Alder is an anomaly

>team is composed of five gogoat tier shitmons and a volcarona
>is the one and only champion in all Pokémon game that manage lost to a npc (N)
>his postgame(and also only lol) team is weaker than the first team of some other champions like leon.
>is a canon cuck in the anime that even Cynthia hate
and yet despite all that people don’t call him out on being the worst/weakest champion of them all unlike Dianthea and Geeta. Why is that?
Are people just being blinded by gen 5 nostalgia or Is it just because people unironically forget that Alder even exist?

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  1. 4 months ago

    >people unironically forget that Alder even exist?
    Not gonna lie i forgot about alder until you made this thread

    • 4 months ago

      tbf, he is a postgame only battle so most people probably didn’t even know that you could even fight this guy.

      • 4 months ago

        If we consider Alder a champion, we might as well call Mt Silver Red one of them too

  2. 4 months ago

    You kinda answered yourself, he was so unexceptional and he lost to the real final boss (N / Ghetsis) so most people don't even remember let alone know that he exists.
    But in the other hand, he's also the one with least issues/controversies so yeah, just a "oh he exists" kinda guy.

  3. 4 months ago

    He has my favorite champ because of his dialogue with Cheren and how goofy his team is

  4. 4 months ago

    >missing the point of Alder this fricking hard

    • 4 months ago

      >you don’t get it, he’s supposed to suck ass

      • 4 months ago

        >he’s supposed to suck ass
        Well yeah.

      • 4 months ago

        >you don't get it, I'm a disingenuous moron

  5. 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    Unlike Diantha and Geeta, he's a totally optional fight rather than the last boss of the story like them. And when you do fight him, it's a breeze with a terrible battle theme. So yeah, I think most people just forget about him.

    I like him though. He's a pretty good character by Pokemon standards. And his encounter theme is great.

    • 4 months ago

      Champion battle Diantha is fine. Not great but not a complete pushover either. It’s the post game fight where Diantha’s team is a joke.

    • 4 months ago

      You don't know shit. Maybe play the game next time, dumbass. Geeta is not the last boss of the story at all, not even of the gym story arc.

  7. 4 months ago

    >Are people just being blinded by gen 5 nostalgia or Is it just because people unironically forget that Alder even exist?
    both of these
    his battle theme is also terrible

    which is a shame because his encounter theme is one of the best themes in the series

    • 4 months ago

      Champion battle themes since Gen 5 have been pretty ass. I don't get why they have to sound like some sort of victory or celebration theme when this is supposed to be the ultimate fight.
      Well at least the Elite 4 Themes have been consistent with keeping the tension.

      • 4 months ago

        >I don't get why they have to sound like some sort of victory or celebration theme when this is supposed to be the ultimate fight.
        Alola's makes some sense given that
        >the region's league was recently founded and its first Champion is (You)
        >Game Freak pushed on SM being the 20th Anniversary game
        but for Galar/Leon and Paldea/Geeta, there's little to no excuse. Leave that main theme celebration shit for the Hall of Fame if you must include it.

      • 4 months ago

        >I don't get why they have to sound like some sort of victory or celebration theme when this is supposed to be the ultimate fight.
        Alola's makes some sense given that
        >the region's league was recently founded and its first Champion is (You)
        >Game Freak pushed on SM being the 20th Anniversary game
        but for Galar/Leon and Paldea/Geeta, there's little to no excuse. Leave that main theme celebration shit for the Hall of Fame if you must include it.

        Also rivals not being rivals but instead turbohomosexual friends uwuxd. Silver's theme is still one of the best the games have

  8. 4 months ago

    Alder simply doesn't register in people's minds since in the story he's just some NPC that gets shitstomped by N and you only face him in the postgame. He's entirely optional.

  9. 4 months ago

    >carries more than six pokeballs because he canonically never figured out how to use a PC
    He's just a funny guy.

  10. 4 months ago

    It kinda makes sense since in universe he's an old man way past his prime and is only an optional post game fight.

    I really like him though.

    • 4 months ago

      Not only that, both N and Ghetsis talk about how since his starter died, he's lost his passion for battling and hasn't fought seriously in years.

      Honestly, I sort of feel bad for the guy. Not only forgettable, replaced offscreen in both the games and anime, and only appeared like twice in the latter. There was potential for his character, but it was totally squandered.

      • 4 months ago

        I honestly always really liked Alder, think he's underrated.

  11. 4 months ago

    Kieran lost to Nemona.

  12. 4 months ago

    Adler might use shitmons, but at least he uses them somewhat optimally. Geeta fricking saves a hazard setter as her final Pokémon.

    • 4 months ago


  13. 4 months ago

    Alder is a man and Geeta and Diantha aren't.

    So they get the hate more.

  14. 4 months ago

    >and yet despite all that people don’t call him out on being the worst/weakest champion of them all unlike Dianthea and Geeta. Why is that?
    Because he's a old man that's out of his prime, lost his true acemon and wasn't really hyped up to be the strongest of the strong. It also help that he wasn't the final boss of the game, Ghetsis was. He's just a mentor figure whose philosophy wasn't to be the strongest but to have fun and enjoy life while you can. He's also a down-to-earth guy and not a celebrity in anything other than his title. Lastly, the anime generally ruined a lot of BW's characters, so of course they made Alder the generic perverted old man trope.

  15. 4 months ago

    >Alder was so bad he couldn't even get Benga to be champion in the sequel with Iris being champion instead
    How did Drayden do it?

    • 4 months ago

      He's got one of the Latis and a Garchomp/Dragonite depending on the game, so he's doing something right.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't see Benga as the type to sit in a room all day waiting for challengers. He's a hyperactive little shit.

      The real life reason is they probably didn't want to make the new Champion just 'Alder but younger'.

  16. 4 months ago

    Now that I think about it, Marshal might have worked as champ in BW2. He was Alder's disciple and Fighting type was arguably at its peak in gen 5.

  17. 4 months ago

    >only champion in all Pokémon game that manage lost to a npc

    • 4 months ago

      Does Red count as an NPC since you're playing as him when you defeat Lance?

      To add to that, he wasn't champ when he lost to Red.

      • 4 months ago

        he lost to green(blue overseas) you imbecile

  18. 4 months ago

    Alder is a chill Chad that actually goes out there solving problems instead of sitting on his ass like a lazy bum at the Pokémon League like every other Champion sans Cynthia.
    I agree him being Champion is wrong, his true calling is helping people.

  19. 4 months ago

    >Route 5
    "Oh! Why, if it isn't Elesa! Aren't festivals grand? Life should be enjoyed!"
    "I heard that remark. You're quite a judgmental young person, are you not? My name is Alder. I'm the Unova Pokémon League's Champion. Pleased to make your acquaintance. For your information, I'm not goofing off. I'm on a voyage. I know every corner of Unova."
    "Hm. Traveling with a goal in mind is a commendable thing. And what do you plan to do after becoming the Champion?"
    "Hmm. Becoming stronger... Becoming stronger, you say... Is that alone enough of a goal? Hmmm. It's not that I'm trying to say your way of thinking is wrong... In my travels, I've helped many people learn to love Pokémon. I think that's important, too. Young man, if there are people like you who pursue strength, there are also people who are happy just being with Pokémon. There are many different people and many different answers. When it comes to what a Champion should be, you and I may hold differing views, but so be it! Give it some thought."
    "It's tremendous that people and Pokémon, each so different, can acknowledge each other and be together!"

    >N's Castle
    "N... I'm sure you have much to think about. I know you were not pursuing idealsB/the truthW because of Ghetsis's manipulation, but because your heart was truly inspired. That is why you were able to meet the legendary Pokémon!"
    "Is that so? What you and the legendary Pokémon are going to do from now on... That's important, wouldn't you say?"
    "N, even if we don't understand each other, that's not a reason to reject each other. There are two sides to any argument. Is there one point of view that has all the answers? Give it some thought."

    • 4 months ago

      >Celestial Tower
      "My old partner is resting here in the Celestial Tower. It was the first Pokémon I received when I became a Trainer. I come here to ring the bell and comfort its spirit."
      "It was a strong Pokémon. It was courageous, noble, and kind... Together, we madly pursued strength... Without even knowing the meaning of strength."
      "But, in the same way that all stories have a beginning and an end, all lives have an end, as well... It was then that I understood that strength isn't something that remains unchanged forever. However, the joy one feels in being with Pokémon--that is the real thing. In order to spread the word, I left the Pokémon League and kept traveling... That's right! Traveling is wonderful. I've met many different Pokémon, many different Trainers, and now I've met all of you. There are many more Trainers and Pokémon to encounter in the world! <player>! Go out and meet as many of them as you can!"
      "Well, <player>, I'll be waiting for you at the Pokémon League!"

      He's got some good quotes imo

  20. 4 months ago
  21. 4 months ago

    I've always said Alder was the worst champion
    Boring design
    Boring team
    Boring music
    Easy to beat
    No importance to the plot
    Not even a mandatory fight
    Gets replaced in the sequel by a little girl

  22. 4 months ago

    >is the one and only champion in all Pokémon game that manage lost to a npc (N)
    Didn't Blue beat Lance moments before you arrive? Unova loves to parallel Kanto

  23. 4 months ago

    I just think the dude is cool, guy doesn't have to be strongest pokemon trainer in the universe for me to like him.

    • 4 months ago

      Right. Alder looks like he'd be fun to drink with and a real bro. Isn't that whwt really matters?

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