>AI can see stealthed units without detectors

>AI can see stealthed units without detectors
Why in the goddamn are there so many games like this? Sometimes the stealth makes a unit untargetable and the AI will just kind of awkwardly try to flank a stealthed unit, but other games will let the ai just fricking stomp any stealthed units that might have been hoping to do some recon. It's such bullshit I don't even have a reaction image for it, so have a recipe instead.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Because most AIs for games are not built by twenty person teams using state of the art research. They're built by one guy making a decision flowchart. It's easy for them to program stealth as "AI is not allowed to shoot unit". If they make the AI unable to see the unit, it will never try to defend against it, making player stealth way too powerful.

    • 2 years ago

      Why not have the AI scout for units or leave a backline garrison?

    • 2 years ago

      You need to do a whole lot more then that, you need to meticulously create an entirely separate interaction tree so the bot ignores every, single variable or switch tied to a stealth unit as it goes invisible. The bot needs this precaution because the bot doesn't see what the player does and automatically takes in all info stored by the game, including unit coordinates. Troubleshooting with stealth units is probably the one time you'll see the most bizarre but logical behaviors from an AI because it knows where you are anyways but needs to ignore you.

  2. 2 years ago

    >play Total War
    >AI pretty much always deploys in the middle of the deployment zone
    >decide I wanna keep some units in hiding off to the side, for an ambush
    >AI coincidentally decides to deploy on that side this time and just happens to send some cavalry right at my hidden units
    Makes me laugh every time

    • 2 years ago

      in EU4 if you set a stack off to relieve a sieged fortress from across the map the AI gives up the siege

  3. 2 years ago

    Name 5. Are you talking about indies or something?
    Blizzard games, Westwood games, Gas Powered Games, Relic Entertainment games, Eugen Systemss games, Men of War games, AoE games all handle stealth correctly and I've just named just about every notable RTS out there.

    • 2 years ago

      i dont know what other games you are talking about but blizzard games the AI can absolutely see your units and avoid them
      yes they cannot hit stealthed units due to them being untargetable in starcraft but they know they are there
      try it with hidden zerg units and you will see

      • 2 years ago

        In Starcraft the AI will happily walk right over/into cloaked/burrowed units that are even attacking them right there, what are you talking about?

        • 2 years ago

          lies soothe the mind don't they

      • 2 years ago

        Sc2 probably holds the record for first RTS with non scumbag cheating ai. And sc1 ive had entire ai armies walk right into spider mines so no they do not get any benefits besides no fog of war in blizzard games

        • 2 years ago

          the ai can see it, it just doesnt react to it
          there is no line in the code for the AI to avoid a detected mine

          • 2 years ago

            > it just doesn't react to it
            No shit Einstein, that's what we call an AI that reacts to stealth correctly. All AIs know everything in a game, it's how they react to that information. that matters. When they don't react to it, we call it not seeing it. And detected mines are
            1. not under stealth any more
            2. treated as enemy units that get targeted normally
            so I have no idea what you're trying to say.

    • 2 years ago

      >Eugen Systems
      LMAO, wargame's AI is notoriously dogshit. not that it matters because nobody plays SP anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      Black person the AI in all Wargames, Ruse and Warno always know your unit location.
      It's why people remove Arty and bombers from AI decks so you don't lose your CV.

      • 2 years ago

        act of aggression really showed off their cheating ai

  4. 2 years ago

    so ancient roman coq au vin basically

    • 2 years ago

      there is nothing new under the sun

    • 2 years ago

      no, coq au vin is a stew, this is a roast

      there is nothing new under the sun

      that's real deep

      • 2 years ago

        okay I made the recipe it was actually pretty good, had to go to an ethnic market to get the asafoetida damn that shit smells weird. but combined with the other ingredients it actually gave it a nice flavor. interesting it tasted fine with no extra salt too, though the fish sauce is pretty salty
        also thanks for making me learn how to spratchwiener a chicken OP, definitely easier than quartering

        • 2 years ago

          i've made it too, but the first time i didn't use enough sauce so mine definitely needed more salt. but the sauce the wine, fish sauce and drippings made was amazing. i made some mashed to potatoes to go with the chicken and it paired wonderfully
          also to me asafoetida smells like how your hands smell after working with onions

  5. 2 years ago

    >XCOM2 vibes
    Never rely on reapers or phantom rangers. It'll backfire sooner or later. Rely on heavy alpha strikes. Should you be able to do stealth without putting up with the bullshit of upthrottle? Sure. But you can make in game arguments for why the aliens know to look for you.
    >why tho
    No idea why they implemented a mechanics that barely works, but that's firaxis for you.

  6. 2 years ago

    I remember back in Earth 2140 it was the opposite. AI could not do crap about steatlthed units, while you as the player could by shooting blindly into the area where the shots where coming from.

    • 2 years ago

      That's why a lot of missions where you could use it, especially in the expansions, dealt with you having limited resources, incomplete bases missing key buildings like airports, maze-like terrain full of minefields and guard towers (those could decloak your units at a certain range), constant attacks in areas that were difficult to defend before you could tech into cloaking and similar disadvantages. One mission in particular gave the enemy off-map reinforcements that included anti-cloaking units (the AI never builds those) every time you completed one of the objectives.
      There was also an interesting case where the AI 'sensing' cloaked units helped the player. Some missions required you to destroy absolutely ALL enemy units. There was a handy option in the game that allowed you to let your units be commanded by an AI general and send them on a seek-and-destroy mission. Your helicopters could find enemy subs that way, even though they couldn't see or attack those.

  7. 2 years ago

    I cooked this recipe, it's alright taste-wise but 75 degrees will leave the chicken raw near the bones even though the breast is done. It also makes the room it's in smell like old socks even if the food itself doesn't smell bad when you're eating it/get close.

  8. 2 years ago

    any other ancient roman/historical recipes you'd recommend?

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