$50 USD for ten plastic tanks the size of a penny. Hahahahahahha. So glad I left the games workshop cult! Hahahahahhaha

$50 USD for ten plastic tanks the size of a penny
So glad I left the games workshop cult!

homosexuals will pay $50 for 50 cents worth of plastic

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 7 months ago

    >So glad I left the games workshop cult!
    >still keeping up to date with GW shit

    • 7 months ago

      Hey man, it’s free entertainment

      • 7 months ago

        Rent Free

  2. 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I don’t speak fricking ackronyms

      • 7 months ago

        NTA but it took me two thumb presses on my phone to look up the meaning. You could learn with less time than you spend following GW.

        • 7 months ago

          And people could communicate their point clearly without being moronic and leaving shit up for interpretation with shitty acronyms. If people are having to Google search what you said in order to understand it they're not the moron. You are.

    • 7 months ago

      Yakub Wins Black folk Be Murdered

      Anon. Why would you say such a heinous thing in a thread about overpriced plastic tanks? You got issues man

    • 7 months ago

      >You Won Now, Best Mate!

  4. 7 months ago

    >$5000000 USD for one golden toy the size of an egg
    >So glad I left the faberge cult!

    >homosexuals will pay $5000000 for $50000 worth of material

    • 7 months ago

      Did you really just compare a piece of craftsmanship with factory stamped bullshit?

      • 7 months ago

        British polystyrene, folded thousand times!

      • 7 months ago

        Are chickens not just egg factories? The egg is only a work of craftsmanship after its been well painted, same as a model

        • 7 months ago

          Do you think Faberge eggs are made from actual eggs?

          • 7 months ago

            no one has been brave enough to crack one but I bet they're delicious

        • 7 months ago

          Go to bed, cat, you're drunk.

  5. 7 months ago

    Anon, even communists have figured out that finished goods are worth more than the cost of the materials used to make them.

  6. 7 months ago

    >le GW bad
    >so glad I don't have anything to do with it anymore
    >cares about every new GW thing
    >checks pricing on each new thing
    >compulsively posts threads about GW
    Yeah dude you are totally fine.

  7. 7 months ago

    I printed that for 2 bucks, epic scale works great for resin printers and the tg groups have everything

    • 7 months ago

      This, especially since their tanks are just box shapes anyway.

    • 7 months ago

      Where'd you buy a printer and resin for two bucks? Sounds like a great deal.

      • 7 months ago

        >not owning a printer for years at that point

      • 7 months ago

        dude I bought a 4k Printer in 2020 for like 300 bucks and printed multiple armies for historical and GW games, in addition my flatmate uses it for cosplay details.
        It has repaid itself multiple times at this point, even when facturing in Isoprop, FEP, glove and resin cost, especially the ability to print single bits and pieces from GW kits.

      • 7 months ago

        I’ve printed entire armies for many, many friends: It’s a hobby unto itself that brings me joy. As a result, my entire normie group of close friends can play. The best part is we can pick up brand new armies and play escalation league style: it’s heaven. I highly, highly suggest learning the hobby and going in with your friends on it. There is some serious joy to be mined from one four hundred dollar initial investment both in terms of printing as a hobby itself and the chance it gives you to play some serious variety. One 8k printer can print two thousand points a week casually. Moreover, I cannot comprehend why people put up with mould lines from sio cast or injection mounding. The closest equivalent, Support marks, can be rubbed away with your glove before and after curing while leaving no marks they were ever there. I highly, highly encourage you to give it a go. If you’re at all into ttrpgs like d&d or pathfinder, it’s even more of a no brainer with the quality of the sculpts people put out on myminifactory. The poses you can get from 3d printing appear impossible to do with injection mounding. It keeps getting better, but right now is a fantastic time to get into the hobby anon.

      • 7 months ago

        They always claim it's "just 200 bucks for a printer and you're G2G" but my experience is that printers less than 500 bucks break after a year. I don't see why 3D printers would be less horrible than HP printers and am skeptical of all people promising a no-bullshit replacement for GW.

        • 7 months ago

          My $300 Mars 3 has had 21L of resin through it and it works fine. Maybe a year and a half old.

      • 7 months ago

        Dude, I printed a 1-1 Daemon Prince Angron for 20 USD of resin. That practically paid for my printer since I didn't have to pay GW's rape-prices.

  8. 7 months ago

    Look men, rhinos.

  9. 7 months ago

    I would love to play epic but I already can’t find anyone to play any of the GW games outside of 40k and occasionally AoS. The price tag’s associated with nu-epic means normies wont try it and there are already cheap STLs online of all of the HH models in Epic scale which dissuades anybody serious about it from going with the GW models if they even were to try it.

    The game is dead on arrival.

  10. 7 months ago

    Instead of obsessing over the proce just pront your own. GW will only learn if things dont sell, so if the rules outsell the models that would light a fire under their ass.

    • 7 months ago

      Why wouldn't I just play Epic Armageddon and buy the products made by all the 3rd party manufacturers for that?

  11. 7 months ago

    whats good source for incoming legion imperialis game?

  12. 7 months ago

    Why did GW fumble the ball so hard with this release?
    >horus heresy instead of 40k
    >no xenos races
    >original molds were fricked up

    • 7 months ago

      It needs to be hh so they can maximize the number of factions available to use with the same models. This isn't a difficult concept.

      Aeronautica was set in 40k and had a bunch of different xenos factions and fricking no one bought it.

      • 7 months ago

        That only exists because at the time
        X-wing was selling like hotcakes and was actually competitive sales wise with GW

  13. 7 months ago

    3D printgays are the fricking vegans of this hobby, we get it, now go back to huffing fumes i make enough money to buy what i want.

    • 7 months ago

      It will eventually kill the hobby and then they'll complain that nothing new is being released. They mock people who actually buy minis and yet we're the ones keeping their hobby alive. Ironic.

      • 7 months ago

        You cannot be fricking serious.
        Oh god. He's serious.

      • 7 months ago

        Thats why you had to wear helmet in to class Jamal

      • 7 months ago

        easy on the melodrama, it might only "kill the hobby" for you if you rely on stores for gaming spaces

        3D printgays are the fricking vegans of this hobby, we get it, now go back to huffing fumes i make enough money to buy what i want.

        > i make enough money to buy what i want.
        so do i but im white so I don't announce it every few minutes thinking being ripped off is a flex

    • 7 months ago

      It will eventually kill the hobby and then they'll complain that nothing new is being released. They mock people who actually buy minis and yet we're the ones keeping their hobby alive. Ironic.

      The education system in the UK must be dogshit.

      You cannot be fricking serious.
      Oh god. He's serious.

      They're too stupid to realize change in the industry when they see it, and that the hobby exists outside of GW franchises.

    • 7 months ago

      I agree. They're like the piracy people over on Ganker. It's like "congratulations, you're a thief" and they think we're going to call them clever and cool for stealing. Bragging about 3D printing is like bragging about scanning all of your veggies as bananas at the scanner; it's not clever, you're just ripping them off, hoping that the LGS or GW manager is too shy to tell you to GTFO with your printed models.

      No one cares about your 500 dollar minis that gave you cancer and shatter like china when you drop them onto the LGS hardwood floor.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >500 dollar
        More like 50 cents kiddo.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        you read like you're on the verge of tears

      • 7 months ago

        > stealing
        The thing about 3d printing that’s great is the non-gw ip stuff. Even Mantic is getting into the action with their vault and myminifactory offerings. Crazier still, if you check their frontiers or the tribes(myminifactory patreon) of various creators, these guys are making serious cash from easily pirate-able stls.
        My favorite is arch villain games. Printing those kits is pure joy.

      • 7 months ago

        >500 dollar minis
        That is literally 4-5 armies worth of resin you cretin. Cope harder.

        • 7 months ago

          >ignoring cost of power and printer of course

          • 7 months ago

            The energy cost of a Mars 3 Pro is about 3p per hour, anon. A full plate of models costs about £1-2 inclusive of all materials and power.
            Time is money, but hobby time is still time well spent and its less time than driving to the LGS and removing moldlines.

            • 7 months ago

              And printing 4-5 armies worth of models is going to take hundreds of hours of printing. Also still not mentioning the price of a high-quality 3-d printer

              • 7 months ago

                You can get phrozen mini 8k for 300 dollars,combined with 8k resin is the bog standard for extremely high quality stuff
                But you can do a lot nowadays with 4k printer
                But print quality is first and foremost dictated by the Sculpt, then resin,then settings and then the printer itself(now that 4k is the low end standard)
                Mine is Photon Mono 2
                Pic related, it's gorgeous
                Not saying you should print everything, farm from it, that's stupid, I hate those so called vegan printgays who print to just to brag over those who only pay for GW

              • 7 months ago

                IMO the problem with "3D printing for everyone" is not the entry price, it's the fumes/having to store dangerous products in your place (not even talking of setting up some "workshop" to clean and cure the mini). I'm doing it in a ~55m2 appartement with a dedicated enclosure and ventilation system, and I'm glad my gf don't complain too much .

                You ideally need a dedicated room with a ventilation system, and I understand people with kids or toddler want to avoid the stress of having them "playing" with uncured resin.

                For most people, it's way more convenient to buy printed models directly for esty, at 30% of GW price.

              • 7 months ago

                I have a balcony where I have my printer and where I clean and stuff, so I thankfully don't have an issue

              • 7 months ago

                >esty, at 30% of GW price
                Don't know what I'm doing wrong but everything I've seen on Etsy is about as expensive as GW, but with expensive shipping on top. I just looked and found off-brand Rhinos as £10 for 3, which is worse than the GW price the thread was made to whine about. Plus shipping.
                Another lot are £7 for 3, which is slightly better. But still worse than Vanguard's £8.50 for 4, and those are metal.
                How the frick do I find anything cheap on Etsy?

              • 7 months ago

                Got a link to any of those etsy shops cause for love nor money I am not finding any
                Also do we have any leaks of the rules yet?
                (for clarity frick GW they had so much of my money over the years I do not feel bad thank you.)

              • 7 months ago

                Once rule books get out there, we might see scans out in the wild soon afterward.

              • 7 months ago

                hopeing so. I saw something very breifly in a facebook group of all things but it got nuked

              • 7 months ago

                this is a goofy thread; it would be nice to just have an epic general. best way to play 40k by far.

                it's not usually that much of an issue because you really only need one 3D print guy in your group, especially for something like epic. if your club or lgs has even 10 or 15 people and everybody's good to throw in some $$, you are guaranteed going to have one hobby nut who is willing to run the machine, and it's pretty easy to knock out 3000 points for a new player over a weekend.

                figure it's about $300 to set up and $20 or so in materials per person, ameliorated over a group of 10 that's only $50 for everybody's first full army and often the guy who is actually running the printer will end up covering his own stuff entirely after a bit.

              • 7 months ago

                >one 3D print guy in your group
                That's me, and I started with an FDM printer for terrain, but now I'm waiting for black Friday to pull the trigger on a crealty halot-one plus. And it's not even to print armies for my friends, it's to print all sorts of armies (sci-fi/fantasy/historic) at all sorts of scales (6mm/8mm/28mm) just so I have opponents to play.

              • 7 months ago

                Doing the same (except than, like a good shill I took an uselessly expensive setup). Just handing armies to friends saying "want to try this, paint this when you have time", or printing whole armies for non hobbyist friend birthday presents feel very wholesome.

              • 7 months ago

                yeah it's pretty good.
                once you get a handle on the printer, I can't recommend enough taking a little time to learn blender. you don't have to be a master or anything, but it's really not hard to get to a competent level with it. having the ability to think of a bit you need for a conversion and just dream it in to existence is a ridiculous feeling.

              • 7 months ago

                I saved a few tutorial about slicing mini to, for example, reuse the arms among multiple kits, but didn't have the time to look at them yet.

                Probably when I'll have the need to produce custom PC for a pen and paper RPG.

              • 7 months ago

                fricking impressive
                i'd love to get into bfg
                i'm hoping LI does well so that gw fully buy into nostalgia and we can get BFG next year

              • 7 months ago

                >next year
                Assuming they started making it now they'd probaly ship the first wave summer 2025.

              • 7 months ago

                Well,we know BFG is coming, we just have no idea when, but given how Nu epic is out now,it will take time

                >next year
                Assuming they started making it now they'd probaly ship the first wave summer 2025.

                he said

              • 7 months ago

                don't own a printer but pretty sure you don't have to watch the thing the whole time it's going otherwise I wouldn't get prints so cheap/for free off my mates

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, usually once the printer run you can safely ignore it until the printing is done. Except in the case of very big mini where it's usefull to check if the print didn't failed during the process to save time/resin.

                The only time consuming step is the curing/cleaning of the printed mini (because it involve manipulating hazardous chemical product, and thus need a bit of time to be properly setup) and cleaning the printer when a print fail or when you need to change the FEP.

                With my settings, I'll usually launch the print of ~12 28mm mini plus their accesories before going to bed, have the print done by noon the next time, and spend ~20min curing and cleaning.

                I'll then keep the windows opens to properly vent my workspace for a good 30min.
                It's not time consuming to print for friend, already printed a whole BA german army for a friend, in less than two weeks.

                You'll print way faster than you can paint anyway, thus why the stereotypical 3D pronter will usually have a fricktons of grey tide armies.

          • 7 months ago

            Photon mono 2 is 45 watts

      • 7 months ago

        >make mini
        >use a distinct design
        >somehow this count as stealing
        Absolute state of consoomers

      • 7 months ago

        I'm not sure what you think 3d printing is, but you're very confused. Nobody is pirating GW stls, because GW doesn't sell stls. and no, they don't come from 3d scanning gw minis either.

        • 7 months ago

          >they don't come from 3d scanning gw minis either.
          Scanning is stupid. It's trivial design Stls from scratch that are one to one copies of the models. Yes they exist.

    • 7 months ago

      this is pure copium from pay pigs that have invested too much into real kits to stop now, no matter how much they are fricking gouged by GW. Congrats on being a sucker

      • 7 months ago

        >invested money
        This is one of the most obvious signs that someone is a secondary.
        No actual hobbyists have ever looked upon their collection and contemplated the money spent on it. It's the time and effort put into painting that really matters.
        Buying kits is quick and easy, it happens in an instant and then you have them forever.

        Maybe you could regret buying something that ended up on your pile of shame for a decade or two. But thinking of the price after you've spent hours painting each model in a squad? lolno

        • 7 months ago

          >Buying kits is quick and easy, it happens in an instant and then you have them forever
          it's good if it isn't an issue for you, but I know some people get in an addictive cycle where they buy kits faster than they can actually paint them. and if you do that you could definitely end up (sadly) contemplating how much you had spent on gray plastic.

          • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          you are a cantankerous homosexual that will spend hundreds on minute bits of fricking plastic, you fricking pay piggy unironically, there is no excuse for your line of reasoning, its pure bullshit when alternatives exist

          • 7 months ago

            What the frick is your problem? I am an adult and I spend maybe the equivalent of three days wages on miniatures every year. That will get me a lot of minis plus I alredy have a massive backlog so there's always something to paint.
            Does this hurt your little feelings?
            >cantankerous homosexual
            What does this even mean? Who the hell even speaks like this?

            • 7 months ago

              it means VERY BIG HOMO, stop buying GW shit for their ridiculous fricking prices, if you are continuing the hobby invest in a 3d printer and never have to eat shit like a good little pay piggy again

              • 7 months ago

                You are pure cringe.

    • 7 months ago

      Veganism is a great analogy, we all need veggies from time to time but being a fricking cultistsis bullshit

      • 7 months ago

        stop running interference for GW, they fricking shuck dick

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah that's fair. I love my printer, but I also buy some minis from time to time (not gw minis, but that's beside the point). honestly for epic I still really like having my infantry in metal. it's the perfect material for 6mm dudes, all the upside with none of the bad. and then I can just print the tanks and aircraft.

    • 7 months ago

      Are those 3D printgays with us in the room right now?

      Rent free.

  14. 7 months ago

    So GW needs to recoup the costs of
    >Buying injection moulding machines
    >The production of moulds
    >The CAD design of models
    >The paying of local UK wages and taxes since they manufacture in the UK not in China like 99% of cheap chinkshit games
    Once you account for everything the costs are quite reasonable. People here have no idea about the costs that go into actually producing something and believe they should get everything at Costco prices.

    • 7 months ago

      >>The CAD design of models

      Exists already

      >>The production of moulds

      Cheap, because its just tiny blocks

      injection moulding machines

      They have a fully stocked factory with plenty of those. I doubt they buy a new machine every time they release a new set.

      • 7 months ago

        >what is opportunity cost
        They could just be pumping out more primaris

        • 7 months ago

          There is 100% a saturation point for primaris were the Primaris players simply don't have anything else to buy.
          Also this game would not be as popular if it was just primaris versus primaris. Even they want to play someone else

      • 7 months ago

        >I doubt they buy a new machine every time they release a new set.
        An ate-up press is cheap as frick anyway if you shop around and are patient. Talking like 5 grand for something that would be overqualified to make this garbage. Granted, this press would be a dinosaur and a fixer-upper, but third tier auto suppliers have survived on this model since that consoomer you're replying to was a squirt in his mommy's c**t.

        Molds are expensive to get made, though. This is true. But operating cost for a locked-in, simple product like this quickly decreases over time. I've known plant managers that would kill to have GW's margins and legion of idiot customers to excuse price increases whenever the whim strikes.

        • 7 months ago

          Auto parts aren't a good example to use if you're complaining about product mark ups.

          • 7 months ago

            You are paying two or three tiers of seller before you, the common cretin, buy an injection molded plastic car part. These kind of items cost literal pennies. GW owns every part of their business model, from the factory to the outlets, and only gets extra off the backs of freelance stores that want a 'guaranteed sell' besides MTG. You are being had.

        • 7 months ago

          >Molds are expensive to get made, though.

          10-30k is not "expensvie" when we are talking about a company with several million turnover.

          • 7 months ago

            Correct, but 1.) Corporate vermin always offset cost on either hourly laborers, the customer, or ideally both 2.) If I don't acknowledge the buy-in cost of a mold, then someone will pointlessly bring it up.

          • 7 months ago

            >oh no people but too much of our product
            sounds like an us problem tbh

        • 7 months ago

          lol comparing a luxury hobby product to autoparts. If ur gonna attack gw pricing compare it to something else that is expensive. like enthusiast bicycles that cost 10 000$

          • 7 months ago

            False equivalency. Injection molded toys are similar sophistication to injection molded auto parts, except the auto parts 100% have a much tighter tolerance (Toyota jobs will make you cry). Don't take my word for it, GW thinks

            is a saleable product.

            Your costs in molding are the mold, the electricity, the plastic, the goober running the press, and the molding guy who actually knows how to tweak the press so it puts out products you can sell. Once you've solved that last one, the job is no-skill and runs itself. Even defective product might get recycles and bring costs down (dunno if GW uses regrind in their plastic molding machines). From there a better foreman tries to get the cycle as quick as possible with as few defectives as possible, because that increases the (often razor thin, in automotive) profit margin. Again, GW owns every single level of their business model - they pay anyone else but their own guys to live, and they keep them very low on the pay scale.

      • 7 months ago

        They have high labour costs due to actually paying people instead of paying Chinese slave labour. I'm not denying they're making a killing, I'm just saying that I don't begrudge them that since they actually make the effort to keep manufacturing local and I like to support companies that do this.

        • 7 months ago

          lmao, GW treats their employees like trash unless they're front office suits.

        • 7 months ago

          They don't pay people shit dude. Are you kidding me? Their game designers make like 20k a year LMAO

        • 7 months ago

          I couldn't care less where they produce their shit since they left the EU. If anything, production and logistics would be a lot better if done by chinks than bongs.

    • 7 months ago

      If you were right, prices would go down on legacy products every 2-5 years, not increase by a third yearly and sometimes by a random amount when they do something sneaky, like upgrade their website to total slop. You're a useful idiot, and the sad part is there's enough of you to make GW ludicrously profitable.

    • 7 months ago

      >Buying injection moulding machines
      Any high costs in this regard are due to GW making redundant copies of the same kits to milk money out of people just looking to buy upgrades, rather than just selling the upgrades themselves. An example is intercessors and hellblasters. They're straining their own supply chains out of incompetent greed.

      Seething bong. kek

      >The production of moulds
      >The CAD design of models
      Almost crumbs for GW.

      >The paying of local UK wages and taxes since they manufacture in the UK not in China like 99% of cheap chinkshit games
      GW doesn't pay its employees shit unless they're MBA executives, and they outsource their paper printing elsewhere. That's why Cursed City ran into problems at release during the quarantine.

      Every part of what you said is objectively false.

    • 7 months ago

      LMAO You triple Black person, GDubbs treats its staff like shit, pays them barely above minimum wage, this has been known for years.

    • 7 months ago

      huh, the things you learn reading Ganker
      here was me thinking injection moulds have lowered in price the last couple of decades, GW pay most of their design staff peanuts, and that just about every UK firm gets their kits made domestically at Renedra

    • 7 months ago

      >manufacture in the UK not in China like 99% of cheap chinkshit games
      This would be an argument if GW models weren't shit.

    • 7 months ago

      I payed a guy to 3d print 40 legs for upscaled Mk4 marines (bought the bodies and weapons from a seller on eBay. 20 dollars). Payed him 10 dollars. The free market in nisch hobbies works really well.

  15. 7 months ago

    I always expect high prices from GW, but man they always surprise me every time.
    At least there's third party not!Epic proxy stores for those who don't have 3D printers.

    • 7 months ago

      >At least there's third party not!Epic proxy stores
      Can you name some, please?

  16. 7 months ago

    >I Have No Dignity and I Must Consume

  17. 7 months ago

    The seethe coming from jwbabbies over not sucking the slopteet is palpable.

  18. 7 months ago

    >the GW interns are here
    A bit later than usual, actually.

  19. 7 months ago

    No Orkz, no buy.

    • 7 months ago

      >make side game of a side game
      What was GW THINKING?!

  20. 7 months ago

    For that price you could get three Bakery Products by MiniArt. Three!

    • 7 months ago

      I'm all for supporting historical manufacturers, but there's so many zvezda tanks, miniart diorama kibble boxes or icm figures a man can fit on his shelves. I can't give my house over to Ivan's plastic crack.

      • 7 months ago

        Only zvesda is Ivan
        ICM and Miniart should be Taras, both are ukrainian companies

      • 7 months ago

        Build more shelves.

  21. 7 months ago

    There are Victrix 12mm WW2 kits
    You get 6 tanks for $27 USD or 180 or so infantry figures for $32 USD

    • 7 months ago

      They're also beautiful. I've been looking at those for a couple years now. You can get an entire massive fricking army set for about $100

  22. 7 months ago

    is that real? thats a fricking steal for GW

  23. 7 months ago

    as long as they make mastadons who needs rhinos

  24. 7 months ago

    if you think thats bad they used to sell 4 rhinos and two landraiders for about that.
    Be happy this game will kill the epic 2nd hand market. Bunch of buttholes

  25. 7 months ago

    I'd rather get this for that price.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah dropzone is infinitely better looking. From the leaks of LI it plays better too.

      • 7 months ago

        No fricking way. Like I've never been this stunned by absolute dismal miniature quality. It's even worse since the ones holding the gun closer look decent enough, so why the frick did they even give any of them the pose they couldn't make properly?

        • 7 months ago

          Its just a lazy translation of the 28mm cad files to 8mm. 0 qc was done on the infantry.

      • 7 months ago

        Of all the models you could have chosen, you should not have picked PHR Immortals.
        When Hawk was bought out by TTC, they re-released the basic infantry in plastic. The new ones are most certainly not infinitely better.

        • 7 months ago

          Fair enough. Still better though. And much cheaper. And assuming there's not been a major rules rewrite it plays much better than LI.

          The only thing LI will have is an initial hype train to hopefully give you random pickup games.

        • 7 months ago

          >they re-released the basic infantry in plastic

          iirc aren't the plastic immortals only in their starter box and the blister is still the original sculpts?

          • 7 months ago

            They don't sell them in blisters anymore. The starter contents are not available separately other than the commanders.

            • 7 months ago

              Oh damn, guess I'm way out of the loop.

        • 7 months ago

          Akshually the plastic starter sets were done before TTCombat got involved, though I'm still a little salty that TTC cancelled the metal infantry blisters.

      • 7 months ago

        I need more angles of the GW 6mm or are they 8mm scale now miniatures. I'm baffled at those plastic grey blocks.

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            >that'll be $65 with tip please

          • 7 months ago

            Oh god look at the mold hoods on the helmets of the missile devastators

          • 7 months ago

            At least the tanks and dreads look good...right

            Terminators might not be shit

          • 7 months ago

            BRB setting up etsy shop

          • 7 months ago

            I won't give GW much credit, but I'm doubtful they'd let models that badly molded go into full production.

            • 7 months ago

              well they showcased them live and used them in he promo/painting tutorials so I'd say these will be shipped to the consumers aswell

              • 7 months ago

                I know I'm going to regret this, but if these release as they are, with those production frickups still in the final release, I'll buy a box. Just so I can laugh at it. I know there's no way to keep some rando on /tg/ accountable, but this is a matter of principle for me.

              • 7 months ago

                Please don't financially support this shit, even for the meme.

              • 7 months ago

                >I'll buy this horrible overpriced slop...IRONICALLY!
                GWgays are so pathetic

                I see it as a punishment against myself for giving GW even that glimmer of respect.

              • 7 months ago

                No anon. Don't do it. The pictures are fine enough for you to laugh at.

              • 7 months ago

                Look, if I'm right, then I won't be buying anything.

              • 7 months ago

                >I'll buy this horrible overpriced slop...IRONICALLY!
                GWgays are so pathetic

          • 7 months ago

            are the solar auxilia any better?

          • 7 months ago

            At least the tank looks good. If the outriders and jetbikes look okay, I'll just get those instead of infantry.

          • 7 months ago

            I'm unironically baffled to the point where I am wondering how the lads at Mantic are reacting to this.
            I remembered that Mantic's sci-fi game Warpath is getting an epic scale treatment.

            I'm now wondering which will look worse. Mantic's known quality miniatures or GW's obvious shall we say "glitched moulds?"

            Pic related is the only image I can find of Mantic's Epic Scale Warpath miniatures and I think they're 3D printed prototypes as well.

            • 7 months ago

              They mentioned that they put their “epic” version of warpath on hold after they learned that gw was doing it for 30k. Not sure if that’s smart: I feel like offering competition with your competitor is the way to go, but I know nothing about how their market works.

              • 7 months ago

                I think they it might have been smart as releasing it alongside the giant GW would have hurt Warpath Epic scale's sales a lot. But I am not so sure now that I am looking at those bad models. GW dropped the ball hard here.

          • 7 months ago

            It's an inappropriate choice of material for single piece figures in a small scale, but that doesn't excuse the sculptor's unwillingness or inability to consider the demands of the medium in the scale and to adjust the sculpts accordingly. It also doesn't excuse the failure of quality assurance processes or lack thereof. Based on some of the AoS multipart but monopose models I have at home I assume the sculptors sculpt whatever for monopose sculpts and get software to sort it out. No sane person would attach quarter of a kneecap to a cape or whatever. Obviously no such crutches here but a similar amount of carelessness.

            3D printgays are the fricking vegans of this hobby, we get it, now go back to huffing fumes i make enough money to buy what i want.

            Veganism is a good analogy really. There's a great many people that choose to be vegan for a variety of reasons but who don't make a song and dance about it. There's a small number of very noisy evangelists that piss just about everyone off. There's also a small number of very noisy homosexuals that think seething about veganism 24/7 is an adequate replacement for developing a personality of their own.

      • 7 months ago

        The plastic PHR infantry were even WORSE than those. Far far worse.

      • 7 months ago

        >posts old Hawk metals
        I got lucky and found a bunch of metal Immortals but the new TT plastics are basically blobs with blob arms.

      • 7 months ago

        Any links?

      • 7 months ago

        There's a bit of awkwardness due to being handsculpted, but in many ways I feel like the Epic Marines you posted are worse than archaic Laserburn minis

        • 7 months ago

          These are really nice.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah dropzone is infinitely better looking. From the leaks of LI it plays better too.

      Of all the models you could have chosen, you should not have picked PHR Immortals.
      When Hawk was bought out by TTC, they re-released the basic infantry in plastic. The new ones are most certainly not infinitely better.

      How does Dropzone Commander play? Is the 2 player starter box decent for getting into the game?

      • 7 months ago

        It's fun, very very very objectives based.

        As the name implies, dropships are super important and almost all units must come in on a dropship. Missions are usually about getting infantry to search specific buildings for objectives and then successfully extract off the board edge in their dropship. If the dropship gets shot down while holding an objective, you've got a blackhawk down scenario where both players have to scramble to go pick it up.

        It's a really fun game, and did a great job at making each match more than just blowing each other up as you rarely have the time to table your opponent without giving up on the mission.

      • 7 months ago

        It was the best game in its class until a few years ago, but the management have no idea what they are doing and have inherited a game that is utterly beyond their capability to support.
        The core of the game is still good but you have to get used to the idea that every new release or errata will utterly break something fundamental and that the game is very much in a cycle of being pumped with shit to justify selling new content.
        If you can roll back the clock a few years then yes, I'd recommend it in a heartbeat. The starter sets are spectacularly good value at the least, even if you throw away all the shit infantry sculpts.

        • 7 months ago

          Which version is the best? I have both editions' rulebooks, but we haven't figured out which one to start playing yet.

    • 7 months ago

      DZC starters are neat, pretty solid core army,

  26. 7 months ago

    Which recaster is most reliable when it comes to recasting the Adeptus Titanicus models? Hopefully said recaster will be pretty good at capturing the details of the other stuff too.

    • 7 months ago

      why bother with recasting? the printed stuff is higher detail than the GW stuff these days anyhow, and it's cheaper + you don't need to deal with shipping.

  27. 7 months ago

    >homosexuals will pay $50 for 50 cents worth of plastic

    That's usually how capitalism works

    • 7 months ago

      >That's usually how capitalism works
      That's also why 3D printers can compete now.

      >Verification not required.

      • 7 months ago

        I love the take that 3d printers will kill GW, if they were smart they would lean into the 3d craze and foster home printing.

        Have models you can only get in-store, sell printable only models, have their own brand of plastic goo, hell make their own brand of printer. There is a dozen ways they can adapt but butter milk bobs won't take it will they?

  28. 7 months ago

    >So glad I left the games workshop cult!
    >still keeping up to date with GW shit
    >spamming GW threads on /tg/

  29. 7 months ago

    Do we know what the starter box is going to cost?

  30. 7 months ago

    I like to run the numbers of relative costs
    >cost of getting enough oil to replace my oil for 5000 miles
    20 bucks
    >cost of a double burg at wendys plus fries and a soder
    12 bucks
    >a box of 10 orks
    55 bucks
    >1 month of swimming at the local university pool, plus parking
    90 bucks

    GW only seems expensive in relation to the idea that toys should be cheap, but the problem is that it's a model set for adultarinos and other popular model brands like Hundred Kingdoms or Gundam are taking advantage of brand recognition to raise their prices.

    In addition a large part of the market knockoffs are cheaper than GW specifically because they are designed to be close enough to GW models you can proxy them while being cheaper- a market that only exists because of GW, so comparisons between the two are pointless.

    Of course we can talk about 3D printers, but those threads are full of dudes fantasizing about buying the new 2000 dollar giga model so my opinion is that it's not really about saving money but about angry nerds redirecting their need to spend on something that 'gives the finger to GW', while still spending fricktons.

    I think in the future GW will probably copyright all 3D printer STLs and sell GW brand printers and GW brand STLs so you can print your own army and sue anyone who pirates the STLs or some shit. It just seems logical. But maybe in 20 years.

    • 7 months ago

      i like to compare the price of models with other models myself

      They always claim it's "just 200 bucks for a printer and you're G2G" but my experience is that printers less than 500 bucks break after a year. I don't see why 3D printers would be less horrible than HP printers and am skeptical of all people promising a no-bullshit replacement for GW.

      first I've heard of hp making home 3d printers, their industrial models cost a fair bit more than 500 bucks

      • 7 months ago

        >no punctuation or capitalization
        Redditor, post ignored.

        • 7 months ago

          >post ignored.
          the only thing you're ignoring is the (clearly inconvenient for you) substance of what I wrote

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah, that's the point.

            >You acknowledged that my post exists, I win!
            Lol, imagine being such an ignored troony in your life that someone merely acknowledging that you made a post on a mongolian wienersucking forum is enough to pipe you up.

            • 7 months ago

              >Yeah, that's the point.
              weird thing to straight up just admit to

              here you are days later with a bizarre schizo rant about trannies, I think you need to look up what "ignore" means

              • 7 months ago

                Tannies are schizos who believe they can metamorphose and if you disagree that's the same as killing them.

    • 7 months ago

      GW is expensive in relation to other miniatures. Most of them anyway. Also in relation to themselves, since their prices have increased much faster than inflation for a long time.

    • 7 months ago

      >dudes fantasizing about buying the new 2000 dollar giga model
      Even if you shell out and get the $2000 model to make absolutely fricking immaculate, gigantic bed prints, a lot of people I know who play warhammer spend that amount every year anyway. It's still the lesser amount and it's non-fomo nor continuous.

      People who actually have any experience with printers understand that the real problem is that they can be really frustrating to work with and it's a pain learning a bunch of new skills and setting up a space for it. If you don't have a garage or shed you're possibly just out of luck.

    • 7 months ago
  31. 7 months ago

    >surely now that epic scale is coming back it will be a more affordable alternative to playing 40K
    everyone even vaguely defending GW for this shit is fricking insane, and GW is the only company that charges these ludicrous prices solely because they own the IP in its entirety

  32. 7 months ago

    Holy frick that’s overpriced.

  33. 7 months ago

    I'm new to painting but I get the feeling it's not so bad if you don't get fomo for every new product. There models are expensive, but I also don't think I'll need to buy other models unless I want to once I have full points. Many people are just too much into the 100% collector mindset, or they're tourneygays. If you do shit just for simple fun it's less of an issue. Sure as frick better than MTG where all of your cards become irrelevant and then you need a new $500 deck if fricking PAPER CARDS.

  34. 7 months ago

    I don't play GW because I feel is expensive and I don't find their Quality/Price attractive enough for my pocket and tastes.
    But I'm respectful of those who play GW. It's still the most succesful and popular wargame - related product out there.

    tl;dr OP is an underage crybaby

    • 7 months ago

      >financial success of the game you happen to play = your personal success
      What is this moronic tribalism?

      • 7 months ago

        its called being a disgusting shill moron

  35. 7 months ago

    The anti-warhammer spam should be a bannable offense. You are shitting up the board. How many threads everyday about how much you hate Warhammer?

  36. 7 months ago

    Like Gaben always said, Piracy is a service problem
    But being smug about pirating is stupid, I printed my Warlord Titan and a bunch of stuff, because I don't wish to give GW that much money for something, I still give them a bit for some of the cooler models I can't print, like Kataphrons
    But like,look at it this way, I will not give GW 50 dollars for 50 points worth of Ironstrider, when you need at least 3 of them, no matter your income, it's ridiculous, I consider charging that much criminal, so I will not give them money for such thing and just print it
    As much as the vegan comparison is dumb, I can understand it, great you printed an army and you're bragging about it.
    But the point of 3d printing was to get an army you can play with it, was it not? It's not to rub it in people's faces that you got it for cheap
    It's a means,not an end
    >Pic related
    My beloved Warlord, is it perfect? No
    ,but he was also my first big print and I am proud of him as he stands tall to defend Ryza

    • 7 months ago

      That is indeed a nice Warlord, anon.

  37. 7 months ago

    Ben, you spend more with GW than most people. You’re here for life.

  38. 7 months ago

    The best way is to print shit like horde armies and buying the stuff you can't get the same result with by printing.
    My sister's army is all plastic because they have shit models for STLs.
    But my tyranids are almost all resin because the STLs are on par with the new stuff and actually better than the old sculpts (mostly).
    I don't even play guard but I printed a Krieg army just for fun because the sculpts are good.

  39. 7 months ago

    I remember when me and a friend bought our first space marines back in the 90s and yep, there were people screaming at us saying we were idiots for wasting money on something that was so extremely expensive. They suggested that we should play Starcraft instead.
    It's funny how things never really changes in this hobby.

    • 7 months ago

      those 5 space marines didnt cost £40

      • 7 months ago

        No? They cost about 5. And I remember the starcraft kids being genuinely upset that we bought them. They thought we were insane for spending so much money. "Don't you realize you even have to build and paint them yourselves?"

        • 7 months ago

          GW selling models for under £35.99? not a fricking chance and bub, its not the 1890s anymore

    • 7 months ago

      It's more like if they were also buying space marines but for twenty bucks cheaper than you were.

      • 7 months ago

        They were not. They just seemed to hate that the miniatures wargaming hobby existed and they looked for any excuse to shit on it. It wasn't just a warhammer thing either since me and my friend group tried any game system we could get our hands on back in those days.
        I recognize the same childish rage here on /tg/ so many years later. It was never about the money, there is something deeper.

        • 7 months ago

          >t. terminally online

          • 7 months ago

            You need money, time and the space, just how I said. If one is missing it's gonna suck.
            Honestly nowadays, the money can truly be the smallest problem with how cheap and abundant 3d printing has become.

            • 7 months ago

              really just time now. kinda changes the whole game. as the sculptor you really just need a regular off the shelf PC, you can sell direct to your customers. and the players, while they do need to print, one weekend print hobbyist can cover the needs of dozens of players in his local. and each of those players is probably spending less annually than it would cost to get the single box of rhinos in the OP. and getting a better product and service out of it besides.

            • 7 months ago

              There's a bit of awkwardness due to being handsculpted, but in many ways I feel like the Epic Marines you posted are worse than archaic Laserburn minis

              Elegoo is also having a small sale for Black Friday right now. The Mars 3 Pro 4k was listed at $150 last time I checked. With resin and the curing machine on sale, it should run at about $260 or $280 to get started, and isopropyl alcohol or acetone should be easy to find at a hardware store. It's probably the best time to buy right now before the whole industry fully realizes the scale in potential demand and the economy simultaneously falls through in earnest.

  40. 7 months ago

    I got a feeling Legions is the first time GW really feels the power of 3D printers.

    • 7 months ago
  41. 7 months ago

    Man I'm actually suprised at the bad reviews this game is getting. I just assume GW pays most reviewers for good reviews but plenty of people have thrown shit at this for being overpriced, too limited and just worse than Epic Armageddon and NetEpic.

    • 7 months ago

      if that's the direction the reviewer was coming from, there was never a chance there. there wasn't any possible future where LI was going to be in the same league as EA, and their target audience is mostly going to be people who have no prior experience of Epic or only know about it by reputation.


      the real win of 3dp isn't the cost, the model quality, or the freedom to make any model you can think of. It's that your entire pile of shame fits on a thumb drive.

    • 7 months ago

      I only read the goonhammer review and their basic opinion was "Game is fine, but not worth it unless you really like the models".

  42. 7 months ago

    Is it bad to want the starter box to play 4th ed 40k or netepic on a smaller table?
    There are people willing to buy the book and the tokens of the box for 45€ since I will not use them.

    Looks nice for some small vraks scenarios.

    • 7 months ago

      just play it in epic. you've already got the siege supplement, lists for krieg, vraks traitors, etc. plus then you're not waiting around for models.

  43. 7 months ago

    On an anycubic photon mono, I can barely fit 10 rhinos and print them for 40ct a piece! It's such a damn shame, that resin printers are such an investment in money, time and space. But I have a set up and the files, so I guess I'm gonna print my armies. Starter Box is barely worth it imo. But all the unit boxes, holy shit. I'd rather huff my resin fumes, than whatever people willingly buying this must be on.

    • 7 months ago

      1l of sunlu abs is LESS than half the cost of one of these boxes.

    • 7 months ago

      >It's such a damn shame, that resin printers are such an investment in money

      Are they? How is $200 considered a big investment when we are speaking about hobby cost in general, and especially compared to the GW hobby.

      • 7 months ago

        You're talking to a GW shill, bud.

    • 7 months ago

      >40ct a piece
      An exaggeration, but still cheaper.
      >It's such a damn shame, that resin printers are such an investment in money, time and space
      >I'd rather huff my resin fumes
      Open a window, moron. Or are you a britbong who can't afford his window opening license?

  44. 7 months ago

    Blame the metagays feeding the demand up and inflating the price

  45. 7 months ago

    >$50 USD for ten plastic tanks that could be 3d printed in better quality on a dirt cheap 3d printer for pennies.

  46. 7 months ago

    Anyone got the rules leak??

    • 7 months ago

      I got you brohemoth

      • 7 months ago

        extra jej. I already play the frick out of these rulesets.

  47. 7 months ago

    enough of this, let's just do a proper thread





    • 7 months ago

      The interns are already trying to take over the thread.


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