A team has created a female JC Denton mod for the original Deus Ex. Ion Storm always intended JC Den...

A team has created a female JC Denton mod for the original Deus Ex. Ion Storm always intended JC Denton to have a gender choice. It was partially why the gender neutral "JC" was chosen as a name. (Also Jesus Christ but that was only part of it.)

The female JC actress seems pretty good. They've tweaked and spliced lines where other characters refer to JC as male, and some characters like Morpheus have been completely redubbed. It's pretty good work, and honestly you could release this as an official patch and I don't think anyone would have issues with the quality.

It currently isn't compatible with other mods but they are working on getting it working with GMDX and other projects.


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  1. 3 years ago

    Based. I couldn't get into deus ex because its not female. never have been able to play it.
    I can only get into games where the MC is female.

  2. 3 years ago

    For what reason?

    • 3 years ago

      You console-minded fool, there's no rhyme or reason for modding. The only reason is: Because they can.

    • 3 years ago

      Because the lack of a female Denton was always a glaring omission. What a weird question. Invisible War has female Denton. Deus Ex 1 doesn't. So modders have finally fixed the problem.

      • 3 years ago

        >glaring omission

        • 3 years ago

          It is glaring because the game was overtly supposed to have a female protag option. We even had concept art for female JC. JC's name is gender-neutral, and we always knew that. When we played Invisible War it was even more conspicuous that female JC was missing compared to female Alex.

          • 3 years ago

            What concept art? JC is a clone of Paul.

            • 3 years ago

              The entire reason he's called JC is to facilitate a male/female option. It's why Alex Denton has a male/female option in Invisible War. They just had issues and had to cut female JC. Same as they had to cut the alternate story branch where you don't side with Paul.

      • 3 years ago

        >Invisible War has female Denton. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
        Invisible War has universal ammo. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
        Invisible War has passive augs. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
        Invisible War has passive augs. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
        Invisible War has tiny levels that require constant loading screens. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
        Invisible War has Omar. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.

        • 3 years ago

          >Invisible War has passive augs. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
          >Invisible War has passive augs. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
          Infolink and IFF
          >Invisible War has Omar. Deus Ex 1 doesn't.
          Omar were based though, one of the few good/interesting parts of DXIW

        • 3 years ago

          It's very common knowledge that female JC was planned, this is planned feature restoration just like any other. Would you be this resistant to the idea of restoring a planned costume alternation?

          • 3 years ago

            I would be if it was touted as "and honestly you could release this as an official patch and I don't think anyone would have issues with the quality." Things are left on the cutting room floor before release all the time.

  3. 3 years ago

    P cool. Adds a scrapped feature back which is neat.

  4. 3 years ago

    >some characters like Morpheus have been completely redubbed.
    I think this was done because the original Morpheus dialogue was almost mumbled, and the soundtrack constantly goes DUM DUH DUR DURR DOOO DOOO! over top of it. But the other reason to do it is because they don't have his raw voice lines, only the distorted ones, and the line "JC Denton. Male..." has no convenient way to splice it to say "Female". Honestly, I think 99% of people would not notice the change in Morpheus actor. It's like how Mordin's actor changed in Mass Effect 3 and basically nobody noticed.

  5. 3 years ago

    Interesting but an odd choice of focus since this doesn't really do anything. There's like 10 overhauls of the game and none of them even fix the assault rifle. Still gonna give it a runthrough to hear iconic/ridiculous JC lines in a new voice because I'm juvenile like that.

    • 3 years ago

      >There's like 10 overhauls of the game and none of them even fix the assault rifle.
      The point of a mod like this is to respect the original creative intent of the game, not frick with it.

      • 3 years ago

        The creative intent of the game is varied approaches, not to create invalid ones for no reason that serve no purpose.

        • 3 years ago

          Out of curiosity, what was the problem with the assault rifle?

          • 3 years ago

            It's mandatory 3 round burst - it's the game's machine gun and there is no full-auto or even single-fire allowed. With recoil out the ass on each.
            The 3 round burst, all 3 rounds combined, deal pitiful damage. If you multiplied the TOTAL by 1.5 you wouldn't reach one shot of the basic pistol.
            In order for a 3 round burst TO THE HEAD to have a chance to kill a basic guard you need Master Rifle because the damage increases are rounded down and the base damage of the weapon is 3, (meaning you don't even receive a damage bonus at all from the first upgrade).

            And get this, you have the mandatory 3 bursts, will only sometimes kill on headshot (even when powerful enough with enough recoil, they will start moving while you hit them), guess what the range of bullets you can receive is, from an ememy who drops this weapon or a weapon pickup? 1 to 5 (random). If 100% of enemies dropped the gun, which is nowhere near true, you would be very unlikely to break even, even if you got all 3 rounds of the burst to headshot 95% of the time.

            Whether it's an accident, a joke, or an attempt at enemy nerfing, I'm not gonna comment on. But its only real use in a game is the secondary grenade fire.

  6. 3 years ago

    Wait what is the "balls of steel" line for her going to be?

    • 3 years ago

      Steel trap vegana.

    • 3 years ago

      Ballettes of steele

    • 3 years ago

      Are you thinking of “You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute pain, but I’ve got nerves of steel.” ?

      • 3 years ago

        Yes I was. That's funny to have misremembered it as balls. Thanks anon.

        • 3 years ago

          Female Duke when

          • 3 years ago

            Spineless Fury already exists.

          • 3 years ago

            Wasn't that also another cut thing from some Duke game? Some big fan pack for D3D included the proto-alternate female character as a playable, full of cheesy lines that I can't remember. She was cut from a later game even though this was a D3D mod.

  7. 3 years ago

    That's pretty sick. Thanks for sharing. I'm gonna install that once I get home from my vacation

  8. 3 years ago

    That's pretty cool. Voice actress isn't quite nailing that particular brand of stilted and weird amateur I would have liked though.

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah but if she's matched male JC at that it would feel like a bad fan creation. There's no winning, if we were going to get stilted weird amateur and like it, it would have had to have been official. This sounds fricking ridiculous but it's true: nobody would accept fanwork that's as goofy as the original product in this case.

  9. 3 years ago

    The real downfall is that they haven't implemented selection, yet. That comes at a later planned version apparently. People wanna be mad at women whatever, but selection not being implemented means the feature itself isn't implemented.

  10. 3 years ago

    Looks terrible. None of JC's lines work with a female actress.

  11. 3 years ago

    >Stay out of the ladies restroom

    • 3 years ago

      on the moddb page there's a screen of Manderley saying stay out of the men's room. Idk how they did that one, aside from rearrange existing voice lines.

  12. 3 years ago

    >people could have spent time making a stay with Unatco route
    >choose the female JC option that hardly makes a fricking difference

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