50 years of history and modern DND cant come up with its own ideas? Really?

50 years of history and modern DND can’t come up with it’s own ideas? Really?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago


  2. 2 months ago

    D&D fantasy is a mashup of Lord of the Rings, Swords and Sorcery, Dying Earth in particular as source material for an ever more cancerously distorted magic system, and flat-out science fiction to begin with. The mechanics were refactored from a wargame and mostly-freeform RP the same damned people worked on.

    It's always been nothing remixing and deriving from prevailing works, you're just bothered because it's now doing it with works that are prevailing in YOUR life instead of incestuously reprocessing mostly-shlock from 60 years ago or more.

    • 2 months ago

      And what games do you play?

      • 2 months ago

        A horrible amalgamation of D20 derivatives I dare not call Dungeons and Dragons.

        • 2 months ago

          Say it or nogaems, pussy

          • 2 months ago

            Oh bore off, you oik

            • 2 months ago

              >being briish

              • 2 months ago

                >Being Yankee

          • 2 months ago

            It has no name, for it is a deeply personal cistern of amateur game design. There is no end to the shitbrew, only mad cackling at endless jank.

            • 2 months ago

              sounds sovlful

          • 2 months ago

            Dickwads & Degenerates, 7th Edition.

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Tell us what that has to do with the point that Anon raised.
        It's only fair, when you're not in every "in ur settan", bait thread, and other off-topic thread asking what games they play.
        Stick to a standard, or stuff it.

      • 2 months ago

        cowardly deflection. I hope no anon answers your moronic questioning

      • 2 months ago

        the one ring

      • 2 months ago

        I'm soloplaying Tunnels & Trolls

    • 2 months ago

      It's not just that though, is it.
      It's one thing to take inspiration, and another to quite literally eat your own shit. Think about that analogy, it works, trust me.

      • 2 months ago

        Eberron and Nentir Vale are designed from the bottom up to smooth over gameplay concessions by designing the setting around the mechanics. Those are the only new first-party settings of ANY significance we've gotten in TWENTY FRICKING YEARS unless you count the MtG brand synergy, and consist wholly of reprocessed D&D.

        Stranger Things is more derived from the likes of The Brothers Grim fairy tales than D&D, despite the name-drops. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has frick-all to do with D&D by any literary tradition. They're schlock, but D&D working off them is not decades of self-reference like Eberron and Nentir Vale. Doing so is not eating their own shit, it's attempting to compost external manure.

      • 2 months ago

        Halflings, dwarves, and elves are not "taking inspiration."

    • 2 months ago

      This, modern fantasy in general is just clones of tolkein. The genre is creatively bankrupt and has been for literal decades.

      And what games do you play?

      NTA but:
      Digimon Digital Adventures
      Several TTRPGs of my own design

      Go frick yourself you insipid c**t.

      • 2 months ago

        >This, modern fantasy in general is just clones of tolkein
        t. guy who hasn't read modern fantasy in decades

        • 2 months ago

          >light erotica with anime powerups
          yeah no thanks, I'm fine with T.H.White and Dunsany

          • 2 months ago

            Why does Sanderson get hated on so much anyway? I've seen his stuff both recommended and bashed a frickton, but never quite bothered to check it out for myself.

            • 2 months ago

              He's a graphomaniac who writes a lot but doesn't have anything to say and whose command of the English language is laughable

            • 2 months ago

              Because he's reddit incarnate as a person.
              Dont write off his books because of this however; they are still more engaging and thoughtful than most other works that are in the mainstream vogue. Mistborn is kino.

      • 2 months ago

        >modern fantasy in general is just clones of tolkein
        And Tolkien is derivative from Ursula Leguin, a book collection of fairty taleshe read as a child and other legends from cultures he liked (and most important: The Holy Bible).
        Not even his work is original, anon. He just didn't want to share his sources of inspiration because he is a homosexual.

      • 2 months ago

        >another moron who can't spell Tolkien correctly but still praises him for singlehandedly creating 2000 years of myths
        We get it, you homosexuals would hero worship anyone who smells less than yourself, but stop spewing this blatant bullshit hot take.

    • 2 months ago

      This, modern fantasy in general is just clones of tolkein. The genre is creatively bankrupt and has been for literal decades.

      NTA but:
      Digimon Digital Adventures
      Several TTRPGs of my own design

      Go frick yourself you insipid c**t.

      Derivative works are fine, derivative works of derivative and meta stuff is where the eyebrow should raise in a mix of confusion and disgust.

  3. 2 months ago

    The lack of coming up with one's own ideas is a problem throughout all media.
    Look at Netflix.
    Look at Disney.
    Look at all the remakes, and everything that's "reimagined for modern audiences".
    Look at all the steps that are being taken to change how people talk, how they think, how even colleges and fields of work care more about maintaining a ratio of people than the merit of their ability.
    The root(s) of the problem are with who have power and influence over this society.
    Media is simply another withering flower on the plant.

    • 2 months ago

      It's gotten pretty incestuous over the last couple decades to where you now have people who only have an extremely limited variety of media as their inspiration and they produce media that is simply derivative of previous successful media. That's gone on so long that you now have people working in the industry whose understanding of storytelling and media as a whole is entirely built upon those derivative works. And it's only going to get worse with the tiktok generation that wants movies that are parceled into a series of brief, blunt clips no more than a couple minutes long.

      • 2 months ago

        The other thing is that the people who work in media now often lead shallow lives. If you're a Californian urbanite whose entired lived experience is downtown Los Angeles and all you look forward to is Marvel movies, then you aren't going to create great stories. I think great stories come from rich lived experiences and a broad perspective.

        • 2 months ago

          This is true. Back in the golden age of cinema, directors and storywriters had interesting lives outside of California.

      • 2 months ago

        >they produce media that is simply derivative of previous successful media.
        That's...more or less how it's always been. The trouble is more that "successful" operates on very different metrics today than it used to. In part because everything moves faster, but mostly because market research exists and large corporations have grown up around controlling publication.

        • 2 months ago

          >That's...more or less how it's always been.
          "Derivative" does not mean "inspired by", it means shallowly imitating something else. Making a movie that's just exactly like something else that was popular and successful either because it gave that creator some surface level entertainment or because they want to make something popular and successful too, is being derivative. Taking inspiration from many sources and a fully lived life and forming that into a unique and interesting idea is what authors and artists did for centuries. Now you have people whose more important, formative experiences with any media was dozens of Marvel movies and some tiktok memes.

          Star Wars draws from war movies, samurai movies, pulp fantasy and sci-fi, and so many other things... Then you have the new trilogy, which didn't want to make a new movie that blended genres and inspirations and told a story woven together from the wide variety of places... It wanted to make more Star Wars. More movies that are exactly like Star Wars. Do you see the difference?

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah all Disney star wars is just cannibalising actual star wars over and over again.

      • 2 months ago

        it's pretty ironic that current media draws from such a narrow pool of inspirations, given how much insiders in those industries bleat about the value of diversity.
        meanwhile a gaggle of asiatics in a sandwich shop made a game that got anons on Ganker reading semi-obscure korean poetry, japanese short stories, opera, and kabbalah simply by using those as inspiration.

        • 2 months ago

          They get a broad and diverse range of topics. They then pick which ones they think will sell the best as decided by marketing and the main source of customer interaction, Twitter.

        • 2 months ago

          Reverse 1999 is another fun. Chinese mobile gacha game that is genuinely diverse in that it covers multiple cultures across the world across multiple eras and earnestly references history and fiction relevant to those cultures/eras to the point you've got amateur historians trying to track down all the references. It also shows the good and the bad instead of being a multicultural globohomosexual sludge rainbow where everyone holds hands and gets along.

          A Knight is my favorite, even if he's hardly the most obscure

          • 2 months ago

            Wish they proofread the lines for this game before making the voice actors speak them. I feel bad not wanting to use the english voices because they clearly casted good lesser-known voice talent for the main cast

        • 2 months ago

          >given how much insiders in those industries bleat about the value of diversity
          They want diversity of employees, not diversity of ideas or actual experiences. It's why even the most "diverse" games still tend to be
          >a band of heroes with different skills go on a journey to battle/rescue/recover something/someone
          Because even when they're trying to make a culturally-informed, diverse game, they're still just remaking D&D.

    • 2 months ago

      no mention of music? music's been in a HORRIBLE shape stealing from itself. my boss has Amazon music top however many playing at the shop and it's about every 4th song is a blatant ripoff, they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

      • 2 months ago

        I'll admit, when it comes to music, I live under a rock. But learning about this isn't surprising, given the state of things.

      • 2 months ago

        Music is in a very, very good place. More people are making it, and more competently, in a greater variety, than any other time in human history. And you can get access to the global surge in music with a little effort and never, ever run out of new things to hear and fall in love with. Music MARKETING, on the other hand, is a fricking shitshow. That's the issue with everything branded right now, in every industry, and /tg/ industries are no exception.

        • 2 months ago

          BRUH, the amount of interpolated or "we sampled the entire damn chorus" songs in the last 10 years is INSANE.

          like i'm not one of those sampling purists, a lot of the music in my collection uses sampling, but there's a difference between collage and cutting the mona lisa out of frame and pasting her on a new canvas with a polkadot background and calling it a new masterpiece

          • 2 months ago

            This is selection bias. Have You Tried Not Listening To Electronica.

            • 2 months ago

              i am specifically complaining about the top40 list, things that get played on the radio.

              yes, sure, a million fricking random losers soundclouds exist out there I could go listen to, and some of them probably have some pretty good ideas, but we are discussing mass media here, the state of industries, not indies.

              • 2 months ago

                And I'm telling you that the state of industries is more varied than you're pretending. If you go away from the big advertised shit then there's a lot out there and it's leagues better than what's being peddled, because it can be precise to your tastes and as adventurous as the artist is capable of. It goes for music - you obviously don't listen to fricking anything except American music that a company is selling you - and it goes for TTRPGs. Have You Tried Not Playing D&D applies to everything if you have half a brain. That seems like asking too much out of you based on your posting.

              • 2 months ago

                NTA but some industries are legitimately fricked. If you try German media it's all either crime or drama and nobody there has any talent for acting. You'd think you would find some indie stuff, but you don't need to dig for it, you'd need a Bagger 288 to find it.

    • 2 months ago

      Hipsters are universally dumb. This a literal nothingburger. Its fine to go after whatever's popular in the media, currently. Back in the 2000s, everyone wanted to make the new Dark Knight. Makes sense that, after the acclaimed success of Avengers Endgame, everyone wants to have their own MCU Phase 1.

  4. 2 months ago

    Being derivative of popular fiction is literally the fricking point of D&D and always was.

  5. 2 months ago
  6. 2 months ago

    That's like eating shit out of a sewer because you're hungry, lol.

  7. 2 months ago


    If they were well-written gay chicks, it would be a lot better than what we're getting. Make them black, say they identify as a man. I don't give a shit if those things are *part* of their character, but my issue comes from those things being their *entire* character, while having less personality than a plank of wood and having the same "heroine's journey" that amounts to gliding through the plot, "girlbossing" and "queenslaying", as the universe bends over to everything they say and do, except for the big bad obviously-evil outwardly-racist (that mysteriously never says slurs) who gets red-faced angry, throws temper tantrums, and MUST DESTROY HER.
    Put some effort into the script, write consistent plots that challenge the characters, make the characters struggle and show accountability, make villains who seem more like insurmountable walls with how stoic and pragmatic, efficient and ruthless, they are.
    Write your miscegenating lesbians struggling to keep their relationship together, weave that plot in with the other story beats, then give them a satisfying end, whether they kiss or agree that splitting is for the best, or have the lover get killed as a motivation.
    Focus on more aspects than the CGI, the music score, and The Message.

    • 2 months ago

      CGI, Music and Message are all things you can write a report about based on metrics and present it to people who sign off on the money.

    • 2 months ago

      see that's the thing, a lot of these don't even have a proper consideration of their message.

      Wish is a great example of it for Disney, like holy hell.
      The villain is objectively right. Not all wishes should be granted, some are dangerous or frivolous. Instant Gratification and chasing every dream are not responsible.
      He's not a villain, he's an adult, backed into a corner by a childish sheeple's revolt.

      • 2 months ago

        Holy shit, I'm glad I didn't see that movie.

  8. 2 months ago

    they'd have to read any of it first.

  9. 2 months ago

    Didn't Larian say months ago that literally every creative person they worked with at WotC was gone by the time BG3 released?

    • 2 months ago

      and more were fired after that.

      d&d side is being held together by a skeleton crew and the AI tools that wotc allegedly isn't using.

      • 2 months ago

        >d&d side is being held together by a skeleton crew and the AI tools that wotc allegedly isn't using.
        Hasbro has hedged its bets on AI being a replacement for competent human beings, but the reality is an AI tool is still a tool. It could be spitting out complete garbage and the intern they pay two dollars an hour to manage it would have no idea.

        • 2 months ago

          Putting all your eggs in the basket of an emerging technology is such a boneheaded move it makes me wonder if wieners and Williams are genuinely moronic. They were both in tech!
          Are these stuffed suits so invested in corporate positioning that they can’t admit when something has failed and therefore cannot learn from mistakes?
          I don’t know how these people get into the positions of leadership when they are unable to reflect. It’s fricking mind-boggling.

          • 2 months ago

            >I don’t know how these people get into the positions of leadership when they are unable to reflect. It’s fricking mind-boggling.
            by throwing people under the bus and climbing over the mound of corpses.

          • 2 months ago

            >Putting all your eggs in the basket of an emerging technology is such a boneheaded move it makes me wonder if wieners and Williams are genuinely moronic. They were both in tech!
            Because they are actually MBAs and not actual tech people. MBAs are trained to make stock values go up and not actually improve businesses.Saying they will be adopting new buzz worth tech is just one of the ways they inflate the value amongst their peers.

            • 2 months ago

              this, there's not a single C suite alive that cares about company healthy anymore, they care about line goes up while they're in the chair. If it crashes and burns literally 30 second after they leave, that's no skin off their nose.

              • 2 months ago

                society is collapsing within 30 years, why would you care about long term health of anything? You take the money and run and hope it will be enough of a floatation device to save you from the coming flood when everyone else drowns.

              • 2 months ago

                >the coming flood
                Not everybody lives near the coast anon, some of us are going to die in the Water Wars, food shortages, civil unrest, mass migration, wet bulb events, heat waves, cold snaps, power grid failures, and fuel shortages
                Last projection I saw put AMOC collapse with anoxic ocean stratification to repeat the Permian Extinction around 2040, after which anaerobic life will start pumping toxic gas into the atmo which killed something like 95% of all life last time it happened

              • 2 months ago

                it was intended to be read as more of a metaphorical flood, think god cleansing the earth because our sins were too great, but given that literal flooding is actually relevant I suppose I should have been clearer.

              • 2 months ago

                Life's great!

  10. 2 months ago

    DnD never came up with its own ideas. It's always been a grab bag of Conan, Tolkien, and the things those two pulled from

    • 2 months ago

      And no matter how hard it pretends to, neither did 40k. Its all a mashup of various sci-fi franchises thrown into a grimdark remix.

      • 2 months ago

        >neither did 40k
        Anon, when did I ever imply 40K was original? Of fricking course it's just a blender of things briish nerds thought was cool at the time and heaping helpings of ripped off Dune lore. Anybody who tells you otherwise is either ignorant or delusional.

  11. 2 months ago

    >multiverse shlock plot
    >gather the 7 macguffins
    >hey remember vecna? we didn't until we watched stranger things lol now he's thanos
    This is actually really embarrassing, I just don't know if it's more or less embarrassing than what 6e is turning out to be looking like from the UA overhauled class synopses

  12. 2 months ago

    I tracked the article down.
    They were asked by IGN's interviewer if it was inspired by the MCU or Stranger Things and the answer is basically 'no'.
    What a fricking non story.

    Everyone here going into conniptions about this is the epitome of NPC. You see a clickbait headline and you start shrieking like howler monkeys. Zero interest in reality.

    • 2 months ago

      Not all Heroes wear capes. Goddamn.

    • 2 months ago

      >“I think it certainly revealed to us that the audience and the world at large is ready for a story like this,” Hamon tells IGN after she’s asked about the high profiles of multiverse films like Everything Everywhere All at Once and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
      >“They’ve responded to multiverse stories like the ones [IGN] mentioned. There’s a lot of interest in high stakes, really epic storytelling that involves a lot of different places, lots of different characters. It felt like an opportunity for us to do something that maybe wouldn’t have resonated very well maybe just ten, twenty years ago.”
      >”I’m a fan of Stranger Things and a lot of folks on staff are fans of Stranger Things. I thought that [fourth season] was really cool storytelling. I knew that audiences were familiar with Vecna. So when we were looking at characters that we wanted to use and what big, historical threats we might want to consider for this book, Vecna was really at the top for me because he had been depicted in Stranger Things in an interesting incarnation.”
      Sounds like inspiration to me, D&Dshill.

      • 2 months ago

        >stranger things uses a D&D villain
        >D&D can't use that villain anymore or they can't come up with their own ideas, even though that villain was their idea in the first place
        Sounds like goalpost shifting to me, homosexual

      • 2 months ago

        Can't believe someone would just go and lie about something on the internet...

        Also EEAAO and the MCU are galaxies apart in terms of the kind of Multiverses they're presenting, and one of them actually did it amazingly well, while the other shit their own pants and is now trying to savage a trillion dollar sinking ship by bailing water with a teacup.

      • 2 months ago

        >stranger things uses a D&D villain
        >D&D can't use that villain anymore or they can't come up with their own ideas, even though that villain was their idea in the first place
        Sounds like goalpost shifting to me, homosexual

        it's not even a DnD villain it's just some c**t they call Vecna because Season 1 named its main monster after a DnD monster so when a proper villain comes along they name him after a DnD villain

  13. 2 months ago

    sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo What's their 50th plans?

    • 2 months ago

      5.5e in September, some merch, some books that mangle old material.

      • 2 months ago

        Does 5.5 put Tasha's Cauldron & Sword Coast Guide content in the 5th edition core? I'm behind on what they're up to.

  14. 2 months ago

    Its very easy, we have come from people than participated in the worse war and in the worse battle in history and with a great knownladge of ancient story making stuff like Tolkien to people than finds his greatest setback at live is some one misgendered they late at an incredible expensive cafeteria and majored in basquet weaving in polyamory communes.

  15. 2 months ago

    "Influenced by the MCU" is the worst thing I've ever heard.

  16. 2 months ago

    >50 years of history and modern DND can’t come up with it’s own ideas?

    This is not a problem unique to D&D, or did you not notice that one of the earliest Warhammer scenarios involves The Doctor straight-up showing up?

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