>a literal asset flip

>a literal asset flip
The only reason there's multiple endings is to spare the good players from this shit.

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  1. 6 months ago

    The only thing that is reused is the background. Which is reused constantly in all 2D games. "Asset" refers to everything not just the background.

    • 6 months ago

      It's virtually all the same geometry too.

      I got bored of sotn at the inverted castle and bored of alttp at the dark world. Actually I'm just moronic and got stuck in alttp.

      ALTTP does it better tbhonestly, because the two worlds differ substantially and you back and forth between them to solve puzzles and progress, things in one world can even affect things in the other.

      I like SOTN, but the upside down castle always felt like it was a late addition to the game.

      • 6 months ago

        Reminds of that GBA Castlevania that we also have two castles and on later one we find out we kept going from normal to dark version as we advanced the game. I think it did "two castles" far better than SotN.

        • 6 months ago

          >Reminds of that GBA Castlevania that we also have two castles and on later one we find out we kept going from normal to dark version as we advanced the game. I think it did "two castles" far better than SotN.
          There were a lot of things about the game that were worse than SotN but that part was very cool

      • 6 months ago

        >the upside down castle always felt like it was a late addition to the game
        Considering it's a 2D PSX title, the game does feel a bit short without it.

    • 6 months ago


      >be boomer
      >come from castlevanias that have 8 stages as a rule
      >get this
      >be impressed with the jump in content
      >25 years later zoomers b***h about it
      you guys are utter wastes of oxygen

      >actually justifying the fact that the game reuses levels with barely any changes
      Are you going to defend the fact that the game has shit balance as well? It's a fun game but it's not as perfect as some idiots like to pretend. Oh you were impressed by it when you were 8? Good for you, I was impressed when I caught lizards at 8, I would just sit and watch them go. How dare you attack my lizard watching, I enjoyed it at 8 therefore YOU must enjoy it at 30.

      • 6 months ago

        >Play any retro game
        >Later enemies are palette swaps of early enemies

      • 6 months ago

        Balance doesn’t exist and is something only zoomers bring up. Look in any retro game magazine for discussions on balance, you wont find it.

        • 6 months ago

          i feel like the desire for balance stems from zoom zooms playing too many competitive multiplayer games like CoD, league, WoW PvP, etc..

          • 6 months ago

            no it stems from being moronic and overanalyzing everything. likely a consequence of youtube infecting their growing brains. now software is under a microscope before it even came out. we just enjoyed these games. the second castle only exists to utilize the new cd format. now they see it as a problem when the developers intend it as a bonus.

            • 6 months ago

              this, they're also the ones talking about "objective good design practices" which was something improvised back in the day and as a result the games didn't all feel generic as frick

            • 6 months ago

              >ow software is under a microscope before it even came out. we just enjoyed these games. the second castle only exists to utilize the new cd format. now they see it as a problem when the developers intend it as a bonus.
              i think you raise an interesting point, anon.

              when we played games as kids we were on a "hero's journey". one of the nice things about old game design is how little handholding there was. now there's a lot more handholding and there's a fine line between handholding and "quality of life improvements".

              anyway, as kids we didn't critique the journey. but if we as adults aren't careful we have this cognitive dissonance thing happen where after we digest youtube content about a game we have preconceived notions about what a game should be, and when a game isn't what we expect, we don't like it.

              so now what can happen is when we play games we think about the software, mechanics, muh framerates, muh input lag, muh design choices, rather than the experience of the game itself. it may well be a sign of the times that we have this tendency to deconstruct fricking everything.

              a fitting analogy i came across while researching this is it's like taking apart a clock to understand time: in doing so, you forget to enjoy passing moments.

              i want to go back.

              • 6 months ago

                >when we play games we think about the software, mechanics, muh framerates, muh input lag, muh design choices
                I'm guilty of this, but only because I already have an interest in design and an aspiration to maybe make a game later in life. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, a truly engrossing experience will still have plenty of both present-oriented moments and internal analysis.
                Bad games are still bad and usually not fun so it's interesting to think about how we could change them to make good / fun games.

              • 6 months ago

                well, and the thing is it would be stupid for us, as adults, to just languish in this uncritical view of things. i don't aspire to design games, but i am an artist so i find it useful to learn about creative processes and the outcome of those creative processes. and it's probably useful to know what games are worth sticking to and what aren't. if a game is hard, but it was deliberately designed this way so you feel a sense of accomplishment, it's worth putting up with. if a game is hard because it's unfair. then maybe it's poorly designed and not worth the time investment.

                also, yeah if we can narrow down what exactly is shitty about a game, you could either create or use someone else's romhack/mod to make it fun. you'd also know "okay, if i install this mod it's going to make the game too easy or too hard so it would be better for my experience if i skip it".

    • 6 months ago

      OP was referring to the assets being literally flipped upside down, anon.

  2. 6 months ago

    >spare the good players from this shit
    >do poorly and get the bad end, never see inverted castle

  3. 6 months ago

    I got bored of sotn at the inverted castle and bored of alttp at the dark world. Actually I'm just moronic and got stuck in alttp.

  4. 6 months ago

    The Virgin "Metroidvania"
    <- The Chad Private Snafu

    • 6 months ago

      Metroid 2 be like

    • 6 months ago

      needs moar Saddam.

      • 6 months ago
  5. 6 months ago

    Given that you'll have most movement abilities by the time you get to the flipped turned upside down castle, it really goes by quite quickly.

  6. 6 months ago

    It was positive suprise the first time you discovered it. But the inverted castle sucks

  7. 6 months ago

    >Koopa Troopa (green)
    >Koopa Troopa (red)

  8. 6 months ago

    the inverted castle isn't great, but wasn't there something going on with the development of SotN where they weren't given enough of a budget or time to flesh out a second castle? was an inverted castle part of the plan from the beginning?

    as it stands, i consider the inverted castle just the last hurrah before the end.

    • 6 months ago

      I don't know the details of the development, but the second castle absolutely FEELS like an idea which they did late in the dev cycle. I'm glad they did it even though they maybe didn't have all the time and budget needed to fully flesh it out as much as they might have wanted to, the game would still have been a lot less good and fun without it.

      this, they're also the ones talking about "objective good design practices" which was something improvised back in the day and as a result the games didn't all feel generic as frick

      That shit was not improvised, you fricking moron. Any game with a budget and experienced devs did not just throw shit at the wall on random, ideas were developed and then tested, then refined or changed, or if they didn't work out, they got shitcanned.
      Things like how strong the player, his equipment, and the enemies were, that was generally very premeditated, and devs made use out of gameplay testers for input on what might need changing. Some specific thing can be too hard, too easy, or it's not conveyed clearly to the player and needs a stronger hint, and how the challenge escalates as the game progresses (or how more open ended games could fare depending on the order you did things), were absolutely things which had a lot of planning and thought put into it.

      I get that you people hate zoomers, I can't fault you for that, but don't be so willfully fricking moronic, don't make up bullshit conjecture "to own the kids these days," because you're being dumber than the most TikTok brainrotted brat with this homosexualry.

  9. 6 months ago

    Zoomerposting goes on Ganker

  10. 6 months ago

    the inverted castle would have been better if it wasn't 90% final toccata

  11. 6 months ago

    The thing most plebs overlook about the inverted castle is that aside from the background and the map being identical your run through is not at all analogous to the run through the first castle.

    The first run through the castle is about exploration and backtracking until you find what you need to access new areas. Everything in the inverted castle is accessible right from the beginning and you can go wherever you want. You know the layout and presumably have all the mobility relics and once you get the gas cloud or alucard shield you can basically just casually stroll through any area with impunity

    The inverted castle is a boss run with lots of fun and sometimes game-breaking items. It's short and easy and was a great way to provide a ton of additional content without overextending the budget. The alternative would have been just to have the game go straight to dracula after the Richter fight or to add some small and limited additional area like the arena from COTM. Sure, I would have liked a fully original extra map that doubled the game length but that wasn't feasible. The inverted castle is fine, quit your b***hing

    • 6 months ago

      The annoying thing about the inverted castle is its not at all fun to navigate because a bunch of ledges are just barely out of reach of your double jump. So you're constantly turning into a bat just to get an extra couple inches.

      • 6 months ago

        >The annoying thing about the inverted castle is its not at all fun to navigate because a bunch of ledges are just barely out of reach of your double jump. So you're constantly turning into a bat just to get an extra couple inches.
        That's a good point, but it's better than Harmony's overuse of zig zag corridors

    • 6 months ago

      >game-breaking items
      Yeah the original run is full of that too, the whole game is pretty broken.
      >reused content is fine because I feel differently about it
      Replaying games is fine too but telling me to replay a game to get an ending is bullshit

      • 6 months ago

        >Yeah the original run is full of that too

        The game isn't hard but I don't think any of the truly broken items are available in the upright castle. The crissaegrim, Alucard shield and gas cloud are all in the inverted castle

        • 6 months ago

          The free Holy Sword in the Colosseum is pretty broken, since almost everything in the first castle and a good chunk of the second is weak to Holy.

  12. 6 months ago

    I still don't understand why there are more blocks in the inverted waterway. That 0.6% over 200 is bizarre.

  13. 6 months ago

    It's actually an asset rotation.

    • 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago

      Frickin gottem

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      Asset mirroring about the horizontal axis.

      • 6 months ago

        Is it a reflection or a rotation? They are different transformations, you know.

      • 6 months ago

        Is it a reflection or a rotation? They are different transformations, you know.

  14. 6 months ago

    inverted castle is lame because you steamroll all the bosses at that point

  15. 6 months ago

    It's not an asset flip if it's in the same c**ting game, you doofus.

  16. 6 months ago

    People treating SotN as some flawless masterpiece is one of the most insane gaming opinions I still see to this day. How fricking delusional can you even be? The game is deeply flawed at best, and it's just not very well designed overall.

    • 6 months ago

      I played it for the first time a week ago and I very much enjoyed it, although it's clear that the dev made a ye olde super metroid but worse. It's fun but the RPG elements are tacked on and unnecessary. I think removing RPG exp/stats, keeping weapon/armor upgrades and giving it a simple rebalance could improve the game by a lot.
      It still has some questionable design choices on the map and enemy distribution, would be trickier to solve these but someone can do it.
      Definitely flawed but incredibly well done music, graphics, animation, and movement.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      It's flawed, but good.

    • 6 months ago

      It has some flaws, it's not perfect, but it's not 'deeply flawed'. The worst thing about it is how easy and breakable it is.

  17. 6 months ago

    The Inverted Castle comes off way better when you don't know it's there and don't know what's in it. Suddenly finding yourself in an upside down Castle Keep with a completely empty map was quite the 'oh shit!' moment back in 1997. It's largely smoke and mirrors but you didn't know that at the time and every new boss encounter was...a new boss encounter. Every new item and item drop was a new drop. The game felt MASSIVE. Just because we know now, over 25 years later, that it was an illusion, doesn't take away it's significance at the time.

    • 6 months ago

      True. I just kind of wish the upside down castle had been developed a bit more and had a little more substance, but it's cool enough for what it is still, and that surprise blew me away.

      • 6 months ago

        People forget that SOTN was not a popular game at first, either during development or at launch. Konami brass didn't think it was that important so they let the development team do whatever. I don't know what the budget was but it was probably small. So a lot of what makes SOTN work is getting double and triple duty out of it's assets. Flipping the castle was, at the time, unique and also very, very inexpensive. The game constantly portrays itself as bigger than it really is. The backgrounds go out of their way to imply an infinitely large world. There are a dozen food items and random bullshit drops that clutter your inventory to imply that there's a neverending amount of stuff to find. Most of the items are useless and the backgrounds are just aesthetic but it helps make the game more than the sum of it's parts. To a player in the pre-GameFAQs days there was no reason to be disappointed.

        • 6 months ago

          You're right, it really does a lot to make it feel bigger than it is.

        • 6 months ago

          >The backgrounds go out of their way to imply an infinitely large world.
          I can appreciate the effort but I didn't get this impression at all. It felt like a series of corridors with a few courtyard-like areas. I suppose if there was no in-game map it might feel different.
          >There are a dozen food items and random bullshit drops that clutter your inventory to imply that there's a neverending amount of stuff to find.
          It was just annoying and made drops seem useless, giving me negative incentive to keep exploring outside of the main objectives (in addition to getting OP from too much XP).

  18. 6 months ago

    >spare the good players from this shit
    it takes more skill and effort to find/beat the inverted castle
    It was a really cool idea for the time

  19. 6 months ago

    Jumping in Harmony of Dissonance is terrible.

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