Alan Wake 2 = GOTY

-Masterful story
-Top-notch lore and worldbuilding
-Challenging combat
-Excellent skills and progression
-Expertly tied in with control, drawing upon the lore of that game.

Why haven't you played Alan Wake 2?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Page 10

    That was my destination, I have to find the shitposting site.

  2. 5 months ago

    The game wasn't that cool and everything they've made since then has been incredibly generic and soulless. ESPECIALLY Control. I'm done with Remedy.

    • 5 months ago

      You are literally an idiot. How can you be so dull?

  3. 5 months ago

    I played it and liked it but the combat is not fun and there's barely any of it and there's not really any puzzles to solve, the investigation stuff investigates itself. Best thing about the game is that it got me to play a resident evil game

    • 5 months ago

      I played through Alan Wake while stoned as frick. Maybe that's clouding my view, but the entire scenario of being trapped in a neverending nightmare that you can learn to alter is really unique and fascinating. The musical number level was one of the best experiences I've had gaming. There's just something special about this game and its lore. Who is Warlin Door really, for instance?

      • 5 months ago

        Hes Mr. Hatch from Quantam Break/Saga's father

        • 5 months ago

          I figured he was Saga's father, but I never played Quantum Break. Is it even part of the Remedy-connected universe? I thought they sold the rights--so it couldn't be him.

          • 5 months ago

            it's "visually/thematically similar but legally distinct" Mr. Hatch from QB that was played by Lance Reddick. Reddick died so they hired another dude to play the multidimensional Black now called Mr. Door and made a similar character to Jack Joyce the protagonist of QB called Tim The Buck Breaker played by the same actor

            • 5 months ago

              how's tim related to jesse

              • 5 months ago

                In Quantum Break Courtney(Jesse) plays a character Beth Wilder that's important to the story and Joyce(Tim) and also made Remedy really like her because of her charm and performance

              • 5 months ago

                ah ok so notjesse or altverse jesse, I'm guessing they'll cross paths in control 2 then

              • 5 months ago

                I have a feeling that Courtney Hope was having way too much fun working with Sam Lake. She always comes off as a hyperactive dork whenever she's talking about Control.

      • 5 months ago

        >The musical number level was one of the best
        this was trash and cringe

  4. 5 months ago

    You never even played the first game. Anyways, not touching your sweet baby slop

  5. 5 months ago

    I get like 50fps average with a gtx3050 on medium/low with DLSS and this game is literally designed to be good to look at so it's kinda pointless. I'd have to upgrade my graphics card just for that.

  6. 5 months ago

    >game is made by sweet baby
    this is a shill thread

  7. 5 months ago

    No one will by your N game, shill

  8. 5 months ago

    i have, and i really liked it, although not as much as Alan Wake 1
    Max Payne 1 is still their best game, though

    • 5 months ago

      Sweet baby trash

  9. 5 months ago

    I got 100 hours in it and the theorizing makes me feel like i'm becoming as schizophrenic as Alan

    • 5 months ago

      Is it worth going through New Game Plus for the additional story content, or is it negligible?

      • 5 months ago

        negligible, watch on yt

      • 5 months ago

        It's worth it if you enjoyed the game and want to go through it again with your upgrade and weapons, but if not i'll just tell you everything that's added without spoilers.
        >a few new manuscript pages
        >jumpscares not in the same locations
        >3 new videos
        >new dialogue at the end
        >extended ending, meaning actual full ending without the cliffhanger
        I'm pretty sure there's videos on youtube to see all the differences, but no matter what you should definitely see the "true "ending.

        • 5 months ago

          As much as I love this game, expecting the player to replay the whole game again with negligible additions just to see the "true ending" sucks.

          • 5 months ago

            Literally just watch it on youtube then, homie.

          • 5 months ago

            I get it's tedious but I'm happy they had the balls to do something tied to the narrative like that. You can always watch the additions on Youtube

        • 5 months ago

          >jumpscares not in the same locations
          What is it with Remedy and their fetish for jumpscares?

      • 5 months ago

        Just watch the Dr. Darling clips on Youtube

    • 5 months ago

      I'm going to try reading House of Leaves since I think Lake took some inspiration from it in Alan Wake.

      • 5 months ago


        Try all. He just dressed it up as Twin Peaks and broke down a different genre. And it's been getting more and more pronounced since.
        It's not even a secret at this point. He's said it straight out in interviews.

        They even got Mark Z. Danielewski's sister out of artist retirement to do an end theme:
        You might also recognize her artist name from Alan Wake's OST as they also used one of her songs for an ending there:
        This is from a album that ties directly into House of Leaves.

        And there's nothing wrong with this, House of Leaves is an amazing book which everybody should read.

  10. 5 months ago

    gay Black person game

  11. 5 months ago

    The game was ok but Saga is fricking trash, I feel bad about the actress because she could and should give a great performance but sweet baby writing did her dirty, her most emotional parts are ruined because she is a perfect woman and in no way the dark place or having her daughter killed can properly affect her, she just that special you WHITE butthole.

    • 5 months ago

      I liked how the thing that convinces her she isn’t a bad agent is a random diploma she has lying around that says

      • 5 months ago

        that shit ruined her and nearly the game for me and this

        it's a shame, really. it's like you can tell which parts were changed or added by sweet baby because it just doesn't match up with how good the rest of the game is.

        is exactly why. Casey and Wake are pretty much insane while she is all cool and nice, Deflect to racism all they want, Mr.Door was great and fit perfectly, But Saga, especially at end, was very off-putting and obviously written by someone else, a very shitty writter that wanted to empower Saga and by consequence ruined the character and actor performance.

      • 5 months ago

        To be fair, Jesse had a similar character arc, but somehow it came across as more natural. And we got to her Matt Porretta sing.

        Also, her "intern" phase was pretty mindfricky.

        • 5 months ago

          I love Matt Porretta so much I watch this video like once a day.

          • 5 months ago

            I need to rewatch Men in Tights at some point.

        • 5 months ago

          in my opinion her stilted voiceacting did her no favors, in Control most of the god tier voiceactors are having monologues at Jesse so Courtney doesn't need to provide 10/10 performance while in Alan Wake 2 Saga has to constantly talk to Porreta, MaCaffrey etc. and she's just not up to par. Her major crime is that's she's kinda bland so the Booker scene and the white butthole line stick out and are 100% Sweet baby shenanigans but everything else like her confidence/respect from Casey etc. felt off because not because it was "strong wymn" shit but because thge actress couldn't voiceact it properly

          • 5 months ago

            Also, it feels like the actress doesn't "feel" the story. I've watched some interviews with her and other actors - while Porretta, Villi and even Courtney can rattle on and on about their characters and what is going through their heads, Melanie Liburd can only describe Saga as "strong female of color". Holy shit, I am so invested in this character already. I think James McCaffery was a similar case, but at least McCaffery was very open that he doesn't really understand videogames and he's working with Remedy for fricks and giggles.

            • 5 months ago

              While McCaffrey perhaps doesn't understand completely the story/character his delivery in both Control and AW2 is superb, fricking loved listening to Trent

    • 5 months ago

      it's a shame, really. it's like you can tell which parts were changed or added by sweet baby because it just doesn't match up with how good the rest of the game is.

    • 5 months ago

      >you WHITE butthole.
      Why are you bringing race into this? The game never brought up race except the one time Saga references "white buttholes". But we've all known white buttholes, you're probably one. How is that bad to point out?

      • 5 months ago

        >Why are you bringing race into this?
        Exactly you clown, but racists buttholes like you love and see no issue with that.

  12. 5 months ago

    >Me killing Barry in Alan Wake 3 cause he joined Fake Zane’s cult

    • 5 months ago

      havent played much of 2 yet, is barry even in this one?

      • 5 months ago

        there are emails about him and one very important location was directly funded by him

  13. 5 months ago

    I bought this game but haven't played it yet because I'm still working through Mameda no Bakeru. It's the very next game I'm diving into though.

  14. 5 months ago

    My main issue with the game is it tries to be super spooky with the plot but I have in fact read sutter cane so I saw what was coming once alan actually turns up (it took that long as i've not played any of the previous games) and a lot of tension was lost. Without tension a horror game just becomes a slave to the raw gameplay and alan wake II is just not refined enough on that front to make replaying an engaging prospect.

    • 5 months ago

      I don't think it tries to be Silent Hill or some shit. It's just Sam Lake aping Stephen King again, with is usual goofy charm. Cheap jumpscares aside.

      • 5 months ago

        >I don't think it tries to be Silent Hill or some shit
        Never said it did. The game is a wholesale ripoff of In The Mouth Of Madness which is a far more enjoyable way to spend 2 hours.

        • 5 months ago

          >In The Mouth Of Madness
          I kept thinking about Lovecraft's short story and wondering that does that have to do with Alan Wake 2, but then I realized you are talking about the Sam Neil movie. I guess it's an inspiration like any other.

          • 5 months ago

            >I guess it's an inspiration like any other.
            I don't even know if it's a direct inspiration but it's pretty similar, in the sense that there's a writer who's a King stand-in who starts messing with an ancient Lovecraftian entity via his writing, referencing both King and HPL, the modern and the classic, in very horror fan service meta ways. The major difference is Alan is the protag hero whereas Cane is the villain and protag is indirectly chasing him. References to King and especially Shining are pretty obvious in AW, big city writer going to remote rural place to recharge his batteries, butthole to his wife. AW1 has blatant nods like the axe through door scene, AW2 has the hotel green bathroom with a corpse. The non-euclidean hotel motif (more obvious in Control). Other obvious ref is Twin Peaks, even going so far as to rip off the doppelganger taking over while protag stuck in dual evil place S2 cliffhanger wholesale. I think it's funny that AW2 mirrors TP even with the "long-awaited sequel" aspect, which isn't something they could have planned, but it works, because The Return aired in the meanwhile, it's a fun meta.

            I'm actually surprised by the lack of nods towards ITMOM besides the general plot concept.

            • 5 months ago

              >AW1 has blatant nods like the axe through door scene
              Ya think? Literally the first words you hear in Alan Wake 1 are "Stephen King" and the first guy you meet is called "Maine". But yeah, Sam Lake is very open about his inspirations, especially the Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks. In that sense, I can see In the Mouth of Madness as an inspiration. And in an amusing twist, I can swear that in the same, incestous vein Stranger Things nicked some things from Alan Wake.

        • 5 months ago

          That movie is neat. Need more horror about small isolated towns where weird shit is going down.

          • 5 months ago

            Isn't that every Stephen King movie ever?
            Tangent: to this day I haven't decided whether I like Stephen King or not. He can build good atmosphere and his books are page turners, but he can NEVER stick the landing.

            • 5 months ago

              Sort of. He did it best in his novel Salem's Lot.
              IT is good as well; both were written in the 70s or 80s. I think his work from that period is pretty good.
              Anything beyond that I couldn't get into. Don't really care for his novels from the 90s or beyond, but he had better screenplays.

            • 5 months ago

              >but he can NEVER stick the landing.
              The ending of dark tower has a in your face harry potter reference and a literal deus ex machina.

  15. 5 months ago

    - interesting but convoluted story
    - good storytelling
    - horrible unnecessary combat
    - respawning enemies
    - pointless 5 different collectibles
    - pointless exploration
    - horrible padding to make game longer
    - dev team self-inserts
    it is 6/10 at best, it would work better as a walking sim

  16. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      We had 15 BG3 threads daily, can't we have ONE Alan Wake 2 thread?
      I've just started it and I have nobody to talk about it.

    • 5 months ago

      Global Rule 7

  17. 5 months ago

    Imagine the kino if Sam gets him as Chester Bless

  18. 5 months ago
  19. 5 months ago

    I stumbled upon this fantastic little yarn of autism as the only comment on the Alan Wake wiki Barry Wheeler page
    >1/ Man, I don't know how Barry's role in the 2nd game is known here, but it would be cool if he helps Alan with music. That's maybe why Alan Wake as a game is more immersive for me than Max Payne 2 even - it's a multimedia, the music by Old Gods of Asgard is like a touch in our world and I know it's by the Poets (and that's great), but it helps immerse more. And with Balance Slays the Demon it can be very interesting how Barry is helping Max. Because it's not shown that music fights the Dark directly, but with the tour of the Old Gods (and some new songs by Barry) he can be spreading words that fight the Dark, weakens it and that's how he is gathering allies for Alan (AA) - literaly, everyone who sing the songs, even us. Maybe Zane comes in the dreams of Barry and is telling him what is the Dark, how it took his wife too and was using her to make Zane write the Dark in the real world as she was his muse but he saw the truth. Barry may have heard the Andersons talking about stuff that he used for songs to help Alan against the Dark. Like, they are talking "Hey, man, remember when we wrote The Light and Dark Trilogy/Saga (btw, good name for the Alan Wake games in Remedy's catalog)? The Mimir's offer, The eye of Odin and Where hope lies (in the future). Uhhhhh.... did we ever finnished it? Remember, it was going to stop something bad forever and... uhhhh... Or we were helping someone...". And Barry thought to write trilogy of his own to help Alan. Maybe in the 2nd we can play as Barry or Alice even - Alan's bits are action/horror/revelation and with Barry/Alice we see more cutscenes and slower actions - after all, it's all like a tv show, so it can jump from time to time, but not chaotic. Another thing that really gets me for Alan Wake game is so simple but sooooo cool. If you thing about it, this story is Alan's "Hero's Journey".

    • 5 months ago

      >2/He goes in the unknown (not only the first time when he goes in the lake, but in the end of the game he goes in the underworld), he have to save the girl (hiw wife), maybe the world, but he is still in the unknown. So the 2nd game must be, so we can see his victory and the return home with the girl and some knowledge. There is a theory the events in the game are not real and he did not saved his wife, that he is in the Dark Place all the time after jumping in the lake, but that is just lazy storytelling and cheap trick in the worse way. It must be real (in the world of Alan Wake) and he needs to preavail somehow. Btw, if somewhere in time there is 2nd game and someone from Remedy is reading this, please make Alan's zodiac sign aquarius. No need to be said even, you are good in telling story in subtle ways - maybe there is a calendar with marked date (2nd february, in the 2nd game, not because it's my birthday, absolutle not, uh-uh) and Alice is thinking about Alan and how alone he is in the Dark. Alice thinks Barry forget about Alan, turned his back on Alan and just went to the money with the Andersons, when in fact Barry just keeps his goal secret (like a capricorn btw), fearing the Dark will try to stop him (and it try) but nothing stops Barry helping his friend. Alice is more, as we say in Bulgaria, with the horns ahead, meaning acting first, asking later, rashly, like an aries.

      • 5 months ago

        >3/Zane may be cancer or libra - Sam Lake is cancer and is guiding the player, altough in wiki it say aries now, so I don't know. And Stephen King is libra and he is influence on the story (the first two word in Alan Wake were "Stephen King", I mean... yeah). And the Anderson's may be with the zodiac signs of the Poets. And the tour is going all the places, but heading for the city of Ordinary, and Barry/Alice goes in the Dark Place, helping Alan in his final battle with the Dark. And Alan was going from port to port, as mentioned by Zane and in his poem. The ports are places of light, sometimes atacked by the Dark - maybe we see it somewhere in the beggining or the middle of the game and fight in such siege but escape as the Dark floods that sefa haven. I can see Barry going in with light from the show behind him saying in the middle of the battle: "Do you it hear, Al? They sing. They all sing the songs i wrote to help you. "Balance Slays the Demon" was good one, but this one is even more epic, if I may say. Because it's an ocean, Al. I realised that listening to what the Anderson's/Zane were saying - it can not be beaten by one man alone. Alone you can wander the Dark place with no light and no hope forever. But you are not alone, Al. We are here to help. Only together we can fight the Darkness.". And after the win, Barry is like: "Al, you should write a book about all this.

        • 5 months ago

          >4/Or maybe a movie - people will have a hard time imagining all this. Oh, oh - a video game - so much better." and Alice is like: "All this in one game? Why not a trilogy!" and Barry is like: "Trilogy? In this time and age for video game industry, controled by the big corporations? It's hard to make even a second game!" and Alan is like: "You know what - let me first enjoy some time under the sun. And some time with Alice, we deserve it. Who knows - maybe even a kid. But not right away" and Barry is like: "Yeah, Al, we can wait. And I bet you - it will be worth the waiting.". Oh man, my train of thought went too much into using zodiac signs for character development. And too much into fan fiction with the last bit. In any case, whoever makes the 2ng Alan Wake, if there is going to be 2nd, please, please, please, don't Mass-Effect-3-it (with the ending), don't What-dreams-may-come-it (with the deus ex machina ending, though I can feel "Divine comedy" as inspiration for Alan Wake), don't political-correctness-it, don't feminise-it, don't magic-black-it - in short don't ruin it like Star Wars was in sake of pleasing the wrong crowd. Just make it a good story all in all (Hero's Journey is always a good roadmap, even if cliche, but hey - everybody knows the Hero and cliches work), with solid begging and middle and satisfing ending. Light vs Dark is sooooo good and simple as basis. Just give Alan Wake 2 a chance. Man, that took a lot of space, but i had to let it out. With kind regards from Bulgaria, Jivko.

  20. 5 months ago

    Alan Wake. A. Wake. Awake. Awakening. The Great Awakening. The Great Reset. The Woke agenda. Wakanda.
    Wake = Wakanda.

    Alan. Anal.
    Alan = Anal.

    The Anal Awakening. The gay agenda. Anal wakanda. Chadwick Boseman. Ass cancer. Black gay anal sex. Buck breaking.
    Alan Wake = Buck Breaking.

    Saga Anderson MC of Alan Wake 2.
    Sara Anderson. Half-black. White name. Racemixing. The offspring of the broken buck. The Kalergi Plan
    Saga Anderson Formerly White in Quantum Break. Raceswapping. Woke agenda.
    Saga Anderson. MC of Buck Breaking Wakanda 2.Product of the woke agenda.

    Buck breaking. Anal sex. Hemorrhoids. Blood. AIDS. Ass Cancer. Chadwick Boseman. Anal Wakanda. Anal Wokeness. Anal awakening. Anal Wake. A-Wake. Alan Wake.

  21. 5 months ago

    I'd shill the movie anyday.
    Actually here, just go ahead and watch it again.

    • 5 months ago

      Was the the movie for which Sam Lake had an idea to have Casey run around naked to "mirror the opening scenes with Nightingale", up until somehow reminded him that HE'S playing Casey?

      • 5 months ago

        I don't think he would mind honestly.

        • 5 months ago

          Apparently, he DID mind.

      • 5 months ago

        yep, he wrote it in then chickened out at the end when he realized that he is playing Alex Casey and would have to strip naked and run through the woods in front of all the devs and an international cast of actors.
        >so Aleksi Kesä rüns throügh the forest, his pippeli aamun torkku
        >but Sami, you are Aleksi Kesä

        • 5 months ago

          He got cold feet, which is the lesser evil of cold balls.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'd shill anyday.
      Is this the true nightmare after all?

    • 5 months ago

      This Movie Goes Very Hard, Love from Dark New York

      alan swole

      I Love Ikka So Much It's Unreal

      • 5 months ago

        Ilkka seems like a really nice guy, if his interviews are anything to go by.
        I dunno why, but I always thought he would be a douchebag.

        • 5 months ago

          because he can easily pull off a douchebag with his body language, he did a splendid job in the FMV interview in 1 and Mr. Scratch scenes

          • 5 months ago

            >well that guy was really in my face
            Alan, you fricking coke fiend

  22. 5 months ago

    thread theme

  23. 5 months ago

    I still think "War" is the best Poets of the Fall made for Remedy song. "Long Goodbye" being my personal second best.

  24. 5 months ago

    You know, I dunno why, but one thing that really fricked with me was Alan actually returning back to the "real world" at the end of
    Act 1. Throughout all of the game, I was convinced that this is Mr Scratch fricking with everybody.

  25. 5 months ago

    this is your new Director of the FBC, wat do?

    • 5 months ago

      Petition for an increase in funding for the staff cafeteria.

    • 5 months ago

      FBC directors have a tendency to drop like flies very quickly, so I'll just wait her out.

      • 5 months ago

        burning her blubber would potentially give off more energy than Northmoor, make an incinerator pronto

  26. 5 months ago

    Can someone explain to me the intro with Nightingale to me?
    I still don't really understand why he came back from the lake and was stumbling around till the cult found him and killed him.
    Was he evil before his heart was torn out? and if he was a monster why was it so easy for he cult to catch him?

    • 5 months ago

      Have you played AW1? Nightingale gets Taken at some point and what you see in AW2 is a consequence of that.

  27. 5 months ago

    i'm playing through the first game for the first time and i don't feel like it aged that well

    • 5 months ago

      The original, or the remaster?
      Also, yeah, I can see that. It has a good story, but frick me, the gameplay gets repetitive very quickly.

    • 5 months ago

      gameplay's shite unfortunately, everything else is top tier. One of my favorite games of all time

      • 5 months ago

        >for this game we've given alan chronic wasting syndrome
        what the frick

        • 5 months ago

          New Alan look in 2 or are you talking about the stamina in 1?

      • 5 months ago

        >gameplay's shite unfortunately, everything else is top tier.
        this describes everything Remedy has made since Max Payne 2 but Alan Wake 2 is still a big improvement over Control & QB

  28. 5 months ago

    alan swole

  29. 5 months ago

    A. I don't have an RTX (I'm literally a few steps below RTX, I have a 1660Ti but literally no reason to upgrade yet)
    B. I'VE SEEN FOOTAGE of the game, and AW2 literally looks like a moviegame/walking-simulator. If I wanted one of those, I could just play RDR2 which is easily 5x more engaging and has a longer duration.

  30. 5 months ago

    >-Masterful story
    >-Top-notch lore and worldbuilding
    >-Challenging combat
    >-Excellent skills and progression
    >-Expertly tied in with control, drawing upon the lore of that game.
    explain why. you cant, since theyre all faulty as hell, thus the game is shit. original was better and more mechanically complex.

  31. 5 months ago

    see you on the next loop

  32. 5 months ago

    >what if Twin Peaks were a boring movie game
    No thanks

  33. 5 months ago

    So, did Wake wrote Zane, or Zane wrote Wake or Wake wrote Zane who wrote Wake who wrote Zane?
    AW3 will reveal that Sam Lake is behind everything, won't it?

  34. 5 months ago

    Sweet Baby Inc presents Cringe WokeSlop: the Movie: the Game.


  35. 5 months ago

    And the reward goes to.. Alan Wake!

  36. 5 months ago

    Sam Lake is finnish Kojima, you can tell he doesn't give a frick about video games and just wants to make TV shows and movies.

    • 5 months ago

      Nah, unlike Kojima he likes videogames. I wish people started exploring videogame interactivity as a serious artistic expression. The only game that did it right was IMO Torment.

      • 5 months ago

        Bro, your Pathologic?

        • 5 months ago

          Never played it, honestly. Russian artsy-fartsy games traumatize me. The only one I played was The Void and it was only for the boobies.

  37. 5 months ago


  38. 5 months ago

    Black Saga feels a bit off, I think she would have just fine if they written her as a new character, going in to find out why White Saga disappeared in Bright Falls.

    Gives even a solider basis to Casey stepping down from command, due to personal involvement.
    Casey wants his synchronized coffee partner back and you're going to solve the case.

    There was not even a real need for Black Saga to be related to Odin and Loki by blood, there's plenty of other options to explain her powers.

    Everything else was fine and kino, I guess.

  39. 5 months ago

    i bet it is dude. that is why you dont share snippets of what is in the game like texts or screencaps or gameplay. in the abstract its the best game but what comprises the game us an afterthought. but if you replied withq story text or gameplay snippet i bet it will make me sleepy

  40. 5 months ago

    I never played the first one, should i play this one or will i be too confused

    • 5 months ago

      You will be confused. The game *tries* to explain some shit to you, but at some point it gives up and assumes you know the plot of both AW1 and Control anyway.
      >what the frick is a Clicker and why is it important
      >who is Mr Scratch
      >why is Agent Nightingale here
      And so on.

    • 5 months ago

      You get a musical version of the first game it's fine. Control is almost important as AW1 is to it , btw.

    • 5 months ago

      About half the story won't make sense if you don't.

    • 5 months ago

      watch the "Sam Lake recap", you can also watch a recap of Control. Would suggest playing Control, has problems but still a pretty good game


  41. 5 months ago

    Other than the jump scares nothing was scarier than gettig chased by a naked fat guy

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