A joke, a media storm, and a destroyed life... Is ‘Magic: The Gathering’ the next Gamergate?


She accused him of serial harassment without evidence. The story was debunked. A geek community rallied with the media to ostracize the man, to try to get him fired, and to destroy his life. He received real harassment, including death threats. The media was silent.

Then, a corporation doubles down to purge him, hurting him financially.

Does this story sound familiar?

Over the last several weeks, we’ve seen yet another instance of the same tactics used by the SJW corporate elites in taking down an internet personality who doesn’t meet their approval. This time, the big corporation was Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, and the owners of the card game, Magic: The Gathering.

Their target was a YouTuber who dedicates his entire channel to their product, Jeremy Hambly of Unsleeved Media. Hambly’s story began when he criticized an attractive cosplayer for her antics, most notably feigning outrage of Twitter posts by men attracted her, to raise funds on the internet.

Hambly made a YouTube video accusing the cosplayer of “crying for Patreon dollars” and several tweets jabbing her cosplay. One mocked her looks with “This guy [sic] does a pretty good job cosplaying this card.” Another simply said, “Cosplay is dumb. Playing dress up is not *work* [sic].”  He went on to tell a very poignant truth, “if she were a man, she would not have gained hundreds of Patreon supporters overnight.”

He not only criticized a woman on Twitter, which as DANGEROUS readers know is an executable crime from MILO’s personal experience, but he also pointed out the flaws of feminism, a sacred cow of the SJW left. Hambly committed further thought crimes by speaking out against Antifa and the LGBT lynch mobs on his YouTube channel.

“I publically supported both Trump and MILO,” Hambly told me. “The rate of hate greatly increased at that time.” The harassment began in earnest at this point, not of the cosplayer, but toward Hambly.

But why are these companies, with a vast majority of male customer base, so quick to rally for feminism? “Many hate themselves,” he said. “One of my loudest critics got married, had two kids, cheated on his first wife, had two kids, cheated on her with his assistant, left them both. [They] have worse skeletons in their closets.”

Most of Hambly’s comments were made about the topic of cosplay itself more than targeted at a specific individual. The SJWs often like to use cosplay as a battleground, and feign outrage at people who notice these women who often attempt to gain attention by being scantily clad. In bizarre feminist logic, men are supposed to celebrate these women’s bodies, but at the same time are not allowed to notice their beauty.

The Internet and the media jumped on Hambly. People flagged his YouTube channel, and he received complaints on Patreon to try to take down his own business’s revenue. He was attacked on all fronts. But Hambly wanted to fight back. He spoke out about what was happening, and urged what we all know: to never apologize to SJWs while under attack from them.

As a YouTube creator, Hambly works on his own. He makes his own videos, has no back up, no official endorsements, only the support of his audience. He has more than 140,000 subscribers to his channel dedicated to Magic: The Gathering, and makes a living covering their events.

As the targeted destruction of Hambly escalated because of a few mean tweets, the cosplayer urged other people on the Internet to swarm Hasbro Customer Service and complain about him.  A social media war escalated between the cosplayer and Hambly, but because Hambly was a man, and the cosplayer was a woman, Hasbro appeared to take sides and stepped in.

The cosplayer’s social pressure seemed to work. Hasbro banned Hambly from Magic: The Gathering for life, without appeal. The evidence they provided was some of the tweets mentioned above, along with unrelated tweets of him posting memes of Pepe the Frog, and some political content. They never accused him of doing anything wrong at their events, and no one had any complaints about him in person, but it took personally following him to his social media accounts for a giant corporation to deem an individual unfit to play their game. Hambly says he was stalked by both Hasbro representatives and an angry horde of white knights defending this cosplayer’s “virtue” in what appeared to be a personal dispute between two people.

Without any evidence of real harassment, it appears Hasbro’s motivation was to make a public proclamation of their championing feminism against an evil white male. But it gets worse. The problem goes beyond simply a company banning Hambly from their events unfairly. Hasbro also could be said to have seized his personal property.

There is a version of Magic: The Gathering for desktop computers, a video game in which users can play and compete online. Just like the physical collectible card game, users can buy packs and singles online. Users spend hours as they do any other game, and spend tremendous amounts money on the content. The real dollar values of these virtual cards can often meet or exceed the values of the physical game. Hambly put years into MGO (Magic Online) and has spent thousands of dollars on these virtual cards over the course of his experience, he says. When he was banned from playing in Magic tournaments, the company also seized this account, shutting it down with all of the content inside.

Not only is Hambly out the substantial collection value of his virtual cards, but he had more than a hundred dollars in event tickets, which are extremely liquid and are a cash equivalent for many players. All of this was erased and Hambly was not compensated for it, he says.

It’s shameful that a game company can seize a player’s private property like this, with very little recourse, as they force players to check a “terms of service” like every other online service. It’s all because Hambly upset the wrong class of individual on Twitter. It’s not as if Jeremy was employed by the company or they had a right to be digging into his personal social media. This is a game company, responsible for a hobby where Hambly pays them to spend his relaxation time. Hasbro ripped his hard-earned dollars away from him in the process of defaming and destroying his person.  “My lifetime ban isn’t enough,” Hambly said of his detractors. “They want me dead.”

Hasbro has sent a clear signal to men, to Trump supporters, and to anyone who wrongthinks: you are not welcome, and we will purge you. It sets a dangerous precedent for the future if gaming companies and content creators are going to create public witch trials and purge the heretics. Consumers aren’t here to join an ideological jihad, we’re here to play games.

The ride never ends.

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