>40k game. >it's a bland turn based strategy game where you play as the ultramarines and fight Orks

>40k game
>it's a bland turn based strategy game where you play as the ultramarines and fight Orks

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Have you tried the very flavorful turn based strategy game about admechs fighting necrons?

    • 9 months ago

      yes, but a game like that is a dime a dozen with 40k games

      • 9 months ago

        I don't think you understand what a "dime a dozen" means

  2. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >its a platformer where you play as orks jumping on ultramarines

    • 9 months ago

      >40k game
      >it's a real time strategy game where you play as the blood ravens

      >no Gorkamorka game that's a mixture of Carmageddon, Crossout and My Summer Car

      I'd play and enjoy all of these.

  3. 9 months ago

    >>it's a bland turn based strategy game
    So it's like 40K?

  4. 9 months ago

    >Bland turn-based game
    What are you talking about? Ganker convinced me that Turn-based games are what people want are very popular again???

    • 9 months ago

      the issue isn't necessarily that they're turn based, it's just that it's derivative, a LOT of 40k games are turn based,l and all use the same factions

      • 9 months ago

        >a LOT of 40k games are turn based
        Weird. I mean its not like its based on a decades old table top game or anything.

    • 9 months ago

      they are, you should be used to seeing people get filtered

      • 9 months ago

        But if they're popular again why is it only BG3 that is popular and not all these other turn based games releasing this year? Something isn't adding up here?

        • 9 months ago

          Nobody plays BG3 for the gameplay

  5. 9 months ago

    >turn based
    Huh? Those are almost always NOT ultras, even rts uses different chapters or factions

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        It's chapters after the horus heresy

  6. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >Costs three times more than the next most expensive game based on a table top
    Good thing I play Battletech.

    • 9 months ago

      Why do the battletech minis have to be such garbage

      • 9 months ago

        Because you can use ANYTHING to rep what you want. That lighter in your back pocket? BAM! It's now an Atlas.

        • 9 months ago

          You can do that with every tabletop game.

        • 9 months ago

          you can do that with Warhammer

    • 9 months ago

      Because you can use ANYTHING to rep what you want. That lighter in your back pocket? BAM! It's now an Atlas.

      Shame that Battletech is so focused on humans.

      • 9 months ago

        Make up your own alien faction. The periphery is no man's land filled with legends and mystery. There could be anything out there.

  7. 9 months ago

    anything 40k / Warhammer / Games Workshop after 2013 is complete shit.
    all the lore / games / new stories they make now is infected by trannies.
    Many such cases.

    • 9 months ago

      Is Necromunda: Hired Gun any good lads?

      PS: That Space Wolf game is about to get delisted within a month so buy it soon if you want another TBS spess mahreen game

      >Wardwank gives way to Primaris shit

      • 9 months ago

        It's a polish game iirc.

      • 9 months ago

        It's ok but a bit janky and the enemy variety stinks. Fun for a playthrough, get it on sale

      • 9 months ago

        it's a great playthrough if you can get it for about $15

    • 9 months ago

      Blackrock owns 3% of gw or some shit

      • 9 months ago

        So little?

  8. 9 months ago

    name 3 games like that

  9. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >it's a real time strategy game where you play as the blood ravens

    • 9 months ago

      >no payday 40k where the blood ravens steal relics

  10. 9 months ago

    does the 40k lore books explore anything thats not space marines and co and is actually a good read?

    • 9 months ago

      There is literally hundreds, if not thousands of 40k books. Some are even pretty good
      Eisenhorn : inquisition

      Gaunts ghosts: IG
      Lords of Mars: admech
      Ciaphas cain: inquisition
      Night lord trilogy

      • 9 months ago

        thees all look like theyre about humans though which is what i was trying to imply. also these dudes look like nazis lmao

        • 9 months ago

          yes but unlike the nazis humans are not the good guys

        • 9 months ago

          Black library won't allow books from the perspective of any non human faction. The humans are worse than nazis in many respects, that's the allure of 40k. Every faction sucks, reality sucks, and your soul doesn't matter.

          • 9 months ago

            Is that a recent change or something? I remember stuff like Deff Squadron and books from Eldar/Dark Eldar perspectives.

            Bloodquest is still the most KINO thing that Black Library has ever published tho

          • 9 months ago

            seriously? that seems pretty lame. i honestly dont find the human and space marine factions appealing (never really enjoyed the power fantasy) but i enjoy all the monsters and stuff

          • 9 months ago

            >Every faction sucks
            Craftworld Eldar seem like okay guys for the most part.

          • 9 months ago

            There was a pretty popular necron book just a couple years back, don't be making up stuff

            The truth is though that marine wank sells so much better

      • 9 months ago

        >Night lord trilogy
        I know they're essentially a joke faction, but Night Lords are technically Space Marines

    • 9 months ago

      the Infinite and the Divine is a good necron book. here's a couple of my favorite 40k nerds discussing it.

    • 9 months ago

      Off the top of my head;
      >Necrons have The Infinite And The Divine, one of the more 'light-hearted' books, and the Twice Dead King duology. All of which are fairly good.
      >Tau have books about Farsight and Shadowsun. Mileage may vary.
      >Dark Eldar have the Path of the Dark Eldar series, supposedly the best series of xenos books
      >Orks have several books. The Ghazghkull Thraka book is a standout one for delving into Ork philosophy and culture.
      >Eldar have the Path of the Eldar series. Fairly divisive in terms of writing quality but does a decent job showing what life is like for Eldar. There's also the Phoenix Lord books for Asurmen and Jain Zar, which give some insight into the Eldar from before the fall. Avoid any Ynnari books.
      From my personal experience my favorites are The Infinite And The Divine and Jain Zar: The Storm of Silence.

    • 9 months ago

      The Last Church is pretty good because it takes place on Earth during an earlier period in history.

  11. 9 months ago

    I had a lot of fun playing Necrons in Dark Crusade. Is it true that they are unfathomably overpowered? I tried Guardsmen next and it was about as smooth until I started the mission where you need to destroy all enemy buildings without a base of your own, but that was mostly due to the fact that the Guard is complete dogshit without endgame research which yiu need buildings for.

  12. 9 months ago

    why aren't there any singleplayer first/third person rpgs's set in 40k? imagine playing as a rogue trader going around the galaxy doing shit, like starfield but good

    • 9 months ago

      Nah, closest you'll get is W40K Inquisitor Martyr which is a top-down ARPG with minimal choices. Owlcat(?) are also making a Rogue Trader RPG which is coming out at some point in the near future but again it'll be from a top-down perspective.

      • 9 months ago

        aren't there enough money in the 40k ip to justify making a AAA rpg?

        • 9 months ago

          its the reverse, plastic toys have too high of a profit margin to waste money on games. And if they make the games TOO good people will stop buying plastic, is what they think.

          • 9 months ago

            3d printers finna cap gw's bag tho. like the ops going dippy on the supply chain

          • 9 months ago


            I liked the Assault Squad 2 mod but half of the factions are broken because they get access to every unit at the start of the game, whereas normally better units only unlock after a certain amount of time has passed. For example your only meant to have basic infantry for the first couple of minutes, then light armor etc. But the unfinished factions just let you spawn end game units at the start which means you get raped if you aren't also playing as an unfinished faction.

            You're going about it the wrong way, Games Workshop will lease their IP to basically anyone because it's free money. Studios that can afford to produce a mega-AAA game don't want all the copyright frickery and control that GW demands, so only poorgay studios make W40K games. This is why they're basically all mobile games or TBS games

            >copyright frickery and control that GW demands
            im guessing making an rpg where you can make all kinds of choices(that maybe aren't lore-accurate or whatever) isn't so appealing to them?

            • 9 months ago

              It's more that they demand a substantial cut of the proceeds, plus a licensing fee, plus they have final approval over everything in your game. So if you wanted to make an RPG you'd basically need to pay for the license, lose money from every sale AND would need to have every quest / character checked by some fat grog who works at GW. If you're a small studio this makes sense because you're getting to use a pre-existing setting with tons of lore and a large fanbase that will buy your game, but if you're a successful studio why not just make your own IP at that point? You'll have much more creative control, don't need to pay fees & royalties AND GW can't force you to delist the game at some point in the future.

              Seriously GW have delisted around half of their games at this point in time. They are exceedingly anal about their IP.

              • 9 months ago

                very interesting i did not know this, but why are they so anal about it?

              • 9 months ago

                There's not a real reason behind it, they just always have been. They're the Disney or Nintendo of table top wargaming. They rebranded every faction in W40K around a decade ago because it turns out terms like "Imperial Guard" and "The Eldar" weren't specific enough to hold up in copyright court, so other companies could make knock-offs and they seethed.

                It's ironic because they started out as a fairly generic company that produced stuff based on other IPs (e.g. the Judge Dredd system they made) and their in-house magazine used to mention other products. But over time they tightened the reigns more and more until even showing their high level model painters using non-GW paints was verboten. Anyway the point is that working with GW is only appealing to smaller studios unless the studio in question is already composed of heavy GW fans (like Relic back in the DoW 1 days, also why Eldar were OP for a while because many of the devs were Eldar players).

                Consider that Creative Assembly have made BILLIONS off Total Warhammer and the recent investor reports they've produced have basically said that working with GW is a pain in the ass, so the chances of a TW: W40K or TW: Age of Sigmar are lower than you might expect. Maybe they'll be forced to reconsider when Hyenas is a total flop but I'd imagine they'll try Medieval 3 or Empire 2 first.

              • 9 months ago

                aren't models getting more and more expensive as well? sounds that GW are painting themselves into a corner with this attitude

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah but they've always been one of the best performing companies on the UK stock market and honestly most of the fanbase are unironic paypiggies. Every time the price of something goes up the discussion inevitably goes through the following cycle
                >Man this price rise is BULLSHIT
                >Yeah bro but like..... mountain bikes and videogames are also expensive bro.......... imagine all the fun you can get with just a basic army man....................... its like still way cheaper than most hobbies......................
                >But I'm getting LESS models for MORE money this fricking SUCKS
                >Bro ok bro like............................ just buy models second hand bro..................................... you can always just split a starter set bro......................................... this hobby is still a really good value bro.....................................................
                Anyway they'll keep raising the price at a steady rate above inflation until they accidently go too far and then they'll have figured out where the line is. But honestly there's a lot of churn in the fanbase anyway so for every grog who ragequits due to pricing or balancing issues there's some zoomer who bought a W40K videogame and wants to buy some spessmahreens for their IKEA Billy bookcase.

              • 9 months ago

                so the gist is that the hobby is going to hell and that the real og's are being replaced by morons who aren't as passionate but with more money to spend?

              • 9 months ago

                The gist is that GW has been up and down for a while now, with a really rough period around the early to mid 2010's. That's not to say you didn't have dumbshit happening before then (see: almost everything written by Matt Ward) but generally they've been doing one good thing and one bad thing for a while. They nuked Fantasy but tried to give it a good send-off and then allowed CA to make the ultimate fantasy game, they've kept the IP shenanigans but have been actually successful in growing their videogame and book divisions, they've introduced some cool factions into W40K (e.g. Genestealer Cults, Ad Mech) but replaced all space marines with Primaris equivalents etc.

                It's hit or miss but regardless the hobby continues to become more mainstream with all of the consequences that entails. Generally I find the modern fanbase to be shit but arguably it always was. I mean it used to be that stores were 33% bitter social rejects, 33% literal children and 33% relatively normal nerds. But if you want to buy models then yeah it costs more now and like every nerd hobby it's got some culture war bullshit attached to it

    • 9 months ago

      the setting exists purely to sell models and have perpetual war, not rpg homosexualry.

  13. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >it actually has a decent waifu

    • 9 months ago

      >is the property of a flyman for eternity
      nice waifu

  14. 9 months ago

    >main character thinks chaos is behind it
    >chaos was behind it all the other times
    >no one believes main character

  15. 9 months ago

    What are some good Warhammer conversion mods for non-Warhammer games? The ones I've played so far and can recommend are
    >Unification wars for HOI4
    >Warsword Conquest for M&B Warband

    • 9 months ago

      the 40k mods for men of war are neat

    • 9 months ago

      the 40k mods for men of war are neat

      I liked the Assault Squad 2 mod but half of the factions are broken because they get access to every unit at the start of the game, whereas normally better units only unlock after a certain amount of time has passed. For example your only meant to have basic infantry for the first couple of minutes, then light armor etc. But the unfinished factions just let you spawn end game units at the start which means you get raped if you aren't also playing as an unfinished faction.

      aren't there enough money in the 40k ip to justify making a AAA rpg?

      You're going about it the wrong way, Games Workshop will lease their IP to basically anyone because it's free money. Studios that can afford to produce a mega-AAA game don't want all the copyright frickery and control that GW demands, so only poorgay studios make W40K games. This is why they're basically all mobile games or TBS games

  16. 9 months ago


    >incredibly huge universe with literally thousands of books, videogames etc and infinity of uncovered potential
    >Not a single good immersive videogame
    HOW is that possble?

  17. 9 months ago

    alright homosexuals, name your ideal 40k video game that you want

    • 9 months ago

      a third/first person rpg where you play as anything but a space marine and doesn't even feature them

    • 9 months ago

      4-man co-op Inquisition game akin to Republic Commando or SWAT 4 where you break into heretics' hideouts, execute them, and get to the bottom of a Tzeentch plot.

    • 9 months ago

      a game with hot sisters of battle where you burn slaaneshi trannies

    • 9 months ago

      rogue trader but it's the inquisition tabletop RPG instead

      • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Point and Click where you play as Ahriman trying to get into the Black Library.

    • 9 months ago

      Ork loota shoota

    • 9 months ago

      Men of War 40k with all of its ridiculous scale

    • 9 months ago

      Arbites game in a hive city ala Republic Commando
      Start off fighting gangers and underhivers, move onto a small chaos cult before ending up taking on a genestealer cult.

    • 9 months ago

      Ultrakill clone where you play as a dark eldar who got fricked over and ended up alone on a hostile imperial hive world undergoing problems with orks and genestealers. Your goal is to survive through the crossfire of the inquisition/guard and the xenos and get the frick out of there before they hit the exterminatus button.

    • 9 months ago

      Total Warhammer 40k
      I don't care if you think it won't work, I still want it

      • 9 months ago

        People who think it wouldn't work are brainlets, there are already other 4x games set in space.

    • 9 months ago

      DMC style action game where you play an eldar autarch, you unlock the different aspect shrines wargear and weapons as you progress through the game.

    • 9 months ago

      Is Joytoy ever gonna release Emperor's figurine?

    • 9 months ago

      First person shooter on a completely moronic scale with millions of units where you play as a guardsman on some god-forsaken planet. When you inevitably die you just respawn as some other mook on the frontline, or you can choose to play as a tanker, artilleryman, flyer or whatever.
      Your individual actions will have little to no impact on the outcome of the battle, unless you happen to score some lucky hit at some point.
      There is no campaign, stats or unlocks, just endless grind. One map can last for anything between hours and actual real life years. Possibly the battle will progress even when you're not playing the game. There might be multiplayer where everyone else is just a faceless grunt.
      Sometimes there are space marines, sometimes not. If things get to fricky, you might just get exterminatus'd.
      There's no fun, there's no achievement. There is only war.

    • 9 months ago

      A game where I can play as a chaos warband of my choice going around the galaxy killin, lootin, spreading plagues/mutation/corruption/daemons, enslavin etc. I dont want some linear shit either, I go where I please, as I please

    • 9 months ago

      Sniper Elite game where you play as an Eldar Ranger influencing an ongoing war between the Imperium and the Tau. Each side has a web of characters like Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis System, with (You) being able to track and influence their status via influencing the battles they're in, or by stealing or delivering things which might implicate them.
      You can either play things quietly, being stealthy and careful with neither side knowing you're there, or go loud in which case they both start to take precautions ranging from heavier patrols, more protection for leaders, or outright counter-agents trying to track you down.
      As the game goes on both sides start breaking out larger and larger weaponry, with the environment growing more and more destroyed until it's fields of ruins. The final mission would be to decide which side wins the war by infiltrating and sabotaging either a Titan or a Manta during the deciding battle of the war.

    • 9 months ago

      You play as a Thunder Warrior going on a globe-trotting adventure subjugating all of Earth in one of the greatest war spectacles of all time.
      >Mad Max adventure in Australia killing Narthan Dume
      >Far Cry adventure in Indonesia hunting Cardinal Tang
      >CoD adventure going after Uilleam the Red in England
      >FEAR adventure in Russia trying to deal with Kalagann and his psykers
      >beating the absolute shit out of North Africans and enslaving them (this creates journalism drama)
      >go to the fricking Moon and conquer that
      >only time you get to see The Emperor is when you're sent to burn down the Church of the Lightning Stone

      >game is all about being an over-the-top badass
      >however, as you progress through the story, your brothers-in-arms just randomly die
      >one of them won't stop vomiting blood and just collapses in a firefight
      >another one roids out and has to be put down
      >one chapter has your entire squad, except you, just spontaneously fricking die

      >groups of Thunder Warriors realize they've been programmed for death
      >join the group that tries to siege the Palace, end up being a sole survivor
      >forced to find a place to escape, hear word of a haven called Mt. Ararat
      >forced to evade Astartes that have been ordered to hunt down the Thunder Warriors (you)
      >get delayed too long by the VIII and XV Legions, arrive to the "haven" late
      >witness the Custodes executing Thunder Warriors
      >flee once more to try and find safety off-world
      >every single living friend you have is horribly disfigured, just the ugliest, most pathetic sacks of shit
      >your best friend from the start starts hemorrhaging, dying your arms
      >everyone aboard promises that you will not just survive, but thrive, and one day, you will all see your father pay for his wickedness and betrayal

      • 9 months ago

        Thunder warriors weren't programmed to die, so much as the Emperor knew the method he used to create them was flawed due to the resources he had available to him. It's not like the astartes got out of that particular pitfall either. The plan was always unite humanity, get them back on track to subjugating the galaxy, then step aside, and let them rule themselves. Were it not for the age of strife Big E would never have revealed himself and taken the reins directly. Plan A was always guide humanity from the shadows. But the setting being what it is, Murphy's law is in full effect.

        • 9 months ago

          I know. I should have typed "groups of Thunder Warriors come to the conclusion they've been programmed for death," to avoid confusion. I still believe a Thunder Warriors game where most players would be as equally uninformed about what is malfunctioning with the TW's genetic code would lead to a better plot and pathos, however.

          • 9 months ago

            That would work, hell that's the main reason Horus and all the other traitors turned, they thought Emps was gonna do to them what they thought he did to the thunder warriors. He kind of was, once the great Crusade was completed he was going to give the primarchs and their legions a choice:Join me in fading into the background and shepherding humanity from the shadows, or die.

            • 9 months ago

              He was never gonna do a full TW style purge of marines, if he was he wouldn't have wasted effort making marines much more stable and long lived, even at the cost at of their combat potential.

              • 9 months ago

                I know, and I said that. But that's what Horus and the traitors did not know, that he wasn't just going to get rid of them once they'd conquered the galaxy for them. He was going to give them a choice, and he would only kill the ones that wouldn't give up the power he gave them. As for them being more stable and longer lived, that would have been a necessity due to the sheer scale involved in the great crusade.

              • 9 months ago

                The plan was to have a controlled civil war to reduce the number of Astartes and then draw down on production of such warriors.

        • 9 months ago

          Earth in general was turbo fricked when big E stepped forwards, thunder warriors may have had unstable enhancements but you still tripled your life expectancy joining his team instead of another techno-barbarian warlord.

          • 9 months ago

            Oh no doubt tinder warrior candidates were probably fricked either way. So why not take the option that turns you into a superhuman badass so you can use what time you have left to fight for the one guy that seems to have an answer for, and then what?

    • 9 months ago

      what eternal crusade was meant to be.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          I feel like the imperium wouldn't care about guys. Oh you want to bugger the same sex? Whatever, just make sure to report to the nearest administrator sanctioned fertility clinic so they can suck out your eggs/sperm and give them to someone that will actually make use of them. This is mandatory by the way, failure to comply will result in conversion to a breeding servitor.

          • 9 months ago

            There's gay characters in some of the books, and yes, imperium doesn't give a frick

    • 9 months ago

      You play as a random farm buff guy in a feudal planet fighting increasingly corrupted things while the planet gets fricked by demons.
      There is very few high tech stuff until the end of the game when you get recruited by random Space Marine chapter.
      The game gets released just as a random Doom-esque game so this ending is a surprise for most players.

      • 9 months ago

        >you play as an initiate for the Dark Angels
        >if you lose, you get assraped by daemons
        >if you win, you are gay
        Also you play as the most homoerotic man in all of existence and there are gratuitous male bathing scenes, with everyone also being extremely muscular and having amazing genitals and beards. Everyone is also covered in oil

        • 9 months ago

          >Space Marines

          • 9 months ago

            No one will have an erection because it won't be a porno. They will just have big, fat, dangly male bits and all of the directing shots will be implications of homosexual activity. But, no one is actually taking it up the ass. Except by futa daemons.

            • 9 months ago

              Space Marines don't have dicks. Except the Space Wolves.
              Your homolust is blinding you.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't recall any lore stating space marines don't have dicks. Just that they are sterile and have no sex drive. Thus is by design because the Emperor didn't want them reproducing and supplanting baseline humanity.

              • 9 months ago

                Mersadie Oliton observes Loken nude in Horus Rising and described him as "big in every way a man can be". I think it more likely they do have dicks but just can't get hard.

              • 9 months ago

                They undergo hypnotic suggestion and chemical sterilization to completely remove sexual urges, but their wieners absolutely are not cut off. So yes, Space Marines have dicks, they just don't work for the purposes of sex.

    • 9 months ago

      Gorkamorka, plays like an ultraviolet bully but with kart racing.

    • 9 months ago

      A first person shooter in the vein of Battlefield/Battlefront. Go all in on gore, mass devastation, human wave tactics. 40k books have a way of describing the chaotic blood orgy that is 40k warfare and I want to see that in game form.

      • 9 months ago

        >40k have a way of describing blood orgies

        I forget the exact name of it, but in one of the newer "START HERE!" story collections there's a story about a group of imperial guards in some sewers, they take out some cultists, you get to know them, their objective, their names, it's all slow buildup

        and then a single chaos space marine comes around the corner of the sewer, tanks their lasgun shots, and rips most of them apart with a chain sword in literally half a page

        • 9 months ago

          The scene I'm thinking about is in one of the Gaunt's Ghosts books where a new IG recruit is dropped, fresh out of boot camp, into a fortress assault on a Chaos world to be part of a literal human wave.

          • 9 months ago

            Gaunt's Ghosts book 10 Armour of Contempt is the name. I don't remember there being chaos marines in the sewers although a lot of the recruits died

            • 9 months ago

              No, the sewer scene must be a different book. There was a moment where the traumatized trooper almost gets whipped by the commissar and he has the realization that if the bastard does it, he'll kill him and hang the consequences. Thought that was a neat detail.

              • 9 months ago

                NTA but I think I know the chapter you're talking about, although annoyingly enough I can't remember the name of the book. Isn't that the one where the world is basically stuck in WW1-tier tech and so having individual com links on each trooper is seen as sci-fi tech? I think the conscripts he's with are all also meant to be literal teenagers and he's the only one with even a rudimentary understanding of squad tactics hence why they're not willing to let him get executed.

                I keep thinking it's Fifteen Hours but I know that's wrong as the enemies are Orks.

              • 9 months ago

                Nah, it's the one on an already overrun chaos world, WWI world was a few books back. The commissar didn't whip him because he saw that the kid would kill him if he did.

              • 9 months ago

                You could be thinking of traitor general but I have only read up to book 11 so it could be one of the later books

              • 9 months ago

                Same planet from Traitor General, only they came back with an invasion force. Gereon?

              • 9 months ago

                thats armor of contempt where they go back to geron with the kid being a part of the main attack while gaunt and others go to find the resistance

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah. That whole war sequence would be crazy to play in a video game, if it were accurately portrayed.

    • 9 months ago

      Chaos Gate - but featuring more factions and campaigns.

    • 9 months ago

      Action adventure RPG where you play as a chaos champion on your way to daemonhood. Different abilities, progression paths and endings depending on which chaos god you decide to serve with an ability to go Undivided and with a super secret path of siding with Malal

      • 9 months ago

        This would be neat. Dodging space marine, inquisition, and assassinorum kill teams as you grow in power and terrorize the galaxy.

        • 9 months ago

          The final bossfight would be a single(1) Custodes

          • 9 months ago

            An unwinnable boss fight could be cool. I'd really like to see a Blood Angel game where the final boss is The Archtraitor Horus.

    • 9 months ago

      Mad dok surgeon simulator.

    • 9 months ago

      Commandos like game but with an officio assassinorum execution force
      Chaos Gate already kind of tried this with a recent DLC, but that's turn based, and not like Commandos

    • 9 months ago

      4x game like stellaris or endless space. In depth tech-trees and government/leader system like Old World. Space combat with zoom in land combat during invasions.

    • 9 months ago

      I want a clone of Planetside 2. With it being a 3-way clusterfrick of Guard/Orcs/Cultists/Whatever the frick GW want for promoting whatever minis they are trying to sell at the time.

      Just imagine the absolute ChaosFUN it would be.

      >Get to experience first person human wave tactics of guardsmen with artillery blasting away
      >Orkz driving around in their trukks. Include proximity voice chat to have 100 based autists screaming WAAAAGH as they push a territory
      >Sneaky shit that could be done by Genestealer cultists / Tyranids
      >Could have mechshit and gunlines with Tau to finally get a proper Fire warrior experience

      Seriously, how has GW not realized how much they could capitalize on something like this. and how kino it could be if done right

      • 9 months ago

        This honestly sounds like it'd be amazing. And different factions with different gameplay and advantages sounds great too. If there was something I learned from that Finals beta weekend was that I'll never play a competitive shooter again that ain't a 3-team free for all.
        Rotating which three factions are available every day (new galactic battlefront/RNG planet biome) could be a way to force player to test different stuff and not bandwagon onto the same faction every time...?

      • 9 months ago

        This honestly sounds like it'd be amazing. And different factions with different gameplay and advantages sounds great too. If there was something I learned from that Finals beta weekend was that I'll never play a competitive shooter again that ain't a 3-team free for all.
        Rotating which three factions are available every day (new galactic battlefront/RNG planet biome) could be a way to force player to test different stuff and not bandwagon onto the same faction every time...?

        This is a legit great idea. I played the original Planetside and its a pity that it took PS2 so long to even get CLOSE to the greatness of the original. Also people will forget that the greatest thing about the original was that it was a subscription title - PS2 on the other hand was F2P but had all the cosmetics to buy and items to grind to unlock variants etc..which was annoying. PS1 had a great system for progression and I've love to see A 40K version of it.

    • 9 months ago

      Space Marine vidya combined with Dawn of War Soulstorm + every faction with subfactions added, + some nice racing and aircraft combat

      a specific star system has something valuable and every single faction wants it here subfactions fortunately don't wage the war on each other with the exception of genestealer route having an ability to rebel against the hiveship and choas undivided having self ego or word bearer path,
      your mission is to purge every single other faction of the system with building of your own outposts with troops to command but still have to do some manual work yourself,
      playable factions are:
      with a choice of Imperial Guard Gland Warrior cyborg, Space Marine Captine NOT ULTRAMARINES, I would give Blood Angels successor chapter, Sisters of Battle or Inqusition with a choice of either Deathwatch or Grey Knights,
      with choices of devoutie to each god or Undivided gay that can choose to either be his own god or be essentially a Word Bearer https://youtu.be/vbSHzQqA1NU
      corruption path offered as well in infiltrating the Guard/Space Marines
      straighforward but choosing a Klan gives perks of the Klan
      Pharaoh of minor dynasty that can go vanilla Necron, Destroyer virus, Flayer succumbtion or weirdo heretics worshipping the C'tan, you get to choose a single C'tan at the start,
      >Craftworld Eldar
      what knife eared buttholes do, choice of playability with either warrior and it's shrine or a seer
      what deldar offer, either kabal, wych cult or haemoncula weirdo
      a choice between normal shitters or Farsight Enclave
      simple, consume everything and choose a bioform to command with
      >Genestealer Cult
      corruption style gameplay taken to maximum,

    • 9 months ago

      Noir type of game where you play as an inquistor or a judge dredd type of game as you play as an Arbites. I want anything but fricking space marines at this point

    • 9 months ago

      Dying Light zombie mode, but singleplayer and you play as a new kind of Tyranid.

      • 9 months ago

        Isn't there already a tyranid type that's designed to infiltrate, terrorize, and generally destabilize the command structure of a civilization? Lictors or something?

        • 9 months ago

          I think so, but they are more total stealth (think Splinter Cell), but I'm talking more about predator stealth (Dishonored)

          • 9 months ago

            No, just read up on them and they're predatory as frick.


            Nah, lictors are scouts. Sent to sow terror and lead the hive to new prey.

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              >Local heroix Tyranid saves bumbling Eldar who fell from tree

    • 9 months ago

      A fps game like battlefront where you play as a guardsman during the sabbat worlds crusade or on vraks

    • 9 months ago

      Nice Try Focus Entertainment. I'm not giving you free consultation

    • 9 months ago

      Horror game in the style of Dead Space, only you're a tech priest/marine on a ship in warp transit. Then the gellar field starts failing and you have to fix it before it fails completely.

    • 9 months ago

      A Ork game that's a blend of Battalion Wars and Pikmin. Send in the boys to stomp the opposition and then bring back loot and scrap to construct better weapons and vehicles. The story is your space ship had some warp frickery whilst on route to participate in one of many Ghazghkull Thraka's wars. The planet you landed on is a hellhole with multiple factions fighting, conveniently that includes Orks who you can krump to side with you. search the war torn world to steal fancy bits from enemy strongholds, maintain food supplies and locate lost mekboys and nobs. As you progress through the game your shitty outpost grows into a launch pad.

      • 9 months ago

        This sounds like it's a great idea that would end up middling. Kind of like the Overlord games. You'd run into the issue of how detailed do you make it vs how much orks do you want on screen, and the artstyle is decided by this

    • 9 months ago

      ork rpg

      • 9 months ago

        You only have 2 character stats

      • 9 months ago

        Time for a pacifist run. Starring a braindamaged ork who doesn't like fighting.

    • 9 months ago

      admech colony builder or advance war style game with all the factions.

      • 9 months ago

        An advance wars style game is such a fricking easy slam dunk I'm suprised it hasn't been done before, the game mechanics are pretty simple

        I guess the problem is finding a good artstyle, super realism probably doesn't work, but honestly just ape old old pen art and color it, cell shading will work if there's enough grittiness to the outlines and it will keep it from just aping plastic minis, which imo always looks bad

    • 9 months ago

      Rogue Trader, but with only xeno and adhuman companions.

    • 9 months ago

      Dynasty Warriors: Horus Heresy
      Or really any particular event(s) in the setting

      • 9 months ago

        >Dropsite Massacre mission as loyalists
        Is there even any way to win that one without just fricking off from the system immediately?

        • 9 months ago

          >Not making the player a traitor and have him slaughter loyalist
          >the comms filled with panic, pleads for you to stop and swears

    • 9 months ago

      Mario Kart/F-Zero with Ork speedfreak vehicles.

      • 9 months ago

        isn't there an ork game being made that's kinda like twisted metal

        • 9 months ago

          Speed freaks

    • 9 months ago

      What's up with his left hand?

      • 9 months ago

        It's a lightning claw.
        It's similar to the one Horus wore.

        • 9 months ago

          Looks like some demonic shit

          • 9 months ago

            It's supposed to look like an eagles talon but that artist borked it a bit

            Why does he feel the need to use a sword AND a claw that limits his ability to use normal weapons?

            Lightning claws used to just be juiced up power fists so it had wacky anti armor functionality
            I suppose the sword would be his general go to weapon, but if the enemies armor is too much he'd give them the claw
            Dunno what their current purpose is

        • 9 months ago

          Why does he feel the need to use a sword AND a claw that limits his ability to use normal weapons?

          • 9 months ago

            the claw has a gun on it plus he's a 15 foot tall superman he does what he wants

    • 9 months ago

      Call of Duty 40000

    • 9 months ago

      Xcim but set on a random civilized world that hasn't had to deal with the War in a long ass time, usually just sends men with the tithe and don't think about it
      Then a dark eldar cabal decides your planet's blood would look just lovely outside of the inhabitants' skin
      Start out with their various mutant toys, you're the pdf and all the actual las weapons and guard are tied up guarding the PG, so you're basically on your own equipment wise until you capture/develop your own, or maybe a rogue trader is nearby and is willing to give you Emperor approved weapons in exchange for taking all that xenos tech off your hands
      For a reasonable price, of course

    • 9 months ago

      A Panzer Corps like game based on the Armageddon that doesn't devolve into tank spam.

    • 9 months ago

      reposting for the 3rd time
      white scars game
      you roam around a post war torn deadworld with your sidecar and tech priest gf because she has the means to contact your lost chapter
      you can leave her at your base of operations and use different vehicles too like the bike, land speeder, and eventually you have enough servitors to help you pilot tanks
      you fight remnant ork forces who have now split up and formed smaller factions, you stumble across imperial guard remnants who have now sided with the chaos cult
      gameplay is like Max Max (2015), Last of Us, and Days Gone
      story evolves to something sinister, your tech priest discovers an artifact of unknown origin, eventually you make contact with your chapter, they show up as well as the machine cult,
      but it turns out the artifact is very heretical, and she is sentenced to death, you save her and fight the machine cult, as well betray your battle brothers, and plot twist
      the alpha legion show up shortly after
      and you were an alpha legion soldier the whole time, and you are to bring the alpha legion the artifact and your former tech priest companion for indoctrination

      • 9 months ago

        trouble in terrorist town but with space marines

    • 9 months ago

      Dissidia clone

  18. 9 months ago

    Every warhammer game I tried just reinforced my idea that Dawn Of War is the only game that got it right

  19. 9 months ago

    >no Gorkamorka game that's a mixture of Carmageddon, Crossout and My Summer Car

  20. 9 months ago

    Could a stealth game work in the 40k setting

    • 9 months ago

      of course, imagine a dishonored/thief style game where you sneak around an a hiveworld that starts with you doing heists on the lower levels and ending with you on the top of the hive stealing some shit from the planetary governor

      • 9 months ago

        But how would you justify not killing every single person or guard?

        • 9 months ago

          That's the neat part, you don't.

          • 9 months ago

            Then it's not a stealth game.

            • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                >Killing everyone you come across
                >Stealth game
                Sounds like you just want "Play your own way" Ubisoft garbage

              • 9 months ago

                Stealth does not mean not killing people, and it never has.

              • 9 months ago

                Good stealth games actively discourages killing enemies and sometimes give a mission failure for doing so. Again, sounds like you just want ubislop where you play stealth, get caught and go full guns blazing

              • 9 months ago

                >try to do anything but hide in the shadows like a little cuck
                >mission failed
                Good thing that you don't make games

              • 9 months ago

                >Play stealth game
                >Want to do anything but remain hidden
                moron. Stick to your ubislop

                >Good stealth games actively discourages killing enemies and sometimes give a mission failure for doing so
                No. That's how you make quickload simulators.
                And I know you don't understand this, because you're stupid, but it is possible to kill people stealthily.

                Yes. Every single good stealth game encourages you to avoid or knockout enemies (even if knocking out is no different from killing them). morons like you and the other homosexual is why the genre died and got absorbed into open-world shit

              • 9 months ago

                You're obsessed with ubisoft. You keep bringing it up and whinging about it when it has no relevance to what I'm talking about. Stop acting like a little b***h for once in your life.

              • 9 months ago

                I am bringing up Ubisoft because they treat stealth games the same way you do
                >Stealth around the level, killing enemies
                >Gets spotted
                >Frick it, kill everyone
                You need only look at Splinter Cell to see what happens to stealth games when it caters to morons like you and that other guy

              • 9 months ago

                Except that's not what I'm saying and it never was, you whiny little moron.
                Once again, I know you're too stupid and Ubisoft obsessed to understand this concept, but it is possible to kill people without breaking stealth.

              • 9 months ago

                No shit moron, why are you so fricking dumb? Splinter Cell is proof enough that morons like you have no business playing stealth games if you just want to kill everyone.

              • 9 months ago

                >No shit moron
                Yet this entire time you've been crying about muh ebil oobeysoft and insisting I just want to run and gun without stealth.
                I think your obsession has affected your ability to think rationally.

              • 9 months ago

                Serious question, are just being obtuse on purpose or are you actually this moronic?

              • 9 months ago

                I was going to ask you the same, but I already know you're just moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                Guess it's the latter. Once again, please go play the Splinter Cell games. You will see a clear shift in game design when the series went from being a traditional stealth game to a lame TPS with optional stealth.

              • 9 months ago

                And once again, I already know you're just moronic, because you STILL just keep going on about how killing means no stealth.

              • 9 months ago

                moron-sama. My point, from the very beginning, is that when stealth games don't punish or dissuade the player from killing people, they almost always end up being shit that pleases no one. The one exception I can think of is Mark of the Ninja, where it made killing at least somewhat interesting with the Fear mechanic and still allowed for ghosting.

              • 9 months ago

                You know what game didn't punish or dissuade you from killing people? Splinter Cell. The early ones, which you described as being "a traditional stealth game"

              • 9 months ago

                Killing enemies affected your end of round %, moron-sama

              • 9 months ago

                Oh, the number that did literally nothing?

              • 9 months ago

                >"Early Splinter Cell games didn't punish or dissuade for killing enemies"
                >"Yes it did"
                >"T-t-the score didn't matter"
                Keep moving those goalposts moron-sama. When Splinter Cell was a traditional stealth game you were penalised for killing enemies, and once it turned into that cover-shooter garbage it gave you points for killing enemies.

              • 9 months ago

                No, anon, a rating that does nothing regardless of how high or low it is is not a dissuasion from killing.
                Also, more importantly, that meaningless rating was only added in Chaos Theory. Splinter Cell and Pandora Tomorrow did not have it, and thus even if you think it did punish or dissuade you from killing, the complete lack of it in the first two games means they did not punish or dissuade killing.
                I know you were desperate to look for any excuse to pull that old "moving goalposts" card for the "win" but you're flat out wrong.

              • 9 months ago

                And Chaos Theory is considered the peak of the series for a reason, because it actually encouraged you to use stealth and avoid enemies, not kill them. If you can't see how the entire game design of SC changed after they went from deducting points for killing to rewarding you points for killing, then you're beyond help.

              • 9 months ago

                >And Chaos Theory is considered the peak of the series for a reason
                Mostly because it had the best game mechanics, the best missions, the most freedom in how to tackle objectives, and eliminated a lot of the pointless, arbitrary bullshit, like "unhidden" bodies automatically triggering alarms at set points in the mission and the three alarm limit, as well as much better enemy AI that didn't automatically know exactly where you were at all times during an alert.
                >n-no it was because of the pointless rating system
                Please have a nice day.
                >If you can't see how the entire game design of SC changed after they went from deducting points for killing to rewarding you points for killing, then you're beyond help.
                Except, as mentioned previously, the first two games did not have it. Your point has been moot this entire time and you're too stupid to realize it.

              • 9 months ago

                >Mostly because it had the best game mechanics, the best missions, the most freedom in how to tackle objectives
                Exactly, the peak of the series is the one that punished you for killing enemies.
                >Please have a nice day.
                Nah, I am objectively right and you are objectively wrong
                >Except, as mentioned previously, the first two games did not have it. Your point has been moot this entire time and you're too stupid to realize it.
                Wow, it's almost like the games got better. Which is why you never see people getting nostalgic over SC1 and PT. The fact of the matter is this, stealth games are objectively better when you're punished for slitting everyone's throat and rewarded for avoiding enemies and using tools or the environment to distract them.

              • 9 months ago

                >The fact of the matter is this, stealth games are objectively better when you're punished for slitting everyone's throat
                One of the the reasons that Chaos Theory is considered better than the previous entries is specifically because it makes it easier to just slit everyone's throat if you want to play that way, with the addition of the knife and the ability to customize your loadout between a lethal, nonlethal, and balanced equipment set. It's honestly quite impressive how you're still finding ways to be wrong.

              • 9 months ago

                And going with the Assault loadout gimped you out far more useful equipment and once again, tanked your score for killing enemies

              • 9 months ago

                That's your opinion, and not relevant besides.
                The option to do it is what people liked.

              • 9 months ago

                Just admit you know shit moron

              • 9 months ago

                >Good stealth games actively discourages killing enemies and sometimes give a mission failure for doing so
                No. That's how you make quickload simulators.
                And I know you don't understand this, because you're stupid, but it is possible to kill people stealthily.

  21. 9 months ago

    Gladius is the only good 40k game we've gotten in a long time.

  22. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >it's a rhythm game where you are a White Scar performing Mongolian throat singing.

  23. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >you play as a spacetroony
    fricking boring, i don't want to play as the NPC faction.

  24. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >You play as Marines

  25. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >its another ultramarines wankfest

  26. 9 months ago

    Planetside 40k is the ultimate form/logical conclusion for video games using the setting. Too bad eternal crusade was shit and probably killed the chances for something like it ever happening. Not counting far into the future, but by that point there will be female marines. Honestly I can barely fricking handle this bullshit anymore, they really kicked it into overdrive with the Warhammer is for everyone garbage, under no circumstances should you give those homosexuals at GW a single fricking penny. Buy a 3D printer and hit em where it hurts

  27. 9 months ago

    >ork princess make
    >tyranid sporelike
    >necron factorio
    >tau papers please

    So much potential and noone goes for it

  28. 9 months ago

    The Smurfs are pretty based.
    I don't care what you guys say.

  29. 9 months ago

    My dream 40k game is a survival RPG where a single marine survives a death planet by himself.
    A failed mission made him the last standing marine and he needs to complete his suicidal objective cut off from all support.
    He needs to scavenge supplies from dead Marines (most of heir equipment is broken)

    Stealth is a huge part. You can't fight a squad of orks unless you're properly equipped (you start the game basically naked with only a knife)
    You need to eat and sleep. It's a huge journey for this single marine who needs to explore his surroundings and rely on his instincts.

    I want this game solely because space marines have a lot of small abilities that are never explored because every game ignores them as nothing more than storm troopers.
    Space marines can digest inedible material, force their body into hibernation, use 3 lungs. I want to explore that.

    • 9 months ago

      They also have a gland that can make their saliva poisonous or acidic to the point it can dissolve metal. The funny part is that your space marine would most likely have to be an Ultramarine because lorewise many other chapters have geneseed flaws that disable or mutate some of those special augmentations.

  30. 9 months ago

    This. Where is the Repentia punishing simulator? You're leaving money on the table GW!

  31. 9 months ago

    >hack and slash
    >space hulk looter shooter
    Why is it almost always RTS when there are so many ways to make a game? The potential is there.

  32. 9 months ago

    Some turn based games are pretty good - its a pity that the Total War Warhammer titles weren't 40K but still. There are plenty of others Dawn of War series is pretty damn good, hell Mechanicum and Chaos Gate Daemonhunters (especially the latter) are well done XCOM style titles. SPESS MARINE was a fun third person shooter for its day and is getting a sequel. Boltgun is apparently an excellent boomer shooter. Darktide was unfortunately fricked up on monetization but the idea is sound if it was even as good as Vermintide 2 it would be much better.

  33. 9 months ago

    How about a game where you play as a Perpetual? That would give plenty of potential for not only avoiding death, but being involved in lots of different stuff for ages. There can also be time/reality frickery to deal with canon breaking issues and the like

    There are other potential games as well. How about an Inquisitor game with the depth of Disco Elysium at minimum? You can go around investigating shit as you please, starting from a low ranking dude in another's retinue, then becoming an Interrogator, and eventually becoming an Inquisitor in your own right and possibly an Inquisitor Lord depending on what you do. You can lead your approach however you want, be as by the book or edgy as you wish, all the varying approaches of Inquisitorial lore and the various factions, be a sanction psyker etc.. of course what you learn, your abilities, how you proceeed will affect many things in the end.

    Alternately, it comes to mind that if they were going to do Darktide as basically "stupid baslike humans or abhumans and an unsanctioned psyker" why didn't they make a similar kind of mission based game that was Officio Assassinorium? Various "classes" come down tot he different temples, huge different abilities between them, solo or group missions, half Darktide and half "better than Payday" stealth etc.

    • 9 months ago

      I feel like culexus would be too hard to implement. Eversor and Vindicare are pretty straightforward though.

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe it could be some sort of complimentary class ability? Oh, that daemonhost or whatever other creature of chaos can't even fricking target the Culexus and you get massive bonuses against psykers and special gear, but you also can't basically stealth around them and even regular people are likely to figure out something is wrong with you a lot quicker etc.

    • 9 months ago

      >How about a game where you play as a Perpetual?
      Frick you for even considering such a thing. Perpetuals were a colossal mistake.

  34. 9 months ago

    Give me another Dawn of War, let me make my own chapter with some basic color customisation and let me fight some xeno and traitor scum.
    Imagine the multiplayer fun that could be had.

  35. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >it's a based turn based strategy game where you play as the Nightlords and fight women and children

    • 9 months ago

      >>it's a based turn based strategy game where you play as the Nightlords and fight women and children
      >Every mission is impossible to beat

    • 9 months ago

      >That one Space Marine mod that turns you into a Nightlord and all the enemies are guardsmen

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        People who help blind Eldar children

  36. 9 months ago

    Am I the only one who thinks the random minor Xenos designs from this pic and that old one are a lot more interesting visually than the actually important xenos factions we have? I mean, at the end of the day they're all just fantasy races in space + 2 very standard sci-fi ones.

  37. 9 months ago

    >wowie 40k they have a ton of cool shit wonder what the game let's you play as
    >big human

  38. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >you play as an Alpha Legionnaire in command of Chaos Warband performing clandestine missions across multiple loyalist worlds
    >it's X-COM but with multiple planets with varying environments
    >you dispatch Marine squads and can even plant sleepers across multiple worlds to chain reaction sabotage things to throw the defenders into disarray
    >have to keep your presence hidden for as long as possible
    >space marine chapters and Inquisition are eventually dispatched to try and sniff you out
    >you can avoid them entirely or wipe them out
    >turns out you were a Loyalist Alpha Legionnaire the whole time manipulating the Chaos Marines under your command to unwittingly help the Loyalists
    >youre brought before Guilliman and Lion at the end to explain your actions as they interrogate you
    >game has various endings depending on how stealthy you are and how well you were able to think ahead with your actions to bring the Loyalists to victory through subterfuge and what looked like legitimate attacks
    >do good enough and they don't immediately kill you or torture you for the rest of your life
    >the best ending has you take off your helmet and ends with a shot from Guilliman's pov as you say

    I..... am Omegon

  39. 9 months ago

    Someone pointed it out in another thread, but just do the Alien vs Predator game but 40k.
    >Squad of Catachans land on a Death World with lots of wargear loadouts
    >There's Lictors, Genestealers, various Gaunts, and those new Leapers as enemies. Maybe have a Broodlord as a boss
    >A lone Striking Scorpion is lurking around hunting both sides

  40. 9 months ago

    Ultras are my favorite tho, an killing orks is always fun. Sounds good to me.

  41. 9 months ago

    Alright human gays, If your "god" emperor is so mighty and great, how come he ended up crippled and nearly dead on a throne?
    Checkmate athiests

    • 9 months ago

      He's great because the imperial word says as such. No more questions. The emperor protects.

    • 9 months ago

      Because he didn't download state of survival and get 999 free draws

  42. 9 months ago

    Name 5.

  43. 9 months ago

    Gladius is fun though

  44. 9 months ago

    Horus Heresy was a mistake.

  45. 9 months ago

    Left 4 Dead clone with a team of Custodes needing to cut their way out of a demon world
    Basic enemies are chaos spawn/minor demons of their various gods, specials are things like Bloodthirsters, changers of ways, etc.
    You face the vilest does to dare to darken Mankind's galaxy, but you are the same time the brightest spark of Man there is to burn the taint out from the inside
    Go with custodes as humanity perfected/the Emperor's dream made manifest rather than mindless murderbots
    Maybe set it during/starting from the war in the webway and you have to make your way back to the palace after getting cut off/getting sucked into the warp?

    • 9 months ago

      I'd be all in for a game like this, but I wonder how you can properly showcase how powerful a Custodes is in a way that differs heavily from just Astartes simply throwing them at baddies? I mean I know in the lore you could go against bigger baddies but as a player it may feel the same sort of DOOM sort of experience.

      I figure for a Custodes game you need to have either a way to measure the power scaling so you'd need to have other Imperial forces in the setting, as well as making you nigh on invincible or going up against the biggest stuff playing as Custodians. Alternately (or as well?) maybe showcase the difference, Custodes are not just soldiers, they're statesmen, spies, and way more "individual" than how Astartes are designed. After all, putting aside unique individuals like Emp, other Perpetuals, Living Saints the level of Imperium power it goes
      >Gray Knights
      >Other Space Marines
      >Sororitas, Mechanicus, Assassins, Inquisitors and other "enhanced" humans
      >Imperial Guardsmen

      So if you're going to play Custodes it needs to be worthwhile rather than just a generic space marine painted gold etc.

      • 9 months ago

        My idea at least was that the demons were the "counterbalance" to the custodes, a significantly powerful enemy they can still cut through like butter to sell how powerful they are
        If it is left 4 dead but 30k, the character interactions could work to make them more individual, though the gap between "normal person in 2009" and "golden superhuman who does a lot of things but who's dayjob is guarding God" would make it a bit hard without sipping into whedonisms and flandarization just to get a personality across

  46. 9 months ago

    I'm more of a 30k kinda guy.

  47. 9 months ago

    How would he fare in 40k?

  48. 9 months ago

    >40k game
    >it's an EDF clone where you fight giant dinosaurs, birds and human-like aliens
    It'll never stop infuriating me just how easy it is to make a 10/10 game that even transcends the entry barrier of the subject. Yes, Space Marine 2 is sort of like that. But if you have ever played EDF, you'd know the game is only replicating the surface level of the full potential.

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