A lot of people may hate the Netflix Castlevania show, but you can't deny that Dracula's voice and portrayal is incredible

A lot of people may hate the Netflix Castlevania show, but you can't deny that Dracula's voice and portrayal is incredible

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  1. 10 months ago

    My biggest gripe was a Greek demon complaining to a fricking Muslim about Christian intolerance.
    Best I could compare the vibe of that scene to would be a poor American sobbing on a sympathetic Stalin's shoulder about mistreatment, like the person who wrote the fricking thing either doesn't know shit about Islam or has an agenda to see it accepted.

    • 10 months ago

      Wouldn't this be a Ganker or Ganker thread?

      While I like the show. The writing was utter garbage because Warren Ellis is a manchild. Funny how that came to bite him in the ass though.

      • 10 months ago

        >came to bite him in the ass

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            >"Took none of the steps we hoped he would"
            guessing those steps they were hoping for would have looked something like this

          • 10 months ago

            so they gave ellis sex as a stepping stone to improve their career then turned on him after the fact?

            • 10 months ago

              Possibly, but at the same time Ellis is the embodiment of a male feminist. I can just as easily believe he genuinely took advantage of these women.

              Sometimes karma does indeed exist.

          • 10 months ago

            >Emotional abuse

            Lol. Lmao. And of course the cuck just sits back and takes it. Can't you lawyer up and slap this type of stuff down when someone makes a blog with the intent to harass you like this?

    • 10 months ago

      Isaac's entire plotline was absolutely shit and completely worthless till the very end.

    • 10 months ago

      Isaac is fricking cringe. "Hey let me and my army of the damned walk through your city gates, we promise we mean no harm!"
      >Uhh, no?
      "Wow! You are so fricking rude! Kill everyone in the city!"

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, leftist writers in fact know nothing about islamic history, more news at 11
      Foreign brown person religion good, my own people's religion bad.

      • 10 months ago

        >Yes, leftist writers in fact know nothing about history
        I've seen people saying, without any irony, "400 years of slavery"

  2. 10 months ago

    The only good part of the show was the first episode. Then it became a cringe Castlevania III fanfic.

    • 10 months ago

      I know it felt like one episode, but I think you meant the first season
      Second season introduced the gay vampire OCs

      • 10 months ago

        No, just the first episode. The backstory of Dracula and Maria. From the second episode on, it's just them making Trevor into a joke, Maria into the bestest woman ever, and the plot is pointless filler.

        • 10 months ago

          Their names are Lisa and Sypha you dumb SotBlack person
          Going out of their way to make Lisa into "a woman of science" prosecuted by le ebil church was the cringiest part of the entire first season
          Please kys asap

          • 10 months ago

            >Going out of their way to make Lisa into "a woman of science" prosecuted by le ebil church was the cringiest part of the entire first season
            No, that was every dick joke related to Trevor. But I'm sure you loved that, as Adult Swim babies usually do.

            • 10 months ago

              Pretty sure most of the people who like Netflix Castlevania weren't even alive for Adult Swim at its conception. I've seen people fervently argue that its writing is good. It's legitimately baffling. Are these real people? I don't think so.

              • 10 months ago

                Adult Swim is still around. But it's pointing to how the Castlevania show was made for that kind of audience. The kind of people who think lots of cussing and gore is "good writing."

            • 10 months ago

              Hell no, the Lisa thing was much worse you Black person
              At least the unfunny humor for twelve year olds was just that, an attempt at humor, and nothing more than that
              Unironically regurgitating Reddit atheist talking points from 2014 is much more embarrassing

              • 10 months ago

                >wah Lisa!
                They ruined every character. What they did to Sypha was even worse, since it was dragged over the whole show.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't care because I didn't watch the whole show

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah they made her SEX

              • 10 months ago

                >naggy, scolding b***h

    • 10 months ago

      Much worse I'm afraid, it wasn't even written by fans. The full extent of the research going into it was entirely via wikipedia articles, not even memeing.

  3. 10 months ago

    Zoomer's modern day standard of a sympathetic villain done correct.

  4. 10 months ago

    >abloobloo my wife's dead so I'm suicidal
    Not my Dracula you fruitcake netflixtroony

    • 10 months ago

      I remember those cuck shills spamming how they shed "manly tears" over the whole "I'm killing mah boi" melodrama schlock. How embarrassing.

  5. 10 months ago

    I thought everyone loved the first 8 episodes. How have the rest been?

    • 10 months ago

      I think the series is, for the most part, genuinely pretty good. The voice acting is good too. Fights are all well animated and it references a lot of the original media.

      A lot of people here turn their nose up at it though because it takes some creative liberties (some too extreme at times, which I can agree with) but that's Ganker for you

      • 10 months ago

        >The voice acting is good too
        oi frick me sheep frick me goat frickity frick frick shit 'ate the church love me literal piss water simple as.

      • 10 months ago

        >A lot of people here turn their nose up at it though because it takes some creative liberties
        Making iconic characters take up the ass, Black persondize an entire nation and shove painfully dull religious criticisms in a series that had anything but, is considerably more than "some creative liberties"

      • 10 months ago

        >The voice acting is good too
        Yes, I love listening to someone mumble barely coherent sentences in my ear, great voice acting! Did they instruct them to talk like they were trying not to wake up their parents in the next room?

    • 10 months ago

      lol no it was always shit and I'll never forgive the shills for tricking me in watching that dumpster fire of an adaptation

    • 10 months ago

      Watch the action scenes on youtube. The rest of it really isn't worth the time. Way too much time is wasted on pointless vampire politicking. Also, Alucard gets fricked in the ass during a threesome with an asian brother-sister duo. So yeah, there's some questionable writing in there.

    • 10 months ago

      >everyone loved
      only a few normalgays and shills, nobody with intelligence expects a vidya adaptation to be at all good.

  6. 10 months ago

    go to >>>Ganker homosexual

  7. 10 months ago

    YAS SLAY QUEENZ can't wait for more gay buttfricking

  8. 10 months ago

    There's a lot of neat things in Netflix Castlevania and some legitimately cool action scenes and visuals. Unfortunately, it's undermined by the script feeling like it was written by a teenager trying to be edgy and cool and totally own his christgay parents.

  9. 10 months ago

    It's a shame he never got a proper encounter with Trevor, but I'm looking forward to the exchange with Richter. God it'll be epic.
    >Die, you fricking monster! You don't belong in this fricking world!
    >It was not by my fricking hand that I am once again given fricking flesh, you goddamn c**t!

    • 10 months ago

      more like Richter will be an incel german cuckold and Dracula will be morally right because the church is le bad

      • 10 months ago

        Even worse, they made him French.

        • 10 months ago

          but Richter is a german name

          • 10 months ago

            And Rondo is supposed to take place in Wallachia like almost every other 'Vania but Netflix adaptors don't care. France is the only place that existed in 1792 because of le revolution, and apparently it actually takes place in 1796 now.

        • 10 months ago

          but Richter is a german name

          The first show had an entire overlong scene where the writers felt they had to justify why Trevor had a Welsh name and French surname
          It was extremely uncomfortable and made it blatantly clear that the writers hated the source material
          I stopped watching pretty much immediately after that, and I'm glad I did

          • 10 months ago

            Wasn't the French surname due to Leon Belmont being a French crusader turned vampire hunter? They came up with some other shit, didn't they? I noped out pretty early on I'll admit.

            • 10 months ago

              >Wasn't the French surname due to Leon Belmont being a French crusader turned vampire hunter?
              No, the games never say that he was French at any point
              The Belmonts' nationality is never stated, all of them are just ambiguously European because the franchise was made by Japs

      • 10 months ago

        Oh, that's true. They'll use it as an opportunity to make Richter question himself or...something.
        >You steal men's souls, and make them your slaves!
        >Perhaps the same could be said of all (fricking) religion...
        >Oh my God, he's fricking right. What have I been doing with my life? Are none of my convictions true?! AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIGH!!!!!
        And then there'll be a three episode journey where he becomes a drunk like Trevor and then receives some kind of spiritual message from his dead ancestor who says in his stupid fricking voice something along the lines of, "Yeah, those demons are right c**ts, but you have to get your head out of your ass, or you're just as much a c**t as them!", or they'll use it to make him gay.

  10. 10 months ago

    not video games.
    take your garbage elsewhere.

  11. 10 months ago

    will the new series address the rise of inceldom in the west?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, by making fun of men.

  12. 10 months ago

    Yea but I don't watch it so I also can't confirm that.

  13. 10 months ago

    Almost everything about this show is disgusting garbage, frick off shill.
    >b-but there's one good scene over the course of 10 episodes!

    • 10 months ago

      There's not even though. Name one good scene. Last Airbender had better animation than this show and it's like twenty years old now.

      • 10 months ago

        The opening scene with Dracula's form shown in the flames was pretty damn good
        Trevor vs Alucard was good too, I don't know another show that does whips justice like Castlevania did

  14. 10 months ago

    Yeah, Graham McTavish is great.
    The whole cast is pretty good I found.
    With how bad the script could get, it's somewhat surprising how good are almost every single one of Dracula's lines.

    • 10 months ago

      I think all of his lines are good because they need to portray how old and wise he is, every line of his instills fear through his demeanor alone
      It especially shows in his conversation with Godbrand

      • 10 months ago

        >It especially shows in his conversation with Godbrand
        I was actually thinking of it in particular when writing that comment. It's such a good portrayal of his character, a predator so old and powerful that when annoyed by something it just dares it to try and kill it, psychologically beating it up before
        >little Godbrand, little parasite. Who likes to make noise and pretend her important
        The line delivery is so good too, each word is said with increasing contempt and anger

        • 10 months ago

          Credit where credit is due, he pulled all that off without swearing. What an achievement. Truly no one is on Dracula's level.

          • 10 months ago

            >Truly no one is on Dracula's level.
            Not on that show.
            I don't have anything against profanity but writers need to understand that their audience isn't a bunch of 12 year olds from the 1960s that never heard the word frick and are thoroughly impressed with it's use
            You use it too much, it gets banal. Castlevania seems to think it can beat it's horse to death with it as a subversion and people will still be impressed years after. That shit got tired in S2
            Deadwood is a good example of how to use swearing. Not only a lot of it is delightfully colorful, the constant swearing of some characters is part of their characterization, and the lack of it can be poignant, as can a well placed swear
            Castlevania has almost everyone swear like that, with Dracula as a notable exception, which is why Dracula feels so much more dignified and better written

            • 10 months ago

              Exactly. And I don't understand why people say the voice acting is good. Everyone sounds perpetually bored to fricking death. The voice director, if there even was one, needs to get fired immediately. These shows need some melodrama, not a tired exchange between a washed-up drunk and a backalley pseudo-god.
              You're spot on about the lack of contrast. Everyone swears. Everyone is a tired, uber-powerful creature that just wants humanity done and over with. There's no motivation or inspiration or anything. It's dead wives and impotent indignation all the way down.

              • 10 months ago

                >. And I don't understand why people say the voice acting is good
                I think the VAs are good, tbh. The problem is in the direction.
                Trevor's character is of a cynical drunk and Armitage does sound like that, but the problem is so does a lot of the cast.
                In the first scene they share, Trevor's roughness is contrasted is Alucard's haughtiness, in looks, way of fighting and even talking, with Trevor being more low class and swearing, that lasts... that scene, because right after we can see Alucard swearing and talking pretty much like Trevor. And he's also a dry, sarcastic type
                Everyone is just same, like you said

            • 10 months ago

              I literally think they threw all that cussing in just because their intended audience expected it. "It's an M rated show, so it must have lots of cussing." This is what teenagers literally said was the reason they watched Adult Swim. Because "cussing and gore made it more mature." And this was airing right alongside Game of Thrones after all.

              I'm not excusing it. It (and the whole show) was done poorly. But it was a cheap Netflix show. So you should have expected that. Even the creator of the Simpsons made a show on Netflix and it ended up like this.

  15. 10 months ago

    jesus you fricks didnt even like the castlevania show? now that is some shit taste this board is a scourge

    • 10 months ago

      Holy shit lmao, it's one of them in the wild! If disliking Netflix Castlevania means I have shit taste, then I'll take that as a badge of honor to the grave. Fricking garbage show, and you're even more garbage for defending it. Fricking lol.

      • 10 months ago

        show is one of the best game adaptations out there by miles, but you hated it before it even aired because it's netflix, it's easier for you that way because you lack critical thinking

        • 10 months ago

          This b***h actually stayed around to argue instead of dropping his opinion and moving on, because NO ONE in this fricking thread agrees with him.
          Lol. Lmao, even. Frick off.

        • 10 months ago

          >show is one of the best game adaptations out there by miles

          • 10 months ago

            Netflix was only widely hated sometimes after Castlevania ended.

            • 10 months ago

              Normies are slow to catch onto shit, yes.

        • 10 months ago

          You were one of these gayaloons

          I remember those cuck shills spamming how they shed "manly tears" over the whole "I'm killing mah boi" melodrama schlock. How embarrassing.

          weren't you?

        • 10 months ago

          You can't be this moronic

          • 10 months ago

            Sadly, he probably is. As are most mongs who gobble that shit up every single time.

        • 10 months ago

          >one of the best game adaptations
          truly a corn-encrusted turd nugget in a sea of diarrhea

        • 10 months ago

          >one of the best game adaptations out there by miles
          >literally shits on every single aspect of the original games
          It's not an adaptation. It's a full blown rewrite on the level of the Star Wars sequels.

    • 10 months ago

      Keep consooming that slop projecting manbaby shiteater.

    • 10 months ago

      >jesus you fricks didnt even like the castlevania show?

      Let me know when they make an actual Castlevania show instead of just wearing its skinsuit to tell some other story they actually wanted to tell.

      • 10 months ago

        >instead of just wearing its skinsuit to tell some other story they actually wanted to tell.
        many such Netflix cases

        • 10 months ago

          God, what a fricking travesty. Hoping Cavill having control over the Warhammer production means at least it will be made by people that don't actively hate the source material.

          • 10 months ago

            >Hoping Cavill having control over the Warhammer production means at least it will be made by people that don't actively hate the source material.
            Is there even any news on what it is? It can't be animated because why would they bank on Cavill so hard, but live action 40K would never work

  16. 10 months ago

    >what this character's personality?
    >depression and quips
    >what's that character's personality?
    >depression and quips
    >what's his personality?
    >depression and quips
    >what's her personality?
    >depression and quips
    >what's that group doing over there?
    >depression and quips
    >what do they do aside from make jokes while depressed?
    >be homosexual
    shit show shitshow,
    has nothing to do with castlevania except for the existence of vampires and some character models vaguely looking like their vidya counterparts

  17. 10 months ago

    Everyone in this show sounds like they're trying to have an argument in a library with their shitty lower case yelling

  18. 10 months ago

    His voice was fine, but his portrayal was just "muh dead wife RRREEEEEEEEEEE"

    • 10 months ago

      Tbh, "mug dead wife" is the single moving concept in the Castlevania universe.
      Matthias turns into Dracula because of muh dead wife
      Leon vows to hunt him because of muh dead wife
      Dracula revolts against the world again because of muh dead wife x2
      Hector too rebelled because of muh dead wife
      Richter and Alucard were at least muh dead sister/mum

  19. 10 months ago

    >final antagonist is Michael McDowell saying lot's of "frick"
    I honestly can't believe hoe incompetent you have to be to think this was a good idea.
    It like if someone did an adaptation of Dark Souls and have Gwyn be voiced by Gilbert Gottfried telling the aristocrats joke

    • 10 months ago

      Would actually be an improvement to that crime against both Death and McDowell.

      • 10 months ago

        >Would actually be an improvement to that crime against both Death and McDowell.
        Granted. At least it would be funny. Somewhat

    • 10 months ago

      I would call you a dubgay but I cant even tell what cv netflix is anymore

    • 10 months ago

      I'm still pissed that they didn't have Isaac turn into Death at the end of the series like they built him up to be

      • 10 months ago

        They didn't follow through with a single setup of S3

        >Alucard's isolation is driving him insane and becoming more like his father
        >lol no, he just needed to smash some brown pussy

        >Carmilla and her sisters are setting themselves up as the villains, as they set to conquer human kingdoms and turn it's populace into cattle
        >nah, Carmilla gets taken out by isaac (a character she literally never talked to or had any relationship to) and her sisters frick off to Lesbanon or something.

        >Hector has been betrayed by his jailbait waifu and seems set up on growing a spine and getting revenge
        >Isaac and St. Germaine do like, 80% of his work, he ends the show not learning anything except maybe the values of masturbation over casual sex

  20. 10 months ago

    Dracula was the best part of the show by far whenever he was actually doing anything.
    Both the very first episode of the series and the very last episode of the second season are enough to justify all the not-very-good stuffing in-between those two things.

    • 10 months ago

      Not saying much considering what a b***hass Dracula that was.

  21. 10 months ago

    Alucard got fricked in the ass no amount of good will ever comes from these things its like taking one of your favorite characters like spiderman and having some random dude show up and frick him in the ass

    • 10 months ago

      That's basically what Spiderverse was to the entire Spider-Man IP in their continuing efforts to shill Bendis' shitty OC.

  22. 10 months ago

    >liking homosexual shi
    lolol you're a gay, bet you drink that homosexual beer too

    • 10 months ago

      you better shut the frick up or i'll kiss your mouth

  23. 10 months ago

    I actually defended the series on Ganker after the first season because I thought people were making too big of a deal of some parts of it, but then those things got a lot worse and I ended up feeling like an idiot. If I was familiar with Ennis back then I could've probably seen it coming.

    • 10 months ago

      Sucks when that happens. Been there. At least you recognize that you made a bad call. Now we can all move on to better series.

    • 10 months ago

      Ellis. Ennis would've made it cruder and stupider but funnier in some parts.

      • 10 months ago

        Of frick, I don't know how I got those names mixed up.

        • 10 months ago

          >I don't know how I got those names mixed up.
          It's very easy though.
          >Britbong and vocal atheist author whose transgressive and subversive beliefs only really exist until it actually costs them something
          The difference is that Ellis's personality is more like a amateur magician that thinks his tricks make him cool and mysterious and Ennis's is a wannabe tough guy

  24. 10 months ago

    >"You must be the Belmont"
    I'm sorry but that got a good chuckle out of me

  25. 10 months ago

    >but you can't deny that Dracula's voice and portrayal is incredible
    Yes I can. His portrayal is utter ass, and at odds with the games, and the novel (which the games mostly use as the basis for Dracula), and his voice is blasphemous compared to "What is a man" who actually has pretty good inflection and delivery despite what butt hurt irony gays think.

    • 10 months ago

      >who actually has pretty good inflection
      >" I was called here by... HUUUUUUUMANS who wish to pay MEEEEEE TRIbute"

      • 10 months ago

        Yes. You can hear the cynicism and soullessness in his emphasis, which excently characterizes Dracula's out look on man kind and religion which (rightfully) disgusts Richter. People who criticize video game voice acting have absolutely no understanding of acting what so ever, and most of them are socially awkward redditors who have no idea what realistic behavior looks or sounds like, and have no basis by which they judge the acting. On top of this, most of them have been poisoned by irony to where they would refuse to take it seriously even if it was the best performance in history since god forbid we're serious about anything society and memetic narratives don't tell us to be. And I am sick of pretending otherwise.

        • 10 months ago

          >You can hear the cynicism and soullessness in his emphasis

    • 10 months ago

      I fricking love the SotN voiceovers, and the only weak link in the cast is Richter and, at times, Maria and her inability to decide on an accent.
      Dracula and Alucard are the fricking best, and that's a hill I will die on every time.
      Also I just realized, this is basically Netflix's Castlevania, except somehow WAY better. Classic '09 skit. Funny for it's time; probably not good for a TV adaptation.

      >who actually has pretty good inflection
      >" I was called here by... HUUUUUUUMANS who wish to pay MEEEEEE TRIbute"

      Yes, it's amazing.

      • 10 months ago

        >Yes, it's amazing
        But I am making fun of it

        • 10 months ago

          I am aware of that. You are wrong. It is amazing.

          • 10 months ago

            But I am not, it was very silly and eminently mockable

            • 10 months ago

              You're very silly and eminently mockable. I'd rather hear someone overact than not act at all. The redubs of SotN are fricking crimes. CRIMES.

              • 10 months ago

                >You're very silly and eminently mockable
                Sure, but not to the level of the og dub
                >The redubs of SotN are fricking crimes. CRIMES.
                I haven't heard them but I agree on principle. Just because it was silly and not very good it doesn't mean it should be "improved" the dubs were part of the original experience the game provided, for better or worse, and thus should be preserves if you value the game and consider it anything approaching art and expression
                If you're gonna re-release a game, it should be in the most untainted way possible.

              • 10 months ago

                SotN's original dialogue is what people are talking about when they refer to "soul". It's cheesy, but it contains that little spark of humanity that so much shit lacks these days.
                >You have been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love.
                Then Dracula immediately responds with a passage from the bible, talking about a man gaining the world, but losing his soul. He makes up with his son, after being told that Lisa, his beloved, never wished harm on people, and hoped Dracula would get along with them. It's so perfect. There's a reason why SotN has endured for so long in people's minds.

                I would LOVE for any modern game to just passionately speak a platitude at me. Just once. I'm so tired of this "hiding behind seven layers of irony" bullshit that keeps getting injected into everything. And Netflix CV is just so much of that. Trevor gets REAL close when he's talking to Death, only for it to immediately be subverted by, "I'm going to pull your girlfriend's head off and shit down her neck", or whatever. Like they get SO CLOSE, so many times, and still fail.

                I think Richter is one of the better voices personally. He sounds great when he tells Maria to follow Alucard, and his opening monologue is so passionate I can't help but believe in the power of Christ like he does. Still a great hill to die on.
                I want a skit where Dracula wakes up, and death explains that he invested the entire treasury into the newly minted American dollar. (The dates do actually match up for it to be the currency like the UI says.)

                Maybe. But when he's being "evil" his actor does a terrible job.

              • 10 months ago

                I agree with everything, but you're talking about dialogue not voice acting
                >I would LOVE for any modern game to just passionately speak a platitude at me
                Or any media really. Some time ago, I watched the last season of Young Justice, which isn't a good show for a variety of reasons that aren't relevant right now, but there's a scene where one their better aspects, Giovanni Zatara candidly talks about how important his Catholicism is to him a person and a superhero and actually recites the Lord's Prayer amin Italian while drawing a giant cross with magic. It really did shock me. No irony or quip, no empty generic universalism, an actual genuine moment of a guy detailing how his religion is important to him. That it was Catholicism was all the more shocking

              • 10 months ago

                No, I love the voice acting too. You're right, I was focusing on the dialogue, but the actors deliver it with such authenticity. I love alucard in SotN; again, he's got that cheesiness, but he's authentic. He sounds like a troubled soul when he speaks. His, "We'll not meet again." is great, and so is every encounter with his "mother".

                >The voice acting is good too
                Yes, I love listening to someone mumble barely coherent sentences in my ear, great voice acting! Did they instruct them to talk like they were trying not to wake up their parents in the next room?

                Also this. I do enjoy being able to understand the people speaking, which is something SotN gets right, even with it's horrible recording quality.

              • 10 months ago

                Also that's really cool about Young Justice. I feel like most Netflix shows these days are just, "Capitalism bad, religion bad!" and that's that. It's good to get some nuance.

              • 10 months ago

                Like I said, it's not a good show, but Greg Wiseman is actually talented and critically, he's not a hack

      • 10 months ago

        I think Richter is one of the better voices personally. He sounds great when he tells Maria to follow Alucard, and his opening monologue is so passionate I can't help but believe in the power of Christ like he does. Still a great hill to die on.
        I want a skit where Dracula wakes up, and death explains that he invested the entire treasury into the newly minted American dollar. (The dates do actually match up for it to be the currency like the UI says.)

  26. 10 months ago

    Nah, they made him into a little b***h.

  27. 10 months ago

    how was Dracula able to have sex with a woman?

    • 10 months ago

      >how was Dracula able to have sex with a woman?
      penis goes in vegana

    • 10 months ago

      idk anon, how was I able to have sex with YOUR MOM

  28. 10 months ago

    The show was kino. Voice acting is a highlight, good characters, and a comfy, slow pace. I've also used the show as a pleasant background noise while working lol
    About the criticism Ganker has given, I don't really care about the show being faithful to nintendo platformers, and Alucard only took wiener up his arse once.
    Need Sypha gf btw

    • 10 months ago

      >The shoe was I good
      >I know because I barely paid any attention to it and let it play on the background while I was doing something else
      This can't be a real opinion a real human being has

      • 10 months ago

        >also used
        As in I've rewatched the show, you idiot lol

        • 10 months ago

          >Such a good show
          >good enough that the best to experience it is by not paying attention to it

          • 10 months ago

            That's zoomers for you.

          • 10 months ago

            Kek so you just keep on misconstruing what I said

            • 10 months ago

              >Anon likes a terrible show
              >This is my fault, somehow

              • 10 months ago

                And now you've resorted to using very generic responses
                Gimme another one, bud

              • 10 months ago

                The show is bad and you should feel bad

  29. 10 months ago

    why do these shows always try to add so many plotlines that all go on at the same time? its so odd

    • 10 months ago

      because there's more going on in the world and with the characters than just
      >We need to kill Dracula
      everyone else has goals, reasons and ambitions for why they're there, haven't you ever read a book before?

      • 10 months ago

        >because there's more going on in the world and with the characters than just
        This, I watch a Castlevania show to know what irrelevant characters are doing in an historically inaccurate 15th century Wallachia.
        Thank God they introduced the lesbian bodyguard of the dead king and queen. It was such a great plot.

    • 10 months ago

      They all want to copy Game of Thrones
      People are moronic, producers even more than normal. The see a successful show and think it they copy superficial, easily recognizable marks of that show they'll have the same success.
      That's why in S3 you have FRICKING 4 different main plotlines all geographically far away from each other
      Witcher did the same thing. It bungled up an already made for tv framing device of the short stories, just so it could have an unnecessary convoluted timeline for the sole reason it wanted the "many characters in different places setting up different plots" GoT did

    • 10 months ago

      The impression I get is that Season 1 was based on a script written ten years prior for a movie, so the story kinda HAD to focus on Trevor Belmont there. I'd imagine that there's less inclination to sideline a game's protagonist and focus on your OCs, when you're trying to write a script that sets up a trilogy that the games' producer has to approve.

      Then when Season 2 got greenlit, the show got twice the amount of episodes the writer asked for. Things go from there.

  30. 10 months ago
  31. 10 months ago
  32. 10 months ago

    >West: No matter what we make it must be social commentary on gender, sexuality, and race
    >Japan: Still willing to make cool shit for the sake of making cool shit
    No wonder anime became so mainstream.

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