"3D printers just don't give you the quality you get from GW themselves"

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Did they really make integrated bases to be glued onto non-recessed bases? That's some Renedra-tier shit at presumably hugely inflated prices.

    • 7 months ago

      £130 for the starter set. Meanwhile for £2 worth of 8k resin I printed all the space marine bits of the starter box set. I couldn't even fit everything in this pic but you get the idea.

      • 7 months ago

        Those look so much better. What the hell is GW thinking? It's actually hilarious at this point. What will the shills come up with to defend this?

        • 7 months ago

          "GW are a small indie company and this is the limitations of injection molding. Please understand."

          • 7 months ago

            hehe it's the bandai meme

          • 7 months ago


            gwcucks need to be bullied off the board

          • 7 months ago

            redditors will eat this up still
            my youtube recommendations are full of shill channels saying how great these are

          • 7 months ago

            Literally chinese armymen tier

            • 7 months ago

              GW's been doing this for years. the dark imperium plague marines had some of this going on here and there

              • 7 months ago

                Nothing that bad since some of their LotR minis tho.

          • 7 months ago

            So... These are the "best miniatures in the industry".

          • 7 months ago

            >cue a dozen homosexuals bragging about how they have disposable income to waste (they don't) so it doesn't matter (they will be living paycheck-to-paycheck the rest of their lives)

          • 7 months ago

            I don't know how people are defending this awful detail bleed. At least there are decent alternatives.

        • 7 months ago

          Not a shill, I also haven't buy anything from GW or FW in more than 10 years
          As an answer for your question:
          They can release a big fat steamy and wet turd and people would still buy it. They could literally rise their prices a 100 fold and people wouls till buy them. That's what GW is thinking, they don't care about quality, people will still buy it for some fricking reason, they already gathered a cultish following, they will buy anything

        • 7 months ago

          I'm not defending this. Maybe I would have if they made this a 40k game with chaos and xenos, but not this HH garbage.

          • 7 months ago

            I’m glad they’re not tainting the epic community with their shit new rules.

            • 7 months ago

              nta but good point

            • 7 months ago

              The Legiones Astartes subfaction rules seem pretty easy to port over to NE:A as well. It's only a matter of time before someone combines the AU30K rules with those, makes a few tweaks, and produces a better result than GW ever could.

              • 7 months ago

                Honestly I think even that is overdone. You don't need rules for most legion unique units at that scale or you can make most of them functionally identical (eg. melee only terminators have identical rules for Phoenix Guard and Deathshrouds). The main thing would be to design formations less for hit and run attacks and more for a battle line army which would intrinsically be helped by having more heavy tank options and larger infantry formations.

              • 7 months ago

                Aus30k is fricking horrible.
                Very unbalanced and fricking obsessed with EVERY 28mm gun MUST have le UNIQUE rule.
                No. Just stop. You don't need that level of detail at this scale.you don't need the option for every fricking gun on the contemptor or Predator, or make 5 different melee weapon types (if its a power weapon, it's a +1MW A. That's it).
                LIGMA followed that moronic rabbit hole and it's dumb.

          • 7 months ago

            >implying he would have defended this slop it if it was 40k
            Is the 40k cult really this far gone now?

            • 7 months ago

              If they would have given me teeny-tiny daemon engines, then I would have given shitty infantry models a pass, yes — because I only care to see the former.

        • 7 months ago

          Oh that is so piss poor. Maybe kids or shit painters won't notice or care but if I was gonna do epic I'd definitely be looking to 3d print.

      • 7 months ago

        Who makes the STLs

      • 7 months ago

        gib lucius dog stl plz

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah some of the infantry from GW have horrendouns, unacceptable undercuts. On the other hand, the GW infantry and the 3d printed infantry in your pic will look indistinguishable in terms of quality from tabletop distance. What will not look indistinquishable are tanks, knights and titans, in which case the official ones are far superior to the 3d printed ones (compare pic related to the predator in your photo).

        • 7 months ago

          You are moron whom never seen proper print done. You cant tell apart models made for 40k in 28 scale, epic is even less of a diffrence.

          • 7 months ago

            You absolutely can tell at 28mm

      • 7 months ago

        All of that for less than start collecting bic. 28mm scale.

      • 7 months ago

        And how much did the 3d printer cost?

        • 7 months ago

          200 for a desent one, can print out as many 25 quid charicters or tanks as you like.

          • 7 months ago

            That's roughly $400 ausbux. I wish these things would get cheaper. Frick, why don't FLGS all get them and print off for a small fee? Would make shit so much easier.

            • 7 months ago

              >$400 ausbux

              So about the price of one squad of primaris down there then

            • 7 months ago

              If you think 3D printers are expensive then don't even think about buying into printing since the rest of the setup will cost you two times more. Shit like "Meanwhile for £2 worth of 8k resin I printed all the space marine bits of the starter box set" is straight-out propaganda. Just making your printer properly enclosed and safe will cost you more than the printer itself.

              • 7 months ago

                >Just making your printer properly enclosed and safe will cost you more than the printer itself.
                just put it on the balcony lol

              • 7 months ago

                So the UV can kill your resin? Based no-printer Anon, sharing his priceless experience with us yet again.

              • 7 months ago

                >he has no light blinds on the balcony due to summer

              • 7 months ago

                >"Meanwhile for £2 worth of 8k resin I printed all the space marine bits of the starter box set"
                AT Warlord titan with 12 different weapons cost me 290ml of resin(would be less if i put less supports), let's round that up to 300, due to losses,
                a bottle of basic Resin costs me 40eur, that's less than 15eur for a warlord Titan, AT Warlord from GW costs 90 and it has 4 weapons, an extra loadout costs another 35, you can do the math yourself in regards to the savings, but it's already quite a lot
                But you're right that 2 pounds for a starter set is propaganda, for 2 pounds i printed Secutarii hoplite set, for 10 dudes

              • 7 months ago

                What you are taking into account are only consumables costs. What about the whole equipment you need to even start printing? What about the whole extra shit you have do like disposing printing wastes, storing and taking care about your IPA etc?

              • 7 months ago

                you're right, but those i can list those easily
                >equipment needed to start printing
                well, it's resin, printer and a proper place with airflow, in my case it's the balcony with blinds, that's literally it
                >post processing, washing curing
                i don't use IPA, i just buy vodka, because it's cheap and does the job, the biggest cost was washing station, in my case, it was 35eur ultra sound bath thing and i pour dish soap in it, it works wonders, then if the print is still sticky, i give it a wash of vodka and pour the rest of the used vodka back in the bottle and leave it on the balcony to cure in the sun, leaving soot on the bottom of the bottle, this means the washing liquid lasts for a very long time
                curing is done by a UV lamp for nails, which was 20eur
                >disposing printing waste
                you mean leftover supports? you just leave them out in the sun and then throw in the trash for recycling, it's just plastic

              • 7 months ago

                Этo пycтaя тpaтa хopoшeй вoдки cyкa блядь!

      • 7 months ago

        Please stop posting. Every word you say just confirms how much of an uninformed moron you are.

        inner is LI, outer is printed

        post stl please

      • 7 months ago

        What printer was used here? I'm too used to seeing dogshit prints but this has made me think differently.

  2. 7 months ago

    Shit those are bad

  3. 7 months ago

    I’m all for shitting on GW whenever possible, but let’s not pretend going with the “spending several hours on a handful of figures” route is financially feasible for a company that needs to shit out millions of little dudes for an international market. NO company out there can put out quality figures on par with current top-of-the-line 3D printers at the speed the consumer demands. It’s like shitting on a printing service that services thousands of people for not being able to print beautiful, hand-painted pictures.

    • 7 months ago

      There was ZERO demand for a side game to a Horus heresy

      • 7 months ago

        This. Nobody wanted a Horus heresy epic scale game.
        If they wanted Epic back why not wh40k? Then you would have other factions than space marines.

        • 7 months ago

          >Then you would have other factions than space marines.

          Anyone who thinks that HH is "just space marines" has no idea what they are talking about.

          Anyone who can't figure out why LI is set in the HH also has no idea what they are talking about.

        • 7 months ago

          Look at stuff like Aeronautica, which didn't get enough interest to sustain being a 40k side game.
          With doing it in Heresy, they get a pile of armies by using the same models (give or take a couple, or in this case 2 sets of models).
          They don't need to worry about less popular factions sitting on shelves, or people going "Not buying until x is released" when only 5 people want x army.

          Basically, going with a setting that lets them reuse more models for something that may or may not do well anyway is a safer bet for sales/losses. Also, it meant they got what, 4 months of Heresy Thursday burnt without actually giving anything to AoD except the shitty transport bus plane.

      • 7 months ago

        > There is zero demand for new Epic

        You're a secondary that needs to gb2r

        • 7 months ago

          Based illiterate.

          • 7 months ago

            >get btfo
            >"I'll say he's illiterate and then it'll look like I'm not stupid!"

            You're a moron, PLEASE have a nice day

        • 7 months ago

          No, he's right. People wanted Epic 40k back WITHOUT ANY CHANGES. Not this Horus Heresy bastardization.

    • 7 months ago

      The point is 3D printers are at a point where they are surpassing injection molding. It's cheaper and has more detail. So what are people paying more for less to GW for?

      • 7 months ago

        I've never given GW a dime for a model lol frick 'em

      • 7 months ago

        >they are surpassing injection molding
        Fundamentally I think injection molding is hard to surpass when it's done well. The issue is that too many bad batches get out with unforgiveable mold slips, inaccessible moldlines, etc, and it looks like some of their masters were printed on a mars 2 with default settings

        Yeah some of the infantry from GW have horrendouns, unacceptable undercuts. On the other hand, the GW infantry and the 3d printed infantry in your pic will look indistinguishable in terms of quality from tabletop distance. What will not look indistinquishable are tanks, knights and titans, in which case the official ones are far superior to the 3d printed ones (compare pic related to the predator in your photo).

        >What will not look indistinquishable are tanks, knights and titans, in which case the official ones are far superior to the 3d printed ones

        • 7 months ago

          horrible, tell whoever took that pic that he's a moron and should have tilted the top of that knight to match arctan of his printer and decrease layer height

          • 7 months ago

            ok, I'll tell James the next time I go into Warhammer World.

            • 7 months ago

              good, he should be ashamed, this is amateur's mistake

          • 7 months ago

            Thats a FW model.
            Like the official FW AT model for that knight

    • 7 months ago

      /tg/ is full of autistic people like the rest of Ganker who complain that a company is trying to make money. I wouldn't care normally but 3Dprintgays are more aggressive in proselytizing than other pirates, plus while normal pirating is just download a zip file and go, 3D printing still requires me to spend hundreds of dollars on a thing. And the reason given is usually "I printed off 20,000 dollars worth of models" which would also not be possible for me since I'd have nowhere to put them. I don't care if you're doing it for free, stop trying to push me into making purchases I don't want to make. I'm good where I am.

      • 7 months ago

        >”I printed off 20,000 dollars worth of models" which would also not be possible for me since I'd have nowhere to put them.

        You’re a wise man.
        t. Printed 2k points of death guard and then put them in a box because i didn’t have room to display them.

      • 7 months ago

        >And the reason given is usually "I printed off 20,000 dollars worth of models"
        The reason I'm looking into it is the Mars 3 is $120 right now. Add in PPE and a way to vent it, and I have all the tools I need to print a full army at a price that most armies would struggle to hit 1k points with. Then from there the costs become very marginal.

      • 7 months ago

        >your thing is bad because I'm too cash and time poor to take proper advantage of it, so shut up and go away and stop making me feel like the failure I am
        Eat shit buddy, we're gonna keep promoting it, and you're gonna keep seething, and we're gonna keep finding that hilarious.

    • 7 months ago

      GW doesn’t need to have 3D printers to have higher quality, in fact 3D printers always have lower quality potential tjan injection molding, their miniatures just suck. There’s plenty of 6mm miniatures (nobody uses 8mm it’s a moronic scale GW adopted so you can’t use old epic or third party miniatures) with much better quality than GW.

    • 7 months ago

      You do know they used to make incredibly detailed models for epic, right?

      • 7 months ago

        In metal, yes, in plastic? Frick no, I got some they are basically dogshit.

  4. 7 months ago

    bUt ThE lAyEr LiNeS!

    • 7 months ago

      I remember some of the first low resolution 3d prints of space marines, they did look pretty bad. Now though... I love the hobby again bros. Can you fricking believe they had the balls to charge hundreds of pounds for mismolded chinese plastic?

      • 7 months ago

        I can believe GW would do it. I can't fathom why anyone would pay them for it, though.

  5. 7 months ago

    No (You) for you.

    >On the other hand, the GW infantry and the 3d printed infantry in your pic will look indistinguishable in terms of quality from tabletop distance.
    You're insane.

    >the official ones are far superior to the 3d printed ones
    It's either the specific stl he used, his settings, or both. Link related; it's R*ddit but it proves my point.


    • 7 months ago

      Here's the pic.

      • 7 months ago

        No (You) for you.

        >On the other hand, the GW infantry and the 3d printed infantry in your pic will look indistinguishable in terms of quality from tabletop distance.
        You're insane.

        >the official ones are far superior to the 3d printed ones
        It's either the specific stl he used, his settings, or both. Link related; it's R*ddit but it proves my point.


        Yeah, the marines and the dread have amazing detail and in my monitor which shows them in pretty much 28mm scale they look great. But which part of "tabletop distance" did you not understand?

        The rhino still looks worse than the GW predator, and it only goes worse from there when even larger models come into play. I've been playing Titanicus for years and I have yet to see a 3d printed Titan that is not substantially worse than the real thing; it's not the capabilities of 3d printers that's the limitation; it just appears that even a moron can make 6-8mm infantry stls that are more detailed than what GW can produce given the injection mould limitations - the larger you go, not so much though.

        • 7 months ago

          Please stop posting. Every word you say just confirms how much of an uninformed moron you are.

          • 7 months ago

            platic tanks look better, but only just.
            3d printed infanty are far superior

          • 7 months ago

            >Keeps posting shit that disprove his argument

            You are one blind frick, that's for sure. Maybe it's all that resin you've been huffing.

            • 7 months ago

              Literally identical, details pop more on unpainted plastic than unpainted resin, once painted they will be indistinguishable.

            • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Cherry-pick your 3d print photos better, moron, I'm not doing your job for you

              • 7 months ago

                >Cherry-pick your 3d print photos better
                Think twice next time you call a kettle black. Besides, examples of good prints are not difficult to find.


            • 7 months ago

              Nice gap in your PREMIUM model there boi

            • 7 months ago

              Now compare two painted examples, moron.

          • 7 months ago

            It would look better if you used 8x AA and high definition AA anon, you are obviously using smooth surfaces which dulls a lot of fine details

        • 7 months ago

          Here is the leg of the titan I am printing. It has less defects than the official Forge World titans. What do you have against 3D printing that you need to pretend they aren't as good as they actually are?

          • 7 months ago

            > 3D printing a Titan

            You will pay more for resin and time/electricity than if you had just ordered a recast one like a fricking normal person you dummy.

            Have fun spending d6+3 ages sanding off print lines.

            • 7 months ago

              >Sanding print lines on resin

              Dangerous and unnecessary. The layer lines are so fine you just don't see them with resin.

              • 7 months ago

                no, you just get tons of hideous pockmarks instead lol

                And that doesn't change the fact that it is more expensive and time consuming

              • 7 months ago

                I've printed titan's before dummy. They've taken up at most 4 bottles of resin priced at £25. So £100 overall. You need to spend triple that at least just for the torso of a FW titan. Why are you being facetious?

              • 7 months ago

                What part of "recast" are you too stupid to understand?

                Also you are conveniently forgetting the cost of the printer, and the cost of the time and power... Unless of course your time is worthless, which I suspect it is.

              • 7 months ago

                Jesus christ can you stop being a goal post moving shill.

              • 7 months ago

                You're the one moving goalposts by literally ignoring the downsides of 3d printing in a desperate attempt to look like you have outsmarted everyone by making objectively inferior game pieces while saving nowhere near as much money as you claim you do.

              • 7 months ago

                There are no downsides and the upside is that you don't give GW money and play the game 100% absolutely for free. It's fun and easy you should try it some time.

              • 7 months ago

                > the cost in TIME
                OH WE REACHIN LAD

              • 7 months ago

                For some people time has actual value.

                If you're a neet who still lives with mom/grandma than you'll never truly understand this concept.

              • 7 months ago

                What part of "recast" are you too stupid to understand?

                Also you are conveniently forgetting the cost of the printer, and the cost of the time and power... Unless of course your time is worthless, which I suspect it is.

                m8 you keep intimating that by contrast your time is worth something, but you keep wasting your time posting stupid shit on Ganker
                as much as somebody of your intellectual statuee might find it endlessly fascinating you don't actually have to stare at the printer the whole time the thing's running you profoundly moronic c**t

              • 7 months ago

                You still spend time finding stls, then transerrinf stls to your printer, then making sure you have the print material in place, then setting up the print, then after it has printed you have to remove it from the printer, remove any supports, sand print lines, and assemble the model

                The only moronic one here is you, but you are double moronic so technically your 2x level of moronation makes you count as two morons

              • 7 months ago

                now run through getting a plastic kit up to priming stage
                >The only moronic one here is you, but you are double moronic so technically your 2x level of moronation makes you count as two morons
                lmao what the frick is this? are you in middle school? hey dweeb gimme your lunch money or you'll get a swirly
                fricking lmao

              • 7 months ago

                Shut up you gay moron

              • 7 months ago

                gonna cry?

              • 7 months ago

                >You still spend time finding stls
                Easy, and that's something you can do while casually browsing online.

                >transerrinf stls to your printer
                It's as simple as inserting a USB or SD card.

                >then making sure you have the print material in place
                The resin sits in a single place so it's not an issue for SLA printers, and you just have to make sure the filament is secure in the feed for FDM printers. A hood helps with the latter to make sure the filament doesn't get too dry or moist from humidity.

                >then setting up the print
                This does take time, but is arguably the only technical part of 3D printing.

                >you have to remove it from the printer
                Oh no, the horror.

                >remove any supports, sand print lines, and assemble the model
                No more work than what you'd have to do on a traditional model on a sprue, and you have mold lines on sprue models. You also have to clean the print before hand, but all that takes is cleaning in acetone with warm water or isopropyl alcohol then letting it cure under UV. Really the only issue with SLA printing is the space and fumes, but some people have the space in average sized homes or apartments and there are ways to work around both with some DIY tricks. Time is not an issue if you do this right.

                >The only moronic one here is you, but you are double moronic so technically your 2x level of moronation makes you count as two morons
                NTA, but that's funny coming from you. All you're doing is outing yourself for paying the lazy idiot tax.

              • 7 months ago

                > it's simple, all you have to do is [list of a dozen things that take up a shitload of time]

                Thanks for proving my point

                gonna cry?

                Me and the entire surviving members of the 1998 Utah Jazz roster (all strings) actually cried jizz out of our dicks into your mom's butthole last night one right after the other

                I went first

              • 7 months ago

                >[list of a dozen things that take up a shitload of time]
                Are you paraplegic or do you have ADD?

              • 7 months ago

                learn that one in a cod lobby? that time of yours is looking real fricking valuable
                telling you've got the time to write that shit but not to go through propping plastics, it's either unflattering or near enough to even that your seething is pointless
                you're btfo and mad about it

              • 7 months ago

                No but I did meet some other guys who fricked your mom in the cod lobby.

                Apparently she gets around. And by around I mean AROUND.

              • 7 months ago

                No but I did meet some other guys who fricked your mom in the cod lobby.

                Apparently she gets around. And by around I mean AROUND.

                >reddit spacing
                >12 year old zoomer Black person insults
                go back

              • 7 months ago

                I don't know what 'reddit spacing' is.

                You clearly spend a lot of time on reddit and are a bit of a reddit expert, why don't you explain it to me?

                Also, go back where? Back to your mom's house to frick her butthole again?

                Well, ok, if you say so...

                Also I couldn't be 12, because you can't be on Ganker if you're under 18 (literally rule 2) you fricking moron.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not the guy you're talking to, but dude. Rule2 man that's a bummer. Sure hope there's no way anyone can verify the ages of the anons

              • 7 months ago

                > cried jizz
                I dont think you have had sex bro

              • 7 months ago

                The problem with doing any sort of technological thing isn't doing the thing itself; it's being able to fix anything that goes wrong. The moment that I got turned off from the prospect of ever getting a 3d printer is when I saw a photograph of some spaghetti-looking mess of filament strewn out all over the table due to some kind of mechanical error that made the thing not stack the layers correctly. I can't fix that sort of thing, so I'm not gonna bother in the first place.

              • 7 months ago

                Resin printers are much easier in that regard, a lot less moving parts too, it's only 1, the rail
                issues mostly stem from punctured FEP in resin vat, or when you don't level your printer, be it the plate, or the thing itself, but that's much easier than doing it with filament printer, as you just put a paper on the lcd screen, loosen screws, letting it sit on the paper tightly, tighten them again. click set Z and you're done.

              • 7 months ago

                3d printers are so easy now that children use them, the days of needing a brain to make minis is over. Everyone is now superior to games workshop simply by virtue of existing and paying 150 bucks for a 3d printer that will last forever. They're all on sale now by the way. Once you have 4 or 5 complete 40k armies at a total cost of 200 dollars you can thank me later. By the way, they all pass scrutiny at tournaments once painted.

              • 7 months ago

                >a 3d printer that will last forever
                I wouldn't count on any 3D printer's LCD or FEP to last more than a year.

              • 7 months ago

                No, but you would lie to try to keep people from buying a beautiful device that sets them free from GW forever.

              • 7 months ago

                FEP costs 10-20 dollars to replace, that's the least problematic thing with printers,the LCD on the other hand,yeah definitely

              • 7 months ago

                Post pics of your 4-5 complete and painted 40k armies.

              • 7 months ago

                So you can desperately try to report me to GW for beating paypigs at tournaments? No thanks!

              • 7 months ago

                Wait, what? What kind of tournaments do you guys go to? "Pass scrutiny"? Scrutiny of what?

              • 7 months ago

                Scrutiny of whether your models are official Games Workshop models. If they're not, you're disqualified, banned from the store, and get the cops called on you.

              • 7 months ago

                They might be a little upset that we're finally free of their ridiculous scam, but it's okay, if anything I get complements on my models because they're so high quality compared to GW trash.

              • 7 months ago

                I've been going to tournaments for over 20 years and have never heard anyone ask where a mini is from. I've never even heard about a rule covering that subject. "Painted and wysiwyg" is basically it.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah sorry national level tournaments are a little different than FLGS tournaments, but it's okay, it doesn't affect 3d printer chads anyway.

              • 7 months ago

                Huh? Again, I've been going to tournaments for a long time. Even organized a few of them myself. For both GW and non-GW games. Both small "local" tournaments and bigger ones where people travel and stay at hotels. I've never heard about the rule you are talking about.

              • 7 months ago

                Sure, sure. It's okay 3d printing is here to save the hobby now there's no lie you can tell that will matter.

              • 7 months ago

                What does that have to do with anything I said? Again, what rule are you talking about? What tournaments have you been going to?

              • 7 months ago

                >he doesn't know about the specific gravity buckets
                this is how we know you're a secondary

              • 7 months ago

                NTA, but it really depends on what you're printing, if you're just printing marines/infantry, you can crank out at least 5 with full loadouts in 3 hours, depending on your buildplate even more, i can print 2 leman russes on my buildplate, taking about 3 hours again.
                I assume by army we mean 2k points

              • 7 months ago

                what tournaments even care? there's so few official ones

              • 7 months ago

                Now let's all follow this line of thinking. Everyone buys a printer and GW goes out of business. I guess you achieve your dream of finally killing the hobby you don't actually participate in, which is building and painting minis.

              • 7 months ago

                Why would this kill the hobby of building and painting minis? GW doesn't control the hobby, it just sells expensive plastic garbage in stores you literally never have to visit even once in your whole life, even as a die hard enjoyer of the things you're talking about.

              • 7 months ago

                So they don't sell minis. Let's follow this through
                >No more rules
                >No more setting updates
                >No more paint
                >No more stores (yes some people actually play at stores)
                >No more comps
                If you think the community is just going to step in and keep the game + setting alive in their free time then you're a bit of a moron.

              • 7 months ago

                >No more rules
                You can use any of the existing rules, or design your own, though, literally nothing stops you.
                >No more setting updates
                >No more paint
                This is some pathetic shilling.
                >No more stores
                This is strictly a positive.
                >No more comps
                Just organize your own competitions like all normal wargame hobbyists do, moron. Literally play another fricking game you dumb troony. God, what a pathetic creep you are.

              • 7 months ago

                >If you think the community is just going to step in and keep the game + setting alive in their free time then you're a bit of a moron.
                Worked for Epic to keep the game alive. Also living settings are never good. I don't think a single person exists who likes half the lore of 40k or Battletech advancing their settings.

              • 7 months ago

                Topkek the post of someone who only plays 40k with his 40kiddie friends.
                Embarrassing, truly.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh no the company that constantly fricks over its customers and the lore that’s plagiarized from other settings is gone the hobby is dead!

              • 7 months ago

                NOOOO they won't produce more EPIC BL slop that only the most moronic of individuals enjoy???
                'The Hobby' (FRICK bongs in particular who are so buck broken they can't seperate GW from miniature war gaming' has fallen, billions must die!!!!!!!!!

              • 7 months ago

                >Blood Bowl
                >SW Miniature Battles
                There's definitely at least one moron here, but it ain't that anon bubbo.

              • 7 months ago

                I bring in over 200k a year my good chum, I guruantee my time is worth more than yours. It's still a pathetic cope

              • 7 months ago

                >I've printed titan's before dummy.
                If only you could print a first grade education.

              • 7 months ago

                what the frick lol. You'll be fine dude I promise.

            • 7 months ago

              I don’t support chinks or russians

              • 7 months ago

                >trying to conflate White people freeing themselves from israeli tyranny with chinks and russians
                lol sorry moshe we just aren't buying your scam anymore there's nothing you can ever do about it

              • 7 months ago

                Jesus christ. print a damn titan.
                Are you mental it would weigh more than a mountain dew drinking pizza stuffing american.
                Foam build the titan.
                3d print the decorations.
                keep total mass under 30kilo.
                This way 10 yo's can pay 1k and carry it to game stores to show off.
                Sheeesh damn amateurs'.

              • 7 months ago

                A lot of recasters in ukraine now. Some mad lad managed to send me my resin models from Kharkiv while it was being bombed.

              • 7 months ago

                Boo hoo Black person. It's the free market. Random Chinamen and Rooskies selling bootleg models for a living have little to do with the acts of their government or whatever you have your panties in a twist over. If the product is good and they deliver on time who the frick cares.

          • 7 months ago

            >Replies to a comparison between 3d printed resin titans and GW plastic titans in 8mm scale by comparing 3d printed resin titans and Forgeworld resin titans in 28mm scale

            I don't know what to tell you man, you're basically shadowboxing at this point

          • 7 months ago

            Bro your titan has acne

          • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            STLs where?

        • 7 months ago

          >Yeah, the marines and the dread have amazing detail and in my monitor which shows them in pretty much 28mm scale they look great. But which part of "tabletop distance" did you not understand?
          This is one of the most disingenuous things I have read on this board, and that says a lot.

          >The rhino still looks worse than the GW predator
          Fricking how? Everything on the Rhino looks sharper than it does on the LI Predator. The only thing that doesn't is the pair of pintle bolters, but that's forgivable because it doesn't look outright ugly and everything else looks fine. This is peak Placebo effect.

          >I've been playing Titanicus for years and I have yet to see a 3d printed Titan that is not substantially worse than the real thing
          I doubt that, and GW takes down accurate titan stls all the time.

  6. 7 months ago

    You can 3D print an army, but you shouldn't. You should use a CNC mill to make a mold, then use the mold to cast your army

    • 7 months ago

      What’s those machines go for like $50k?

      • 7 months ago

        Just for the sake of an argument, you can get a desktop CNC machine for $2k-$3k. Will it be good enough to make miniature molds? Probably not. Just pointing out this shit exists for no real reason.

  7. 7 months ago

    This is why GW does monopose models with so many parts
    Perry miniatures has a big problem with this even if they're multipart, the old GW starter sets had a massive problem with this and I've painted some flames of war plastic kits with this

    • 7 months ago

      monopose models are boring and Warlord / Bolt Action has done well with multi pose kits

  8. 7 months ago

    Meanwhile you print off these cool Goa'uld minis that I've printed. I intend to use them and Anvil's SG1 minis for OPR Firefight which is OPRs version of Killteam.

    • 7 months ago

      god that looks awful

      • 7 months ago

        What's wrong with it? It looks fine to me. Or are you a GW shill looking to nitpick?

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, where are the dozens of extra pieces of shit stuck everywhere by lazy CAD only sculptors who have never painted a model and are only looking to fulfill the management 'flair' quota, because market research (entirely in house and no you can't see how they came to the results) said THIS is what makes the BEST models!!! I bet this model won't even take Citadel Contrast paint well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 7 months ago

      I l'm iffy on the helmet-like design of the throat. Looks different from the movies, which wouldn't be much of a problem in itself, but it makes it more obvious to savages it's human with a decorative helmet instead of a snake monster. Gives me the impression it's more ancient design than the versions seen in the time of the show.

    • 7 months ago

      Ah, the first goyslop.

  9. 7 months ago

    Aren’t there Sisters of Battle models online with actually like, feminine faces?

    • 7 months ago

      > feminine faces
      > at 6mm-8mm scale


    • 7 months ago

      There are good faces for sob out there but the models themselves are ass, original sob too elaborate.

      • 7 months ago

        No, but shitsters of bbutthole have always sucked

    • 7 months ago

      skill issue

      • 7 months ago

        This. The sculpts are alright for the most part, but the studio is limited to techniques and products that makes doing something on the left either verboten or impossible.

  10. 7 months ago

    I'm not even disagreeing. But holy frick take a better picture or don't post this.

  11. 7 months ago

    Can you homosexuals stop shit flinging for once
    3d printing by design should be so you can print something you normally couldn't get/afford/not willingly to pay for,so that then you could paint it and play with your frens
    It's a means,not an end
    And bragging about it to "own GW" is moronic,first off they don't care and second off, it's like bragging about pirating
    I pirated a lot of games because I wanted to play them, despite not having the money/not wanting to pay,but rubbing it in people's faces only make you look like an butthole "I got it for free, while you paid for it loser"
    >Pic related
    Is he perfect? No,but I painted him and he's mine and definitely battle ready to defend titans and Ryza

    • 7 months ago

      Printing isn't exactly cheap to get started. If you have to buy your own printer to have access to one it's gonna be cheaper to get a 1000 point army running from GW. And even cheaper if you buy second hand.

      I think the appeal of printing is increasingly the custom models and bits, or for hoarders who'd end up dumping thousands into minis if they bought from GW.

      • 7 months ago

        A decent buy in is about 300 or 400 dollars, but it saves a ton of money in the long run. That's more or less the price of two LI starter sets. Printing a squad of infantry costs around a couple dollars in resin at most depending on the scale. GW games aren't the only wargames out there either.

        >it's gonna be cheaper to get a 1000 point army running from GW
        You're out of your mind, and the average game sizes for crusade and ZM battles are 3000 and 1500 points respectively if we're talking about HH. 2000 point games for nu 40k cost about the same as GW charges more per model in that game, Primaris just one example.

      • 7 months ago

        My printer cost 259, that's including air purifier and 2kg of resin
        While it's true the cost at front is big, but for anyone whose army has exorbitant prices for no reason, like me with Admech, then getting a printer is absolutely cheaper than buying 1k points worth of models, if I wanted at least some variety and not just spam squads of Kataphrons(that's the only thing in the index that is very good point per dollar spent ratio)
        But you're right the main appeal is bits/custom stuff(or stuff that is just bullshit prices wise in my case),the guy I posted before has Skitarii body from GW,but I printed the Secutarii Hoplite upgrade kit
        Like especially for Admech,there exists no good sculpts for half the range, Manipulus, Pteraxii, Sicarians, Kataphrons, Cawl and a few others, so those guys I'll definitely buy from GW themselves
        In general, I printed stuff that had bullshit price or just unavailable(Forge World Armiger Moirax comes to mind first)
        OOP stuff is a very big concern, like if I was a guard player and I wanted Macharius Omega,I just straight up can't buy it, despite it having supported rules wise,but there is a great 1:1 sculpt to be found when you look

      • 7 months ago

        Yes it is, it's cheaper by far to get a 3d printer that auto levels and aligns than to get an army of GW minis that you have to then fix because they are always fricked up when you buy them, then assemble, then fix again because more flaws become apparent, when you could just have printed them perfectly every single time with your cheap and easy 3d printer.

  12. 7 months ago

    Can anyone in the US print me some varus marines in the new scale? I can pay you. I just want my tiny guys

  13. 7 months ago

    >attack an ESGolem's bank account
    OP's a real wargamer.

  14. 7 months ago

    I just can't seem to get my printer to work. It keeps sticking to the fep. I scratched up the plate, put down the non-stick spray that was suggested. Increased the piss outta exposure time, lowered speed to like 25% of default. I just can't figure ot out.

    • 7 months ago

      Get some nfep, I’ve had less adhesion issues since getting it.

    • 7 months ago

      did you level it? How thick are the tips of your supports? How thick are the bodies of the supports? Is your resin cold? If it is you'll always have failures, warm that shit up.

  15. 7 months ago

    >preorders delayed in Australia
    >won't be able to check what GW are selling this dogshit at for another week

  16. 7 months ago

    Christ. Trolling on this board has reached an all time low.

  17. 7 months ago

    inner is LI, outer is printed

  18. 7 months ago

    Printed minis can be superior in every way. More options more detail more accessories. GW sells a base kit with very little options for bits and kibble. We gotta custom cut and place all our stuff anyway.
    Why not cut them out and save a boat load of cash.
    Let them become a premium paint and content factory. Leave the models to the ones who devote real time and effort to making kits and builds that have heart and soul in them.
    Not rehashed assets over and over.

    • 7 months ago

      >Why not cut them out and save a boat load of cash.
      The average 3d print hater could not muster enough brain power to resist the urge to drink print resin straight from the bottle, so they fear getting cancer from all the scary chemicals

    • 7 months ago

      I wonder why GW refused to adapt with the times and stop scamming people so badly?

  19. 7 months ago

    >every 3D printing thread is about GW
    I guess every other manufacturer is completely fricked. And the guys who try to earn money by selling stl:s... good luck to them lol.

    • 7 months ago

      >moronic GW shill instantly sprints away with the goalposts, now people not buying GW's utterly israeli scam anymore is suddenly putting everyone else out of business!

  20. 7 months ago

    Dallas had a tourney this summer. They did weigh models to make sure there legit and not lighter material ABS or resin.
    Total douche move by the shill seekers.
    Now as far as cops getting called for having a non GW army.
    If any store owner got that rep. That store wouldent be open very long.
    Talk about burning future customers.
    Anyone and i mean anyone whos into this hobby knows someone who will get you the minis you want way cheaper than a store when you really want to beat some local game bum.
    In my area... Im that guy 🙂 I make everything. and i add weights to fool the weight Nazis XD

    • 7 months ago

      >In my area... Im that guy 🙂 I make everything. and i add weights to fool the weight Nazis XD
      Holy frick literally Based lol

      • 7 months ago

        Its ok to be BASED. as long as your paid.
        When you live in an area with thousands of gamers.
        Who have more money than active brain cells.
        Some things just happen easily.
        4 hours printing 500 point army.
        4 hours cleaning and base painting. Leave enough to let them custom paint whatever.
        Post pics in game stores and FB marketplace.
        Cha Ching.
        Work 2 or 3 days outta the week. Make more in an hour most make in a week XD
        Thats BASED my friend.

        • 7 months ago

          That's fine, but I don't need to be dishonest, I'm not GW. I tell them upfront that I can print them a homemade superior army.

    • 7 months ago

      I run an independant gaming store and selling stuff is what pays my wage. So if you don't buy warhams at my shop, i stop selling warhams and you can play alone in your basement.
      If you get some cheap models, fine, no probs, but fully 3d printed armies you can frick off and play outside with the other cheapskates.

      • 7 months ago

        >you MUST subsidize my moronic fake scarcity or I'll lose my place of business!
        Lmao. have a nice day you fat, ugly piece of shit.

        • 7 months ago

          No, wait, you misunderstand.
          I don't rely on warhams to keep the shop open, it's doing just fine with normie games.
          I sell warhams because I want to, but the margin is already very slim, on the very limit of being worth the shelf space....
          So if warham sales fall, I'll drop it like a paper bag full of vomit.
          The result for me is nothing.
          The result for the community that comes to play at the store is that there's no more store for them to play at. Now peeps can play in their own basements ofc, but a local store with gaming tables and friendly environment build and maintain communities.

          So you know, idgaf. I'll always be able to invite players in to play, but the cheapskates lol enjoy yourselves with no friends and your free armies.

          • 7 months ago

            1. If you only let people play games you sell at your store I doubt anyone plays anything except 40k at your store
            2. Gaming stores are shit for gaming anyway, clubs or just local garages or basements are infinitely better

            • 7 months ago

              AoS, BB, WHU (frick rob) Bolt action, unmatched, oh yeah and some noobs are starting 40derp v10

              • 7 months ago

                I highly doubt that you sell more bloodbowl than 40k.

              • 7 months ago

                I'd have to compare numbers but BB does sell.
                It's also easier to fit games in the store as opposed to massive tables reserved for hours for just 2 players when i could be hiring those tables out to parties of 6 normies and make a lot more money.

              • 7 months ago

                If you're hiring out the tables why the frick does it matter if you can move the games involved? Also did you ever think of charging by the table? You seem like you're just making shit up as you go and none of this is true.

              • 7 months ago

                What kind of moronic place do you live in where 2 wargamers will readily pay as much as a party of 6 normies per hour of gameplay?

                Here in the real world, if a wargamer doesn't see value, they won't pay for anything, and this thread kinda proves the point.
                No wargamer around here will pay that much to play, they''ll go to each others basement.

              • 7 months ago

                Where do you live where normies where one person already owns the entire board game will pay money to play somewhere else instead of just playing at one of their houses? Nobody plays a pickup game of Root or Twilight Imperium. Your whole premise is moronic literally the only reason to play in a store is to meet new people or in the case of wargames to use terrain that the store might have.

                And hell six player board games often take up as much if not more space than 40k table especially when you consider players' pieces, hiding cards, or having personal player screens. A 40k table is only like 5x4 feet, I've played plenty of board games where we fill a table at least that big and still have to leave boxes, rulebooks, and extra pieces on nearby chairs or counters.

              • 7 months ago

                >apparently never played codenames or time's up

              • 7 months ago

                Who the frick would go all the way to a game store to play a party game? A party game is something you break out either between games or when you have guests over anyway and want to entertain them without lengthy rules explanations.

              • 7 months ago

                dats da magic u see. peeps will pop in to play games they don't have yet, or don't have with them, or just because it's a different player group.

                although i gotta say, if any group was wanting to play root or twilight imperium, i'll be the first to propose they go play that in their basement 😀

                I reckon the most complex games that are attempted are zombicides.

              • 7 months ago

                So what are these six player games that apparently people are so itching to play that they'll go to a game store in the hopes someone happens to play them but they also take up no space?

          • 7 months ago

            >I swindle children for their parent's money and hold grudges against the people who keep me in business
            You will be broke and homeless soon, and people like me, who have NEVER spent a dime on people like you will just laugh and keep on enjoying the shit they like, for free.

            • 7 months ago

              3D printing chads keep winning, fricking store owners and frick GW!!

      • 7 months ago

        Don't act like 90% of your money doesn't come from MTG singles

        • 7 months ago

          It doesn't. normie games make the most moniez.
          But cards do make more than warhams, and take up less space, and have more addicts ready to drop wads of cash for the new cards.
          every friday night, every saturday afternoon it's packed with card addicts.
          Fun thing; hygiene is one of the store rules.

      • 7 months ago

        I also run an independent gaming store and what pays my wage is people enrolling in long form campaigns/ leagues and tournaments. Get a better business model. You are cultivating the worst kind of paypiggy morons if you force out the 3d printer Chads by being an butthole. Get their money some other way rather than burning bridges

        • 7 months ago

          It doesn't. normie games make the most moniez.
          But cards do make more than warhams, and take up less space, and have more addicts ready to drop wads of cash for the new cards.
          every friday night, every saturday afternoon it's packed with card addicts.
          Fun thing; hygiene is one of the store rules.

          What about paints? I'd never spend more than $50 on a warhammer unit, but I can't 3d print paints.

          • 7 months ago

            paints are small as frick just walk out with them in your pockets, do it all the time

            • 7 months ago

              That's illegal.

              • 7 months ago

                thanks for your input GW intern

            • 7 months ago

              Already b& a little c**t that tried that. paints are right next to the counter where I can watch the c**ts with light fingers.

              • 7 months ago

                thanks for teaching children what civilization is, and I do mean it

              • 7 months ago

                We try to be as friendly and welcoming as possible and 99% of the time the customers are friendly right back at us.
                Now and again with have to put the foot down and be firm, there are rules but the rules are basically "don't be a c**t"

                We've had boundaries stepped on by card players being too loud/obnoxious, yep even smelly.
                Food on premises can be tricky too.
                A couple of ties we get wise guys and they get shown the way out.

          • 7 months ago

            Paints are wonderful.
            Got pretty much all the vallejo line and a bit of GW paints (washes contrast plastic glue). All army painter, vallejo or warlord tools, Not a single gw paintbrush or overpriced tool.

            Paint and tools are a reliable constant stream of revenue.

        • 7 months ago

          We have card addicts for that. All our minis games are just because I like it.

          Although you could explain how you get regular money from enough players in 40k tournaments and/or leagues....Because otherwise imma gonna have to call bullshit.

          • 7 months ago

            Leagues and tournaments includes card games, those aren't exclusive to 40k. My point was that you should be on a subscription model anyways, the days of 40k models sorting on the shelf long term for large margins is over. Just look at how gw is changing their business model. Cultivating 40k crowds is now more similar to cultivating your mtg crowd than it has been in the past. Shit sucks tbh but you gotta adapt or die

          • 7 months ago


            Already b& a little c**t that tried that. paints are right next to the counter where I can watch the c**ts with light fingers.


            I'd have to compare numbers but BB does sell.
            It's also easier to fit games in the store as opposed to massive tables reserved for hours for just 2 players when i could be hiring those tables out to parties of 6 normies and make a lot more money.

            Such a gay LARP. We all know you're a shitskin zoomoid. Probably a piss drinking Rajneesh. The only business you conduct is working for $.35/day shitposting for the IDF/Hasbarat.

            • 7 months ago

              I lol'd at that, cope harder boyo.

              • 7 months ago

                >Makes up shit as he goes
                >Nuh uh I'm totally telling the truth
                I bet you have a 10/10 wife and earn over a million a year too.

              • 7 months ago

                I do have a wife acktchually, she is asleep and so are teh kids.
                I wish I made a million/pa though, that'd be great. I wouldn't even charge for playing at the store if I made that much lol.

      • 7 months ago

        Lmao you live and die off Magic Singles sales like every other ~~*Friendly*~~ local game store.
        You tolerate wargamers but don't give a frick about them.

        • 7 months ago

          Oh I get it, we must all stop buying our toy soldiers from that factory in England and spend our money on buying printing machines from China instead! It's the only way to beat the israelites!

          • 7 months ago

            More like friendly part of FLGS is bullshit, especially toward wargamers. Very few give a shit and wargamers are only tolerated. Also why the frick would I care about supporting the brits. They are lazy and overpaid and produce shit quality work (see OPs pic). Best thing for the community would be GW dying and someone licensing the IP something else so the community can fix the game.
            I dont give a frick. If your job revolves around leeching MORE off the community you can die too

            • 7 months ago

              There's probably nothing wrong with your local game store. It's more likely that you are an extremely unpleasant person to have around and that is why you feel unwelcome.
              The best thing you can do for the community is to take a shower, 3D print some deodorant and also some proper clothes that cover your asscrack. Then paint your fricking models and learn some basic social skills.

              • 7 months ago

                It's certainly better than your hellhole. It's got a bar, I show up, buy some paint and a few beers and play a game. I rarely buy models from them. And they don't care. Because while they sell the models (a huge shelf over 30 feet long of GW shit that rarely moves) they don't make money.

              • 7 months ago

                Then what is the problem? What about the store makes you so bitter? They don't "care" about you? What?

        • 7 months ago

          >Normie games

        • 7 months ago

          All my local stores live off of mtg, wargames are completely subsidized. Only new 40k players buy anything, older players buy rarely and online. These are stores with large local groups, owners all play warhammer, admit that most business is mtg.

      • 7 months ago

        Boo hoo, gay. The Invisible Hand of the Free Market is gonna fist your ass, lol.

      • 7 months ago

        >So if you don't buy warhams at my shop, i stop selling warhams and you can play alone in your basement.
        >fully 3d printed armies you can frick off and play outside with the other cheapskates.
        If you don't see what's wrong with that mindset, I'd start looking for another career if I were you.

        I also run an independent gaming store and what pays my wage is people enrolling in long form campaigns/ leagues and tournaments. Get a better business model. You are cultivating the worst kind of paypiggy morons if you force out the 3d printer Chads by being an butthole. Get their money some other way rather than burning bridges

        You sound like a cool guy. May your business find great success for many years to come.

    • 7 months ago

      Lmao you are full of shit.
      How would they control for shit on a base? Or magnets?
      IMAGINE making up a lie this pathetic
      > tranime pic
      > moronic and bad liar
      Like pottery it rhymes

      • 7 months ago

        >IMAGINE making up a lie this pathetic
        I've heard similar stories myself, nogames.

  21. 7 months ago


    Sure, sure. It's okay 3d printing is here to save the hobby now there's no lie you can tell that will matter.

    >false flagging this hard

  22. 7 months ago


    Good burn. Kinda like when you leave an oven on to long.... Oh wait. Is it too soon?

  23. 7 months ago


    >How the FRICK do the goyim keep noticing me every time I come into threads and act like a israelite????

  24. 7 months ago

    >buy my machine... or you are A israelite!
    Just ban all south americans and slavs from Ganker.

    • 7 months ago

      >Accuse the enemy of what you are in fact doing
      Straight out of the literal israeli playbook Rules for Radicals by israelite Saul Alinsky

  25. 7 months ago


  26. 7 months ago



    • 7 months ago

      It really is their go-to "My scam has been noticed" move. Remember when talking about that crypto bank robbing everyone was "racist"?

  27. 7 months ago

    Being opposed to 3D printing will eventually just be grounds for physical removal from the community. Literally the only people against it now are paypiggy whales and actual corporate shills/israelites. Paying money to GW is not only stupid, it's immoral, and if you're white, self-destructive. The homosexual israelite infested "games industry" will die so that the gaming hobby of white men survives.

    • 7 months ago

      Don't worry, once they can't make money with their grift anymore they'll just dry up and blow away like every other scam fad.

    • 7 months ago

      I just prefer recasts. Higher quality, easier, faster, lower cost, less skill requirement.
      t. Owner of something like 200 Kasrkin because I think they’re neat

      • 7 months ago

        >200 Kasrkin
        That's well into the territory where 3d printing becomes cheaper than recasting. It's also faster too since you don't have to wait on shit to ship from china or russia. But yeah, all of this is easily outweighed by the upfront cost, learning curve, and all the post print processing.

        • 7 months ago

          Why would I need shit to ship from across the globe? I'm recasting miniatures, all I need is the original squad.

    • 7 months ago

      i don't know about that, 3d printing does provide the freedom, personalisation, cost etc, but even if GW were to reduce their prices(the reason why so many people turn to printing to begin with here), then a lot of people would still pay, for the simplest reason, laziness and convenience.
      prime example irl is selling precooked meals over buying the ingredients, people will do it, because it's more convenient to them and/or they're lazy

  28. 7 months ago

    I'm the guy in the local area getting people units for cheap (from my 3d printer) so we can own buttermilk bobs.

  29. 7 months ago

    This thread reminded me why my local gaming club banned anyone under the age of 18.
    >babbling about the israelites
    >obsessively hating GW for.. *checks notes* creating warhammer and selling miniatures
    >bragging about shoplifting paints
    Ban the kids an all this and so much more intolerable cringe shit just goes away.

  30. 7 months ago

    The print lines wil always show, no matter your painting level. You are laying down paint on a Minecraft map.

  31. 7 months ago

    The "3d printer go brrrrr" gang seem really bitter. Guys you should try to touch grass now and again, maybe it's those solvent fumes?

  32. 7 months ago

    Back in 2003 I remember there were people who unironically thought they were "fighting" against Hollywood when they pirated movies and stuff. They genuinely believed that the entire entertainment industry would collapse and we would enter some kind of intergalactic space luxury communism era because of it.

    • 7 months ago

      One, that's bullshit, and two, that's gay.
      Any big company carries about you only to the extent they can continue taking your money. So why give a frick about them. Frick them, get yours.
      Who gives a frick. They gave us the idea for the game and models. I thank them for their service, and I'm sure they made a ton of money off that. I no longer give a frick if they survive (just like they don't give a shit about me).
      Not true. People who enjoy making models would keep doing it, and people who enjoy making games for the models would keep doing it too. The most successful of each would then make some money off it, and then people would move on and those people would keep creating.

      • 7 months ago

        You missed the point. The point is that the entertainment industry has not collapsed. You can get any move, tv show or videogame for free online and still the industry has not collapsed.

        Your problem is psychological. There exists a company that manufactures and sells miniatures at a profit. You are acting like you are convinced that this somehow has a negative impact on your quality of life.

        • 7 months ago

          It hasn't collapsed but without physical sales they are much more risk adverse, so we're going to keep getting remakes, capeshit, and other "safe" crap.

        • 7 months ago

          I'm saying I don't give a frick about printing models, or using said printed models in a store.
          I also find it funny that gays like you actually defend the companies that don't give a shit about you beyond the money you can give them.

          • 7 months ago

            Why would a toy soldier factory in England "give a shit" about me? Are they supposed to be my family?
            Are you looking for a father figure in a business? Where does all this fricked-up thinking come from? Is it because warhammer was a big part of your childhood and something has broken in your brain and now you have daddy issues?

            • 7 months ago

              Because big corpo is actively trying to get into a (para) social relationship with their customers.

              Since decades ads aren't about "buy or product because it's good" but trying to get you into a cult like following with its "lifestyle".

            • 7 months ago

              LMAO you are the gays bringing up 'oh don't give money to china' and 'well if you don't support it the company will die!!!'
              How about I dont give money to either any ore (particularly after the printer is purchased). How about I dont give a frick if a bunch of useless middle management bongs are out of a job (the actually talented sculptors, designers, and artists will just get other jobs, patreons, whatever).

  33. 7 months ago

    Are the Solar Aux minis just as bad?

  34. 7 months ago

    3d printing as a solo endeavour sucks. You have to plan out big in what you are printing to see a return in your investment. And that only gets worse the more expensive the printer is, that you start with.

    However, should you decide, with a group, to get a 3d printer as a group, the whole story changes. Instead of spending 300 to 500 bucks on a printer + equipment alone, you maybe spend 50 to 100 per person.

    In my situation, my friends and I each gave 50 bucks to get some cheap resin printer. I was the guy to get into the printing, because I had a room to spare, fumes and stuff. We got cheap resin, I dialed the printer in and before we knew ity we printed kill team after kill team. Guys who were unsure of painting minis now went wild on some resin figures, because instead of painting what is essentially 10 bucks worth plastic you have just have a 50cent mini, which removes the pressure you have as a beginne painter.

    We all got to play different factions, tried out new games and systems, and printed minis for RPGs too!
    Everyone paid an equal share for resin, electricity, IPA and spare parts if something broke down. (I got a few bucks extra for my work too)

    It's not without its challenges. It's messy, time consuming and the STL rabbit hole is a trap for any data hoarder. But it was all way worth it when I look back.

    None of us could've gotten into wargaming on our own, with our own money. Times aren't easy and we certainly don't have the money to afford the GW premium. And thanks to some cheap printer, we got the chance partake in a hobby that would normally be out of reach for us.

    • 7 months ago

      But what if I want the models to look good?

      • 7 months ago

        The more money and time you are willing to spend the better the results are. Even a cheap printer can produce great results if you take the time do dial everything in detail.

        However the main thing is just printer resolution and layer height, followed by resin.

        And then we come back to the question of how much money am I willing to spend. Because like I said, investing in the equipment alone is arguably not worth it, the more expensive the printer gets.

        However if you are serious about it (or have a group willing to pitch in like in my case) you basically have an all you can print buffet nowadays. Spoiler for choice honestly

        • 7 months ago

          *Spoiled for choice

          3d printing will not be the end all solution for wargamers, as there are clear barriers of entry, but so does getting into games like warhammer the regular way. (Other wargames are very likely cheaper to get into, but let's not pretend that 40k doesn't have any appeal)

          The benefits outweighed the cons for me when it comes to printing. I had the spare time to get into printing as a hobby and a room to spare, where I can produce a mess.
          If I had to send the money alone I would've been better off starting with a combat patrols or boxed set and getting some extra units. That's all fine and dandy until I want to get into a second faction. And that's were printers shine in my opinion. While getting into your first 1k-2k points is pretty equal money wise, getting a second faction after that tips the scale into the printers favour.

          Now I had the chance to play a space wolves kill team for just a couple bucks worth of resin with bits that I picked from the web.

          (I'm not a great painter by any means, but this model here is fully 3d printed. In the hands of an amateur, it wouldn't have made a difference if that was a GW plastic kit or not imo)

          • 7 months ago

            I won't lie- if I'm to purchase a 3d Printer, I will be getting the best one possible...
            ...and I damned sure won't use it to print miniatures for a shit-tier game like 40k.
            Imagine all the potential to make miniatures for literally any game, and you choose the dice-rolling equivalent of Special Olympics

          • 7 months ago

            How long till the issue of print lines is solved?
            Will consumer-grade printers ever be able to do it?

            The print lines wil always show, no matter your painting level. You are laying down paint on a Minecraft map.

            ok, I'll tell James the next time I go into Warhammer World.

            >they are surpassing injection molding
            Fundamentally I think injection molding is hard to surpass when it's done well. The issue is that too many bad batches get out with unforgiveable mold slips, inaccessible moldlines, etc, and it looks like some of their masters were printed on a mars 2 with default settings

            >What will not look indistinquishable are tanks, knights and titans, in which case the official ones are far superior to the 3d printed ones

            Triggers me something fierce. You can be a pro painter and the lines will still be there anyway.

            • 7 months ago

              I think they are already on higher end printers.
              Like the ones used for industrial prototypes.

            • 7 months ago

              I think a lot of it is the skill of rhe user. A friend of mine is big into it, has all the top end kit and knows how to use it. It's literally not possible to tell his prints apart from non prints once he's done.

              Conversely, another friend just dabbles with them and uses cheapo 4k printers so his prints are pretty obvious but fine for "I just need 5 combi weapons" kind if stuff.

            • 7 months ago

              >Lower layer height
              >Turn on anti aliasing in any modern 4k+ printer

            • 7 months ago

              >Will consumer-grade printers ever be able to do it?
              Depends. Under a magnifying glass or macro lens? They'll always be visible. But the naked eye? The threshold for "visible to the human eye" is about 20 micrometers and up. The stepper motor used for the z axis in most 3d printers has a precision of up to 10 micrometers. Not visible to the human eye on their own, but visible with a bit of magnification.

              People like to call all print lines "layer lines" which implies z-axis precision, but with how precise you can dial in the motor, the real issue has typically been XY precision - the LCD's pixel density. Mars 4's 9k screen has an XY precision of 18micrometers, just under the visibility threshold. Compare this to the Mars 3, which was 36micrometers. Consumer-grade printers' x,y,z precisions are starting to fall below the threshold of human eye.

              Also those last 2 aren't 3d prints themselves, they're official warhammer models that were cast from a 3d printed master.

            • 7 months ago

              It's a skill issue.

              visible layer lines on resin prints haven't really mattered since they introduced 4k screens for consumer level resin printers a few years ago

        • 7 months ago

          How long till the issue of print lines is solved?
          Will consumer-grade printers ever be able to do it?

          Triggers me something fierce. You can be a pro painter and the lines will still be there anyway.

          Get a printer with high resolution, buy food quality resin, learn how to properly orientate and support models and you can get some stellar results.

          Just my opinion, on the tabletop, if there is paint on the mini, layer lines on a resin printer aren't an aesthetic issue, but I understand how off-putting they can be for dedicated painters.
          If you are looking for prints just for painting, and then you need the best you can get. But then there is the question again of how much money and time are willing to invest, or aren't you better off getting the couple of minis you really want to paint, and not spend the better part of a week setting up and dialing in a printer.

          If you are a player first and just want the models to look right to the eye, then a printer can be a good investment, but only if you plan on going big, meaning more than one army at least.

          And of course, doing this printing thing alone (financially speaking) is arguably not worth it.
          Talk to your friends/group if they are willing to pitch in and you can cut down the cost for starting out into a fraction

          • 7 months ago

            Thing is "the best you can get" is now available to basically anyone. A Mars 4 Ultra or any of the other new cheaper 8K/9K printers with a smidge of anti aliasing will print basically anything and the only limit on the quality of the final model is the detail of the STL and the size you print it in.

            A Mars 4 Ultra is 300 quid - people need to get their brain out of the RepRap/original Photon era, consumer machines are already at the point of doing anything a wargamer could need for less than the price of a single army of GW minis(and just to preempt the smug homosexual who'll post his haul of lumpy ebay salvage or come up with some fringe niche list that's marginally cheaper than the others - nobody likes you, not even your mum).

            • 7 months ago

              If you aren't following printer news, because you are not really interested in them, then its easy to remember just facts you learned some years ago.
              Quality of the Mars 4, for its price, was unthinkable just 3 years ago.
              Same with the 3d scanners.
              Those things got advanced quite fast, so its just natural for people that are only bystanders to miss all or most of those advancements.

              • 7 months ago

                Any recs for 3D scanners? I want to make copies of my old Confrontation models so I can have enough for an army.

            • 7 months ago

              Exactly this. You can get a Sovol 6 on sale for less than $200 USD that will print flawless minis

            • 7 months ago

              >any of the other new cheaper 8K/9K printers
              Oh and this reminds me, K values are just a marketing term. The XY precision of a Saturn 8k is more comparable to a 4k Mars than a 9k, because the pixels are less densely packed since the screen is larger.

  35. 7 months ago

    Those miniatures are hilariously bad. Once again, the half dozen people that actually played Epic? I feel bad for them. Seriously, this game has fewer actual fans than Andy Dick.

    • 7 months ago

      it's got a shitload of third party and community support and I can get games in all sorts of weird regional centres...

      • 7 months ago

        Right, I don't care what you and three fat middle aged dudes do on a door laid over two rotting sawhorses.
        "Third Party and Community Support" ain't shit in the grand scheme of things, and just because five of you grognards refuse to let go of a thing you liked doesn't make it popular.
        This is why your wife took her kids and left

        • 7 months ago

          maybe all the community maintained rulesets, 3rd party manufacturers, forums, facebook groups are all a pointless, bizarre and elaborate ruse

          maybe you're so thoroughly unlikable you're stuck shuffling around stores begging for pick-up games of 40k with the other basket-case losers and you pretend everything but 40k doesn't have players as a cope

          • 7 months ago

            I'll even wager that out of the five of you, only one isn't obese and maybe one isn't on a sex offender registry.

            • 7 months ago

              why are you so livid about being informed it has good community support anyway? it's fricking weird

              • 7 months ago

                >Good community support
                You know the "Inquisitor" guys say the same thing, right? And those guys don't even play the game, they just make models that look like they smell bad.
                And I'm not angry, I'm just stating a fact.
                You can find more people who recreationally drink barbicide than you can people who play Epic.

              • 7 months ago

                why are they all trying to trick you with all these stores groups forums fake events batreps and shit anyway?

              • 7 months ago

                Because you can't let go of the one thing that made you happy, and the world is massive- your dozen or so boomers on Facebook is nothing.

              • 7 months ago

                I think this goes beyond a cope for being a thoroughly unlikable little turd with no friends, you're actually seriously unwell

              • 7 months ago

                I understand your frustration, but your wife is not coming back.

              • 7 months ago

                whatever dude, enjoy your day at the store

          • 7 months ago

            >you're stuck shuffling around stores begging for pick-up games of 40k
            Of all the nerds these are the saddest, the most contemptible

        • 7 months ago

          40k got us interested in wargaming and 3d printing allowed us branch us out into other systems as well! So I totally agree with you.

          With 40k I believe people come more for the models and settings, because our group now just uses Grimdark Future because it's so easy to pick up and modify.

          • 7 months ago

            Grimdark Future and One Page Rules are a step in the right direction, in my opinion. I don't really enjoy them, but it's the right thing-
            Because everyone keeps whining for GW to 'fix' 40k's rules system, but the rules are just a mechanism for them to sell models- they have no incentive to make a balanced game, the incentive is to make a busted-as-frick game that pushes idiots to buy more models.
            If 40k is ever going to be a good game, it won't be done by the rules developers at GW... it'll be a third party/fan project.

            • 7 months ago

              That's a topic I was very vocal about in my old town. Players complained about the state of the game all the time, the release schedules and how GW treated the community in general. Overall pretty sour attitude towards the whole situation. But if bring in ideas and alternatives, you are suddenly destroying the hobby, because it would imply that the company responsibly for the situation would lose profits.

              So now I just stick with my guys. We share the same idea of what is fun to us and apart from citadel black primer, GW has nothing for us to sell, that interests us. If they pull the plug today, nothing would really change for us. We have files to print any army a hundred times over, the difference being that I don't have to hear how my crappy 3d prints kill a hobby, whose majority of players get spit roasted by a company and tell me to enjoy it the way they do.

            • 7 months ago

              >Grimdark Future and One Page Rules are a step in the right direction
              its trying to fix the shitshow that started late stage 8th edition by going to the point of extreme in the wrong direction. it simplifies the game to such an extent that all the flavour is gone.
              4th edition 40k with 3rd ed codexes is peak 40k. simple while still keeping the fun flavour.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah but I'd still Peter cornflakes over yesterday's vomit.

          • 7 months ago

            That's a topic I was very vocal about in my old town. Players complained about the state of the game all the time, the release schedules and how GW treated the community in general. Overall pretty sour attitude towards the whole situation. But if bring in ideas and alternatives, you are suddenly destroying the hobby, because it would imply that the company responsibly for the situation would lose profits.

            So now I just stick with my guys. We share the same idea of what is fun to us and apart from citadel black primer, GW has nothing for us to sell, that interests us. If they pull the plug today, nothing would really change for us. We have files to print any army a hundred times over, the difference being that I don't have to hear how my crappy 3d prints kill a hobby, whose majority of players get spit roasted by a company and tell me to enjoy it the way they do.

            Grimdark Future and One Page Rules are a step in the right direction, in my opinion. I don't really enjoy them, but it's the right thing-
            Because everyone keeps whining for GW to 'fix' 40k's rules system, but the rules are just a mechanism for them to sell models- they have no incentive to make a balanced game, the incentive is to make a busted-as-frick game that pushes idiots to buy more models.
            If 40k is ever going to be a good game, it won't be done by the rules developers at GW... it'll be a third party/fan project.

            How do you find other people who think this way?
            Most of the people into Horus Heresy stuff here in Sweden are the kind GW paypiggies who look down on 3d prints and anything that isn’t ”official”.

            • 7 months ago

              Nordic people are cucks, simple as. A weak, Effeminate race.

            • 7 months ago

              It's not easy most of the time. Just socialize with other players, maybe have a friendly game and get in touch with them. Get a feel on how they are as a person and maybe an interests arises naturally to seek out other ways in partaking in a hobby, that doesn't mean gobbling up anything companies produce. Try out some other systems, better if they are miniature agnostic, and introduce others to the ones you enjoy. Just show people that there are more ways to enjoy a hobby, without giving all your money to companies that only value your spending power.

              But keep in mind that this comes from a guy that lives without a local scene or store to speak of. So we just do our thing, we share interests, argue over disagreements and come with the best compromise. And if not, it's not the end of the world. We're just here to have a good time, before it's back to work again.

              To make a long story short I put a whole bag if jellybeans up my ass just get out and talk to other people. There are other, less exhausting ways, to partake in this hobby.

  36. 7 months ago

    I'm going to print my Marines 10mm tall to further intimidate the GW plastics crowd and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.

    • 7 months ago

      >His army just looks goofy in literally any game
      >Nearly twice the size of actual epic minis
      Good luck finding games

      • 7 months ago

        >Nearly twice the size of actual epic minis

        • 7 months ago

          So it's not actually 10mm

  37. 7 months ago

    Honestly, if I ever bought a 3d Printer I would probably still buy official products from GW as well. If only because I like supporting the hobby and, specifically, my local store.

    The biggest reason I have to not buy from GW is that I despise their Resin. People pay for convenience, same reason I still use Steam.

    • 7 months ago

      Same here. I have my printer mostly to improve and convert plastic models, or to print what isn’t available or if I like a specific design, but not to replace existing kits, and especially not 1 to 1 scans

  38. 7 months ago

    Best option is to do what I did: know three nerds who have printers and do it for me

    I ain't fricking around with that shit, I've got naps to take

    • 7 months ago

      I decided to find a "print by order" nerd online.
      Works fine just takes a little time. I'm still saving between 66-80% if my money.

      • 7 months ago

        Greetings, fellow napchad

  39. 7 months ago

    It’s a shame that 3d printers are an entire hobby in and of themselves, if they were more accesible GW wouldn’t stand a chance.

    • 7 months ago

      Linux = 3D printers
      Mac = GW customers
      Windows = The people who don't play tabletop and wonder what in the frick all these morons are doing with their lives

      • 7 months ago

        I would agree except, far more logical in this circumstance, Windows = non-miniature gaming enthusiasts (RPGs and board games).

  40. 7 months ago

    For me? If I want a detailed looking model I just use nuln oil.

  41. 7 months ago

    Does anyone know any good ork creator?

  42. 7 months ago

    Anyone got the rules leak?

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