is gates but no one will admit it

  13. 10 months ago

    They just had to find a way to add CHARIZARD to the title art didn't they?

  14. 10 months ago

    Pokemon OST peaked here

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