After nearly 20 years it's still holds up perfectly and mogs every game in assassin's creed franchise ever released

After nearly 20 years it's still holds up perfectly and mogs every game in assassin's creed franchise ever released

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  1. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      That's the third game DIPSHIT

  2. 10 months ago

    my dick smells REALLY bad

    • 10 months ago

      wash it

  3. 10 months ago

    Carmellita made me fap to furry women since young age

  4. 10 months ago

    Can speak from the POV of someone who's beaten these multiple times and replayed the PS3 HD collection literally last month.

    Sly 1 is kino. Short and varied bursts of action with a greater focus on platforming. Clunky controls in places and infuriating bosses, but on the whole a fun ride and you can blow through it 100% in like four hours to kill an afternoon, and still walk away satisfied.

    Sly 2 in principle is an improvement. Cool open worlds, tighter controls, money actually given a purpose, better story etc. However they just couldn't help themselves putting in "extra variety" and basically any time you're not doing thief shit in the open map with Sly, things go to hell. Playing as Bentley is ass, and Murray only slightly less ass. Half the minigames are obnoxious and unplayable.

    Frick anything to do with bears, frick the India levels, and frick the infinitely spawning enemies most of all. You get seen by one bastard, and suddenly twenty guys descend on you, all of whom take ten hits to kill because your cane is fricking useless (yes I know about the electro cane but it takes a moment to charge which is impractical when surrounded) and all of whom are also programmed to not be stun lockable, so they are always guaranteed to get at least two hits in. God help you if you're Bentley.

    Also the game drags like hell. Every world is like 2-3 hours long, with collectibles only accounting for like 40 mins of that. The rest is Bentley (and the devs) coming up with increasingly asinine ways to pad the runtime. Pickpocket Contessa, three times. Catch ghosts, five times. Bait bears to blow an oil derrick to glide to an island to steal an egg to bait an eagle to cheat at a competition and HOLY FRICK just end already. Game goes on for like 5 hours more than it needs to. Kino ending tho.

    Sly 3 is just more of the same but without collectibles. Timed challenges can eat a dick however. Somehow it feels better paced overall, and wheelchair Bentley is iconic.

    • 10 months ago


      Sly 4 gets a bad rap. Graphics are great, as is the time gimmick. Basically just more Sly 2, if that floats your boat. It's killed by that cliffhanger that will never be fricking resolved however.

      TL;DR: 4>2=3>1. Ranking mostly irrelevant though. All are worth a play, iconic series. Pick up the PS3 collection digitally that bundles in Sly 4 and a bunch of extra minigames. Easiest platinum ever.

      • 10 months ago

        Your ranking makes no sense when half your post was shitting on 2 and the formula it started. How is 4 your favorite and not 1?

        • 10 months ago

          Frick man, you're right, I'm half asleep. Hit the wrong arrow keys.

          Actual ranking is 4<2=3<1.

          • 10 months ago

            Much better.

            • 10 months ago

              Glad you approve anon. How would you rank them?

              • 10 months ago

                Probably 3 > 1 > 2 > 4
                Yeah 3 has some of the same problems as 2 but I think the cast, average quality of levels, pacing, and climax are so much better.

    • 10 months ago

      >God help you if you're Bentley.
      Bentley has the instant sleep darts which makes fighting trivial. The enemy AI is so moronic that if you keep running away from them, they will rarely hit you.
      >minigames obnoxious and unplayable
      They were better than sly 1's chicken whacking and computer gathering, that's for sure.
      >Bentley and Murray play like ass
      That's just silly. Bentley allows you to go with a different, stealthy approach using his darts and bombs, and Murray is just the "I am bored and I need to kill 100 enemies in 5 minutes" mode of the game. I won't lie and say that I like playing them more than Sly (at least in this game, 3's Bentley outshines everyone), but they are definitely not a chore to play with.
      >Somehow it feels better paced overall,
      It doesn't have "double" levels like 2 has. The second part of the enemies' stage usually has silly and uninteresting missions, while 3's missions involve more sneaky stuff.

  5. 10 months ago

    2 is the worst game in the trilogy and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.

  6. 10 months ago

    Sex with Cop Fox

    • 10 months ago

      Don't know why her accent keeps changing though.

      • 10 months ago

        there are 3 carmelita sisters all named the same and all want to have sex with sly

  7. 10 months ago

    >and mogs every game in assassin's creed franchise ever released
    wow what an incredible achievement lol

  8. 10 months ago

    Let's talk about what:
    Favorite Game
    Favorite character in the series
    Favorite world
    Favorite villain
    Favorite villain
    Favorite mission

    • 10 months ago

      >France in 2 is pretty kino, as is the casino in 1.
      >Train heist in 2.

    • 10 months ago

      2 (I is a Crash bandicoot game)
      Prison Break

  9. 10 months ago

    As someone who mainly had Nintendo systems, I found Sony platformers to be shit, Crash is trash, R&C is garbage, J&D is meh, but Sly and Spyro are surprisingly fun, only played the first games but I look forward to the other ones.

    • 10 months ago

      >Crash is trash
      On shaky ground, but acceptable.
      >J&D is meh
      Wading into dangerous waters.
      >Ratchet and Clank is garbage
      Whoa now. Genuinely landfill tier opinion.

    • 10 months ago

      I also grew up with Nintendo and I think Crash 1 and 2 mog every other Sony platformer. Still need to play Ape Escape.

    • 10 months ago

      What's wrong with Ratchet?

  10. 10 months ago

    Masterpiece of furshit

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