ACTUAL games?

I got myself a good phone at last and I literally cant believe there are pretty much no games made for mobile, I don't want to play gacha shit with gameplay that boils down to rock paper and scissors, I don't want autoplay shit, I don't want to wait 5 weeks for a building to finish upgrading, I don't want to watch an ad every other menu and I don't want to repeat the same level 10000 times because the only difficulty the game has is ever increasing enemy hp and damage

So far I got COD, Genshin, Mighty Doom, pokemon unite and a couple of emulators, is there something else out there that I can actually play or this it for the genre? idc if I have to pay for it

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Let me guess, you're a graphixgay and a freetard? Then you're wasting your time here and you're better off sticking to emulators.
    Otherwise give this a look


    We always have a thread about good games here.
    There's also MiniReview app that makes it easier to find a game according to your preferences, including the monetization options.

    • 11 months ago

      What about fricking single players without chinese ads? I can't name one good android mobile franchise, fricking hell. the smartphone game industry should be something like DS

      • 11 months ago

        >What about fricking single players without chinese ads?
        don't exist, everyone who wants to play actual games uses actual consoles/pcs

        • 11 months ago

          >everyone who wants to play actual games
          Eh, actual games are overrated tbf. I tried playing uncharted 4, tomb raider and spider man miles morales. Painful gameplay that relies too much on the story to keep you invested and the story is crap.

          • 11 months ago

            those aren't actual games they're AAA slop with a bigger marketing than development budget

        • 8 months ago

          im not doing bringing a console in public, i want some kino vidya on break without looking like an autistic manchild

          • 8 months ago

            >I want to play video games on my break
            >without looking like a manchild

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >What about fricking single players without chinese ads?
        Blame pirates , google play and ios promoting such content, android/ios API always updating(removing old apps with outdated apis) then. Most people will not drop money on a single player game that is paid and has a definite ending. Most single player paid apps don't get updated and end up getting deleted. Everything has to be live service/hypercasual free to play slop, to stay on top of the app store.

        • 11 months ago

          Blame money. They won't invest on anything that will stop making them money at some point, or it's not guaranteed to make money. Shit will always make money, and lately they have become very good at selling it, movies, music, games... Movie doesn't have to be good, just hit certain checkmarks and thanks to internet people will obsess, one way or the other. Music doesn't have to be good, just have an attractive person "singing" it, and don't sound too different. Games don't have to be good, just hit certain checkmarks to make the most people happy.

          No, it's not solely the pirates fault. They found out how to keep people constantly engaged, and they are not gonna let that shit go. Ever.

      • 11 months ago

        Walking Zombie 2. Game will steal about 100 hours if your time if you're into. It's proto Fallout with Minecraft graphics and Dead Trigger 2 gameplay. You get ads but you can skip them quickly unless you want additional bonus.

        • 10 months ago

          Not him but checked walking zombie 2 and it looks good. Thanks for the recommendation.

    • 9 months ago

      picrel even if you have played Morrowind before this will give you a whole new appreciation for it

      is this the real mindset of /vmg/?

      • 8 months ago

        This. Although u did forget to mention that u can mod the game aswell.

  2. 12 months ago

    It sounds like you don't want to play Genshin then

    • 12 months ago

      It is just skitzophrenia

      I got myself a good phone at last and I literally cant believe there are pretty much no games made for mobile, I don't want to play gacha shit with gameplay that boils down to rock paper and scissors, I don't want autoplay shit, I don't want to wait 5 weeks for a building to finish upgrading, I don't want to watch an ad every other menu and I don't want to repeat the same level 10000 times because the only difficulty the game has is ever increasing enemy hp and damage

      So far I got COD, Genshin, Mighty Doom, pokemon unite and a couple of emulators, is there something else out there that I can actually play or this it for the genre? idc if I have to pay for it

      Webtoons suck, none of those guys know how to write

      • 9 months ago

        Genshin is the only gasha shit i play, I played a bit of girls frontline too but the grinding got too annoying

        Webtons suck but that specific one is 10/10 better than any doujin, Close as Neighbours ill shill for it every chance I get

        Thank you! ill definitely take a look at the list

        I recommend checking out 4-Cut Hero.

    • 12 months ago

      Genshin is the only gasha shit i play, I played a bit of girls frontline too but the grinding got too annoying

      It is just skitzophrenia
      Webtoons suck, none of those guys know how to write

      Webtons suck but that specific one is 10/10 better than any doujin, Close as Neighbours ill shill for it every chance I get

      Let me guess, you're a graphixgay and a freetard? Then you're wasting your time here and you're better off sticking to emulators.
      Otherwise give this a look [...] We always have a thread about good games here.
      There's also MiniReview app that makes it easier to find a game according to your preferences, including the monetization options.

      Thank you! ill definitely take a look at the list

      • 11 months ago

        your fault for downloading genshit instead of Honkai Impact. The Story mode is basically free to play

  3. 12 months ago

    Alien isolation GRID Autosport

  4. 12 months ago

    not sure if it fits your genre requirements, but Epic Battle Fantasy is fun. It started out on newgrounds but the later games got progressively bigger and the developer has made a special mobile version

  5. 12 months ago

    No, there are no actual games for mobile. Just ads and gambling.

    • 11 months ago

      Sky Force is alright
      Sorcery is pretty nice
      There's also a bunch of workable ports like chrono trigger

  6. 12 months ago

    Try the final fantasy games, dead cells, Gunfire reborn, Stardew valley, vampire survivor, crypt of the necrodancer, the Danganronpa games.

  7. 11 months ago

    Think about it logically OP. The moment people started dropping thousands of dollars into gachas, it was over. Why would any developer make a normal game that gets 10 dollars from a customer when you could get thousands of dollars from the same customer if you turn it into a gacha?

  8. 11 months ago

    MyBoy (Wario Twisted, Yoshi Gravitation) and Melon DS with touchscreen friendly roms

    • 11 months ago

      >melons ds
      lemuroid is nicer in my opinion
      its multi system as well.

  9. 11 months ago

    pirated Into The breach. play it every day

    • 11 months ago

      how tho?

  10. 11 months ago

    I just got started with Unite yesterday and yeah, for a moba it's very fun.
    Or maybe I'm just against too many bots right now.

    • 9 months ago

      Unite is fun if you join a discord and get regulars to team up with. The current meta is fricking shit so I took a break from it.

  11. 11 months ago

    Dwarves Manager, its on Prob the best website for mobile without adds together with Fdroid, otherwise you better just emulate

  12. 11 months ago

    Play Triglav, it's insane

    This is the database

    Don't spoil it.

  13. 11 months ago

    Soul Knight might be worth checking out. It has some ads, a few microtransactions, a bit of grind, but overall it's actually quite a solid shooty game. Ads are almost inconsequential, you might need to watch one for a free revive per run at first whilw you're collecting currency for upgrades, but once you become seasoned you can just pay for your revive with the currency like a baller. I haven't watched an ad in months.

  14. 11 months ago

    Fantasian is a 100hr game but im sure ppl will shittalk it because its not a gacha. Rome total war. Final fantasy games.

    • 10 months ago

      I can't wait for fantasian since it looks like it's coming to pc

  15. 10 months ago

    >Spartan Firefight
    >Spartan Runner
    >N.O.V.A game series
    >Timing Hero VIP
    >Hungry Shark Evolution
    >Desert Worms
    >Rogue Adventure Rogue like 1 and 2 (also called RAR)
    >Most Kairosoft games... If you take them on casually and never select Hard Mode.
    >Potion Maker
    >Aether Gazer if you ever forsake Genshin but want something similar
    >Punishing Gray Raven
    >Stardew Valley
    >Dungeon Maker (Android)
    Sword Art Online: Integral Factor.
    It's like TORAM Online but the gameplay doesn't make me want to fall into a coma.
    >Monsters Super League
    >PostKnight 1 and 2
    >Evoland games
    >Shadow Fight 2 (paid version)
    >Don't starve games
    >WitchSpring game series
    >Dead Cells
    >Stickman Warriors
    >SurvivalCraft 1 and 2
    >Saiko no Sutoka
    >Bloodstained: RotN
    >Idling to Rule the Gods
    >Epic Battle Fantasy game series
    >Castlevania: SotN
    >Dead Trigger 2
    >This War Of Mine
    >BLOCK STORY Premium
    >To The Moon
    >GTA San Andreas
    >Muse Dash
    >Cartoon Craft
    >Botworld Adventure
    >Final Fantasy 7
    >Dungeon Princess game series
    >Iron Marines
    >Anger of Stick 3
    >Bad Piggies
    >Dan The Man
    >Plague Inc.
    >Spin Tops
    >Elona Mobile (Elona+ Custom or just E+ on PC is better, and it runs on most Potatos just fine)
    >Limbus Company and the preceding games for it (PC only sadly)
    Only reason I recommend the last one is because they actually give a ****. And the content coming from most of their works is usually, unique. The music rocks too.
    Feel free to disregard any of my recommendations. Some won't age well.

    • 10 months ago

      Maker (Android)
      Anon, you are a evil individual

      • 9 months ago

        QRD ?

        • 9 months ago

          Dungeon Maker is about as israeli as Diablo mobile so playing without money cheats is pointless.Allegedly,since I'm not into either of those games

          • 8 months ago

            Are you thinking of Dungeon Keeper?

    • 10 months ago

      nice list

  16. 10 months ago

    The fact is phones aren't good for gaming. Mobile games are fidget spinners for wagies by design. That's all they can be.

    • 10 months ago

      Does anyone argue against this? I've played on self-built PCs my whole life but I don't want to do that anymore.
      I just want something fun I can play for like 2-10 minutes on my phone without getting addicted or spending a cent on in-game purchases.

      • 10 months ago

        Ignore him. Every thread that's filled with good recs has at least one anon claiming there are none.

  17. 9 months ago

    I want to play an MMO but I dont know which.

  18. 9 months ago

    Monument Valley, and it's sequel.

  19. 8 months ago

    If I don't actually want to play as and look at stupid "waifus" then can I just fricking play as a regular dude in genshin? never played any mobile games

    • 8 months ago

      Must be a special kind of moron to want to play gachatrash for reasons other than anime girls.
      But to answer your question no, unless your idea of a "regular dude" is some gay designed purely for women and actual homos.

  20. 8 months ago

    Anything that you can play, interact with and control with are "actual games".

  21. 8 months ago

    Buriedbornes is one I quite enjoy.

    >Has microtransactions, but they're just for cosmetics or getting extra inventory space that you won't need
    >Has unintrusive banner ads at the bottom that, if they really bother you, can be removed by spending a dollar on the currency
    >Technically there are gachas for metaprogression character modifiers, but the currencies for those are all earned purely with gameplay
    >Can get repetitive once you reach certain levels of progression.

    >Surprisingly good atmosphere for what it is
    >Pretty solid turn-based roguelite with an insane amount of metaprogression, and challenges to accomodate

  22. 8 months ago

    I like modern warships. Fairly complex but relatively easy to pick up. Yeah, it has lots of p2w shit but even free to play and not doing insane amounts of grinding you can get kills and have fun
    One of the problems is that tier 1 isn’t particularly fun for new players. My advice is to get a tier 2 ship by either power leveling or logging in for a week. Another option is to buy a tier 1 ship with lots of weapon types like Fort Worth or put Kalibr on your Hurricane. Later, however, requires positional play. You can two shot most opponents but they out dps you and can pop flares. High skill but rewarding playstyle

  23. 8 months ago

    Why ARE smartphone games usually so shit?
    I get why there are so many gatcha games designed to suck up as much money from those susceptible to this sort of thing, fine.
    But relative to the amount of games there are so few games that are actually good.
    Everyone and their mother has a smartphone and even the more modest ones by today's standards have pretty respectable GPUs in them, there's a lot of potential there that people simply avoid.
    I can count on one hand the mobile games which are not ports, fun independently of flashing lights and loot crates designed to rape dopamine into your soul and most importantly fun enough that you'd want to play them on occasion even when you're not on the toilet or waiting for a bus or something, like something that isn't "I have nothing better".
    Now that I think about it that last requirement sort of wipes out all the games I had in mind, with all due respect to shattered pixel dungeon I only play it on the toilet or while waiting.

    • 8 months ago

      Firstly, phones are almost never a console of choice, unless you're a poorgay or salaryman. Like you said, it's a go-to toilet distraction.
      Secondly, good games that take effort to make usually aren't very profitable, while lazy asset flips do well enough. Pay-once games do especially poorly, because of the 'lmao, imagine buying phone games' stigma.
      Thirdly, good stuff gets buried by the scummiest cashgrabs promoted by Google. You open the store app and won't find anything good unless you already know what to search for or have Play Pass. No doubt that crap is obscenely profitable, so it would be a stupid move for Google to start frontpaging more reasonably monetized games.
      Fourthly, phone gamers are by far a bunch of normie shitsuckers. They have no standards, no taste, and apparently no need for quality gaming. They play the first thing they download, ignore the constant ads, ignore the grind, ignore p2w, as long as it's free, and sometimes they get gaslit into thinking it's worth spending some cash on that. Devs don't need to do much to get downloads, so they don't. Even AAA devs can't be arsed.
      Fifthly, mobile gaming awareness sucks dick. There are few resources about phone gaming worth a crap, and most users don't do any research. Gachas get all the hype, humble devs get none. Good stuff is advertised largely by word of mouth or by being ports of games that got popular elsewhere. It hardly sells regardless.

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