20xx bros

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Rise of the Reds mod but in RA2

    • 9 months ago

      Unlike rotr this one is still alive and kicking

      • 9 months ago

        I guess MOtrannies still can't stop seething that in the last 6 months there were multiple streams where Hunter showcased new version of ROTR and its state of development that goes slowly but surely.

        Meanwhile the only new things that MO showcased is just generic orchestral music by nonames from World Beyond before going dead silent, and said nonames usually make soundtrack for chinese mobile games. And the funniest part, these tracks weren't even posted on Speeder's youtube channel but theirs. I don't want to call names, but, i know another big C&C2 mod that was posting music instead of updates or teasers before crushing and burning to death after internal strife.

        • 9 months ago

          Isn't MO finished?

          • 9 months ago

            Act 3 was teasered even before missions of Act 2 started to come out, go figure

            • 9 months ago

              Tell me more about those teasers

              • 9 months ago

                When they started posting Foehn teasers and trailers on ModDB, they also subsequently teasered their campaign against Epsilon, and there's and old screenshot amongst those teasers with at least one mission but might be just skirmish map with built Epsilon base and Foehn attacking it.

                Also i saw some screencap with chinese MO dev talking about Act 3 but i don't have, i'll try using 4archive to find it.

              • 9 months ago

                Found it

              • 9 months ago

                >20 levels of gayhn
                Why has Allah forsaken us?

              • 8 months ago

                Cause he does not exist
                JHWH forever!

          • 9 months ago

            Act2 was finished a while back but it ended on cliffhanger and the storyline is planned for at least one more act. They just barely now introduced the OC special snowflake faction which will presumably be the focus of Act3.

            • 9 months ago

              >ended on cliffhanger
              What? It had a pretty conclusive ending.

              • 9 months ago

                Allies launch a desperate assault and only narrowly manage to avoid total destruction and hide because of timey wimey bullshit. This also allows Yunru to survive and they finally reform into the OC faction Foehn. In any story this is an obvious setup for a good guy comeback.
                There's also the case of the moon soviets who didn't get mind controlled being set up.

              • 9 months ago

                >the moon soviets
                Thought the second part of the moon mission was to secure rockets so that they could come back, which happens halfway through Fatal Impact.

              • 9 months ago

                >which happens halfway through Fatal Impact.
                they mostly send cybord divisions. the actual army is still there

          • 9 months ago

            yes. Act 3 was never intended.

            • 9 months ago

              Are you sure? Or just coping?

              • 9 months ago

                i'm sure the idea was thrown around but decided against like 5 years ago.

                problem is they have to rework all the actual foehn lore or else make an entirely new epsilon faction because the timeskip is like 50 to a 100 years if not more. no to mention write a whole campaign from scratch with entirely new characters since everyone in epsilon dies from old age.

                speeder has straight up said it's finished. he can change his opinion later, but i doubt it.

              • 9 months ago

                I think some of the devs or maybe even Speeder himself already said something about time going different inside of the time bubble that Foehn are using for their defense. As for Epsilon characters, they can be pretty much immortal due to all the bioengineering and genetic manipulation.

                But in general, Speeder said many things over the course of years, and many of these things were misgiving or straight up lies, it won't be the first time he changes his opinion on something.

                And about rewriting the plot, also won't the first time, originally Soviet cyborgs were supposed to be, well, Soviet, and not technology stolen from the Chinese, old Volkov's description from MO website mentioned that before being changed. Soviets were supposed to know about MO Device and actually help Allies in the end. Death's Hand aka Hands of Ereshkigal were supposed to be a giant experimental nuke (a reference to Soviet nuclear retaliation system Dead Hand from real world), the asset existed in the map editor up until 3.3.3 or 3.3.4 i think. Then, Foehn were supposed to be reformed Allied Nations after their initial defeat in Antarctica, hence why all their units speak with American and European accents even though majority of Foehn forces are Asians in the final missions. VOLKNET - Volk from German means "people" and Net means, well, network, VOLKNET was supposed to have such name not because Yunru, Foehn's supreme leader named it after Volkov from who she stole cybernetic and AI tech, but because it is a name given to it by Allied scientists or Siegfried since he was supposed to merge his consciousness with Allied AI, the EVA that informs player about everything in game, creating VOLKNET, also if you didn't know, Eva and Zofia do not exist in MO timeline, they are AI helpers for the commanders. And Foehn itself means dry and warm wind in German.

              • 9 months ago

                And speaking of Yunru, she was originally 17 years old, now she's 18 or older maybe, doesn't matter, she was and still is a super intelligent wonderkid, and also she was supposed and still is a supreme leader to Foehn Revolt, even after all the retcons in last 3 versions, first she was great leader, now she is the architect, then she became not only the architect but also member of the Foehn Council, the supposed leaders of the Revolt, but they do literally nothing and their job is to just exist and pretend that Yunru isn't the supreme leader, since she's still the only one who does all the talking.

                Oh and also Soviets reforming into Reptoir after their defeat. Reptoir might still appear with a small chance, unless Moonviets as they are called now, join the Foehn.

              • 9 months ago

                As for the supposed new Epsilon faction, if Foehn were supposed to be future Allies, Reptoir were supposed to be future Soviets, then, there also was supposed to be a future version of Epsilon if thinking logically. I heard from one of the testers that there was, and maybe still is an idea about some Epsilon faction thrown in mix with Scrin aliens from C&C3 maybe, something like that.

                Also, this actually would explain why Foehn description on the MO website was not changing for years, Speeder loves to hide some lore bits in descriptions on website, yet, Foehn Perspective on website didn't changed up until 3.3.6 release, and before that, the description looked like this - "The true enemy is still hiding in the shadows. We should prepare for his arrival.", if Epsilon and Yuri are the true enemy, then why description said that he is still hiding in the shadows when Mental Omega War has already begun and Foehn Origins missions already begun to release? The enemy has already arrived and you are, no, everyone is already fighting him, why call him hidden?

              • 9 months ago

                >Oh and also Soviets reforming into Reptoir after their defeat. Reptoir might still appear with a small chance, unless Moonviets as they are called now, join the Foehn.
                fairly certain the moonviets already exist as a revolt faction

              • 9 months ago

                No, there's no information about that, there's no Foehn subfaction with Russian speaking or looking units

              • 9 months ago

                >Soviets reforming into Reptoir after their defeat
                They got hit by the Mental Omega device. There's no reformation after that.

              • 9 months ago

                Soviets on the Moon remain aka Moonviets

              • 9 months ago

                And speaking of Yunru, she was originally 17 years old, now she's 18 or older maybe, doesn't matter, she was and still is a super intelligent wonderkid, and also she was supposed and still is a supreme leader to Foehn Revolt, even after all the retcons in last 3 versions, first she was great leader, now she is the architect, then she became not only the architect but also member of the Foehn Council, the supposed leaders of the Revolt, but they do literally nothing and their job is to just exist and pretend that Yunru isn't the supreme leader, since she's still the only one who does all the talking.

                Oh and also Soviets reforming into Reptoir after their defeat. Reptoir might still appear with a small chance, unless Moonviets as they are called now, join the Foehn.

                As for the supposed new Epsilon faction, if Foehn were supposed to be future Allies, Reptoir were supposed to be future Soviets, then, there also was supposed to be a future version of Epsilon if thinking logically. I heard from one of the testers that there was, and maybe still is an idea about some Epsilon faction thrown in mix with Scrin aliens from C&C3 maybe, something like that.

                Also, this actually would explain why Foehn description on the MO website was not changing for years, Speeder loves to hide some lore bits in descriptions on website, yet, Foehn Perspective on website didn't changed up until 3.3.6 release, and before that, the description looked like this - "The true enemy is still hiding in the shadows. We should prepare for his arrival.", if Epsilon and Yuri are the true enemy, then why description said that he is still hiding in the shadows when Mental Omega War has already begun and Foehn Origins missions already begun to release? The enemy has already arrived and you are, no, everyone is already fighting him, why call him hidden?

                Everything went wrong when they decided to add timeskips and 4th faction.
                Look at the consequences, now to continue the story you would need another new faction or two. It hardly would resemble RA2 at this point.

                What should have been done is
                >1. More campaign only unit, put some Foehen units there
                >2. Add 4th subfaction for each faction representing their "final" state with arsenals that are more unique but not enough to branch as their own factions. Dont add 4th faction

                There, fixed

              • 9 months ago

                And speaking of Yunru, she was originally 17 years old, now she's 18 or older maybe, doesn't matter, she was and still is a super intelligent wonderkid, and also she was supposed and still is a supreme leader to Foehn Revolt, even after all the retcons in last 3 versions, first she was great leader, now she is the architect, then she became not only the architect but also member of the Foehn Council, the supposed leaders of the Revolt, but they do literally nothing and their job is to just exist and pretend that Yunru isn't the supreme leader, since she's still the only one who does all the talking.

                Oh and also Soviets reforming into Reptoir after their defeat. Reptoir might still appear with a small chance, unless Moonviets as they are called now, join the Foehn.

                As for the supposed new Epsilon faction, if Foehn were supposed to be future Allies, Reptoir were supposed to be future Soviets, then, there also was supposed to be a future version of Epsilon if thinking logically. I heard from one of the testers that there was, and maybe still is an idea about some Epsilon faction thrown in mix with Scrin aliens from C&C3 maybe, something like that.

                Also, this actually would explain why Foehn description on the MO website was not changing for years, Speeder loves to hide some lore bits in descriptions on website, yet, Foehn Perspective on website didn't changed up until 3.3.6 release, and before that, the description looked like this - "The true enemy is still hiding in the shadows. We should prepare for his arrival.", if Epsilon and Yuri are the true enemy, then why description said that he is still hiding in the shadows when Mental Omega War has already begun and Foehn Origins missions already begun to release? The enemy has already arrived and you are, no, everyone is already fighting him, why call him hidden?

                How do you have so much knowledge about this? Were you a former dev member?

              • 9 months ago

                Sitting on Revora Forums and just observing people and having occasional small talk with testers for over a decade can make you go places if you know what i mean.

                For example, the outlines of the current Act 2 ending were pretty much leaked 7 years ago, back during the 3.3.0 release in 2016, most notably that Epsilon will win (not very surprising, i know) and that Soviet forces will get nuked in the Fatal Impact, though, at the time it was still not decided, whether Soviets nuke themselves just like they did in 3.3.6, or Yuri will nuke using the Death's Hand. Also, originally the Psionic Converters that overcharged Volkov and were powering Hand's of Ereshkigal, were supposed to be the weapon that Epsilon used to shot down the Paradox Engine.

                I was actually really surprised that almost nothing changed for the most part when build of 3.3.5 with missions from 3.3.6 got leaked a week before the official release, and then, well, nothing changed in the official release of 3.3.6.

          • 8 months ago

            >caring about Mentally-ill troO(n)mega after they killed Morales
            I hope Speeder cuts his dick off

        • 9 months ago

          >thread about 20xx
          >bring up troony omega

          • 9 months ago

            >thread about troony 20xx aka rotr downgrade
            >try to defend it

            • 9 months ago

              Is it fair comparing a small pasion project by ra2 fans to the bloated frankenstein monster that mo became?

              • 9 months ago

                At this point, yes, considering that mods such as RA20XX start to bloat itself just like MO did with many unnecessary features and defense structures tab being filled with countless support abilities.

              • 9 months ago

                20xx currently has a total of 8 support abilities

              • 9 months ago

                In total or per-faction?

              • 9 months ago

                Including paradrop from tech airfeild

              • 9 months ago

                there all the powers

              • 9 months ago

                Amazing how all those voxels look totally identical.

              • 9 months ago

                Got eye problems?

              • 9 months ago

                He is right, the readability on those vehicles is atrocious, infantry sprites in 20XX are even worse

              • 9 months ago

                That’s the point
                The guy who made this mod wanted something new and original
                A mod with real scale infantry and down to earth with as little wacky shit as possible
                Hence why everything looks like ra1

              • 9 months ago

                That's a lot of powers

              • 9 months ago

                Those come from several different sides.

        • 8 months ago

          How is this even possible that those two mods are shitposted beyond comprehension?
          Do these trolls get paid for that or is this the reason why development of both is stagnant as frick since devs spend their time in threads such as this one.
          >unironicaly asking

          • 8 months ago

            They're popular.

  2. 9 months ago

    These are just okay. Allies were better, but that was a given considering different artists.

  3. 9 months ago

    Also at that time they also teasered fifth faction called Reptoir or Raptor, forgot their name

  4. 9 months ago

    Since this now a stealth MO thread, anyone find the reason why Yunru knows about Yuri completely half assed and moronic?

    >patrolling the border of kashmir and about to go home
    >get ambushed by yuri's forces
    >they kidnap you and take you to his secret headquarters in afghanistan, that has every single prototype weapon yuri's been working on
    >escape from the facility and destroy everything inside of it
    >some reason, despite the fact that the person he kidnapped was a high ranking chinese official, yuri does nothing about this nor does he try to personally target her for escaping

    What kind of plot point is this?

    • 9 months ago

      He didn't know she was a high ranking Chinese official, he just thought she was a skilled technician.

    • 9 months ago

      Was he not targeting her in the Kashmir base?

      • 9 months ago

        He didn't know she was a high ranking Chinese official, he just thought she was a skilled technician.

        That’s the point
        The guy who made this mod wanted something new and original
        A mod with real scale infantry and down to earth with as little wacky shit as possible
        Hence why everything looks like ra1

        >thread about a clearly distinct mod for red alert 2
        >mental omega trannies come along to discuss their waifus
        You guys are the brownies of /vst/

        • 9 months ago

          Better than having no players

        • 9 months ago

          Get on our level.

          • 9 months ago

            Cant, I don’t have hormone pills

        • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      So, let me get this straight, a very important scientist and the sole reason behind ALL of the Chinese technological advancements and military might, and also the reason why majority of scientists and military of Pacific Front and Kanegawa Industries betrayed the Allied Nations and joined the Chinese, was on a random patrol mission and was about to return to the main base in the Kashmir when she got ambushed and captured.

      And then, Epsilon forces, who more than likely were supposed to know that China has this super important scientist named Yunru who managed to hack Allied Chronosphere, most likely was the one who studied the Psychic Beacon that Yuri gave to Chinese before sabotaging it, most likely was involved in the sabotage of the previously mentioned Beacon on the side of the ROC Rebels or Separatists as they are now called in the last version, was in brief contact with Scorpion Cell during said Beacon incident and also observed how Volkov and Chitzkoi destroyed said Beacon, captured and then studied Volkov and Chitzkoi for some time in Dragonstorm. And for some reason Epsilon troops didn't recognized her or at least tried to find out who she is, even though she must be one of the top people who Yuri ordered either to capture or kill on sight for the sole fact that she managed to hack Chronosphere. And shortly after we find out that the underground complex is full of captured officers and military personal about whom we never heard before yet they had enough significance for Epsilon to capture them.

      • 9 months ago

        >the reason why majority of scientists and military of Pacific Front and Kanegawa Industries betrayed the Allied Nations and joined the Chinese
        They didn't join the Chinese, they joined the organization that would become Foehn. China is fighting Foehn as sure they're fighting Russia and Epsilon.

        • 9 months ago

          Before joining Foehn they fought for the Chinese and against Allied Nations

          • 9 months ago

            They were conquered

            • 9 months ago

              They were willingly fighting for the Chinese as it was shown in Gardener, Dragonstorm, Unshakable, Tainted Empire, Split Seconds and Digital Demon, up until Yunru arrived to Japan in Tainted Empire and asked them to join the Revolt. It was outright stated in Dragonstorm that Pacific Front and China were in a secret treaty for decades since Japan was American Protectorate, and said treaty has direct link to Yunru's family or at least Yunru herself, hence why both traitors and loyalists from Pacific Front and Kanegawa Industries so easily joined her.

              And those who weren't fighting on the Chinese side were neutral up until Yuri steered the shit on Korean border.

              Only very few amongst Pacific Front and Kanegawa Industries were loyal to Allied Nations, such as science complex in Think Different, scientists related to Paradox Project, Norio's group and those who he managed to recruit before leaving to Australia.

  5. 9 months ago

    And guess what, the said underground complex also holds information about entire Yuri's plan and also many of the Epsilon technologies that are not even supposed to exist yet, or currently being developed in a completely different places, such as Mastermind being developed in Romania yet somehow appearing long before its creation inside of this complex, or Terranova virus being developed and tested inside of this complex even though it is a creation of Epsilon HQ and must be either in Antarctica or Alcatraz Island because Yuri experimented on prisoners there and those experiments led to Terranova's creation.

    The complex itself is in Afghanistan right between Soviet Union and territories occupied by China, and both are not very friendly to Epsilon. Also said complex on the outside is protected by the Scorpion Cell who have no business there since their domain is Africa.

  6. 9 months ago

    But enough about MO. Let us talk about RA20XX lore.

  7. 9 months ago

    Is this a Rise of the Reds to RA2 conversion?

    • 9 months ago

      Not realy
      More like red alert just without the weird wacky stuff
      It’s closer to red alert 1

      • 9 months ago

        >red alert 1
        The only thing that is closer to RA1 in RA20XX is basic infantry sprites, everything else is as wacky is in original or other mods, just look at tesla Apocalypse Tank and Magneto mobile grinder

        • 9 months ago

          Both based on irl Soviet prototypes from the 60’s

          • 9 months ago

            I am fairly sure that the former is based on a concept art from a canceled project called Red Alter, while the latter is from Red Alert 3 Uprising

            • 9 months ago

              I Said based on
              Not a complete copy

              • 9 months ago

                >based on irl Soviet prototypes from the 60’s
                Certified mental moronation

      • 9 months ago

        Doesn't feel like RA1 at all

  8. 8 months ago

    You will never be a real game. You have no studio, you have no producers, you have no corpprate. You are a fandom twisted by chinks and a pole into a crude mockery of Westwoods perfection.

    All the “reviews” you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your icons are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your units appearance behind closed doors.

    YouTubers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed conmen to sniff out each other with incredible efficiency. Even updates that “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a longtime fan. Your mission structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy to review you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected Act II.

    You will never be ROTR. You wrench out a fake conyard every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the one star reviews creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

    Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a engineer, send him to oil deck, and watch dogs plunge him into the cold abyss. Speeder will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you on Page 2 of ModDB marked with your 2.0 name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a mod is buried there. Your source Code will be forgotten and all that will remain of your legacy is a webpage that is unmistakably a fandom one.

    This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

    • 8 months ago

      are you ok

  9. 8 months ago

    RA2 was the first PC game I played. I found a syupid trick in custom game that allows you to play as much as yiu want without AI interfering

    For some reason you were able to set starting money to something really low (or maybe it was zero) and that way you and AI wouldn't be able to build anything. However there were two ways out of this.

    You can use your truck to collect random boxes that spawns around the map and hope that it gives you money

    Or you could sell your main building and hope you get an engineer. Then you capture enemy buildings but now you have also a bit more money

    Repeat those a few times and you had enough money for a refinery, and then you have an entire map to build whatever you want

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