Age of Sail

Where is the Age of Sail ttrpg? It seems like something that is missing entirely in the cannon. Most things are either medieval or far future with a smattering of bronze age stuff.
>nb4 system finder. It isn't up right now.

Also, I have some ideas for how one could be made which I want feed back on.
>Class based. classes being not only your mechanical role in game and out, but place in ships hierarchy.
>Current classes are Captain, Quartermaster, Navigator/Cartographer, Barber-surgeon, Cannoneer, Sailor and Sea-cook
>Captain = Caller / Face
>Quartermaster = Treasurer / Off face
>Navigator = mapper / scout
>Barber-surgeon = "healer"
>Cannoneer = Blast caster
>Sailor = Fighter
>Sea-cook = Thief and survivalist
>Light proficiency system to slightly differentiate characters of the same class
>alignment is party based, you are either a privateer, corsair or pirate.
>Pistols and muskets require a check to use, but if that check is passed they always hit and are save or die
>Melee will be a standard "Roll to hit" system, but with high accuracy.
>Ship combat will use a system close to the feather stone ancient naval war game, with the captain giving orders to a crew like SWM
>Gameplay loop will be Gold for XP
>Still deciding on a resoltuon system, will likely have 2d6 as core with supporting systems for things like saves.

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  1. 10 months ago

    7th sea, dinkass

    • 10 months ago

      Never heard of it anon. Is it good?

      • 10 months ago

        It's like 20 years old, but since you have D&D brain rot on account of your first thought for swashbuckling being a class-based system, "saves", and alignment, I don't think you'd like it.

        Keep playing 5e.

        Alignments in a swashbuckling game, Jesus everloving Christ, what kind of brain worms do you need to have in order to think that's a good idea.

        • 10 months ago

          >alignment is party based, you are either a privateer, corsair or pirate.
          As in you are either a privateer, paid by a specific country to raid other countries. A corsair, whose taking contracts from countries but not bound to one or a pirate, a law unto yourselves. Naturally this can change, a party might decide to steal a ship from their country or whatever.

          Also would a dndrone explicitly ask for other systems. The absolute state of /tg/ holy shit

          • 10 months ago

            Why does this need to be a mechanic at all? Why are you thinking of a tabletop game in videogame terms of "gameplay loop"? Your idea for a "proficiency" system us so painfully 5e it hurts. Saves-what are you saving against?

            I think you fundamentally do not grasp the primary appeal of playing tabletop RPGs.

            • 10 months ago

              This is the musket use table I was toying around with. Historically speaking, just because you didn't die immediately from a musket / pistol shot didn't mean you were safe. I want muskets to feel lethal, that's the objective.

              Proficiencies allow for things like when William Phillips had his carpenter perform an amputation on him while lacking a surgeon.

              The point of table top RPGs is to play a role, sailing on a ship was largely a class based affair, you had a role in the crew. THere were minor variations of course, so class + a few proficiencies make sense.

              • 10 months ago

                That table is a reinvention of the critical wound mechanic from FFG's 40k RPGs. I recommend you look into how those systems handled it because your implementation is leaving a lot of possible fun stuff on the table. Of all mechanics to steal, this is a good one. Gold sticker for you.

              • 10 months ago

                This table was drafted yesterday, I'm happy to steal from somewhere that does it better. I only have a cursory knowledge of the 40k RPGs, I take a deeper dive into them. I have Rogue Trader, does that have the crit wounds stuff?

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, it should. There ought to be different tables per damage type (energy, rending, etc). I've also seen it broken out by hit location but that goes a bit too granular I think.

              • 10 months ago

                That makes sense. I was thinking about possibly breaking it out into Pistol, Musket, Cannon and Volley vs Group.

            • 10 months ago
            • 10 months ago

              >gameplay loop
              >videogame term
              Critical Role era brainrot.

        • 10 months ago

          Also pure skill systems generally suck. I'll give 7th Sea a try but knowing that it's a skill system means my hopes are low.

          • 10 months ago

            Kys Black personhomosexual. All the best systems are skill-primary.

        • 10 months ago

          >Alignments in a swashbuckling game
          Pretty easy to imagine, actually, provided you're not autistic. Although OP was pretty obviously talking about "factions" rather than what we'd usually call alignments.

        • 10 months ago

          Alignments at all are a sign of brainrot anon. Just describe someone's moral code and how they react to certain situations, slapping a "good" or "evil" sticker on is a moronic sacred cow.

  2. 10 months ago

    >Where is the Age of Sail ttrpg?
    There was an old-school, possibly self-published RPG about piracy in the Caribbean and West Indies up on one of the Vola chatrooms a couple of years back. Wish I could remember what it was called, it looked good and was very much written as historical and grounded

    >It seems like something that is missing entirely in the cannon.
    Well if you're missing a cannon, you won't be much good at ship-to-ship combat.

    • 10 months ago

      >about piracy in the Caribbean and West Indies
      That sounds pretty kino, maybe you'll remember

      >Well if you're missing a cannon, you won't be much good at ship-to-ship combat
      Who needs a cannon when I've got 40 men armed with muskets ready to volley.

  3. 10 months ago

    how do you plan to deal with ship-to-ship combat? I personally prefer lethal combat, but getting hit by a cannonball going at 200km/h, blowing my character into a fine mist wouldn't be exactly a cathartic gaming experience but on the other hand, if it never happens, then it just boils down to big health pools draining each other.

    • 10 months ago

      For characters in a bombardment, it will be Volley vs Group. Character Classes are mostly officers by designer, because they will be harder to disable or kill in a volley.

      For the health pool I have two ideas. The first being a morale roll, with a fail being a surrender. The second being a sea-worthiness total that is a percentage of ship HP and once reduced to zero renders the ship disabled but not sunk or sinking. Targeting things like Masts, Rudders, etc will reduce sea worthiness almost instantly if successful.

    • 10 months ago

      For characters in a bombardment, it will be Volley vs Group. Character Classes are mostly officers by designer, because they will be harder to disable or kill in a volley.

      For the health pool I have two ideas. The first being a morale roll, with a fail being a surrender. The second being a sea-worthiness total that is a percentage of ship HP and once reduced to zero renders the ship disabled but not sunk or sinking. Targeting things like Masts, Rudders, etc will reduce sea worthiness almost instantly if successful.

      Here is the basic idea, I haven't made the individual survival tables for cannons yet.

  4. 10 months ago


  5. 10 months ago

    There’s so much cool shit you can do with sailing. Not just in combat, but in travel - wind, currents, weather conditions, sailing routes.. it’s like a hexcrawl turned up to 11. I really want to develop a proper minisystem for it at one point.

  6. 10 months ago

    Get All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Then get the pirate sourcebook. Then, and I can't stress this enough, don't put zombies in unless you want to.
    >You shit ideas
    All of that was so gay my outfit morphed into a mesh shirt and dayglo leggings while I was reading it. Poison yourself.

  7. 10 months ago

    and muskets require a check to use, but if that check is passed they always hit and are save or die

    This is the dumbest thing said in seriousness that I've read in a while.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        I'll answer for him:
        in a game that includes a lot of combat, making one of the most basic weapons instakill isn't really a good idea.
        Given the type of game mentioned (dnd-like) and the type of setting (age of sail), it's probably a game with lots of combat that the OP has in mind.

      • 10 months ago

        >nobody has ever survived a bullet wound

        That's why, fricking moron.

  8. 10 months ago

    Shot and Splinters ttrpg on itch

  9. 10 months ago

    There are a number of good wargames about naval combat of that era. You can combine the rules of your favorite one for the engagements at sea with any generic system for the individual stats. This works well if, like my group, you enjoy focusing on the tactics of naval combat and spending most of your play time in hard-fought battles. For a more narrative and character-focused game, this probably wouldn't be well received.

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