A lot of people say this is their favorite game because of the impact of the story.

A lot of people say this is their favorite game because of the impact of the story. I thought it was good for a video game, but I could watch a randomly picked "good" movie and would find that a better overall experience if I'm looking for a story, themes, and to feel something. And there are tons of good movies. Do video games really have this little to offer when it comes to stories and themes?

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    Outer Wilds is the ultimate NPC test. npcs do not have the curiosity drive that makes them want to explore and discover things of their own volition. There are no immediate dopamine rewards that most games have, like cosmetics, unlocks, and leveling up. You play because you want to explore and uncover the mystery, NPCs are physically incapable of doing this.

    • 5 months ago

      It's not the ultimate NPC test, it's a baby level NPC test

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        you have dunning kruger syndrome

        • 5 months ago

          you're getting it wrong, it's not some high skill people are gloating
          it's literally the bare minimum for being a human being with a conscience, it doesn't separate normal people from geniuses, it separates real people from literal npcs

          • 5 months ago

            he said it was the "ultimate" NPC test. someone with 90 IQ could beat it. the NPC threshold is 130 IQ

            • 5 months ago

              >still talking about IQ
              nice reading comprehension, no wonder your world view is the way it is

              • 5 months ago

                130 IQ isnt genius

            • 5 months ago

              >t. 134
              sentience begins at 145

        • 5 months ago

          it's not about intelligence, outer wilds isn't some mind bending game for 130 iq geniuses. i'm a midwit and i could finish

          • 5 months ago

            130 IQ is NPC threshold, I'm sorry bud

            • 5 months ago

              interesting, i have a friend who's a Mensa member and he's the normiest one in my group of friends. he unironically enjoys capeshit movies

      • 5 months ago

        what mountain do i climb in outer wilds?

        • 5 months ago

          basic existentialism which boils down to "if you touch that burning hot stove you'll have to live with the consequences of that" which a literal 5 month could understand and tell you (if he could talk).

    • 5 months ago


      A lot of people say this is their favorite game because of the impact of the story. I thought it was good for a video game, but I could watch a randomly picked "good" movie and would find that a better overall experience if I'm looking for a story, themes, and to feel something. And there are tons of good movies. Do video games really have this little to offer when it comes to stories and themes?

      I've already seen this "npc test" post a couple of times, I get it and I do get the point of exploration games like this one. I like playing shit like this and being curious about the surroundings. I've had the game installed for months but finally cracked into it today.
      In the first hour I already go to Giant's Deep and learn about the statues and the probe launcher go to Ash Twin and the game has already spelled everything out to me about the system failing, probe launching, sun nuking itself, etc. People talk about the exploration but the game's clues practically seem to lead you by the nose, every planet barely has 4 points of interest.
      I feel like I already learned the game's biggest mystery. What's there left to know, besides how to stop it, I guess?? Am I supposed to get invested in which 3 eyed goats were rutting all over each other or some shit?

      also I seriously question the project, is it reasonable to expect the probe would find what they were looking for in only 22 minutes? I plan to keep going but I'm not impressed as I thought I would be.

      • 5 months ago

        you haven't figured much out considering how much the game "has already spelled everything out"

      • 5 months ago

        >In the first hour I already go to Giant's Deep and learn about the statues and the probe launcher go to Ash Twin and the game has already spelled everything out to me about the system failing,
        You didn't do all that in one hour.

        • 5 months ago

          You're right it was 2 according to my play time.
          They tell you someone went to learn about the statues at Giant's Deep before you even take off. After a quick stop on the moon I go to the green watery diarrhea shithole, land, and die experimenting to see if the atmosphere is breathable. I go back and check out the cannon first because hey maybe the other guy went there. Then I find the same two islands right next to each other that tell me about the cannon and statues, within 2 nova I've explored them both and the island with the frozen jelly fish to also find out harmonica gay went to Dark Bramble.
          Straight to Ash Twin, not like anything keep is there to keep you out and in the first hour and change they already led me clues to there. Not sure what makes this a "late game area" although the amount of exposition made it feel like it.

          is this seriously a 5 hour game or something?

          • 5 months ago

            Well hats off to you, I didnt even try warping out of the towers because I just assumed that I had to do other stuff first. Youre right that going to Ash Twin project so quickly kind of blows the games load too fast

          • 5 months ago

            Is a "late-game" area because, although many first clues leads to there (my first playthrough was like that), the final clues will tell you what you have to do there.
            And idgaf about spoilers, so far you missed:
            >The quantum trials on giants deep, required if you want to visit "that" moon that keeps dissapearing
            >the core of giants deep
            >how to actually meet the armonica gay
            >the solar station
            >how to navigate through dark bramble to find a key spaceship
            >the core of ash twins
            >the black hole experiments
            >the comet
            >the caves on the starting planet
            >other minor shit on brittle hollow
            godspeed anon

            • 5 months ago

              I still plan to play the game and none of that was really a spoiler. i've seen enough in 2 hours to glean something about most of that. glad to hear I wasn't crazy and that moon really did disappear. After that I went to the comet but got pulled off and stranded and sucked into the sun, then I shot a probe into the seed and know the harmonica single is coming from it because of the connection to Dark Bramble.

              Not a loremaster but I imagine there's no answer to that with how the time magic works for the player. Maybe assume that if blowing up the sun worked, they'd already get the coordinates via the infinite loop before they blew it up, and then just not blow it up in a very time paradox way.

              I just assumed if they can't prevent the station from firing the second time, they'd move out of range of the supernova and head straight there once a loop finally told them where it was.
              at that point it seems inconsequential to them if their memories are sent back to the past. They could have just kept going past the 22 minutes if they're not dead, right?

          • 5 months ago

            >hasn't even started exploring the 2 most in depth worlds
            >hasn't completed exploring any single world
            >in all likelyhood hasn't 50% a single world yet

      • 5 months ago

        >also I seriously question the project, is it reasonable to expect the probe would find what they were looking for in only 22 minutes?

        he doesnt get it.

        • 5 months ago

          eXPLAIN IT THEN?

          • 5 months ago

            that would be spoilers.

            • 5 months ago

              I don't care

              • 5 months ago

                ||The game literally spells it out for you anon, what else is taking place in exactly 22 minutes?||

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                How were the Nomai supposed to end the loop once they found the coordinates?

              • 5 months ago

                >Blow up sun once to see if loop works
                >Then test out probe cannon
                >Blow up sun constantly/launch probe
                >choose NOT to blow up sun
                Blowing up sun didn't work so they had to wait for the supernova. Couldn't think of any other way since they literally died moment later

              • 5 months ago

                Not a loremaster but I imagine there's no answer to that with how the time magic works for the player. Maybe assume that if blowing up the sun worked, they'd already get the coordinates via the infinite loop before they blew it up, and then just not blow it up in a very time paradox way.

              • 5 months ago

                Once the eye is found, the other statues activates in order to warn the Nomai. That's why you start the game at the loop number 9M

              • 5 months ago

                by not blowing up the sun

              • 5 months ago

                The information transferral only kicked in if the Eye was found, or if there was an error in the system, at which point they could end the loop manually.

              • 5 months ago

                if you just mean the supernova,? yeah. The system is designed to cause the supernova, launch the pod, and use its energy to send the information back to the past.
                Why not just go in the direction they are launching the probe for 22 minutes instead?

              • 5 months ago

                pffftt hahahah nononononoo

      • 5 months ago

        You Dunning-Kruger'd yourself

    • 5 months ago

      Love OW, but Rain World is even more of an ultimate NPC test.

      • 5 months ago

        I'd say that Rain World is the second step in testing whether or not you have a soul. OW is like the great filter of vidya that keeps all the extra moronic people out.

        • 5 months ago

          Outer Wilds is very easy to pick up and play, Rain World is incredibly obtuse.
          They both only work if you have an urge to explore the world I guess? But there are reasons outside of not feeling that urge to stop playing Rain World, reasons that don't exist in Outer Wilds. They aren't the same.

        • 5 months ago

          I beat OW but didn't understand the time loop thing, even after the ending. It's over. I'm 70 IQ.

    • 5 months ago

      unironically true.
      I let my cousin play the game just to see what would happen and he just didn't take it seriously, was asking me if there was combat or just asking me to tell him what to do.
      I hate normies so much

    • 5 months ago

      this. you need a spark of faustian spirit to get anything out of this game. non-ethnic europeans need not apply

  3. 5 months ago

    Would it be a better experience or just a different one? The thing with games is that while the writing tends to be of lower quality than books or real films, the sense of immersion that they give is unmatched and I would say that a lot of writing in outer wilds is more about how exploring the environments makes you feel rather than the words written.
    Alternatively just play Pathologic 2.

  4. 5 months ago

    The elephant in the room no one wants to talk is the increasing numbers of disabled kids

    No one wants to talk about it because if you told the population you have a 5-10% of having severe disabled kid natality rates will drop even faster.

    Even young mothers and fathers are experiencing the increased risk of disabilities in their children so age is clearly not largest culprit if it even is a culprit at all.
    No one knows for sure but a lot of much smarter people than us are saying that it is most likely the work of some pollutant that have increased in quantity over the last two decades, micro plastics is one of those pollutants that have been brought up many times as a likely source of this but it's almost blind speculation since no one knows for sure how 90% of the shit our industries pumps out into the biosphere actually affects the human body in the long term, the few who might know are either hiding their know for profit or doesn't care enough to spread awareness of it

    chart doesn't really convey the catastrophic extent of the problem - to come out of almost nowhere and accelerate exponentially like that without any sign of slowing and without any serious investigation by health authorities is scary and shocking

    The black pill that humanity is becoming unable at exponential rate to have healthy kids is too hard to swallow for the "muh legacy" conservatives.

    For their mind is easier ignore the problem and think this will never happen to them that try to find a solution

    Overdiagnosis theory doesn't make semse as 40% are non verbal and Nearly 78 percent of children with autism have at least one co-occurring mental health condition (Science Daily, January 2021)


    >Air polution
    >Weed during teen ages
    >Tatto ink
    >Paracetamol abuse
    >Hair loss drugs

    We don't really know

    • 5 months ago

      Kid's disabled? Shoot him in the head, burn his body for fuel or turn him into fertilizer. Then invest those resources into queefing healthy wagefilth babies.

    • 5 months ago

      >No one knows for sure

      we do know for sure. In the 60s there was the jaffe memo that explored ideas of how to reduce population growth. Most of these ideas have been implemented across the western world. One of these is to keep women in school as long as possible (so they have less time to make babies). Another is to produce culture that de-emphasises motherhood and instead career and ambition. People are having children at older ages and this is the primary reason why disability is so many times a higher percentage. The others are miscagenation, importing dysgenic people (like the consanguinous pakistani). The rest is the result of pollutants.

      • 5 months ago

        IS the average westerner today exposed to more toxic pollutants than the average westerner alive ~100 years ago?

        • 5 months ago

          Yes obviously lol

          • 5 months ago

            to clarify, is the negative effect of exposure worse? were definitely expose to more varieties but back then I assume most people had lead paint in their walls, lead in their rusty drinking water pipes, food was sprayed way more, and all kinds of unknown chmicals

            • 5 months ago

              My guess is that it was worse then but I think it is too early to call. Environmental endocrine disruptors in particular have a much subtler but perhaps equally potent harm especially with how they might effect reproduction.

        • 5 months ago

          If you include the ones that are aimed at deliberately debilating people en masse, yes, that's worse than the more localized pollutants of coal mining and such, because they affect more people. Xenoestrogens, processed foods and now the mrna vaccines.

          • 5 months ago

            >localized pollutants of coal mining and such
            Back then Dupont was inventing new compounds everyday and putting them in household goods, I mean we do that today but weve found out whih ones cause cancer

            • 5 months ago

              If they were inventing them daily, doesn't that point to more diversity of products used? I'm not sure, but when viewed internationally I would think we use less diversity of product contents than we did 80 years ago. Like the contents between american washing product is probably very comparable to one used in germany or russia today.

              • 5 months ago

                idk, im just assuming that they were more carefree with exposing people to potentially harmful chemicals back then. we stopped using BPA because it causes cancer, but replaced it with untested alternatives so were clearly not progressing much

              • 5 months ago

                Okay I admit I pretended that we know when we can't really know for sure. Not without some insider info.

                Sometimes better to bait the stronger counterarguments that way, but you're too reasonable.

                I think it's likely that xenoestrogens are a significant pollutant that hardly goes contested, because a less masculine population is an easier controllable population.

              • 5 months ago

                All this stuff was created to make profits, I just view it as an unintentional side effect. Are there substantiated conspiracy theories with actual evidence that its intentional?

              • 5 months ago

                To see the historical long term plans look at the jaffe memo. For more recent expression of long term plans look at what the WEF is advocating to each other.
                Usually if I say some of the things that the WEF plans people find it so hard to believe and they don't realize they flat out state that some of these things are their goals. And this is just the exoteric plans, who knows what exactly the esoteric ones are?

              • 5 months ago

                By all accounts capitalism wants more workers so they can drive wages down through over supply, stupid (lol)
                Declining birth rates is literally the last thing they want

              • 5 months ago

                So perhaps the paradigm of viewing things as "capitalism" as the active and most potent agent is outdated, incomplete or not fitting to observable developments.

                You'll have to figure out why these plans to reduce birth rates were made (and most of them fulfilled and effective) and reconcile that with your view that capitalism is the predominant force/motivation in the world.

              • 5 months ago

                Also it also just derives logically. Profit is an interesting goal up to the first couple of billions, but making 10 or 50 has no real tangible difference on your life. Then interests move on to social engineering, political power, family legacy, those type of things.

  5. 5 months ago

    It is one of my favorite games because the way it is structured is so exclusively dependent on acquiring knowledge, which is incredibly rare compared to other games where progress is invariably gated by either acquiring acquiring items [you need to find this key to open this door], or acquiring skill [you need to be good enough at this boss fight to beat it and continue].
    Outer Wilds is pure exploration and the connecting of dots in an unique setting, and so at the end when the game tries to pull at your heartstrings using the places you have been to and the people you have learned about and the story of all that happened, that collective setting is unique and interesting and immersive enough to make it successful.
    I don't care about any other considerations beyond these.

  6. 5 months ago

    I didn't find Outer Wilds particularly impressive in terms of story either. The game design/mechanics and how they tied into the story and exploration was impressive, but the actual story was nothing special.
    I consider Disco Elysium, Lobotomy Corporation and Black Souls 2 the peak of the medium. Perhaps Planescape: Torment could join in too, but first I'd have to stop getting filtered by the garbage gameplay. Tried like 3 times to get into it, got filtered by the the first town every single time.
    Pathologic looks promising, but I'm waiting for the Bachelor route in 2 before I jump into it.

    • 5 months ago

      >disco elysium the peak of the medium

  7. 5 months ago

    I feel you have to be a solipsistic moron who fails to appreciate the world around you if you took this from TOW tbqh
    maybe you should go do some mushrooms or something

  8. 5 months ago

    Nothing in Outer Wilds would connect with you or be interesting as a movie. The whole thing that makes it interesting and gripping is it's YOU doing these things. You learning about the worlds and people, you using knowledge to solve puzzles, you progressing through as the game tosses twists and turns at you, you having to brave planets falling apart or giant fish trying to eat you, and you getting to the end and reflecting on your journey. A two hour movie where the audience just sits staring, half paying attention, bored, skipping scenes, etc, does not have even a sliver of that experience

    • 5 months ago

      I have empathy and I'm not an NPC so I can be just as interested in movie characters (if it's well written) just as much as I can be in something that I'm doing. I'm not saying you're an NPC, but movies and books have a lot more depth than games in terms of expressing things. But you have a point.

      • 5 months ago

        You sound like a narcissist if you sincerely had to write this lmao

        • 5 months ago

          Your original post implied everyone is an NPC goyslop slurper. IF youre going to use hyperbolic language in your shitpost then so am I

      • 5 months ago

        You can be just as immersed in a film as in a game. You might just as well lambast gamers for them being played with music muted, a stream on the other screen and with a guide. It's a strawman, even if some players really are like this.

        >movies and books have a lot more depth than games in terms of expressing things
        That's not the case at all. Games can develop its themes and characters just as well as movies and books do. It's just that the majority of vidya writers are YA-tier garbage. It's not the fault of the medium itself, but the writers. There is nothing theoretically stopping a game from reaching the same level as a Bergman or a Tarkovsky film, it's just that in practice most of vidya writers are substandard, as it's a very young medium,

        >You can be just as immersed in a film as in a game
        I don't know how to reply to this. No? There's always some distance between you and the protagonist in a film, are you really capable of thinking in the exact same way as him (assuming he's written well)? I guess you're some genius empath if you really don't feel the difference between the experience of doing something and reading about someone doing something (who on top of that makes different decisions than you would).

        • 5 months ago

          I didnt say immersed though. I guess a game could be the same as a movie if its basically an interactive movie, but NOT being able to influence a movie isnt necessarily a negative

    • 5 months ago

      You can be just as immersed in a film as in a game. You might just as well lambast gamers for them being played with music muted, a stream on the other screen and with a guide. It's a strawman, even if some players really are like this.

      I have empathy and I'm not an NPC so I can be just as interested in movie characters (if it's well written) just as much as I can be in something that I'm doing. I'm not saying you're an NPC, but movies and books have a lot more depth than games in terms of expressing things. But you have a point.

      >movies and books have a lot more depth than games in terms of expressing things
      That's not the case at all. Games can develop its themes and characters just as well as movies and books do. It's just that the majority of vidya writers are YA-tier garbage. It's not the fault of the medium itself, but the writers. There is nothing theoretically stopping a game from reaching the same level as a Bergman or a Tarkovsky film, it's just that in practice most of vidya writers are substandard, as it's a very young medium,

      • 5 months ago

        >That's not the case at all. Games can develop its themes and characters just as well as movies and books do
        Requiring gameplay kind of forces games to have less of a story though. The creators only have so many resources, and the player only has so much brain power. Asking the player to follow a complex story usually implies simpler gameplay and vice versa. Creating both at a higher level and then putting it together cohesively is also just more challenging

        • 5 months ago

          On the other hand, you can utilise gameplay to enhance your story. Just like great cinematography can save an otherwise middling film, tying your gameplay to the story can elevate it beyond its means. Take Lobotomy Corporation, for instance, and how its gameplay ties into the narrative, the struggle the player has to go through mirroring the main character's. Day 50 is frankly more cathartic than anything I ever experienced in cinema, though a few movies come close.
          I agree with you that trying to tie so many elements together into one cohesive whole is challenging, but again - I consider this a problem stemming from developer incompetence, rather than an inherent flaw of the medium.

          • 5 months ago

            >Lobotomy Corporation
            Do you think most of the best games are 2D?

      • 5 months ago

        the "problem" is that games as a medium are young and narrative wasn't something on most devs' minds as it grew. thus it never developed a "language" for how to use the GAME part narratively. right now the biggest games just try to imitate movies, but that just goes against being games to me. if you can make a 1:1 movie adaptation of something and lose literally nothing then it failed as the original medium

        • 5 months ago

          >thus it never developed a "language" for how to use the GAME part narratively.
          There are plenty of games that do this, you're in a thread for one right now
          It's just AAA slop devs that don't do this
          Don't, not can't
          They need to pander to the lowest common denominator, which is why just about every big budget release is a shooter.

  9. 5 months ago

    Talking up a video game's "narrative" like it actually means something is truly philistine behaviour. Many gamers don't interact with other media and if they do it's low-grade slop like Harry Potter and capeshit. This idea that *any* video game is "deep" is laughable to anyone who's read fine literature or watched good films. Actual intellectuals with taste look down upon gamer scum.

    • 5 months ago

      >This idea that *any* video game is "deep" is laughable to anyone who's read fine literature or watched good films.
      This is only perpetuated by someone who has very little experience with literature or films. The vast majority of books and films are utter garbage with zero artistic merit.

      • 5 months ago

        >t. chronically online high school dropout who only watches anime and plays video games

  10. 5 months ago

    Nobody says it's because of the story, it's because of the unparalleled eureka moments you have while exploring and figuring out the story.

    • 5 months ago

      >eureka moments
      I may have gotten filtered but for me the big eureka moment (the fate of the Nomai and Ash Twin Project) wasnt something I figured out on my own, I had to read the plot expose on the walls at Ash Twin to finally understand it. Maybe thats my fault but I feel like theres enough red herrings to not piece together the main problem on your own

      • 5 months ago

        There are a lot more eureka moments than that, I mean all the other puzzles in the game. Quantum Moon, Dark Bramble, Tower of Quantum Knowledge, Mask Workshop, etc. Ash Twin just ties everything else together

  11. 5 months ago

    i will say theres nearly 0 disparity in game writing and that really fricks me up when these artsy fartsy crybaby games have the equivalent of Call of Duty tier writing. I was floored when I beat the game and found out people seriously cried to that gay musical sequence at the end. Grow the frick up

  12. 5 months ago

    Watching DIPSHIT green people FLY into Dark Bramble and fricking DIE over and over is SHIT

  13. 5 months ago

    Has anyone checked this game?
    it's giving me outer wilds and death stranding vibes so I might preorder it

    • 5 months ago

      There's actually some people getting preview versions with gameplay on youtube, give it a look there if you're curious. I'm really interested in it, it looks just the right amount of fiddly with a lot of upgrades you can learn, build, and customize your car with, in addition to a number of bits and bobs you can install in the car itself. It looks more roguelike-based than Outer Wilds or Death Stranding, since areas reset and change at regular intervals.

  14. 5 months ago

    >Do video games really have this little...?
    Depends on the writer and their work right?

    Dumbest questions always start generalizing. It's funny.
    >do all people...?
    Well no
    >why everybody...?
    It's not everybody
    >are you saying you hate...?
    No! I never said that!

    Stop making statements from one example, from 2 words, from 3 images.

    Shitty thread buddy. Do better next time.

    • 5 months ago

      I havent played games since I was a teen and Im looking for good games. Dark Souls and this were praised widely online but I found the stories lacking in luster. I dont have any other games to compare them to besides Goyslop shooters

  15. 5 months ago

    to me saying a movie gives a "better" experience makes no sense. a movie can never give me the same feeling outer wilds did because outer wilds is built on the interactivity and player choice.
    i feel like many people, when arguing games "stories" forget that (you)r story is as much part of the equation. what personally happens to (you) adds a dimension no movie, comic or book can have.

    • 5 months ago

      Player choice and all that is meaningless or less meaningful if the goal its all aiming for is lacking in depth. Outer Worlds story, message and world building are all lacking in luster

      • 5 months ago

        you focus way too much on the direct parts of a game, what i meant with player choice is the story you carve for yourself, the journey you go through. no other medium lets multiple people have unique stories tailored to (you)

        I've already seen this "npc test" post a couple of times, I get it and I do get the point of exploration games like this one. I like playing shit like this and being curious about the surroundings. I've had the game installed for months but finally cracked into it today.
        In the first hour I already go to Giant's Deep and learn about the statues and the probe launcher go to Ash Twin and the game has already spelled everything out to me about the system failing, probe launching, sun nuking itself, etc. People talk about the exploration but the game's clues practically seem to lead you by the nose, every planet barely has 4 points of interest.
        I feel like I already learned the game's biggest mystery. What's there left to know, besides how to stop it, I guess?? Am I supposed to get invested in which 3 eyed goats were rutting all over each other or some shit?

        also I seriously question the project, is it reasonable to expect the probe would find what they were looking for in only 22 minutes? I plan to keep going but I'm not impressed as I thought I would be.

        you are missing a lot of context to a lot of things still. granted, you managed to get to a pretty late game area early but still. plus the dlc adds even more stuff

      • 5 months ago

        It might help if you were talking about the right game

      • 5 months ago

        What is "depth", to you? Intellectual, emotional, spiritual...? Do you grant more merit to works that are intellectually deep or works that are emotionally deep? Does your brain need to be deeply engaged for art to engage your heart, your soul, your unconscious, memories? Does a narrative have to be complex and intellectual to be deep, or can a story aiming for simplicity, wisdom be deep? What is the significance of objectivity vs subjectivity for you to deeply relate to a situation or character, to deeply contemplate a certain theme more than another, to intellectually interpret or emotionally project onto a work in certain ways? Can a work aiming to be accessible and universal, be deep? What is the purpose of "art" to you, exactly? Does a painting or a song have to be deep to be meaningful, poignant, brilliant? I really would like to figure that one out.

        • 5 months ago

          >What is "depth", to you?

          Collapsing the Hegelian Dialectic in a wave function-eque manner while keeping in mind the dualistic nature of cosmology and mythology as opposed to the dichotomy of atheism and logical empiricism would be a good start

          • 5 months ago

            spouting words you heard in new vegas doesn't make you sound smart, if anything it does the opposite

    • 5 months ago

      What player choice? There's one path and one ending. It's not a telltale game, it's the same as watching a movie, but without the good writing.

      • 5 months ago

        there's no point explaining it to you, you lack the abstraction of thought if you don't understand what i meant after two posts.
        i'll try again one last time. player choice is the individual journey to that ending. you look too much at the destination and it's hysterical you bring up telltale games which are infamous for never making your choices matter im the long run

  16. 5 months ago

    you played a shit game for midwits.
    >Talos Principle 1 + 2
    >Shenzen I/O
    >Deadly Rooms of Death
    >Mini Metro
    >Return of the Obra Dinn (did outer wilds better than outer wilds)
    >Myst (Full series)
    >The Witness
    >Disco Elysium
    >Reaching >1500 ELO in chess
    are the only puzzle/mystery games that don't purposefully moron themselves for midwits

    • 5 months ago

      >The Witness
      glorified iPhone game, at least OW is an actual game

    • 5 months ago

      >Shenzen I/O
      c'mon anon. Zachtronic games have the peculiarity of turning into technical masochism the more you advance, to the point it doesn't feel like a puzzle game anymore.

      • 5 months ago

        >technical masochism
        The word you are looking for is programming.

    • 5 months ago

      of the Obra Dinn (did outer wilds better than outer wilds)

      wow bro. obra did really did have great zero g travel. oh it had loots of challenges in piloting your space ship and player character through environmental hazards! oh and it had tons of exploration too!!!

      fricking moron

      • 5 months ago

        it's a better mystery game in every way, you don't have to be a disingenuous octuplehomosexual defense force for your game. Also you share an opinion with Jason Schreier.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't give a flying frick about who do I share an opinion with. Obra Dinn is great and Outer Wilds is also great and they are barely alike except being mystery games in first person.

          • 5 months ago

            They';re both games you can only play once

        • 5 months ago

          >it's a better mystery game in every way
          its I Spy in a 3D box where they couldnt bother with fricking animating anything.

          im not even sure HOW you drew a comparison between them anyway.

          'they gots da mystery'

          execution how you discover is almost completely different. kys

    • 5 months ago

      >1500 ELO in chess

      My favorite unmoronic puzzle/mystery game

    • 5 months ago

      >you failed the soul test, it was a journey of exploration and curiosity *starts whistling*
      >yeah? well the soul test is for midwits, my robotic STEM gigabrain can only process games you have to connect electrical lines on grid

      • 5 months ago

        I beat the game but misunderstood a few critical plot elements because I hate time travel as a plot mechanism. Do I have a soul?

      • 5 months ago

        >read a bunch of words on a wall telling you to go to a bunch of words on a wall
        >while walmart great value sufjan stevens plays
        truly a masterwork of soul. Shalom!

        • 5 months ago

          >why do yt climb da mountain??

    • 5 months ago

      You forgot fear & hunger series. While not strictly puzzle games they are not handholding you at all

  17. 5 months ago

    In theory games are pretty close to the ultimate artistic medium
    In practice they rarely even approach it

  18. 5 months ago

    Buy an ad, shill.

  19. 5 months ago

    give mea QRD on the story, it's major beats and plot points and its implications and themes. You know, to see if you actually understood it or even uncovered enough of it in the first place to pass judgements as to its quality.

    • 5 months ago

      It doesn't even matter. Once you introduce time travel frickery, your plot is out the window

      • 5 months ago

        It's not time travel, its just groundhog day

    • 5 months ago

      The Nomai tried to prevent their inevitable destruction, found a hope for a way out, failed, ended up dying immediately after failing from a meteor, then you fulfill their quest and carry a small part of yourself and those around you into the next universe

      • 5 months ago

        >The Nomai tried to prevent their inevitable destruction
        no, they literally just did it for the sake of learning

      • 5 months ago

        >The Nomai tried to prevent their inevitable destruction
        already wrong. They got stranded in a solar system by accident, but they decided to settle for their quest for knowledge, the main thing being the search for "the eye" which got them into trouble in the first place. Tehy never knew the universe was dying, only the hearthian knew about it very late.

        • 5 months ago

          True, I got that part mixed up. The Vessle can receive messages but can no longer send them, right?

        • 5 months ago

          >Tehy never knew the universe was dying

          They did, but they knew they still had plenty of time. The clans were moving to the more stable systems as a result.

          • 5 months ago

            Those were messages coming in real time

            • 5 months ago

              Can't be. The Vessel didn't have power.

              • 5 months ago

                It had to be because one of the message walls talks about the mystery of the Vessel disappearing thousands of years ago

              • 5 months ago

                It could have been another vessel before this one.

              • 5 months ago

                There's pretty much no red herrings in this game. It was definitely referring to our Vessel

              • 5 months ago

                Is there ever a info dump on the Inteloper being the cause of the Nomai extinction? AFAIR it was just sort of implied that it killed them all.

              • 5 months ago

                If you go inside the Interloper you literally find a log of one of the Nomai going "holy shit if this thing cracks open it will literally wipe out all life in this sytem" and it's cracked open when you get there. Not exactly a stretch of the imagination

              • 5 months ago

                The Museum at the end and sharing memories with the Prisoner

  20. 5 months ago

    It's fine, individuals connect with different works in different ways. I could just reply to you with another petulant "filtered" but comments like yours just sadden me. Like I just feel a small sting in my heart when I see other people not connecting with the game the way I, and I suppose many others, have. Because if you do connect with it, this game is pure bliss and it makes me so happy when I see others just getting it, the bitter and the sweet of it, its simplicity, its achievements. The way I've personally connected with it has been one of the most intense reactions I've had to any works in any mediums in recent years, possibly in my entire life. Some of it is deeply subjective and personal for reasons I won't even bother trying to explain, but part of it is also because on a purely objective level it has impressed me greatly, I find its game design so pure, bold, cohesive, imaginative, and so perfectly executed, seeing others not recognize that just confuses me. That you're trying to compare it to other mediums when what makes it work so uniquely is it's inherent nature as an interactive video game, the way its narrative is uniquely structured around player freedom, immersion and agency, experimentation and exploration, game feel and game mechanics, inherently gamey concepts like die and retry and speedrunning, something no other media could replicate, is baffling to me. Like comparing a painting to a musical composition.

    • 5 months ago

      >pseuds are so butthurt that their game is as deep as a puddle they get chat gpt to write incomprehensible walls of text for them to prove how smart they are
      this game and its fandom are just a bunch of fart sniffing pseuds

  21. 5 months ago

    >Nomai say shit like "oh my fricking scientific prosthetic elysium" unironically in dialogue
    >The main reveal is that the Nomai are moronic
    >The Marvellian "he's right being me" trope was made into an actual game mechanics
    >Quantun game mechanics are equivelant to some midwit's knowledge of quantum mechanics from some pop science Deepak Chopra Youtube channel
    >You save the universe by a deus machina le power of friendship and some existentialist I am le god babylon-slop
    This game is actually Rèddit. Why did I waste my time on this?

    • 5 months ago

      >Nomai say shit like "oh my fricking scientific prosthetic elysium" unironically in dialogue
      I just thought that was limitations of the translator, like when I read one say "pulling my ambulatory limb" I just figured it was because of the MTL making it sound awkward

    • 5 months ago

      >I didn't understand le game so I'm gonna shit over it with my shit opinions

    • 5 months ago

      >saved the universe
      >what is a translated text
      Is this bait?

      • 5 months ago

        >I didn't understand le game so I'm gonna shit over it with my shit opinions

        The game gaslights you into thinking it has a grander message about existentialism than it really does, and that deliria of agnostic breaches of the firmament are a desirable snythesis to the Haegelian dialect reguarding cosmology when in reality like most things it is a red herring, disingenuous game design which insists upon itself. Honestly the game's ending is no different from the intellectualized ecotericism of YIIK: A Postmodern RPG

        • 5 months ago

          >that deliria of agnostic breaches of the firmament are a desirable snythesis to the Haegelian dialect reguarding cosmology

        • 5 months ago

          true. But good games depend on gaslighting the audience long enough into fooling them to have a good time. Ha! What fools! How I laugh at them while I wasn't fooled and only endured the game painstakingly.

        • 5 months ago
  22. 5 months ago

    I couldn't stand playing the game after 6 hours. It didn't take very long for the travel to feel like busy work, especially knowing I could use google to find someone having already put the story together and read it. Thus, I Googled it and I'm glad I skipped playing it. Great story, though.

  23. 5 months ago

    someone recommend me games if i liked
    Outer wilds
    Obra dinn
    majoras mask
    planescape torment


    • 5 months ago

      Void Stranger was my GOTY and had mildly similar aspects to Outer Wilds/Obra Dinn but it is a HARD sell to normal functioning people

    • 5 months ago

      Subnautica, for the exploration and discovery
      The Forgotten City, for the mystery by NPC dialogue (although it was ruins and not NPCs in OW)
      Chants of Sennaar, for the discovery of knowledge

    • 5 months ago

      Caves of Qud
      Disco Elysium

      FO2 (on easy)

  24. 5 months ago

    >A lot of people say this is their favorite game because of the impact of the story.
    What fricking story? Why do you keep making these threads?

  25. 5 months ago

    Reminder: this is how Ganker plays OW

    • 5 months ago

      >you die every 20 minutes
      how do you have worse game design than majoras mask?

  26. 5 months ago

    anyone who thinks this hideous embarrassing joke of a game (that I heckin' LOVED but can never play again!!!) is a 10/10 or 9/10 is as true of a pseud as they come. so funny how the best defense any of you can muster for this peak leddit trash is just pretending to be white.

    • 5 months ago

      t. ChatGPT

      • 5 months ago

        >turd worlder unaware that the rest of us are running ai software on our gpus

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks for signing, bot.

  27. 5 months ago

    Making me go through the anglerfish nest to get to the Vessel is easily the worst part of the game.

    • 5 months ago

      >*best part of the game

  28. 5 months ago

    it's less about the story and more about the experience of being in these dangerous planetary situations trying to learn about the ancient civilization and what you can do about your current situation.

  29. 5 months ago

    Planescape is a classic when it comes to vidya stories

  30. 5 months ago

    >Collapsing the Hegelian Dialectic in a wave function-eque manner while keeping in mind the dualistic nature of cosmology and mythology as opposed to the dichotomy of atheism and logical empiricism would be a good start

  31. 5 months ago

    >you walk around and read books and log entries

  32. 5 months ago

    Proteus is a walking simulator. All you can do is walk Dear Esther is a walking simulator. All you can do is walk, it's unlikely you'll die, and by walking you complete the game. Gone Home is a walking simulator. You wander about, look at things, and complete the game. Likewise Firewatch, or Tacoma, or Edith Finch.
    These are games without challenge. That's what the term means. A simulation of a mundane activity, coined as a derogatory term by folks who thought a game without challenge wasn't a game. They were wrong, of course. All those are fine games.
    The Outer Wilds is great. It's also quite difficult, requires thought, and has absolutely no guarantee of success.
    Not a walking simulator.

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