>a card that lets you actually play the game

>a card that lets you actually play the game
>is considered broken and overpowered by large swaths of the Magic fanbase
>also costs like 40 dollars per copy
How come Flesh and Blood hasnt swept this dogshit game off the map yet?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Because F&B is too linear and 'fair'. It isn't possible to draw a lot of cards, have a lot of permanents, do something on the stack. There's too much time spent on thinking what play is necessary (should i block or keep these 2 cards for my next action phase on my turn?) than actually playing the cards. Also, it is/was shilled hard by Rudy, which makes me not want to touch it.

    Besides, don't pretend FAB doesn't have a problem with card pricing too. If you want a competitive deck, you too have to spend hundreds for some good equipment, armor and whatnot they added for your hero.

    • 10 months ago

      We have instants in fab so there's a kind of stack

    • 10 months ago

      A budget FaB deck you can at least play though. A budget MTG deck (actual budget not 100 dollars) will not even be an actual game.

      Magic at least passed the test of time and the ppl (actually has players) before it was considered something worth to play/invest. FaB entered the scene being shilled with booster display boxes costing +500 bucks.

      True but MTG stood the test of time by being first and being the only major non weeb TCG.

      • 10 months ago

        100 bucks is totally a budget

        • 10 months ago

          lol. this is the current state of magicucks

          • 10 months ago

            It was like this 7 years ago back when I played it
            Magic is expensive hobby

            • 10 months ago

              It's not that expensive, a working printer, a few stacks of paper and a big bottle of compatible ink would only run you like 50 bucks

          • 10 months ago

            Some tier 1 pauper decks run you like 50 bucks.
            You can build a cohesive and well-working EDH deck for under 100 as well of you have the know-how.
            Most "budget but good" decks in many games run you like 50-100 so that youre still playing with good cards and not complete jank shit.

          • 10 months ago

            Is $100 seriously too much for you? That's less than what I pay a week for food.
            $20 is also a budget, so is $50, etc.
            But why does $100 make you seethe?

      • 10 months ago

        I have no love for nu magic. As a golden era player it saddens me to see the state of the 'game' now and fetch lands are only a problem on tournament play where every weasel will try to manipulate the deck after a shuffle.
        I wanted something to fill my TCG needs but the aggressive shilling and non organic hype around the game made me not jump on it.

        • 10 months ago

          >fetch lands are only a problem on tournament play where every weasel will try to manipulate the deck after a shuffle

          No, fetchlands are always a problem because they 1) make running 5 color goodstuff piles trivial, 2) slow down the game with all the constant shuffling and 3) cost too much due to being mandatory in every format where they're legal and rarely reprinted.

    • 10 months ago

      >not want to touch it

      I've unironically never seen FAB gameplay or hear people talk about it.
      I only hear about people collecting cards for it or that it's expensive.
      We have a fricking Vanguard and Digimon community at my LGS but no one touches FAB

      >no one touches FAB

      I have no love for nu magic. As a golden era player it saddens me to see the state of the 'game' now and fetch lands are only a problem on tournament play where every weasel will try to manipulate the deck after a shuffle.
      I wanted something to fill my TCG needs but the aggressive shilling and non organic hype around the game made me not jump on it.

      >non organic hype around the game made me not jump on it
      Based non-touchers. The whole thing was sketch af. Like a cult.
      Honestly I'd be forced to reconsider my friendship with anyone who gets involved in that so-called "game".

    • 10 months ago

      >You have to think though, the games hasn't been power cashed to autistic levels 10 years ago
      Frick off & an hero

      • 10 months ago

        2 more weeks, FABGOT

    • 10 months ago

      did you sissies think we wouldn't find you in this thread? think again



      this anon gets it right i wanted to use dusk path pilgrimage to attack 4 times with dual axes dorinthea, i wanted bloodspill invocation to be a better card, but i had to face simple but overly strong combos, like kano's OTK with 120 arcane dmg (you have 40 hp and could only block 16 of that damage realistically, to counter that you need a card that destroys an item, so you have to deckbuild specifically against that hero) or the fricking guardian class which blocks my entire deck's worth of damage or puts me in a situation where i either give up my whole hand blocking (sometimes i can't do that because of the dominate keyword) or i take 11 physical damage and have to discard two cards


      • 10 months ago

        >like kano's OTK with 120 arcane dmg (you have 40 hp and could only block 16 of that damage realistically, to counter that you need a card that destroys an item, so you have to deckbuild specifically against that hero)
        >40 life
        Oh shit you're the pants-pissing anti kano gay aren't you?
        Bro, he's literally never been meta in CC and you need a gorillian IQ to even have a chance at playing him right. I'm sorry you're such a salty b***h but these are (You) problems, not FaB problems.
        LMAOing @ ur life bro, fr

        • 10 months ago

          >use three potions then search your deck for 3 cards to do 120 damage
          >all of this at instant speed so you can just pause the game before taking the last bit of damage and "no i won lol"

          also, i'm FRICKGAME anon, not the anti kano gay

    • 10 months ago

      >There's too much time spent on thinking what play is necessary
      I've never played this game and I don't intend but the fact this is apparently a negative is hilarious.

      • 10 months ago

        Flesh and Blood triggers certain people just by continuing to exist apparently.
        It's a niche game and not a risk to fricking anyone, but still the desperate seething comes.

  2. 10 months ago

    Magic at least passed the test of time and the ppl (actually has players) before it was considered something worth to play/invest. FaB entered the scene being shilled with booster display boxes costing +500 bucks.

  3. 10 months ago

    Magic has a lot of good design ideas, but the people managing the competitive formats have really stupid goals and philosophies.

  4. 10 months ago

    I remember a friend in the LGS gave me a proxy yugioh deck to play with him
    I couldn't even make a turn our first game
    Second game he created an infinite amount of some fuzzy looking guy
    My experience and from the stories I heard it has no balance

    • 10 months ago

      Well, first turn he couldn't attack you if he started and else you started.
      But he is not wrong, Yugioh I'd a very combo and deck building heavy game.
      So you either go into the game with a good deck, a deck balanced against each other or just won't have fun.
      Additionally many decks play unlike other decks.
      Sky Strikers is about only summoning one monster but switching between different battle phases when targeted, Tri-Brigade about linking each tri-brigade into each other and levelling up, Vanquish Soul is a fighting game, where he will not field lots but switch them out, using different card in his hand to activate abilities.

      Hard to get in, especially if alone

    • 10 months ago

      Yugioh has the worst balance out of any TCG bar none. I quit that shit and nothing I hear about it these days makes me want to go back.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeh, it's imbalanced as weird as frick because its original core mechanics barely make for a playable game. There's a good reason why characters in the Manga and TV show are flagrantly ignoring all of the rules. The whole "play 1 monster a turn" doesn't work.

  5. 10 months ago

    I've unironically never seen FAB gameplay or hear people talk about it.
    I only hear about people collecting cards for it or that it's expensive.
    We have a fricking Vanguard and Digimon community at my LGS but no one touches FAB

    • 10 months ago

      I've seen people play it at my LGS and they hold events regularly so clearly it has some kind of audience (that same LGS doesn't even have EDH events, only Duel Commander).
      Didn't look that interesting to me though. It looked like what Commander would be if there were only like 20 legendaries printed total.

  6. 10 months ago

    >flesh and blood
    dead game, Yugioh is still king of games.

  7. 10 months ago

    Flesh and Blood is a scam and extremely sus.
    I've never seen anyone play it or talk about gameplay, it's all "investor" memes. Anyone reading this thread should stay faaaar away from it.

  8. 10 months ago

    Don't mind the frickfab shitposter. He's mentally ill and regularly shits up /acg/.
    FaB is a fun game and if your LGS has events for it, you should definitely check it out. Don't let the sunk cost MTG gays keep you from trying out a fun game.

    • 10 months ago

      you guys should check out metazoo. they had a huge tournament not too long ago and the game has pretty cool artwork reminiscent of '90s pokemon

      Literally the same post. Even more proof that fab is a scamgame.

  9. 10 months ago

    you guys should check out metazoo. they had a huge tournament not too long ago and the game has pretty cool artwork reminiscent of '90s pokemon

  10. 10 months ago

    >continuing to lie and exaggerate because you're a fricking shitter
    okay bro

  11. 10 months ago

    Would fetchlands be more balanced if they had to fetch from your sideboard?

  12. 10 months ago

    I paid my playset 2,50 each from my fellow chink seller

  13. 10 months ago

    Lorcana will unironically kill both

    • 10 months ago


  14. 10 months ago

    dual lands should be tokens created by green spells and every other land should be basic

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