

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    How can you be a "pro" at a self imposed challenge? Doesn't pro equate to some form of competition?

    • 2 years ago

      Pro just means professional.
      As in, you do it as a profession.

      • 2 years ago

        My local professional burger-flippers and grocery baggers need some help then because they can't ever seem to do it right.

        • 2 years ago

          There's a difference between a professional and a worker. Professional burger-flippers tend to work at high class burger joints and they've been flipping burgers for years. Your average fast food worker is only there for like 9 months on average and never flipped burgers before and never will again.

        • 2 years ago

          Grocery bagger here. Almost everyone wants theirs bagged differently, so kindly shut up.

          • 2 years ago

            Consoomer here. No one wants their canned food in with their bread or eggs, so kindly go frick yourself.

        • 2 years ago

          frick you

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      If you make money doing it, it’s technically pro

      • 2 years ago

        Pro just means professional.
        As in, you do it as a profession.

        How can you be a "pro" at a self imposed challenge? Doesn't pro equate to some form of competition?

        Fake. Pro doesn't mean your making money with it, and that a post modern definition. Pro is an expert at a real artform (photography, videography, design, etc.) it doesn't apply to a 18 year old mowing lawns

        • 2 years ago

          Don't sleep on lawn professionals

        • 2 years ago

          This. Only Sooners reach to call shit like streaming a job

        • 2 years ago

          The definition of professional is:
          >engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
          It really isn't a special word people just pretend it is to make themselves sound more important. If someone calls themselves a pro 9 times out of 10 they're a self important loser.

      • 2 years ago

        Does he make money off this? And I don't mean patreon or donations.
        You can win official Street Fighter tournaments, get sponsored by companies like Red Bull or whoever make those cup noodles, and get paid by Capcom themselves.
        Same goes for games like Magic and Pokemon.
        Smash is a bit of a grey area, it's not really officially sanctioned, most of it is done from the bottom-up, but people have made careers out it and earned a lot of money.
        You know that webm/gif that gets posted a lot fat Asian guy rubbing a little girl's arms while she plays Pokken? He's been playing fighting games for 20 years and basically lives off it. And fighting game tournaments were basically in Smash's position back then
        What the frick does a "pro nuzlocker" do?
        Fricking speedrunners are more pro than this

        • 2 years ago

          >And I don't mean patreon or donations.

          • 2 years ago

            that's just begging

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, Tips aren't salary anon.

            • 2 years ago

              Not true, servers are only able to be paid less than minimum wage because tips are income

    • 2 years ago

      If he makes money out of it, he's a "pro".

    • 2 years ago

      He is the best nutzlocker in the world and you gotta deal with it!

    • 2 years ago

      Pro just means professional.
      As in, you do it as a profession.

      Fake. Pro doesn't mean your making money with it, and that a post modern definition. Pro is an expert at a real artform (photography, videography, design, etc.) it doesn't apply to a 18 year old mowing lawns

      Don't sleep on lawn professionals

      >profession is used as a word to mean "what you work with"
      >slang Black folk misuse the word to mean people who are exceptional at what they work with
      >eventually the implication of work is lost in its entirety and only mean "being amazing at something"
      >decades later morons try to claim the slang came before the original meaning
      Fascinating, i wonder if that will happen with other ancient slang and even modern ones. Will "cool" stop meaning something of low temperature? Will locked stop being applied to things behind a lock?

      • 2 years ago

        >Professional just means it’s your job bro
        That just makes tacking “Professional” onto your title even more embarrassing you dumbass.

        • 2 years ago

          Not really anon, usually you live (aka pay all your bills; water, living expenses, electricity, food, etc...) through the money you get by exercising your profession, which implies that you are good enough at something that you can make a living out of it, thats where the slang comes from in the first place. I know a few magic tricks but i sure as frick could not pay all my bills with what i know.

          Though the op homosexual can technically call himself a professional nuzlocker, its not that accurate and

          He's not professional nuzlocker. His nuzlockes are boring and boil down to him spending moronic amounts of time on calculations.
          He's professional content creator. And very poor one - he's not innovating, not creating anything new. He just hit the gold with one idea that is not even his and as old as Nuzlocking itself. Beyond that he's just shitty algorithm chaser, cookie cutter youtuber number 17r8295. Same stolen content, same thumbnails with his ugly german yap, same regurgitated leftoid slogans that he's not believing in. He's a prostitute, a prostitute.

          this anon is closer to that, he is more akin to a professional entertainer, which just happens to involve some nuzlocking (like a clown calling themselves a professional juggler, technically true but not the whole story).

  2. 2 years ago

    im not going to watch this but feraligatr being in F tier considering you teach him ice punch and he's literally unkillable says a lot about this "pro" nuzlocker

    • 2 years ago

      >Feraligatr in F tier
      >Can learn surf, waterfall, ice punch, and singlehandedly wipe Lance’s team
      HMMMm clickbait yes Hmmm

      You can't get Ice Punch until the Battle Frontier after beating the E4. You can get it more easily as a TM in Gen 2, but it's special in that game and Feraligatr doesn't have great special attack.

      Also you have to consider the other Pokemon available. Water starters in general are usually a poor choice because even though they may be strong on their own merits, you can very easily get other good water types just by fishing or surfing. Gyarados in particular is very strong, is in almost every game, and can be reliably caught as a Magikarp just about anywhere. It also pretty much completely outclasses Feraligatr in almost every way. Why would I ever pick Totodile when I can just get Gyarados later on instead?

      Meanwhile Fire types tend to be very rare and hard to get so Fire starters always have their use, and though Grass types are common most of them kind of suck in comparison to the Grass starters, e.g. Venusaur is easily better than any other Grass in gen 1 excepting possibly Exeggutor which is very hard to get in a Nuzlocke context.

      • 2 years ago

        gyrados has even worse special attack than feraligatr, no ice punch access, and an absolutely godawful physical movepool - basically, it's just normal type moves

        • 2 years ago

          >and an absolutely godawful physical movepool - basically, it's just normal type moves
          Waterfall and EQ or Crunch is literally all you need. And even pre-split, pre-intimidate while Gen 2 is the worst Gyarados has ever been it still has absurd special coverage and a strong defensive typing that make it at least equal to Gatr at worst.

          In HGSS it's no contest, Gyara is just flat out better than Gatr. It's closer in GSC but picking Feraligatr means ignoring Typhlosion who is the only Fire type you can reasonably get and is actually useable. Flareon and Ninetales are trash, Arcanine is alright but it's a 15% encounter rate on a single route, everything else isn't until after the E4. The comparison isn't just Gyarados vs Feraligatr, it's Gyarados + Typhlosion vs Feraligatr.

  3. 2 years ago

    Quit advertising your channel homosexual

  4. 2 years ago

    every johto starter in F or he is shit at the game

    • 2 years ago

      totodile (and water starters in general) are at least worth picking for HM utility, since you always need surf and can accidentally cut off all your possible water types if you aren't careful.

      Totodile specifically (without even evolving) can learn all three Johto WATER HMs in HGSS, and only needs to evolve for Waterfall in GSC though oddly in GSC it can learn strength while in HGSS it can't, what the hell.

  5. 2 years ago

    Cinderace? More like, Cinderbased.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Sucks when you forget how to draw hands

    • 2 years ago

      Cinderace absolutely obliterates Sword and Shield and don't get me started if you use his hidden ability

  6. 2 years ago

    What separates a nuzlocker from a professional nuzlocker?

    • 2 years ago

      One remembers what fun is, the other grifts children for their allowance and grooms people on discord.

  7. 2 years ago

    plain nuzlocke is shit

    you have to play
    hardcore nuzlocke full randomizer

  8. 2 years ago

    God I hate this smug c**t, shilling himself constantly and forcing his terrible opinions on an already braindead fanbase

    • 2 years ago

      I can't wait until he inevitably gets outed for sending his needledick to a 7 year old and people can finally stop pretending he has any more value than the dirt we walk on.

  9. 2 years ago

    He's not professional nuzlocker. His nuzlockes are boring and boil down to him spending moronic amounts of time on calculations.
    He's professional content creator. And very poor one - he's not innovating, not creating anything new. He just hit the gold with one idea that is not even his and as old as Nuzlocking itself. Beyond that he's just shitty algorithm chaser, cookie cutter youtuber number 17r8295. Same stolen content, same thumbnails with his ugly german yap, same regurgitated leftoid slogans that he's not believing in. He's a prostitute, a prostitute.

    • 2 years ago

      Well said.
      I've said this before and I'll say it again, and there's a reason that this gay will be forgotten in a few years and all those ancient Nuzlocke text letsplays and comics will still be reposted and looked back on for years to come.

  10. 2 years ago

    Btw i currently shit at my workplace during my work hours. Call me professional shitter because I'll get paid for that.

    • 2 years ago

      Sure if that's what you want to call yourself.

  11. 2 years ago

    alright that thumbnail is bullshit

  12. 2 years ago

    >Feraligatr in F tier
    >Can learn surf, waterfall, ice punch, and singlehandedly wipe Lance’s team
    HMMMm clickbait yes Hmmm

    • 2 years ago

      >waterfall, ice punch
      This refers to gen 2 where all Water-type moves were Special while Feraligatr is a physical attacker.

      • 2 years ago

        Which is still stupid because Feraligatr is still the objective best starter to use in Gen 2. Even with garbage special attack Ice Beam does what it's supposed to do, surf gets your STAB bonus and mobility, then you have Strength for passable neutral damage and more mobility, and EQ. The latter is a long wait but you get it before the E4 and definitely goes a long way on Gatr.

        There's a reason Totodile is the most picked Speedrun starter in Gen 2.

        • 2 years ago

          Speedruns are not at all the same kind of challenge as nuzlockes.

          • 2 years ago

            You can argue that there's crossover. Being the best starter for speedruns means there's either an exploit related to said starter (not really the case in Gen 2, iirc Cyndaquil is used more in HGSS to get one of the beasts easier), or the Pokemon can be used to steamroll the game without much if any team support. Since Totodile absolutely steamrolls Gen 2 it makes it the best Gen 2 picks for Nuzlockes by extension.

            Effectively this guy is moronic and doesn't know what he's talking about if he puts Gatr in F tier, it really shouldn't be below B tier at worst. Meganium and Typhlosion lack the mobility options Feraligatr grants which can be at a heavy premium in a Nuzlocke, and then both of them have trouble with their offensive coverage to boot (Typhlosion has Fire and Electric then has to rely on its worse attacking stat for the rest, Meganium has... Grass, Normal, and whatever you rolled for Hidden Power).

            • 2 years ago

              Jan plays with level caps, and overleveling happens time to time in speedruns.

              Didn't WolfeyVGC beat Emerald Kaizo WAY before he did?

              Probably, Wolfey is the better player after all.

              • 2 years ago

                >Referring to e-celebs by their first name
                That's fricking embarassing dude. They're not your friends. You don't know these people.

              • 2 years ago

                Jan is shorter than "pokemon challenges guy"

              • 2 years ago

                You can just type "butthole"

              • 2 years ago

                I prefer “pansexual ultra homosexual”

              • 2 years ago

                You could also just type "troony" yet you chose to put "Anonymous" into the name field every time

              • 2 years ago

                I’m sure that comeback sounded better in your head

            • 2 years ago

              Nuzlockes play nothing like a speedrun especially by PC's own ruleset with levelcaps, no items, set mode, etc. You can't just overlevel your starter and solo the whole game like in a speedrun. Things like defensive utility also become a lot more important as opposed to just raw offensive power. Gatr doesn't steamroll gen 2 when it isn't 10-20 levels ahead of every trainer.

              Also again you guys keep ignoring that even if a starter is good on its own merits, which Feraligatr certainly is I'm not denying that, there's always an opportunity cost to picking it. Choosing Feraligatr means you're not picking Typhlosion which means you're essentially forfeiting ever being able to get a half-decent Fire type, whereas if you pick Typhlosion you still have access to Gyarados, Slowbro, Vaporeon, Tentacruel, Starmie etc which are all fully viable and in many cases actually better than Feraligatr.

              • 2 years ago

                Jan plays with level caps, and overleveling happens time to time in speedruns.
                Probably, Wolfey is the better player after all.

                See the levelcaps, no items, set wasn't something I was aware of because those aren't inherently part of the nuzlocke ruleset, or at least it wasn't originally so that one's on me. As for the second part that's also fair, all I'd say is even if there's some pretty high encounter rates the only two you could actually plan a run around are Vaporeon with your gifted eevee, and gyarados at the lake of rage (which you still have a chance to frick up catching but that's the case no matter what so that's neither here nor there). You're pretty much guaranteed to run into one water type sometime though and then catch it so that's fair.

                But regardless it still feels wrong to put Feraligatr in F tier because it still does the job just fine, even with the other factors in play it really should be at C or higher. F just feels wrong, F is a tier of like, absolute garbage if not outright unusability. Honestly it comes off as either weird bias where he's underselling it, or ragebait to get people clicking.

              • 2 years ago

                Magikarp can be effectively guaranteed just by using the Old Rod. The rest are more hit and miss but pokemon like Tentacool are extremely common on pretty much any surf route and you can get others like Staryu, Chinchou, etc to 30-40% rates if you know where and when to fish.

                For comparison the only Fire types you can get in Johto other than Typhlosion are Flareon, Ninetales, Arcanine, and Magmar. Flareon and Ninetales are complete trash, Arcanine is pretty good but Growlithe is a 15% encounter rate on just two routes and getting a Fire Stone is a huge pain in the ass on top of that, Magmar is okay but it's a 5% encounter at the bottom of the burned tower. Realistically you aren't going to be able to get any of these Pokemon.

                In general even though Water starters are usually pretty good, probably the consistently strongest starter type, they just generally aren't all that within the context of a nuzlocke run. Water types are always extremely common whereas Fire types and (good) Grass types are usually pretty rare.

              • 2 years ago

                >Fire types and Grass types are usually pretty rare
                That doesn't mean they're valuable. I'm perfectly fine with having a team with 3 Water types because the type is just that good
                Meanwhile Fire is a pretty crappy type even outside of PVP with Stealth Rocks. Mainly because it's an offensive type that beats over weak types everyone else beats (Grass, Ice, Bug)

              • 2 years ago

                Stealth rock didn't exist in gen 2

              • 2 years ago

                That's what I'm saying. Even without the sneaky pebbles Fire still sucks
                Meanwhile Water is arguably the only type that can cleanly beat Dragons, which Feraligatr is especially good at even with Ice being Special

              • 2 years ago

                >super effective on Grass/Bug
                >super effective on fricking STEEL
                >five resistances (holy shit)
                Fire is good moronanon

              • 2 years ago

                Fire's defensive utility gets overlooked a lot because of that Stealth Rock weakness but it's actually really good, the second most resists in the game right behind Steel. And as I said before, defensive utility actually matters a lot in these kinds of nuzlocke challenges.

                Offensively it's perfectly fine. Specific type matchups don't really matter too much since you're just fighting the AI, it's not like in OU where your team absolutely needs to have an answer to Steel types or something. But Fire hits enough Pokemon strongly enough and its resists are few enough that it's a not a bad type at all. What really matters though is how well it fits into a team, and Fire pairs very well with Grass and Water who cover its weaknesses and resists, there's a reason those are the starter types and why you see Fire/Water/Grass cores even in competitive OU teams. Building a team that can cover for each other's weaknesses and resists is also the single post important part of in-game teambuilding, for Nuzlockes especially.

              • 2 years ago

                > But Fire hits enough Pokemon strongly enough and its resists are few enough that it's a not a bad type at all.
                Water hits most things neutrally as well and have the benefit of learning Surf very early on in every game
                For example
                >Kanto: Before 5th Gym
                >Johto: Before 4th Gym
                >Hoenn: Before 6th Gym
                The only equivalent is the Department Stores selling you the Fire Blast TM, which not every game does this and also Fire Blast is an inferior move to Surf.
                Seriously Water is such a good type that having so many of them on your team just isn't a detriment, especially when so few endgame opponents actually use Electric or Grass-types
                The existence of Gyarados and Tentacruel doesn't hurt the viability of say Blastoise or Swampert because I want to have them all on my team anyway

              • 2 years ago

                This kind of type spam approach can work well for normal or competitive gameplay where it doesn't matter much if your Tentacruel goes down firing Surfs against their water resist because it's just softening it up for your next Surf spammer and eventually the opponent will run out of ways to stop your water types.
                In a Nuzlocke though, ideally you won't be having your Tentacruel die unless it's absolutely necessary to win the battle, this kind of strategy won't work out in the long term because you're eventually just going to run out of the Pokemon you need for it. Whereas if you take the balanced team approach, where you construct a team of several different types that cover each other's weaknesses well, like the Fire/Water/Grass core, deaths can be kept to a minimum as you swap between the best Pokemon to take on each of the enemies. Nuzlockes are an endurance run, not a speed test, and the strategy you're proposing is equivalent to trying to pull off a full sprint for an entire marathon.

              • 2 years ago

                >Tentacruel goes down firing Surfs against their water resist
                What water resist? You're fine with using water spam because virtually nothing resists water. Grass-types? They aren't threatening. I'm seriously struggling to think of a single Grass-type with offensive presence in any Pokemon game. Gardenia's Roserade? Maybe the odd Exeggutor?
                Against an enemy Water-type, yes it may be a slugfest but you're not in any immediate danger. Electric types are also generally very good so you're likely to have one to counter them anyway.
                I play a bunch of SoulSilver and my endgame team generally looks like this
                Fire-types just don't keep any important threats away. This team will do fine against Lance's triple Dragonites and Karen's Houndoom which are far more threatening than Will's Exeggutor. I don't know anything about romhacks but this team won't struggle against any Water-resist because it's easy to pick up Ice coverage against them regardless.
                And also against a Dragon-type like Lance's Dragonites, you're better off using a Water over an Ice because they're generally bulkier.
                The only game I consider picking the Fire Starter is Chimchar and that's because it's a good Fighting type, not because of the Fire

              • 2 years ago

                We're talking about gen 2 here, your best drill peck user available is fearow and he only learns that shit by level 40, fighting is also not very good yet, at the moment Fire is the best type to deal with those types.

              • 2 years ago

                What the hell are the threatening Grass or Bug types we need to counter in Gen 2?
                Scyther? Rock Throw it.
                Bayleef? Poison it.
                Totodile is literally better against the Steel/Ice bosses than Cyndaquil because Steelix and Piloswine are both weak to Water

              • 2 years ago

                >Using poison in gen 2
                Enjoy your mid game one use sludge bomb tm

              • 2 years ago

                Gastly and Zubat shit on Bayleef and they're both super common
                There are almost no threatening Grass-types

              • 2 years ago

                >He thinks it's solely because of SEs
                Neutral coverage is much more important when picking something

              • 2 years ago

                Gastly and Zubat are generally good to begin with Anon, especially Zubat
                Waters have such good neutral that you're fine thinking about specifics when using them

              • 2 years ago

                Neutral coverage is more important in competitive, where your opponent can and will switch if they expect a super effective move.
                Super effective is more important in-game because the AI is too stupid to strategically switch, so you just want to maximize damage.

            • 2 years ago

              >he puts Gatr in F tier
              He put Gatr in C tier in the actual video,

              See the levelcaps, no items, set wasn't something I was aware of because those aren't inherently part of the nuzlocke ruleset, or at least it wasn't originally so that one's on me. As for the second part that's also fair, all I'd say is even if there's some pretty high encounter rates the only two you could actually plan a run around are Vaporeon with your gifted eevee, and gyarados at the lake of rage (which you still have a chance to frick up catching but that's the case no matter what so that's neither here nor there). You're pretty much guaranteed to run into one water type sometime though and then catch it so that's fair.

              But regardless it still feels wrong to put Feraligatr in F tier because it still does the job just fine, even with the other factors in play it really should be at C or higher. F just feels wrong, F is a tier of like, absolute garbage if not outright unusability. Honestly it comes off as either weird bias where he's underselling it, or ragebait to get people clicking.

              Honestly it comes off as either weird bias where he's underselling it, or ragebait to get people clicking.
              Correct, the only reason its F in the thumbnail is because hating Johto is of his "gimmick". Even in a mostly objective video he has to keep that "joke" running. He calls Johto a "barren wasteland" for no reason, when Fire types being rare happens in most games. And he just can't let the "Typhlosion copied Charizard" meme die when Typhlosion's best assets Thunder Punch and 109 SpA were things Charizard never had as a starter in RB.

              It's fricking single player Pokemon
              Every Pokemon is good because you get Effort Values and the AI doesn't
              I hate this clickbaiting moron

              Some pokemon are more optimal to use, but you are correct. Even "bad" options like Meganium have good things about them (like being the best option against Whitney).

        • 2 years ago

          Typhlosion is much better given your only other viable fire type is Arcanine who's a 15% encounter

          • 2 years ago

            Fire types aren't good anyway, you don't need a Fire type

          • 2 years ago

            Qwilava takes way too long to evolve and actually get moves. Enjoy Ember for 30 levels.

            • 2 years ago

              NTA but Reminder that Growlithe can’t even get a fire stone until Kanto unless your playing Crystal, and regardless most thing have shit level up moves in Gen 2
              Also In HGSS you can by Fire blast before the 3rd gym and Choice specs not too long after

  13. 2 years ago

    Doesn't this dude cheat on nuzlocks

    • 2 years ago

      He just uses Rare Candies. Grinding Pokemon to a level cap (and EV training) is pointless busy work and most people hate doing it in nuzlockes, but it is sadly necessary to do for reliability.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah so negligible how he can't just boot up a Pokemon game and play it through to completion even with his arbitrary challenges
        He needs his little cheat tools to help him beat the game
        Imagine his friends are like "oh just run us through this game!"
        he whips out his Nintendo 3DS or whatever and boots up a save file and goes through a bit of the beginning with them and then says
        >hold on
        he pulls out his laptop and grabs PKHex and some save editor
        >PC what are you doing???
        >oh im just cutting out some of the boring stuff and also i got kinda unlucky with my stats so im just changing them
        yeah... real skill here

        • 2 years ago

          >oh thanks man for not subjecting us to sitting through boring shit
          that's how a normal person replies to this
          >so im just changing my stats
          has never done this in games where you can't freely edit your ivs or nature

          • 2 years ago

            >that's how a normal person replies to this
            normal persons dont watch fricking eceleb youtube pokemon garbage you fricking dimwitted monkey

            • 2 years ago

              idk the view counts on a lot of these vids seem to disagree. is it hard to cope with the fact that you're a loser on Ganker who gets mad at how other people choose to have fun?

              if he can't complete the challenge legitimately then maybe he should do an easier challenge

              >aha you see instead of doing this challenge with his made up rules he should do it with MY made up rules
              idk what the frick your point is

              • 2 years ago

                >idk the view counts on a lot of these vids seem to disagree
                can't even get as many views as Pokemon Snap sales

          • 2 years ago

            if he can't complete the challenge legitimately then maybe he should do an easier challenge

            • 2 years ago

              >Bro just don't play the game if you don't follow my rules

        • 2 years ago

          Except he does not do that. The point of a hardcore nuzlocke is being able to think more strategically due to being naturally way more limited with resources and needing to devise an actual strategy that is not just "use super effective attack 6 times". Sure, if a Pokemon is really good and you have a choice item, that COULD happen. But it is much harder to do that without potentially losing valuable mons. Constantly grinding off of the same level 2 Pokemon is not really strategic or hard.

      • 2 years ago

        it's becuase he lost dozens of pokemon to grinding, he's a fricking moron after all

  14. 2 years ago

    he gettin fat.

  15. 2 years ago

    >imagine giving money to low elo morons
    /vp/ please stop watching israelitetube for fricks sake.

  16. 2 years ago

    *looks up guide*
    *restarts game due to bad encounters*
    *refuses to do randomizers*
    *hacks in rare candies*
    >I BE LIKE
    *solicits nudes from a 16 year old girl on discord and tells her she can't go to the police about it because he's german and the age of consent there is 14*
    *changes IV's in pkhex*
    *claims whitney didn't have a miltank in gen 2*

    • 2 years ago

      >*claims whitney didn't have a miltank in gen 2*
      This one is clearly a joke and didn't even last that long.

    • 2 years ago

      qrd on the 16 year old?

    • 2 years ago

      >looks up guide
      Depends on the reason but i don't see the problem with this one. Also randomizers suck.

      • 2 years ago

        >randomizers suck
        Normally I'd agree but I feel like if you're calling yourself a "Pro Nuzlocker" you should at least give it a fair shake to show that you can adapt to having your entire strategy thrown off.

      • 2 years ago

        Randomizers are the only real way to check somebody's understanding of Pokemon game mechanics. It's no "skill" if you can just memorize entire game without even understanding what the frick is happening on the screen. Also it accentuates adaptation and strategizing with tools you get, which is crucial element of Nuzlocking that is completely disregarded by "Mr.151 resets".
        Jan is shitty Nuzlocker.

        • 2 years ago

          Which is why he beat Radical Red in 2 attempts, right? How does he even beat the E4, usually the most difficult part of any game, on the first try if he's just memorizing things?
          The reason why he doesn't do randomizers is because they're piss fricking easy, 90% of the time all that happens is the E4 and bosses get loaded up with shitmons even if you use the 'equal strength' and 'force evolution' thing and because randomized movesets get filled with levelup moves this also means nobody you fight has real coverage or good moves, especially if you do it in earlier gens. On top of this you tend to get the most broken fricking mons
          I hate the guy and actually do think he's a shitty nuzlocker but this is the most moronic shit I've ever seen in my life, randomizers are homosexual baby tier, they're for fun, not for uber hardcore elitist shitters

          • 2 years ago

            >90% of the time all that happens is the E4 and bosses get loaded up with shitmons even if you use the 'equal strength' and 'force evolution' thing and because randomized movesets get filled with levelup moves this also means nobody you fight has real coverage or good moves, especially if you do it in earlier gens. On top of this you tend to get the most broken fricking mons
            I wish I had that kind of luck, the only Nuzloke I ever did was HGSS, and I was getting spammed with Legendaries and Mythicals without running into any myself, doubly worse as I had double battle mode on. I meet almost every endgame boss before I meet Morty, and I had an almost full wipe against a random Sailor's Garchomp and Palkia.

          • 2 years ago

            You realized that Jan is playing with spreadsheet of every major boss battle? And has tendency to spend multiple hours just overpreparing for every fight? (And then prolly getting fricked by bad rolls or forgetting about major mechanics like Blaze-like abilities)
            Also getting "Bad Pokemon" in randomizers is thing that can also hit player and yes in that case it's all about player's understanding of mechanics and rolling with what they got. Also UPR even in its base, outdated version has options for balanced encounters and forcing evolution on NPCs.
            You're just a homosexual not understanding what you're talking about. Shut up and eat a dick.

            • 2 years ago

              Lmao look at this guy simping for his best buddy, “Jan” and getting so upset that his BS plays.

              “Jan” isn’t your friend and he doesn’t even know you exist.

              • 2 years ago

                moron, I literally explained why he's not even a real Nuzlocker because he's using spreadsheets to check every boss fight and how his take about randomizers is wrong. Learn to fricking read.
                Also, I call him Jan because it sounds like a decent name for pedophile and his "Pokemon Challenges" are not challenging at all. I can call him PokementallyChallenged or some shit but I don't really care about you having mental breakdown over how I call somebody, holy frick.

              • 2 years ago

                Sounds like you’re the one who having a meltdown, kiddo. You’re literally venting by swearing a whole bunch.

            • 2 years ago

              >ah you see, it is so much more difficult to fight the E4 with furret, ariados, pelipper, rampardos and mightyena than it is the high powered romhack team with coverage and tons of super strong moves because you can prepare for the latter
              you sound like such a poser lmfao
              i've played dozens of randomizers and they're piss fricking easy dude you're kidding absolutely fricking no one, yeah sure you get bad luck once a century, guess what you get that in games that actually are hard and bad luck in emerald kaizo or radical red hits a billion times harder than accidentally encountering an npc with a dragonite but who sucks shit because the levelup moveset is atrocious
              >has options for balanced encounters and forcing evolution on NPCs
              literally brought up in the post you're replying to you Black person wienersucking homosexual, try wiping away the tears before posting something you absolute double troony

              i literally love randomizers for the express purpose that they are not uber hardcore over the top difficult and because i don't need to prove myself being good at a kid's game to make my peepee hard, don't drag your shitty e-celeb drama about muh difficulty into this shit

      • 2 years ago

        The issue is that he's a hypocrite about it.
        He says he doesn't like randomizers because they don't really test game knowledge, which is what he values.
        But then he also looks up guides rather than using his own game knowledge.
        Nuzlocking is based on 2 skills, being game knowledge and adaptability. Randomizers just to happen to crank up the skill that can't be fakes with a spreadsheet and Jan hates them. Hmmm suspicious.

        • 2 years ago

          Kinda? But not really. You don't get the luxury of knowing before hand what your fighting, but odds are what your fighting will be way easier then even the default fights so you don't even need to.

    • 2 years ago

      the rare candy thing bothers me. how can you claim to be "pro" at something and then consistently and openly cheat

      • 2 years ago

        """For the content""", he wants to skip the part of the game where people actually usually lose their Pokemon and get right to spending 20 minutes per turn per gym leader

        • 2 years ago

          >he wants to skip the part of the game where people actually usually lose their Pokemon
          Sure if you're a moron who throw your Pokemon at wild encounters too close in level. Yes, it' s not fun to grind on the same weaker level Pokemon, but that's the smart way to do it.

          • 2 years ago

            But he's a livestreamer and no one wants to watch a livestream of grinding on level 2 zigzagoons for 5 hours. Literally what would be the point? Why not just use rare candies to save everybody's time?

            • 2 years ago

              If you’re watching someone stream “hard mode pokemon” you’re probably the type who wouldn’t mind that

              • 2 years ago

                They're watching "hard mode Pokemon" because they want to see the trainer battles. Not hours of Zigzagoon grinding with absolutely no risk.

              • 2 years ago

                It doesn’t matter that Exp grinding is riskfree
                Time investment should be part of the challenge
                Beating up on the AI isn’t impressive on its own

              • 2 years ago

                >Time investment should be part of the challenge
                Why? The main draw of the challenge and what his viewers want to see are the strategies that need to be employed to beat the enemy trainers. It's the same reason no one but total autists cares about VGC players "cheating" by injecting perfect IV, perfect nature, etc Pokemon. Breeding pokemon is not a difficult challenge, just hours of tedious busywork that takes away from the actually interesting and challenging part of the game. Same goes for grinding on wild Pokemon vs just hacking in rare candies to get up to the level cap so that you can fight the gym leader.
                >Beating up on the AI isn’t impressive on its own
                On a hack like Kaizo Emerald it is.

              • 2 years ago

                >Breeding Pokemon is not a difficult challenge,
                The fact that people use shortcuts and hacks to circumvent it literally means it is
                Time investment directly correlates to challenge. I don’t respect him for taking shortcuts, simple as that

              • 2 years ago

                Oh, so you literally are the same kind of autist who thinks that everyone who decides they want to try out a different Pokemon for their VGC team should have to spend 3 hours chain-breeding egg moves onto it. Got it.

              • 2 years ago

                >”a-autist!” Cried the kid who watches another man play video games
                Throwing stones in a glass house, friend

              • 2 years ago

                >spend 3 hours chain-breeding egg moves
                It literally takes just minutes to do this, don’t exaggerate for nothing.

                >”a-autist!” Cried the kid who watches another man play video games
                Throwing stones in a glass house, friend

                This. You’ve got no right to judge if you waste your time watching a basedlooking German douche play video games on the internet

              • 2 years ago

                it's been years and this same anti-injection autist is still here. Nobody gives a frick how many hours you played bike simulator for.

            • 2 years ago

              Unironically focus streams where people are doing work-related things, study, do art or play easy on mind, grindy games are a pretty popular niche. Problem is tha lt Jan is making content for literal minors with fricked up attention spans and he himself ia homosexual tryhard that focuses on overoptimizing every aspect of his existence.

      • 2 years ago

        The rare candy thing bothers me because he claims there's no difference despite EV's being a factor.
        By not grinding naturally in the early game, he can avoid giving his mons bad EV's. And yes, he actually does EV train in-game.
        It's not just a time saver but an actual advantage.

        • 2 years ago

          You could theoretically just EV grind all your Pokemon as much as possible in the first route before hitting the first gym's level cap and repeat the process for the next two gyms until you have maxxed out your EVs. Most early game routes do not have Pokemon that specialize in SpAtk, so even if you have to fight some trainers it won't detrement your stats in any way.

        • 2 years ago

          The last few games he's played didn't have EVs
          I can't actually remember the last time he used candies in a game with EVs, and it's weird you know he EV trains but don't know that he does spend an autistic amount of hours grinding

    • 2 years ago

      >solicits nudes from 16 year old girl on discord and tells her she can't go to the police about it because he's german and the age of consent there is 14

    • 2 years ago

      I watched him for some time on YT
      Then he made a video where he addresses the controversy that his slowpoke on the winning run got his ivs changed(proven mathematically and admitted by him in the video)
      He just replies: yeah it happened... idk why lol

  17. 2 years ago

    Just skipped to the end of the video, cause I refuse to listen to this frick scream about his shit taste.
    >S Tier: Infernape, Swampert, Cinderace
    >A Tier: Empoleon, Venusaur, Primarina, Delphox, Decidueye, Emboar
    >B Tier: Typhlosion, Torterra, Samurott, Blaziken, Chesnaught
    >C Tier: Feraligatr, Blastoise, Rillaboom, Sceptile, Incineroar, Inteleon, Charizard, Greninja
    >F Tier: Meganium, Serperior

    • 2 years ago

      >didn't give a shit about him yet still gave him a view
      You just sound like a moron

    • 2 years ago

      >shit taste.
      Taste has nothing to do with it moron, it's a ranking of their viability for a specific in-game challenge.

      • 2 years ago

        /vp/ is absolutely fricking moronic and autistic, what else is new?

    • 2 years ago

      >Empoleon in A tier whan Piplup and Prinplup are leagues worse than the others
      I guess if you value the time as Empoleon really highly, you can make a case for A.
      >Typhlosion a tier above Feraligatr
      Not even remotely acceptable even in HGSS, where Typh actually is the better of the two.
      In GSC, Feraligatr:
      -hits harder(Surf is almost exactly equal in power to Typh's Fire Punch, and Return is strong)
      -has perfect coverage(nothing resists Water+Normal),
      -has better bulk
      -evolves earlier
      -has a far better movepool before the final evolution
      Typh has nothing on Feraligatr in Gen 2. In Gen 4, easily accessible Fire Blast and early-ish Choice Specs turns things around.

      • 2 years ago

        You can't analyze these Pokemon in a vacuum. Typhlosion is the only good Fire type you can reasonably get in a Johto Nuzlocke, whereas there's at least half a dozen other Water types you can get that are just as good if not better than Gatr and they aren't even hard to catch. The comparison isn't Typhlosion vs Feraligatr, it's Typhlosion + any other Water type vs Feraligatr.

        • 2 years ago

          I suppose this all boils down to the question of how important is it really to have a fire type? It's definitely nice but when I think about the hurdles in gsc and hgss it doesn't feel 100% necessary either. But I suppose you could argue that for almost any starter which makes the point moot.

        • 2 years ago

          >You can't analyze these Pokemon in a vacuum. Typhlosion is the only good Fire type you can reasonably get in a Johto Nuzlocke,
          Is that supposed to be a big deal? The defensive parts of the typing is not a notable boon in Johto(in fact, being a fire-type hurts you against 3 different gyms), and as far as offense goes, Fire Punch is on a lot of mons that you can pick up.
          Mareep is a pretty likely pickup and it uses the very same Thunder Punch+Fire Punch combo as Typh. Gastly is borderline guaranteed and can use that combo too as soon as it goes Gengar. Abra, Drowzee, the Nidos...
          Typh is good but not some unique mon.
          >whereas there's at least half a dozen other Water types you can get that are just as good if not better than Gatr
          There is no easily accessible Water type in GS Johto that is better than Gatr in Johto bar maybe early caught Red Gyarados(regular Gyarados takes ages to raise) and doubledipping is fine on a nuzlocke team anyway if both mons are good- especially when they only share one weakness.
          >and they aren't even hard to catch. The comparison isn't Typhlosion vs Feraligatr, it's Typhlosion + any other Water type vs Feraligatr.
          Typh is competing against every mon in the game just the same as Feraligatr. It is flat worse than Feraligatr in gen 2.
          I can even do a breakdown gym by gym in Johto:
          Gym 1: Totodile is by far the best.
          Gym 2: Quilava has the edge, but Rage Toto wipes it as well.
          Gym 3: Quilava is by far the worst.
          Gym 4: Croconaw has Surf, Dig, Bite and Ice Punch to choose from- and better stats for this gym. Quilava has Ember and Dig.
          Gym 5-7: You have Feraligatr for these gyms and it wipes the floor with all of them. Meanwhile, Quilava(not Typh) struggles with Pryce(can't thunderpunch his Water/Ice type mons until Typh, and your Fire STAB is a joke), loses to Chuck, and only does well against Jasmine. You do not have Typh for any of these gyms if you play with Level caps.
          Gym 8: Feraligatr is leagues better vs Clair than Typh.

          • 2 years ago

            nta but my biggest gripe with Typhlosion is that he’s total deadweight against important endgame enemies like Clair and Lance
            The general job of the Starter is to be strong while you’re stuck with rats and pigeons in the early game, but Totodile isn’t weak at all during the start to justify needing Cyndaquil
            Totodile is one of the best Starters to boot

          • 2 years ago

            This is what I believe the best choice for each gym is
            Gym 1, Totodile
            Gym 2, Cyndaquil
            Gym 3, Chikorita
            Gym 4, Totodile
            Gym 5, Chikorita
            Gym 6, Cyndaquil
            Gym 7, I'd actually make the argument for Chikorita here, Sure it's weak to ice but it also hits all of prices pokemon super effectively as well as being bulky enough to take the hits price's pokemon dish out.
            Gym 8, Chikorita's the best here as well. It does by far the best against kingdra, Which can't hit meganium hard in the slightest and the 3 dragonair Can't really hit meganium that hard either. Only 1 dragonair can actually hit it super effectively with ice beam.
            If chikorita didn't have such an abysmal start I'd easily consider it the best of the 3 especially considering that most of the grass type competition is directly inferior to it outside of venusaur who you don't get until post game and Exeggutor who needs a stone to evolve it.

            • 2 years ago

              Are we really call early game with Chikorita abysmal? Maybe in remakes but in GSC both Falkner and Bugsy are just glorified bird trainer and bug catcher with both having one somewhat scary Pokemon that you have all the time to setup for. Sure you cannot ohko them with Chiko (or Bayleef for Bugsy) but I feel like both are doable.

              • 2 years ago

                >chikorita being anything other than complete dogshit
                In gen2 you can win anyway with everything thats all, Chikorita is insanely bad by starter standards

              • 2 years ago

                Scyther is an absolute nightmare for bayleef in GSC and the remakes, In GSC Scyther is using fury cutter which while bad if it's allowed to rack up which it certainly will against bayleef then Bayleef simply dies to it. Bayleefs biggest boon is that it's the best option against miltank due to Reflect+PoisonPowder. Good luck if you have nothing to deal with Morty though. That fight sucked when I got to it.

            • 2 years ago

              I like how you put Chikorita as the best choice against Clair when Feraligatr is the one using Ice moves right after the route you can nab a Nevermeltice, after also getting a type boost from Pryce. It can still hit Kingdra neutrally with its coverage and has the big attack stat to do so well. Meanwhile Chikorita struggles offensively threatening the other dragon types in the gym which makes it a slog, it just does well against Kingdra specifically.

              • 2 years ago

                My underleveled meganium was nearly two shotting each of the dragonairs with body slam, and they can't really hit you back that hard outside of 1 dragonair with ice beam. Meganium having the best matchup against kingdra is just icing on the cake. Sure feraligatr has access to ice moves which can beat the 3 dragonair's pretty efficiently but the kingdra is easily Clair's most threatening pokemon. And the fact Meganium just breezes past it even factoring in smokescreen while it can hit feraligatr a lot harder due to feraligatr's inferior bulk. The problem with Chikorita is that the early game is incredibly difficult if you don't manage to get a rock type to compensate.

                >Gym 1, Totodile
                >Gym 2, Cyndaquil
                >Gym 3, Chikorita
                >Gym 4, Totodile
                >Gym 5, Chikorita
                Not really. Feraligatr is already evolved while you are still Bayleef, and Feraligatr beats Chuck easier.
                >Gym 6, Cyndaquil
                Feraligatr tears through Jasmine pretty easy, but yeah.
                >Gym 7, I'd actually make the argument for Chikorita here, Sure it's weak to ice but it also hits all of prices pokemon super effectively as well as being bulky enough to take the hits price's pokemon dish out.
                With level caps, you are still Bayleef, and you are weak to all his attacks. Meanwhile, Feraligatr resists all but the normal attacks which it can bulk easily and smashes through with Return and Surf.

                >Level caps
                I mean I wasn't really taking that into consideration considering that Jasmine was higher level than price.

            • 2 years ago

              >Gym 1, Totodile
              >Gym 2, Cyndaquil
              >Gym 3, Chikorita
              >Gym 4, Totodile
              >Gym 5, Chikorita
              Not really. Feraligatr is already evolved while you are still Bayleef, and Feraligatr beats Chuck easier.
              >Gym 6, Cyndaquil
              Feraligatr tears through Jasmine pretty easy, but yeah.
              >Gym 7, I'd actually make the argument for Chikorita here, Sure it's weak to ice but it also hits all of prices pokemon super effectively as well as being bulky enough to take the hits price's pokemon dish out.
              With level caps, you are still Bayleef, and you are weak to all his attacks. Meanwhile, Feraligatr resists all but the normal attacks which it can bulk easily and smashes through with Return and Surf.

            • 2 years ago

              Chikorita is really, really hurt by the lack of Leech Seed. If it had that, players would have more inceptive to get it even if it suffers early game.

    • 2 years ago

      Feraligatr, Blastoise, Sceptile, and Serperior are way too low
      Especially Feraligatr

    • 2 years ago

      >S Tier: Infernape, Swampert, Cinderace
      Infernape is fantastic as long as you know your ranges and aren't playing blind. It will usually do fine as long as it is knocking things out, but the frailty can cost it dearly in a Nuzlocke setting. Swampert is a monster of an in-game mon. Can't comment on Cinderace.
      >A Tier: Empoleon, Venusaur, Primarina, Delphox, Decidueye, Emboar
      Piplup and Prinplup are legitimately bad, but Empoleon itself is exceptional. Think it is at best a B overall, but A is fair. Most of the others are alright, with the exception of Decidueye- slow an with a bad typing for it's game once fully evolved.
      >>B Tier: Typhlosion, Torterra, Samurott, Blaziken, Chesnaught
      Samurott is one of the rare Water-types available in BW1, which is a huge boon for it there, while Tepig is much more replaceable. Both are very solid and should still hang in the same tier. Torterra should absolutely be in A. not counting Candice and the league, it flattens the rest of Sinnoh, which is way better than Empoleon's Line musters. HGSS Typh is easily A tier due to early Fire Blast and Choice Specs.
      >C Tier: Feraligatr, Blastoise, Rillaboom, Sceptile, Incineroar, Inteleon, Charizard, Greninja
      Feraligatr is almost as strong in GSC as Swampert is in RSE, it has no business being any lower than A tier in Gen 2. Incineroar has a perfectly solid performance in SM(B-Tier, probably), but is the best Starter by a country-mile in USUM(S-tier perfomance).
      >F Tier: Meganium, Serperior
      They usually don't die in Nuzlockes and can live through most things, but they struggle with matchups and winning with them is slow going.

      • 2 years ago

        The fact that Venusaur is A tier and Serperior is F tier is laughable to me
        They’re practically the same fricking Pokemon, the best way to use them is Leech Seed cheese

        • 2 years ago

          Venusaur has powders(particularly broken gen 1 Sleep), Swords Dance and Body Slam, and gen 1 Razor Leaf.
          The Tier gap shouldn't be that big, but Venusaur does have more things going for it.

        • 2 years ago

          >They’re practically the same fricking Pokemon, the best way to use them is Leech Seed cheese
          Venusaur actually has the bulk to pull this off well and a better defensive typing. All Serp has over it is Speed which is irrelevant when it has no status (Glare is an egg move) while Venusaur has sleep/poison powder. Venusaur also has much better attacking stats so even though its STAB still kind of sucks (especially in gen 1 with no Poison attacks) it still uses it better than Serp does and it can also use normal coverage decently well.

          • 2 years ago

            Serperior’s bulk isn’t shoddy at all. It’s more than capable of taking larger hits and can go up against dangerous Fighting types just like Venusaur
            It also gets Leaf Blade, the strongest Grass attack in the game

            This is what I believe the best choice for each gym is
            Gym 1, Totodile
            Gym 2, Cyndaquil
            Gym 3, Chikorita
            Gym 4, Totodile
            Gym 5, Chikorita
            Gym 6, Cyndaquil
            Gym 7, I'd actually make the argument for Chikorita here, Sure it's weak to ice but it also hits all of prices pokemon super effectively as well as being bulky enough to take the hits price's pokemon dish out.
            Gym 8, Chikorita's the best here as well. It does by far the best against kingdra, Which can't hit meganium hard in the slightest and the 3 dragonair Can't really hit meganium that hard either. Only 1 dragonair can actually hit it super effectively with ice beam.
            If chikorita didn't have such an abysmal start I'd easily consider it the best of the 3 especially considering that most of the grass type competition is directly inferior to it outside of venusaur who you don't get until post game and Exeggutor who needs a stone to evolve it.

            The fact that Chikorita is utterly useless against Lance and has a bad matchup against Karen’s Houndoom is what truly hurts it
            Also you really don’t NEED to have a Grass type around. In a Nuzlocke I’d say the essential types are Water, Electric, Ground, and Fighting

            • 2 years ago

              >Chikorita is utterly useless against lance.
              Not really, It easily beats the opening gyarados, And due to a combination of body slam and dual screens you can make taking on the rest of his team much easier, Meganium being hella bulky let's it at least throw around a couple of body slams so it's not complete deadweight in a battle against lance, I'd say typhlosion has it worse against lance than meganium.
              >Bad match up against karen's houndoom
              While this is true it should be noted that the water type is incredibly plentiful and you should have access to multiple water types by the elite four.
              >In a Nuzlocke I’d say the essential types are Water, Electric, Ground, and Fighting
              It really depends on the game being nuzlocked, In gen 2 the rock type is very valuable because it has a favorable matchup against the first 3 gym leaders and you also get the potential to have a geodude by the first gym. Rock types also do really well against the elite four discounting bruno, Who isn't really that threatening anyway.

              • 2 years ago

                The point you’re missing is that you don’t have to use Meganium.
                Yes, you COULD beat a bunch of Pokemon with a bulky Grass type. The question is why would you ever do that?
                Chikorita has no matchup in the game where the other Starters aren’t capable of handling. Best I can think of is Chuck’s Poliwrath, which is a fine niche, but not worth being held back in other areas.
                Why would I use Meganium to fight Gyarados when my (guaranteed) Electrode can oneshot it?
                The real problem with Chikorita is that it excels at nothing and isn’t worth the struggle it has at certain points

            • 2 years ago

              >It also gets Leaf Blade, the strongest Grass attack in the game
              It still isn't doing much off of 75 attack, which is by far the worst offensive stats of any starter. Even with the higher BP it's weaker than Venusaur's Giga Drain and much weaker than its Sludge Bomb (and in gen 1 much weaker than its Razor Leaf which has effectively 100% crit chance), not to mention that Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb have generally much more useful secondary effects than a slightly higher crit rate.

              The bottom line is that Serp's stat distribution is just bad, worse than any other starter. It has way too many points dumped into Speed which while would normally be a blessing for most pokemon Serp's typical lol mono grass movepool leaves it frickall to actually do with that speed. It also has relatively low HP but high sp def/defense meaning a lot of stat points invested for only middling bulk in return as well an equal distribution of low offensive stats. You've heard of the slow, frail, mixed attacker? Well this is the fast, slightly bulky, mixed not-at-all attacker that just doesn't really do anything.

              • 2 years ago

                Serperior doesn’t need to hit hard. Leech Seed is that excellent of a move and is one of the main reasons Venusaur is so good as well
                Service can singlehandedly give you a fighting chance against key bosses like Watchog, Zebstrika, and Excadrill by giving you that consistent damage and healing, which is not something that truly underpowered Starters, like Blaziken or Empoleon, can boast

              • 2 years ago

                >It still isn't doing much off of 75 attack, which is by far the worst offensive stats of any starter. Even with the higher BP it's weaker than Venusaur's Giga Drain and much weaker than its Sludge Bomb
                >0 Atk Serperior Leaf Blade vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Ditto: 136-162 (57.3 - 68.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
                0 SpA Venusaur Giga Drain vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Ditto: 117-138 (49.3 - 58.2%) -- 98.4% chance to 2HKO
                Not even close. You massively underestimate Base Power, Venusaur needs 122 Special Attack for its 60 BP Giga Drain to match Leaf Blade coming from 75 Attack. Heck, lets toss in Serperiors own Giga Drain(75 BP):
                0 SpA Serperior Giga Drain vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Ditto: 114-135 (48.1 - 56.9%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKO.
                That's not even that far behind.
                As for Sludge Bomb?
                >0 Atk Venusaur Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Ditto: 147-174 (62 - 73.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
                Stronger than Serperior's Leaf Blade, but not by much.
                82 Attack power is not much higher than 75.

            • 2 years ago

              I like serperior but the problem is its movepool is garbage. Fast bulky leech seed is a no brainer, that part is good. It gets leaf blade for STAB but that's basically it. When I first played BW I think I had to use fricking Return as my secondary ""coverage"" move because there was nothing else

          • 2 years ago

            Serperior is Pokemon geared towards literally one move - Coil. And Contrary shenaBlack folk but lol Dream World ability. It sucks and I kinda agree with Jan about it but still it has one niche over other grass-type starters.

      • 2 years ago

        >but is the best Starter by a country-mile in USUM
        what changed?

        • 2 years ago

          It has some really nice Tutor moves which are extremely easy to get in USUM, and most of the new fights or challenging mons are weak to Incineroar.
          Also, Primarina actually got worse, it used to get Scald as early as the second Trial, now it has Bubblebeam as its strongest special Water STAB until it maxes out Friendship and can get Water Pledge. All the good Water TMs are on Poni Island in USUM.

        • 2 years ago

          It has some really nice Tutor moves which are extremely easy to get in USUM, and most of the new fights or challenging mons are weak to Incineroar.
          Also, Primarina actually got worse, it used to get Scald as early as the second Trial, now it has Bubblebeam as its strongest special Water STAB until it maxes out Friendship and can get Water Pledge. All the good Water TMs are on Poni Island in USUM.

          I did forget that a lot of this stuff is Incineroar only and not accessible before that. It is still very good, but probably more A-Tier than S-Tier.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, for Cinderace being in S-tier he makes Galar a complete joke how it plows through everything with literally just Pyro Ball.

  18. 2 years ago

    >competitivegays are furgays
    water is wet

  19. 2 years ago

    Didn't WolfeyVGC beat Emerald Kaizo WAY before he did?

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair, Jan by then had pretty much singlehandedly devised all the strats for early-mid game, and didn't start using documentation until attempt 40 or so
      It doesn't excuse the fact that it took him over a 100 tries then after Wolfey and several others had beaten the run

      • 2 years ago

        It's impressive, but at that point, where's the fun if you have half of the game reduced to a series of calculations for "reliability". From what I remembered, most of the resets he made after 40 was when he didnt get a Pokemon he wanted or him having a SPECIFIC Pokemon die before he could let them DIE in some other place (he also intentionally killed attempt 69 because he didn't want chat to make 69 jokes). It's kind of a problem I have with speedrunning and a lot of competitive play in games.

        • 2 years ago

          you're preaching to the choir here. the great part of nuzlockes is working with what you have and using shit you've never done before, the 'beating the challenge' aspect was always secondary.

          i could understand running kaizo if the entire thing wasn't decided by 1 or 2 captures, at that point it's just stupid. even if it wasn't super duper hardcore mr. pro nuzlocker style i really think he or anyone who plays a nuzlocke of the game and wants to use level caps should go 2 or 3 levels above each gym just to make it less moronic

          • 2 years ago

            >i really think he or anyone who plays a nuzlocke of the game and wants to use level caps should go 2 or 3 levels above each gym just to make it less moronic
            IIRC at a certain point he does start doing this for the early gyms just because they're otherwise impossible to beat at level cap without getting very specific captures.

            • 2 years ago

              Pussy can't even beat games with his own rules and try to skirt around them, doing some mental gymnastics.
              What next "uuu, uuu it's fine If I'll not count that death becuzz becuzz... DON'T QUESTION ME, I'M THE PRO NUZLOCKER!"

              • 2 years ago

                You seem upset.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, just baffled how with every week this homosexual is trying to invent new excuses for his mediocrity.

              • 2 years ago

                Why would he need to? Nobody who "calls him out" watch his stream and text him in the chat.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. It took Jan 151 attempts to beat it, and I think 77 attempts just to reach the E4.
      Wolfey beat the game in 69 attempts and I suspect he could've done it in fewer but deliberately went for the funny reddit meme number.

  20. 2 years ago

    >ecelebs, trannies, groomers, twitter

  21. 2 years ago

    It's fricking single player Pokemon
    Every Pokemon is good because you get Effort Values and the AI doesn't
    I hate this clickbaiting moron

  22. 2 years ago

    F stands for feraligatr fricking rocks

    • 2 years ago

      This sounds legit. I've been familiar with the alphabet for many years and those letters and words check out.

  23. 2 years ago


    You can get evo stones as trainer gifts pre-E4 in Crystal. It's a big pain in the ass, but you can do it.

  24. 2 years ago

    Can't wait until the inevitable pedophilia/sexual assault allegations and subsequent cancellation

    • 2 years ago

      Reminder that he started insta-banning kids from his twitch chat not too long after he blew up from his Jaiden reaction.
      I'm not saying he's definitely overcompensating for something, but...

      • 2 years ago

        No he's just one of those homosexuals who think banning his audience is peak comedy because le based edginess.

  25. 2 years ago

    If you think the """difficulty"""" is set via who you pick as a starter, you are a moron.

    t. Picks Chikorita everytime

    • 2 years ago

      Grass types are the easy mode.

    • 2 years ago

      I pick the fire types because they usually have the cutest first forms and the most awesome final form of all. Shame that after black and white you have to play with just a 2 stage shitmon.

    • 2 years ago

      Chikorita is a "difficult" starter the same way Charmander is.
      Just has a type disadvantage against the first 2 gyms. No big deal if you can catch other mons.

    • 2 years ago

      Realistically 'difficulty' should be considered a mix of starter pick and how that starter pick is impacted by early mon choices. For example I don't really think losing out on a Water starter will impact you THAT much if you have good Grass or Water picks earlier on. Plus have to consider the type of gym leaders and rando trainers.

      So, while I feel you can gauge 'difficulty' via starter choice it is far more nuanced than just basic type advantages early on. They have to factor in the variety of types in the wild as well as the type of trainers faced, not just starter vs gym leader matchups.

  26. 2 years ago

    I’m not familiar with Gens 6-8 so here’s my list on the others:
    >Carries the run
    Swampert, Infernape
    >Consistently good
    Venusaur, Blastoise, Feraligatr, Torterra, Emboar
    >Flawed but useable
    Typhlosion, Sceptile, Serperior, Samurott
    >Never the pick
    Charizard, Meganium, Empoleon
    I’ll elaborate further if asked

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot to put Blaziken as “Never the pick”

  27. 2 years ago

    I don't get it. It's not like nuzzlocke make the game so hard that you need to do this....
    I usually play nuzzlockes with no item rules (more on me because I hate using items) and 9/10 can finish most games without even losing a mon ...The game is not that hard FFS

  28. 2 years ago

    Isn't this the guy who had a meltdown on Twitter for people calling utility mons "HM Slaves?" While ironically enough having zero problems calling them "HM prostitutes?"

    • 2 years ago

      That's because Racial Profiling was Twitter's virtue-signal of the month. They've already stopped pretending to care about that so "HM Slave" will become acceptable again soon enough.

    • 2 years ago

      He's a fake leftoid that repeats whatever attracts more attention from masses. I'm not even sure If he counts as actual being - he's all about optimizing his doshit life and career of a youtuber manprostitute. No personality, no opinion beyond what will give him more numbers, nothing. And if he's in life same as in Nuzlockes, he's a loser and a quiter except you cannot reset your life if you get bad roll.
      I actually would love to see him fall. Just to know what this weak-minded individual will do if cornered.

  29. 2 years ago

    By what metric? Feraligatr isn't the best starter but he is definitely on the higher end competitively speaking. I hate all these nuzlockegays, single player isn't hard and you're a coward who's afraid of competition.

    • 2 years ago

      >By what metric?
      nuzlocke is the only factor he's using

      • 2 years ago

        nta but to say Feraligatr is low tier, especially lower than Typhlosion, is moronic
        Genuinely befuddled by that ranking

        • 2 years ago

          >Feraligatr is low tier, especially lower than Typhlosion, is moronic
          Oppurnity cost. Water types are far more common than Fire types in most regions. A Typhlosion user can get just use the Red Gyarados for a physical water type, a Feraligatr user has to make due with Magmar/Growlithe.
          Also, remember that even though Game Freak clearly started to hate Typhlosion after gen 4, in GSC it has Fire/Electric coverage coming from 109 SpA and because the DV system could increase all stats, 84 attack was decent enough to add in physical options like Earthquake.
          Even in HGSS after the physical/spec split and IV change, the Cyndaquil line has early access to Fire Blast and Specs, which should carry you for most of the game (and even though Physical moves are obviously not as good, they can still be used to fill out its moveset).

          However, I agree that he is seriously underselling Feraligatr. Aside from having decent great options, especially HGSS , it completely shits on Lance with Ice Punch, and can overall cover its own weaknesses far better than Typhlosion can. Obviously no Pokemon is a one-mon army but, Feraligatr is definitely more versatile than Typhlosion.

          • 2 years ago

            >Water types are far more common than Fire types
            That doesn’t mean Fire types are actually useful, or even that it’s a bad thing to have multiple Water types.
            Specs Fire Blast is powerful, but what are the important targets we want to hit with it, especially ones that aren’t susceptible to Croconaw’s Surf?
            I can think of key targets that I need Totodile that Cyndaquil can’t get over, such as Claire and Lance.
            There’s simply nothing Cyndaquil can do that Totodile can’t. Best I can think of is Scyther and Miltank, but the former isn’t difficult to counter in general and the latter has more reliable counters in Heracross and Geodude

  30. 2 years ago

    Isn't Cinderace a bit underwhelming without Libero?

    • 2 years ago

      As long as you manage to get a decently early Bulk Up TR, it is actually a wrecking ball.

    • 2 years ago

      It's still minmaxed with 116 Atk and 119 Spd, get Pyro Ball as soon at you evolve it, and shitton of coverage options via TM's/TR's that Galar practically throws at you.
      It's clearly Game Freak's favorite child after CHARIZARD.

    • 2 years ago

      Not even close, even in competitive before it got Libero it had some use.

      • 2 years ago

        That was pre-DLC

  31. 2 years ago

    Very israelite

  32. 2 years ago

    Aren’t nuzlockes about building a bond with your pokemon and being forced to use “suboptimal” ones because of the one catch per route rule? Why would you take the soul out of it by trying to quantify shit like this?

    • 2 years ago

      For some people, sure. There's no reason you can't also just use the faint = death clause the same way hundreds of other games like XCOM or Fire Emblem do to add difficulty though. They're both valid ways to play.

  33. 2 years ago

    But Feraligatr was really good for Gen 2 since he could learn the Surf HM, which is probably the strongest move you'll have access to at the time you receive it. Surely that's good for a Nuzlocke.

  34. 2 years ago

    >can't even edit out himself constantly looking down at his script

  35. 2 years ago

    >Pro nuzlocker

  36. 2 years ago

    I could not care less about his videos but I can respect how much he makes people seethe with just a title

  37. 2 years ago

    >Oh, but first I'm gonna have some of my discord goons mod it to be easier.

    • 2 years ago

      Crystal Kaizo Plus itemless is harder than the original with items

      • 2 years ago

        I don't understand why he didn't even attempt to do the original Crystal Kaizo itemless.
        If he'd tried and found that it was impossible, then I'd get it, but he never even attempted it.

  38. 2 years ago


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