AI Generated World

So sat down yesterday and started asking ChatGPT questions about a setting that might mimic a Final Fantasy world. Opened a floodgate of coolness. The more the chatbot and I "talked" the more overboard it went.
I've decided to follow it into the abyss of way too much magic and weirdness. I'm collecting it all not as some great work of setting design, but more as some oddity to be enjoyed, laughed at, disgusted by or even played.
My group will be running this in Fantasy HERO to see how long we can go with it.

Interested parties should respond. Detractors are also welcome. Everyone should deal the impact of AI equally.

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  1. 7 months ago

    So far, the map is the only artwork I've done. Everything else will be Pixai or whatever machine model Amelie Anime uses for "her?" stuff.

  2. 7 months ago

    That's just Azeroth, bro.

    • 7 months ago

      There is a strong resemblance. Just following what the chatbot says to do. That's the point of the process; to see where it "creates" and where it "copies." so far... just copying.

      • 7 months ago

        All they know is how to copy. The extent of their ability to "create" is to copy a bunch of small things are somewhat assemble them together.

        • 7 months ago

          Is true... but the play's the thing. Maybe it will be fun? Who can say? Me, I suppose.

        • 7 months ago

          This, AI is just a parrot that repeats what humans have made and it's getting really annoying.

          • 7 months ago

            >Most people are just a parrots that repeat what other humans have made and it's getting really annoying.

            • 7 months ago

              Seriously. If the modern rpg scene was made by copying machines with no minds or souls, then you'd at least have an explanation why its mostly a sewer of third party 5e materials and PbtA crap.

            • 7 months ago

              This. Monkeys copying monkeys is what makes us human. If anything, ai generators are just doing what we all do every day.

        • 7 months ago

          This, AI is just a parrot that repeats what humans have made and it's getting really annoying.

          >The extent of their ability to "create" is to copy a bunch of small things are somewhat assemble them together.

          So, say, Isaac Asmiov's Foundation, but with a tone and style that's a closer to something like Flash Gordon, and borrowing a lot of the mystical elements from Dune, while aesthetically giving it a mix of a 1930s and 1970s vibe?

          • 7 months ago

            But Anon, That's Just Star Wars~

            • 7 months ago

              What about an epic saga in the style of Finland's Kalevala, but transplanted into a different setting that has more Anglo-Saxon naming conventions, while also borrowing heavily from Norse and Germanic mythology, all of it with vague Catholic overtones?

              • 7 months ago

                >What about an epic saga in the style of Finland's Kalevala, but transplanted into a different setting that has more Anglo-Saxon naming conventions, while also borrowing heavily from Norse and Germanic mythology, all of it with vague Catholic overtones?

                Title: "The Wyrdsong Chronicles"

                Setting: The saga unfolds in the mythical land of Eldor, a realm filled with dense forests, towering mountains, and mist-covered moors. The people of Eldor are divided into rival clans, each with its own set of heroes and conflicts. The influence of Norse and Germanic mythology is palpable, with gods, giants, and magical creatures coexisting in the world.


                Haldor Ironheart: The central hero, born to the powerful Ironheart clan. Haldor is a skilled warrior and a wise leader, destined for greatness. He embarks on a quest to seek the knowledge of the ancient Wyrdstones, rumored to hold the key to shaping destiny.

                Eowyn Stormbringer: A fierce shieldmaiden from the Stormwolf clan, renowned for her mastery of the storm's elemental forces. Eowyn's destiny becomes intertwined with Haldor's as they face common adversaries and shared challenges.

                Grimnir Shadowcloak: A mysterious and enigmatic figure, rumored to be an immortal wanderer. Grimnir possesses ancient knowledge and serves as a guide to Haldor and Eowyn, revealing the hidden prophecies and the importance of the Wyrdstones.

                The Allfather's Watchers: Divine beings who observe the mortals from their celestial abode. The Allfather, a distant god with a resemblance to the Christian God, weaves the threads of fate and watches the unfolding events with interest.


                The Prophecy Unveiled: A cryptic prophecy reveals that Eldor is on the brink of a cataclysmic event. Haldor, guided by visions, sets out to uncover the mysteries surrounding the Wyrdstones and their connection to the fate of Eldor.

              • 7 months ago

                Clan Rivalries and Alliances: The clans of Eldor are embroiled in ancient feuds and power struggles. Haldor and Eowyn navigate the complex web of alliances and enmities, seeking to unite the clans against a common, supernatural threat.

                The Wyrdstones' Guardians: Haldor and Eowyn encounter mythical creatures, ancient guardians, and powerful sorcerers who protect the Wyrdstones. Each encounter tests their strength, wisdom, and loyalty.

                The Final Battle: As the celestial Watchers observe, Haldor and Eowyn lead a united force against the looming darkness. In a climactic battle, they face a formidable adversary, a corrupted being seeking to manipulate the Wyrdstones for malevolent purposes.

                Divine Intervention: In the midst of the chaos, the Allfather intervenes, offering a choice that will determine the destiny of Eldor. Haldor and Eowyn must make sacrifices and demonstrate unwavering courage to shape the future of their world.


                Fate and Free Will: The struggle between destiny and the choices mortals make in the face of preordained events.
                Unity and Division: The consequences of clan rivalries and the power of unity in the face of a common threat.
                Mythology and Religion: The blending of Norse and Germanic mythologies with vague Christian overtones, exploring the intersections of faith and folklore.
                This epic saga could explore rich themes, intricate characters, and a tapestry of cultural influences, creating a unique and captivating narrative.

              • 7 months ago

                Now do The Odyssey but set in a near-future dystopian New York State where Odysseus and his crew are a street gang just trying to get home.

              • 7 months ago

                LMAO how would you even do the part where his men get sidetracked by seductress with murderous intent and only one man sees through their tricks? A street gang of cute girls?

                0/10 moronic concept that could never work, see me after class.

              • 7 months ago

                >0/10 moronic concept that could never work, see me after class.

                I can't, some guy is clinking a bunch of empty beer bottles together and demanding I come out to plaaaay-aaayyyyy.

              • 7 months ago

                I noticed that as well... Still, ChatGPT gave a good account of itself.

              • 7 months ago

                I mean you do get that I've been doing this deliberately, right? Star Wars is just Asimov by way of Herbert filtered through Flash Gordon, Lord of the Rings is just the Kalevala filtered through the English language, Anglo-Saxon culture, and strong Catholic overtones; The Warriors was literally just The Odyssey with street gangs.

                It was in response to the idea that AI is just a parrot that repeats what humans have made. Yeah, it is. So is about 99% of what human beings have ever made. The phrase "there's nothing new under the sun" is from the Old Testament, for Chrissake; over two thousand years ago people were already noticing that everything new just builds off that which already exists.

                Novelty tends to come not from creating something genuinely new and original but from combining existing things in interesting ways. Combine Asimov, Herbert, Raymond, and Kurosawa (I forgot Lucas was also a huge Kurosawa fan) and suddenly you've got Star Wars, something that is distinctly its own thing while still making its origins obvious.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes. I got both references, but I wanted to see what happened.

              • 7 months ago

                >Now do The Odyssey but set in a near-future dystopian New York State where Odysseus and his crew are a street gang just trying to get home.

                Title: "The Odyssey: Streets of Steel"

                In the not-so-distant future, in a dystopian New York State, Odysseus and his crew, a notorious street gang known as "The Wanderers," find themselves entangled in a web of violence, betrayal, and struggle as they attempt to navigate the treacherous streets and make their way back home.

                Odysseus, a charismatic and cunning leader, commands the loyalty of his diverse crew. Ajax, the muscle of the gang, matches his strength with a calm demeanor, while crafty Polyphemus uses his technological expertise to navigate the city's surveillance systems. Quick-witted Hermes serves as the messenger, always finding a way to deliver critical information, and the skilled marksman, Telemachus, is Odysseus's loyal right-hand man.

                Their journey begins when a rival gang, the Suitors, led by the cunning Antinous, sets a trap during a peace summit. A heated confrontation ensues, resulting in The Wanderers facing the wrath of law enforcement, controlled by the enigmatic and ruthless authority figure, Poseidon.

              • 7 months ago

                As The Wanderers attempt to make their way back to their home turf in Ithaca Heights, they encounter a series of challenges. The Lotus Eaters, a mysterious group distributing a powerful and addictive substance, attempt to distract them from their path. The Sirens, a group of captivating hackers, lure them into dangerous virtual realms.

                Facing these obstacles head-on, Odysseus and his crew must outsmart the Cyclops, a formidable enforcer in Poseidon's employ, and navigate the dangerous underworld controlled by the all-seeing AI, Circe.

                Throughout their journey, Odysseus is haunted by the memory of his wife, Penelope, and their home in Ithaca Heights. Meanwhile, Penelope, determined and resourceful, holds the fort against the Suitors, who seek to take control of the gang's territory in Odysseus's absence.

                Amidst the challenges, The Wanderers discover allies in unexpected places. The wise and mysterious Mentor provides guidance, while the resilient Nausicaa, a former member of The Suitors seeking redemption, aids them in their quest.

                As the gang faces countless trials and betrayals, Odysseus's determination to return home grows stronger. The ultimate showdown with Poseidon and the Suitors awaits, as Odysseus and his crew fight for their place in a dystopian New York where only the strongest and most cunning survive.

                "The Odyssey: Streets of Steel" is a modern-day epic, blending elements of classic mythology with the grit and turmoil of a near-future dystopia, where loyalty, wit, and strength are the currency of survival.

              • 7 months ago

                As The Wanderers attempt to make their way back to their home turf in Ithaca Heights, they encounter a series of challenges. The Lotus Eaters, a mysterious group distributing a powerful and addictive substance, attempt to distract them from their path. The Sirens, a group of captivating hackers, lure them into dangerous virtual realms.

                Facing these obstacles head-on, Odysseus and his crew must outsmart the Cyclops, a formidable enforcer in Poseidon's employ, and navigate the dangerous underworld controlled by the all-seeing AI, Circe.

                Throughout their journey, Odysseus is haunted by the memory of his wife, Penelope, and their home in Ithaca Heights. Meanwhile, Penelope, determined and resourceful, holds the fort against the Suitors, who seek to take control of the gang's territory in Odysseus's absence.

                Amidst the challenges, The Wanderers discover allies in unexpected places. The wise and mysterious Mentor provides guidance, while the resilient Nausicaa, a former member of The Suitors seeking redemption, aids them in their quest.

                As the gang faces countless trials and betrayals, Odysseus's determination to return home grows stronger. The ultimate showdown with Poseidon and the Suitors awaits, as Odysseus and his crew fight for their place in a dystopian New York where only the strongest and most cunning survive.

                "The Odyssey: Streets of Steel" is a modern-day epic, blending elements of classic mythology with the grit and turmoil of a near-future dystopia, where loyalty, wit, and strength are the currency of survival.

                Actually a fun modern take, would watch.

              • 7 months ago

                I only watched the first Hunger Games.

        • 7 months ago

          This is a ridiculous argument, because 99.9% of human creativity is the same. There's a reason people who can conceive something previously unheard of, be it art or science, are a-handful-per-generation rare and are hailed as genius visionaries.

          • 7 months ago

            I've been compared to Asimov, Lem, and Adams in my own writing. I'm an ADHD-afflcted gumball with ears who might be on the spectrum, or maybe I'd have gone somewhere with my writing.

            • 7 months ago

              Thing is, if your writing uses previously established words, then you're already not glonp enough.

              • 7 months ago

                Not only am I glomp enough, I'm traffled and kleggled to the point of biscuit noise. Don't rhumple me with your farfle sandwiches!

        • 7 months ago

          That’s every human story ever anon.. the AI is just more obvious

    • 7 months ago

      And to a lesser extent Glorantha.

    • 7 months ago

      And to a lesser extent Glorantha.

      looks more like a more proportionate map of the Avatar world. complete with element color coordinated landmasses.

  3. 7 months ago

    Keep going, I want more info on the setting.

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        Be warned, this stuff reads like a book report. Some places are drier than 4 day old toast in Namibia.

      • 7 months ago

        >Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Goblar
        ? You mean Goblins?
        >No, Goblar. Short, green-skinned tricksters that live underground and in deep forests
        >Oh, and beastfolk uwu :3

        • 7 months ago

          Well.. yeah. Like I said, I'm just "following orders."

  4. 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    This is odd. Since I started this exercise, ChatGPT has been a sort of "Yes.. and..." kind of partner. It just told me no. Quite surprised. It has decided the Veil Keeper is a solo act. When asked about its minions, it said there weren't any.

  6. 7 months ago

    What did you use to make the map?

    • 7 months ago


  7. 7 months ago

    I just won't play at a table that uses AI gen shit. If I want that I'll play a video game.

    • 7 months ago

      >I just won't play at a table that uses AI gen shit.

      Honestly AI has reached a point where in some cases it's impossible to tell it was AI generated unless you already knew that going in. Take this image, for example, what's the "tell" that it's AI, apart from the fact that I told you?

      • 7 months ago

        the eyes

    • 7 months ago

      >won't use AI generated

      We used tables and matrixes to generate games before. What's different about this?

      • 7 months ago

        When you read an oracle table you interpret it and fit it to the setting and campaign, it's also unique to the person making the interpretation.
        When you ask a chatbot for the same thing you get one of the most common outcomes possible with only the absolute basic concessions made to fit it in.

        • 7 months ago

          That's what inpainting is for.

          >AI makes a series of unique maps
          >you pick one that fits the look you're going for and then customize it with inpainting
          >end result looks professional
          >everyone is happy except the anon who seethes about AI

    • 7 months ago

      >I just won't play at a table that uses AI gen shit.
      Sure you will.

      • 7 months ago

        Someone made an argument with that rolling on tables and such was AI... I tend to agree with that. If this is objectively true, then we've had AI from day one of DnD and all that it spawned.

  8. 7 months ago

    Do you have any advice for someone else who wants to use ChatGPT to do something like this please, OP?

    • 7 months ago

      Apply patience! Start with your own idea, like "Create a world like Dark Souls" or "I want a dungeon written by William Shakespeare." Give it a place to start and just ask questions aplenty.
      One thing I should have done is grab a setting book and asked questions in the same order they are answered in the order the book presents. As it was, I just went where it seemed logical to me... not thinking like a designer at all, but as my usual random access self.

  9. 7 months ago

    sounds pretty solid

  10. 7 months ago

    I do enjoy utilization of randomness inducing elements of chaos or procedure. Both as a time saver and to both limit and ground myself.
    Dungeons in particular are good for such, since any malice in trap placement s put upon to the procedure rather than the DM.
    What l might suggest would be to start with such and edit in genuine creatively into parts.
    Like that Azeroth looking map is uninspired beyond the southern marshy area, Ephemeral Terrtores and maybe the nexus.

    AI monsters l highly rate. or even npc appearences.

    • 7 months ago

      >edit in genuine creatively into parts.
      >Like that Azeroth looking map is uninspired beyond the southern marshy area, Ephemeral Terrtores and maybe the nexus.

      its funny you say that, since that's the only part of the setting made by people

      • 7 months ago

        It described the world as a ring, so I drew a ring. Recall that I'm just a filter for this thing. I'm trying to provide as little intervention and human creativity as possible.

  11. 7 months ago

    So about the Corrupted Nexus...
    Is there a reason it looks a bit like Australia?

    • 7 months ago

      It is entirely peopled by criminals.

  12. 7 months ago

    Slop thread.

    • 7 months ago

      Perhaps. I'm enjoying it. But then... I might be a slop person.

  13. 7 months ago

    I'm also using AI artwork. Fascinating how every AI I've used has defaulted to a white girl with brown hair unless otherwise stated.

    Also, these are Medium Breasts according to Pixai.

  14. 7 months ago

    AIBlack folk aren't white lol
    that's all that needs to be said
    >yeah I'm aryan but also I act exactly like poojeets and automate my own creativity with a israelite-developed word randomizer
    nah I'm not playing at your table lol

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