Actual games

Hey /tg/, do you actually play a table top game? Have you played one in the past? Did you play checkers with your grandpa one time at his house during summer? Awesome! If you got some stories about times you played or things that happened during a session let's hear it!

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  1. 12 months ago

    Run one campaign, play in two others. Longest running has been going for like 4 years.

    • 12 months ago

      Awesome. Any good story from sessions in game or out? 4 years sounds like a good length to have some stuff happen.

  2. 12 months ago

    One of my most memorable TG moments was a game of 8th ed WHFB. I was playing wood elves and my opponent was playing Lizardmen. End times was finished, AoS announced so we decided
    >frick the rules, let's just throw down our whole armies and just go fricking nuts
    Ended up being about a 4000pt game with list building restrictions thrown out the window. Truly was an awesome game and I don't think any table top experience I've had will match it. Majority of the 40kay kids stood around watching as we played. Memorable moments:
    >Casting Dwellers Below on his Slann and seeing him die instantly
    >Having my entire unit of 20 wild riders fail a 5" charge
    >Sisters of Twilight charge a unit of cold one riders with army BSB, zero wounds each, lose combat because BSB, roll a fricking 11 on the leadership test, run, get caught killed.
    I will never forget the time a fricking dragon with two special characters lost combat to a flag, get "afraid " and ran, then got killed. Best game ever.

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds like a wild time, anon. Glad you had a great time.

  3. 12 months ago

    > Yes.
    > On a constant basis since 2002.
    > Scrabble mostly, old coot was unbeatable. Miss him.

    > SW Saga, heavily modded.
    > PCs run around the galaxy to stop Sith Cultists, all clones of a Sith Lord, from doing terrorists acts to re-awaken said lord within' them.
    > Players were two droids (healbot and bodyguard), a Cathar sniper, and basically a Togruta version of The Mandalorian
    > Mandalorian suggest a story about Bounty Hunting.
    > Let's_go.jif
    > On a station in the Bothawui system, rumors of a Space Wraith killing people.
    > Actually just Bothan pranksters.
    > In the cover of it, contact disappears willingly.
    > PCs tasked by their benefactor to find the guy, make sure he's safe.
    > Crosses paths with Duros Bounty Hunter Ash Deadlock, who needs to find the guy and deliver something.
    > Offers to share data, implant viruses and spyware.
    > Shared data is actually useful, Ashe just wanted to sit back and relax.
    > Rival bounty hunter, Cathar's brother, interjects.
    > Players realize they've been double crossed.
    > Reach the target in time, but thrown off by station cops striking at the pranksters. Way too violent.
    > Interference causes them to be late.
    > Delivery is trapped, target is kill. Irony: Force Wraith.
    > Discover the source of the attack, and information the contacy was kill for.
    > Mining station isolated to death.
    > Cultist/terrorists
    > Players go. Realized they unwittingly followed Ashe Deadlock.
    > PCs sitting ducks (they never upgraded their ship), rivak bounty hunter duel.
    > PC ship did take quite a few hits.
    > Ashe Deadlock crashes into small domed city for miner to relax in.
    > Players hunt him down.
    > 1 full hour just making the map on Roll20. Ashe wounded, does not want to fight but has quite a few tricks up his sleeve.
    > They forgive him.
    On the plus side, he's become a major help with his technical expertise. Had him create a few items able to enhence PC gear that a few PCs and opposing npcs use.

  4. 12 months ago

    last session wasn't that full of adrenaline, I think the most funny scene was
    >players went to the legitimate business front of a criminal organization
    >after some time without success in getting more information a player kinda gives up in looking there
    >"I will leave the store and try to follow some workers around and see if I can find something wrong"
    >moves his character in the direction of the store office instead of the exit
    >already rolled well in his first stealth check
    >"Ok, while looking for the exit you mistakenly entered the store office without anyone realizing and can see a lot of shipment documents"

  5. 12 months ago

    Yes, I play Pathfinder 2e once a week. I only played Checkers with my grandpa once in the 80s. Our last Pathfinder 2e session the players hired a local guy to travel with them and keep watch at night. In the middle of his watch giant frogs attacked, bit off his head, and ripped his body apart. The players woke-up and wisely watched from the relative safety of their tents until the frogs hopped off into the dark.

  6. 12 months ago

    I'm in a game right now but the party's split and it's not my group's turn to act.

    Run 3 games, play in 4, most of those are on rotation weekly.

    Also, frick off cuckbeardia.

  7. 12 months ago

    Anons, is it strange that, despite playing and running for like 20 years, that I can't really recall a single game or encounter or character from this time?

    I know I had fun, I know my players had fun, but I can't remember a single god damned thing other than the most recent games I've been playing.

    >You're just old and demented
    Maybe, but this is the only part of my life where this happens. I can vividly remember birthdays, holidays, good times, bad times, the works, but all of my tabletop experiences blur together into an incomprehensible mass. What the frick?

    • 12 months ago

      You didn't actually play as much as you want to believe you did.

    • 12 months ago

      Strange? Not really. After a while, you’ll remember things piece-meal. Frex: Everyone laughed at H during that thing with that butthole sorcerer, but other stuff during that session is blurry.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah. I'm 40. I've been playing since my teens. I mean yes: it's strange if you genuinely can't recall one single game, character or encounter. See a doctor.

      But if you just mean it all blends together? Perfectly natural. I remember playing with my friends a lot more clearly than I remember the games.

  8. 12 months ago

    Currently balls deep into a game of Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. I'm the GM and I have two players. They are my two beast players from all the games I've ran over the years. And me making the call to limit the game to just those two was the best move I ever made. They show up on time. Take the game seriously and heavily get into roleplaying. They also understand when I have to homebrew tweak a rule for the sake of the game long term.

  9. 12 months ago

    I'm liking everyone's stories so far! Keep 'em coming!

  10. 12 months ago

    You first, Satan.

  11. 12 months ago

    Yes, but I don’t care to go on at length. Nice attempt, Satan.

  12. 12 months ago

    I played PanAm with my nephews yesterday. The whole thing took like 5 hours, mostly because none of us knew what was going on and they kept getting distracted.

    As far as uncling duties go, it was okay.

    As far as playing board games goes...I've played worse.

  13. 12 months ago

    >playing games

  14. 12 months ago

    I have a couple of events I could storytime from a list of:
    >Players go vampire hunting, end up swooning over werewolf
    >Players side with local corrupt casino owner to defame, disarm and kill a local corrupt mad scientist
    >Players stop to play a VR game in the middle of infiltrating the lair of local corrupt mad scientist riddled with man-made horrors and dying scientists
    >Players split the party. One half gets bodied by a fire fiend.
    >Players went to play blitzball with a mermaid
    >Players repeatedly dunk and dab on school bullies at magic academy

  15. 12 months ago

    I'm currently in a really fun RuneQuest game where NH character recently got the spirit of a man who somehow joined the cults of two rival gods and now has him inside his sword.

  16. 12 months ago

    I was at a bar on a horrible date with some chick who brought her friend. She more orbless ignored me to chit chat with this ugly chick. Some gay dude sat across from me at a table with a chessboard and asked if I'd play, being slightly buzzed and bored I humored him. Told him I'm not very good but i won the first game, after that he kept name dropping chessplayers I don't know and referencing moves i dont know every time i moved piece. I thought he was trying to impress me with his chess knowledge or something so I just asked follow up questions on whatever he was name dropping to be polite. After I won the second game he started looking up rules on his phone, he claimed castling wasn't a real move.
    I ended up winning 4 out of 4 games. He got mad enough to flip the chessboard over and leave. I think he was mad because he was overthinking my moves and planning ahead on what I should do when all I was doing was winging it.

  17. 12 months ago

    I can post one from a game I ran, and one from a game I play in.

    Game I ran, a shorter campaign where all the players were sleazy bastards working for a evil fire genie.
    >My players: Dad (Kobold Gunslinger), Friend 1 (Changeling Warlock), Friend 2 (Minotaur Barb)
    >Traveling in a frickhuge desert to find a ruin where a wizard who is hassling their genie boss is held up
    >Along the way they meet a snooty high elf with extra artificial arms, leading a caravan full of gold and valuable metal elsewhere
    >the party being greedy bastards, of course decide to rob them
    >Elf is putting up a good fight, blocking projectiles and throwing some shit back at them
    >Minotaur barb has had enough, runs up and rips the fricker's extra mechanical arms out of his back.
    >My dad's gunslinger bold and cleans up the rest of the fodder, then hogties the elf.
    >They head back to base with the elf, dad's PC convince genie boss to help ransom the high-elf back to his superiors
    >It fricking works out without a hitch, split the money with the boss genie. Use the rest of the gold to pay the evil lair's smithy to emboss the minotaur's armor in the metal they stole, and attach what remains of the mechanical arms to it.
    Luv me dad, need to run more games with him in em. Will continue with story where I was player in the next post.

  18. 12 months ago

    Next story, I'm a player this time, running a Half-Orc cleric but this story ain't about me.
    >Be my friend, same one who played the Minotaur Barb in previous story, now playing a fighter inspired by Monster Hunter, fricker is just a crazy ass human fighter named Vault.
    >DM, our friend, has some wack ass encounter tables, they can get a bit nonsensical sometimes but we still enjoy em.
    >He rolls some high tier undead mage enemy on a stroll through the damn woods.
    >Me and 3 other dudes fail our saves and our asses get banished temporarily.
    >It's literally just Vault vs the Mage now.
    >Vault wins intiative, proceeds to use his lance to vault like 40 feet into the air for extra damage, also breaks his legs with fall damage but he doesn't care.
    >Proceeds to fold the dickass mage like a wet napkin while hopping around the map like a grasshopper, all we do is watch.
    >We pop back in when mage finally dies ready for a fight
    >Our boy Vault is just chilling in the aftermath heavily scuffed up and legs broken, chuckles and asks me for a magic healing pick me up.
    I'm lucky to have a circle of friends who all play and DM, shit is a blast.

  19. 12 months ago

    When I was a child, my paternal grandfather taught me to play Chess. This involved him explaining how all the pieces moved, and how the game worked. Then, it involved me making amateur moves and him explaining in detail how and why "you're screwed." This put me off Chess, despite being in exactly the right demographic for it in middle school.

    Skipping forward twenty-five years and to a different game entirely, I was playing Vampire: the Masquerade. My character was a squishy investigator and blood mage, heavily reliant on his combat-capable allies. While scoping out a certain church with cult ties, I ran into a super dangerous werewolf who had been menacing my coterie. I knew that he could kill me in seconds, and I lacked any means of stopping him... Except that I had a sudden mental leap, allowing me to connect a bunch of hints and clues I had found. I correctly guessed the werewolf's backstory and enough of his current motivations to pull off a "we're not so different, you and I" moment. The GM had not been expecting this, but it made perfect sense, and the werewolf ended up shaken by the implications. My character was allowed to leave unharmed, with a warning to stay away. And that's how I gave a major antagonist an existential crisis on our second meeting.

  20. 12 months ago

    I play MTG every Thursday and was playing Cyberpunk, but found the game's core rules too rigid and restrictive.

    Also, waking up at 4pm on Thursday and going balls out until 11am on Friday was ridiculous.

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