>17~ consoles, most of them with games that are incredibly similar to one another

>17~ consoles, most of them with games that are incredibly similar to one another
gee I wonder why most people don't look back much on this gen

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  1. 6 months ago

    I was born in 88 and grew up on NES but boy howdy do I love second gen systems. I hear a lot of people say there's no value in playing anything pre-NES unless you have direct nostalgia for it but if you like golden age arcade style games then there's plenty of fun to be had with any of these machines.

    • 6 months ago

      >if you like golden age arcade style games then there's plenty of fun to be had with any of these machines
      If you like golden age arcade games, play those directly in MAME (or in an arcade if you can) instead of playing those ugly horrible ports with fist sized pixels and beep boops for sound. Arcades were much better than this at the time, there's no reason to play inferior versions

      • 6 months ago

        the "inferior" versions are endearing
        allow yourself to have, dare i say it, FUN anon

        gen 2 is a v based era
        and very misunderstood by tendies
        "i simbly wont play anything older than nes lol"
        its like people live life with the blinders on,
        they have these autistic mental blocks on their brains

        sorry your garbage emulation setup couldn't properly replicate the feel of the old analog systems

        • 6 months ago

          stopped reading
          opinion discarded

          >muh feel of old tech
          Sure, for most people it really isn't about games, it's about playing around with old tech. Not everyone can be into games

          • 6 months ago

            it is unironically a thing though
            >emulates (poorly oftentimes) gen 2 system on their moms laggy consumer flat panel
            >deys gaems suck lel
            >*makes shitpost thread*

            for paddle games how the frick are you supposed to do ANYTHING if it jitterytearing and laggy as frick?
            who could play breakout like that???

            • 6 months ago

              the irony is that the applesmartphone-ipad generation that is incapable of enjoying generation 2 shitposts from a device designed and championed by literally steve jobswozniac kek

      • 6 months ago

        stopped reading
        opinion discarded

      • 6 months ago

        PLENTY of the originals are good.

  2. 6 months ago

    >most people
    Translation: Zoomers like you

  3. 6 months ago

    >ignore the YouTube thing
    Zoom harder.

  4. 6 months ago

    I look back on it, get mogged OP

  5. 6 months ago

    Literally the ohnly generation that matters, get mogged even more zoomer OP

  6. 6 months ago

    literally all the games of this generation are bad.

  7. 6 months ago

    just turn this board into a nintendo board only already, frickers

    • 6 months ago


  8. 6 months ago

    2000s zoomer here. I love second gen (and even first gen) systems. There wasn't an established formula yet so you got unique titles and the ports are always fun to play because of how clever the devs were in order to make the games work. Were there bad games? Absolutely. Were there more bad games during this gen than most generations? Yes. But it's still a fun generation of gaming and to just consider it all bad or unplayable is ludicrous.

  9. 6 months ago

    They actually ARE fun - but you can't look at it as playing x, y or z game for one of those consoles. It's not like later gens where you recommend specific titles; everything's so simple and compromised in vision that there's really no point in trying to curate it.

    Instead, just dedicate a day to playing a bunch of just random picks for a specific console, and treat the set of them as a game in and of themselves; individually they're like 3/10 to 7/10 at best, but taken as a collective experience you can often find a lot more value in them. All the better if it's part of a themed release, actually; I had an absolute blast playing through 'Intellivision Lives' last year, even if the xbox controller finger gymnastics you have to do to emulate the keypad controller is lulworthy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFSvhhwxKYw

    • 6 months ago

      Is this what cope looks like?

      • 6 months ago

        No, it's what awaits your future looks like, anon.
        Kneejerk hatred of the format can only last so long as you haven't given it a fair shake; I was in your camp myself, but lived experience trumps all.

        Only recorded around a third of them too. Yeah there's lots of bad, but like... it's ten minutes of bad tops, before you get to move on. If nothing else, gen 2 respects your time.

        • 6 months ago

          True. I kneel.

        • 6 months ago

          Soulful list

  10. 6 months ago

    >bally is the same as 5200
    >bally is the same as vectrex
    >bally is the same as literal pong shitmon
    >bally is the same as the colecovisions or ody2

    threads like this should be pruned immediately
    there is no trolling outside of b
    OP is a homosexual

    imagine "liking" videogames yet clearly knowing nothing about them and being literally unable to learnplay for himself
    autistic af

    maybe consider checking out >>>Ganker or


  11. 6 months ago

    has good unique games
    >clones and euroshit
    not my problem
    I don't know of any games that weren't worse version of arcade games, don't know much about it to defend this one
    has good unique games but the controller gets uncomfortable fast
    later gen and has more going on in with gameplay
    >Studio II
    can't defend
    >cassette vision
    barely a console, can't defend
    has good unique games
    way late in the gen
    >Odyssey 2
    may seem quite primitive, but believe it or not it has a few good unique games
    basically a repackaged computer, don't care
    awesome graphics distinct from everything except arcades, has a few good unique games but some pretty cool arcade ports too

    People must be confused that even though they may have been sold as muh home arcade, that's not why most people people who still play these consoles like them. If all you do is compare the versions of asteroids, defender, and space invaders, then yeah there is nothing particularly special about any of them. Someone who never gave these consoles a chance probably can't imagine that some of the games are so unique it takes time just to learn what's going on, or that it might be fun to do so.

    • 6 months ago

      >Someone who never gave these consoles a chance probably can't imagine that some of the games are so unique it takes time just to learn what's going on, or that it might be fun to do so.
      Name the games

      • 6 months ago

        Thunder Castle
        AD&D Treasure of Tarmin
        Tower of Doom
        Sub Hunt
        Dreadnaught Factor
        Dark Tower
        Cosmic Chasm
        Secret Quest
        Arguably even Pitfall is poorly understood by most people beyond a surface level

        • 6 months ago

          >Arguably even Pitfall is poorly understood by most people beyond a surface level
          Explain me then

          • 6 months ago

            Though the game appears to be an endless linear platformer where you try to get a bunch of treasure for the high score, the goal is actually to get ALL the treasure spread throughout the hundreds of areas. The only way to feasibly do that is to use the underground areas, which are in fact shortcuts/warps and not the straight paths mirroring the aboveground which they appear to be. The game is enormous and you'd probably have to map it out to have any hope of getting even a decent score, let alone doing it in the time limit. Even once you have a full map and even a walkthrough cheatsheet like pic related, it's still a tough run to pull off.

            • 6 months ago

              What the heck

              Also: Captcha = MOG

    • 6 months ago

      best controller
      better graphics than 2600
      controller is a paddle and a "stick"
      there is a reason it is comically expensive
      its not because muh memories & boomers
      the library is actually pretty decent +it was expensive as frick at launch

      like, comically expensive
      my family only got into it bc my gramps was an employee for a computer company
      he was able to get an astrocade on credit (at cost)
      and even with the discount still got in big trouble with his wife kek

      space fortress (best game over screen of all time)
      renegade (snakesnafu)
      astrobattle (space invaders)
      cosmic raiders (defender)
      incredible wizard (wizard of wor)
      galactic invasion (galaga)
      muncher (pacman)

      grab the ulti-multi and recap a system
      i made some controller adapters that let you use 2600 controllers instead of the crazy-expensive bally guns

      • 6 months ago

        I believe you about it being a high quality console, but all those recs being arcade ports is pretty rough

  12. 6 months ago

    ColecoVision was the best of that lot anyway

  13. 6 months ago

    How would you rank them?

  14. 6 months ago

    Vectrex is unique.
    Atari 5200 has amazing games far above the rest of what's pictured, but lacks the ability to play them competently because of faulty control design.

  15. 6 months ago

    There were a lot of fun games when it was new and all we had at the time. When you're used to all the new tech today, naturally they all look simple and dull by comparison.

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