About to play for the first time. Any tips? Any worthwhile mods?

About to play for the first time. Any tips? Any worthwhile mods?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago

    Get WOTC
    Grenadiers are OP
    Grenades are OP
    Psi is OP
    Hell, most of the shit is OP

    The timer isn't as bad as you think
    And you can do the dark project mission when it's just about to be game over and it resets the meter

  2. 5 months ago

    You play as an insurgent group, which means you'll usually be firing the first shot. Try to engage and clear one squad at a time as to not get overwhelmed. Use cover and beacons. If you get caught in the open, specialist drones can give one unit partial cover.
    Some missions will feature timers that'll push you to rush and endanger your soldiers, but you can double them in the advanced options (you might need the DLC).

  3. 5 months ago

    No matter how good you think you are, the game can and will still throw a single wrench into the gears and you might have to cut your losses. Be willing to pull out then push people out that could end up dying due towards one misplay. No one's good dead, and a unit dead can set you back months depending on how far up the tree they had gotten. Also get used to cycling 2-3 different 'teams' given how units have to 'rest up' between missions, 3 just because of how request on higher difficulties the game can and will toss events at you in 2 day burst.

  4. 5 months ago

    Grenadiers are not OP and their damage quickly falls off, they are for spamming flashbangs.

    Grenades are not OP and their damage falls off quickly as well. Use Decoys or flashbangs if you want throwables.

    Other utility items are much better than shitnades in this game. Some special Ammo types are OP and certian vests are good when armor stacking with armor.

    Psi is not OP and heavily RNG dependent what abilities you get. Most of your Psicucks will be fricking gimped by third level up.

    What is actually OP?

    Assaults with Shotguns +talon rounds double criting at 90% chance.

    Grenadiers are much better as a gunner than pure nade(but you still need some nade specialists).

    Anyone that can get their hands on baldestorm.

    Any WOTC dlc faction members

    • 5 months ago

      >grenadiers aren't OP
      >but they are OP

      anon, grenadiers are the most OP class in the fricking game. They have an answer for basically everything

      • 5 months ago

        >but they are OP

        I never said that. Grenadiers have a lot of utility but they don't do enough direct damage. They are vital but at the end of the day not essential; They do non specialized thing slightly better than others but that's about it. Anyone else can also lob nades and destroy cover.

        • 5 months ago

          in the end-game EVERYTHING is op, nobody cares. grenadiers are op because they get you through all the rng moments of the early game with zero losses

          • 5 months ago

            Rangers and the WOTC classes are OP from day one. Shotguns are OP from day one. Swords one shot sectoids from day one. Flashbangs and Decoys are OP from day one. Battle scanners are OP from day one. Sniper gunslinger are OP from day one. Spark are OP from day one.

            • 5 months ago

              homie sectoids do nothing in vanilla, being able to one shot sectoids isn't something cool.

              • 5 months ago

                sectoids are the reason why vanilla with second wave options is borderline impossible to clear

              • 5 months ago

                >sectoids do nothing
                Try playing a early game sewer map on Legend Ironman sometime. These frickers will run to the back of the map behind indestructible high cover and just take turns making zombies, mind-controlling your guys, and taking 75 aim near-guaranteed crit shots at you.

                FRICK sectoids.

              • 5 months ago

                I did several legend iron man playthroughs though?
                The only bad thing about sewer map that I remember is chosen spawning outside of the map.
                Idunno sectoids always felt like the least dangerous thing, even when they decide to do something useful like shooting or getting random mind control I feel more threatened by regular adventBlack folk.

                I always thought templars were kind of underwhelming, especially if they don't get bladestorm and/or reaper

                Parry stronk, reapers are stronger but templars are too cool looking to take reaper start.

              • 5 months ago

                >not always picking reaper

                They can solo the destroy alien facility missions and save you a lot of attrition/time. That alone is worth always picking them and getting two.

              • 5 months ago

                That's what I said, reapers are truly OP just from the concept of FREEE scouting alone, but templars are more fun.

        • 5 months ago

          Grenadiers are not OP and their damage quickly falls off, they are for spamming flashbangs.

          Grenades are not OP and their damage falls off quickly as well. Use Decoys or flashbangs if you want throwables.

          Other utility items are much better than shitnades in this game. Some special Ammo types are OP and certian vests are good when armor stacking with armor.

          Psi is not OP and heavily RNG dependent what abilities you get. Most of your Psicucks will be fricking gimped by third level up.

          What is actually OP?

          Assaults with Shotguns +talon rounds double criting at 90% chance.

          Grenadiers are much better as a gunner than pure nade(but you still need some nade specialists).

          Anyone that can get their hands on baldestorm.

          Any WOTC dlc faction members

          >What is actually OP?
          >Assaults with Shotguns +talon rounds double criting at 90% chance.
          >Grenadiers are much better as a gunner than pure nade(but you still need some nade specialists).

          not getting more replies, troll

          • 5 months ago

            >dumb mongrel doesn't know how to play and just overwatch camps and spams nades

            Shotgun builds are OP as hell. You can pop gunrun yellow move and you doubleshot flank crit anything with 90% chance(also get a third attack on kill). This ohko most enemies in the game. Having two of these is practically mandatory for gutting high threat targets in any encounter immediately.

            Mobility trumps anything in this game. Not being able to reach/dmg certain targets when you need to is enough to start a bad spiral.

      • 5 months ago

        I always saw grenadiers as more of a setup class, as in setting up targets to be finished off. Destroy cover, shred armor, set up holo targeting, flashbang a whole city block if you have to. They're plenty capable of direct damage, but they have pretty poor action economy other than salvo, so they usually have more value creating opportunities for everyone else.

        • 5 months ago

          OP, I forgot two rules: don't play on veteran and research mag weapons then armor, always go weapon > armor in terms of upgrading

          That's what makes them so valuable and OP
          They literally can fit in any situation
          Flashbangs solve like 90% of problems alone
          Suppression locks down series enemies, etc

          They're not there to wreck enemies, they're there to make sure everyone else can wreck enemies

    • 5 months ago

      they're absolutely OP, that's why you don't get loot when you kill stuff with them

      • 5 months ago

        That's just a holdover from Xcom 1. The GL is a straight downgrade from the rocket launcher in every way. With the exception of spamming certain grenades that give status (Burn/Gas/Stun/Smoke). Once you unlock a full team then it's worth having a nadebot in every rotation. But in the early game, slots are too limited sometimes to use a support class.

    • 5 months ago

      Shotguns with Talon rounds are a thing past first retaliation mission, at that point the game is won.
      OP is talking about vanilla, in case you didn't notice.

    • 5 months ago

      Psi is definitely op and they end up with every ability, just takes a while

      • 5 months ago

        >Takes awhile

        There are more abilities than you can slot in. Also the likelihood of you getting shafted is very high. They are only good for novelty and not OP. Other classes don't need babysitting to be successful.

      • 5 months ago

        Best part is you don't even need to take them on missions to level them, you just chuck them in the psi chamber until they're colonel level with every ability they can get. Templars are also pretty op once they get going.

        • 5 months ago

          I always thought templars were kind of underwhelming, especially if they don't get bladestorm and/or reaper

          • 5 months ago

            They're a freight train, slow as frick to start, but damn near unstoppable once they build up some momentum.

          • 5 months ago

            Yes, Templar are very mediocre without those and too dependent on conditions for activating some important abilities.

            Meanwhile the Reapers scout better than anyone, can empty their clip or stay stealthy while shooting. Regardless of conditions.

            The Marauders also are very OP, the second tier melee version of their claw has nearly guaranteed chance to stun. So once they unlock pull or move then you can stun two enemies in one turn.

            • 5 months ago

              Marauders have mostly utility for them unlike the sheer kill potential of Templars and Reapers. Early on as the first unit with access to the grapple hook they can be used to rain death from above, but low damage of their weapons means that later on I'm using them for their ability to give an action point to any ally in sight, as taking a shot with someone else is usually the better use of their turn.

              • 5 months ago

                It isn't just utility, because many times a utility will have a niche use. Marauder have flexibility from their Kit. Their good abilities will always have a great use in nearly any situation.

                There is also a premium on action economy and mobility in this game. Which they excel in both. They are simply only useful to people who have experience in the game. Because you will only get out of them enough that way.

          • 5 months ago

            You can literally solo the game with a Templar...

            • 5 months ago

              You also have to do so much to get a Templar to the point where they're a one man army. Less that they can, more that Templars and Reapers get more direct useful shit out the gate to show they're classes above your normal 4 rank and file and are demonstrations why you only get to have 1 of each till near end game, while Templars are just clunky blademasters who don't really start showing off their stuff till the 5th rank up where their kit at last clicks. By that point though given they're the last faction you get, you'll already have everyone else in the 'OP as frick' category, so it's far less impressive as a result.

              • 5 months ago

                Templars are the FUN option, I think you don't get to recruit a second one if you don't start with them? Having 2 templars parry and blademaster shit in late game is just too fun.

              • 5 months ago

                Absolutely clowning on mutons in melee almost makes it worth getting two.

              • 5 months ago

                I wish I was close to my PC so could post Chosen standing in the corner of his stronghold between two templars with no way out.

  5. 5 months ago

    If its your first time you should probably not play with mods

  6. 5 months ago

    Here's the full shaft. Don't commit to any actions until you've cycled through all your soldiers, figured out what they're about to do and have a plan B if that fails.

    And remember, getting fricked in the ass by RNG with no lube, consent or warning is FUN!

  7. 5 months ago

    Get wotc
    Please manage your risks and not just point and click towards enemies
    Also you should base your decisions on the least protected person in aliens sight, like if you can't find a full cover for one soldier but everyone else is in full cover you might wanna hunker down, unless you want aliens to shoot that soldier
    t. tired of watching friends play that shit in such mindless manner

  8. 5 months ago

    Uninstall wizard, install XCOM 1 and long war instead

  9. 5 months ago

    Get Xenonauts with the full gamut of mods, people already have it bundled.
    Failing that, get XCOM EW with le longwar and a handful of other mods that are handily listed elsewhere.
    If you still insist on this at least disable the timer. The timer is for non whites and children, as you are well capable of choosing to play in such a way that you would beat the arbitrary timer set by some 90 pound onions boy programmer in California if thats what you want, while still being free to play any other way you might like.

  10. 5 months ago

    If you have steam get the one on the workshop that makes sparks less shit. Default Stat growth for them is underwhelming. I also like the one that turns off the avatar timer, but then I've never liked games with timers as I like to take things at my own pace, especially in a fricking turn based game.

  11. 5 months ago

    >Any tips?
    sectoids get the sword

  12. 5 months ago

    Fun but gets buggy as hell later on. Had to quit and look the reat up on youtube

  13. 5 months ago

    Anyone else got custom soldiers they always use? Every time I re install I always make the Foxhound squad and Big Boss.

    • 5 months ago

      tacticool power rangers color coded by specialization, as god intended
      honestly frick the game for not having a quick way to customize your soldiers as a unit, mods were buggy as hell too

      • 5 months ago

        It's always cool to customize and color theme your guys by the unique armor they wear. You also know who your elites are easier because they are the most flamboyant.

  14. 5 months ago

    EU is better, I will not elaborate.

  15. 5 months ago

    I love skirmishers dearly

  16. 5 months ago

    I fricking loved the psionic sword class in this game but they dont become good until 3/4ths of the way through

  17. 5 months ago

    Treat accuracy like game review scores
    >90-100 is good
    >70-80 is decent
    >60 or below is gutter trash

  18. 5 months ago

    Pistol snipers are better early on, but once you get the hook to move and climb without taking an action and the sniper gains an ability that returns action points if he scores a kill from a higher ground, it becomes harder to level up other units because snipers melt down all enemies as they appear. And with the Reaper providing vision without being noticed, it becomes unfair for your enemies.

    • 5 months ago

      The Chosen gunslinger you give the Unique pistol too, they ascend to godhood.

  19. 5 months ago


  20. 5 months ago

    Templar gameplay

  21. 5 months ago

    if you havent play the first game with the expansion and the long war mod first.

    • 5 months ago

      Xcom 2 has Long war. Also they have WOTC integration support too now.

      • 5 months ago

        theyre not the same anon.
        yeah theyre made by the same people but they dont feel the same in any way.

        • 5 months ago

          Lwotc is a better game than LW for a simple reason of having non-static maps.
          You don't notice it too much when playing vanilla, but in LW I got tired of knowing every centimeter of that large UFO, or that fricking bridge, etc.

  22. 5 months ago

    The thing about Templars is their abilites lend them to a more aggressive and risk taking play
    It's basically a weaker psionic with good melee

    While it's the second weakest/strongest of the three classes, it's still a good option depending on how you want to play

    • 5 months ago

      I find Templars to be the best turn enders, when everyone else took a shot they come in, and if one enemy survived then a Templar lures them to waste their turn by using Parry while standing in the open.

      • 5 months ago

        That is a really poor use of them lol. You can just use Decoys for that.

        • 5 months ago

          Decoy is spent after using it once, Templars can do it on each turn. But unlike the beacon they can only absorb one hit per turn safely so there's a tradeoff.

      • 5 months ago

        This is a bad idea.
        The WORST move you can make is is have your melee unit move last and pull a pack you didn't see because he's moved up the furthest.
        Pulling a pack on player phase should be avoided if possible and you're not doing it.

        • 5 months ago

          Which is another reason I don't think templars are too great, because being borderline melee locked makes them really prone to either attracting unwanted attention or being stuck uselessly hanging back with their dinky pistol

          • 5 months ago

            There always is some out of position enemy that you can use as a parry fuel.

        • 5 months ago

          Which is another reason I don't think templars are too great, because being borderline melee locked makes them really prone to either attracting unwanted attention or being stuck uselessly hanging back with their dinky pistol

          Not so bad when you get the thingy that makes enemies lose an action when discovered on your turn. Basically makes them only able to move and not shoot - speeds up the mission a bit.
          But yeah, in general that's a bad move to reveal pods on your turn.

        • 5 months ago

          >Pulling a pack on player phase should be avoided if possible and you're not doing it.
          >when Tactical Analysis exists

          • 5 months ago

            Isn't it random if you get that or not?

          • 5 months ago

            Not so bad when you get the thingy that makes enemies lose an action when discovered on your turn. Basically makes them only able to move and not shoot - speeds up the mission a bit.
            But yeah, in general that's a bad move to reveal pods on your turn.

            Tactical Analysis IS great but since it's a resistance order/continent bonus you can't guarantee you'll have it early, or ever get it at all.

  23. 5 months ago

    I still get chills from the Shadowy Overseer's voice. I know he's a meme man and does it for lols but his performance in XCOM is great.

  24. 5 months ago

    Been awhile since I've played but NOT for the first playthrough. Get the base game with all the DLC enable and play that first. Once you've done so, get
    >Long War of the Chosen
    This is the Long War 2 mod finally updated for the War of the Chosen expansion. Like in the original XCOM Enemy Unknown/Within (Within is a DLC that overhauls and expands Unknown. Its not worth playing Unknown by itself without it) The Long War mods are fricking fantastic and expand the whole thing, but they're typically MUCH more difficult or at least more intricate. So keep that in mind.

  25. 5 months ago

    There aren't enough options to dress up Psi troopers as wizards

  26. 5 months ago

    While your team is hidden, if you only move in the blue movement range, enemy pods won't walk towards you, presumably because it's quieter.
    Eventually they are scripted to go directly towards you, but I'm not sure what triggers that. Seems to be if you move a certain distance within the objective of the mission.
    Works best with the thing that stops the timer until your team is revealed. Nice to know that you can move most of the map without being bothered though.

  27. 5 months ago

    i just love my templars naruto running all the map just to see the beautiful blade aniamtion.

    i hope that when we get xcom 3( NEVER) we get templars too.

  28. 5 months ago

    make sure you have a diverse squad of genders and ethnicities

    • 5 months ago

      There's something really funny about making sparks speak spanish

    • 5 months ago

      I have made my team entirely out of Diamond Dogs gear and naming conventions for 3 runs in a row because I have made Big Boss in every video game character creator since 2015.
      Unfortunately there's no mod to
      >replace Bradford with Miller
      >replace Firebrand with Pequod
      >put a REX head on SPARK

    • 5 months ago

      >french Grenadier 2b
      >brazlian templar
      >Sniper Spanish vtuber
      >gundam rx-78
      >ranger master chief
      >Specialist korean power ranger

    • 5 months ago

      >not having an entire army of female only soldiers that are also you harem
      absolutely not halal anon.
      diversity is only good in terms of female body form. social cohesion is what makes a country and people strong.
      through dick unity.

  29. 5 months ago

    >2016 game
    >you play as terrorists trying to overthrow the one world government utopia
    YIKES... not a good look...

  30. 5 months ago

    if you buy the expansion just restart if you get the assassin as the first chosen. for a new player its probably not very fun and you don't know the strategies to deal with it like flashbangs and it will one shot most of your troops early. you can recover from it but its just better to restart.

  31. 5 months ago

    I didn't like anything wotc added, the new classes look gay, the lost are gay and the chosen are super fricking gay

  32. 5 months ago

    I have the most fun savescumming my way through bullshit missions.

  33. 5 months ago

    Uninstall and go play Xcom 1 instead, its better

  34. 5 months ago

    Get LWOTC. Kill the Chosen ASAP they drop a lot of op shit especially the Assasin and the Hunter.

  35. 5 months ago

    If it's Vanilla (As in base game, epac, and all DLCs), the clock isn't as stressful as you think

    >Just gently blow a hole near a objective without destroying it
    >Get support in eye sight to send drone in
    >Mission complete!

    That's how you game the timer. Plus you'll kinda get a "natural" strategy where you work with the timer and do less turtling (which is the goal of the timers anyway that I agree with).

    • 5 months ago

      Also, have at least ONE dedicated Medic Support and ONE dedicated Hacker Support.

  36. 5 months ago

    Play through the game on easy just to familiarize yourself with mechanics, and the variety of enemy types with their annoying as heck abilities (That's the biggest new player killer). Then play on Legendary and balance the game to your skill level with a ton of mods. The game was pretty much made with modding in mind, so nobody will judge you if you keep quitting campaigns and starting over with new modlists.

  37. 5 months ago

    Someone post the viper's pastebin fanfic

  38. 5 months ago

    How's the jump from whatever 2nd hardest difficulty is to hardest difficulty in 2? I did an Impossible in Xcom 1 and the fricking 6 health Thin Men when I've got 4 morons as my squad was bullshit but other than that it's been pretty smooth

    • 5 months ago

      On the tactical side, the jump from commander to legendary isn't that severe if you can handle a few more enemies per mission, but most of the difficulty is on the strategic side. Construction, research, covert ops, etc. all take up to twice as long and soldiers take about 50% more xp to rank up. Everything also costs more to build/purchase, but since basic progress is so slow you actually tend to obtain supplies faster than things to spend them on, unlike the lower difficulties where you're constantly starving for more.

      • 5 months ago

        The secret to negating the massive development debuff? The Resistance order that lowers excavation time by 50%.

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