Action 52 as made by mexican hobbyists that fooled a businessman into thinking they could do it, right?

Action 52 as made by mexican hobbyists that fooled a businessman into thinking they could do it, right?

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  1. 6 months ago

    You just know this game's meme popularity will eventually result in either a remake or a sequel.

    • 6 months ago

      That would be nice.

      • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      There was a kickstarter scam by a man claiming to have a unique prototype of the games. He promised to release new and improved physical copies for sale plus other rewards. His new releases had the same flaws and more, and his kickstarter video had people like Pat the NES Punk and James Rolfe promoting it, the same sort of people who helped bring attention to it based on it's bad quality, so safe to say its reputation on the internet already led to a "new" game.

      • 6 months ago

    • 6 months ago

      On top of what

      There was a kickstarter scam by a man claiming to have a unique prototype of the games. He promised to release new and improved physical copies for sale plus other rewards. His new releases had the same flaws and more, and his kickstarter video had people like Pat the NES Punk and James Rolfe promoting it, the same sort of people who helped bring attention to it based on it's bad quality, so safe to say its reputation on the internet already led to a "new" game.

      said, these rarely end well. It's rare for even a well-received old series to get a revival that does it justice (Just look at the new Commander Keen game that was SO poorly received when it was announced that the company has basically scrubbed all mention of it and clearly quietly cancelled it).

      Attempting to bank on the infamy of an old IP though in an attempt to revive it? Well, that's when you get Bubsy.

      This already had its attempt to use it's infamous meme status to garner new interest, and that Kickstarter of "finishing up" the sequel is all that came of it, I highly doubt there will be any more attempts, the joke is over by now anyway and nobody remembers this game anymore again even as a meme.

      Which is a shame because

      That would be nice.

      looks amazing and I would love to play something like that if it was actually done well. Neat to see the pixel artist for Owlboy and Savant make a mock-up like that.

      WHy don't people remaster bad games to make em good, instead of the opposite? 99% of remakes are worse than the original, you'd think they would have learned their lesson by now.

      >WHy don't people remaster bad games to make em good, instead of the opposite? 99% of remakes are worse than the original, you'd think they would have learned their lesson by now.

      Probably because they are banking on the meme status to make a quick buck, similar to how shit 99% of games that were licensed kids movies were, and because of that they generally don't give them anywhere near the manpower, budget, or dev time to actually be good.

  2. 6 months ago

    Remember that ep of doctor who with the cheetah people

  3. 6 months ago

    WHy don't people remaster bad games to make em good, instead of the opposite? 99% of remakes are worse than the original, you'd think they would have learned their lesson by now.

    • 6 months ago

      That's probably due to source code of bad games getting lost in ye olde times. Not many designers want to juggle hex values or work with mostly blank canvas.

      • 6 months ago

        >Not many designers want to juggle hex values or work with mostly blank canvas.
        Then what's the fricking point of being a game designer? To change some pngs and music in a pre-built engine and ship out the same game over and over? Not mad at (you) anon but modern game designers piss me off.

        • 6 months ago

          >Then what's the fricking point of being a game designer? To change some pngs and music in a pre-built engine and ship out the same game over and over?

        • 6 months ago

          Building an engine from scratch is difficult shit and needs real computer scientists and software engineers.
          Creatives need a software interface to work their music but it's built on the work of authoring tools, not all that different from using Photoshop or whatever music making software.

          The lengths that David Wise had to go to get Aquatic Ambience playing in Donkey Kong Country on SNES were painstaking, having to manually convert audio samples to program code for the spc audio format, look it up.

          Indie titles like Sonic Mania using their own engine is a rare exception in the industry that largely uses Unity, Game Maker, or Unreal. Game development is a great deal more accessible as a result, but invites a lot more shit into the market.

          That said if you're that one Wii shovelware developer that made Ninjabread Man, you can absolutely reskin the game with minimal content changes and ship it as three new products.

          • 6 months ago

            To be entirely honest most game devs back in the day would develop a standardized set of tools and assets all their games used. That was why for example many of Kemco's NES games used the same text font.

        • 6 months ago

          "Game design" isn't real. It's like psychology, a bunch of made-up stuff that exists to waste your time. Just make it fun, it's not that hard.

      • 6 months ago

        Source code for NES games is near useless. No one's programming in assembly anymore. Not to mention, source code for buggy, bad games, extra useless.

        • 6 months ago

          don't have the source code and you won't know all the nuances of the game, especially stuff like enemy AI patterns

          • 6 months ago

            The average player couldn't care less. Better to start over to prevent pointless headaches and bloat. But I'll add that I've heard of modern game studios preserving code from the 90s to "keep the game feel".

            • 6 months ago

              >The average player couldn't care less. Better to start over to prevent pointless headaches and bloat.
              This is the guy who defends terrible British home computer arcade "ports" made by playing the game and trying to memorize everything.

        • 6 months ago

          Contrary to what some people think assembly isn't that hard, in fact it's easier than HLLs in some ways. The main reason you use HLLs is portability.

  4. 6 months ago

    Apparently yes.

    Its not clear in wikipedia, but one of the guys said in an interview they were hobbyists

    hat explains a lot - beginners don't know what it takes to make real software.

    • 6 months ago

      To be entirely honest most game devs back in the day would develop a standardized set of tools and assets all their games used. That was why for example many of Kemco's NES games used the same text font.

      Building an engine from scratch is difficult shit and needs real computer scientists and software engineers.
      Creatives need a software interface to work their music but it's built on the work of authoring tools, not all that different from using Photoshop or whatever music making software.

      The lengths that David Wise had to go to get Aquatic Ambience playing in Donkey Kong Country on SNES were painstaking, having to manually convert audio samples to program code for the spc audio format, look it up.

      Indie titles like Sonic Mania using their own engine is a rare exception in the industry that largely uses Unity, Game Maker, or Unreal. Game development is a great deal more accessible as a result, but invites a lot more shit into the market.

      That said if you're that one Wii shovelware developer that made Ninjabread Man, you can absolutely reskin the game with minimal content changes and ship it as three new products.

      half your favorite 80s-90s games were made by a couple of 22 year old dudes who had way more limited tools than anything modern yet they pulled it off and made classics

      • 6 months ago

        So maybe the problem is being latino

        • 6 months ago

          Yeah, you'd have to be japanese to make any good games (very important)

        • 6 months ago

          They had three months to make 52 games.

    • 6 months ago

      Cheetamen 2 has one of the greatest sound tracks on all of NES. It's also fun to play despite its glitches and crummy graphics.

      • 6 months ago

        I read somewhere that the song was taken from some art program assets or something. Would be interested to know more if anyone has the fully story. That song is legit godly.

  5. 6 months ago

    It was a couple of college students in Florida who programmed those games.

  6. 6 months ago

    People still make cheetamen theme remixes

    • 6 months ago

      The original composer posted his own remix earlier this year.

      I read somewhere that the song was taken from some art program assets or something. Would be interested to know more if anyone has the fully story. That song is legit godly.

      Most of the songs were lifted and arranged from The Music Studio 88 for Atari ST but the Cheetamen theme was original.

  7. 6 months ago

    Vince Perri is real

  8. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago


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