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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    >kills tifa instead

    • 8 months ago

      it's obvious (you) must make your choice.

    • 8 months ago

      This is exactly what is going to happen. Tifa will end up dying instead.

    • 8 months ago

      Best idea everyone.
      Think of the seethe it'll cause

    • 8 months ago

      italy will go to war

  2. 8 months ago

    Zack is gonna save her / Get killed in her place instead.

    • 8 months ago

      Beat me to it.

  3. 8 months ago

    Hamaguchi is baiting, she's gonna die.

  4. 8 months ago

    I said it before and I'll say it again. 7R is a sequel, not a remake.

    • 8 months ago

      sequel to what?

      • 8 months ago

        Everyone died in the original ff7, its a parallel world to og ff7 and the prequel of advent children. You're asking like this isn't a series which has aliens and hoodoo magic bullshit.

        • 8 months ago

          Not everything is parallel worlds, Marvel has really ruined everyone's ability to tell a story.

        • 8 months ago

          >Everyone died in the original ff7
          Thanks for the spoiler homosexual. I havent play FF7 for 30 years

        • 8 months ago

          Are you moronic? The only party member who died in 7 was Aerith you low IQ Black person.

          • 8 months ago

            Quite literally everyone is dead by the end of FF7 besides Nanaki and his children.

            • 8 months ago

              Proof of this: None

            • 8 months ago

              that's never outright confirmed - it's moreso implied that Midgar, something that relied on draining the planet itself was abandoned.

              • 8 months ago

                Proof of this: None

                The final cutscene is very obviously far enough in the future that no party member would be alive at that point besides Nanaki. That amount of growth over Midgar would take over a century.

              • 8 months ago

                He's talking about the fact that the epilogue takes place like 300 years so everyone died of all age lol

                >He's talking about the fact that the epilogue takes place like 300 years so everyone died of all age lol
                Proof of this: None

              • 8 months ago

                >That amount of growth over Midgar would take over a century
                That's operating under the assumption they there isn't some magical lifestream bull frickery happening.
                You're applying real world logic to a world where people shoot fire out of their hands and literally hear the planet crying.

            • 8 months ago

              that's never outright confirmed - it's moreso implied that Midgar, something that relied on draining the planet itself was abandoned.

              Proof of this: None

              He's talking about the fact that the epilogue takes place like 300 years so everyone died of all age lol

            • 8 months ago

              Proof of this: None

              Pretty sure they said humans survived. They said there was suppose to be some kind of a smoke effect to show that humans did survived. But to be honest, they flip flopped about this too many times now. Shows how much of a rushed job that ending was.

      • 8 months ago

        Literally Advent Children. Seph got his ass handed to him so hard in AC that he became a singularity of himself. Essentially, every Sephiroth at any point in time and in any reality is now one and the same. All all points, he is aware of his past and future and all alternate timelines and can influence and change his own actions, thus altering the timeline in an attempt to gain a more favorable outcome for himself. FF7R Sephiroth has knowledge of the events that played out in the original as well as AC which is why he has a boner for Cloud now when originally, he struggled to even recall him since he was really just a newbie grunt. Remake isn't a descriptor of what FF7R is, rather it's a subtitle revealing Seph's intentions to remake his story. Only thing standing in his way are the Whispers so he harasses Cloud & co and tricks them into getting rid of them for him. Still don't know why they fell for it seeing as how they knew he was the true big bad by that point so you'd think that would have given them pause and wonder why he might want that but oh well... here we are now. Also, more evidence linking this to AC is that the 3 Whisper heralds each used one of the weapons and fighting styles that Sephs 3 "clones" did in AC.

        • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            You joke but you know deep down that the writing is so KH-tier levels of fricked that it's going to be right. I don't say this theory because I think it sounds good. I say it because it's moronic enough to fit.

            • 8 months ago

              tbh I wasn't sure if you were memeing because I imagine some FF7 fans think like that

    • 8 months ago

      Virtually everyone has been saying that for nearly four years now.

    • 8 months ago

      >The story is changed in shitty ways
      >"It's not a remake, it is a sequel! It is supposed to shit on the previous story!"
      It's not the win you think it is, champ.

    • 8 months ago

      sequels typically involve moving forward in time

      • 8 months ago

        That doesn't mean anything when aliens and magic are involved

    • 8 months ago

      >to make something again
      >VII is being made again
      >benighted autists seethe because it wasn't remade in the exact same way, where there is no logic to remake implying that
      Laughing at brainlets should be illegal; it is way too fun.

      • 8 months ago

        you literally fell for the marketing

        • 8 months ago

          you are illiterate and literally didn't read any of the many interviews and previews where they said shit wasn't going to be 100% the same

          • 8 months ago

            "not going to be 100% the same" does not imply what was in fact done, and that doesn't change the fact that they rationally chose to call it Remake to bank of fooling people's expectations.

            but they got 1:1.
            That's what constitutes for an automatic 10/10 amiriite?

            1. no one has even implied such a thing. you are fighting windmills.
            2. they are not even 1:1 (people complained about the lighting in the SotC remake being super fricked for instance)

            • 8 months ago

              >no one has even implied such a thing. you are fighting windmills.

              No shit you dumbass.

              Nobody wanted a remake. what value would a straightforward remake bring?

              7R has breahted life into the best final fantasy universe. A remake wouldn't be played by new people.

              all these people think otherwise

              • 8 months ago

                they do not. Learn to communicate with humans.

              • 8 months ago

                So they're all just lying?
                What about other people who wanted a 1:1 remake in this very thread?
                Do you feel like you need to be right at all times despite the overwhelming evidence against you?

              • 8 months ago

                There was literally one guy who advocated for 1:1 wanters, and the others being consumers and he was being obtuse. You are not arguing reality.

              • 8 months ago

                >There was literally one guy
                If you say so.
                >You are not arguing reality.
                If you say so.

              • 8 months ago

                I do say so. if you want to speak to outside of this thread, I would agree with you. Speak carefully and you might actually garner some respect in covnersation.

              • 8 months ago

                That's nice
                >Speak carefully
                take your own advice kiddo

              • 8 months ago

                It was funny, I saw that and thought "if he really has nothing of value to say he will point it out".
                I'm glad I left it.

              • 8 months ago

                >I was dumb on purpose you see, it was all part of my ruse!

              • 8 months ago

                away from here, redditor

    • 8 months ago

      No shit you dumbass.

      Nobody wanted a remake. what value would a straightforward remake bring?

      7R has breahted life into the best final fantasy universe. A remake wouldn't be played by new people.

      • 8 months ago

        7R has nothing to offer someone who hasn't already played FF7 and experienced the Compilation. Without that context it is just an incoherent mess.

        • 8 months ago

          >experienced the Compilation
          Only the original game has real artistic value, don't be a sucker for cash-ins

        • 8 months ago

          >Without that context it is just an incoherent mess.
          Factually false.

      • 8 months ago

        >Nobody wanted a remake.
        Everybody wanted a remake. They constantly teased fans with a remake for years. Way to gaslight.

      • 8 months ago

        If you enjoyed the original and didn't crave a remake after seeing the PS3 e3 tech demo, you're a moron
        If you didn't see it, know it existed, you're a zoomy moron
        If you think people who wanted a 1:1, and aren't justified in their frustration, you're a consoomer

        The problem with Record Keeper was that it was absolute aids with giving out currency. Roughly a month for a single multipull is among the worst in the industry.

        I won't disagree with that, it had flaws. I sincerely believe that if that game came back in a full/ non-gacha form, it would do very well

      • 8 months ago

        >nobody wanted a straightforward remake
        >7R breathed new life
        Yeah it sure did...through its butthole. Absolute chimpanzee fanfiction dosent make for a good remake.

        • 8 months ago

          But all the kindergarten-tier surprises, and DyNaMiC cOoMbAt
          Surely those justified this "remake"

          With Cid they will probably tone down his yelling at Shera and will change things so Cid blames himself on the failed launch instead of taking it out on Shera.

          iirc Tifa yells at Cloud to stop and Vincent jumps down to restrain him. They'll probably make it so Cloud pushes her over to the ground and goes to strangle her or something, but before he does the party stops him.

          >I won't disagree with that, it had flaws. I sincerely believe that if that game came back in a full/ non-gacha form, it would do very well
          Record Keeper was nice, I just didn't like how slow the currency gain was. Also didn't really care for how they kept adding new limit break types towards the end of its life. I did like how some old gear was actually meta all the way towards the end of service though, like Tyro's Sentinel's Grimoire and Ramza's Shout

          >Record Keeper was nice, I just didn't like how slow the currency gain was. Also didn't really care for how they kept adding new limit break types towards the end of its life. I did like how some old gear was actually meta all the way towards the end of service though, like Tyro's Sentinel's Grimoire and Ramza's Shout
          I mean, that's the nature of the gacha beast, and I agree.
          How do you think it would work as a console title? I really would pay for a full version of it with no gacha

          • 8 months ago

            >How do you think it would work as a console title? I really would pay for a full version of it with no gacha
            They would have to change some things but for the most part it would be fine. I'd actually be ok with it having gacha as long as currency was massively boosted and it was all 100% in game with 0 options to purchase.

            I'd actually prefer a console version of Star Ocean Anamnesis. Such a good game. Probably the most consumer friendly gacha ever made, so consumer friendly in fact it killed it since there was no reason for whales to exist. Plus the character models were top tier.

          • 8 months ago

            The fricking LORE GHOSTS made me cackle harder than it should have. Im glad i played this second hand cause holy moly this is stupid

            • 8 months ago
      • 8 months ago

        as a person who hates literally everything relating to final fantasy 7 except for the NA release in 1997:
        I wanted a straightforward remake

      • 8 months ago

        A liar, a mouthbreather, a neckbeard incel you are.

      • 8 months ago

        >what value would a straightforward remake bring?
        the people responding can only insult
        but these same people also melted down over SOTC and the demon's souls remakes as well.

        • 8 months ago

          yeah it's almost like they wanted GOOD remakes

          • 8 months ago

            but they got 1:1.
            That's what constitutes for an automatic 10/10 amiriite?

      • 8 months ago

        people were asking for a remake of FF7 since FF7 released you dumbass

      • 8 months ago

        >no one:

        • 8 months ago

          >the reunion at hand may bring joy it may bring fear, but let us embrace whatever it brings

        • 8 months ago

          I actually liked how they potray the slums here.

    • 8 months ago

      we evangelion now, ffricking hell

      • 8 months ago

        Exactly the same time plot sequelization

      • 8 months ago

        I'm only a casual Evangelion watcher and I knew about this idea before watching the new movies, but what did it ever amount to? The movies could've NOT been a "sequel" and it would have been exactly the same as it is.

        • 8 months ago

          Rebuild sucks and only exists so Anno can get money for stuff he actually wanted to work on rather than just doing Eva again.

    • 8 months ago

      It's shitty and censored fan fiction.

      • 8 months ago

        +10 ESG points!

    • 8 months ago

      >to make something again
      >VII is being made again
      >benighted autists seethe because it wasn't remade in the exact same way, where there is no logic to remake implying that
      Laughing at brainlets should be illegal; it is way too fun.

      As someone said before, the word "Remake" has the same meaning for EVERY other game franchise... except FF7, where the autistic fanboys do mental gymnastics to reach a meaning different from the entire industry just to justify the false advertisement.

      • 8 months ago

        If i'm not wrong the fricking director said 2 days ago how the word "remake" wasnt related to what the project is, but how the narrative is happening.

        So even them know it is a sequel, dude.

        • 8 months ago

          >mental gymnastics
          Bravo! 9.0!

        • 8 months ago

          He said the entire contrary, are You stupid?

          • 8 months ago

            You are lying, or confused.

            • 8 months ago

              Post the interview you mentioned

              • 8 months ago

                suck me

                Victim of what? The sperging out at Nibelheim is all on him

                it's okay to say you haven't played crisis core or the original long enough to remember what was done to him.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh so you won't post it

              • 8 months ago

                No, I just posted a direct statement separately straight from Nomura directly, because you're too much of a moron to run a conditional search using quotes of all fricking things in google.

                >I am embarrassed to share a thread with you. Jenova's influence is the PRIMARY antagonistic force, and always has been. It is literally the source of the entire conflict. The Solider program, jenova cells, project G, S.
                jenova is a force of nature but FF7's main villain is definitelly hojo, if we exclude sephiroth as a product of him. Hojo is like Vough from The boys, while Sephiroth is Homelander.

                >A force of nature
                Doubly embarrassed now. She is ENTIRELY sentient, and knows how to use the great cosmic lifestream to hunt and find other planets.

                Here, you morons just need to watch this. The ACTUAL translation that exposes Sephiroths true motivations. Along with the context of what this scene is, a dying universe, versus one representing life as confirmed by the ultimania.

                - sorry it's some random sperg but it seems he understands the material

              • 8 months ago

                >Doubly embarrassed now. She is ENTIRELY sentient, and knows how to use the great cosmic lifestream to hunt and find other planets.
                She is a parasite, like The Thing, she consumes, of all the evil beings and threats in FF7 she's the most animalistic and just a side element in the grand scale of things.

              • 8 months ago

                Fine i'll do it myself

                Asked about the meaning of "rebirth," FFVII Rebirth director Hamaguchi says the word doesn't specifically describe the game's content. He explains it has more to do with the nature of the project: whereas Part 1 "remade" the game, this time it's been "reborn." (sanook, 10/21/23)


              • 8 months ago

                But I played the game. Just because Hojo manipulated him and he built a god complex, slaughtering a village or murdering Aerith aren’t excused

        • 8 months ago

          Yes, that's called a technicality. You autists need to take a step back and recognize reality. 'Remake' to a normie implies, a 1:1 remake of the same shit or at least close enough where major events and frameworks haven't been altered to hell, despite the actual term being 'remaster'. Notice how with nintendos various remakes over the past few years, they largely don't have this problem.

          • 8 months ago

            Like, are there fighting fate plotlines in the nintendo games? Do the villains know what will happen?

            • 8 months ago

              >Like, are there fighting fate plotlines in the nintendo games? Do the villains know what will happen?
              Mario rpg will have cullex killing the main villain of mario rpg.

        • 8 months ago

          Ganker doesnt have big literacy levels, so it's hard.

      • 8 months ago

        >different from the entire industry
        Are Residen Evil 2 and 3 exactly like the originals?
        Think hard about your answer.

        • 8 months ago

          Does Resident Evil 2 and 3 have time Jannies? Do they change the overall plot progression of the story? Do characters that died in the original didn't died in the remake?

          • 8 months ago

            It has two Mr x

          • 8 months ago

            >refuses to answer the question
            >deflects by answering with a question
            >Do they change the overall plot progression of the story
            >proves that he didn't play these games either
            it really do be like that.

            • 8 months ago

              I answered your question, you disingenous homosexual.
              The remakes changed things, of course, but nothing major to the plot, characters or events, it was more focused on gameplay, maps and mechanics.
              Leon and Claire still explore the station, still end up in the lab, still blow up Bill on the train and escape with Sherry. Martin still dies, Ada still fakes her death, Ada still helps Leon against the Tyrant, Chief Irons is still a creep, and he still dies due Bill injecting him with the G-Virus.
              Wesker don't go back in time and keep appearing during fights to taunt Leon or Clair, for example, like a fricking fanfic.

              • 8 months ago

                >The remakes changed things, of course, but nothing major to the plot, characters or events
                You didn't play either game.
                Don't post again, you stupid moron.

              • 8 months ago

                >Uses the deflection he stated others use.
                > "Nahhh, you didn't play! Chief Irons Sherry's kidnapping is the same as the Time Jannies messing with history! moron"
                Concession accepted.

              • 8 months ago

                >Uses the deflection
                >ESL uses terms others use without understanding what they mean
                very common.
                >proclaims he is victorious, because he desperately needed a win
                You should instead play these games.

              • 8 months ago

                >Muh ESL
                >I going to attack their grammar, since I lost the argument.
                I already told you, concession accepted! You don't need to continue, have some dignity.

              • 8 months ago

                danth's law in full effect
                Instead, you should play both games.
                You would know that for starters, RE2 took out the different routes leon and claire did in their b-side had in the original. Or RE3 took out major chunks of the story from the original and mixed up other shit in the remake.
                But you should have known this.

              • 8 months ago

                Instead of assuming, why don't you read?
                I already told you, the changes in RE2R and RE3R story are not major. If you think I'm talking about gameplay or not about story, read things more carefully: I said that despite the changes, things remained the same and ended in the same place. The plot points are still all there, the changes are based on different executions rather than changing these points, like FF7R is trying to do.

              • 8 months ago

                >the changes in RE2R and RE3R story are not major.
                You really have to stop proving you played neither.
                >things remained the same and ended in the same place
                >The plot points are still all there, the changes are based on different executions
                Sounds like 7remake.
                So thanks for proving your own point wrong I guess.

              • 8 months ago

                Alright, I'll humor you.
                Explain to me how the plot of FF7R stays true to the plot of Final Fantasy 7 OG, just with different execution, while keeping the same plot points of the original.

              • 8 months ago

                >Explain to me how the plot of FF7R stays true to the plot of Final Fantasy 7 OG
                So are you saying
                >Bombing mission
                >Cloud meets Aerith
                >Cloud meets tifa at the bar
                >Second mission and cloud falls into the church
                >Cloud and Aerith journey to get cloud back to sector 7
                >Wall market shenanigans and don corneo
                >Sewers and the train graveyard
                >Failure to stop the plate fall
                >Rescuing Aerith in the shinra tower
                >Escaping midgar
                >Leave for Kalm
                Don't happen?
                I mean, you stated their changing these points. You're not going to back out of this claim now are you?

              • 8 months ago

                That would be a good argument... if the game stuck with these plot points. You're ignoring that the things introduced have a much greater impact on the story than, say, Leon kissing Ada on the monorail, for example.
                Time travel is never “minor” to a story, it always ruins things if not done carefully, and the things introduced by FF7R are highly impactful to the story.
                What if Aerith doesn't die in the next game? Zack is still alive, so “Zack dying from being shot” is no longer a plot point.

              • 8 months ago

                >if the game stuck with these plot points.
                Which it does. I asked if they changed these plot points.
                They didn't but you insist they did. Because you said so.

              • 8 months ago

                So....Zack is still dead? Will Aerith still die? Will the Time Jannies disappear in the next game? Was it all a drug hallucination everytime Sephiroth showed up?
                If so, I'm unironically glad, that's what I wanted from the beginning!

              • 8 months ago

                >can only ask questions to deflect instead of proving that they changed the og plot points
                right back from where we started.
                You really should play games instead of melting down like this.

              • 8 months ago

                You know what. You're right.

              • 8 months ago

                I know.

              • 8 months ago

                >Call other people ESL
                >Has no text comprehension
                If you think RE2R's story changes are on the same level as FF7R's story changes, you're really dumb, I'm sorry.

              • 8 months ago

                >You're dumb
                >I'm not going to argue the facts you brought up.
                >So what if they did change how the story was told in RE2, 7remake was worse!
                you sure showed me kiddo.

              • 8 months ago

                He's probably the same guy who said no one wanted a faitful ff7 remake. You should ignore him
                I'm fine with remake's changes, minus the timeline bullshit. But even i know it is not a simple remake.

              • 8 months ago

                You don't debate with fanboys.

              • 8 months ago

                man are you shilling the game?
                Everything anon said is right, the RE remakes dont touch mainplot points but the RE7 does, if you dont see that you are either a shill or a fricking mental moronic

              • 8 months ago

                >the RE remakes dont touch mainplot points
                Tell me, where is the clocktower in Re3make?

              • 8 months ago

                Man its ok to admit you liked the changes in remake, just do it already and stop this nonsense
                You know very well the supression of the clock tower is not the same as time ghosts

      • 8 months ago

        how many game remakes actually have "remake" in the title?

    • 8 months ago

      Anyone that finished FF7Remake and didn't figure that out is clinically moronic

    • 8 months ago

      And that's exactly why it sucks.

    • 8 months ago

      Why couldn't they just NOT call it a remake, I don't get it

      • 8 months ago

        Would unironically ease 60% of the complaints.
        I like remake's plot(minus Zack), but they totally banked in fooling people.

        • 8 months ago

          Why couldn't they just NOT call it a remake, I don't get it

          It's a remake, morons.

          • 8 months ago

            it is not a remake in the mechanical sense, but the dramatic one. In the story they are "remaking" events, but the developers did not remake the game "Final Fantasy 7".

      • 8 months ago

        Because they know people wanted one. Zoomersharts, remember a time back to when that short trailer for the ps3 came out. People lost their shit thinking it was happening then. It's an advertising bait and switch. Greedy nip Black folk. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I never thought I'd agree with 'keep it the fricking same' Nomura.

      • 8 months ago

        Because they literally re-MADE the story

      • 8 months ago

        They wanted to cash in on people wanting a remake but didn't want to lose it so they just lied to us. The worst part is people defend it as a good thing.

      • 8 months ago

        for the same reason they called FF11 that instead of FF Online, as per their own admission: to sell more. Like

        Would unironically ease 60% of the complaints.
        I like remake's plot(minus Zack), but they totally banked in fooling people.

        said, they banked on fooling people.

      • 8 months ago

        1. They want to keep selling the original game at virtually no cost to make free money on every platform under the sun without cannibalizing those sales
        2. They want to keep the option to remake it faithfully later on on the table when they're really, REALLY desperate instead of just really desperate

      • 8 months ago

        Because the game wouldn't sell any copies if people knew it was another compilation shitheap so they had to falsely advertise. Expect Rebirth to tank in sales.

    • 8 months ago

      Is this the same for the Advent Children remake or is it a remake?

      • 8 months ago

        Sorry I meant Crisis Core

    • 8 months ago

      It stopped being a remake the second they completely changed the combat system from Strategy/turn-based to action.

      • 8 months ago

        menu-selection does not make something "strategy". Just compare the "strategy" involved in fighting Rufus between OG and Remake. What kind of mental gymnastics would it require to conclude the OG Rufus fight to have "more strategy" than Remake?

        • 8 months ago

          Cloud vs Rufus was so embarassing in the original

          • 8 months ago

            That shit was so hilarious in OG, even back then I laughed my ass off that the boss was basically some jackass with a fricking shotgun. He keeps the shotgun in remake but at least he looks like and moves like he should be a boss

    • 8 months ago

      >I said it before and I'll say it again. 7R is a sequel, not a remake.
      Duh, they made that very obvious

    • 8 months ago

      anyone that played it and has a fully working brain( not american, Black person or pajeet) knows that.

  5. 8 months ago

    >big surprise is Cloud kills her under Sephiroth's influence this time like he almost did in the original

    Feel free to screencap this

    • 8 months ago

      How does cloud recover from this?

      • 8 months ago

        By falling into the lifestream and becoming a vegetable.

    • 8 months ago

      >Nooooo it has to be the same story again reeeeeee
      Why is it bad? That renews hope we might get something interesting. It might turn out to be slop too but it's good to know we're not going to get the story everyone's already memorized.

      • 8 months ago

        >That renews hope we might get something interesting.
        The first part's changes were fricking stupid
        The only upside of part 2 is they won't have to streeeeeeetch it as hard as part 1 to get a ~30 hour main story done

      • 8 months ago

        One thing is getting different versions of the same events. The other is having the cover of the game with a character that was supposed to be dead and is in another TIMELINE now.

        I think you have enough brainpower to know the difference.

        • 8 months ago

          Bro is seeing FF7 turning in back to the future and think it's just the same shit. He should just admit he's a CC fanboy.

          We have 2 fricking Clouds now.

      • 8 months ago

        >Why is it bad? That renews hope we might get something interesting.
        Square's idea of "interesting" is undoing all the deaths and having you kill a god 5 hours into the original story.

    • 8 months ago

      he needs to cut her hand off at the temple of the ancients or something to show that this is a different fricked up timeline, if he just did it at end of the city it would be shocking for 5 seconds then moronic forever

    • 8 months ago

      This won't happen. How will they explain the party trusting him after that? It would be extremely stupid. Considering the remake is botched anyways I think he will just have her live this time.

    • 8 months ago

      No, because it was my idea you gayot niger

  6. 8 months ago

    You mean Alice, and her friend Claude

  7. 8 months ago

    no shit genius Sephiroth knows her death stops meteor so he's obviously not going to let it happen

    • 8 months ago

      Sephiroth kills Sepiroth

  8. 8 months ago

    the twist is tifa dies instead

    • 8 months ago

      That would be too expected and obvious.

  9. 8 months ago

    >Zack dolphin jumps out of the water to save her
    >she leaves your party to go running around with him trying to activate the materia

  10. 8 months ago

    You can chose whether she dies, or Tifa dies in her place, Slowpoke

  11. 8 months ago

    >Nobody is going to die to keep Fujos, Shippers and Yurigays happy, also because its more marketable.
    Final Fantasy 7's story used to have a lot of tragedy, now it's happier and lighthearted than a fricking Care Bears episode.
    What the frick happened?

    • 8 months ago

      FF7 was written after Sakaguchi's mother passed away. It was a way for him to make sense of her death.

    • 8 months ago

      Huh? I don't get that one. This is FF7 we're talking about, bro. That ain't anywhere in there.

  12. 8 months ago

    Twist is that no one if gonna die and even Zack gets to stay alive.

    Ending is gonna be like P4 as compared to P3.

  13. 8 months ago

    Who cares? I dont play modern slop remakes

  14. 8 months ago

    We see cloud KILLING her, then we see a post credits of cloud walking through the snow to reunion alone

    The twist is that it wasnt cloud, but a jenova ilussion
    Real cloud did becomes a clone though
    We don't see the real murder until part 3

  15. 8 months ago

    I called it years ago, and I'll say it again, in the never ending search for subverted expectations, and hack writing, they'll kill tifa
    And adhdshinykeysgays will praise them for it

    • 8 months ago

      Nobody will praise it, moron

      • 8 months ago

        >People praise the Time Jannies
        >"Nobody going to praise it!"
        Copium overload.

        • 8 months ago

          >People praise the Time Jannies
          Remake slop-guzzlers are so into multi-timelines shit that they literally live in an alternate timeline

      • 8 months ago

        >People won't praise game with flippy bike guy, time jannies, multiple sephiroths, nerfed tifa breasts, non playable red, and non transferable items/ equipment
        Ok, moron

        • 8 months ago

          >People praise the Time Jannies
          >"Nobody going to praise it!"
          Copium overload.

          What does that have to do with killing, you fricking mongoloid? Nice goalpost moving

          • 8 months ago

            Subverted expectations, and the unabashed consoomers who will guzzle it down without exception
            My guess is (You) thought the first one was "fun and interesting"

            • 8 months ago

              Oh so just angry headcanon
              Got it

              • 8 months ago

                >no you
                Damn, what a well thought out and articulate response. I guess my points with plenty of precedented evidence don't hold up, good job, anon

                Didn't try it so don't know.

                It wasn't "successful", but it was soul in pixel form, and there was a lot of care with regards to the various final fantasy's source material; think of it as a simplified but more fun WoFF

  16. 8 months ago

    Zack saves her, the final fight is against sephiroth/jenova with Zack and Cloud teaming up with the new tag-team-attack mechanic. Even if it ISNT there, at some point this is what is going to happen.

  17. 8 months ago

    >OP making a big deal out of a two year old quote
    slow day at the funny farm

  18. 8 months ago

    >reee just do the same thing ive seen 5000 times but in HD le chad face yes le this but unironically

    eat shit, i like when they actually try new things or put twists on things you've seen ad nauseam

    • 8 months ago

      >eat shit, i like when they actually try new things
      There's a difference between trying new things and trying new things that are worse than what you did before.
      I'm not going to give them a Participation Trophy just for doing something new if the new thing sucks.

      • 8 months ago

        Black person you dont even know what they are gonna do yet

        • 8 months ago

          Not him but we all know what they're going to do. Nomura was surprised when everyone easily figured out that Jack was Chaos before SoP came out. These hacks at SE think they're more subtle than they really are. Aerith won't die it will be either Cloud or Tifa because TWEEST

        • 8 months ago

          If is the same than what they did in the first game, I know it will be worse.

    • 8 months ago

      >>reee just do the same thing ive seen 5000 times
      >eat shit, i like when they actually try new things
      Black person no you can't say this shit while praising Compilationslop

  19. 8 months ago

    You are moronic

  20. 8 months ago

    i will literally always say "aeris" because aerith sounds like you have a lisp

  21. 8 months ago

    The twist is that because Cloud has subconscious awareness of the future due to his contact with the Whispers, he's gonna take the strike in Aerith's stead. Part 2 is gonna end with "dead" Cloud (let's be real, he's been stabbed before). After his death, his consciousness is gonna be transported to Zack's timeline, and the Zack's comatose Cloud will suddenly wake up.

  22. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      where is this from
      please don't say from the gachashit game

      • 8 months ago

        Okay, I won't

      • 8 months ago

        From gacha game which is shit and very grindy also you need many dupes to max weapons. FFBE was a better game.

        • 8 months ago

          FFRK was a better game

          • 8 months ago

            Didn't try it so don't know.

          • 8 months ago

            The problem with Record Keeper was that it was absolute aids with giving out currency. Roughly a month for a single multipull is among the worst in the industry.

  23. 8 months ago

    Sin will come out of the life stream and be the final boss.

  24. 8 months ago

    Modern audiences can't really handle having a main party character die

  25. 8 months ago

    Dude it's Aeris

  26. 8 months ago

    briana bros we won

    • 8 months ago
  27. 8 months ago

    What if they do an ol' switcheroo and Aeris kills Sephiroth at the Forgotten City and becomes the villain instead?

  28. 8 months ago

    >Tifa won't call Barret a moron
    >Cid won't be abusive to Shera
    >Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
    >Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
    >Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
    >Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
    >More focus on the Turks
    >Rufus won't die
    >Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
    >Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray
    >Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
    >Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
    >Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
    >Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
    >No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
    >No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
    >No extremely time-consuming CPR minigame with an underage girl
    >No gay sauna scene
    >Fewer wacky enemies
    >Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
    >Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
    >Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
    >They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"

    • 8 months ago

      >Tifa won't call Barret a moron
      OG localizators' fanfiction
      >Cid won't be abusive to Shera
      >Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
      TBA, but will likely be included.
      >Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
      TBA, but will likely be included considering his Chocobo-riding already existing
      >Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
      Unbuttoned in Intermission, buttoned and belted in Rebirth.
      >Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
      Right about 4 party members, wrong about Red XIII being party member and wrong about Jessie and Biggs being temp party members.
      >More focus on the Turks
      Some additions, but also some removals? Their cutscene "win" against Cloud's group got removed in Remake.
      >Rufus won't die
      >Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
      >Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray


    • 8 months ago

      >Tifa won't call Barret a moron
      OG localizators' fanfiction
      >Cid won't be abusive to Shera
      >Barret won't dress up like a Popeye sailor
      TBA, but will likely be included.
      >Red XIII won't dress up like a Shinra soldier
      TBA, but will likely be included considering his Chocobo-riding already existing
      >Yuffie won't have unbuttoned short shorts
      Unbuttoned in Intermission, buttoned and belted in Rebirth.
      >Since the entire game is just Midgar and you'd only have four party members until Red XIII joins at the end, Jessie and Biggs will get added as temp party members
      Right about 4 party members, wrong about Red XIII being party member and wrong about Jessie and Biggs being temp party members.
      >More focus on the Turks
      Some additions, but also some removals? Their cutscene "win" against Cloud's group got removed in Remake.
      >Rufus won't die
      >Palmer won't randomly get hit by a truck when you beat him
      >Scarlet won't name the world's most powerful weapon the Sister Ray


      >Don Corneo won't try to rape a 16 year-old
      TBA, but his tastes might be different from OG, considering he gave no shit about Cloud's voice being very clearly male when speaking.
      >Crisis Core people will show up in Cloud's flashbacks
      Nope, but we did see AC "flachbacks" instead.
      >Hojo won't try to breed Red XIII and Aeris
      >Dio won't be a muscular guy in a speedo
      TBA, we didn't see his lower body yet.
      >No Barret date, probably no Yuffie date
      TBA although Barret got his own possible pseudo-""date"" scene in Remake
      >No Tifa/Scarlet girly slapfight
      >No extremely time-consuming CPR minigame with an underage girl
      TBA in regards to whether Yuffie replaces her
      >No gay sauna scene
      >Fewer wacky enemies
      >Increased emphasis on Zack, his parents are no longer missable
      Correct for Zack, TBA for Zack's parents
      >Probably more about Cloud's past during Midgar since you can't have an entire game where you don't go into the protagonist's history
      Correct, it's all kept rather vaguely.
      >Final boss of Midgar will no longer be a random tank
      False, since wacky metaphysical dimension isn't actually Midgar, so final boss of Midgar was indeed "random tank" but fought on motorcycle this time.
      >They'll somehow work in "dilly-dally-shilly-shally"
      Is that something from AC dub? I only watched the subbed version of AC and ACC.


      • 8 months ago

        >gay sauna scene
        wtf, I didn't know this was a thing

        • 8 months ago

          Btw i think it's funny how some morons got mad about the gold saucer dance scene...because they wanted a scene of Cloud surrounded by 10 buff guys.
          Sometimes i think old ff7 fans are braindead.

        • 8 months ago

          Always kinda found this scene a bit weird. Like did Cloud really get raped and it's just totally glossed over? A lot of people seem to interpret it that way and see it as the funniest shit. And I kinda get it but it's surprising that everyone not only accepts that interpretation but wholly embraces it.

          • 8 months ago

            I dont think he got raped but probably washed aggressively in a small tub

      • 8 months ago

        >TBA, but his tastes might be different from OG, considering he gave no shit about Cloud's voice being very clearly male when speaking.
        There is no way in hell they're keeping in Corneo trying to rape a bunch of teenage girls.

    • 8 months ago

      emphasis on Zack
      Why are they shoehorning this guy in. I didn't even notice him when I played the original

      • 8 months ago

        Because people liked him after they made a whole prequel game with him. So they're using him more.

      • 8 months ago

        He's not even a character in the original, he's a framing device for Cloud. You can only see him do anything if you specifically look for it.

        The fact that some moron writer thought "well what if we flesh out this character that ONLY EXISTS to empower Cloud?"

        It's so fricking stupid.

        • 8 months ago

          Zack is the character that is writen perfectly but dies for the story to happen, this is why when he was made they had to retcon many SOLDIER plotpoints. Like he being a soldier but miraculously not suffering degradation, also being deep as a puddle.

          What makes Zack not be a Mary Sue is how he was always supposed to die, but if he didnt, he is one 100%. So bringing him back is very stupid.

          • 8 months ago

            I love how all soldiers are either dying or going insane, but he doesnt have any downsides.

          • 8 months ago

            god just thinking about all the jenova cells and punisher mode bullshit is making my eyes roll out of my fricking head.

            • 8 months ago

              >punisher mode bullshit
              What is "bullshit" about SOLDIERs adapting the fighting style of their verified strongest member who might as well be the strongest human to exist?

      • 8 months ago

        My guess is that they're committing to the zack and aerith being a definitive pair to the end or hes in there to take the hit for aerith

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Wait FF7R didn't even get to the end of midgar? lol

  29. 8 months ago

    >reach the forest
    >Cloud feels increasingly uneasy as they walk through it
    >He keeps seeing random, disjointed images in his mind
    >See Aerith praying
    >He immediately starts moving even though he's not sure why
    >Sephiroth drops
    >Tifa gets to her first

  30. 8 months ago
  31. 8 months ago

    Gee it's almost like the theme has been all about Changing Fate
    It was real fricking obvious that's gonna happen

  32. 8 months ago

    Aerith seemingly dies again. Cloud lets her fall into the Forgotten Capital's lake as her burial... then after everyone leaves and Aerith's "corpse" touches some kind of final-fantasy-crystal™ at the bottom of the lake... she suddenly wakes up and swims to the surface... where she meets none other than Zack.
    The big twist is that Aerith seemingly dies but actually just gets isekai'd into the Zack-lives-timeline.

  33. 8 months ago

    what if
    get this
    what if zack's world
    hold on now it's coming
    what if zack's world

  34. 8 months ago

    More than she dying or not, i feel like what would be the most polemic wouldnt even be that, but if they shoehorn zack in that scene somehow.

    This is the cursed scenario. That scene is too iconic and putting more characters there would just ruin it.
    Imagine if the scene of "Luke i am your father" was remade and jar jar binks was there, even worse, saved luke.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah. The most out of touch scenario that some people have is saying that Zack will save her, which is stupid because IF someone should saved her, it is Cloud. He was the most impacted by her death.

      • 8 months ago

        Anon just because something SHOULD happen doesn't mean it will. Zack should have stayed dead and should never have been in these games in the first place and yet here we are with him sharing a third of the cover. They've been trying to force him hard for years. It's almost Big Boss taking over the franchise level but it's not there yet. Now I'm not saying that's what will happen I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised with this trash anymore

        • 8 months ago

          Big boss was at least a main character in mgs and a main villain. This would be like sephiroth.
          The issue is how Zack was barely a thing in the og game and he was put in focus after a spinoff that 90% of people who played FF dont really care.

        • 8 months ago

          I'm in with the remake plot but the narrative i just cant eat is this whole zack and parallel world shit.
          Dude, just no. frick.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah. The most out of touch scenario that some people have is saying that Zack will save her, which is stupid because IF someone should saved her, it is Cloud. He was the most impacted by her death.

      I feel like people who say that Zack should save her abandoned long ago any hopes of good storytelling and just want fanfiction.

    • 8 months ago

      They already did this with the plate drop in Remake. It went from a scene of horror to an action scene with Cait Sith showing up for no reason.

      • 8 months ago

        I think that cait sith appearing there is something that will work a lot better after his character arc because the whole point of Reeve's character is how he feels guilt over not being able to stop the platefall. So while it is goofy, i think the payoff will be a lot better later when cait is more developed. The issue i had with the platefall was just the song choice.

  35. 8 months ago

    The most common theories are
    >Aerith still dies
    >Aerith survives and continues the journey with everyone else
    >Tifa dies instead of Aerith
    None of these would qualify as a "big surprise" because they are the most obvious ideas circulating the internet. Instead you should expect something completely wacky and mindblowing to happen.

    • 8 months ago

      Flippy bike guy accidentally runs over red, sephiroth gives up his life of cosmic scale crime to pursue aerith making an honest man of him, tifa gets a breast reduction, and cloud lives his life in drag
      Screencap this

    • 8 months ago

      As long as they don't kill yuffie to get ride of her I don't care.

    • 8 months ago

      I honestly thought she'd come back in the original considering you still found gear for her.

  36. 8 months ago

    Sephiroth will stick the materia into his butthole CONFIRMED

  37. 8 months ago

    Sephiroth drops down and stabs Cloud instead

  38. 8 months ago

    The scene where Cloud beats the shit out of Aerith will 100% be cut. At most he will push her.

    • 8 months ago

      I think the scene wont happen in the same way, but Cloud is obviously more agressive in remake. They are pointing that A LOT. Just in part 1 he tried to kill 3 random people in one of his schizo attacks.

      • 8 months ago

        Sure, but they're absolutely not going to have him hit her. Faceless nobodies during the very brief "im too cool for all this" section of the game is one thing, attacking Aerith is another. The ethics department will never allow it, especially since it seems like they have even more control than they did in part 1.

        Also, no more Cid screaming at Shera.

        • 8 months ago

          >Sure, but they're absolutely not going to have him hit her. Faceless nobodies during the very brief "im too cool for all this" section of the game is one thing, attacking Aerith is another. The ethics department will never allow it, especially since it seems like they have even more control than they did in part 1.
          >Also, no more Cid screaming at Shera.
          I do think that doing characters like Cid is a lot harder because of many issues, not just market department

          As example, if Cid talked shit with Shera constantly, the party wouldnt just keep looking at them like they do in the OG. Aerith and Tifa would tell him to frick off.
          Also, Cloud hitting aerith is something that we see the party accepting it too easily because they are chibi characters. If he beats the shit of her in a scenairo with realistic characters and voice acting the party themselves wouldnt trust the girls to be around Cloud anymore. These are really delicate scenes.

          • 8 months ago

            With Cid they will probably tone down his yelling at Shera and will change things so Cid blames himself on the failed launch instead of taking it out on Shera.

            iirc Tifa yells at Cloud to stop and Vincent jumps down to restrain him. They'll probably make it so Cloud pushes her over to the ground and goes to strangle her or something, but before he does the party stops him.

            If you enjoyed the original and didn't crave a remake after seeing the PS3 e3 tech demo, you're a moron
            If you didn't see it, know it existed, you're a zoomy moron
            If you think people who wanted a 1:1, and aren't justified in their frustration, you're a consoomer
            I won't disagree with that, it had flaws. I sincerely believe that if that game came back in a full/ non-gacha form, it would do very well

            >I won't disagree with that, it had flaws. I sincerely believe that if that game came back in a full/ non-gacha form, it would do very well
            Record Keeper was nice, I just didn't like how slow the currency gain was. Also didn't really care for how they kept adding new limit break types towards the end of its life. I did like how some old gear was actually meta all the way towards the end of service though, like Tyro's Sentinel's Grimoire and Ramza's Shout

          • 8 months ago

            >I do think that doing characters like Cid is a lot harder because of many issues, not just market department
            >As example, if Cid talked shit with Shera constantly, the party wouldnt just keep looking at them like they do in the OG. Aerith and Tifa would tell him to frick off.
            >Also, Cloud hitting aerith is something that we see the party accepting it too easily because they are chibi characters. If he beats the shit of her in a scenairo with realistic characters and voice acting the party themselves wouldnt trust the girls to be around Cloud anymore. These are really delicate scenes.
            Adapting these scenes in a scenario where the violence and impact is 10x bigger is hard, even more because they can make a character be irredeamable if they are done wrong.

            Barret himself wont let Yuffie be around Cloud knowing how he beat the shit out of Aerith.

  39. 8 months ago

    >Zack confirned to be alive
    >Joins the party
    >Starts to hit it up with Aerith (they had a thing before after all)
    > Love triangle between the two and Cloud
    >Accompanies you to the forgotten temple
    >he takes the hit for Aerith and dies
    It's so obvious this is going to happen

    • 8 months ago

      Fanfic tier

  40. 8 months ago

    >nomura was the voice in reason in all of this

  41. 8 months ago

    Where did the remake leave off?

    • 8 months ago

      End of midgar arc.

      • 8 months ago

        So you never even got to explore the overworld? That wasn't even half of the game. Is rebirth going to be huge or are they going to skim out on a bunch of stuff

        • 8 months ago

          The game is completely different from remake structure-wise. They said it themselves 3 years ago, just like the og midgar arc, remake was a linear game with focus in the cinematic aspect of ff7. Rebirth will be the open game full of side activites do give emphasis to the size of the world.

        • 8 months ago

          They decided to expand Midgar for no reason by adding a bunch of literal filler. Rebirth, so far, seems to be more focused on the original story content and will continue to end of disk 1.

  42. 8 months ago

    Cloud will die Zach becomes the sword boy for most of the 2nd game and will sacrifice himself to bring back Cloud in the finale. Aerith will survive.

    • 8 months ago

      >Cloud will die
      Which one?

  43. 8 months ago

    This thread is the proof remake was a complete success on making a story feel fresh again.

  44. 8 months ago
  45. 8 months ago

    poor cloud, one of the most beloved and well known video game protagonist reduced to a side character

  46. 8 months ago
  47. 8 months ago

    the dev team probably wanted a sequel to dirge instead of working over 10 years on a game that already exists but anti compilation gays would cry about the remake not existing so the team opted for a aborted mix of a sequel and a remake

  48. 8 months ago

    Harem ending confirmed?? I might be buying day 1 now. The only thing that matters in video games is cooming. I own the original on PS1 anyways. But lets face it, that might just mean that SE is a bunch of morons and will kill off Tifa or something. Hopefully they leak the ending so I can cancel my pre-order in time in case they do shenanigans.

  49. 8 months ago

    Cloud dies instead. Aerith and Tifa go on a gay adventure.

  50. 8 months ago

    >You are too weak to save anyone, not even yourself

    Strange thing for a villain to say to a protagonist who's supposedly just started his journey.

    • 8 months ago

      This isnt even one of the scenes that give the game's story, the final fight has fricking Advent children cutscenes dude.

  51. 8 months ago
  52. 8 months ago

    Sephiroth about to impale Aerith when... ANOTHER Sephiroth intervenes and saves her... follow by final boss battle of playing as edge of creation Sephiroth against the local Sephiroth... when was the last time we could do that? Dissidia?

  53. 8 months ago

    I hope Zack doesn't fight completely identically to Cloud. I know Cloud's fighting style is based on Zack's (even though Punisher Mode didn't fricking exist prior to FF7R), but they shouldn't be COMPLETELY the same.

    • 8 months ago

      >even though Punisher Mode didn't fricking exist prior to FF7R

      • 8 months ago

        I think Cloud's moveset will become more and more like Sephiroth, his eyes also seem greener in Rebirth. It fits with what is happening to him after midgar.

      • 8 months ago

        No, see, I thought that too. I straight up thought Punisher Mode was based off of Cloud seeing how Sephiroth fought and incorporating it into his moveset.
        Turns out, no. It was Zack the whole time. I hate that.

        • 8 months ago

          >Turns out, no. It was Zack the whole time.
          No, it is not. Or do you have proof to show otherwise?

          • 8 months ago

            >No, see, I thought that too. I straight up thought Punisher Mode was based off of Cloud seeing how Sephiroth fought and incorporating it into his moveset.
            >Turns out, no. It was Zack the whole time. I hate that.
            You know that Cloud saw Sephiroth fight in Nibelheim, right? He wasnt fighting, but he saw it. His jenova cells also copied Zack's memories, so he in a way he also saw it through Zack.

            Zack uses Punisher Mode in the Crisis Core remake.

            • 8 months ago

              ...which he learned from either Sephiroth or someone else who in turn learned it from Sephiroth. Or maybe it's just a "standardized SOLDIER technique" after Sephiroth popularized it. The point is it most likely originates from Sephiroth regardless. Dunno if Young Sephiroth from Ever Crisis used it since I don't follow the gacha or its story.

        • 8 months ago

          >No, see, I thought that too. I straight up thought Punisher Mode was based off of Cloud seeing how Sephiroth fought and incorporating it into his moveset.
          >Turns out, no. It was Zack the whole time. I hate that.
          You know that Cloud saw Sephiroth fight in Nibelheim, right? He wasnt fighting, but he saw it. His jenova cells also copied Zack's memories, so he in a way he also saw it through Zack.

  54. 8 months ago

    She will teleport behind Sephiroth and impale him on her futa wiener as her afterimage disappear

  55. 8 months ago

    I can confirm that it is possible to save her in the game. However it is a secret route that you unlock only if you activate all ubisoft towers.

  56. 8 months ago

    such a fricking stupid name

  57. 8 months ago

    Guys, Aerith is already dead. This is a post AC sequal.. Both Aerith and Sephiroth can hack into the lifestream's save files and just go again, it really doesn't matter if she dies. Aerith is basically immortal, she can sustain herself within the lifestream indefinitely.. she could fall off a cliff in a random timeline and it wouldn't matter.

  58. 8 months ago

    Wait Aerith dies?

    • 8 months ago

      >Never went to aerisdies as a youth
      I pity you, anon

  59. 8 months ago

    Shes too marketable. expect the ability to make a party with aerith zack and sephiroth vs the le true nu villian and all of the basedmen will onions so hard

  60. 8 months ago
  61. 8 months ago

    the 7 fanbase is more confused than cloud man, everyone's perception of the narratives is different. it's always been difficult to discuss, even before compilation shit.

  62. 8 months ago

    Also Aerith might win the Cloudbowl if this interview is anything to go by

    >Nomura: For Cloud, rather than a lover, Tifa’s presence is more like a mother to him. The love towards a mother is considered precious, however at the same time, there are annoying parts as well *laughs. Just like towards one’s actual mother, Cloud will start to grow up when he becomes independent from Tifa, I might show this scene one day.

    >Nomura: Tifa’s growth probably involves separation from Cloud. By separation, I mean she might be able to return to that ordinary girl that she used to be in childhood. I think it is pitiful if Tifa’s life is only about staying together with Cloud. However to Tifa, it is a wonderful thing to be with Cloud forever. Combining what I’ve said, if I were to show the separation of Cloud and Tifa, I feel like my portrayal likely won’t be satisfactory for fans, because Tifa would have to endure the strain of being stuck between Cloud and Barret. Even though she can sympathize with Barret, who considers things from a “globalism” perspective, it’s possible that she can’t just let the more self-focused Cloud go.

    • 8 months ago

      That Cloud keeps friendzoning Tifa is something we knew already.

  63. 8 months ago

    At this point the big surprise would be if they actually kill her again instead of going off the rails

  64. 8 months ago

    I'm kinda mixed in how this shit will go, sometimes i think they will go full moronic with the zack plotline and he will fricking ruin the whole game.
    But sometimes i feel like it will just be a side thing that will work for his fanboys.

  65. 8 months ago
  66. 8 months ago

    The most obvious answer is that Sephiroth is still alive in the lifestream and either went back in time or traveled to a parallel world to do things over. And that the remake series is a sequel to Advent Children which is why the say it will connect to advent children, Sephiroth literally says "I WILL NEVER BE A MEMORY" i.e. "you can't rid of me that easily you homosexual"

    • 8 months ago

      >went back in time
      No one ever goes "back in time" in FFVIIR.

      • 8 months ago

        To be fair, sephiroth sending his memories through the lifestream is kinda fine for me because the lifestream was always memories. But timelines? timelines? lol

        • 8 months ago

          >To be fair, sephiroth sending his memories through the lifestream is kinda fine for me because the lifestream was always memories. But timelines? timelines? lol
          This whole timeline bullshit will end with aerith living but in another timeline with Zack, screecap this.
          But will lessen her death anyway.

        • 8 months ago

          The lifestream has been always stated to be timeline shit. At the very least I remember reading about it when I had the collectors edition of AC in like 2006 with the books that came with it.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah this was more explicit in AC, but even in the OG game it was implicit that Lifestream was memories, not just souls. This is why i'm kinda fine with remake's concept of what sephiroth is doing, what i dont dislike is how they are having Zack there because it's clearly just for fanservice.

            • 8 months ago

              >what i dont dislike i
              what i dislike*

            • 8 months ago

              "Sephiroth (and Aerith?) already read the script" would be enough of a to rewrite the game around on its own but they're going way further than that

              • 8 months ago

                It's more like she's doing a bridge with a version of her that knows things, but constantly loses it and forgets.

        • 8 months ago

          That would be a good argument... if the game stuck with these plot points. You're ignoring that the things introduced have a much greater impact on the story than, say, Leon kissing Ada on the monorail, for example.
          Time travel is never “minor” to a story, it always ruins things if not done carefully, and the things introduced by FF7R are highly impactful to the story.
          What if Aerith doesn't die in the next game? Zack is still alive, so “Zack dying from being shot” is no longer a plot point.

          There is no timetravel in FFVIIR. Unless you mean to imply that Sephiroth went in time because he felt offended by the Stamp artist and killed him and thus they needed to hire a different one. Is that what you are implying?

          • 8 months ago

            This one seems odd to me. When was Stamp created? How does Zack surviving change Stamp's design? Does the timeline fork happen before he fights the Shinra army?

            • 8 months ago

              >How does Zack surviving change Stamp's design?
              Nothing. Remake showed all sorts of random differences compared to the OG. Many of these seem to occur naturally because those are infact different people who lived different lives compared to their OG counterparts. Likewise the Zack that Remake Cloud and Remake Aerith knew is, infact, dead. The Zack we saw being alive is a different person, a stranger to Remake Cloud and Remake Aerith.

          • 8 months ago

            >There is no timetravel in FFVIIR
            Then why there are tons of people calling this game a "Sequel"?

          • 8 months ago

            This one seems odd to me. When was Stamp created? How does Zack surviving change Stamp's design? Does the timeline fork happen before he fights the Shinra army?

            This is the type of shit that's hard to know if should be taken seriously or it's just hints they throw to say "pay attention, it's not the same world".

            • 8 months ago

              My guess is that there's actually gonna be a twist where it turns out that, no, Zack's survival ISN'T where things started going off the rails for his timeline, and something went crazy wrong way before then. The time janny bullshit goes way further back for him.

          • 8 months ago

            Why does everything nowadays need to be a Multiverse?
            Frick Marvel...

            • 8 months ago

              Capeshit ruining stories is not something new.

            • 8 months ago

              I unironically don't get this distaste for multiverses "because of Marvel" because I was smart enough to not watch any Marvel or DC shit since at least 15 years ago or so.

              • 8 months ago

                NDA, but I believe it because nothing else has stakes anymore. If the heroes fail, it's only a single universe out of billions that gets destroyed, and a single version of the character you like dies, so you can always bring them in from another Universe because there are trillions of them out there. It also feels lazy, because you're not limited by what canon dictates.

              • 8 months ago

                That's a dumb take because it just treats the different versions like they are interchangeable. They are not.
                It's like saying Gabe and Yulaw are interchangeable. They aren't. And that's the thing both with twins and parallel-world-selves. It's especially when they ARE very similar to one another that the small tiny differences stand out all the more and can have a massive impact where someone things they are reunited with their lover but it turns out that they are a totally different person from the one they knew.
                That's something that can happen in the Remake trilogy as well. If Remake Aerith and alternative Zack meet, they might have some drama from the fact that they are not each other's actual lovers but rather just doppelgängers of people who are already dead.

              • 8 months ago

                ding ding ding.

                >Also, didn't he say the jannies are gone too?
                Like, do you think the jannies would just disappear like that? dude they werent even explained yet, the party have no idea of what happened at the end of the game.
                This shit will be explained in places like Cosmo Canyon with Bugenhagen. If people want them never being touched again they want massive plot holes. And sephiroth fricking absorbed them.

                >dude they werent even explained yet
                you too. stop posting. this is ignorance

              • 8 months ago

                No, the proof of that is how no one cares if there is an OG dead Zack in our party's timeline. Because they are seeing another one running around so the yare hyped anyway because they will play with Zack 2. No one cares about the one that died.
                This is just a small example of how timeline plots frick with the concept of loss.

              • 8 months ago

                You're missing his point. Entirely. I'm sorry, but if you don't think that a conversation where Zack develops to be a different kind of himself, and Aerith has to process it's not really him? That would sting.

              • 8 months ago

                No, because him being alive already bothers me a lot because it removes the whole foundation of what sets up some core events of FF7. I dont care about what fanfiction world Zack would think about aerith dying or not.

              • 8 months ago

                >No, the proof of that is how no one cares if there is an OG dead Zack in our party's timeline. Because they are seeing another one running around so the yare hyped anyway because they will play with Zack 2. No one cares about the one that died.
                >This is just a small example of how timeline plots frick with the concept of loss.
                This so fricking much, fanboys dont really care if it is Zack 2 or Zack 65, they see him and want to play with him because he's the same as the original one. It doesnt matter, and when you make people play with him this removes the impact of loss even more.

                The loss of aerith was big because she doesnt just vanished from the narrative, but also from the gameplay.

              • 8 months ago

                >the proof of that is how no one cares if there is an OG dead Zack in our party's timeline
                What """proof"""?
                >Because they are seeing another one running around so the yare hyped anyway because they will play with Zack 2
                Ah, so now all of a sudden we care about what morons without braincells think? And that they dictate what the correct interpretation is? Your ilk likes to change their tune whenever it's convenient.

              • 8 months ago

                It's not about what idiots think, dude. It's just basic storytelling, if you want death to have meaning or weight, you wont have another version of a character running around and that you can play every 4 hours. It's just basic narrative structure. Even more when this Zack is just the same. The same, because he's just a continuation from the point he died.

              • 8 months ago

                >Even more when this Zack is just the same. The same, because he's just a continuation from the point he died.

              • 8 months ago

                Like. Nta but the guys is the fricking same character, the only difference is how he didnt get nuked by soldiers. Or are you already making fanfics where in that world his name is Zack Strife?

              • 8 months ago

                He's doing gymnastics to pretend this Zack isnt just a substitute to the OG one and how he removes the impact of the original death. "nah dude this zack is totally different"

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, nobody has any fricking clue. Is it more likely it's just a continuation? Sure. We have no real conclusions here as to how this Zack could be different.
                At this point there is a major suggestion some people are living entirely different lives, such as Jesse at the gold saucer, but we have no idea yet. It means the writers hopefully have at least had to think how this would be handled.

              • 8 months ago

                I will be honest, you know the answer of this, of jesse we dont know, but about Zack we do, his scenario is just a "what if" route, nothing about his personality changed. That game side will just be a treat for his fans that want a world where he lived.

              • 8 months ago

                I genuinely believe Zack is going to be the lens of the impact of the Reunion on the other timeline.
                Everything is merging anyways, so who gives a shit, that's why they killed the cast in Zacks timeline so memory merging is less hard to write around

              • 8 months ago

                To be honest i dislike just absolutely everything of this, everything. It just feels like an excuse to make him playable, and will become even worse when something like body hopping between worlds starts happening. Because you know it will happen.

              • 8 months ago

                I honestly don't really care how you feel, man. I'm not your narrative therapist. Cope or frick off.

              • 8 months ago

                Dont worry, ant man will find a way to make Zack save aerith in part 3. You will end up happy anyway.

              • 8 months ago

                >Dont worry, ant man will find a way to make Zack save aerith in part 3. You will end up happy anyway.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, I will be, at least I won't be the one unable to pull themselves away from the discourse and waste your life thinking about shit you can't control. Sounds like this isn't for you. Exit.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh boy, that's where you're wrong. You are already seeing people really mad and they havent even changed shit, just wait until they start making fanfic world zack in the story even more, that's when you'll see even the casuals mad. I wont even be a problem.

              • 8 months ago

                The frick do you mean i'm wrong? I already said that here:

                The fact that so many people here have no fricking idea what is going on, and that so many of you have such confidence in what you "remembered" does to show that this game is going to result in an absolutely fricking major meltdown.
                Case and point with this absolute mouthbreather.

                > There are no motives to have parallel worlds.
                I hate dumbasses like you so much. It's like we forgot he couldn't act in a meaningful capacity due to the jannies. Frick me man.

              • 8 months ago

                >Oh boy, that's where you're wrong. You are already seeing people really mad and they havent even changed shit, just wait until they start making fanfic world zack in the story even more, that's when you'll see even the casuals mad. I wont even be a problem.
                This is something people have no idea of how bad it will be if they put Zack in places like Temple of the Ancients.
                At this point the hate is more related to fear of how they can frick it up, but when it happens...

              • 8 months ago

                Even the 35 year old japanese guy who just played the og in 1997 and doesnt even engages in online discourse will get mad.

              • 8 months ago

                they already were pissed at remake

                ...but...according to interviews, one of the reasons for the changes was to appeal to new players...

                Do you not engage in much multi part media at all?

              • 8 months ago

                I do think that just based in historical influence, her death needs to happen. It is the main symbol of FF7, one of the reasons why people want the game remade.
                The worst scenario possible is them fricking that scene up.

              • 8 months ago

                >This is something people have no idea of how bad it will be if they put Zack in places like Temple of the Ancients.
                >At this point the hate is more related to fear of how they can frick it up, but when it happens...

                >Even the 35 year old japanese guy who just played the og in 1997 and doesnt even engages in online discourse will get mad.

                There are some scenes in which you just cant frick it up in this project. And putting Zack in that scene like he's a kh character in a disney movie shouldnt happen.

              • 8 months ago

                >Dont worry, ant man will find a way to make Zack save aerith in part 3. You will end up happy anyway.
                The plot wouldnt be that much worse than CC so they will eat it up.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, nobody has any fricking clue. Is it more likely it's just a continuation? Sure. We have no real conclusions here as to how this Zack could be different.
                At this point there is a major suggestion some people are living entirely different lives, such as Jesse at the gold saucer, but we have no idea yet. It means the writers hopefully have at least had to think how this would be handled.

                How about the fact that he... you know, actually won the fight? The whispers were already there and would have ensured that he'd die like Remake Zack or OG Zack, but unlike them (or at least unlike OG Zack) he actually survived on his own merits because the whispers got taken out of the picture before they could force his death through. Likewise hooded Cloud is pretty different from Remake/OG Cloud, as those ended up being able to start moving again eventually even before Zack might (CC) or might not have (OG) given his MUH LEGACY speech and after that wandered all the way into Midgar on his own while being somewhat more conscious than previously.
                Meanwhile Zack-lives Cloud ends up being a half-assed black-hood guy in the end taking the place of Marco from FFVIIR from what we have seen.

              • 8 months ago

                Are you really saying this is a totally different zack from the one we know just because he won this time, are you joking?

              • 8 months ago

                No, you were the one saying that they were "exactly the same" instead.

              • 8 months ago

                Well, there were just straight up "less" soliders there. Everything about the scene was 1:1 except for solider count.

                Are you really saying this is a totally different zack from the one we know just because he won this time, are you joking?

                I mean, it's at least respectably plausible aside from your whinging.

              • 8 months ago

                >if you want death to have meaning or weight, you wont have another version of a character running around
                What? Someone who "died" had a DIFFERENT VERSION of themselves end up being alive at one point in the story? OG FFVII and all its deaths including Aerith RUINED! She "lived on" as a totally-not-force-ghost anyway!

              • 8 months ago

                Nta but are you serious, are you using a robot that died and aerith in the lifestream as a ghost as comparison
                She still died dude, she never had a complete life or had kids. Her death still had weight

              • 8 months ago

                >Nta but are you serious, are you using a robot that died and aerith in the lifestream as a ghost as comparison
                >She still died dude, she never had a complete life or had kids. Her death still had weigh
                People really think that aerith in the lifestream as master yoda was a happy ending for her and she didnt have regrets or not having a complete life.

              • 8 months ago

                well, she never I think expressed sadness in the books. I know that in one of the books she is constantly trying to time when to make herself known, or when to try and "return", but it's never outright clear. I think she knew her work wasn't done.

              • 8 months ago

                >well, she never I think expressed sadness in the books. I know that in one of the books she is constantly trying to time when to make herself known, or when to try and "return", but it's never outright clear. I think she knew her work wasn't done.
                Because she's that type of character who wont keep lamenting, she has a role, but there is no world where aerith having her life cut short was the good ending for her.

                If you're talking about books, i can use them as example. She talks about how she wants to have kits in traces of two pasts, clearly a character that wants to die.

              • 8 months ago

                >No, the proof of that is how no one cares if there is an OG dead Zack in our party's timeline. Because they are seeing another one running around so the yare hyped anyway because they will play with Zack 2. No one cares about the one that died.
                >This is just a small example of how timeline plots frick with the concept of loss.
                Yep. I'm already seeing people in social media doing shit like "I WANT HIM TO SEE AERITH"
                Because he's the same, no one care if he's the og or not. He is there so they care about him just as much, they wont be bothered if our aerith stays with zack from other timelines.

              • 8 months ago

                I think only autistic people can think things like "if there are other versions of the character how can I care about any of them"

              • 8 months ago

                It's basically this:
                >You should like this character because he's the character you liked, but he's not really the character you like, so why do you like him? Because they are the characters you liked, but are not!
                Holy circular logic, Batman!

              • 8 months ago

                Unironically how I feel about Remake Cloud. Not my Cloud.

  67. 8 months ago

    Objectively speaking, the best parts of the OG were the Midgar intro, the Nibelheim flashback and Cloud’s schizo sessions.

  68. 8 months ago

    Just play the original you dumb ass homosexuals. I got a few friends that are like this. They say that FF7 graphics are "too old" and they can't play it. They were forced to wait for the remake. Good lord. Even if they did a 1:1 story remake, you guys would just call it soulless anyway and it sucks dick compared to the OG discs. Hopefully Cloud has sex with Jessie, Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie, but I don't know if SE and Nomura can write good power fantasy fanfiction

    • 8 months ago

      Now it isnt just seeing something different huh? now we wouldnt like it anyway. Nice to see the argument change in real time.

  69. 8 months ago

    For the FF7 tourist, this is a novel written by Nojima. It's important, read it. It will give you context of Sephiroth's motivations and his and Aerith's experience in the lifestream. It leads up to Advent Children.


  70. 8 months ago

    Is the “don’t level Aerith” meme no longer relevant?

  71. 8 months ago

    Cloud is the one who will die

    • 8 months ago

      cloud dying in a random timeline doesn't matter

    • 8 months ago

      They won't kill the MC. Square has no balls.

      • 8 months ago

        cloud dying in a random timeline doesn't matter

        Then they'll just find a timeline where Cloud's alive 🙂

        There are already 2 Clouds because of the one from the Zack timeline. So Cloud dying has no stakes, which is why he is the one who will die.
        They'll just port his consciousness from the lifestream into the coma Cloud Zack has as the remake version of the Mideel scene in the OG

        • 8 months ago

          Unironically bet money on this. I can see our Cloud dying and the lifestream scene wont just be taking fixing his memories, but also binding his soul in another body.

          Nojima, nomura and kitase all say that the lifestream scene is the part of ff7 that impressed them the most.

    • 8 months ago

      Then they'll just find a timeline where Cloud's alive 🙂

  72. 8 months ago

    I just want a cutscene with zack appearing and then the camera moving behind him while you hear

  73. 8 months ago

    Tifa is going to die in her place
    And then EVERYONE WILL KNOW that it was better for Aerith to die instead.

  74. 8 months ago

    she has to die, aeris simply cannot not die. my bet is on cloud killing her somehow, that's probably the big surprise.

  75. 8 months ago

    No shit, moron. Did any of you gays even play 7R? It was obvious. You could deduce that this would not happen just by playing the original game and knowing that Aerith's death is what causes Sephiroth's demise in the first place. Why would a prescient Sephiroth even touch her?

    • 8 months ago

      Well, to be fair it's hard to argue Aerith really did anything.

      The very closing seconds of the game seem to imply she was the force behind the lifestream fighting against Meteor, but it's hard to say.

      Her being enabled to perform holy maybe was enough with the lifestream, but it's hard to say the lifestream wouldn't have been enough on its own.

  76. 8 months ago

    I love my wife (alive)

  77. 8 months ago

    >sephiroth goes "alas i have seen the errors of my ways and no longer wish to impale this woman with my ridiculously long sword"
    >the time jannies are resurrected by sheer force of will to stab earisth
    >sephiroth, cloud and zack join forces to stop the time jannies

    • 8 months ago

      The final boss of the trilogy will 100% be Sephiroth and Cloud (and probably Zack) vs. Jenova (and maybe Minerva/Gackt?) and I'm fine with that. Maybe it says something about me, but after we breach the point where we're obviously not getting a shot-for-shot remake, I figure we might as well just see where they go with it.

  78. 8 months ago

    Another thing for most of you to cope with, is that Sephiroth is ultimately a major, major fricking victim.

    Everyone is to insane to think he is not getting entirely redeemed and be a playable character past Nibelheim.

    • 8 months ago

      If that happens... we have no Villain.
      You think Hojo can hold that torch!?

      • 8 months ago

        I am embarrassed to share a thread with you. Jenova's influence is the PRIMARY antagonistic force, and always has been. It is literally the source of the entire conflict. The Solider program, jenova cells, project G, S.
        Frick me man.

        • 8 months ago

          >I am embarrassed to share a thread with you. Jenova's influence is the PRIMARY antagonistic force, and always has been. It is literally the source of the entire conflict. The Solider program, jenova cells, project G, S.
          jenova is a force of nature but FF7's main villain is definitelly hojo, if we exclude sephiroth as a product of him. Hojo is like Vough from The boys, while Sephiroth is Homelander.

    • 8 months ago

      Victim of what? The sperging out at Nibelheim is all on him

    • 8 months ago

      Eh to a degree but ending the world isn’t a reasonable response for having a shitty life. You can be a victim but still be “the bad guy” if you’re inflicting 1,000x more harm to the world than you received. That’s like saying school shooters or terrorists aren’t the bad guys like some moronic psued.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't say his reasons were just. You can be a victim and still be wrong in how you lash out against your circumstances.

        But I played the game. Just because Hojo manipulated him and he built a god complex, slaughtering a village or murdering Aerith aren’t excused

        Yeah imagine if that was "only" what Hojo did. Epic speedcomprehension.

        >Doubly embarrassed now. She is ENTIRELY sentient, and knows how to use the great cosmic lifestream to hunt and find other planets.
        She is a parasite, like The Thing, she consumes, of all the evil beings and threats in FF7 she's the most animalistic and just a side element in the grand scale of things.

        You are confused. She is a sentient force. She can be parasitic at the same time.

        • 8 months ago

          >You are confused. She is a sentient force. She can be parasitic at the same time.
          Like, sure. But no fricking one says that jenova is the main villain of FF7, even Hojo would probably be a bigger example that people use because the WHOLE STORY happens around what he does with his experiments.

          • 8 months ago

            >Like, sure. But no fricking one says that jenova is the main villain of FF7
            You are clearly new to FF7 discourse. Do not be a historical revisionist.

            Fine i'll do it myself

            Asked about the meaning of "rebirth," FFVII Rebirth director Hamaguchi says the word doesn't specifically describe the game's content. He explains it has more to do with the nature of the project: whereas Part 1 "remade" the game, this time it's been "reborn." (sanook, 10/21/23)


            I'm embarrassed for your capability of reading. The translation here is actually very sly - they use very noncommital intonations in the source - which is why he says "doesn't specifically" describe the games content. The translated source he actually says "only" - him also saying it has "more" to to do with the nature of the project means that Remake was chosen first to communicate it's not just a remaster, but there are also other symbolical meanings to the name. Which Nomura has confirmed 4-5 times over the past 3 years now.

            Again, it's okay if you're confused, but don't pretend you understand things.

            • 8 months ago

              Great argument, except you mentioned an specific interview from two days ago

              Sorry man, stop mispreading info

        • 8 months ago

          If that defines what a victim is then everyone is a victim and the idea is completely meaningless.

          • 8 months ago

            What? Do you think before your type the shit that you do?
            Please expand on this. I need a laugh.

  79. 8 months ago

    So what's going on in Zack's timeline? I heard that Tifa and Barret are dead? What about Aerith?

  80. 8 months ago

    i don't know why people are so threatened by zack, he's an important part of cloud's story. he was brought back to further develop cloud's story, that's his whole purpose, just like every single other character. it's all about cloud and serving his narrative.

    • 8 months ago

      >i don't know why people are so threatened by zack, he's an important part of cloud's story. he was brought back to further develop cloud's story, that's his whole purpose, just like every single other character. it's all about cloud and serving his narrative.
      No, dude, i dont want a character that died coming back, the best part of ff7 is how these deaths are fundamental. You might like Zack but you know that many people wont eat this. Back to the future is not what FF7 is about.

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like Cloud's story of becoming a hero works less well if the guy who is already the typical hero is already there and around.

      • 8 months ago

        But he's a contrast to Cloud, as I think we might see the different takes of how Remake Cloud and his group handle things compared to how Zack and whoever he would possibly journey with (seeing how Barret and the others seem to be dead or at least long-term out-of-commission for a while) would handle things.

        • 8 months ago

          I was accounting for stuff like Zack hypothetically taking over for Cid in the sequence where Cloud is out of commission whether it's because he dies at the end of this one or they play it straight and he just goes the same route as the OG
          If Zack is just there being the perfect leader hero guy then Cloud's absence gets felt a lot less and how are the party members going to react for instance? Will they just discover reasons to not be ok with Zack?

          • 8 months ago

            >I was accounting for stuff like Zack hypothetically taking over for Cid in the sequence where Cloud is out of commission whether it's because he dies at the end of this one or they play it straight and he just goes the same route as the OG
            >If Zack is just there being the perfect leader hero guy then Cloud's absence gets felt a lot less and how are the party members going to react for instance? Will they just discover reasons to not be ok with Zack?
            I want to kill myself. I feel like this was probably writen in fanfics 20 years ago.

            • 8 months ago

              Just wait when he appears in the temple of the ancients when sephiroth is going to kill aerith. And the it will become a romantic scene between them. <3

              • 8 months ago

                >Just wait when he appears in the temple of the ancients when sephiroth is going to kill aerith. And the it will become a romantic scene between them. <3
                My biggest fear is how there are high chances of that happening.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah, if cloud and zack ever reunited cloud would just have a quick breakdown then be OK with stepping back and being a helper to the real thing and not being the MC anymore

  81. 8 months ago
  82. 8 months ago

    They're still going to kill Aerith. The "big surprise" is them killing a second character right after.

    • 8 months ago

      Nice thumbnail

    • 8 months ago

      >Ant screenshot.

  83. 8 months ago

    I mean if there is a 3rd game they cant go too much further than gold saucer really...definitely before the crater, but would love to see wheelchair cloud

  84. 8 months ago

    Do you really think a post Advent Children Cloud wouldn't find out what Sephiroth was doing and that Aerith, alone, tried to stop him? You think he'd just be ok with that, carrying on with his boring ass life as a delivery guy? Motherfricker is hopping on Fenrir and going straight to Bugenhagen for answers.

    • 8 months ago

      I mean you have all of Dirge to realize he didn't do shit, and the Omega incident seemed much more pressing.

      Great argument, except you mentioned an specific interview from two days ago

      Sorry man, stop mispreading info

      What are you talking about? My two sources are at least years old. The linked twitter example is your own source which I had already seen and it has done nothing to steer 99% of people away from the acceptance that Remake is a dual meaning. It doesn't even use language to suggest it is a binary outcome. They have been clear to suggest the name has multiple meanings, even in your most recent example.

      If you're ESL, again, that's fine, but you are drawing poor quality, incomplete conclusions.

      • 8 months ago

        What does it say here?

        If i'm not wrong the fricking director said 2 days ago how the word "remake" wasnt related to what the project is, but how the narrative is happening.

        So even them know it is a sequel, dude.

        • 8 months ago

          What, that moron that got it reversed? He's also wrong because it's not binary. It doesn't specifically describe the games content, and is more related to the project?
          It is both. Simple as.
          He argued one falsehood, and then you, like a moron stated he said the exact opposite, which is not reality here.

          He said the entire contrary, are You stupid?

          I then called you confused. I hope you enjoyed the play by play.

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              This is an anonymous image basket weaving board, and you said something equally moronic. Glad to see your concession, shit-for-brains.

              The final cutscene is very obviously far enough in the future that no party member would be alive at that point besides Nanaki. That amount of growth over Midgar would take over a century.

              If by "everyone" you mean the party? Sure. You should use better wording then.

              He's talking about the fact that the epilogue takes place like 300 years so everyone died of all age lol

              Yeah, he's just an ESL.

              They are still in. In a pretty recent interview, Hamaguchi said the jannies are in.
              I know. But the Dood trying so hard to gaslight his viewers saying the jannies are done is pretty hilarious.

              "We can expect to see if there are any further developments for the whispers" - this can include the fact that they will be stated to no longer be in play. More misinfo from illiterates.

              • 8 months ago

                "while not explicitly stated"
                Crazy how people read shit and make up fantasies.
                "THEY ARE BACK DOOD IS GASLIGHTING", sad.
                One reporter makes a guess and all of you morons lose your minds.

              • 8 months ago

                >"We can expect to see if there are any further developments for the whispers" - this can include the fact that they will be stated to no longer be in play. More misinfo from illiterates.
                He says they will appear in the very next sentence.

              • 8 months ago

                Again, motherfricker. This does not mean they appear in the present, causing influences. They can be mention in "passing", and be mentioned there.
                Frick me.

              • 8 months ago

                >saying they appear does not mean they will appear, maybe it means they will only be mentioned

              • 8 months ago

                You too, dumbasses.

                Literally the next fricking line, "Not only they will appear" You Max Dood fangays are genuinely blind and moronic.

                Even if they are back as well, they sure as shit will not be working for the planet in the capacity that caused you all to seethe.

                >saying they appear does not mean they will appear, maybe it means they will only be mentioned

                correct, c**t.

              • 8 months ago

                >"Not only appear"
                >t-they'll totally not going to appear g-guys! The jannies being all over Sephiroth in their marketing is a sham! I-I'm totallly not coping!

              • 8 months ago

                I mean I wouldn't mind if Sephiroth controlled them, but people are absolutely fricking moronic if they think they are coming back in their original capacity.

              • 8 months ago

                The time jannies are just basically WEAPONS

              • 8 months ago

                I don't know if you're shitposting, but the "huge" red materia in each of the weapons disagrees. They are fundamentally different. Sure they served the same master, but yeah.

              • 8 months ago

                >"huge" red materia in each of the weapons disagrees.
                Not that guy, but what the frick?! I just noticed this. Always thought the crystal are just there for aesthetics.

              • 8 months ago

                Nope. There's a shit tonne of evidence too linking them directly to Minerva, sorry i'm not autistic enough to link my source, but yeah. They are summons.

              • 8 months ago

                No yeah, they're not exactly the same but they both serve the planet. Also I don't know about any of you guys but if any of you are fans of fate or any of those series then you will know that it definitely took some inspiration from FF7. And then I guess Kitase or Nojima(because Nomura is a movie buff rather than game or VN) were in turn inspired because the whispers of fate are basically the quantum timelocks.

              • 8 months ago

                theories point to the whispers/arbiters being the spirits of those infected by Jenova and trying to maintain the OG timeline because they only exist due to Meteor and Holy clashing causing Jenova cells to be propagated throughout the world
                it's why Meteorfall is a contentious point in time and the defeat of the whispers/arbiters coincides with Meteor completely vanishing near the end of Remake

              • 8 months ago

                These outcomes are not mutually exclusive. I am saying that both can happen - I am saying them stating they appear could mean that it could only be an a past tense, or is it outright confirmation they exclusively appear impacting the narrative further.
                You slobs continue to embarrass yourselves.

              • 8 months ago

                "while not explicitly stated"
                Crazy how people read shit and make up fantasies.
                "THEY ARE BACK DOOD IS GASLIGHTING", sad.
                One reporter makes a guess and all of you morons lose your minds.

                Literally the next fricking line, "Not only they will appear" You Max Dood fangays are genuinely blind and moronic.

  85. 8 months ago

    They already fricked the timeline to oblivion, might as well have some fun with it now. I hope part 2 and especially part 3 are nothing like OG FF7

  86. 8 months ago

    Multiverse storytelling blows. You cease to care about people when they die because they're just alive in another universe. Pure shit for the pseudo intellectual having a mental masturbation session. But oh! We've found the fix! Lets make it about ending ALL multiverses. Frick off.

    • 8 months ago

      >Multiverse storytelling blows. You cease to care about people when they die because they're just alive in another universe. Pure shit for the pseudo intellectual having a mental masturbation session. But oh! We've found the fix! Lets make it about ending ALL multiverses. Frick off.
      In a game like FF7, extremely focused in death and the impact of it, i cant imagine why the frick you would bring a character like Zack back. Really, why.

      That's probably the last game in which something like that should happen.

      • 8 months ago

        It is just for fanservice, i'm not even joking. They could easily have the story work without him. But they are banking on him even if it hurts the game's themes.

      • 8 months ago

        Zacks death is what implants Clouds personality. Sephiroth is clearly intending to frick with that and set off a different chain of events.

        • 8 months ago

          Sure, but there are many ways in which something like that can happen, dude. Sephiroth himself has so much info in which he can frick the party with.

          There are 0 reasons for him to do anything like he did in the og game. 0
          This is enough power for the whole story be changes. The Zack plot is just for CC gays that dont care about cohesive stories.

          • 8 months ago

            >Sure, but there are many ways in which something like that can happen, dude. Sephiroth himself has so much info in which he can frick the party with.
            >There are 0 reasons for him to do anything like he did in the og game. 0
            >This is enough power for the whole story be changes. The Zack plot is just for CC gays that dont care about cohesive stories.
            Sometimes people dont realize how much shit is changing based on the pure fact of sephiroth knowing what happens in OG 7.

            • 8 months ago

              Countered by the fact that Aerith likewise does, and to a lesser extent so does Cloud.

              • 8 months ago

                Do you really think Aerith and Sephiroth are on the same level of knowledge? lol
                She constantly says how she's forgetting shit, dude. At the end of the game she just has vibes and feelings of doubt.

          • 8 months ago

            Just the fact he knows Tifa is the one who fixes Cloud's mind is a lot. He can change his plans completely to make her get away from him or even die. There are no motives to have parallel worlds.

            • 8 months ago

              The fact that so many people here have no fricking idea what is going on, and that so many of you have such confidence in what you "remembered" does to show that this game is going to result in an absolutely fricking major meltdown.
              Case and point with this absolute mouthbreather.

              > There are no motives to have parallel worlds.
              I hate dumbasses like you so much. It's like we forgot he couldn't act in a meaningful capacity due to the jannies. Frick me man.

              • 8 months ago

                Just be honest and admit you're a cc fanboy so you dont care about the original story because you want to see Zack. At least saves us from this disingenuous arguments.

              • 8 months ago

                You ready for some truth?
                I've never played a minute of CC, and watched the cutscenes on youtube because I don't respect the gameplay, or most of the direction
                I value the originals story, they set the entire premise up of this sequel with the books in the early 2000's, and i'm glad they are following through.

            • 8 months ago

              These are the parts i like about remake, how it picks the OG themes and enhance them. We can see how he's fricking with Tifa and Cloud's relationship a lot more because she doesnt know if her memories are true.

              Not having a motherfricker be revived in another world.

              • 8 months ago

                >These are the parts i like about remake, how it picks the OG themes and enhance them. We can see how he's fricking with Tifa and Cloud's relationship a lot more because she doesnt know if her memories are true.
                >Not having a motherfricker be revived in another world.
                Most people also do, no one got bothered about learning more about Jessie or Avalanche. But when you start seeing them mess with core elements and events like the whole Zack plot, of course people got mad.

            • 8 months ago

              It's almost like he could just gaslight Cloud about if Tifa is alive or real. Weird.
              If you read supplemental cringe as shit material, you would realize Sephiroth is representing a dying universe at the edge of creation. He wants to break out of that fate. He is trying to merge Clouds universe of life/birth into his dying one.

          • 8 months ago

            They will obviously want the story to be roughly the same except with some "ooh this is different" moments. They still need nostalgia shit like the silly marching game in Junon etc. So it's probably going to be "Sephiroth leads the party on the same steps as the original because he needs to replicate most of the original timeline" until like the last 20% of the third remake.

  87. 8 months ago

    SOLDIER is just so pointless. So as of Remake, which is just Midgar, here's where everyone seems to stand:

    >Super Duper 1st Class: Sephiroth, Genesis (I dunno), Angeal (dead), Weiss
    >Super 1st Class: Cloud (not actually SOLDIER), Zack (dead)
    >1st Class: They haven't shown up yet but in the original game they were just random mooks.
    >2nd Class: See 1st Class.
    >Super Duper 3rd Class: Roche (apparently he's good enough to advance the ranks, it's just that he's too moronic)
    >3rd Class: Mooks.

    Nothing below Zack and Cloud actually matter. They're all worthless. Zack probably qualifies for Super Duper 1st Class since he can probably take Weiss and Angeal.

  88. 8 months ago

    Anyone who expects the "big surprise" to be anything except "Zack saves her, and they push the Aerith/Zack pairing" is moronic.

  89. 8 months ago

    Does this surprise anyone? The second it became clear that they were changing thing and this wasn't a remake, I was positive they were going to save her

  90. 8 months ago

    Can’t see what purpose tifa dying will have compared to the meaningful death of Arerith rather than shock value

  91. 8 months ago

    No kidding, she'll die in the 3rd installment

  92. 8 months ago

    Frick nomura and frick kingdom hearts
    But most importantly frick Kingdom Hearts fanboys

  93. 8 months ago

    They will have their happy ending

    • 8 months ago

      I dislike this, because Zack/Aerith didn't exist at all in the original game. They dated for 2 weeks when she was 15, and she barely thought about him since, she's hardly even messed up finding out he died. The ship only exists because Cloud/Tifa was canon, so they blew up the Aerith/Zack thing through the garbage compilations.

      Having it now backwards ported into the main canon just feels wrong and stupid.

      And, Christ, if I hear one more moron explain that "Um, Aerith only loved Cloud because he was acting like Zack... even though Cloud wasn't acting like Zack at all" I'm going to be mildly irritated.

      • 8 months ago

        >It didnt exist in the ORIGINAL game
        >No, those 10 different officially made games and movies dont count because il be irritated

      • 8 months ago

        She literally says he is her first boyfriend in the original.
        You useless fricking misrememberer's are a PLAGUE.

  94. 8 months ago

    Zack MUST have stayed dead. You can do whatever but don't change anything about Zack, they only had one fricking job.

  95. 8 months ago

    Nah, she's still going to die. Now that we have an alternate timeline going where Zack lived, we're going to end up playing in both timelines until they eventually converge on the point where she originally died. Some timespace mumbo jumbo will happen causing Aerith Prime and alternate Aerith to become aware of one another, they'll realize that some fates are inescapable and necessary even though fate no longer exists, she'll still end up dying because it needs to happen, the timelines will converge so now Zack will join the party.

  96. 8 months ago

    We’ve known that since the first one released, this isn’t actually a remake remember?

  97. 8 months ago
  98. 8 months ago

    I mean, they revived Zack. If you didn't see this coming, you're a moron, but, you could blame Max Dood for making shit up. Also, didn't he say the jannies are gone too? Lol, lmao. "Hamaguchi is the "main" director guys, the story will be less "Nomurian"". Kek. What a cope. Also, Hamaguchi is literally the one suggested to Nomura to include a Sephiroth fight at the end of Midgar. At the end of MIDGAR. We could've had the kino ending where the gang finished of Motorball and watched the sunrise like in the marketing picture. But no, have to fight a Sephiroth and a collective amalgamation of the jannies for some reason.

    • 8 months ago

      The Jannies should be gone. If they are operating in any capacity, it is working under Sephiroth now, and no longer the planet.

      • 8 months ago

        They are still in. In a pretty recent interview, Hamaguchi said the jannies are in.

        >Also, didn't he say the jannies are gone too?
        Like, do you think the jannies would just disappear like that? dude they werent even explained yet, the party have no idea of what happened at the end of the game.
        This shit will be explained in places like Cosmo Canyon with Bugenhagen. If people want them never being touched again they want massive plot holes. And sephiroth fricking absorbed them.

        I know. But the Dood trying so hard to gaslight his viewers saying the jannies are done is pretty hilarious.

        • 8 months ago

          >I know. But the Dood trying so hard to gaslight his viewers saying the jannies are done is pretty hilarious.
          I do think his point is more about how they wont be flying after our party to stop events from changing. They will be more like another source of power that sephiroth uses, they modus operandi of Remake is gone.

    • 8 months ago

      >for some reason
      I swear you just regurgitate shit you heard years ago.

    • 8 months ago

      >Also, didn't he say the jannies are gone too?
      Like, do you think the jannies would just disappear like that? dude they werent even explained yet, the party have no idea of what happened at the end of the game.
      This shit will be explained in places like Cosmo Canyon with Bugenhagen. If people want them never being touched again they want massive plot holes. And sephiroth fricking absorbed them.

  99. 8 months ago

    Zack jumps in out of no where and dies in her place.

    • 8 months ago

      so far we have heard
      >Cloud is mortally wounded instead
      >Tifa dies instead
      >Zack dies instead
      >Aertih dies anyways
      >Genesis shows up and Aerith turns into Minerva
      Wow it's like nobody has any clue what's going to happen

  100. 8 months ago

    My money is that she and Zack are both from the same alternate timeline. She doesn't die, they just leave.

  101. 8 months ago

    >depending on your choices over the games it's either Tifa or Aerith who dies, depending on which one has less affection with Cloud

    It would solve all the problems.

  102. 8 months ago

    its aeris you moron. I dont give a frick about what some bullshit english localizer working for a third party guide wrote. Its Aeris in the actual game - both english and japanese.

  103. 8 months ago

    Pick your poison

    >Tifa dies
    >Aerith still dies, but another timeline Aerith shows up to replace her
    >Another Aerith shows up to sacrifice and current Aerith lives
    >Cloud dies and Zack takes over
    >Cloud dies, and the Cloud that Zack brought back takes his place
    >Both Clouds fuse and stop everything
    >Zack dies
    >Jessie shows up, was never dead, but dies
    >Another Sephiroth shows up, both Sephiroths fight

    • 8 months ago

      Sephiroth shows up, both Sephiroths fight
      This one, please.
      If they're going to do something stupid, at least make it stupid fun instead of stupid rage inducing.

    • 8 months ago

      Someone with a connection to the lifestream has to die so they can cast Holy. Aerith was an Ancient as we know, but Zack skirting death probably also gives him lifestream abilities.

      • 8 months ago

        False. Holy was successfully cast before her death.
        M I S R E M E M B E R E R S.

      • 8 months ago

        It’s said in game that Aerith did in fact successfully summon Holy but Sephiroth was blocking it due to him being in the Lifestream.

  104. 8 months ago

    daily reminder the weapons are being retooled into "summons" (minerva is going to be the one behind them)
    they were always "summons" obviously, but never outright stated.

  105. 8 months ago
  106. 8 months ago
  107. 8 months ago

    Wait Aerith dies in FF7????

  108. 8 months ago
  109. 8 months ago

    All of you are moronic.

  110. 8 months ago

    Man, I can't believe Luis and Krauser survived in REmake 4, I can't wait for them to appear in REvival 5

  111. 8 months ago

    I love how Remake plays and it would be my GotYAY if they didn't do this "subvert your expectations" shit.

  112. 8 months ago

    This is a bait-and-switch just like when they said Remake would end on being a faithful retelling. I'm firm in my belief Aerith will die only because she's fricking busted, there's no way a character that good isn't getting removed from the roster.

    • 8 months ago

      At this point i dont even cares if she dies or not, i'm just worried of this shit becoming avengers where we'll have zack, cloud , cloud 2 and sephiroth teaming up to fight jenova.

      • 8 months ago

        This is totally how it'll end in Part 3 and instead of Sephiroth, they fight Jenova because Sephiroth is another misunderstood fallen hero, like Xehanort. And then Zack, Cloud 2 and Sephiroth will glow and disappear with a golden glow because in their timeline they weren't suppose to exist!

      • 8 months ago

        I'm more concerned they'll retool the whole third act of the game around the ending. We met a ton of characters in Midgar including literal children, they aren't going to have the balls to imply they all died horrible deaths. The game already goes so far to suggest virtually everybody survived the Sector 7 plate collapse. I could see Meteor getting written out entirely with its scene in Remake being the concession to acknowledge it.

  113. 8 months ago

    It's gonna be cloud who dies, because there's still zacks moron cloud in the timeline and it would reconcile the two timelines.

    • 8 months ago

      This is enough like Chrono Trigger for me to be OK with it

      • 8 months ago

        I agree, but Nomura and Kitase are moronic so they will probably do something fricking stupid instead.

    • 8 months ago

      >moron Cloud gets all of current Cloud's memories through the lifestream after current Cloud dies and merged into the lifestream
      >suddenly moron Cloud gets super strong and knows how to wield the Buster Sword.

  114. 8 months ago

    sephiroth kills cloud and Zack takes his place.

  115. 8 months ago

    We already went through this

    Time jannies will count how many times you picked Tifa/Aeris throughout the games

    If you picked Aeris the most she gets shanked, just like in the original

    However if you picked Tifa the most, she gets shanked instead

    It will be sasuga Squeenix

  116. 8 months ago

    They did make it sound like they were leaning into killing Cloud off back in the original game, when they had started with designs for Cloud, Barret and Aeris and intended from the start to kill one of them off. The only reason it wasn't Cloud was because Chrono Trigger did it, but Square refuses to acknowledge Chrono Trigger, so who even knows about that now.

  117. 8 months ago

    Unironically why did she even die in the original?

    • 8 months ago

      She was casting Holy. Seph stabs her before she could finish.

      • 8 months ago

        she was done praying, that's why she looks up at Cloud before Sephnova shanks her

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah but she casts it from the lifestream, and then Holy does nothing anyway, right? She even still has some kinda ambiguous connection to the party. The whole situation reeks of dying in Dragon Ball; where it essentially means nothing. I'm more or less looking for the writing motivation more than any logical reason in the context of the story itself. What exactly was the death scene meant to convey that wasn't already being handled by some other element in the plot?
        I just don't get it, was it really just shock value? Did you have to be there? I played the game like a decade after it released and it didn't hit the same way I expected.
        >Seph stabs her before she could finish
        If this was his primary motivation he'd have done it a lot earlier. It's arguable he wanted mainly to frick with Cloud, presumably because he was resistant to reunion. Makes sense, but it still seems unnecessary and doesn't really contribute to making Sephiroth seem any crazier or Cloud any more depressed, and Aerith is still functionally there... so what was the point?

        • 8 months ago

          Holy DID do something but it ended up being as potentially destructive as Meteor, so the Lifestream had to step in and fix it.

          • 8 months ago

            Isn't that like the antithesis to why it exists? Wait, why the frick do the black and white materia even exist?
            I'm so confused.

            • 8 months ago

              The purpose of casting Holy was to stop Meteor, and it would have stopped Meteor eventually, it would have just destroyed everything around it in the process.
              >Wait, why the frick do the black and white materia even exist?
              They're materia that was given to the Ancients by the Planet, or something. And the Black Materia was powerful enough that they wanted to hide it. The White Materia was handed down through Aerith's family I suppose.

              • 8 months ago

                So Holy was going to save the Planet from Meteor, both of which were created by the Planet, but it would end up killing most life on the Planet, which in turn would theoretically kill the Planet, so the Planet opted to just use the Lifestream instead?
       why did the Planet create the black and white materia? I'm so confused, this shit sounds like some DBZ fanfic an eleven year old writes about inverse Dargon Balls. Actually it sounds exactly like something Toriyama would write, you know the same vein as
                >Oh no, our green homie who created the Dragon Balls died so his balls died with him. Jarvis, invent space travel so we can find another green homie to make even powerfuller balls that will totally not encourage even more powerful antagonists to approach us. Also I'm dead, Gohan, but not really.
                Is this shit really lauded as a masterpiece?

              • 8 months ago

                As far as Holy goes, it's offensive magic, in the same way that Meteor is. They are classic Final Fantasy spells but on a much bigger scale. You could say that Holy would "purify" the Planet. The Planet itself would still remain, a lot of the life would just be fricked, including the people (especially Midgar).

                >Is this shit really lauded as a masterpiece?
                If the only thing you care about in a story is plot logic, you are going to be extremely miserable for your entire life.

            • 8 months ago

              Holy was released too late because Sephiroth was containing it with his willpower, which is what caused it to be destructive since Meteor was so close.

              • 8 months ago

                Why didn't he just speed up Meteor with his willpower instead? Cut out the middle man entirely, and wrap up all the business before lunch. He coulda been sailing the stars as we speak.
                As I understand it The Planet created Meteor as a means to do a hard reset, essentially, but when the time came it didn't want to? Is the whole overarching plot really about an ambiguously sentient entity that buys a gun to commit suicide and then pussies out?
                Does The Planet/Gaia even understand the Lifestream?

  118. 8 months ago

    That's a good thing though. I want to save her.

  119. 8 months ago

    I mean. Honestly. Who asked for this shit? Don't say "me." No you fricking didn't. This would've been an 11/10 trilogy if it was just the events of the original fricking game, maybe with some of the added stuff like raiding a Shinra warehouse or that Soldier character. (Who else is excited to see where he goes in Rebirth? Nobody, you probably forgot he existed, admit it.) But all this changing shit around... What, you're that bored? It's audacious.

    • 8 months ago

      I like it because this is just the plot of FGO part 1 but with a budget

    • 8 months ago

      I asked for a more consistent remake that takes all of the external materials from 7's universe and merge it to a cohesive story. Like the Tsviets and Underground being a thing and not just something they made up just for Dirge. Or Rufus being the head/funder of Avalanche from the mobile game I think. I certainly didn't ask for Zack to be revived or time jannies.

  120. 8 months ago

    You don't even realize but You are all so invested lmao

    Nomura was right
    The remake is a success

  121. 8 months ago

    The big surprise is that Sephiroth shoots her instead.

  122. 8 months ago
  123. 8 months ago

    she'll wear this

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          If there's one objectively good thing that has spawned from this remake project is, new Tifa porn.

  124. 8 months ago
  125. 8 months ago

    poor cloud, everyone wants him to be replaced by zack

  126. 8 months ago

    I still have no idea how someone who didn't play the original game would have any clue what's happening in Remake

    • 8 months ago

      they aren't supposed to

      • 8 months ago

        ...but...according to interviews, one of the reasons for the changes was to appeal to new players...

        • 8 months ago

          they aren't supposed to

          I still have no idea how someone who didn't play the original game would have any clue what's happening in Remake

          The remake is consistent until the end where it becomes a cliffhanger. It's not confusing.

          • 8 months ago

            The game has literal flash-forwards to events from the original game that you wouldn't know anything about if you didn't play it

            • 8 months ago

              Right - but they contexualize that by showing the characters the same fricking thing, who have no fricking idea what it is either. So in the lens of the player, they knew that was fine to do. (This is a paraphrased interview quote).
              Again, Aspies.

              so it is not a remake, got it

              Aspie. You don't have to fully solve the premise of your plot in the first game. Comedy.

          • 8 months ago

            see but that's the thing - you're sharing a thread with actual aspies where they can't process that perspective. They legitimately don't "get" that the first entry on it's own was perfectly palatable and has enough mystery from that POV.

      • 8 months ago

        so it is not a remake, got it

        • 8 months ago

          "It's only a remake if they scream from the rooftops, "ITS A REMAKE"."
          Last time you read a book? Anon?

          I don't see how there's any debating that "Remake" is the subtitle for the first part with a thematic purpose and not an actual description of what the game is

          It's mostly just mental illness and genuine reading comprehension issues, which seems to be pretty rife here.

          it's a little weird, she's a sacrificial lamb for the fanbase to jerk off over her death scene and make youtube videos of themselves crying as they react.

          Go outside.

  127. 8 months ago

    Okay but where is the actual post-AC Cloud in all of this? He's the one who is actually a fully realized hero and character, the only one who can compete with his nemesis because he reached the end of his hero's journey and then went on to be a family man running a delivery service.
    Why should I care about this new Cloud at all? It's cheap.

    • 8 months ago

      Don't worry they'll have the two clouds fuse together in the end to bring out post-AC Cloud

      • 8 months ago

        >the two clouds fuse together
        You jest but I am genuinely afraid of this. This was actually Nomura's original concept for how Sephiroth would reform in AC, that the three Remnants would fuse together. They cut it out because it would look too comical.
        Now though? Who knows. At best I could endure some kind of trippy interdimensional sequence where one of the new Cloud(s) has a boss fight with post-AC Cloud and he's got jacked up stats and levels and is completely invincible and kinda mentors them like how past Link does to Link in Twilight Princess.

  128. 8 months ago

    >Tifa dies
    Oh, dear god.

  129. 8 months ago

    Finally, a good Final Fantasy.

  130. 8 months ago

    I called it a million years ago when the Nomura ghosts showed up. Tifa is gonna be the one that dies or maybe Cloud, then timeline frickery happens and Cloud gets replaced with Zack. Zack then teams up with GOOD Sephiroth to defeat evil Sephiroth and do Kingdom Hearts friendship time magic and then Cloud comes back and everyone gets their happy ending.

    Or Aerith sacrifices herself anyway to restore the timeline where she dies but everyone is ok with it because they know she's alive in the Zack timeline. The Japanese are shit writers, Nomura is a dumb homosexual and I have many, many more scenarios that I can already call out because they're just THAT predictable. The problem is that they think they're being super clever about it too, like nobody can see these generic twists happening.

    • 8 months ago

      >Or Aerith sacrifices herself anyway to restore the timeline where she dies but everyone is ok with it because they know she's alive in the Zack timeline. The Japanese are shit writers, Nomura is a dumb homosexual and I have many, many more scenarios that I can already call out because they're just THAT predictable
      So you are angry at your imagination of what you think Rebirth will be like?
      ...get help.

  131. 8 months ago

    I don't see how there's any debating that "Remake" is the subtitle for the first part with a thematic purpose and not an actual description of what the game is

  132. 8 months ago

    it's a little weird, she's a sacrificial lamb for the fanbase to jerk off over her death scene and make youtube videos of themselves crying as they react.

  133. 8 months ago

  134. 8 months ago

    This project is interesting because while i like the concept of sephiroth changing things, love the combat and interactions of the characters...everytime i remember we'll have different worlds makes me want to shoot myself.
    I think after i play it i will dissociate a version where i delete everything related to timelines from my mind.

    • 8 months ago

      Quite possibly the worst story you can write is not just a God allegory, but one where a main character is as literally God as literal can be. So all you're left with is questioning why he did this, or why he did that, and the only answer is
      >idk man he just wanted to I guess
      and especially in the case of Sephiroth, who is not particularly that fascinating of a personality. Shit's just lazy. All the money dedicated to visuals and soundtracks, and nothing to gameplay, quest design, writing, etc... it's the story of this franchise's entire history, ironically, since VII's original release.
      That'll be $210 + DLC + Special Edition + Collector's Edition + tip.

  135. 8 months ago

    >all these morons arguing over a mid-ass game from 26 years ago.
    Proof that FF7 is peak normalcattle trash. Actually embarrassing how excited you homosexuals get over some minor lore changes about fictional irrelevant characters. No wonder SE will never die.

  136. 8 months ago

    This b***h is 100% dying because is part of her role to accomplish the only duty she was designed for.
    They have confirmed countless times the OG story is staying the same, especially iconic bits like that. She’s still going to meet her fate but I bet this has something to do with Zack at that moment.
    The devs just said again that Zack will play a key role in the game. He's on the cover right next to Sephiroth and Cloud. And his description says he's coming to reunite with his love Aerith.

    • 8 months ago

      Is there any story where a character that was supposed to be just a narrative tool like Zack is pushed so much in later versions?

      • 8 months ago

        Literally almost everything in Star Wars, anon.

        • 8 months ago

          But even Star wars is kinda different because we dont see a remake of OG Star Wars having Mace Windu as a mc together with Luke.

          • 8 months ago

            If you want to be reductive, sure. Nothing has been that **exact** parallel. Who cares?

            • 8 months ago

              I care because my point was exactly that. No one would care if they made 35 spinoffs with Zack or jessie like Star Wars do, people can just not watch it. But when you remake the orignal story and do something like that you cant complain why people are mad.

              • 8 months ago

                Is anyone here complaining why people are mad? I just see people trying to manipulate those who aren't mad about it.

                >I was dumb on purpose you see, it was all part of my ruse!

                > A literal spelling error
                Spedn your time on something more meaningful, genuinely.

              • 8 months ago

                away from here, redditor

                there is no need for anger.

              • 8 months ago

                Would it be more validating if I said there's not anger here? There's just dissapointment that you're pushing this thread further to a 404 when I would rather posts actually mean something?
                Am I wrong to advocate for at least a modicum of self-respect?

              • 8 months ago

                >There's just disappointment that you're pushing this thread further to a 404
                >newfriend doesn't realize we're on autobump now
                its always the new ones that act the dumbest

              • 8 months ago

                That is not how autobump works, or what it is... We are on page 9. Please stop larping.

              • 8 months ago

                >We are on page 9
                correct, because we hit the limit 40 posts again.
                Its ok newfriend, you're still learning.

              • 8 months ago

                >he doesn't realize threads have a hard limit
                Well, glad to see you've ironically brought Ganker knowledge into this and simultaneously outed yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                >he doesn't realize threads have a hard limit

                >We are on page 9
                correct, because we hit the limit 40 posts again.
                Its ok newfriend, you're still learning.

                you tell me newfriend

              • 8 months ago

                >this is your brain trying to fit in

              • 8 months ago

                once again,

                >We are on page 9
                correct, because we hit the limit 40 posts again.
                Its ok newfriend, you're still learning.

              • 8 months ago

                >conversation started well before 500
                "well it's on autobump now"

              • 8 months ago

                >no you see, it was solely because of this conversation that it reached 500 posts!
                >please ignore the other 140+ ips in this thread...
                very sad indeed.

              • 8 months ago

                Is it not fair to say that you are such a low value individual that you tried dodging accountability because of a spelling error? I would personally prefer you never return, but you will.

              • 8 months ago

                Also, that's not what I said. "solely". Come fricking on. - I said your trite is contirbuting to nothing of value. Shits detailed anyways, right?

                Its ok kiddo, the conversation didn't go your way and now you're lashing out.
                I don't blame you, you're just new and not used to Ganker not being your hugbox.

              • 8 months ago

                To be entirely honest, since things are about to go. I've actually browsed here since 2009 shitposting about 13 versus. I haven't accused someone of being new in probably upwards of a decade. Be better.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm actually an oldgay I swear
                classic newbie reply

              • 8 months ago

                It's not the identity-win you think it is. Best to you.

              • 8 months ago

                if you think so kiddo.
                I can tell you really want the last word.

              • 8 months ago

                Also, that's not what I said. "solely". Come fricking on. - I said your trite is contirbuting to nothing of value. Shits detailed anyways, right?

              • 8 months ago

                >Is anyone here complaining why people are mad? I just see people trying to manipulate those who aren't mad about it.

                Just play the original you dumb ass homosexuals. I got a few friends that are like this. They say that FF7 graphics are "too old" and they can't play it. They were forced to wait for the remake. Good lord. Even if they did a 1:1 story remake, you guys would just call it soulless anyway and it sucks dick compared to the OG discs. Hopefully Cloud has sex with Jessie, Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie, but I don't know if SE and Nomura can write good power fantasy fanfiction

              • 8 months ago

                I think the most pathetic shit are these guys who go "you wouldnt like it anyway" and then say that people were wrong in expecting the same story.
                The devs themselves clearly banked in the expectations people had in having the og plot.

  137. 8 months ago

    It will be Cloud.
    They're gonna pull a Chrono Trigger and have the protagonist die in the middle of the story, then get revived by magic later.
    It wouldn't even change much about FFVII from a purely plot perspective, Cloud gets put out of commission in the original anyways, the stakes would just be higher.

    • 8 months ago

      >revived by magic
      Anon, there's literally 2 Clouds in this game. lol.

  138. 8 months ago
  139. 8 months ago

    They're going to finally address the Phoenix Down Quandary.

  140. 8 months ago

    why are you gays acting surprised? The entire story of these remakes is fricking up time to save Aerith.

  141. 8 months ago


    You can call the Shinra and report a noise ordinance.

  142. 8 months ago

    >they're totally not going to change the scene guys. It's the pivotal moment in FF7!
    >in the same remake where they revived Zack, Biggs and possibly Jessie and Wedge.
    It's actually pretty good to be on the side where I didn't want or have to defend the shitty story in Remake. I made my piece with it. But I will still buy Rebirth because I liked playing Remake. The story can burn in hell for all I fricking care.

    • 8 months ago

      >in the same remake where they revived Zack, Biggs and possibly Jessie and Wedge.
      To be fair, i feel like people who say that having Zack be revived doesnt affect the main themes of the game are just being disingenuous because they are fans. I cant take them seriously.

      • 8 months ago

        One of the most interesting aspects that i've seen about the whole events changing discussion is how even some Aerith fans dont want Zack messing up some fundamental scenes related to her, they know how the devs cant just throw the guy inside the main plot.

        • 8 months ago

          I'll be honest the only ones i've seen rooting for that are shippergays, but shippers really dont care about anything plot related as long as their pairings happen anyway.

      • 8 months ago

        "To be fair" the most vocal critics of FFVIIR happen to mostly argue by using "what most people seem to think" and such non-sense arm-chair mass-psychology bullshit. What made you so confident about assessing what those who think differently from you must be thinking?

        • 8 months ago

          What part of to be fair make you infer that? do you even know the meaning of "to be fair?"
          Because the whole point of my post is how i give MY opinion based on their statements, i dont give a frick about what they think or am doing any type of mass psychology.

          I think you're just pedantic and wanted to use this garbage argument.

          • 8 months ago

            >implying anyone in this thread is still able to track which anon they were arguing with

      • 8 months ago

        They are coping. Even if Aerith dies, they still hasn't addressed the elephant in the room. Zack is still fricking alive. There is no way in hell the story is going to be able to land this smoothly. Reviving Zack is THE dumbest decision they have done. The jannies are unironically the least problematic plot issue compared to Zack being alive.

        • 8 months ago

          Zack wasn't revived. He either died and stayed dead or it's a different "Zack" who never died in the first place. They are different people, period. Just like how hooded reunion Cloud is a different person from the Remake Cloud we played as for most of the game.

          • 8 months ago

            >he's not revived!
            >but he's alive!
            They're both the same fricking issue you dolt. Zack being alive fricks the story.

            • 8 months ago

              Well, pragmatically, no, they aren't. But for your point that you are making (poorly), yes, it is the "same" thing. Do you feel better now?

        • 8 months ago

          I agree. This is the biggest issue i have with the whole project.

          One of the most interesting aspects that i've seen about the whole events changing discussion is how even some Aerith fans dont want Zack messing up some fundamental scenes related to her, they know how the devs cant just throw the guy inside the main plot.

          >One of the most interesting aspects that i've seen about the whole events changing discussion is how even some Aerith fans dont want Zack messing up some fundamental scenes related to her, they know how the devs cant just throw the guy inside the main plot.

          Because if you even like FF7 or care minimally about it, you dont want other characters ruining core moments of it, be it donald, goofy, tifa or Zack. Any person that says things like Zack should appear in that fundamental scene and save aerith really just hate the original game and care just about their favorite character.

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