After being a 40K fan for years I finally got into Warhammer Fantasy and holy shit its so much better in every way.

After being a 40K fan for years I finally got into Warhammer Fantasy and holy shit its so much better in every way. In 40K you're stuck with the same shitty factions which are all shitty people in different ways. Backstabbers and over the top supremacists all with nothing characters. Fantasy actually has interesting races and people with different goals. Dwarfs, humans (the multiple factions of them) even fricking Lizardmen are all interesting. I enjoy that all the different factions have interesting relationships to eachother, and the goals while smaller than "take over the entire universe" each bares importance on its own. The small things in Fantasy can be neat, like Bretonnia. They're this interesting group of people; something you'd never see in 40K. People in Fantasy can actually be fricking normal and not maniacs either, every character in 40K is fricking insane, even the "god emperor of mankind" is a fricking moron who doomed the Imperium just because he can't resist being an butthole to his sons. Meanwhile Karl Franz is a genuine human being; someone who deserves the position he's in someone who you know army is behind him not out of fear but of love for him and the The Empire. I finally get the outrage GW caused by blowing up this setting, frick them. The more I learn about Warhammer Fantasy the more I love it.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Glad to hear you like Total Warhammer, but you really should go to /vg/ to talk about it.

  2. 7 months ago

    I've always described Warhammer Fantasy as an R-Rated Flying Circus skit, and I've never been corrected yet. The only races that treat the setting seriously are the High Elves and Chaos, which fits their overall themes of being moody and doomed or overdramatic edgelords. The Empire in WHF are basically the Germans as interpreted by Brits in the 80s.

    • 7 months ago

      Brits in the 80's designed some sick models

  3. 7 months ago

    >Meanwhile Karl Franz is a genuine human being

    Karl Franz isn't the Emprah; that's Sigmar.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        'ate greenskins
        'ate skellies
        luv Karl Franz
        simple as

        Jesus Christ, gain some reading comprehension. I am constantly surprised anew by how stupid people are online.

        "The Emperor" of 40k isn't actually the guy in charge in practice, like Karl Franz. The Emprah is a historical, mythological, and religious figure - like Sigmar.

        People pray to Sigmar, they swear by Sigmar, they get Sigmar tattooed on their bodies. Karl Franz is closer to, I dunno, Guilliman, if we need to make a parallel.

        • 7 months ago

          its a fricking fantasy secondary, reading comprehension isn't their thing lol

    • 7 months ago

      'ate greenskins
      'ate skellies
      luv Karl Franz
      simple as

      • 7 months ago

        is it really that good? I always hear nice things about, but never found anyone that actually played it.

        • 7 months ago

          It's cheap and easily available/pirated, so why not find out for yourself?

          Dark Omen is far better, but you have to look around for how to get it to run on modern PCs

        • 7 months ago

          It's fantastic, but I think you have to be of a certain mindset to get into it - it really shows it's age.

          It's cheap and easily available/pirated, so why not find out for yourself?

          Dark Omen is far better, but you have to look around for how to get it to run on modern PCs

          Personally I much preferred the campaign of SotHR but Dark Omen multiplayer can't be beat (especially with mods to add additional armies)

      • 7 months ago

        Yea fantasy was never some gay "grimdark" shit like the homosexual secondary medias portray it as. AoS still carries some of that down to earth feeling with the cities of sigmar being normal cities that go to war with even each other and most factions having things to do outside of war I mean frick man even the godamn vampires rule over normal human villages without killing everyone sometimes albeit the setting is less goofy exaggerated like dwarves not being as grudgeful or greedy

        Humans in AoS don't worship sigmar like they do the emperor they worship just the same as fantasy

        • 7 months ago

          >AoS still carries some of that down to earth feeling with the cities of sigmar
          One (1) faction of vaguely normal-ish people amidst Sigmarines, flying sharks, and Wrathmongers™

          • 7 months ago

            Cities. He literally just told you, you illiterate

            • 7 months ago


              You know that Wrathmonger/Skullmonger were wfb units, right?

              >released during End Times
              >WHFB unit

              • 7 months ago

                Cities is multiple factions you moronic secondary

              • 7 months ago

                >multiple factions
                There's (cluttered, not particularly "grounded") militia led by strong black wammen. That's one. Then there are a bunch of Dark Elves and Dwarves from WH Fantasy which have no place in AoS. It's one faction plus some leftover parts about to be discontinued at any moment.

                >Secondary! Secondary!
                LOL, homosexual. That's not an insult.

          • 7 months ago

            You know that Wrathmonger/Skullmonger were wfb units, right?

        • 7 months ago

          >AoS still carries some of that down to earth feeling
          >with the cities of sigmar being normal cities that go to war
          Yeah except the said cities are hive-city sized and their organisation are closer to imperial guard from 40k ande relevant to the setting as guard and PDF in 40k
          >Humans in AoS don't worship sigmar like they do the emperor they worship just the same as fantasy
          Quite false, because AoS humans are more or less Imperium, but without cool xenophobia

          • 7 months ago

            > AoS humans are more or less Imperium, but without cool xenophobia
            Good. 40k is extreamly bland in that you cant really have meaningful interactions between factions outside of depserate military alliance. Having humans, elves and dwarfs and treeman forced to live and trade and intermingle with one another open up far more interesting avenues to explore.

            • 7 months ago

              >40k is extreamly bland
              >worse version of this is better
              >more interesting avenues to explore.
              Dude you have DnD and Pathfinder for that attempt to cosplay modern America but with swords and magic

              • 7 months ago

                >anon cant think of any interaction and portrayal of different people and races other then modern america
                Im feel sorry for you.

              • 7 months ago

                I like how you ignored mentions of DnD and Pathfinder.
                But anyway, you can either, show where I am wrong, or bring another industrial multicultural super-powers with marines glorification (inb4: UK)

              • 7 months ago

                Im sorry anon, but if your mindset already is that AoS is inferor to 40k and DnD and Pathfinder cosplay modern America and thats the only way to take it, there is no hope left. You can keep you endless tales about shooting only ever shooting the other faction in the face.

              • 7 months ago

                >there is no hope left.
                >says a guy who cannot form a single argument

                >You can keep you endless tales about shooting only ever shooting the other faction in the face.
                As opposed to AoS?

              • 7 months ago

                Most AoS factions aren't realy set on exterminating one another, so you get more wiggle room when it comesto interaction.

              • 7 months ago

                And the difference is..?

              • 7 months ago

                You could beleivable evnsision some AoS factions co-exisitng outside of endless war, With 40k everyone only has endless war in mind, outside of maybe Eldar-Tau combo that i never heard anything abut

              • 7 months ago

                >You could beleivable evnsision some AoS factions co-exisitng outside of endless war
                Okay and..?

              • 7 months ago

                You might be unable to grasp it, but that makes for a more interesting setting.

              • 7 months ago

                >, but that makes for a more interesting setting.
                You still failing to form a coherent argument

              • 7 months ago

                NTA but are you genuinely mentally stunted? Inter-factional dynamics and diplomacy having the potential to exist beyond "I will genocide you" creates the framework for a much more compelling and less stagnant setting to make up your own stories in, it's a pretty simple concept

              • 7 months ago

                >creates the framework for a much more compelling and less stagnant setting
                And this is why AoS is pretty much the same as it was 10 years ago?
                >to make up your own stories in
                You don't need anything for it. Literally empty space works better for that purpose.

              • 7 months ago

                >AoS is pretty much the same as it was 10 years ago?
                That's just a blantant lie.

              • 7 months ago

                >That's just a blantant lie.
                It isn't

              • 7 months ago

                How is picture from 10 years ago supposed to prove things haven't changed in 10 years?
                All you have to do is look at avalible armies to see some things have moved, because half of them didn't exist 10 years ago

              • 7 months ago

                >All you have to do is look at avalible armies to see some things have moved, because half of them didn't exist 10 years ago
                Okay now in addition to Thor: The Army AoS also have Poison Ivy: The Army and Aquaman: The Army what exactly changed?

              • 7 months ago

                >Stormcast attack Chaos (where we were 10 years ago)
                >encounter non-chaos survivors (Sylvaneth, KO etc)
                >build own outposts for people liberated from chaos (CoS)
                >Nagash fricks up the fabric of reality with a ritual (Nighthaunt, Endless Spells)
                >Nagash uses his newfound power to start his own fresh conquests (OBR)
                >Teclis stops Nagash (Lumineth)
                >attempts to fix demage done by Nagash causes more issues, predominatly with greenskins (Kragnos, Git and Warclans updates)
                >Liberated people built identity as their own city states and start waging wars againdt chaos, greenskins etc. on their own behalf (current Dawnbringer campaign)
                If you somehow insist point A and point B are the same it's just proof of your own moronation

              • 7 months ago

                non-chaos survivors (Sylvaneth, KO etc)
                own outposts for people liberated from chaos (CoS)
                fricks up the fabric of reality with a ritual (Nighthaunt, Endless Spells)
                uses his newfound power to start his own fresh conquests (OBR)
                stops Nagash (Lumineth)
                to fix demage done by Nagash causes more issues, predominatly with greenskins (Kragnos, Git and Warclans updates)
                people built identity as their own city states and start waging wars againdt chaos, greenskins etc. on their own behalf (current Dawnbringer campaign)
                All of this are optional. If you cut it all off Age of Sigmar Starter sets wouldn't change and so as the setting, since Sigmarines vs Chaos is the core of the setting just like Marines vs CSM in 40k

              • 7 months ago

                Except chaos hasn't been in a starter set in 10 years

              • 7 months ago

                >Except chaos hasn't been in a starter set in 10 years
                Just like Chaos isn't included into Leviathan Starter Set, the main conflict is still Marines vs Chaos. Orks, Tau, Eldar, Guard are just npcs just like in AoS

              • 7 months ago


                people built identity as their own city states and start waging wars againdt chaos, greenskins etc. on their own behalf (current Dawnbringer campaign)
                >meanwhile star set of the said campaign

              • 7 months ago

                Said campaign started this year

              • 7 months ago

                So the said campaign is so important for the setting GW didn't bothered with making it's own starter set showing off main actors of the ongoing event

              • 7 months ago

                See that starter doesn't look like a bad deal to me, I just don't really get AOS lore. Would be doin' some old school colour schemes and using different rules at least.

              • 7 months ago

                >if you cut out all the development and other factions you have a stagnant setting
                oh geez, i wonder why

              • 7 months ago

                But there is no any development, nothing changed, no matter how many super-sidekicks of Thor (or additional villains) you add, setting is still the same.

              • 7 months ago

                >But there is no any development
                if you ignore the different campaigns and their goals/outcomes, the world building, the characters getting introduced and developed aka the development then you dont have development
                a bit circular as an argument, innit?

              • 7 months ago

                >if you ignore the different campaigns and their goals/outcomes
                Why viewer shouldn't ignore them?
                >, the world building, the characters getting introduced and developed aka the development then you dont have development
                Still on the same stage of fantasy copy of 40k, with realms instead of planets. Characters are as relevant as Avengers/Justice Laugue roster of yearname

              • 7 months ago

                >Why viewer shouldn't ignore them?
                Because they directly impact avalible product lines and the very essens of the thing would end up different if GW didn't sit down to make things specifically for the campaigns?

              • 7 months ago

                >Because they directly impact avalible product lines
                How so?
                >and the very essens of the thing would end up different if GW didn't sit down to make things specifically for the campaigns?
                That's now how things work anon.

              • 7 months ago

                >Why viewer shouldn't ignore them
                why should views ignore part of the product?
                >Still on the same stage of fantasy copy of 40k
                i remember when Sigmar worked together with Nagash in Fantasy and build a golden age for all mortals... oh wait, that is a development exclusive to age of sigmar

              • 7 months ago

                >why should views ignore part of the product?
                To save his time, what he will miss then?
                >oh wait, that is a development exclusive to age of sigmar
                And? Sigmarines still fights skeletons, just like marines fights necrons, despite temporary alliance of Blood Angels and Mephrit dynasty

              • 7 months ago

                >what he will miss then?
                By your logic he will miss 85% of all avalible product if he only looks at starter sets

              • 7 months ago

                That's not an answer to my question.
                If he doesn't like sigmarines from starter set he wouldn't like the rest models from AoS, because they share the same WoW/Capeshit-like aesthetic

              • 7 months ago

                >To save his time, what he will miss then
                emotional attachment to his figurines, getting inspired for his own army to add parts to their identity, etc.
                >Sigmarines still fights skeletons
                yeah, that tend to happen in a wargame.

              • 7 months ago

                >emotional attachment to his figurines,
                For what reason?
                >, getting inspired for his own army to add parts to their identity, etc.
                Doesn't requires AoS/WHFB/40k for that
                >yeah, that tend to happen in a wargame.
                So not much of a difference between 40k and AoS starters and settings

              • 7 months ago

                >why get attached to a hobby
                anon, come on. dont be this thick headed.
                >So not much of a difference between 40k and AoS starters and settings
                name one wargame where the factions dont fight each other.

              • 7 months ago

                >>why get attached to a hobby
                Not the same.
                >name one wargame where the factions dont fight each other.
                Name one wargame where you can strip off 90% of the factions without any effect on the starter sets.

              • 7 months ago

                >Not the same.
                are you saying the miniatures are not the hobby? that would be incorrect without much room for interpretation.
                >Name one wargame where you can strip off 90% of the factions without any effect on the starter sets.
                basically every wargame? if i understand your point correct, you are saying that the starter sets should have more armies in them? i dont really know what you are trying to get at here.

              • 7 months ago

                >are you saying the miniatures are not the hobby?
                You don't need writting or setting to enjoy certain miniature, and you don't need miniature to enjoy setting or book. So unless by "hobby" you meant "collecting whatever GW sells" it's not the same and you still failed to answer my question
                >if i understand your point correct, you are saying that the starter sets should have more armies in them?
                You missed the point

              • 7 months ago

                >you still failed to answer my question
                i did answer it. the answer is enjoying something. its quite easy, you should try it.
                >You missed the point
                then say simply what you dont like about the startset and how you would improve it. something like "the starterbox should give a good grasp of the world and game. i feel like it is not doing that because [x] [y] and [z]" would be a start. then i could reply "hey, that is a fair point [x] could really be improved" or "[y] has already been done and maybe you have overlooked that.".

                try to make a clear point and dont hide behind critique that is just thinly veiled spite. if it is just blind emotional hate, at least be honest

              • 7 months ago

                >i did answer it.
                No you didn't
                >then say simply what you dont like about the startset and how you would improve it.
                I am not GW employee who tasked with improving starters or anything else, nor do I GW's shareholder who wants to see some changes in GW approach. Starter sets aren't magically manifests out of nothing, they are made by the same company who pays writters to make fluff and other things. They are perfect reflection of AoS/40k settings and which parts of it are core and which are optional.

              • 7 months ago

                stop weaseling out of answers. i told you why people look in to the backstory of age of sigmar. And just so you dont overlook it again. PEOPLE ENJOY THINGS AND THEN WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THOSE THINGS. you have clearly shown that you merely want to be mad at AoS for one reason or another, you dont have any legit critical opinions about AoS because you clearly dont know what you are talking about when it comes to the hobby. your spite is as hollow as your soul. If you cant even stand behind your blind hate, then your opinion is as worthless as the proverbial sack of rice falling over in china.

              • 7 months ago

                >i told you why people look in to the backstory of age of sigmar.
                That's not the question which was asked.

              • 7 months ago

                it is. see

                >if you ignore the different campaigns and their goals/outcomes
                Why viewer shouldn't ignore them?
                >, the world building, the characters getting introduced and developed aka the development then you dont have development
                Still on the same stage of fantasy copy of 40k, with realms instead of planets. Characters are as relevant as Avengers/Justice Laugue roster of yearname

                you simply have no counter argument,

              • 7 months ago

                >it is.
                Where? The question was "Why viewer shouldn't ignore them?", not "Why people read capeshit or Black Library?"

              • 7 months ago

                moving goalposts i see, but not far enough. the simple answer stays the same: People enjoy it.

              • 7 months ago

                >moving goalposts
                None moves anything except of you
                >People enjoy it.
                We aren't talking about people who already reading it. We are talking about abstract viewer, who have no idea about AoS or whatsoever, why he shouldn't ignore and purchase all the books ever since 2014?

              • 7 months ago

                moving the goalposts again i see. and again the same answer applies: they enjoy it.

              • 6 months ago

                >they enjoy it.

              • 6 months ago

                people that buy AoS apparently

              • 6 months ago

                >people that buy AoS apparently
                So group which we weren't discussed originally, but began because you moved goalpost after failing to answer the question

              • 6 months ago

                we were talking about people in general. you keep saying "nuh uh, not those people" and fail to specify.

              • 6 months ago

                >you keep saying "nuh uh, not those people" and fail to specify.
                Because you are still failing to answer simple question.

              • 6 months ago

                i answered it several times. you asked why people wouldnt ignore the lore as seen

                >if you ignore the different campaigns and their goals/outcomes
                Why viewer shouldn't ignore them?
                >, the world building, the characters getting introduced and developed aka the development then you dont have development
                Still on the same stage of fantasy copy of 40k, with realms instead of planets. Characters are as relevant as Avengers/Justice Laugue roster of yearname

                here. i replied with a very simple reply several times: people enjoy the lore since it is more of the product they like.

              • 6 months ago

                >people enjoy the lore since it is more of the product they like.

              • 6 months ago

                everyone that buys AoS models probably enjoys lore to a certain degree (excluding people that buy AoS models for a one off conversion to for example 40k or WHFB models)

              • 6 months ago

                >everyone that buys AoS models probably enjoys lore to a certain degree
                Care to show statistical data to support that claim?
                Also, so AoS is worthless for everyone else as it was 10 years ago?

              • 6 months ago

                just check any space for age of sigmar and see if the lore is talked about. if people didnt care, they would ignore it. your utter failure to move the goalposts and shift your arguments is embarrasing. just accept that AoS is pretty accepted today and people care about it as a setting. your ignorance was the best laugh i had all week. you have failed.

              • 6 months ago

                >just check any space for age of sigmar
                Anecdotal evidence
                >just accept that AoS is pretty accepted today
                We were talking about different topic. It's you who trying to move goalpost to this.

              • 6 months ago

                Why are you writing in all lowercase like this? It's incredibly unnatural and plainly outs you as a shill or troll.

              • 7 months ago

                >if you ignore every development you have no developments

        • 7 months ago

          >Yea fantasy was never some gay "grimdark" shit like the homosexual secondary medias portray it as.
          Fantasy had the best approach to grimdark. Surely there are no chaos warlocks destroying the suns with single spell, but there are also no Space Marines, no Titans, Custodes and Emperor's miracles, average Joe's equivalent of meltagun is old crossbow from his grandfather which he got durring the service in army of Magnus the Pious. Settlement best defense from wandering beastman herd are free company with local militia and some old priests who can barely lift off his ceremonial hammer or bunch of knights who will hang you for gazing at their horses after taking 9/10 of all your income. And same more or less applies to every mortal, human, elf or dwarf

          • 7 months ago

            The Empire in fantasy is not arbitrary. Sure, Brettonia is certainly an arbitrary tyranny, but that's the entire point of their faction. The Empire has legal professionals in every single city - lawyers. Compared to almost every civilization in WHF, the Empire is more rational, scientific, diplomatic, egalitarian, humanitarian, and basically functional. They are on the verge of an industrial revolution in our world's equivalent of the 1400s simply because of how organized and logical the Empire is set up and governed. This, despite having Chaos, beastmen, orcs, vampire counts, Bretonnians, Skaven, and more all baying for their blood and total destruction.

            • 7 months ago

              >Empire is more rational, scientific, diplomatic, egalitarian, humanitarian, and basically functional.
              Being rational isn't the same as being merciful or kind. Obstacles are still against average Joe.
              >They are on the verge of an industrial revolution in our world's equivalent of the 1400s
              Even after Rennaisance European societies remained mostly rural untill the second half of 18th century (when last peasant rebellions eased and were replaced with more complex inner conflicts, anti-colonial, civil, national)

              • 6 months ago

                >even after Renaissance European...
                >when last peasant rebellions eased
                What a stupid shitskin ESL response, you have absolutely no idea what the frick you're talking about, and this is not a valid reply to what you quoted, you absolute fricking moron. Just shut up, you mouthbreathing simpleton, nobody wants to see your moronic poojeet brain spit out the garbled Black personbabble you write.

              • 6 months ago

                Remind me please, how many rural population uprisings Europe had since Vendee rebellion

              • 6 months ago

                That you imagine this is in any way relevant to my post is further proof you do not understand the English language and need to get the frick off this board and back to your designated shitting street, Sanjeep. You're not blending in. Your paymasters have already been notified of this frankly embarrassing conduct of yours, you are giving the game away too easily.

              • 6 months ago

                Get a better material or form a coherent argument dude

              • 6 months ago

                >anon claims (you) are a lost cause
                >you actually are

              • 6 months ago

                Only for people who cannot hold discussion beyond self-made echo chamber

    • 7 months ago

      There's secondaries and then there's whatever you are. You're not even a tertiary secondary, you're like a person who proudly professes the first Star Wars trilogy is shit and that the Disney trilogy is a masterpiece of cinema.

  4. 7 months ago

    It's a great setting, not particuarly creative but captivating.

    As a tabletop game, it's a shitty chungus that sucks dick. The Warhammer RPG is great, but the wargame was an overpriced and simplistic pile.

  5. 7 months ago

    28mm rank and flank that wants you to remove individual models for wounds is dead for a reason. Mordheim is an i go u go skirmish. Both of them would need a full refresh to stand a chance and they're not gonna get one that works.

    >"god emperor of mankind" is a fricking moron who doomed the Imperium just because he can't resist being an butthole to his sons
    HH is not canon.

    • 7 months ago

      >expecting balance in mordheim

      • 7 months ago

        Alternating activations in skirmish do assist balance, but they also more strongly assist in the game not sucking total ass.

      • 7 months ago

        >not sucking total ass.
        impossible. it's garbage without extensive house ruling

    • 7 months ago

      >Both of them would need a full refresh to stand a chance
      Stand a chance of what?

    • 7 months ago

      >HH is not canon

    • 6 months ago

      >Mordheim is an i go u go skirmish
      But that's wrong, you do the entire turn for your whole warband like in WHFB, you don't activate alternate individual models

  6. 7 months ago

    Glad you came to see the light, anon. Next step is realizing that while inferior to Fantasy, even Age of Sigmar is vastly superior to 40k.

    • 7 months ago

      There's at least four women in this picture I want to be stepped on by, and at least two from which I want to be murder raped.

      • 6 months ago

        You've already lost the battle if you're seeking to be dominated.

        What have wargamers become?

  7. 7 months ago

    Ok now pick up an actual fantasy book and ditch both

  8. 7 months ago

    Karl has zero personality. Complete cardboard cutout. He was at least better as a crotchety old man who passed the Window Tax.

    • 7 months ago

      Not the best Empire character, true.

  9. 7 months ago

    >Mostly dark and gritty late medieval fantasy setting about a bunch of poor and dirty peasants trying to survive and make a living in a world full of beasts, horror and immorality
    >Magic and other fantastical things are somewhat rare and usually feared and dangerous to use

    >Colourful, high fantasy setting with gryphon/huge eagle riders, steampunk tanks or helicopters and mages able to raze half a battlefield casually battling armies of demons, monsters and dragons

    Honestly as someone who first got into Warhammer via the RPG it was somewhat baffling to see how different in tone the Wargame can often be

    • 7 months ago

      Never played WHFRPG but are you really just shit eating poors? Going by the artwork for the game, the hero party doesnt strike me as a bunch of filthy nobodies. A wizard from the collages and an elite greatsword surely have some mettle to their name.

      • 7 months ago

        I would say the Grimdark peasantry stuff for WFRP is over-exaggerated by the community but compared to your standard game like DnD it is more deadly and at the start, you are much weaker with your classes being Rat Catcher, Pedler, or Baliff, etc hell most PC will not be able to Read or write from the start.

        • 7 months ago

          still the only one I know that has a starting class of dung-shoveler

      • 7 months ago

        You can be a wizard, but you only have a 1% chance to roll wizard randomly (you can choose, but only pussies choose).

        WFB and WFRP are still the exact same setting, there's just a different focus. For example, in the adventure your pic is from, Grey Mountain Gold, you're asked to help a guy with his expedition to a lost Dwarf Hold, but the dwarfs are angry at you for it and it turns out he's just being scammed anyway.

        • 7 months ago

          >1% chance to roll wizard randomly
          3% if we include Hedge Wizards shitier wizards who can't do as much as normal wizards and are hunted down by Witch hunters and Witches who generally fall to chaos

      • 7 months ago

        The tone and power level obviously heavily depends on how the GM and group decide to approach it, it can vary, but yeah, it tends to be rather gritty and low power, with vast majority of starting professions being various peasant professions. The rules and world descriptions also gravitate towards a rather low, dark fantasy feel (although often with a healthy bit of Pratchettesque humour)

        Not sure if the art you've posted is even official, never seen it before, but it definitely represents a rather late game, experienced party if played RAW. Technically you can't even begin the game as a college wizard, you can start as an apprentice with only a very basic set of spells and then after a hefty doze of adventuring you can maybe advance into a college wizard
        And also every time you cast magic it has a chance to go very wrong and the more power you unleash, the more risky it is

        • 7 months ago

          >Not sure if the art you've posted is even official
          Its from the most recent Cubicle7 edition of the RPG, the same artist has a few other pieces that show lower level characters like these

          You can't beat a Kopinski original, to my mind. OK, they have a ten foot tall demonworshipping hell knight clad in midnight black armour, but do they have Einstein here ballin' out of control? I think not.

          • 7 months ago

            When they dropped Kopinski art from the front of mini boxes, we were all made lesser for it. I still find just having the minis themselves front back and sides of the packaging incredibly gauche.

            • 7 months ago

              Art on mini boxes sucks. I'm buying an expensive product, I want to see what it looks like. Put lots of art in army books instead

              • 7 months ago

                Art on the front, mini photos in the back is the best of two worlds

              • 7 months ago

                Then turn the fricking box around, dipshit. The models were always there, but we used to get bespoke art for every unit too.

                Art on the front, mini photos in the back is the best of two worlds

                This anon gets it

              • 7 months ago

                >hurr durr, I can't just look at the back of a box

        • 7 months ago

          >Not sure if the art you've posted is even official
          it is from the adventure "Grey Mountain Gold" All the characters are characters Adrian Smith created previously for GW/Forge World, the artist or C7 just decided to reuse those designs

          • 7 months ago

            Adrian Smith is peak. DiTerlizzi and Paul Bonner also aplies to it, Frazetta too. Man what a good piece.

      • 7 months ago

        That's some good dorf art.

      • 7 months ago

        there's a good range of careers. you can be a literal beggar or some variety of dirt poor peasant or nameless middle class clerk, or you can be knights, wizards, high-end mercenaries, master craftsmen, etc.
        I had one party where we had two nobles, a dwarven ironbreaker, a elven ghost strider, a high-ranking wizard, a master engineer and a knight of the white wolf. I had another party where we had a boatman, a thief, low-ranking road warden, an illegal witch, and a rat catcher

    • 7 months ago

      WFRP and WHFB are basically divergent genealogies starting from WHFB 3E - the RPG never went through the zany 4th/5th period.

    • 7 months ago

      That's pretty easy to parse. WHFRP is a ground up view of the setting while WHFB is a top down view. Shit that is mysterious and rare stops being so when your frame of reference shifts from a few cities to half a continent.

  10. 7 months ago

    It's actually an above-average fantasy setting that was pretty well thought out and detailed while also allowing for infinite numbers of unique scenarios fans can come up with.

    However 40k is more unique and is able to combine all tropes at once, which is why its done better

  11. 7 months ago


  12. 7 months ago

    >I finally get the outrage GW caused by blowing up this setting
    And there are wretches on this board right now who will pretend that it was necessary and say the garbage that replaced it is better. Warhammer was the second best fantasy setting ever created, I loved 40k up until they destroyed it in the 8th edition but it was never 1% the setting of Warhammer

    • 7 months ago

      >Warhammer was the second best fantasy setting ever created

      Well this is probably the most stupid thing i've ever read on this board

  13. 7 months ago

    I don’t understand how people care about Franz he literally has no characterization

    • 7 months ago

      Total war mostly

      • 7 months ago

        A tragedy they’ll never comprehend how utterly boring he is

    • 7 months ago

      S U M M O N

  14. 7 months ago

    >Dude I've been eating shit sandwiches this whole time and I just tried diarrhea flatbread for the first time and OH MY GOD what have I been missing!
    Fricking SAD

  15. 7 months ago

    > lorehomosexual
    You arent part of the hobby

  16. 7 months ago

    If there's anything that Age of Sigmar got right, I do appreciate how the roles between Good and Evil have been reversed. Back in the Old World, Evil was this thing on the fringes of civilization trying to push into Good and conquering the lands for their dark gods, while in Age of Sigmar it's the forces of Good conducting grand crusades into chaotic lands to establish Order and prosperity.

    Now Chaos-stans know how it feels to always be on the defensive.

    • 7 months ago

      >t. american

  17. 7 months ago

    That's great and all but none of those things are a part of the game now.

  18. 7 months ago

    'ate greenskins
    'ate skeletons
    'ate ogres
    'ate elves
    'ate vampires (except me wife)
    'ate northmen
    'ate southmen
    'ate eastmen
    'ate westmen
    luv me province
    luv me empire
    luv me sigmar
    luv me karl franz
    simple as

  19. 7 months ago

    Warhammer Fantasy was very cool from a lore perspective. It just wasn't bringing in the money that 40k was- because it had a very, very high cost to start playing.
    It got shitcanned because it wasn't doing well- it had lots of players, but none of them were new- and it wasn't bringing in new blood.

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