>6 months. >only small bug fixes. >No mods. >No Expansions

>6 months
>only small bug fixes
>No mods
>No Expansions

It's fricking OVER

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

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UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    It never fricking started anon

    • 3 months ago

      I just wanted starfield to be good bro. That's all I wanted. We got a game that was supposed to be about space exploration and instead it ended up being Bethesda's most confined game.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm in the same boat but have come to accept that Bethesda was never going to be able to make a proper space exploration game.
        Between the 20 year old engine (FRICK right off you troglodyte creation engine apologists) and the absolute shit-tier writing Emil continues to deliver, the project was doomed from the start. No matter what updates or expansions they deliver, it will still consist of fast travel menus and loading screens. There will never be seemless travel between space and a planet's surface. There will never be anything interesting to discover, only mindless procgen shit.
        I'll admit I've been a Bethesda apologist in the past but Starfield was my breaking point.
        I have no hope for any future Bethesda title, I'm not even going to buy TES 6 unless by some miracle I learn it's actually good.
        Frick Bethesda.

        • 3 months ago

          >FRICK right off you troglodyte creation engine apologists
          I honestly don't think it's the engine's fault. I think Bethesda is just shit ass awful at coding and making a decent game. A good coder and somebody who knows how to optimize an engine can do wonders. Nobody in Bethesda are on that level.

          • 3 months ago

            >the engine

            We are in a Starfaild spaceship in space. Let's "fly" to that planet.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            We are in orbit around the planet. No point in exploring the planet because there's only one repeating city on the planet?! Fine.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Well, the game landed the ship for us. Let's get out of the ship.
            >*cut scene of exiting the wienerpit to hide the loading screen*
            Okay, let's press E on the ladder to leave the ship.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Well, let's walk around the city. Oh, here's a building. Let's go in.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Let's go up to floor two. No stairs? Here's an elevator. Let's go in.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            On floor two now. Nothing to see here. Let's leave this building. Back in the elevator.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            On floor one now. Let's press E on the door to leave.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Maybe there is something to do somewhere else. Hey, here's a train. Let's get in.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Okay. Another area of the city. More buildings to click to go in. Nah, let's leave this planet. Back to the train.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Let's walk to our ship. Press E on the ladder to enter the ship.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Let's go to the wienerpit. Press E on the chair.
            >*animation to hide the loading screen*
            Let's ascend.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            Let's go to another planet.
            >*cut scene to hide the loading screen*
            So, fast travel is the only way to travel in this game? There's no driving or actual flying, landing, or ascending? There are world cell loading all over the place? Frick this, Bethesda.
            *clicks settings*
            *clicks exit to main menu*
            >are you sure?
            *clicks yes*
            >main menu
            >click any button to continue
            *clicks button*
            *clicks settings*
            *clicks exit game*
            >are you sure?
            *clicks yes*
            *crash to desktop*

            • 3 months ago

              nice youtuber opinion

          • 3 months ago

            I will happily eat my words if some modder figures out how to make space travel seemless, but the way the engine works makes that a herculean task.
            Every playable area is a "cell", a self-contained area to explore. The game will not load another cell while another one is in use, and uses loading screens to transition from one to another. Each star system is its own "cell", and thus FTL travel between stars without a loading screen is impossible. Any cells larger than what they use faces an even more severe problem. Look up "float" to learn why larger scale areas are impossible for the creation engine.
            Maybe some tech wizard can wrangle their spaghetti code to make space exploration better, but I'm not holding my breath.

            • 3 months ago

              >I will happily eat my words if some modder figures out how to make space travel seemless
              Technically anon, you CAN fly to other planets seamlessly in Starfield. People have done it like flying from Mercury to the Sun. The other planets you see exist as 3d models, and orbit in real time. They aren't just jpgs in the background.

              It just takes like 8 hours to reach them because space is fricking big. It took nearly 4 days of the real world space shuttle going over 3,000 MPH to reach the moon. Even if you're going 10,000 MPH it would still take 155 days to go from Mercury to the sun because of how far shit is in space.

              That's why Starfield just FTL load screens you to planets. Manual flight in-game would just be literal real world hours of you sitting there as planets SLOWLY get closer.

              • 3 months ago

                Then why did they give us the experience we got? No Man's Sky, for all its other faults, at least gave the pulse drive, you got to other planets in seconds with that. YOU were in control, it wasn't just a loading screen. They even added random encounters while using it to add to the experience.
                I just cannot understand how Bethesda thought this product was so groundbreakinly good. It's all fast travel menus with very little player engagement.

              • 3 months ago

                >Then why did they give us the experience we got?
                For the same reason other games like Mass Effect, Outer Worlds, and most Star Trek and star Wars games skip over real time space travel.

                Space is very big, and very empty. The moment everyone has an FTL drive there is never a reason to not use it, but when going FTL
                -You can't be seen or interacted with since you are going faster than LIGHT ITSELF
                -NPCs can't be seen or interacted with for the same reasons.
                -You can't see any planets/stars/anything else, you're just staring at whatever FTL effect they made up.
                -Humans do no manually pilot ships in FTL since they can't see/hear anything. It would be like driving while blind and deaf. That's all done by computer. So the player would have nothing to do.
                -Because of all of the above the player can never have a Skyrim like experience where you run into dragons, or space pirates, or w/e while going FTL since those thing's cant see you, interact with you, or even hire upon you, while you're going FTL.
                -Because of THAT the only time you would ever run into people is where you do already in Starfiled. Immediately around planets either because its a colony or people are taking small breaks to let their grav drive cool off.
                Seamless space flight would be literal real world minutes of you being able to do actually nothing but sit there and look at the rainbow effect of the FTL drive as the ship flies itself to the destination.

                Hell, even shit like the Star Trek TV shows, and the star War movies, largely skip over most long distance space flight by having the characters sit around and talk/do shit in the ship rather than actually FLY the ship because everyone knows there's frick all to see or do in space or flying in space.

                And NMS isn't a good example. Even with all the updates its still mostly frick all empty space where you spend real world minutes flying to another planets before you can actually DO anything. Space flight in NMS is THE worst part of the game.

              • 3 months ago

                >-Because of all of the above the player can never have a Skyrim like experience where you run into dragons, or space pirates, or w/e while going FTL since those thing's cant see you, interact with you, or even hire upon you, while you're going FTL.
                fire upon you*

              • 3 months ago

                I get the feeling we wanted different things from this game and that's our main point of contention.

              • 3 months ago

                How can you play a Bethesda RPG and not want some fun exploration with a bunch of unique stuff to see and do? Some of their games might not achieve that as well as others but it is a core focus of all their games since Morrowind.

        • 3 months ago

          > There will never be seemless travel between space and a planet's surface.
          Seamless space travel is dogshit
          >Hey man, I love sitting hre slowly flying twoard a planet 5 billion miles away with nothing to do but stare at empty space.

          There is a reason why Starfield, Mass Effect, Outer Worlds, basically every Star Trek/Star Wars game, and even Star Trek/Star wars shows/movies, largely skip over the act of space travel. Its boring because space is empty and the only time you would reasonably encounter something is immediately around a planet/moon/nebula

          • 3 months ago

            Not only this, but the moment you start going FTL you wouldn't even be able to see/interact with anything. It would just be like 4 minutes of looking at the rainbow FTL effect.

            You also wouldn't be flying the ship yourself at FTL, since humans can't comprehend things while going FTL. It would all be done by computer with the pilot just sitting there to monitor it in case the computer needs a small adjustment/if it runs into the very rare thing it can't pilot around.

        • 3 months ago

          morons that mention "game engine" almost never have the ability to even discern fundemental 3d rendering elements like pbr uv's or drawcalls yet they are always the most vocal about them.

          you're no better than the moronic higher ups that order project scope along their whims because they saw an E3 trailer that was done on a different engine and ordered the team to migrate their projects and workflows to use some new technology that they have zero clue about because they saw a targeted ad on facebook

          • 3 months ago

            Get back to work lazy millennial dev. Stop making shit games.

            • 3 months ago

              disregarding your project's actual needs and favoring your personal wants is how you end up with shit games, zoomer

              • 3 months ago

                Don’t care. Make better games gay. No excuses.

              • 3 months ago

                >don't care
                then why are you posting your moronic takes on something you obviously have zero idea about

      • 3 months ago

        The minute I realized I couldn't strip dead bodies naked or throw them around the room was the minute I realized I wasn't going to have fun with this game.
        >I just wanted starfield to be good bro
        That's all I wanted too. It didn't have to be mind-blowing, Fallout 4 in space would've been acceptable. But it's less than even that. Fricking hell.

        • 3 months ago

          >Fallout 4 in space would've been acceptable
          Thats basically what it is.

          • 3 months ago

            It has less features than Fallout 4 from a gameplay perspective. It's a downgrade of an almost decade-old game, which was already a downgrade of a game years older than it.

            • 3 months ago

              >It has less features than Fallout 4
              it has about the same, it has terrain generation and ships

            • 3 months ago

              >It has less features than Fallout 4 from a gameplay perspective.
              No it doesn't.

              >It's a downgrade of an almost decade-old game, which was already a downgrade of a game years older than it.
              Compared to what? Fallout 4 has way more features than Fo3 or NV. Especially if you account for DLC.

              Fallout 4 was a "downgrade" of nothing, anyone who says otherwise is an actual bangwagoning Gankertard spouting memes.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                frick off emil

      • 3 months ago

        whats it like to be a moron?

      • 3 months ago

        Same. I didn't expect Starfield to be "good" but holy shit I did not expect it to be THAT bad.

        > There will never be seemless travel between space and a planet's surface.
        Seamless space travel is dogshit
        >Hey man, I love sitting hre slowly flying twoard a planet 5 billion miles away with nothing to do but stare at empty space.

        There is a reason why Starfield, Mass Effect, Outer Worlds, basically every Star Trek/Star Wars game, and even Star Trek/Star wars shows/movies, largely skip over the act of space travel. Its boring because space is empty and the only time you would reasonably encounter something is immediately around a planet/moon/nebula

        >Seamless space travel is dogshit
        >Hey man, I love sitting hre slowly flying twoard a planet 5 billion miles away with nothing to do
        This has always been a stupid argument. A good video game could have seamless space travel that wasn't just fricking sitting there. It doesn't have to be "realistic".

        • 3 months ago

          >This has always been a stupid argument. A good video game could have seamless space travel that wasn't just fricking sitting there. It doesn't have to be "realistic".
          >It doesn't have to make sense JUST WANT EXPLOSIONS!
          literal 5 IQ moron

          • 3 months ago

            >doesn't want space travel mechanics based around explosions
            what are you? gay?

  2. 3 months ago

    >20 years of development
    >20 hours of unique content
    real efficient

    • 3 months ago

      But enough about Star Citizen.

  3. 3 months ago

    dont worry it will be cyberpunked in a year and the mods and patches will fix the game.

    • 3 months ago

      Games like Skyrim and fallout 4 had solid foundations. Same with Cyberpunk on some level since the combat and hacking was somewhat enjoyable on release but Starfield is fundamentally a bad game.

      • 3 months ago

        Is that what your favorite YouTube personality told you?
        Starfield has the best base of any game, it just needs more worldbuilding and handcrafted content.
        They're clearly working to fix what people did not like and holding the DLC for then.

        Nothing pisses me off more than the devs abandoning this game most the issue could have been fixed already but they are pay walling the update to when the dlc launches . it's very frustrating and obviously they don't care at all about anyone that wants to play it and it not be shit.

        >paywalling the update
        [source needed]

        cyberpunk was only "bad" because it was released before completion in order to sell to people still using last gen before PS5 came out. so it was always going to become better because its finished state was still left to complete. what exactly is unfinished in starfield? they would have to come up with new shit to add from scratch

        It was a bad game, period.
        >I'll be a corpo!
        >fjrst mission boss sends me in the company chopper to meet some guy
        >He'll yeah, living the corpo exec life.
        >get there, oops you're fired, your background didn't even last the first fricking mission

        • 3 months ago

          Cyberpunk even at release was a more enjoyable experience than starfield.

          • 3 months ago

            no it wasn't lol buggy piece of shit

            • 3 months ago

              I was able to beat it just fine on PC

              • 3 months ago

                you were able to look past the bugs, crashes, and poor game design, and you had a good time with it. that doesn't make it a good game

              • 3 months ago

                I didn’t say it was a good game just that it was more enjoyable than starfield

              • 3 months ago

                A kick in the balls is more enjoyable than Starfield because at least once you recover from the kick you'll eventually forget about it instead of being saddened by how much time and potential was wasted on a truly awful game.

          • 3 months ago

            the level of cope in regards to cyberpunk still to this Day is like mental illness tier they are really entrenched rpg codex kinds that are on par with a troony that cut off its own dick like there's no saving you from your own stupidity

            cyberpunk at its core is an awful game in every way

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah I don’t know about trannies and rpg codex all I know is Cyberpunk was a more enjoyable game at release.

        • 3 months ago

          >They're clearly working to fix what people did not like
          Wow, they're starting over from scratch?

        • 3 months ago

          holy cope

        • 3 months ago

          Good morning sir

          • 3 months ago

            what the frick is wrong with india?

    • 3 months ago

      >Bethesda fixing stuff
      >13 year old bugs in Skyrim
      I admire your optimism.

    • 3 months ago

      cyberpunk was only "bad" because it was released before completion in order to sell to people still using last gen before PS5 came out. so it was always going to become better because its finished state was still left to complete. what exactly is unfinished in starfield? they would have to come up with new shit to add from scratch

      • 3 months ago

        Passion project by the way

      • 3 months ago

        >cyberpunk was only "bad" because it was released before completion
        no need for the quotation marks - that is the textbook definition of a shit game

      • 3 months ago

        Cyberpunk is still bad.

    • 3 months ago

      Is that what your favorite YouTube personality told you?
      Starfield has the best base of any game, it just needs more worldbuilding and handcrafted content.
      They're clearly working to fix what people did not like and holding the DLC for then.

      >paywalling the update
      [source needed]

      It was a bad game, period.
      >I'll be a corpo!
      >fjrst mission boss sends me in the company chopper to meet some guy
      >He'll yeah, living the corpo exec life.
      >get there, oops you're fired, your background didn't even last the first fricking mission

      Step 1: mention cyberpunk
      Step 2: regardless of where the conversation leads, deflect any further criticism to BUT WHAT ABOUT CYBERPUNK
      Sad. The way to spot a truly bad game is when people professing to like it can’t actually talk about its merits.
      Sure, some nogames gay will inevitably disagree on principle and spew out some half understood shit they learned by osmosis, but that shouldn’t stop anyone.

    • 3 months ago

      This is cope, just like how Cities Skylines 2 players are thinking the problems will magically be modded out.

    • 3 months ago

      It's insane how fricking shit it is not to mention boring and soulless.

      Kek cope

    • 3 months ago

      Is that what your favorite YouTube personality told you?
      Starfield has the best base of any game, it just needs more worldbuilding and handcrafted content.
      They're clearly working to fix what people did not like and holding the DLC for then.

      >paywalling the update
      [source needed]

      It was a bad game, period.
      >I'll be a corpo!
      >fjrst mission boss sends me in the company chopper to meet some guy
      >He'll yeah, living the corpo exec life.
      >get there, oops you're fired, your background didn't even last the first fricking mission

      Holy shit this might be a actual shill, I'm impressed

    • 3 months ago

      Cyberpunk only pulled through because it's already got a huge loyal ttrpg fan base and the ttrpg is free

    • 3 months ago

      Ah yes, the legendary bethesda post-launch support.

    • 3 months ago

      It wont have an anime to save it

    • 3 months ago

      Wait when is that gonna happen with Cyberpunk? Because last I checked it was still boring with literally nothing to see or do and nothing happening inside its massive open world compared to most other open world games.

    • 3 months ago

      If nothing can fix the loading screen issue, Starfield will forever be unsalvageable.

      • 3 months ago

        An SSD would fix that for you, Paco.

        • 3 months ago

          Faster loading screens doesn't fix the underlying issue the loading screens were meant to replace in Starfield.

        • 3 months ago

          Even with an M.2 you will still see no less that four loading screens whenever you go to a new planet.

    • 3 months ago

      Literally most forgettable game ever, not even the biggest Todd slurper remembers it or even defends it. Despite all those "It's SHIT but I LIKED it!" videos on youtube.

      Cyberpunk was saved by it's anime side project. Not because of the patches or shitty DLC. Game still lacks half the features that was promised one year before it's launch.

    • 3 months ago

      Just two more weeks

      Gamebreaking bugs still in the game 7 months later as of my playthrough:
      >rapid reload perk doesn't work with any explosive equipped
      >common bug that makes ship shield perks no longer work - requires unity for new game to fix
      >common bug that makes ships empty and landed ships inaccessible- breaks main quest and many others - no fix if can't unity
      >quest broken because item you need is spawned under floor. Can't fix on console
      >quest is broken because npc won't speak. Can't fix on console
      Feel free to add to the list, I won't even bother with all the minor to moderate bugs

      • 3 months ago

        Never encountered any of that. 2 characters. Went through the unity 10 times on one of them and 5 times on the other.

    • 3 months ago

      I unironically doubt, besides CDRed shitting the frick up and locking in CP2077 has a interesting setting hence why Edgerunners worked, Starfield full stop doesn't have a single thing of interest about it that could create something like that and as long as morons like Emil are allowed to be in the driver's seat the writing will never improve, SF is a complete dead zone and they're better off just killing it and trying to move on to ES6 (even though that'll probably be shit too)

    • 3 months ago

      your game needs to serve as an interesting foundation, for modders to take interest

    • 3 months ago

      Starfield is at a place where I don't think a lot can fix it

    • 3 months ago

      >the engoodening of Sirfield
      Trust the plan, chuds!

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I doubt it. I don't think Bethesda is going to do anything with it. When have they ever made foundational changes to any of their games after release? They aren't CDPR.

    • 3 months ago

      except cyberpunk never got a 'redemption' like you think. It started of shit and is (no surprise) still shit

  4. 3 months ago

    Go Woke Go Broke.
    They did it to themselves.

    • 3 months ago

      It was more "make an awful game go broke". Even if it didn't have the woke shit it's still fundamentally a bad game at the core.

    • 3 months ago

      >Go Woke Go Broke.
      Baldurs Gate 3

      • 3 months ago

        It seems like you can get away with a lot of disgusting homosexualry if you just make a good game before you start putting it in.

        • 3 months ago

          >before you start putting it in.
          Play their other games. It was there from the beginning. Don't be delusional.

      • 3 months ago

        you see that one doesn't count because

      • 3 months ago

        How have you homosexuals still not played that game

      • 3 months ago

        What's woke about baldurs gate 3? Genuine question, I don't count an open cuckold relationship with the shar girl as "woke".

        • 3 months ago

          It's the woke degenerate garbage I've ever seen. If the women were attractive the game would've been boycotted

          • 3 months ago

            So a borderline porn game is what counts as "woke" now?

            • 3 months ago

              Yes, sexually attractive characters being in video games is woke because lust is a sin and distracts you from more important things in life.

              • 3 months ago

                >lust distracts you from important things in life
                Well, I'd claim that darwin's theory is proven right again, but that would be telling. Religious nutjobs are ever so entertaining (when they're not in power)

  5. 3 months ago

    Does anybody have the webm where their character picks up a dart after throwing it at a dartboard and the game detects it as stealing so the entire space station ends up blasting away at him?

    • 3 months ago

      kek that was one of the first that I watched
      At least it was funny
      I don't have the webm, but here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdz02EDMYqA

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah anybody who defends starfield is a fricking moron or a shill

      • 3 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    Nothing pisses me off more than the devs abandoning this game most the issue could have been fixed already but they are pay walling the update to when the dlc launches . it's very frustrating and obviously they don't care at all about anyone that wants to play it and it not be shit.

    • 3 months ago

      It's in it's second beta you fricking clown.

  7. 3 months ago

    Nothing of value was lost

  8. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      When I got to that scene it was Barrett who was dying, but the animation hadn't loaded in quite yet, so they stood there for a split second, then quickly morphed into place.

      • 3 months ago

        Riveting storytelling mixed with engine quirks. You gotta love it

    • 3 months ago

      >Sarah... oh no, this can't be happening!
      >Hey get up, we've still got work to do.
      >How long you gonna sleep for? Jeez.
      >Sarah, are you OK?

    • 3 months ago

      This is just a consequence of not having a voiced protagonist to convey emotion. The medical speech check would sound fine if it was said by a good actor.

      • 3 months ago

        I hate you so much.

      • 3 months ago

        >unconscious in a massive pool of blood
        >"Your vitals are.... no no nno nooo" is something a medical professional would say in this situation

        You're even dumber than the jeets Bethesda payed to make this slop.

        • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          I work in filmmaking and I guarantee you a good actor could pull that off. If you read any dramatic lines in scripts they look stupid without someone reading it with the right performance.

          • 3 months ago

            or you could just write good dialogue? what a shitty larp

      • 3 months ago

        For some reason I read ‘good actor’ as ‘good doctor’ and just imagined the delivery being the same as the I Am A Surgeon spergout.
        Which, true to your post, would improve the scene tremendously.

      • 3 months ago

        this is the result of overdoing the writing and having voiced characters/mocap. if there werent millions spent on acting everything they could have made actual dialog choices that mattered instead of 3 concerned responses and one callous one that ultimately end up in the exact same place story-wise. bethesdas biggest mistake was trying to capture the action adventure market who buy interactive movies and cant imagine anything that isnt shown on screen.

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >Sarah disliked that

    • 3 months ago

      rpg out 10

    • 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    I'm STILL finding new side quests frick all of you

    • 3 months ago

      what were your 5 favourite side quests?

      • 3 months ago

        My favourite one was the one where I helped this boy (voiced by a man) who turned out to actually be a girl according to the game files and the wiki.
        The reward was seeing the same five pieces of soulless globohomosexual shit frog art some intern made on every single wall no matter how far I got.

    • 3 months ago

      name one you fricking liar

      • 3 months ago

        There's a side quest where you fine clones of famous figures like fdr and gengis Kahn and it's some kind of experiment you have to find the purpose behind it. It's on a planet that's way out in the map and I didn't find it until just now on my ng+10

        • 3 months ago

          You can take Amelia Earhart as a follower.

        • 3 months ago

          How did you not find it dumbass? They spam mention of it in Akila city.
          Did you play 1000 hours never completing your quest log?

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Dude got me beat I went through the unity like 7 or 8 times

    • 3 months ago

      >Actually plays video games
      >On Ganker
      >It's over 1000 hours of Starfield (the game your "supposed" to not like)
      >And he's having fun
      Absolutely fricking based anon.

    • 3 months ago

      Do you suck? They’re are like 12 side quests in the whole game.

    • 3 months ago

      >new side quests
      >go here and kill the same space pirates in the same base you've seen hundreds of times
      frick you. people like you are the reason that devs think they can get away with shit like this

      • 3 months ago

        not that anon, ill admit its no daggerfall but its the closest thing weve gotten in decades and with some bug fixes and mods itll be one of the few games that scratch my "grinding away in an endless world roleplaying as an adventurer and avoiding the main quest" itch

    • 3 months ago

      >1000 hours
      Genuine mentall illness.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      baby hours

    • 3 months ago

      Are there anything in the late game star systems besides procedural gen pirate bases etc? I stopped around 140 hours.

    • 3 months ago

      you should have a nice day, goyslop devourer

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not going to even hate on you Anon. Please, genuinely, just tell me what you've spent all that time doing?

  10. 3 months ago

    The only thing I'm interested in is LL mods, then making a busty crew of redheads and blondes to explore the universe and engage in a little bit of 'xenobiology' if you know what I mean

  11. 3 months ago

    >no mods

    Theres like 800 mods for it
    I know this is the thread to hate the game but youre just moronic

    • 3 months ago

      800 mods? Are there seriously that many pieces of armor in the game for the community to texture completely black?

    • 3 months ago

      800 mods? Are there seriously that many pieces of armor in the game for the community to texture completely black?

      Theres over 6.9K mods for starfield currently.

  12. 3 months ago

    >no paid mods generated by ai

  13. 3 months ago

    it’s okay. trigger will make an anime with a unique e-girl and it’ll save the game.

  14. 3 months ago

    >It's fricking OVER
    What did you really expect?
    The game would have to be remade from the ground up to become good, once you release a game it's over, there's no saving it anymore.

  15. 3 months ago

    What bothers me about Starfield is that it's disjointed on several levels.

    1. Aesthetically speaking it went half-in on the mid-20th century scientific utilitarianism ("NASApunk"), and half-in on contemporary futurism, but it never fully committed to either aesthetic. The result is a discordant aesthetic, with a mishmash of technology and industrial design that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
    2. The procedural generation is awful. On the one hand it generates empty, soulless planets, but on the other hand it populates them with vast amounts of copy-pasted abandoned/generic enemy locations. The result is that the universe even fails to be empty, because nearly every planet has a pox of generic structures that ruin the idea of being the first person to set foot on these planets.
    3. Earth is supposed to be totally destroyed, yet somehow several famous landmarks - but nothing else! - survive. The result is that it looks like Earth was a matter of half-assed pandering from Bethesda. Not enough buildings to make it interesting to explore, but too many buildings for the planet to actually feel destroyed.
    4. The main cities are blatantly 'inspired' by bestselling games from the 2010s and early 2020s. New Atlantis was 'inspired' by the Mass Effect series, Akila City was 'inspired' by Red Dead Redemption 2, and Neon City was very blatantly 'inspired' by Night City from Cyberpunk. They have absolutely no consistency. In each case it feels like someone came into the office one Monday and said "I played a really cool game this weekend, so now I have a great idea for the next town in Starfield", and Todd just said "sure, go for it".

    • 3 months ago

      >"I played a really cool game this weekend, so now I have a great idea for the next town in Starfield", and Todd just said "sure, go for it"
      sounds like a cool place to work though, thats how you unlease peoples' sovl

    • 3 months ago

      Nice YouTuber opinions homosexual

    • 3 months ago
  16. 3 months ago

    I keep trying to play Starfield to get the level 100 achievement but I really can't do it...

    Grinding those powers 24 times each playthrough is torture

    • 3 months ago

      No mods to help with that?

  17. 3 months ago

    The setting is very boring. Not hard sci-fi NASA core enough to scratch the realism itch, not space opera Halo/Mass Effect esque enough to feel like an epic space adventure.
    They tease the potential for interesting stuff with mechs and xeno warfare, but then for some bizarre reason didn't include any of that as part of the actual game other than relics from the old colony war, which seems like it would have been a much more interesting time period to set the game in then what we got.

    • 3 months ago

      It's classic that if you're writing something and your side character is more interesting than your protagonist, then you aren't writing the right protagonist.

  18. 3 months ago

    It still lives in your head rent free

  19. 3 months ago

    its a provable fact that its a bad game, that their entire premise and synopsis of the game are flat out lies,
    their release was a rug pull and their game was such a scam that they were sued by their own share holders.
    >i played it start to finish and saw no bugs
    just lying at this point
    and no point in arguing with a liar.

    cd project red are such failures of game design that their updates and patches were actively making the game worse proving they didnt understand what good game design is

    >trivialized itemization so you can wear anything and it doesnt matter
    >replaced all modifications to a generic tier system that removed all aspects of personalization
    >scaled stat checks so your choices in build did not matter
    >made hacking complete dog shit and worse than release
    i can keep going on, like, the difficulty scaling being backwards so the game gets easier as you play to the point of needing to bump up the difficulty and STILL the game is face roll easy
    i can keep going on and on.

  20. 3 months ago

    I honestly didn't mind, even enjoyed some of the faction/side quests but once you move away from those the game is dead and lifeless. And the main quest is straight dogshit but that's to be expected of Bethesda.

  21. 3 months ago

    >Play skyrim for the first time in years
    >Go on a random bounty hunter quest single-handily killing 20+ bandits
    >Jarl's Steward: "Excellent, you've done us a great service. Here, for your trouble."
    >100 gold
    >Go pick up groceries for some old woman living in a thatch hut
    >Random Peasant: "I can't thank you enough, here, take this."
    >500 gold
    I really hate bethesda

    • 3 months ago

      >rich noble gives you a pittance
      >kind-hearted old peasant woman gives you her entire savings
      Sounds a bit more realistic than it sounds

      • 3 months ago

        If you had saved the peasant's life, yeah

    • 3 months ago

      I feel like they tried to make the economy make more sense with ships being a giant cost sink that stops you from hoarding millions of credits but theres still issues. Main quests will pay you like 25k credits just out of no where while NPCs will hassle you over like 2000 credits and act like that's a lot of money. There is one side mission though where you can pay some mercs to not fight you and it's over 200,000 credits which makes more sense and is actually a substantial amount to part with since it's like basically a ship purchase price. Having the ships as giant money sinks is a good move though since the problem with most Bethesda games is having way too much money and nothing to do with it.

      • 3 months ago

        >Ship registration fees are 80% of the cost of the ship

        Space taxes are fricking brutal

      • 3 months ago

        And then you lose everything on ng+.

        • 3 months ago

          All it takes is one good raid and selling off every weapon you find to get the money back. It's not that big of a deal

          • 3 months ago

            That only makes sense in the mind of a Bethesda writer.

    • 3 months ago

      >sto sztuk złota

  22. 3 months ago

    All they had to do was limit it to one solar system. Take those dozens of animals and plants, consolidate them to a couple planets, work on more complex behaviors to make it feel like you’re out in a dangerous and mysterious wilderness. Then designate sections of those planets to actually interesting hand placed fallout style content, the rest procgen out of necessity. A few barren moons just for fun. The artifact storyline should be a side quest and the main one should be about a war between factions, with active battles, space lasers, attack drones, power armor. Probably expand the enemies to include some sort of mutants or zombies, if not proper humanoid aliens. It seems like they wanted to get away from the fallout/skyrim thing, but they just work. It’s not like they fully committed to realism either

    • 3 months ago

      > The artifact storyline should be a side quest and the main one should be about a war between factions, with active battles, space lasers, attack drones, power armor. Probably expand the enemies to include some sort of mutants or zombies, if not proper humanoid aliens.
      This owuld be fricking reatrded and end up exactly like New Vegas, Skyrim, and witcher 3 where the "war" is at a standstill and nothing is really happening 99% of the game because actual dynamic war in a first person game is a slog of un-fun bullshit.

      • 3 months ago

        The game as is, is a slog of un-fun bullshit, so you can't really make it worse no matter what you do at that point.

  23. 3 months ago

    >this is our multi star system federation
    >the capital is the size of a college campus and our population is a few hundred
    >we still can't house everyone, so they live in the slums instead of settling the rest of the planet
    >we don't use cars here, chud, so no roads
    >our culture? The same as liberal cities from 200 years ago, of course

    Kek, what the frick was Todd smoking

    • 3 months ago

      he wasn't smoking that's the problem. If he did smoke we would have gotten a better game.

    • 3 months ago

      >Find parent's apartment complex early in the game
      >"Awesome I can't wait to explore this entire building and see what shenanigans I can get into"
      >Take Elevator from lobby
      >Only 1 floor in the entire building
      >Only 2 Apartments on the floor with one of them being your parent's place
      >Other apartment isn't even accessible

      • 3 months ago

        i recall one guy specifically went out of his way to test how reactive all those choices were, and found the Parent choice is always Atheist Space Unionists even if you pick a Confederate background who found faith in Space Jumpin' for Jesus.

      • 3 months ago

        >be freestar citizen
        >parents live in new atlantis because bethesda couldn't be assed to make a separate apartmentquestline for them
        I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I HATE IT SO GODDAMN FRICKING MUCH

    • 3 months ago

      Don't forget they almost lost a war to a group of cowboys larpers who live in mud covered cities. The whole setting doesn't make sense.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >cowboys larpers who live in mud covered cities
        Freestar Collective is more like the anarcho-capitalist faction of rich landowners (cowboys), drug lords, and spaceship-building businessmen. Basically a bunch of rich guys got together and decided they didn't like the UC's rules, so they funded a rebellion. Pretty sure they had as much or more money than the UC.

        • 3 months ago

          they're more like a colonnial government, the powerful oligarchy that runs it doesnt really care what their subjects do as long as they don't get fricked by them and they serve their interests working their land, they fund their ventures when possible and reap the rewards. its why they are so aggressive in their forward settling effort that they reignite the colony war when they breach the treaty.

  24. 3 months ago


  25. 3 months ago

    Was Shattered Space delayed indefinitely? I thought it was supposes to come out in early 2024

    • 3 months ago

      Starslop is being memoryholed in an effort to save Bethesda's reputation before TES 6. It will work because gamers have the memory of a goldfish. But there will be no further updates to Starfield besides minor tweaks and the modkit.

    • 3 months ago

      They never gave a release date for shattered Space.

      >this is our multi star system federation
      >the capital is the size of a college campus and our population is a few hundred
      >we still can't house everyone, so they live in the slums instead of settling the rest of the planet
      >we don't use cars here, chud, so no roads
      >our culture? The same as liberal cities from 200 years ago, of course

      Kek, what the frick was Todd smoking

      Do you really not understand that game scale =/= real world scale?

      • 3 months ago

        >Do you really not understand that game scale =/= real world scale?
        This is fair. However, consider the Citadel in Mass Effect. You are limited to specific areas yet the setting makes it look like you are in a massive city station.
        I would have MUCH preferred Starfield did this. just let me land at the spaceport, wall off the thing so I cant jump 2 feet and be in the wild and make it SEEM like I am in a sprawling cityscape but limit me to specific areas.
        I think the reason for this is a combo of laziness and engine limitations.
        I can reasonably suspend disbelieve to a point But we have so many examples of how to do it correctly, its a bad look they didnt even seem to try.

        • 3 months ago

          >I would have MUCH preferred Starfield did this.
          I wouldn't. What makes Bethesda games fun is that you can go into basically every building you see, and interact with all the shit in it.

          I hate shit like the Citadel in Mass Effect, cities in GTA, etc because its so obviously fake, and so oblivious just a "cardboard" background that doesn't actually exist, that it takes me out of the game more than just
          >the city is scaled down for game.

          >I think the reason for this is a combo of laziness and engine limitations.
          It has nothing to do with either. People build GTA style citties in mods back in Morrowind and the game ran them fine s long as you built them like a GTA style city
          -Can't enter shit
          -Basically no physics enabled objects
          -Everything resets the moment you move out of the area so the game doesn't shit itself with having to keep track of any small changes to the game world
          -All NPCs are just controlled by one large "make NPC walk around the block" script instead of individualized scripting.

          • 3 months ago

            Fair point. My main issue is just the scaling which is understandable. But for a scale of say Whiterun, fits into the game much better. But for a FUTURISTIC SPACE CAPITOL, to be the size of Whiterun, even when we know we cant have fricking Coruscant cause scale. they could've done a little more.....
            Consider Londinion then. Which footprint wise, is bigger than New Atlantis. Why couldnt we have had that? Even if, portions walled off but most explorable. I wouldve much preferred something like that.

            I think ultimately, for either of our preferences, they are based on the limitations of the engine and the devs. For one of us, that works out, for the other, not so much.

            • 3 months ago

              >Why couldnt we have had that? Even if, portions walled off but most explorable.
              Because that completely defeats the point of a Bethesda game which is "If you see it, you can go there" which is a big reason people play and enjoy their games when compared to something like GTA or w/e.

              • 3 months ago

                I mean, sure youre right. I dunno, man I was just expecting.... more, more city, more places to go, more feeling that I am in the future and space city and not like.......Anvil with a few apartment towers (with only like 2 units you can visit in either).

                to be fair though I did like the size and scale of Neon and Akila City. Those felt fitting. I guess my main problem that pulls the immersion out of me is New Atlantis. I dunno
                I jump back into it when they can let me place the fricking doors and ladders in my ship.

  26. 3 months ago

    WHAT is even woke about starfield? that one guy is a gay black man? that there are funny black npcs with anime haircuts? that there are women in the game? seriously, i don't even know what that word means anymore outside of "i dont like this thing"

    • 3 months ago

      >WHAT is even woke about starfield?
      Dozens of characters were made black with black voice actors at the last minute. Its a slog, but if you play through it they forgot to remove the original white voice actor files from some scenes.

      • 3 months ago

        i beat the game and logged around 90 hours on my first run, i really didn't notice any of this. its simply a non-issue for me. a "wokeness" would be all of the characters slamming modern real world politics down my throat with out any context to the game, which i didn't really get from starfield

    • 3 months ago

      People (Snoys) made a big stink about the pronoun selection in the game it's not even a big deal. You're assigned the pronouns of the body you choose and it doesn't even prompt you to change it unless you look through the options bar to find the key to pull up the menu.

      And then there's the Russian guy who is pretty clearly "oh shit we can't look like we're glorifying Russia now, let's just bandaid it by making him black".

      • 3 months ago

        making vlad black for that reason is funny, but thematically i liked it because in a future with many generations of race/culture mixing across multiple planets that makes total sense.

        • 3 months ago

          No it’s moronic and doesn’t make sense. These people are supposed to be hundreds of years removed from living on earth.

          • 3 months ago

            >how does migration and colonization work
            the spanish landed in south america hundreds of years ago, why is spanish still the predominant language? how would this concept be any different to space age colonization?

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        >twitter screencap

      • 3 months ago

        >attractive redhead
        Stopped right there. Shit meme bait.

  27. 3 months ago

    Literally what the FRICK are they doing? Where's Shattered Space?

  28. 3 months ago

    For the morons defending this shit heap of a game. Name one good thing Starfield does gameplay wise that other games, or even just Bethesda games, don't do better.

    • 3 months ago

      -The shooting is far better than Fo4s.
      -The jetpacks are better than Fo4s
      -Sneaking is actually somewhat difficult unlike past Beth games
      -Lockpicking/hacking isn't as much of a "so easy why did they make a mini-game of it" joke like in Fo3/Skyrim/Fo4
      -The faction questlines are WAY more developed than Skyrim or Fallout 3/4
      -The perk system is better than Skyrim/Fo4s
      To name a few

      • 3 months ago

        All completely and utter lies
        Starfield is literally just a shittier version of Fallout 4's combat, and at least Fallout 4's pale weapon diversity has some fun additions to separate it from other shooters, like a Fatman, or a cryogenic freeze gun. Or a dart gun. Starfield doesn't have anything like that. And Cyberpunk has gun that let you lock onto target, and guns that let you charge up shots, etc. And don't forget that pitiful slide animation that shouldn't even BE in the game. It's such a pathetic slide that hinders more than anything.
        Prey did it better and more often
        literally don't even bother specking into it. It's a waste of skill points.
        it also takes longer than previous Bethesda game titles. It gets points for creativity, but that's all. Even the easy locks take longer to get through than easy lockpicks in previous Bethesda titles.
        >faction questions are
        shut the frick up right there. Cause that's not true. I would not even fricking call the faction questlines in Starfield Factions. Because that implies you have to take sides at some point. In Skyrim you could at least take a side in the Civil War questline. Fallout 4 at least forces you to choose a faction to side with in the final batches of quests in the main story. Starfield doesn't have anything like that. At best, they're like the Guild's in Oblivion, which aren't factions. Guilds are self contained and don't affect any of the factions or other guilds.
        >Perk system
        More perks in Starfield are useless than any of the perks in Fallout 4 or Skyrim. There are seriously perks you should just not dump skill points in. And there are a lot of them.

        • 3 months ago

          >Starfield is literally just a shittier version of Fallout 4's combat, and at least Fallout 4's pale weapon diversity has some fun additions to separate it from other shooters, like a Fatman, or a cryogenic freeze gun. Or a dart gun. Starfield doesn't have anything like that.
          You've never played Fallout 4 if you think the gun play is worse in Starfield. And all the weapons you listed are the shittest, most useless, weapons in the game.

          > And don't forget that pitiful slide animation that shouldn't even BE in the game. It's such a pathetic slide that hinders more than anything.
          Skill issue.

          >Prey did it better and more often
          Lol whut? Prey's "jetpack" was the most barebones, barely used, thing. Starfield's is used more, and is more useful by far.

          >literally don't even bother specking into it. It's a waste of skill points.
          Again, sounds like a skill issue becuase stealth can be super OP in Starfield once you spec into it.

          >it also takes longer than previous Bethesda game titles.
          It should. Locking and hacking shouldn't be short. They should take time and be somewhat difficult. If it was short why bother having the mini-game at all?

          >Because that implies you have to take sides at some point.
          M8, you almost never had to "take sides" in Faction questlines in Bethesda games, nor does that have anything to do with being a faction questline.

          >More perks in Starfield are useless than any of the perks in Fallout 4 or Skyrim. There are seriously perks you should just not dump skill points in. And there are a lot of them.
          They're honestly just as useful as the Skyrim/Fo4 ones, and the challenges needed to increase perks makes increasing them better integrated into the game.

          • 3 months ago

            >You've never played Fallout 4 if you think the gun play is worse in Starfield. And all the weapons you listed are the shittest, most useless, weapons in the game.
            I agree that just because Fallout 4's shooting is shit, but that doesn't make Starfield's better in comparison. Because, again, it pales in comparison to the shooting of Cyberpunk's arsenal. And unlike Bethesda's shitty guns, all the ones in Cyberpunk are viable and equally fun to use.
            >Skill issue.
            Nah, it's just shit. Cyberpunk has a combat slide too, and it's waaaaaay better. Hell, I've played many games with a good combat slide. Even FEAR has a better combat slide.
            >Again, sounds like a skill issue becuase stealth can be super OP in Starfield once you spec into it.
            It's a useless skill to have. And your brainworms won't change that.
            >It should. Locking and hacking shouldn't be short. They should take time and be somewhat difficult. If it was short why bother having the mini-game at all?
            Completely moronic take. You sound like someone who enjoyed the shitty ass pipe hacking game in Bioshock. Bioshock 2 at least realized how shit it was and made it much faster that the first games. Starfield should have that revelation too. Shorter is always better.
            >M8, you almost never had to "take sides" in Faction questlines in Bethesda games, nor does that have anything to do with being a faction questline.
            moron. Skyrim and FO4's factions literally forced you to take a side to get an ending in those questlines.
            >They're honestly just as useful as the Skyrim/Fo4 ones, and the challenges needed to increase perks makes increasing them better integrated into the game.
            Too many perks in Starfield are useless to name in just one single post with the word limit. You've got brainworms if you don't realize that the majority of perks in Starfield are fricking useless.

        • 3 months ago

          >Ask what it does better than FO4
          >Get told what it does better
          >But Prey did it better!

          • 3 months ago

            I said better than Bethesda games. And Prey is a Bethesda game c:

            • 3 months ago

              Eat shit homosexual

              • 3 months ago

                I accept your defeat

              • 3 months ago

                No you're just being a disingenuous homosexual. It's like comparing Fallout 4's gunplay to Doom's or Quake, asswipe

              • 3 months ago

                At least Prey somewhat resembles the same type of gameplay that Bethesda studio rpg's are meant to be like. They both are semi rpg and semi life sim elements, instead of being pure shooters like Quake and Doom.

  29. 3 months ago

    Starfield won

  30. 3 months ago

    You can tell that Todd wanted to fail on purpose as a frick you to the industry.

  31. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >"When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored."

  32. 3 months ago

    They're busy working on the PS5 port :^)

  33. 3 months ago

    >No mods
    I know this is a snoy seethe thread but creation kit hasn't been released yet frickhead

  34. 3 months ago

    the Creation Kit coming so late isn't gonna help much since everyone moved on
    also funny since they promised it in, like, january? Now it's almost march. then again Todd's devs almost couldn't release a beta patch update due to some showstopping bug blocking their path. clearly Starfield is a mess under the hood

    • 3 months ago

      >also funny since they promised it in, like, january?
      They never promised it would come out in Janruary

    • 3 months ago

      They never said January and the CK has a track record of coming out 6 months after release, so it should be out sometime next month if not April.

  35. 3 months ago

    The CK just entered closed beta.

  36. 3 months ago

    Bisexual Sarah OUT OF NOWHERE

    • 3 months ago

      All women are bisexual, don't you watch porn?

    • 3 months ago

      Sarah = Bisexual
      Andreja = Asexual
      Sam = Straight
      Barrett = Gay

      Everybody's also playersexual regardless of his or her gender

      • 3 months ago

        Men have penises and balls.
        Women have veganas and wombs.
        I know that's hard to believe, but this occult and forbidden knowledge used to be common place.

        • 3 months ago

          Sexuality =/= Transgenderism

  37. 3 months ago

    Does Sam top?

  38. 3 months ago

    I forgot how shit the companions are

  39. 3 months ago

    Starfield literally turned me into a Bethesda hater. Frick this putrid garbage fire of a game. Frick Todd. And frick the Bethesda fanboys who shovel this rancid shit into their mouths no matter what and then ask for seconds.

  40. 3 months ago

    >six months since release of Starfaild
    >released only one patch
    >doesn't change that there is still only 20 'dungeon templates' to 'explore', many of which are caves with no enemies.
    >doesn't change that every enemy is either 'run at player and melee attack' or 'hitscan gun ranged enemy'.
    >doesn't change that every planet is just a randomly filled out template.
    >doesn't change that outpost gameplay is useless when the player can just buy the few rare resources they need from vendors.
    >doesn't change that ship combat always starts instantly after a load screen, or after a forced dialogue (also after a load screen).
    >doesn't change that ship combat is just a numbers game, all player ships will eventually just be invincible with enough money pumped into them.
    >doesn't change that the only money sink is ship building.
    >doesn't change that 90% of perks are convenience perks, that make gameplay trivial.
    >doesn't change that there is only 3 'laser' type guns in the game, and another 3 'gamma' vs the 20+ generic hitscan ballistic guns.
    >doesn't change that all guns follow a tier progression, and interesting guns found early will eventually be unusable even with maxed out crafting.

    • 3 months ago

      >released only one patch
      There's been like 3-4patches m8.

      >doesn't change that outpost gameplay is useless when the player can just buy the few rare resources they need from vendors.
      Ignoring that outpost gameplay is made for building your own house in any way you want, something people have liked to do in Beth games since Morrowind.

      >doesn't change that there is only 3 'laser' type guns in the game, and another 3 'gamma' vs the 20+ generic hitscan ballistic guns.
      Why would there be the same number of guns per type?

      't change that all guns follow a tier progression, and interesting guns found early will eventually be unusable even with maxed out crafting.
      So like every RPG where you can find a cool "unqiue" sword in the early game, that's made to be an early game sword, that gets made useless with later game weapons?

      • 3 months ago

        Not him, but shut the frick up you useless goddamn Bethesda apologist. Starfield's gun quality system is shit as hell. But to be fair, so was Fallout 4's.

        • 3 months ago

          >Mad that there is progression in an RPG and not every weapon you find at level 1 is useful at level 100
          you must of hated playing shit like BG and NWN with their +1/+2/+3 etc weapons also then.

          • 3 months ago

            Fallout 3 is literally a better game than Starfield, and it doesn't have that shit. Just sayin. Hell, so it Fallout New Vegas.

            • 3 months ago

              >Fallout 3 is literally a better game than Starfield
              No it isn't. This is just rose tinted glasses, nostalgia, and bandwagoning over
              >newest thing is bad!
              Fallout 3 objectively plays worse, has a worse game world, and is written worse. And I like Fallout 3 a lot.

              • 3 months ago

                Fallout 3 isn't even that good, and it's STILL better than Starslop.

              • 3 months ago

                Fallout 3 is better than NV, and Starfield is better than it by miles.

              • 3 months ago

                >Fallout 3 is better than NV
                >Starfield is better than Fallout 3

              • 3 months ago

                >Fallout 3 is better than NV, and Starfield is better than it by miles...

                ...said the anon whose previous three games played were Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart, and Dave the Diver.

              • 3 months ago

                I haven't played a Mario game in nearly a decade m8. Nor have I played Dave the Diver.

              • 3 months ago

                This is a bad take. Fallout 3 is better than starfield.

          • 3 months ago

            >you must of hated
            >you must of
            >must of

  41. 3 months ago

    It never even began

  42. 3 months ago

    >Hitman Freelancer

    top games of 2023, nothing else comes close rly

  43. 3 months ago

    Last space games I actually liked were Mass effect 1 and kotor.

  44. 3 months ago

    I hope the Shattered Space DLC adds more romance options so I can expand my space harem beyond Sarah and Andreja, otherwise I'll have to wait for mods to do it and it seems like it's just the adult Cora Coe mod that has romance planned right now

    • 3 months ago

      >this is the average starslop enjoyer
      Typical that the only thing Bethesda players are at this point (all 500 that remain of Starfield's player count) are just coomers.

      • 3 months ago

        No shit, anti porn zoom zoom. It's one of the main reasons Skyrim and Fallout 4 still have communities tied to them

        • 3 months ago

          Doesn't change the fact those games are shit and only good for brain dead coomers like you.

          • 3 months ago

            That revelation isn't going to stop people

            • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago


  45. 3 months ago

    I overheard some normies at work talking about this and one said he wish he didn't waste time and money on it and was upset it was too late to refund
    you know it's bad when even normalBlack folk are trashing it

    • 3 months ago

      sure bud

  46. 3 months ago

    why do you guys want to hate this game so fricking bad? it's kinda creepy

    • 3 months ago

      Why are you shilling this game on Ganker so hard? It's kind of creepy.

    • 3 months ago

      Feels like "chan culture" would be the proper answer to that, but considering 90% of every twitch streamer and youtuber also hates this game, it's safe to say that Bethesda hit the anti-normie goldmine with this one, and Ganker isn't as much of an abnormal hang out as it seemingly used to be.

    • 3 months ago

      We like making fun of failures and running the same joke into the ground. You should have lurked before posting.

    • 3 months ago

      It's the opposite. I want to like it. It just fricking sucks. Bethesda has always been an overrated normie studio but this game is seriously shit even for them.

    • 3 months ago

      I personally hate on it because I was really looking forward to it only to be incredibly disappointed.
      I guess some of us have developed a grudge over it.

    • 3 months ago

      One of the main spamming schizos on the board is absolutely obsessed with bethesda games

    • 3 months ago

      OP here. I wanted this game to be good, it’s just really fricking bad and Todd deserves to be laughed at.

    • 3 months ago

      the filtered morons have been crying nonstop for half a year because they were filtered, and they will keep coping and crying for many years to come. see how many people are still crying over outer wilds, death stranding, sekiro, doom eternal etc.

      filteredcope is the most severe cope of them all

      • 3 months ago

        Just saying, if you filtered 99.9% of your initial player base out of the game, maybe the game is just shit.

        • 3 months ago

          games like cyberpunk and elden ring did the same thing, the only difference is they didn't have the media write hit pieces about them failing

          I wonder why the gaming media wants bethesda to go under so bad

          • 3 months ago

            99.9% of bethesdafans are morons, not a surprise there considering space games are already a niche of niches.

            i'm just waiting for the hardcore/survival/whatever they call the eventual massive rehaul they'll do for the game just like with fallout 4 that completely revitalized my interest in it.

            don't think Bethesda is going to have any sort of redemption period like Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky did though. Pretty sure not even the Shattered Space expansion will save it.

            • 3 months ago

              cyberpunk "redemption" is media pilpul, which is my point, in a sea of shit the media pretends like starfield was spectacularly bad

              • 3 months ago

                It was though

              • 3 months ago

                not really, not when compared to every other game releasing

              • 3 months ago

                Starfield isn't spectacularly bad like the media and one really dedicated schizo here claims, not when compared to every other game releasing

                Yes it’s that bad.

              • 3 months ago

                it's not

              • 3 months ago

                Starfield is Bethesda's worst game, and they've never made a good game. Get the frick over it pajeet god damn

              • 3 months ago

                Starfield isn't spectacularly bad like the media and one really dedicated schizo here claims, not when compared to every other game releasing

              • 3 months ago

                I'd rather play Starfield over Skull and bones, Suicide Squad, and almost any other "major title" in the last few years except like BG3 and a SMALL handful of others.

              • 3 months ago

                They’re all equally as bad

              • 3 months ago

                Congratulations. You'd rather eat dirt over shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes it is lol. It's a fricking awful game
                >suicide squad
                >skull and bones
                Also fricking suck? Why compare it to a universally panned and hated games? Do you eat mainstream slop for breakfast? Starfield is fricking trash dude

              • 3 months ago

                It's really bad, anon

              • 3 months ago

                Not him but explain why, without using shit that is just memes.

              • 3 months ago

                >explain why
                Not him but don’t be a disingenuous homosexual. You know damn well why it’s bad.

              • 3 months ago

                Nothing disingenuous about it.
                >explain why its bad
                >BECAUSE IT IS!
                >ok why?
                >YOU KNOW WHY!
                >Ok but if you actually think its bad explain why it is.
                That is literally what you're doing right now.

              • 3 months ago

                Explain why it’s good

              • 3 months ago

                good soundtrack, good world building, good writing (for UC, MAST, SysDef, and some FC sections chiefly), no MTX bullshit, full game, no denuvo, PC first priority, no wokeshit or politics, no quippy millenial writing, new IP, moddability meaning infinite post launch support.... i could probably go on

              • 3 months ago

                >no wokeshit or politics

              • 3 months ago

                >good soundtrack
                I refuse to believe you think this

              • 3 months ago

                what is wrong with inon zur's soundtracks?

              • 3 months ago

                There's nothing wrong with it. It's just fricking milquetoast western orchestral music with no identity or personality. It accimplishes the bare minimum of being music that plays during sequences and achieves nothing more than that. If you think any Bethesda game has good music you have absolutely fricking awful taste

              • 3 months ago

                personally i enjoy the aeolian motifs he utilized throughout the soundtrack. i agree though that there is perhaps a lack of tonality, but then again most of the overhyped composers like jasper kyd are also guilty of this. 15th century italy should be dominated by lutes, violins and various percussion instruments but what you mostly get in assassin's creed's celebrated soundtrack are epic hollywood string sections, blasting brass and bombastic action thriller orchestral percussion instead. it's sad that world music has fallen out of popularity in AAA in recent times.

              • 3 months ago

                all western AAA music makes me fall asleep its pretty pathetic

              • 3 months ago

                cyberpunk was the first game I muted the music and listened to my own

              • 3 months ago

                >praises starfield score
                >hates cyberpunk's and jesper kyd
                Holy shit I am glad I'm not this tasteless. Actually fricking disgusting

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not the same person, I personally think the music in starfield is terrible. But it's mostly just for atmosphere

              • 3 months ago

                the only music from starfield i remember is the main menu music which was alright

              • 3 months ago

                again if you put it into context I would say starfield's music is on par with elden ring's music. Both elevator music tier

              • 3 months ago

                Get used to it fren because that guy is leading the audio design for the next Elderscrolls vidya.
                >Jeremy Soule will not be returning to TESVI

              • 3 months ago

                >no soule
                >will be set in Hammerfell
                >but because its modern bethesda, the setting will be the most generic assasins creed desert ever conceived
                we're doomed

              • 3 months ago

                Hammerfell was already the most generic desert setting m8. Only cool thing about it in lore was the Dwemer ruins

              • 3 months ago

                yeah ik, and im saying bethesda is gonna find a way to make it even worse

              • 3 months ago

                Na. They already got ESO to do like half of it for them, and ESO's Hammerfell is fine.

              • 3 months ago

                >ESO anything
                also you underestimate Bethesda's close mindedness

              • 3 months ago

                >Bad in any real way
                You are just memeing about ESO and Bethesda.

              • 3 months ago

                begone mmo addict

              • 3 months ago

                You don't know what that word means. I only touch ESO when new story content comes out, play it for the few days it takes to complete it, then set it down for the like year it takes for new story content to come out.

              • 3 months ago

                anyone seen the absolute schizo rant by his accuser, haven't read all that but holy shit
                her "craft" was making shitty websites that look like they are from the 90s, or look like they are made by a kid who just learned how to make webpages and just throwing every gimmicky effect at it
                shame that a talentless ugly loser like that would frick up Soule's career, I bet the guy was just hanging out with her out of pity and she backstabbed him when her connection with him was no longer profitable

              • 3 months ago

                inon zur's work in fo4 and fo76 is fantastic for example the section here https://youtu.be/wHhuRUt-SZI?t=430 utilizes a good set of voicings, and there is a good amount of dialogue between the instruments


                good demonstration of world instruments being utilized to illustrate a sense of place, he also used plenty of world instruments in fallout 3, jaw harp comes to mind

              • 3 months ago

                its alright ig but doesn't feel iconic enough imo
                soule music can get boring but there's a few skyrim tracks that stand out just a bit

                good nighttime music, and the "texture" or whatever isn't something i hear too often
                still mostly sleep inducing tho, and not in the good way

              • 3 months ago

                zur also uses harps a lot in his compositions if you meant the softer timbre intro, that's a harp with a low pass filter. fo4 is especially full of those tracks, it creates a good dynamic along with the softer piano notes, both are similar in timbre/texture

              • 3 months ago

                i dont remember a single fallout 4 track, if you wanna be 'le ambient' or whatever because its an exploration game, just look at the fallout 1 soundtrack
                they had ambience without sounding like boring SHITE that sounds like every other track in the world

              • 3 months ago

                Not him but
                >Random pipe banging noises, unintelligible mumbles, and other shit
                >good ambient music
                Its trash. It has that 90s game music issue of "its just random noises being banged around and not real music"

              • 3 months ago

                its good for western games at least, not a high bar admittedly
                im just assuming that the vast majority of western composers are unable to look for inspiration from their japanese betters, assumingly out of embarrassment, so i left it out of the conversation

              • 3 months ago

                >from their japanese betters
                Japanese game music is trash, even worse then some of the worst western shit.

                >I am the storm that is AAAAPPPPRRROOOOAACCCCHHHIIINNGGG!
                sung in the most shrill voice you've ever heard, is the kind of shit you Japanese game music

              • 3 months ago

                actually a good song though, bad example

              • 3 months ago

                Absolutely fricking not

              • 3 months ago

                it is, way better than anything in bg3, starfield, cyberpunk and elden ring, and I don't even play DMC

              • 3 months ago

                You have horrendous taste. I'm sorry.

              • 3 months ago

                you can cope all you want but you can't post a single song from any of the mentioned games that is better

                you're probably the one with shit taste in music

              • 3 months ago

                Writing, character designs and facial modeling, and graphics.

              • 3 months ago

                thats a crazy song name

              • 3 months ago

                sorry, I had a schizo moment.

              • 3 months ago

                Rebel Path easily better than any song in Starfield.

              • 3 months ago

                but it's not better than bury the light, it doesn't even have lyrics

              • 3 months ago

                >bury the light
                Literally the most generic rock music in the world. It makes mick gordon's music sound fricking original in comparison dude, holy shit lol

              • 3 months ago

                generic rock shits on generic BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

              • 3 months ago

                >generic shit from the west: 🙁
                >generic shit from japan: 🙂
                You just have dogshit taste you weeb

              • 3 months ago

                stop larping idiot

              • 3 months ago

                I can smell your through the computer monitor. Smells like a weeb that hasn't bathed in weeks.

              • 3 months ago

                Schizoid, did you forget I said I don't play DMC? You're so insultingly stupid

              • 3 months ago

                why are you so upset that everyone heard the soundtrack to your game, thought it was generic shit, and then told their friends about it? are you afraid that your bad soundtrack affected sales somehow?

              • 3 months ago

                I'm simply worried about your awful hygiene. You should take a shower, now.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                sounds GENERIC as FRICK
                HOLY FRICKING SHIT
                this is the kinda music that'd be playing in a nicki manaj shoe commercial or something
                put me to sleep just listening to it

              • 3 months ago

                I'm sorry, you seem to be talking about Starfield's entire ost.

              • 3 months ago

                im talking about FRICKING BOTH, LITTLE QUEER

              • 3 months ago

                This is both some of the worst fricking noise I have ever heard and thematically perfect for cyberpunk

              • 3 months ago

                shower. now.

              • 3 months ago

                >post cyberpunk's shitty soundtrack
                >it's so bad you have an emotional breakdown and tell random people to take a shower

              • 3 months ago

                >This music sounds exactly like a cyberpunk destopia hellscapes should
                Gas yourself

              • 3 months ago

                >he's still having a breakdown because cyberpunk's music is shit

              • 3 months ago

                Absolutely fricking not

                You have horrendous taste. I'm sorry.

                lmao have fun with your hans zimmer crap loser

                I literally hit shuffle in my giant playlist and got this
                a song thats barely relevent in its own game, never posted in vidya music threads, even uematsu threads, and still shoes a thousand times more character, texture, and expression than any western track

              • 3 months ago

                >This music
                >much less better than stuff in games like Starfield
                You have actual shit taste
                >Random instruments going off with no real cohesion, along with fart noises, and what sounds like a random mix of famous western classic song segments randomly thrown in.
                Actual ADHD music

              • 3 months ago

                even if its true (its not) its fricking million times better than anything ANYTHING in starfield

                Uematsu is a fantastic composer but that doesn't change the fact that you have absolutely terrible taste. You're blinded by your love for wapan

                its not his best work, im pointing out that a throwaway nothingburger ff9 song everyone forgot about is more memorable than westernshit

              • 3 months ago

                Sure it might be better than starfield's garbage but to act like Japanese music is just unanimously better than "western" music is so unbelievably delusional. For every good Japanese score there's 500 xenoblade-tier cringe trash. Good music is everywhere and irrelevant to locale.

              • 3 months ago

                its a lot harder to find good western composers than good japanese composers, but you are still right. there are plenty of ear-cringing "anime rock" tryhard tracks

                sorry, I had a schizo moment.

                this is a good song. memorable and with good texture

                being a playful composition doesn't really show anything besides it being a playful composition, i know you are trolling for attention but think about how much imagination the soundtrack of eg. fallout 1 commands. https://youtu.be/r6qt_70iGk4

                with just a few instruments and the occasional sample and sudden harmonizing chord it tells so much that you otherwise wouldn't be able to discern from a low resolution isometric 2d image

                both songs are good, but uematsu's song is much better. uematsu's song both commands the scene, has an interesting composition, and sticks in your head, but you can also say taht something like it has never been done before

              • 3 months ago

                >this is a good song. memorable and with good texture
                I purposefully picked that song for being shit though.

              • 3 months ago

                you should jump in a bit of lava and become a pile of goo like all the other hans zimmer lovers in the world

              • 3 months ago

                being catchy is not a quality of a good composition, and if you are speaking in terms of what it evokes in you, sure, playful scene requires playful music, but soundtracks can be much more than that, which is why i posted an example of FO1's OST. playing that game and experiencing the soundtrack first hand is nothing short of mind blowing. you can't listen to the soundtracks without thinking of the sleazy shit you are trying to pull off, the paranoia it induces in you when you talk to NPCs and they ask you where you come from.

              • 3 months ago

                the fallout 1 track is boring and ive heard it before
                the uematsu track does things ive never heard before, and it sounds good on top of that
                its why i like prog rock so much, they experiment with sounds while still trying to sound good and listenable

                There are plenty of good western composers, you just have shit taste (as evidenced by everything you've linked so far)

                there are plenty of good western musicians, not so many good modern western composers, practically no good western game composers

              • 3 months ago

                >it has to sound listenable and interesting
                why is this a necessary quality for a good soundtrack?
                >does things ive never heard before
                like what? adding in funk elements, and that song sounded like it's made entirely out of a single soundfont

                >bury the light
                Literally the most generic rock music in the world. It makes mick gordon's music sound fricking original in comparison dude, holy shit lol

                is mick gordon the only industry name you could remember? because labeling him as generic is a terrible idea, if you know anything about modular synths and analog signal chain wizardry.

              • 3 months ago

                >why is this a necessary quality for a good soundtrack?
                because if its not there your game seems more generic, and im less likely to buy it and give it good reviews, and im sure as frick not gonna remember it
                >like what?
                the vibe, the way the harpsichord is thrown in, and the soundfont in general is underused

              • 3 months ago

                its a good thing fallout 1 is considered a hallmark RPG then, and its OST a hallmark OST
                >the vibe, the way the harpsichord is thrown in, and the soundfont in general is underused
                mashing up themes (i listened to the track again) in this case court music and what seems like reggae isn't "a vibe" that i "dig" very much, if you are going to take something that's instantly recognizable and throw it into a setting it doesn't belong in, for no reason other than trying to be creative, youi're not being very creative at all. unless you can come up with a good reason to that, why does this genre mash up exist, what purpose does it serve in the scene it tries to portray? why mix island music and european court music. the setting being a mashup of cultures isn't a good enough reason, i know i would get bored of listening to an island music mashed up with court music very quick.

                is the scene supposed to convey a whimsical, quirky situation perhaps? in that case i would deem it acceptable, but only in a context where the song is so bad that it's being self-conscious about how bad it is. that's the vibe i get from the particular piece.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah well I think it absolutely SUCKS

              • 3 months ago

                you just have bad taste and you don't know what creativity is
                >i know i would get bored of listening to an island music mashed up with court music very quick.
                i wouldn't
                i get bored of hans zimmer string slop very quickly however

                >its a good thing fallout 1 is considered a hallmark RPG then, and its OST a hallmark OST
                FF9 is also considered a hallmark RPG, and its OST a hallmark OST

              • 3 months ago

                I'm a creative person, I compose as a hobby. Being "quirky" in a creative context amounts to nothing but doodling. Anyone can do it, it's easy. You need artistic intent, everything depends on it. Why is the composition quirky then? Why mash up 2 genres that have no connection, either tonally nor culturally. The only reason to this I can think of is that the composer implicitly made something "bad" on purpose.

              • 3 months ago

                because it sounds good

              • 3 months ago

                also the FF7 soundtrack is approximately a million times more iconic than any western rpg, that must sting for an accomplished composer like you, huh?

              • 3 months ago

                you just have bad taste and you don't know what creativity is
                >i know i would get bored of listening to an island music mashed up with court music very quick.
                i wouldn't
                i get bored of hans zimmer string slop very quickly however

                >its a good thing fallout 1 is considered a hallmark RPG then, and its OST a hallmark OST
                FF9 is also considered a hallmark RPG, and its OST a hallmark OST

                yes, among balding weebs. ask any modern jap who their favorite vidya composer is and they will answer toby fox

              • 3 months ago

                guess who toby fox took inspiration from?
                it certainly wasn't from boring western slop composers whose entire job is to be as forgettable as possible

              • 3 months ago

                you keep missing the whole point, compositions main job isn't to be "vibin" or "listenable" or "catchy", they are there to help portray a scene.

                i guess if there's anything for you to take away from this convo is that anyone can make a catchy soundtrack, toby fox certainly could, but maybe there's something more to composing than taking a bunch of pentatonic repetition and sticking it together under a driving rock/blues beat.

              • 3 months ago

                the point is that toby fox, uematsu, and lots of others do EVERYTHING better than the westerners
                >anyone can make a catchy soundtrack
                i certainly wish they could, but we rarely get even that
                hey if ur a composer, go make an album with ff9 like songs, id kill for that, ive never been able to experience the experimentation and sheer bravery of that ost so if its so easy i would love to hear it more

              • 3 months ago

                being catchy isn't a quality of a good composition for the nth time, if that was the case then the RIAA ghostwriting cabal would make for the most amazing videogame composers imaginable.
                >do EVERYTHING better than the westerners
                the rpg composers and toby fox would have trouble incorporating their soundtrack to anything that isn't dealing with typical adolescent jrpg themes, you also lack the ability to perceive music as anything but a catchy tune to get stuck in your head because you label compositions that leverage world isntruments and world musics to set the stage and help paint the picture as "soulless" or whatever, and when you have a soundtrack that is schizophrenically trying to mash different cultures together it's "good" because it's "catchy" and "vibing", when in reality it's thematically misplaced and confusing. if you want to wank over nip composing then at least do it with people like keiichi okabe or jun maeda.

              • 3 months ago

                okabe is alright but often falls into generic action movie shit
                im surprised you like jun maeda, he has some of that midi goodness that i adore (not as good as uematsu but still)

                maeda probably didn't write this one i think but the point still stands
                >the RIAA ghostwriting cabal
                haven't heard them, but if they're anything like most stock music, they suck and can't write an interesting tune to save their lives

              • 3 months ago

                these midi plucked strings bring me joy

              • 3 months ago

                toontown ass music and i love it

              • 3 months ago

                "RIAA ghostwriting cabal" is just a pun at the fact that most industry leading artists are ghostwritten, usually by the same 10 people. If you listen to any modern music on the radio there's a good chance some 50yo swedish ghostwriter composed the song.

              • 3 months ago

                Another fun fact. We use the same four chord structures over and over again. Same time signature as well.

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                NTA but https://vimeo.com/537505997

                It's literally their biggest export industry.

              • 3 months ago

                Whites making culture by themselves, as usual

              • 3 months ago

                They wrote "This is America". And a bunch of 90s hip hop hits. Kinda throws a wrench into the "Americans worship Black folk" meme.

              • 3 months ago

                There are plenty of good western composers, you just have shit taste (as evidenced by everything you've linked so far)

              • 3 months ago

                >For every good Japanese score there's 500 xenoblade-tier cringe trash
                >ESL warpig bethesdajeet has horrid taste in everything
                many such cases

              • 3 months ago

                Uematsu is a fantastic composer but that doesn't change the fact that you have absolutely terrible taste. You're blinded by your love for wapan

              • 3 months ago

                gaming music is shit now, but it didn't used to be, here's a track from a reddit game from over a decade ago, literally first level combat music

                all talent has abandoned the industry

              • 3 months ago

                being a playful composition doesn't really show anything besides it being a playful composition, i know you are trolling for attention but think about how much imagination the soundtrack of eg. fallout 1 commands. https://youtu.be/r6qt_70iGk4

                with just a few instruments and the occasional sample and sudden harmonizing chord it tells so much that you otherwise wouldn't be able to discern from a low resolution isometric 2d image

              • 3 months ago

                No one fricking cares what instruments he used. It's soulless and indistinct nothingburger composition.

              • 3 months ago

                Not him but
                >Random pipe banging noises, unintelligible mumbles, and other shit
                >good ambient music
                Its trash. It has that 90s game music issue of "its just random noises being banged around and not real music"

                all modern music is trash in games

              • 3 months ago

                not to dink on soule's music, but he's essentially emulating his style, while inserting traditional technique to it like call and response.

              • 3 months ago

                >Dude stop shitting on my plate
                >EXPLAIN WHY ITS BAD

              • 3 months ago

                It's a shallow RPG and a poor shooter--the worst of both worlds

                Oh it's bad, but not as bad as say... BG3, Elden Ring or Cyberpunk

                No, that's not true at all

              • 3 months ago

                BG3 elden ring and cyberpunk are all as bad as starfield

              • 3 months ago

                No, both of those games are far better than Starfield

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                A novel take, I'll give you that much

              • 3 months ago

                >it bad
                >it bad

                >inb4 "it bad" 3rd time but with different words

                Shitty loading screens. Shitty shooting. Shitty perk system. Shitty lock picking system. Shitty rpg system. Shitty loot system. Shitty graphics.

                Not a good thing about Starfield at all. There's literally nothing Starfield does that other games don't do way better.

              • 3 months ago

                I thought you were talking about cyberpunk lol

              • 3 months ago

                Can you list anything Starfield does better than Cyberpunk?

              • 3 months ago

                yeah the transportation is much better and customizable, AI/shooting is better when it's working and the aesthetics are better

              • 3 months ago

                you're trolling and being disingenuous.

              • 3 months ago

                this is another cat that was drugged and killed

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                appropriate considering the poster is a schizophrenic reject

              • 3 months ago

                I'm right, cyberpunk's driving and shooting is shit, same with its AI. Starfield is actually better in those respects. I would also say that starfield's player movement is also better with the jetpack as cyberpunks "super legs" are trash

              • 3 months ago

                Sure thing, moron

              • 3 months ago

                See, starfield isn't actually that shit when you actually start comparing it to slop like cyberpunk, bg3 and elden ring

              • 3 months ago

                Whatever you say, contrarian moron. I know you're just trolling at this point so it doesn't matter what I say anymore.

              • 3 months ago

                seriously, your obsession with bethesda is a mental illness

              • 3 months ago

                >seriously, your obsession with bethesda is a mental illness
                You're the one name dropping them constantly, anon

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                starfield doesn't have driving moron

              • 3 months ago

                >it bad
                >it bad
                >it bad

              • 3 months ago

                didn't ask

              • 3 months ago

                Oh it's bad, but not as bad as say... BG3, Elden Ring or Cyberpunk

              • 3 months ago

                you're so schizo

              • 3 months ago

                not everyone knows this but nearly all cat pics and gifs are from a few people who kill cats and drug them and they take pictures of the cats when the cat is afraid or when the cat is drugged.
                the schizo cats saying "i'm going insane" are cats being killed.
                I can tell just by looking at the pics.

              • 3 months ago

                yeah, really

                >it bad

                >explain why
                Not him but don’t be a disingenuous homosexual. You know damn well why it’s bad.

                >it bad

                >inb4 "it bad" 3rd time but with different words

              • 3 months ago

                Starfield was spectacularly bad though. I played the game without even looking at media about it. I formed my opinion on it on my own.

              • 3 months ago

                >Starfield was spectacularly bad
                not when compared to every other game on the market

              • 3 months ago

                Starfield is literally the most disappointing game of the year.

              • 3 months ago

                Not really

              • 3 months ago

                yeah, really

            • 3 months ago

              in terms of my enjoyment of the media's perception? i played both cp77 and fo76 at launch and enjoyed them both, idiots with shit PCs/consoles and tards who bought into 200M usd marketing hype, and tards who were butthurt they didn't get FO5 are not a good indication of the actual merits of a video game media, they are a minority but generate a large amount of noise. both games, including starfield, had lots to love about them from the get go, but it always takes big budget marketing and superficial presentation uplifts to appease the general audiences that are exposed to only games like Witcher 3+Skyrim GOTY.

              starfield won't be getting the same amount of updates as cp77 or fo76 because they are completely different products in terms of what they mean for their studios and as games itself. if starfield had GaaS elements it probably would stand a high chance of an "engoodening" development, but for microsoft the correct play is to put the BGS maryland into work on their premium IPs and put starfield into maintenance mode after they finish the DLC

              • 3 months ago

                cyberpunk is shit because it's a generic action game with a shit plot and gameplay, the bugs are a bonus

              • 3 months ago

                Let's play Jeopardy!

                >Answer: cyberpunk is shit because it's a generic action game with a shit plot and gameplay

                Question: Can you think of a way to tell me you never played Cyberpunk 2077 without saying it?

              • 3 months ago

                >cyberpunk is a generic action game, he said

              • 3 months ago

                >so dark you can barely see anything
                >tons of explosions and particle effects covering the screen
                >random dashes forward/backward/sideways that make no sense and blur the screen
                You must have some ADHD because this is some Micheal Bay level shit

              • 3 months ago

                You're like a white person that thinks salt and pepper on chicken is too spicy.

              • 3 months ago

                FPS games will forever be braindead slop for mutts, sorry.

              • 3 months ago

                the industry needs to stop treating these europoor dev gimmick companies like genius factories because all you get out of them is slop

              • 3 months ago

                >if starfield had GaaS elements it probably would stand a high chance of an "engoodening" development, but for microsoft the correct play is to put the BGS maryland into work on their premium IPs and put starfield into maintenance mode after they finish the DLC
                That would be the WORST play for Microsoft.

                While Starfield didn't have anywhere near as bad of a launch as CP2077 did, it does need some big patches/DLC to turn around the image of the game. If anything, Microsoft should let Bethesda put a bit more time into patching/DLC for Starfield then they did for past games, to show they are dedicated to it, and willing to listen to feedback.

                the fact that Shattered Space has been called the "first" big sotry DLC pretty much confirms they have more in the works, + likely smaller DLC like Hearthfire, Automatron, and the workshop DLC. They also have a far more consistent patch schedule laid out for Starfield then they did past games, further indicating longer term support.

              • 3 months ago

                >it does need some big patches/DLC to turn around the image of the game.
                i wouldn't really agree but this would only work to benefit for me so sure. but the game did alright, decent metacritic, made "good" money, which is different from fo76 which the media tried to crucify so they had a lot more to gain from pumping dev hours into the game and this is not really the case with starfield. they would have to hire a new team to support the post launch development because there is no way BGSM is not working on their hit IPs after they finish the last bit o DLC. fo76 post launch support was handled by BGSA so maybe they will run a recruitment drive and hand off starfield to them.... that's IMO the most. probably, and best case scenario for starfield. my only concern is that BGSA is most likely almost entirely laid off because the development of FO76 has ground to a halt since several years ago, shadow of steel or whatever was the latest story expansion launched ages ago, and their new content lacks the scope to be called expansions, just small updates and the occasional new battle pass.

              • 3 months ago

                >they would have to hire a new team to support the post launch development because there is no way BGSM is not working on their hit IPs after they finish the last bit o DLC.
                Bethesda is like 6 times larger then they were when they made Skyrim and Fallout 4. Even excluding Bethesda Austin(working on Fo76) its still like 4-5 times larger.

                >because the development of FO76 has ground to a halt since several years ago, shadow of steel or whatever was the latest story expansion launched ages ago, and their new content lacks the scope to be called expansions, just small updates and the occasional new battle pass.
                You forget the expeditions and the new, southward, map expansion coming later this year

                Fo76's update/content release is really no different then what I see from other mid tier MMOs like Star Trek Online.

        • 3 months ago

          99.9% of bethesdafans are morons, not a surprise there considering space games are already a niche of niches.

          i'm just waiting for the hardcore/survival/whatever they call the eventual massive rehaul they'll do for the game just like with fallout 4 that completely revitalized my interest in it.

      • 3 months ago

        Got filtered because the game is garbage unlike the other games you listed

    • 3 months ago

      Because it's a bad game that they clumsily try to sell as some kind of masterpiece, and that only makes it even more repulsive. It's like going to a restaurant and getting shit piled on your plate.

    • 3 months ago

      The next Fallout game getting delayed by another 20 years might have something to do with it.

  47. 3 months ago

    skyrim is the only okay video game from bethesda

  48. 3 months ago

    jump ahead to 0:38 and remind yourselves that Starfield was the game that Microsoft so badly wanted to be synonymous with the console they are talking about in this trailer that they just HAD to purchase the developer to secure exclusivity.

  49. 3 months ago

    >You lived long enough for bargain bin devs like Larian and From Software to completely eclipse Bethesda

  50. 3 months ago

    A lot of the veteran devs retired from the studio after Starfield got pushed out so there's a good chance that new blood will actually improve the next game. Todd's friends from highschool have always been shitty devs.

  51. 3 months ago

    It's substandard.

    • 3 months ago

      It's second-rate.

      • 3 months ago

        it's shoddy

  52. 3 months ago

    Is this another thread where Ganker pretends absolutely relentless dogshit is good because this board has been dead for years and the only people left are soulless double digit IQ morons that only know how to be contrarian?

    • 3 months ago

      >Is this another thread where Ganker pretends good games are just dogshit because this board has been dead for years and the only people left are soulless double digit IQ morons that only know how to be contrarian?
      fixed that for you.

      • 3 months ago

        You are an absolutely tasteless homosexual, nobody needed a YouTube video instinctively know Starfield sucked. have a nice day.

        • 3 months ago

          >No actual reply
          Every time. Gankertards never cease to give me a giggle.

    • 3 months ago

      It's just one guy

  53. 3 months ago

    This guy's posting style is so obvious. I can't believe he's still faithfully defending this game and seething in all the threads about it. I wonder what kind of life he lives

  54. 3 months ago

    I saw an ad for Starfield on my Samsung TV today lol
    >Skyrim of the 2020s

  55. 3 months ago

    Picture this as a space game.
    Assassins creed 2 meets mass effect 2.

    • 3 months ago

      sorry, current events in the western world explicitly forbid the creation of good video games.

    • 3 months ago

      >two of the worst games in their respective franchises.
      So you want the game to be worse?

      • 3 months ago

        I don't know what you're talking about. Can you unpack that?

  56. 3 months ago

    word on the street is todd goes into fits of alcoholic rage at the mention of swen

    • 3 months ago

      Who's "swen?"

  57. 3 months ago

    Cyberpunk at least had an interesting story, good soundtrack and awesome looking world to explore when it first released. Starfield has none of this.

    • 3 months ago

      the story is probably the worst aspect of cyberpunk

      • 3 months ago

        still miles better than shartfield's

        • 3 months ago

          if starfield's story is a 0 cyberpunks story is a 1

      • 3 months ago

        Still a better story than whatever the frick starfield has

    • 3 months ago

      >Cyberpunk at least had an interesting story, good soundtrack and awesome looking world to explore
      It had, and has, none of those things.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes it does. The radio stations were pretty good and Night city itself was great.

        • 3 months ago

          the music is terrible, there's like two good songs on the entire radio. The actual combat music is better than most shit they made for the radio

  58. 3 months ago

    >be bethesda
    >big ass company
    >you're absolutely fricking shit at coding
    >your games are loved only because of their atmosphere and dialogue options; despite the jank and bugs
    >spend over a decade moderately polishing your turd ass engine but in return your game comes out absolutely sterile and devoid of any soul
    Starfield is a piece of shit game on the merit that it is TREMENDOUSLY generic and safe. I fricking hate it with all my heart. Anyone who defends it for any other reason than maybe the ship builder is a complete reject of a human being and deserves to be shot on sight

    • 3 months ago

      saar we are excellent at the code

  59. 3 months ago

    It can't be fixed on a fundamental level. There's not a patch, mod, or expansion that could ever make the game into what it was advertised.

  60. 3 months ago


  61. 3 months ago

    I’m genuinely surprised that there are people on this board that enjoy starfield this much. More power to you guys I guess.

    • 3 months ago

      the starfield general on /VG/ is filled with people fellating the game

      • 3 months ago

        Oh ok so it’s mental illness. That makes more sense, thanks anon.

  62. 3 months ago

    >flagship game plays at 30fps on their console
    What the frick were they thinking?

    • 3 months ago

      Just set frame interpolation on your tv.

  63. 3 months ago

    >Hey guys, let's go play some Cyberpunk
    >Nah, I'd rather play Starfield
    >lol, said no one ever!

  64. 3 months ago

    Somebody post the "blood pressure is... No, no no no..." screencap

  65. 3 months ago

    Starfield is so shit they had to green light an oblivion remaster

    • 3 months ago

      Oblivion remaster
      A. Isn't being made
      B. Was planned before Starfield even started development, let alone came out.

      • 3 months ago

        They knew starfield was shit even during development

    • 3 months ago

      >Starfield is so good that it causes a remake of the best ES game
      Is there a problem?

      • 3 months ago

        >oblivion remaster
        What does this mean for Skyblivion devs?

        • 3 months ago

          Nothing since the Oblivion remake has all of ZERO evidence to suggest its actually being worked on, or that it was anything more then shit Bethesda put on a project list to make it look more enticing for Microsoft to buy them

        • 3 months ago

          Sea and Dee soon!

          -Love Todd

    • 3 months ago

      Bethesda doesn't do remakes or remasters

  66. 3 months ago

    >No mods
    There are literally hundreds of mods. What you mean is there is no Creation Kit yet.

    • 3 months ago

      there nearly 7K mods

  67. 3 months ago

    >No mods

  68. 3 months ago

    Imagine if the latest western AAA fantasy release had a soundtrack like this, I would cum

  69. 3 months ago

    This game made me want to kill myself. I'm glad I didn't, i came really close. I'm never going to touch anything produced by this company again.

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        Something about that game just makes you want to die. I can't put my finger on it, it's something nebulous, but also visceral.

        • 3 months ago

          the emptiness and loneliness

          • 3 months ago

            That's definately part of it. But I felt like every piece of dialog and lore was specifically designed to make me feel unhappy.

  70. 3 months ago

    reminder: western cucks lost the best soundtrack at this year's game awards
    they're gonna lose next year's too because of FF7 Rebirth

  71. 3 months ago

    >just that one FF9 song made this guy so assblasted
    jesus, thats not even the most out there ff9 song

  72. 3 months ago

    >The game had the possibility of modders crafting their own planets
    >Bethesda did not release the creation kit for literally 7 months

  73. 3 months ago

    >Starfield fans absolutely seething about Cyberpunk because it completely mogs their shitty game

    • 3 months ago

      It’s hilarious man

  74. 3 months ago

    Consider the following:

    • 3 months ago

      both games are ass
      the story sucks and the photorealism is bland

  75. 3 months ago

    You know what's fricking depressing? They could've made Starfield a cross between Elder Scrolls and Fallout fully. Like, crazy alien space magic deep lore bullshit coupled with Fallout tech and space. It'd could've genuinely been really unique and cool if they weren't such hacks. Why would anyone want another grounded "NASAPunk" world?

    • 3 months ago

      >vast networks of brass pipes, machinery and jittery automatons animated like a Harryhausen puppet locked away on relatively uninteresting worlds
      >archaeological sites dotted with strange bottles and depictions of hairy faced men with tall hats staring at a pair of red and pale moons
      >a primitive world inhabited by bunch of cannibalistic tribal using a varied assortment of stone and bone based weaponry
      >a small moon populated by a race of men modeled on the old Roman republic
      >an abandoned death world covered in advertisements talking about fusion powered conveniences serviced eternally by a few remnants of some arachic looking robots with exposed brains in jars

      • 3 months ago

        if only you were in their writing room instead of todd and emil. Todd and his highschool bullies have been riding high off other people's work for 2 decades now. It was tiny todd getting all the praise for things he did not create. The veil is finally lifting though. "NASA punk" was always cope from the start to cover up their extensive mental and creative failings.

      • 3 months ago

        aight the last one would have intrigued me. maybe have a destroyed settlement ravaged by some crazy new monster (kinda like the terrormorph section of the uc quest but not gay and more exploratory instead) and you discover what happened, they kinda did this with the crucible unmarked sidequest but goddamnit why did they have all these cool ideas but no implementation, lol

        also I really don't get why people hate the "nasapunk" aesthetic, it's essentially just realistic space aesthetic. i'm pretty sure the art team was handed a bunch of stills from the martian's production design for example.

        • 3 months ago

          >it's essentially just realistic space aesthetic
          bethesda is too inept to do hard sci fi realism, and so you're left with "vague boring sci fi" which is not exactly a selling point, you know

      • 3 months ago

        >a moon near a gas giant that is full of nothing but giant colosseums and casinos ran by banking cartels spanning solar systems that mirrors the arena from Oblivion but on a cosmic, larger scale
        >you kill everything there, proving that humans are the ultimate predator in the galaxy
        >a planet with massive intelligently-placed holes in it with smoke coming out that covers the entire planet and makes the surface unlivable
        >inside is the equivalent to an alien space-dorf society that have built massive complex societies on the hollow inside of the planet, and the smoke comes from their massive machines that fuel it all with space magic

  76. 3 months ago

    kinda like most soule music, starfield songs often have 1 or 2 interesting ideas in them, but they fail to actually build up to anything interesting
    honestly, i doubt this is a skill issue, and more just a general cultural problem (we don't want the player getting DISTRACTED, tone it down... etc.)

  77. 3 months ago

    I've spent a long time modding beth games since morrowind. I sent out the bat signal warning folks to keep their expectations in check. I was shocked at how bad this game actually was in terms of gameplay. a lot of people wrongly blame the engine for some issues they have but it's always been about balance. You can't have it all and beth does somethings way better than unreal could ever do and vice versa. but a space game like this just does not work with their engine. that's why everything is empty. It's all proc gen nothingness. Gen 1 AI slop tier. A truly terrible showing and it confirms why I thought they sold to microsoft at exactly the time all their bad decisions (todd primarily) were coming home to roost. They put off their only real draw, Elder Scrolls for this and a bunch of other bad slop. Their trajectory is so downhill, how can anyone trust the next elder scrolls game not to be some streamlined wank? Not me, I'm over all of it. I wish them well, if it defies all logic, I'll buy it. but I've seen enough.

  78. 3 months ago

    I played it with 50+ mods, some of which literally illegal in some countries - that game is unsalvageable, got bored at the 20th hour or so.
    No one in their right mind will spend so much time just to make a 4/10 into a 6/10.

    On the other hand Cyberpunk was good enough when I played it at v1.6 - 2.0+ is kino.

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