>2nd edition. >Kickstarter campaign ended 3 and a half years ago

>2nd edition
>Kickstarter campaign ended 3 and a half years ago
>core rulebook is still not even finished, yet alone published
Even for a video game, this would start to get worrying. For a simple tabletop RPG, it's borderline unacceptable.

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  1. 2 months ago

    Most physical products from KS tend to be extremely late or straight up never materializing. It’s why I only back STL files now. Those literally never disappoint and they’re often extremely cheap

    • 2 months ago

      D&L has a campaign once per year and practicaly always deliver two months early

    • 2 months ago

      Who said anything about physical books? I was talking about the core rulebook in general. They didn't even release the PDF yet, yet alone anything physical. Only now are they finishing up the final chapter.

      • 2 months ago

        I checked the KS page and the April 1st campaign update literally says the book is finished and the pdf is available from backerkit.

  2. 2 months ago

    >3 and a half years
    You are like a little baby.

    • 2 months ago

      What project, if I may ask? My google skills seem to be failing me.

      • 2 months ago

        Google who's posting in the image.
        Google with quotes around any specific section of the text.
        You can do it anon.

        • 2 months ago

          Okay, I just feel dumb now. Yeah, I already heard about that before, but forgot about it in the meantime. IDear God, they still didn't deliver?

          • 2 months ago

            >they still didn't deliver?
            lol no
            Its Kevin Siembieda Robotech or Catalyst Porchbucks tier scam.
            Another amusing cycle is all the 2010s osr indi darlings reprinting their limited runs repeatedly with different art for kickstarter money. I think Gardens of Ynn has done this 3 times now.

            • 2 months ago

              >osr indi darlings reprinting their limited runs repeatedly with different art for kickstarter money
              I actually have one of those, I think the one with some blue covers. No idea how I got it, though. There's so many of those systems, I forgot half of them.

            • 2 months ago

              >I think Gardens of Ynn has done this 3 times now.
              you'd be wrong. They are redoing Ynn for the first time and have done the same to Stygian Library already. But I get your point.

              • 2 months ago

                Oh right, there we go. Might as well take the 1 good one and make it into over produced hard to use at the table for actual play high production values like the other stuff.
                Never mind cavegreg has publicly recanted 'the osr'.

  3. 2 months ago

    >Outrage thread about shit nobody gives a flying frick other than morons thant in 2013+11 still use KS

    • 2 months ago

      >shit nobody gives a flying frick
      I'm sorry for not creating a D&D thread #12,669

    • 2 months ago

      There are a wide variety of scummy business practices and grifters in tabletop games. Its a worthwhile activity to discuss so other anons can avoid certain companies and makers.

  4. 2 months ago

    Consider your lesson learned anon: never back a KS for a TTRPG.

    Even if the publisher isn't a total flake (and that's a big freaking "if"), the only real incentive you have is "helping the dreamer make their dream come true". The actual product will hit retail/pirate sites eventually, at which point you can just go buy a copy yourself at no risk (other than the actual product being crap).

    I used to back a ton of rpgs and board games (pre-Covid), and the highest rates of failure were alway in the TTRPG sphere. Which is amazing to me, since it's "just a book". Hell, it's just a PDF and you outsource printing to Drivethru as a POD/distributor. Meanwhile, the guys making board games have to deal with boards, inserts, boxes, token boards, dice, cards, minis, and (admittedly smaller) books as well. Not to mention shipping, freight, and distribution. Granted, since then a lot of the essentially-just-ponzi-scheme business models of various board game companies have gone bust and the market's changed, but I still see no reason beyond "helping" for backing a TTRPG.

  5. 2 months ago

    Why don't you stick with US1st Ed?
    I mean, they do everything good enough and it's not like the mechanics got more balanced or like they introduced 100+ monsters and 12+ classes; they fiddled those +1 to +2, added one or two mechanics and maybe made core a character booklet.
    First edition is good enough [(more than Good enough, it's excellent with what it proposes), it delivers and the interesting part are the moves, the principles and the idea.
    Once you have the idea of the game, its implementation is something a dumb AI can come up with.
    "HEllo ChatGPT, come up with a list of modern urban fantasy characters would have in a highly political game, the names of their moves" and little more.

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