40K Atheism

Serious question does the imperious in a extensively nominal sense describe itself as atheist?

The imperial truth is one thing that is twisted more into religion:
>There are no gods
>Only a god would deny his own divinity!

However do they go more nominally on the side of atheism? Like do they insist they are atheists despite having a church? Because the emperor did say so in the long distant past?

This has great potential for a interesting coping ideology.

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  1. 4 months ago

    No. They are overtly religious by m41, the imperial truth of m31 long forgotten.
    I forget which core book had th timeline breakdown of when the eschilarchy became the official religion of the imperium but it was m32 or 33 iirc.

    • 4 months ago

      Thanks for that clarification.

      Am I the only one that in the spirit of this picture finds a eschilarchy who insists they are all atheists to be good idea?

      Like the becoming religious is a heresy that the inquisition hunts down and you must attend the church where you sing praises to the emperor and how atheist you are.

      Am I the only one who wants that now?
      This reminds me of the atheist wars in southpark.

      • 4 months ago

        >Am I the only one who wants that now?
        I'm sure there are plenty of other pathologically contrarian morons out there.

        • 4 months ago

          >I'm sure there are plenty of other
          I was thinking it is a comical yet very in universe way to make a religiously fueled more realistic 1984.

          Remember we always were at war with eastasia. Only in a less insane way then in 1984.
          Basically the doctrine makes no sense if you start thinking about it.
          You can live your life no problem if you do not think about it.
          And this can generate lots of heretics and heresy wars to get some in lore empire VS empire action.

      • 4 months ago

        You are probably not the only one who wants that sort of moronation but it's not very interesting to me. The theological underpinnings of humanism isn't exactly a new critique, nor very well addressed by South Park or wargame IPs primarily based around cool looking monster men fighting with chainsaw swords.

      • 4 months ago

        >Am I the only one that in the spirit of this picture finds a eschilarchy who insists they are all atheists to be good idea?

      • 4 months ago

        Do you process all of your life through cartoon references or just tabletop games?

    • 4 months ago

      >Nobody in the Imperium would seriously consider themselves to be an atheist.
      Greyfax is an atheist

      Space Marines are still atheist. They jsut use religious aesthetics.
      The Black Templas are the exception.

      • 4 months ago

        Whether or not Space Marines are religious depends on the chapters traditions and culture, Space Marines aren't a monolith and fricking SUCK when the writers portray them as such.

        All chapters have their unique cults, some are Atheistic some are religious, some allow a mix of both.

        • 4 months ago

          True, but by and large they are atheists, they rarely believe the emperor is a god and generally just view the ecclesiarchy as at best useful idiots or a necessary evil to control the masses.

      • 4 months ago

        True, but by and large they are atheists, they rarely believe the emperor is a god and generally just view the ecclesiarchy as at best useful idiots or a necessary evil to control the masses.

        Blood Ravens are a very famously theist chapter.
        "My faith is my shield!"
        "Servant of the God Emperor"
        "The Emperor protects the souls of the faithful"

      • 3 months ago

        >Space Marines are still atheist. They jsut use religious aesthetics.

        Space Marines are certainly religious: even those that most strenuously reject Imperial orthodoxy, after 10,000 years of accreted tradition, all kneel in absolute belief before the most ancient and primal religion of them all, ancestor worship.

    • 4 months ago


      Thanks for that clarification.

      Am I the only one that in the spirit of this picture finds a eschilarchy who insists they are all atheists to be good idea?

      Like the becoming religious is a heresy that the inquisition hunts down and you must attend the church where you sing praises to the emperor and how atheist you are.

      Am I the only one who wants that now?
      This reminds me of the atheist wars in southpark.


      See [...]

      >The Lectitio Divinitatus makes is quite clear that the Emperor is a God
      And this would make it more fun.

      >1) the emperor is the god of humanity
      >2) there are no gods
      >3) We are all atheists like the emperor himself
      >4) Pay taxes to the church
      >5) All religions are to be abolished
      And anyone starting to ask questions gets eliminated by the inquisition for heresy.

      I can see incredibly nice way for coping role play and this mirrors the self contradictions in real life religions. I think this would be a great part the same way that the Sisters of Battle are literally rule layering.
      >You see we do not have MEN at arms!
      >BEAUS they are all WOMAN! HA!
      >I'm not breaking any treaties!

      >rules layering

      underage? ESL? dyslexic? which is it?

  2. 4 months ago

    The Lectitio Divinitatus makes is quite clear that the Emperor is a God. Nobody in the Imperium would seriously consider themselves to be an atheist. Even the Emperor himself only claimed that Gods didn't exist because he didn't want humanity enslaved to them. And nobody under the age of 10,000 is even aware of what the Emperor himself had to say on the matter. The Ecclesiarchy is honest and earnest in its worship, no coping required.

    • 4 months ago


      Thanks for that clarification.

      Am I the only one that in the spirit of this picture finds a eschilarchy who insists they are all atheists to be good idea?

      Like the becoming religious is a heresy that the inquisition hunts down and you must attend the church where you sing praises to the emperor and how atheist you are.

      Am I the only one who wants that now?
      This reminds me of the atheist wars in southpark.

      >The Lectitio Divinitatus makes is quite clear that the Emperor is a God
      And this would make it more fun.

      >1) the emperor is the god of humanity
      >2) there are no gods
      >3) We are all atheists like the emperor himself
      >4) Pay taxes to the church
      >5) All religions are to be abolished
      And anyone starting to ask questions gets eliminated by the inquisition for heresy.

      I can see incredibly nice way for coping role play and this mirrors the self contradictions in real life religions. I think this would be a great part the same way that the Sisters of Battle are literally rule layering.
      >You see we do not have MEN at arms!
      >BEAUS they are all WOMAN! HA!
      >I'm not breaking any treaties!

      • 4 months ago

        There is no contradiction though. The great irony is the Ecclesiarchy follows the teachings of Lorgar, not the Emperor.

        • 4 months ago

          >There is no contradiction though
          There is in what I presented.
          However I take a role playing session where your character can try to debate this.

          • 4 months ago

            >I'm sure there are plenty of other
            I was thinking it is a comical yet very in universe way to make a religiously fueled more realistic 1984.

            Remember we always were at war with eastasia. Only in a less insane way then in 1984.
            Basically the doctrine makes no sense if you start thinking about it.
            You can live your life no problem if you do not think about it.
            And this can generate lots of heretics and heresy wars to get some in lore empire VS empire action.

            You do come across as very... fourteen-year-old here.

      • 4 months ago

        Didn't really work with any of the fluff.
        Rpgs and games aren't great ground for satire. Might be able to get a web comic or YouTube Clipart thing out of it.

    • 4 months ago

      >Even the Emperor himself only claimed that Gods didn't exist because he didn't want humanity enslaved to them
      Chaos gods aren't really gods though and so isn't the Empor.

    • 4 months ago

      >Nobody in the Imperium would seriously consider themselves to be an atheist.
      Greyfax is an atheist

      • 4 months ago

        No, she's not. She's a puritanical inquisitor who believes the imperial truth hook, line, and sinker. She just thought that celestine was a fraud until guilliman woke up.

    • 4 months ago

      >Even the Emperor himself only claimed that Gods didn't exist because he didn't want humanity enslaved to them
      Also because he knows what they are: parasites, bloated leeches sucking on the blood and emotion of the material realm for sustenance. He understands the mechanics of the Warp, how it functions, that it is an alternate dimension inhabited by xenos hostile to life - strange xenos that follow different physical laws, but xenos. And he knows that he, too, is in many ways no different from them, that he could become one. He doesn't see himself as a god, so why should he give in to their delusions of godhood.

      • 4 months ago

        Might just turn out that if untold quadrillions DO see you as a god, what you want doesn't come into it when good old warp frickery comes into play.
        Or at least, the man himself could easily just end up a body unable to die on the Throne, while someTHING that looks like his ecclesiastical artwork gets to go to all the parties and fun times. Sort of a Dorian Gray setup, if you get me?

    • 4 months ago

      There are no gods in 40k. You are treating alien creatures native to the Immaterium as gods merely because they're worshiped as such, you're a moron. The Emperor correctly identifies the Warp as a real dimension of physical space inhabited by real xenofauna, much of it hostile to humanity, including some particularly large gestalt psychic aliens like nurgle and tzeentch.

      I hate people like you, honestly, you're the worst thing in the world. To call something a god merely because it has some power you don't understand, it's infuriating there are such spineless people, and essentially, proof of the Emperor's point in covering up the existence of them. You would worship Superman, you would worship Griffith, hell I bet you would worship a particularly large Ork. Scum, and moronic.

      • 4 months ago

        You should consider a career in professional quote making.

        • 4 months ago

          What does that even mean

          • 4 months ago

            It's a reference to Aalewis. Zoomies wouldn't get it

      • 4 months ago

        if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it
        >clearly isn't a duck you fricking moron. There are no ducks in 40k. You are treating alien creatures native to the Immaterium as ducks merely because they're extremely duck like. You're a moron. The duck of mankind correctly identifies the Warp as a real dimension of physical space inhabited by real xenofauna, much of it hostile to humanity, including some particularly large gestalt psychic aliens with mere passing resemblances to ducks like quackers and breadeater.

        • 4 months ago

          So, you really will worship Griffith, Superman, Kim Jung Un, Prince Philip, etc. You're the exact problem with the human species.

        • 4 months ago

          If the Chaos Gods didn't call themselves gods but kings, for example (because they are kings of their domain in the Warp's dimension), would you still call them gods?

          • 4 months ago

            The Emperor didn't call himself a god and that hasn't stopped anyone from calling him God-Emperor.
            Besides, the Chaos Gods are certainly more Godlike than most historical dieties.

      • 3 months ago

        >the laughter of thirsting gods
        I dunno, seems pretty clear to me.

  3. 4 months ago

    The Emperor is the Antichrist. Of course he forced atheism so he can declare his ideals i.e. himself the sole object of worship.

    • 4 months ago

      Checked & Biblepilled; this is the correct answer.

  4. 4 months ago

    is it just one person spamming these Christian 40k threads?

  5. 4 months ago

    >Only a god would deny his own divinity!
    That was just Word Bearer cope arising from their psychological compulsion to be religious

    • 4 months ago

      >That was just Word Bearer cope arising from their psychological compulsion to be religious
      Do you understand real life religious cope?

      • 4 months ago

        >Only a god would deny his own divinity!
        That was just Word Bearer cope arising from their psychological compulsion to be religious

        Do you understand real life religious cope?

        • 4 months ago

          art from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
          >>Puts in an anti-Trinitarian caption

          Atheists don't know a thing about what you believe but they are damn sure it's not true. And they have memes designed by someone equally 'informed' to make their points.

      • 4 months ago

        Do you understand real life religious cope?

        As a Christian I don't really care for this blatant disrespect of my God.

        • 4 months ago

          Dubs won't make your magic book any less self-contradictory.

          • 4 months ago

            This homosexual doesn't know the trinity. If you're going to try at least don't frick up from jump and stop embarrassing atheists while you're at it. Jesus fricking Christ we get enough stupid shit from you evangelical asses.

      • 4 months ago

        Do you understand real life religious cope?

        maybe if atheists coped as well as religious people do they wouldn't kill themselves or chop their dicks off and then kill themselves all the time
        keep in mind that atheists always claim they are the ones who focus on enjoying life. I find this pretty funny.

        • 4 months ago

          >or chop their dicks off
          Do you even know Christianity?

          • 4 months ago

            >or chop their dicks off
            Do you even know Christianity?

          • 4 months ago

            >or chop their dicks off
            Do you even know Christianity?

            >Religion's tales are absolutely real and almost definitely didn't happen. That's the point.
            Jesus self contradicts.
            >I am god!
            Also jesus
            >I am not god!
            Read it in your bible.

            >That's the point.
            Meanwhile in reality Christians killed other Christian who did come to a different conclusion about jesus.
            DIE YOU HERETIC!

            calm down, fedora boy

            • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                >noooooo how dare you stereotype me as an unwashed, virginal neckbeard wearing a fedora you hooknosed reptilian subversive sewer-dwelling israelite?

            • 4 months ago


              Fedora? Is this insane projection?

              • 4 months ago

                >Religion: Atheist

              • 4 months ago

                >No deities or prophets (no, atheists don't worship science/scientists nor act like they're infallible, frickwit)
                >No supernatural miracles
                >General lack of faith-based beliefs

              • 4 months ago

                >Open thread for lore discussion
                >Reddit tier Atheist arguments
                >Misc tier Paganlarp arguments
                >2006 tier discussion
                Can you homosexuals go back to your containment board, please? You have nothing constructive to add other then your sperging and shitty memes

                No one makes the argument Atheists unironically worship science (except atheists, ironically, ye ol' "i believe in science!") except for country bumpkin normies. He was making a joke at the graphic, dipshit

                >just like the Snake
                You realize that if you read that in the bible it is literally impossible to not conclude that god lies and the snake tells the truth.
                Literally everything the snake did say was right and god simply lied. Humans are like gods knowing good and evil.

                That is a incredibly stupid story.. .unless you assume satan wrote the bible....


                >Have you actually read the Book yourself
                I did. Did you?

                >The point of the law in the Old Testament teach Israel how to live before Christ came.
                A cope christians made up.
                Funny how you did not mention the reason why Christians can eat pork. It is in the bible however it is so stupid that all your pastors do their best to prevent you from reading it.

                Check it out yourself
                The christian cult leader(Not jesus) gets hungry
                All this forbidden pagan food around him
                He says
                >Wait I'm getting a vision
                >God says we can eat pork now.

                >The law's purpose was to define sin.
                WTF. OK so childbirth is defined as sin in the bible and the old testament what now self contradiction boy??? !!! ???

                Not how it happened. Understand cultural contexts



                >Religion's tales are absolutely real and almost definitely didn't happen. That's the point.
                Jesus self contradicts.
                >I am god!
                Also jesus
                >I am not god!
                Read it in your bible.

                >That's the point.
                Meanwhile in reality Christians killed other Christian who did come to a different conclusion about jesus.
                DIE YOU HERETIC!

                Most of these heresies weren't resolved through violence but through internal debate in the Church, and most of these are fricking dead and have been for the last 1000 years.

              • 4 months ago

                >muh /misc/!!!
                Go back to plebbit, Black person.

              • 4 months ago

                Atheism squats on science that was invented by Christianity and its deny-yourself dogma.

              • 4 months ago

                I didn't know Aristotle was Christian

              • 4 months ago

                You never heard of Francis Bacon?

              • 4 months ago

                Gregor Mendel invented genetics you simpleton. The irony is that most of the atheist scientists of his era rejected his conclusions at the time. Then came crawling back.

              • 4 months ago

                Don't forget Einstein's (in)famous hatred of LeMaitre's Big Bang Theory. "The universe always was and is and will be and galaxies fly passed each other" my ass. He was so angry he invented the cosmological constant only for it to be appropriated.

            • 4 months ago

              They will never. They have to attack the only belief system the anarcho-capitalists allow them to attack.
              We can't expect a big company to make a game about vilifying both sides of the godless bipolar world.

              why are atheists so fragile?

              This has to do with God's law. Fragility demands that you protect them. It's always the women imitating Jezebel who look down on fragility. Since anarcho-capitalists fear that the Bible can be true, all other religious books must be untrue. Such an extreme improbability lends credibility to the Bible. This puts not only lifestyles such as LGBT in jeopardy, but also other belief systems like rabbinical Judaism (you never hear about the maltreatment Karaites receive), Islam, secularists, etc. What do these extremist-capitalists always have? Lawyers. What do lawyers do? Find loopholes.
              One such loophole is declaring "an oppressor" and protecting physical and as of late mental integrity of "the oppressed".
              If the Bible is true, God is the oppressor and Judaism, Islam, LGBT, and the others are in danger. That makes them "fragile" legally speaking.
              Friendly reminder that the lifestyle is so important that the mere existence of alternatives is perceived as a lethal threat.
              You can make your next session about this. Humans and non-humans, mortal enemies, uniting to fight the destroyer of the universe.

              • 4 months ago

                >You can make your next session about this. Humans and non-humans, mortal enemies, uniting to fight the destroyer of the universe.
                I feel like this line will get lost on atheists and autists. You can play as """terrorists""" fighting against the revolutionaries who want to wage war against the universe destroyer.

                >Have you actually read the Book yourself
                I did. Did you?

                >The point of the law in the Old Testament teach Israel how to live before Christ came.
                A cope christians made up.
                Funny how you did not mention the reason why Christians can eat pork. It is in the bible however it is so stupid that all your pastors do their best to prevent you from reading it.

                Check it out yourself
                The christian cult leader(Not jesus) gets hungry
                All this forbidden pagan food around him
                He says
                >Wait I'm getting a vision
                >God says we can eat pork now.

                >The law's purpose was to define sin.
                WTF. OK so childbirth is defined as sin in the bible and the old testament what now self contradiction boy??? !!! ???

                I read clearly that you've read the NIV, a heretical version made by genuine demon worshippers. Please read the original translation before taking up any kind of discussion.

                >just like the Snake
                You realize that if you read that in the bible it is literally impossible to not conclude that god lies and the snake tells the truth.
                Literally everything the snake did say was right and god simply lied. Humans are like gods knowing good and evil.

                That is a incredibly stupid story.. .unless you assume satan wrote the bible....

                Sophistry is the snake's only weapon. We're von Neumann probes and our Creator is coming back.
                Satan made the "matrix" for you to break out from. Unless you have a training to solve paradoxes you will keep getting bamboozled.

                Oh hey that's pretty cool, schizophasia in the wild.

                Mockery is the snake's mightiest and only weapon. When will you change your mind? When a "pleiadian" begs for mercy? When a "reptilian" writhes in inhumane pain? Remember that this is their last chance.

              • 4 months ago

                >Unless you have a training to solve paradoxes you will keep getting bamboozled.
                Yep. Christian kids practice from birth to not badthink. As such true loyal soldiers of god know not to acknowledge the apparent contradictions, to do so would be to commit thought-sin.

              • 4 months ago

                There's a reason why they didn't get the Trump vaxx and why they are going to get called anti-chippers.

          • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Do you understand real life religious cope?

        Both characters are midwits who who don't understand the purpose or value of religion. It's like one man arguing that the death of Goldilocks was a tragedy and the other calling him a moron for listening to a story about bears that could cook porridge.

        Religion's tales are absolutely real and almost definitely didn't happen. That's the point.

        • 4 months ago

          >Religion's tales are absolutely real and almost definitely didn't happen. That's the point.
          Jesus self contradicts.
          >I am god!
          Also jesus
          >I am not god!
          Read it in your bible.

          >That's the point.
          Meanwhile in reality Christians killed other Christian who did come to a different conclusion about jesus.
          DIE YOU HERETIC!

          • 3 months ago

            That reminds me, I should paint some sisters up as Best School

      • 4 months ago

        Do you understand real life religious cope?

        Have you actually read the Book yourself or are you going by Hollywood propaganda?
        This guy has a bad habit to post his videos on different platforms. Or maybe it's a good habit, I don't know.
        The point of the law in the Old Testament teach Israel how to live before Christ came. The law's purpose was to define sin. If this view is adopted, 3:19 is similar to Rom 4:15, which says, “Where there is no law, there is no transgression.” The law provides the standard, the measuring stick, by which sin is identified.
        This is called typology. You need a posterior medial frontal cortex for that. Look up pMFC.

        As a Christian I don't really care for this blatant disrespect of my God.

        maybe if atheists coped as well as religious people do they wouldn't kill themselves or chop their dicks off and then kill themselves all the time
        keep in mind that atheists always claim they are the ones who focus on enjoying life. I find this pretty funny.

        Both characters are midwits who who don't understand the purpose or value of religion. It's like one man arguing that the death of Goldilocks was a tragedy and the other calling him a moron for listening to a story about bears that could cook porridge.

        Religion's tales are absolutely real and almost definitely didn't happen. That's the point.

        Friendly reminder to the Americanocentrists:
        Autists don't understand typology. Atheists can't stand typology.
        There are only two possible solutions: either Christianity is true, then their lifestyle puts them in jeopardy, there's no "matrix" and no "great awakening", and quite literally every single other belief system is categorically wrong, and aliens are demons who want to help humans reach enlightenment just like the Snake """helped""" Eve and then Adam.
        Otherwise the media propaganda wouldn't be necessary. Otherwise people wouldn't get arrested in the UK for praying in their heads. Otherwise the Bible wouldn't be the literal only book in all of history describing the physical end of the world that inspired Hollywood to make Him the enemy.
        The Antichrist is alive and well and Israel has defrauded its own treasury to prepare for the Third Temple, the new "capital" of the Earth.

        • 4 months ago

          The overlap between schizophrenia and faith never ceases to amaze.

          • 4 months ago

            It'll be a new war on terror.
            I hope to see you on my side getting beheaded for the testimony.

            • 4 months ago

              Anon you have to wake up fifteen years is long enough your children miss you your wife misses you the doctors are doing everything they can please just
              w a k e

          • 4 months ago

            That's how you know he's correct. Rationality isn't sufficient to describe reality.

        • 4 months ago

          >Have you actually read the Book yourself
          I did. Did you?

          >The point of the law in the Old Testament teach Israel how to live before Christ came.
          A cope christians made up.
          Funny how you did not mention the reason why Christians can eat pork. It is in the bible however it is so stupid that all your pastors do their best to prevent you from reading it.

          Check it out yourself
          The christian cult leader(Not jesus) gets hungry
          All this forbidden pagan food around him
          He says
          >Wait I'm getting a vision
          >God says we can eat pork now.

          >The law's purpose was to define sin.
          WTF. OK so childbirth is defined as sin in the bible and the old testament what now self contradiction boy??? !!! ???

          • 4 months ago

            it's even simpler than that Peter lost the debate with Paul. Gentiles didn't need to become israelites to become Christian.

        • 4 months ago

          >just like the Snake
          You realize that if you read that in the bible it is literally impossible to not conclude that god lies and the snake tells the truth.
          Literally everything the snake did say was right and god simply lied. Humans are like gods knowing good and evil.

          That is a incredibly stupid story.. .unless you assume satan wrote the bible....

          • 4 months ago

            >unless you assume satan wrote the bible

          • 4 months ago

            This only makes sense if you're an autistic manchild. Knowledge of good and evil illuminates the harsh realities around us, the mountain of corpses, rape, and blood that is evolution and our heritage. Ignorance is bliss, except to the ignorant (you).

            I swear new atheism must have been the last gasp of childhood heavy metal exposure.

        • 4 months ago

          Oh hey that's pretty cool, schizophasia in the wild.

      • 4 months ago

        autism and stupidity.

      • 4 months ago

        Do you understand real life religious cope?

        Why the frick should I care about the opinion of someone whos clearly just wants to shit all over my religion?

  6. 4 months ago

    Warhammer athiesm was made up in by BL hacks and was never a present element in real lore.

  7. 4 months ago

    This may be the most lorelet thread and meme I've seen on this board. Congratulations OP, you are /tg/'s homosexual of the day.

  8. 4 months ago

    Hey, ESL, stop. Just stop.

  9. 4 months ago

    Damn this thread reads like some 200x forum post.
    Takes me back man.

  10. 4 months ago

    why are atheists so fragile?

  11. 4 months ago

    It's more like gnostic. The Emperor knows gods exist, it's just that he sees them as purely malicious forces. The Emperor wanted people to stop worshiping gods because he wanted to make humans a threat to the powers that be, and a life of simple moderation is the best way to accomplish that.

    • 4 months ago

      He knows exceptionally powerful psychic parasites exist. It's a matter of definition.

  12. 4 months ago

    The imperium believes that the Boneperor is a god, they don't really hide that.

    Furthermore, there is no such thing as Atheism in 40k.
    There's just the people who worship the tangible deities who are proven to exist, and Malal worshippers.

  13. 4 months ago

    No, the IoM is a straight-up theocracy based around the Emperor. Ironically, his ideals are almost entirely ignored in M41-era doctrine. This is the whole joke. Read a book or wiki sometimes.

  14. 4 months ago

    Kuso thread. Someone didn't grow past their edgy 12 yro phase it seems.

  15. 4 months ago

    for the most part only Astartes and Custodes still hold on to the Imperial Truth and even then its been somewhat twisted to include things the original Imperial Truth would frown upon, and sometimes you get the occasional rogue trader or inquisitor who also thinks the Imperial Truth is more likely but they are the exception for the most part

  16. 4 months ago

    The only interesting thing about 40k metaphysics are the 4 chaos gods. Everything else is just midwit babble with high amounts of ironycel.

  17. 4 months ago

    there no such a thing a atheism in society. it just cope and butthurt because they parent dont allowed then to play rpg and make butt sex.

  18. 4 months ago

    >actual r/atheism discourse in the year 2010+14
    Never change, /tg/

    • 4 months ago

      Every fricking thread I go on that discusses religion beyond DnD contract deities devolves into this shit, it's tiresome.

    • 4 months ago

      /tg/ is kinda stuck in 2014. It's nice.

  19. 4 months ago

    No, because that is a moronation thought up by a moron to begin with. The "imperial truth" is the delusion of a fedora-tipping idiot, and barely worth considering as a minor footnote in WH40k. And from an in-universe perspective it's utter and complete nonsense far and beyond anything in the real world.

  20. 4 months ago

    >Serious question does the imperious in a extensively nominal sense describe itself as atheist?
    No, they worship the god emperor

    You're moronic and confusing memes with actual fluff

  21. 3 months ago

    Your ability to be atheist in 40k is dependent directly on your proximity to Roboute Guilliman, since he shields you from complaint with primarch magic if you are his ally.


  22. 3 months ago

    Atheism is cringe as shit irl, 40k just reflects this

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