144 hz monitors

Are they a meme? Do they actually make a difference for FPS games?

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  1. 3 months ago

    they make a difference for literally everything
    only complete contrarian morons buy 60hz displays in current year

  2. 3 months ago

    they are a big step up and they are worth it, plus they are cheap

  3. 3 months ago

    1440p@144Hz is the absolute sweet spot at the moment. As people have said, it makes everything super smooth, not just FPS. It makes 60fps look choppy.

    • 3 months ago

      1440p is an absolute meme that eats performance for negligible gains, it even makes native 1080p media look blurry

  4. 3 months ago

    It is 2024. Surely you can google this shit by now as it is 15 year old tech.

  5. 3 months ago

    There's no noticeable difference to the human eye after 60 Hz you morons

    • 3 months ago

      >He didn't overclock his brain
      Upgrade your eyes, dummy

    • 3 months ago

      you're poor and coping

    • 3 months ago

      60hz literally unplayable

      • 3 months ago

        It's a slideshow. Deal with it, poorgay.

    • 3 months ago

      I believe some of the people posting this nonsense truly think so.
      Considering 4chin is a cesspool of genetic failures a lot of of you might truly be unable to tell difference.

      And of course there will always be coping poorgays with their 15yo samsung/lg monitors

    • 3 months ago

      The eyes translates physical light into an image, it doesnt do it by frame, it does it by photon. Our eyes arent hard capped at 60 fps moron.

  6. 3 months ago

    going from 30hz to 60hz is a huge jump
    going from 60hz to 144hz is still a big jump, just not as big as 30>60
    I can't comment on anything higher as I have not experienced higher

    • 3 months ago

      I have a 240hz monitor for CS2 only (19,5k rating), for single player games it's not necessary

    • 3 months ago

      144hz to 240hz is noticeable but nowhere near as noticeable as 60 to 144
      i have a 240hz ips and would be perfectly fine going back to 144hz. never going back to 60 though

  7. 3 months ago

    >is better technology a meme
    Yes, just accept it as "white magic" and praise the pale skin tribe.
    Unga bunga.

  8. 3 months ago

    there's a noticeable improvement and if nothing else makes you not strain your eyes as much, definitively worth buying especially since they are cheap nowadays

  9. 3 months ago

    Low latency and adaptive framerate synchronization like gSync and freeSync are more important than Hz.

  10. 3 months ago

    Don't buy one. If you do it will ruin every 60hz display for you forever.

    • 3 months ago

      and that's a good thing

  11. 3 months ago

    1440p144hz for general gaming. Higher refresh rates for competitive fps (only if you are actually good and plan on competing at the highest level)

    • 3 months ago

      Depends on the game, it's usually a negligible difference from what I've played. I like the clarity of 1440p, it makes players super easy to see in fps games.

    • 3 months ago

      I played a LAN event at a venue with 240Hz monitors, there is diminishing returns there since realistically things are smooth enough past 120Hz where it makes a slight difference.

      • 3 months ago

        after tasting 360hz, 240hz feels noticeably sluggish

  12. 3 months ago

    >tfw 2 1440p monitors at 165hz
    Jumping from 30-60 fps to 165 gave me a headache playing my old games but the speed is so worth it.

  13. 3 months ago

    Even on your fricking desktop it makes a difference

  14. 3 months ago

    Anything in which you use a mouse.

  15. 3 months ago

    It's not a meme. It refreshes the screen more than two times a 60hz screen does. On a functional level, especially for FPS games the difference is massive. In this day and age it is basically a requirement if you want to play competiitive FPS games. The only visible downside is that the majority of 144hz monitors, since most of them are made for gaming, have awful colors. Nobody says this and I found out when I bought mine. You have to play with the settings a lot, and even then it's not great if you want to watch movies for example. Maybe this is no longer the case, but back when I played FPS games it was a problem for almost every 144hz monitor. But overall it is a definite upgrade and if you play any video game that requires a video card, you should buy it.

    t. used a 144hz display for 5+ years, then sold it after I stopped playing FPS games and switched to a laptop.

  16. 3 months ago

    What about 120hz.

    • 3 months ago

      Honestly, no clue. I'd imagine it's more or less the same, but from my experience stores just sell 144hz, so I don't know how you'd be able to get your hands on one. Keep in mind your frame rate on average needs to be bigger than your refresh rate. If your frame rate is 60-85 on average, there's no point in getting a 144hz as you will experience horrific screen tearing and having to use sync to compensate, which kind defeats the purpose of a 144hz monitor to begin with.

    • 3 months ago

      I have a 120hz TV and a 144hz monitor. The difference between 120 and 144 is completely imperceptible in the vast majority of circumstances.

  17. 3 months ago

    144hz is rad. 1440p doesn't matter. Resolution isn't as important as framerate and never will be.

  18. 3 months ago

    I don't really game at fps higher than 60, however, I can see the difference from 60 to 120 on my desktop just moving my mouse. So yes. I'd assume there is a noticeable difference.

  19. 3 months ago

    homie we're on 500hz now why are you stuck in 2015??????????????????????




  20. 3 months ago

    1080p is standard
    1440p is for enthusiasts
    Anything else is a meme

    • 3 months ago

      Nah it's 1080p for poorgays and plebs
      1440p is standard
      4k is for morons

      • 3 months ago

        >1440p is standard

  21. 3 months ago

    Idk about 144hz, I have a 90hz monitor on my gaymen craptop and it's much smoother and pleasant to use due to the extra refresh rate

  22. 3 months ago

    I have a peanut brain, is fps capped by hz? Like, I can't get 120fps in a 75hz monitor right?

    • 3 months ago

      you can get any fps but you wont get the true advantage of them without higher hz monitors

  23. 3 months ago

    doubling the refresh rate from 60 to something above 120 absolutely makes a difference, even for average joe. 60 isn't bad at all, but play on 120 long enough and you'll feel like 60fps feels weird and wrong

    144 specifically seems like some kind of a "above 120" number that was picked for no specific reason, i guess 144 has two sharp-looking numbers so it looks cool

    • 3 months ago

      144 is a multiple of 24, the common refresh rate for movies.

  24. 3 months ago

    144hz is excellent, but it will obviously require a lot more from the hardware. For older games it makes no difference, but when you start playing newer games, playing at 144hz instead of 60hz is the difference between your GPU staying at an acceptable temperature and running the fans at 90% speed all the time to try and maintain a temperature that doesn't harm the system. Besides, even my RTX3090 can barely maintain 60fps in new games (even at 1440p), so to get at least 120fps you need to significantly compromise the graphics.
    No wonder NVidia, an AI corporation, is selling its shitty gimmicks of fake resolution and fake framerates. Basically, it's impossible to play anything at true 4k/144hz, unless they're games released 15 years ago or more.

  25. 3 months ago

    >Are they a meme?
    >Do they actually make a difference for FPS games?
    FPS games are memes however

  26. 3 months ago

    4k is more important than 144hz and you can only achieve 4k 144fps in shitty looking old games like csgo.

    • 3 months ago

      do you homies have your monitors across the room or something? my viewing distance is <50cm so 27" is about as big as I can tolerate

      • 3 months ago

        Most people don't sit at the correct distance for their screen and Ganker especially gets angry when this is pointed out.


  27. 3 months ago

    >Do they actually make a difference for FPS games?
    though i'd say when you reach approximately 85fps you're in the sweet zone where it's smooth enough already as long as you don't have stutter
    144fps is even more smooth but it doesn't feel 70% smoother than 85fps like the numbers would tell you, it's more like 30% smoother

    the problem with getting used to high framerates is that when you get forced to use 60fps later, it'll feel like you're watching a slideshow

  28. 3 months ago

    They are night and day. I have a 360hz panel and I notice the difference from 240. Not nearly as significant as the jump from 60 to 144hz however.

  29. 3 months ago

    540Hz is when the UFO become clearly visible.

  30. 3 months ago

    >LG 27GS95QE-B 1440p 240hz OLED
    $2000, in stock, apparently has brightness issues
    >ASUS PG27AQDM 1440p 240hz OLED
    >$2200, not in stock until may, apparently best available
    >ASUS PG279QM 1440p 240hz IPS
    $1200, in stock

    anyone using an oled yet? kinda want one but a little concerned with the apparent fringing issues windows seems to have, as i'd be doing all my work on it too
    currently on an MSI MAG251RX 1080p 240hz IPS but kinda want an oled

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