Age of Mythology

How do AoE 2 players feel about the changes AoM made to the formula, especially big changes like lowering the effective pop cap while simultaneously making military units cost more population, moving siege and markets to the third age, and introducing building limits and fixed town center locations? These obviously change the pace and and the dynamic as much as the hero/myth units and god power spellcasting do. Obviously I expect most answers will be along the lines of
>it's not AoE2 lol don't care
but did anyone who specifically played AoM after having played AoE2 first enjoy AoM despite the different format? Or did it only appeal to people who were new to the Age of series? Were the changes a type of casualization, speeding or slowing down the game, making 1v1 more or less competitive? How did AoE2 players see it at the time?

Note that I am only referring to AoM as it was released originally. Pre-EE, pre-Titans.

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  1. 8 months ago

    I loved AoM back in the day, I'm pretty sure most people just saw the mythological units and thought it was cool. The only new feature from Ensemble that annoyed me back in the day were the AoE3 cards.

    • 8 months ago

      AoM is better than any other AoE game.
      It's confier, the mechanics are nicer and it's still pretty.

      In aoe2 Siege workshops are Castle age buildings (3rd age). Just cumans added in def edition have it on feudal age (2nd age) and only have battering rams wich is not a great unit. About AoM is a harder game to me. Differents units, mythical units, godly powers. Is a different game. It's more similar to AoE 3 right?

      Irrelevant, the real question is how will it do in tge multiplayer scene? How competitive would it be? How balanced would the units be as opposed to aoe2?

      • 8 months ago

        >how will it do
        The game is over 20 years old, some homosexual censored re-release like the one they did for AoE3 is irrelevant and will fail to recapture the hype of the original.

        • 8 months ago

          Cope, multiplayer is what attracts the moolah and I really would like to play multiplayer. I imagine things have to be nerfed like god powers

      • 7 months ago

        It has unit autoqueue so it's not viable competitively. Purely a casual game.

        • 7 months ago

          >not viable competitively
          Given AoE2's unit selection cap, neither is that game.

          • 7 months ago

            Lower selection cap = higher skill ceiling

            • 7 months ago

              Yeah the cap is ridiculously high in AoE2 for a supposedly competitive game where micro is important.

        • 7 months ago

          Thank God.
          Multigays kill everything they touch

        • 7 months ago

          I sure love breaking my fingers mashing hotkeys to express my superior skill.

      • 7 months ago

        >how will it do
        The game is over 20 years old, some homosexual censored re-release like the one they did for AoE3 is irrelevant and will fail to recapture the hype of the original.

        which one to pirate for first playthrough, extended edition or normal one?

        You can play AoM/AoE2 online/multi for free through Voobly client.
        Always a couple hundred of players in AoE2 lobbies, bit less in AoM.

  2. 8 months ago

    AoM is better than any other AoE game.
    It's confier, the mechanics are nicer and it's still pretty.

  3. 8 months ago

    In aoe2 Siege workshops are Castle age buildings (3rd age). Just cumans added in def edition have it on feudal age (2nd age) and only have battering rams wich is not a great unit. About AoM is a harder game to me. Differents units, mythical units, godly powers. Is a different game. It's more similar to AoE 3 right?

  4. 8 months ago

    I thought it was cool as hell to see the cyclops throw a soldier and the soldier bounce off the ground and into some trees.

  5. 8 months ago

    >it's not AoE2 lol don't care
    This but unironically. Nobody cares about the game's competitive performance because it won't be treated as a serious competitive title.

  6. 8 months ago

    Back then, I wished it had the massive armies of AoE 2, but aside from that, everything was really cool and it was an impressive game in its own right.

  7. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    Great game still play it, have the physical copy too. But i swear the pathing is my major complaint about this game. Poseidon bros where you at?

  9. 8 months ago

    The new resource mechanic was fine but the way the Norse faction got it meant I never wanted to play that faction.
    Also having only 3 factions was fricking gay and having Greeks 2 for the expansion was even worse. Should have had 8 factions minimum.

    • 8 months ago

      >Should have had 8 factions minimum.

    • 8 months ago

      Frick no, the game was obviously going to the few factions high variety design choice, just jamming more factions in goes against that design and we already saw the game suffer from that with the Atlanteans and the Chinese.

      • 8 months ago

        You can have many factions with high variety moron, stop falling for this gay meme.

    • 8 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >greek gods
      >egyptian gods
      >norse gods
      >atlantean/greek2 gods
      >uhh hindu gods
      >chinese dragons are kind of gods...
      >...I know
      >ROMAN GOds
      just goes to show how fricking unimaginative morons other ancient civilizations were for not having mainstream mythology

      • 7 months ago

        >Sub-Saharan Africa

    • 7 months ago

      if I had to make age of mythology 2 I would probably go with 6 civs. each of the original 3 civs would have a geological partner so you could have some "historical" campaigns as well as the whacky shit.

      • 7 months ago

        YHWH would need some special mechanics to implement monotheism

        • 7 months ago

          it would be the pre-abraham pantheon of course.

        • 7 months ago

          Jokes aside, I think it was Imperator that used prophets for israelites instead of a pantheon. good luck with coming up with myth units that aren't just each Hierarchy of angels

        • 7 months ago

          As you move up the tech trees you remove the buffs from other gods but the ones remaining get substantially more broken.

  10. 8 months ago

    Who cares about what AoE2 players think? Just talk about AoM.

  11. 7 months ago

    I'd kill to have this game remade and expanded but I'd genocide if it turns out bad and it'll likely turn out bad.

    • 7 months ago

      Well it is being remastered and it's probably going to be shit.

  12. 7 months ago

    I hate the Atlanteans why do they even exist they don't make any sense they are just Greeks 2.0. but shit frick the Atlanteans FRICK THE ATLANTEANS
    That is all.

    • 7 months ago

      I never liked them either, they were just a Greece reskin when we could have gotten Rome and maybe china down the line, but well designed by the original devs and not a shitty glorified mod from a bunch of hacks.

      • 7 months ago

        Incredibly lame picks. The first choice for an expansion should've been hindus.

        • 7 months ago

          They have a decent roster of heroes and gods but almost nobody in the west or global market outside of India even knows 1% of it. It's just not that iconic outside of the obvious two that everyone has seen and it's lacking in monsters that aren't just big animals.
          I agree that Rome and China are also bad picks, especially because Rome would just be more Greek/Atlantis with different names.
          My choice would be Persia or Babylon

          • 7 months ago

            It's too bad repeated waves of conquest and pillaging wiped out a lot of knowledge about bronze age / antiquity central Asia, they probably had at least one civilisation with an extensive mythology that would be a great fit for AoM.

          • 7 months ago

            People are even less familiar with Chinese myth yet they got put in later on. Also there's shitloads of creatures that can be used, with semi-human or chimera qualities.

            It's too bad repeated waves of conquest and pillaging wiped out a lot of knowledge about bronze age / antiquity central Asia, they probably had at least one civilisation with an extensive mythology that would be a great fit for AoM.

            It was Iranian, there's plenty of mythological material. Though of course any loss is tragic.

            • 7 months ago

              >People are even less familiar with Chinese myth
              if you play at night like half of aoe4 playerbase has chinese names

              • 7 months ago

                And a huge amount of knowledge and pride in that mythology was wiped out in the Great Leap Forward. Nowadays they try to scrape together as much nationalism out of it as they can, but the early days of Chinese Communism burned more knowledge and history than Alexandria burning a half dozen times over.

              • 7 months ago

                It's a shame but there are so many of them now. Cultural defeat doesn't matter when you have that many people.

              • 7 months ago

                Taiwan preserved a lot of the old shit so I wouldn't say it's library of alexandria-tier.

                People thinking that the chinks were able to wipe out their entire history is one of the dumbest memes I've ever seen on this website. His campaign against the 'four olds' was a complete failure, by the way. The Taiwanese have nothing that the mainlanders don't also have knowledge of. It isn't some treasure trove of ancient chinese knowledge and history.

                Taiwan and the intrinsic Chinese identity and pride does not offset the sheer number of things lost through the Taiping rebellion, opium wars, Boxer rebellion, Republican modernization, warlords period, Japanese invasion, and above all, Communist period. No, you morons, Chinese history as a whole was not lost, no more than any ancient civilization was forgotten by Alexandria's library burning, but we can never even grasp what was lost. Spend five goddamn minutes learning what we don't even know that we lost about the golden age of classical Greece, and you might glean a spark of what was lost in the modern age destruction of Chinese history.

              • 7 months ago

                That's what I said, though.

              • 7 months ago

                Who were Mao's Sea People?

              • 7 months ago

                Whatever history was lost is irrelevant, it no longer exists. What does exist is what people are familiar with and what they expect (r3k and le monke king).

              • 7 months ago

                Taiwan preserved a lot of the old shit so I wouldn't say it's library of alexandria-tier.

              • 7 months ago

                People thinking that the chinks were able to wipe out their entire history is one of the dumbest memes I've ever seen on this website. His campaign against the 'four olds' was a complete failure, by the way. The Taiwanese have nothing that the mainlanders don't also have knowledge of. It isn't some treasure trove of ancient chinese knowledge and history.

            • 7 months ago

              >People are even less familiar with Chinese myth
              More people definitely know about Chinese shit, be it a part of their mythos or it just being a part of some of their cultural icons, than Hinduism. Thinking otherwise is just pure delusion.

              • 7 months ago

                It's about the same.
                Everyone has seen elephant head god and kali somewhere even if they don't know anything about them.
                Everyone knows Chinese dragons and gamers in particular probably know Wukong is a thing. That's it.

              • 7 months ago

                >Everyone has seen elephant head god and kali somewhere even if they don't know anything about them.
                I haven't, and I'm being serious.

              • 7 months ago

                What are country are you from?

              • 7 months ago

                The USA.

              • 7 months ago

                And in your whole life you've never seen the Simpsons or Indiana Jones?

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Wukong is form a 16th century novel not Chinese mythology

              • 7 months ago

                True but the post in

                >People are even less familiar with Chinese myth
                More people definitely know about Chinese shit, be it a part of their mythos or it just being a part of some of their cultural icons, than Hinduism. Thinking otherwise is just pure delusion.

                mentioned mythology or cultural icons. But yeah, I don't know why so many people here in the west aren't aware of this. Wukong is not related to Chinese myth at all, yet everyone except Asians thinks he's some god in their religion. I honestly don't know where this comes from.

              • 7 months ago

                The single cultural icons the average westerner is familiar with are dragons and the yin-yang symbol. Most people don't know shit about the jade emperor, pan gu, guan yin, hou yi, bagua, the eight immortals etc.
                Sure kung fu movies gave people a sense of the aesthetic, but none of the myth.

              • 7 months ago

                No human gives a single frick about either

            • 7 months ago

              >People are even less familiar with Chinese myth
              Definitely not.

          • 7 months ago

            >almost nobody in the west or global market outside of India even knows 1% of it.
            >My choice would be Persia or Babylon
            Weird pick

  13. 7 months ago

    as a major Greek mythology buff I like how Atlanteans have minor gods that are not being touched upon in any other video game like Thea, Hyperion or Leto
    cope and seethe

  14. 7 months ago

    I was a huge fan of the game for reasons I never got into AoE2 for. It was like a excellent combination of AoE2 and AoE3's best parts.

    The "mythological" element added an appeal to it that AoE2 always lacked. The asymmetrical civilizations along with the battle changing god powers created all sorts of strategies and play styles, while allowing each game to shape up in a different way. The first expansion added more elements but sadly, it was not as playtested and polished as the original and it showed. The DE expo just broke everything.

    It did have problems and certain quality of life issues that would have improved the game even further, but it was peak strategy to me. Sadly i dislike AoE2 for the same reason I disliked War3, which was the absolute flaming homosexual that is turbo micromanagement games where APM translates almost directly into victory and any other strategy is almost irrelevant.

    • 7 months ago

      >combination of AoE2 and AoE3
      AoE3 was made several years after AoM and it shows, because it took its features and greatly expanded on them, making them more impactful, more diverse, more wild, and more numerous. I wonder if Retold will add more deities and give myth techs more kick.

  15. 7 months ago

    AoM is just the better game.
    Age up choices that can change your strategy is a pretty neat idea.
    I just wish all god powers were on cooldown instead of 1-use. Also atlanteans kind of fricked everything up in many ways and the new campaign was kind of shit compared to the 1st which is fantastic.

  16. 7 months ago

    Personally, I think three civs that operate somewhat similarly to the main existing civs would be the best option. I think we'd be hard pressed to create new favor-gathering mechanics that are balanced and not convoluted. I'd do something like:
    >Celts, modeled after the Norse
    >Persians/Babylonians/Hittites, modeled after the Egyptians
    >Phoenicians/Villanova/Etruscans, modeled after the Greeks.
    I'd be hesitant to add anything further East than Persia or from the New World

  17. 7 months ago

    I wish AoE 2 had meaningful maps like AoM. Like having to fight for the resources on it, instead of getting them all in your base. So much variety with herdables, hunt, fish, goldmines, and sometimes wood. And secondary resources, too, like relics, settlements and space for market routes. What we get is incredibly samey and boring in comparison.

    • 7 months ago

      With how rigid AoE2 is, I'm not sure if it can be even done. Without your sheep, your deer, your boars, your berries, the wood for trash units and reseeding - the gameplay falls apart.
      Also rigid, is the preferred map roster of the average player. Even though there are various maps to pick, most only play the few classics of their choice like Arena, Arabia, Black Forest, or their alternatives like Hideout, Runestones, Amazon Tunnel. New DLCs don't even include any new maps, obviously because none are wanted.

    • 7 months ago

      >Not expanding to map resources on Arabia
      >Not playing maps that have those resources
      >Not grabbing relics or using elevation
      You're listing things that all exist in AoE2, save settlements.

      With how rigid AoE2 is, I'm not sure if it can be even done. Without your sheep, your deer, your boars, your berries, the wood for trash units and reseeding - the gameplay falls apart.
      Also rigid, is the preferred map roster of the average player. Even though there are various maps to pick, most only play the few classics of their choice like Arena, Arabia, Black Forest, or their alternatives like Hideout, Runestones, Amazon Tunnel. New DLCs don't even include any new maps, obviously because none are wanted.

      Please don't pretend to understand.

  18. 7 months ago

    I preferred 2 (and also 1 to both) but it was good fun yesh

  19. 7 months ago

    What I hated (still hate now) is how I won't be able to build New Town Centers without acquiring abandoned settlements

    • 7 months ago

      I like this. It forces the user the vie for map control in order to obtain more resources and act like dedicated war fronts. I also like the house limit.

      • 7 months ago

        The developers were also lazy with how the island of Atlantis looked like in the loading screens. It was just literally Mindanao. It even included Samal Island.

        • 7 months ago

          Huh, never noticed that before

          • 7 months ago

            could've at least mirrored it

            It's kind of obvious how I knew it in the first place. I was 12 when I first played the game and I was always bothered by then as to why Atlantis was just Mindanao.

            • 7 months ago

              It helps that nobody except for filipinos have ever heard of Mindanao. It might as well be Atlantis to anyone outside of the Philippines.

              • 7 months ago

                This, also nobody even heard of filipinos before they got internet in 2010s and started shitting up youtube comments

            • 7 months ago

              >I was always bothered by then as to why Atlantis was just Mindanao.
              If you have to ask, you aren't ready to know

              • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          could've at least mirrored it

  20. 7 months ago

    Why do people hate Atlanteans so much? Is it just because they're an overpowered faction? I liked the unique way they played and yes, it's so very obviously supposed to actually be a Roman civ that got retooled mid-production but I still like what they did with it.

    • 7 months ago

      I think mostly because they were overpowered on release. Also a lot of people don’t like the fact that they don’t need to build drop off points. Personally I think they were a great addition to the game and fit well with the other civilisations. The multi-use god power gimmick is cool but the favour generation mechanic of just building town centres is kinda boring.

    • 7 months ago

      The ones who do easily reveal themselves as not true AoM fans.

    • 7 months ago

      They're terribly balanced and aren't even an actual, original, mythology since it's just Greece again.

    • 7 months ago

      1, they're another Greek faction instead of a new mythology; there were a variety of different ethnic myths they could have gone with but decided to be unoriginal instead
      2. they were clearly meant to be Roman before this, and now their aesthetics clash with their theme
      3. if you're a multiplayergay, they are unbalanced, their workers, in particular, got a lot of flak
      4. if you're a singleplayergay, you are treated to a campaign that's much shittier than the main one
      When I was young and a big Greek mythology fan, I loved them for giving the titans some attention and thought their myth units and god powers were really cool. I still like their powers and myth units, but the flaws are harder to ignore and I do wish they had gone with a new civilization instead of re-using Greece.

      • 7 months ago

        I haven't encountered any of these problems in the game that was already a fun-focused, rule-of-cool bastardization of mythology and history. In MP Atlanteans are more interesting, strategically diverse, and balanced than a lot of the base game - just look at Loki. The campaign's story doesn't follow a standard formula and that makes it memorable, while the missions themselves were more challenging. Not only are the typical strategy levels well-designed and have creative elements in them, but the gimmicky ones like Mount Olympus are top notch as well.

        • 7 months ago

          Different person but I never liked Atlanteans because they boil down to:
          >Favor from town centers (Less micro)
          >Stronger individual units (Less micro)
          >No drop-off villagers (Less micro)
          >Multi-use God Powers (Less micro)
          >All units can upgrade to Heroes (Less micro)

          • 7 months ago

            Don't all Civs get multi-use godpowers with The Titans? Or am I remembering things wrong?

            • 7 months ago

              No, only the Atlanteans have that.

          • 7 months ago

            Using god powers multiple times and upgrading heroes is micro though.

          • 7 months ago

            >Favor from town centers (Less micro)
            I don't like this mechanic of theirs either, but favor generation is macro, not micro. I don't really like how favor turned out in general, though. Too easy to get to an efficient gathering sweetspot with Greek/Eggy, and Norse are just as passive about it. There's almost never a reason to bother with more considering how low value of a resource it is. Of course this could be improved by making the underused Myth Units and upgrades better, but maybe something like God Power recharge could be tied to favor in the remake. But that's a digression.

            >Stronger individual units (Less micro)
            This isn't true, barring the citizens. Actually their heroes are weaker than those of other civs so there's more micro involved. Not to mention that upgrading them is a point of micro as well.

            >No drop-off villagers (Less micro)
            Resource gathering and villies are mostly a point of macro as well. It's pretty good design, considering the downsides of Atlantean citizens (less efficient gathering compared to population cost, can have less max population occupied by villagers, slower unit movement, less discrete villager distribution, still have to make a building for upgrades which will share a queue)

            And the other anon already addressed the last two points.

  21. 7 months ago

    I don't like the simplified economy, the small-scale ability based engagements, and the nerfing of turtling. Makes the game too similar to Warcraft 3.

  22. 7 months ago

    which one to pirate for first playthrough, extended edition or normal one?

    • 7 months ago

      Doesn't matter. extended doesn't ruin the base game, only adds the bugmen to mp. It doesn't really improve anything either.

    • 7 months ago

      I've heard some complaints about some effects being off in cutscenes in extended, so I guess normal edition first? I dunno, been a while since I played either.

    • 7 months ago

      The original.

      Doesn't matter. extended doesn't ruin the base game, only adds the bugmen to mp. It doesn't really improve anything either.

      >extended doesn't ruin the base game
      Yes it does.

    • 7 months ago

      I suggest you play the original and not bother with the titans or the rest, although it is only a personal thing I believe it's more complete.

  23. 7 months ago
  24. 7 months ago

    When are they gonna release the remake?

    • 7 months ago

      Soon Tm

  25. 7 months ago

    What do you hope for the new HD reboot? I really hope they just go balls off the walls and add shit like voodoo and Lovecraft civ.

    • 7 months ago

      Hopefully nothing like that shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Just a remaster. I wouldn't mind if they completely redid the Chinese dlc though since the story is incoherent anyway

    • 7 months ago

      Completely redo China
      Add Olmecs or Aztecs

    • 7 months ago

      Redo the Chinese: as they are, they pander to a huge market with an OP civ; but it's got some pretty big errors in its mythological depiction (no, Huang Di wasn't a sinister guy with terracotta warriors, that was Qin Shi Huang and he was "just" a deified ruler buried with them).

      Add the Nahua, the Celts and the Mesopotamians/Sumerians down the line, in this order of preference.

      End the travesty of "200 pop cap only", raise it at 500, at least.

      Have a way to recharge god powers

      • 7 months ago

        You forgot Sun Wukong even being on their god pool, and the guy they used for their god of the dead isn't even their god of the dead. They also fricked up the earth deity.
        End the travesty of "200 pop cap only", raise it at 500, at least.
        I disagree.

    • 7 months ago

      They can make whatever changes they want to Atlantis and the Chinese since they get a lot of flak already and need touch-ups.

      Redo the Chinese: as they are, they pander to a huge market with an OP civ; but it's got some pretty big errors in its mythological depiction (no, Huang Di wasn't a sinister guy with terracotta warriors, that was Qin Shi Huang and he was "just" a deified ruler buried with them).

      Add the Nahua, the Celts and the Mesopotamians/Sumerians down the line, in this order of preference.

      End the travesty of "200 pop cap only", raise it at 500, at least.

      Have a way to recharge god powers

      Agreed with everything here but make sure recharging god powers is very expensive or takes a long time, no one wants to see the titan they spent all game working towards get two-shot by a lightning bolt. That being said, they could also add a game rule that does let players go wild with god powers, just for the chaos of it.

    • 7 months ago

      Just a 1:1 remake of the the game as it was at the time of the titans expansion. No China or any new shit. Only changes should be balance numbers on stuff that’s obviously broken, maybe they can tweak god powers and stuff a little later down the line.

      • 7 months ago

        We both know this is not how it'll go down. Based on what they did with AoEIII's remaster in particular (which is pretty much a sequel to AoM), they'll definitely keep all these civs, and produce a bunch of DLCs adding more civs, more major gods, more minor gods per age-up, some extra scenarios, and who knows what else.

        • 7 months ago

          and make Greeks and Norse more ethnically accurate

      • 7 months ago

        >was at the time of the titans expansion.
        More like before it, the changes should expand the existing three factions instead of adding OC donut steel garbage.

  26. 7 months ago

    I hope the Remake brings back some of the cut features and content.

    • 7 months ago

      Exactly. There's no better way to improve a good game than adding bullshit that the original devs playtested and dropped for some reason.
      Which will now be incoroprated to great fanfare because of idiots who think more is always better and disillusioned corporate devs who have probably never even finished the Greek campaign if they played the game at all (because we know many FE members did not when they made the Chinese).

      • 7 months ago

        >Exactly. There's no better way to improve a good game than adding [stuff] that the original devs playtested and dropped for some reason.
        That's right. And after looking at the cut content, some of it seems to be absent from bullshit reasons.

        • 7 months ago


  27. 7 months ago


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