Alice Fiction

Damn, didn't expect the thread to get archived so quickly. Was it longer than I thought or has /vmg/ just been more active lately?

How's everyone enjoying the Halloween event so far? Did you get good luck pulling Witch Cleo, or are you saving for furry Antoinette?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    H.cleo seems mediocre for me and i already got one copy WM halloween, Saving for H.Antoinette

    • 2 years ago

      There's not really anything to pull anyways. She's not gonna change the meta, but in general characters with strong passives are a decent idea to pull. Basically the virus girl on steroids.
      After all the trash we got for so long, this is the first okay 3 star, so I pulled her. Took a while, but whatever. Got lucky on the world fragment and got it with just tickets.

      To be completely honest, I believe the extreme def down effects are probably not going to be repeated. They clearly know these characters in question are strong, giving away the wang world fragment and now Andersen shards. Limited characters should probably not be that broken. We already have Summer Andersen that is pretty good, though not as good as the other two thanks to a much weaker passive, shittier crash and short uptime of the active debuff.
      Don't know about the next limited, but the free unit looked more interesting than Cleo, but yeah. We'll see.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly i don't expect H.antoinette will be strong as Qin shi huang def break, maybe she can replace bismark if she can do aoe def break on crash skill, have to see her skillset later

        H.Cleo is good at what her doing, debuff damage boosting and curse, but with wang comp can do much better with less turn, there are no reason to pull her unless you want to play niche team

        • 2 years ago

          You say that, but Wang's team doesn't work in all circumstances, especially not against any magic boss. Def shred is good if you can lower the def to pretty much 0. It's a lot worse if you can't. And while it would require testing, the description of slayer effects make it sound like it's flat bonus damage in case it applies.
          I might test it against the wizard underground. I haven't done that yet, but should be easy to see with the massive amounts of shit Cleo offers. That boss doesn't give a single damn about def shred after all.

          • 2 years ago

            >Flat bonus
            Really ? I wasn't so sure those slayer buff doing much at all, the only thing slayer i used was water slayer on wiz underground and seems didn't boost a lot, i really should test it again sometimes

            I found it weird they don't give boss / monster a stat summary too, it's all pretty much trial and error if def break is good or not against certain bosses

            • 2 years ago

              slayers are flat damage increase before enemy defense

              • 2 years ago

                I actually tested it by now, and yeah it's no doing much. I did the poll now and basically said that I think slayers are really weak right now, and the heavy focus on def down is a problem. Especially given that even virus can miss against bosses. I didn't even know that, but the fricker in the underground just ignores it with what I'd assume is a 50% chance. Even the current event unit you are supposed to counter with curse doesn't reliably get hit by it. Such weird design.

                This isn't easy to solve, other than by reworking the entire def formula. But that's what is probably necessary, or we are at "deal 0 damage" or "deal a million" with little in between, depending on if we can get rid of def or not.

  2. 2 years ago

    The candy hunt better give a frickton of candies, cause there's no way we're going to get enough to pull for candy gacha with just 1.25 candy per energy.

  3. 2 years ago

    The game finally threw me a bone and gave me H.Cleo off of a single pull ticket. I haven't pulled a 3 star character since around launch.

  4. 2 years ago

    >tfw reformatted my phone without thinking
    >didn't backup anything
    >my launch account with nearly 10k gems could be gone

  5. 2 years ago

    I fricking love Amadeus why is she so damn cute.

  6. 2 years ago

    I like this game's art
    something about it is really nice
    probably the vibrant colors making my autism happy

    • 2 years ago

      The music is nice, too.

      Anyone else get "Digimon Cyber Sleuth" vibes from this game? Especially from The opening cinematic.

      • 2 years ago

        Come to think of it this game is like "Summer Wars." Which is kind of like "Digimon Adventure: Our War Game" but without Digimon.

        • 2 years ago

          That's because Summer Wars and the Digimon movie were by the same director, Mamoru Hosoda. They pretty much ARE the same thing, just with/without Digimon.

          The music is nice, too.

          Anyone else get "Digimon Cyber Sleuth" vibes from this game? Especially from The opening cinematic.

          Yeah, that was one of the first things that came t mind when I started playing, the plot is very similar to Cyber Sleuth, at least the start of it.

  7. 2 years ago

    God, what a massive downgrade. Why don't they just use Mozart's design from Crash Fever?

    • 2 years ago

      Because it's not Mozart? Also Amadeus is much cuter. And most likely has the better voice actor. It's pretty hard to have a better one.

    • 2 years ago

      She's the cutest character that has ever existed.

  8. 2 years ago

    woo 100k

    • 2 years ago

      What are you going to spend it on? Characters? World Memories? A bit of both?
      I got 50K and am going all in on WMs once I've completed all the newbie missions.

      • 2 years ago

        just waiting for a character I really like
        so far they've all been tempting but I will hold

  9. 2 years ago

    Anyone else not getting any vanquish rewards from the Team Hunt? We've already cleared out a couple levels of bosses but I didn't get the popup that usually shows how many rewards I got.

    Also, they gave us 6 attempts max which sounds nice, but if we still can only use a unit/WM once per day, then I'm not sure if I even have enough decent units/WM to fill 6 teams... I guess it'll depend on how strong the Tier 3 bosses are.

    • 2 years ago

      Nevermind, for some reason the game decided to wait until I beat a boss myself the first time to give me all the accumulated rewards all at once. I don't remember that being a requirement in the previous Team Hunts.

      • 2 years ago

        this is my favorite team hunt
        love bashing spooky c**t

    • 2 years ago

      >We heard that team hunt takes too long
      >Let's give even more attempts HA HA HA
      The devs are silly. I just don't even bother with WM anymore. They should just remove the dumb thing with WM being only useable once. It's a pain in the fricking ass to set up. That's generally an issue with this game. Setting up anything is just so fricking awful thanks to WM.

  10. 2 years ago

    Is it just me or are there tons of gem rewards from this event? I ended up rolling down to 2k gems getting Witch Cleopatra and I'm already back up to over 13k. I don't recall the summer event being quite so generous.

    • 2 years ago

      There's quite a bit. They also changed that infinite stages of the "gacha" aren't worthless anymore. I think they nerved the hard stage shard gain in exchange, but I take that and in exchange 6 event char shards per 300ish item box, that you don't even have to completely empty once you have those 3 times 2 shards. Ghost Amadeus is 4 stars by now. I had to invest anima medals into the 3 stars of summer Andersen, so this is a nice change.

      On another note, I got pretty lucky on the candy gacha and with 180 pulls have 5 copies of the 5 star world fragment. This LB really requires to be maxed as the difference between lb3 and lb4 is huge. If you don't have that many it's better to leave it at lb0 or 1 and keep a few for clan battles or such things. It's generally all around useful for chars with big offensive self buffs. My Andersen should also be 5 stars in one more day, which means I'm more or less done with the event.

      It looks like they will also do triple hard stages, which seems to clash with the current event farm? Weird choice. But realistically I won't get Ghost Amadeus to 5 stars with it anyways, which means I'll probably use it at least for the one char I don't have and Wang? Hard to say. Also depends on if the quartz rewards for refreshing event boxes keeps on going past 25.

      Overall a success for me. I'd really like damage overflow with clan battles though. I think it's REALLY needed. Just let people do max turns and kill as much as the damage you deal. I think I only had one day of the big HP pool where party comp actually mattered.. provided you don't leave one with 300k HP.

  11. 2 years ago

    have they previewed any future characters being added?

  12. 2 years ago

    So furry Antoinette finally dropped, she seems pretty good. Her Crash does a bit more damage than Qin Shi, but shreds less. Her S1, however, is potentially MUCH more shred, doing slightly more with 3 panels absorbed and going up to a whopping 3600 shred with the max 5 panels. The thing that REALLY makes it shine, imo, is the fact that variable buffs/debuffs like this are considered different from fixed buffs/debuffs like Qin Shi's, so you can actually stack them together for MEGA shred on one target. Just make sure to put Antoinette before Qin Shi on the team so his stronger Crash debuff will override her's for the rest of the team.

    Her S2 seems alright, it's not as strong as Summer Neu's but lasts twice as long. It also sucks up your other unit's panels, though, so it can potentially make it difficult to make those ally's Crash panels.

    Sadly the passive is pure garbage. Not only does it require a Defense unit to use, which I've almost never found myself wanting to use, but it only gives an okay defense buff to herself.

    Overall, she definitely seems like the best of the Halloween units, definitely a massive improvement over Bismarck for Fire teams. Or use them together if you like.

    • 2 years ago

      She has pretty high defense. If it's ever needed, she can be a disgusting wall. A wall that shreds def like crazy AND deals damage.

      The problem with the first unit is just that shit that can miss is always kinda bad. In theory she's fine, in practice it's complicated.
      What slayer effects can do is currently shown against score attack. The little fire e-girl FRICKING HURTS turn 2. (using both Antoinettes and Musashi with her) Her crash is relatively weak base damage and multi-target, so it's not better than other chars, but her normal attack damage lays in the hurt MUCH more than 5 star Musashi with her absurd self atk buff, with only 3 stars on her. She has a buttload of slayer effects, but Cleo sorta provides that as well. Just the RNG kills it from being really good.

      This fire team is very scary single target goodness. The lack of multitarget def shred is obviously an issue, but there's still not that much that can do that period.

      So yeah, back to 60k quartz. I had to almost pity Cleo and pity Antoinette now as well, barely getting 3 stars as well. 2 dupes towards Antoinette only. I kinda hope we get a bunch of uninteresting things now.

  13. 2 years ago

    Guess I'll go back to Halloween event when the 3x event stops. Gonna stop at stage 65 rewards or when I finish 3 maxed copies of both candy wm.

  14. 2 years ago

    Not bad. I can push for 1.2m if I max atk on all my guys. A few of them were at 3.0 and 2.9 on this run.

  15. 2 years ago

    Finally managed to beat the Very Hard score attack boss for the first time, feels good. If I had Wolfgirl Antoinette it'd probably be a lot easier than using Bismarck, but oh well. Just need to scrounge up a bit more gems/tickets for a couple more pulls and then I have to break out the credit card

    • 2 years ago

      Finally got Wolfgirl Antoinette rip my f2p status, can't believe I had to go to pity AGAIN and my god is the difference between her and Bismarck MASSIVE. I suppose Bismarck IS better suited for modes like pvp and story where his aoe shred is more effective, but I did not expect to go from barely getting the kill on VH to beating it in 3 turns.

  16. 2 years ago

    I'm hard capped at 1.44m... I can't look and think about the future while I break panels so I guess I can never git gud.

  17. 2 years ago

    Yet it's still not enough for the lvl 120 underground boss.
    Also this game's RNG is pretty clumped. I also had to pity her and almost pity cleo, while barely getting 3 stars (and only dupes as well, which are trash).

    It's easy to see when you do the curse strat against the underground boss. It should be around 35% hit chance. Most of the time it takes between 1 and 6 attempts. But I already had it twice that I needed over 20. Hilarious.
    My gacha luck makes a lot of sense there as well. As shit luck I had with banners, the candy one was way too good for me. I dunno how many rolls we got, but it was way less than what you'd need to get on average what I got. (10 times the 1.5% and 15 times the 3%)

  18. 2 years ago

    Is is just me or do both Gawain and Gaweth look strong as frick? Gawain has a essentially permanent 10% damage increase for the team, a nearly 5k ATK boost for an ally at lv80, and a free lv3 skill panel boost with a smaller atk boost. If her S1 works like the panel-based boosts then you may even be able to stack them together on one unit. Plus her passive can give over 5k ATK to herself if you're good at keeping those LV3 skill panels going. Seems like one of the devs loves physical Fire types, seeing how many good units there are now.

    Gareth is definitely a bit weaker but her buffs/debuffs are essentially permanent and pretty strong. Her passive and crash both essentially guarantee that her S2 buff (which itself has 100% uptime and is pretty hefty) will proc. You can now actually make a full physical Light team, although I doubt it'd be much good atm.

    • 2 years ago

      Gareth seems pretty great for defense arena and enemy with spec atk overall,
      Gawain is literally physical salieri and mathers combine with lots of physical buff to offer
      Seems they made gawain anima farmable on hard event too

    • 2 years ago

      I haven't looked at them yet, but ATK buffs are pretty whatever in the game.
      I'm pretty sure damage is calculated with def being factored into ATK. As in if you have 4 times atk vs def instead of 2 times, you deal double damage. So to get the same effect with atk buffs that you'd get with def debuffs, you'd need a LOT more atk buffs.

      I dunno exact formulas, but it's pretty obvious that def debuffs get really fricking broken once you reach a certain threshold, likewise if you go up against relatively weak enemies, you don't even need that.
      Last score attack I fricked up once and used wolf girls skills the wrong order, so only 3 tiles were absorbed instead of 5. She still had the 30% amp world fragment, and obviously her crash def down, so the difference is like -4000 vs. -5400 ish def down. Like that I didn't even deal half the damage, and instead of a comfy 2 turn experience with tons of overkill, I needed either 4 full turns or maybe even 5.

      So yeah, ATK isn't unimportant, but a 10k buff does literally nothing if you can't massively shred defense. We always had Musashi for extreme crash damage multiplier and atk buffs (~8k) and the fire e-girl for insane amounts of slayers, but while they definitely deal more damage, it's not nearly having as much impact as massive def down. I think before atk buffs would compared, they'd need to be like 30k-40k. I kinda hope they actually change the def bullshit. After all it's going both ways. Def buffs are broken as shit.

  19. 2 years ago

    The new Score Attack is live, and I dunno if it's just that my units are higher level or the boss itself is weaker, but this feels like the easiest one yet. I feel like it might even be possible to one-shot the boss if you have the right setup (my Memories, for example, are nowhere close to max, but I can easily do over half the boss' HP on turn 1). Not sure why the game recommends Vivianne, unless the Virus killer somehow gives enough extra damage to make up for Musashi's extra damage+time.

    How's everyone else's scores looking? Anybody manage to get the oneshot, or using something other than Qin/Eurys/Lance/Musashi?

    • 2 years ago

      The usual earth dude, Lancelot, Gilles and I forgot who I had fourth. I can probably improve it, but I'm lazy. It's comfy 2 turns, whatever the fourth one was. Maybe fire wolf, maybe Andersen. Maybe some char with water slayer.
      One turn will always be very hard due to the full def downs not applying yet.

      • 2 years ago

        Gilles is useless on this one.

        • 2 years ago

          Does enough, giving the usual free atk and def. The alternative is a shitty 2 star that only now got a hard node to farm and is spec attack, aka does 0.0 damage. Hardly better than Gilles you can have much stronger and who can actually deal a bit of damage (5 digit). You want a third earth unit for Lancelot to get the free atk anyways.

          • 2 years ago

            >shitty 2 star
            you mean Eurystheus who is core vs water types like the current team hunt? She brings at least 130% dps compared to Gilles regardless of enemy typing as long as it's water.

            • 2 years ago

              You are seriously overestimating her.

  20. 2 years ago

    New chapter and the boss is bugged. Supposed to not burn and curse you if you don't use elements strong to the two boss elements, but that doesn't work.
    The hard version of this was actually easier, as you have a round to prepare (aka you can kill them turn 1), but for the normal one I had to make a scrappy party around ghostly Amadeus to remove curse. Not sure if curse hits a random target, but it hit my Cleo and you can imagine that this was a double ko. Other than that, nothing special. Farm nodes for the first two released chars are now available, but the 3 star sucks ass and the 2 star doesn't REALLY need any upgrades.

  21. 2 years ago

    I missed it, what does Gareth say when you summon her?

  22. 2 years ago

    how does 8 play this low budget but fun to play game become my main?

  23. 2 years ago

    Anyone else think this ge should be in 3D?
    I mean, I like it well enough. I'm not knockin' it. I'm just sayin'. I know it's done often enough, but I think it's fitting here.
    But, if it has to come at the cost of a feature, then I guess it's probably just as well that it isn't.

    • 2 years ago

      I get great performance for little battery
      it's fine as is and run a great

  24. 2 years ago

    Just downloaded this game and got Santa Scipio since she looks cute. Should I go for the WM or save my quartz?

    • 2 years ago

      It's better to save your quartz for characters because limited characters do not appear in future pools (so far, at least), while none of the gacha WM so far are limited and will appear in all future WM pools.

  25. 2 years ago

    Started this game yesterday and there was a set of newbie missions, but today it’s gone. Did it move to somewhere else or did I fail to notice a timer? I haven’t even been playing for 24 hours yet.

    • 2 years ago

      If it's still somewhere, check all icons at the top right of the lobby screen. If something special is going on, it's there.
      I'm not new, so I can't say anything about those.

      Just downloaded this game and got Santa Scipio since she looks cute. Should I go for the WM or save my quartz?

      The WM is okay, but for the most part they are whale territory as you need 5 to make them really good. Non whales tend to stick to free ones given out (always 5 copies of 1 to fully LB) or buy the alice pass that also has such a thing.
      I'd not pull for more than you have tickets or maybe a daily paid quartz single pull. In a way WM are a better investment of those paid quartz pulls, as the chances are better and WM quite useful. But without characters, WM do nothing.

      • 2 years ago

        It's better to save your quartz for characters because limited characters do not appear in future pools (so far, at least), while none of the gacha WM so far are limited and will appear in all future WM pools.

        Thanks I was almost about to make a fatal mistake and roll for the WM.

  26. 2 years ago

    How do I get a roll like this but I do not get the banner 3*?

  27. 2 years ago

    The day to day grind in this killed me now. I realized how much I just don't like to play anymore with them changing literally nothing even though saying they do want to.
    Score attack is still the same garbage you need to do 3 times per day. Treasure Hunt is still the same garbage trial and error. Pvp is still the same garbage where almost everyone has a defense set to be as annoying as possible. I still believe that a well polished defense party is impossible to beat if you set it up correctly, due to how broken defense is.

    This had a good concept, but this is not a game to just stick around while not doing much, as all gameplay is manual. It was nice while it lastet, but they really need to improve things much faster. The fricking world fragment screen rework was shown a month ago -> Still nothing. Still no no real login method like via google that was promised and should've been there since release.
    It's a shame. I don't mind mistakes that then get polished, but when the same issues just stay for many times in a row, I'm believing nothing will ever change.

    I had my fun, and before I start really hating on the game I'm better off quitting. Was nice with you while it lastet.

    • 2 years ago

      Well, aside from PVP, Team Hunt, and Score Attack, everything else is skippable once you clear it once. And as for Treasure Hunt, I think the intent was for each member to do just a couple stages each until one person finds it, but sadly /afg/ clan just has so few active members, let alone people actually talking in the chat.

      Still, if you're not enjoying enjoying the gameplay anymore then I don't blame you for leaving. Wishing you good luck ad good pulls on whatever other gacha you decide to play.

      Unfortunately, seems like we're down to only 5 members in the clan that have even logged in within the last 24 hours. Might be better off for everyone left to just find another, more active clan to join.

    • 1 year ago

      Well I'm always top 10 in arena and score attack and I'm still enjoying it.

  28. 1 year ago

    Dang, sad to see people go, but good luck to wherever you go. I still find the game somewhat fun, so I'm here to stay until they release LLSIF2... But for now, I guess I'll try advertising /afg/ in the ingame chat to try and get some new people to join the team.

  29. 1 year ago

    expand wang

  30. 1 year ago

    Holy frick VH Ladon is such an annoying boss. Debuff removal EVERY TURN? And if you take too long he starts time shortening you? Thank god this rerun is only a week long.

    • 1 year ago

      He can't remove passives, so build around that if you're too weak.

    • 1 year ago

      lmao i didn't even know it had a time shortening skill. it doesn't live that long, not that you don't need any more than 3~4 seconds for 30 panels anyhow

  31. 1 year ago

    >first free New years 10 pull
    >get this
    this should be the banner

  32. 1 year ago

    Apparently there's going to be collab news soon. Some people are guessing Hoe-girlve.

    • 1 year ago

      mabinogi collab!

  33. 1 year ago

    Seems Miku collab confirmed from stream

  34. 1 year ago

    newbie here, what character should i get before i stop rerolling?

    • 1 year ago

      From the tutorial pull, the best 3* are Musashi and Lancelot, and then aim for AA from the current events. If you want to build the current best general use team, then you also want to make sure you get Wang and Cleopatra (both 2* so should be relatively easy to get) along with 1 of each of the following:

      Earth: Merlin (3*), Salieri (2*)
      Wood: Rousseau (3*), Asclepius (3*), Goethe (2*)

      Wang is the best special defense debuffer in the game, especially for groups of enemies, and Cleopatra is the best special attacker for clearing out groups of enemies. Focus on those two first, and then work on the rest of your team.

  35. 1 year ago

    I wish I had unlocked Ushi earlier. She deletes stall teams so easily.

  36. 1 year ago

    Anyone still playing this game? Here’s my invite code for those 3000 gems

    • 1 year ago

      It only works if new players use the code, so no use to any of us few regulars. Better off posting on places like Twitter or Discord or whatever, or just making the accounts yourself on emulator, assuming this game runs on any of the emulators.

    • 1 year ago


  37. 1 year ago

    Good luck to anyone rolling the Miku banners. And wish me luck for the Snow Miku one and the collab WMs.

  38. 1 year ago

    I'm glad the event Expert Boss is a lot easier compared to Happy sama. I was expecting WP to make it so that you needed all 3 Miku's maxed out or the boss gains a billion defense and instakills your team.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh really? That's good to hear, although my one and only attempt so far did end up dealing less than half, although I only had Longinus for attacking. Is it as easy as just loading up as much def down and piling on the damage (QSH/AA/2 other attackers) or do you need units such as Nightingale again?

      • 1 year ago

        This is the team I used. With QSH debuffs and Gawain buffs up, I can get like 600k+ damage a turn. If you need any of these units, I could add you so you can use one of them with Friend Support.
        The boss also gives a big damage debuff if you have more than one Attacker, so keep that in mind.

  39. 1 year ago

    Who should I pick? Also, I have 2 3star tickets, should I use them first?

    • 1 year ago

      Out of all those, the only one I still use is Longinus, although I am missing Kenshin who was supposedly useful during the New Year's event Expert battle.

      newbie here
      stuck on Momochi Blanco what spec. team did you guys use?

      Pic related is apparently what I used to clear this fight, assuming you're talking about Normal mode. I don't actually remember much about the fight, but I think I tried a Wang Gang with Xmas Hannibal instead of Cleo and got clapped so I just gave up on using special units since they tend to be weaker on the physical defense side.

  40. 1 year ago

    newbie here
    stuck on Momochi Blanco what spec. team did you guys use?

  41. 1 year ago

    For anyone still in Team /afg/, I'm considering upgrading the Credits Bank over the Energy Reserves. We're really close to Lv12 Energy, but the increase is literally just 1 extra Energy / 6 hours.
    And after this update, the credits cost to level characters to 120 (90 to 120 costs 62 mil) and the future 'Anima Tree' will supposedly use a lot of credits.
    Just checking if there's any objections or if we should wait to see if WP makes it easier to gain more Credits.

    • 1 year ago

      We're so close to the Stamina upgrade I feel like we might as well just do it even if it's only a single point more and then focus on the money, but it honestly makes little difference to me.

  42. 1 year ago

    Are there any events that give out T05 mats? I was thinking of farming T05 mats for lancelot and QSH when hatsune event ends but we have another event.

    • 1 year ago

      I think they all do rarely

  43. 1 year ago

    Maybe just me but there's zero point in doing events when all i get from are just T01-T04 mats(I need lots of T05 mats)

    • 1 year ago

      First off, the equipment tiers don't always keep going up in number, at some point the numbers reset and go back to T1, so it might be more helpful to list what Grade you're trying to finish. The grades I always seem to have the most trouble with are Grade 6 and 8, so I'm guessing that's about where you are?

      Second, the event drops random equipment from most, if not all, the tiers, so if you're farming that solely to get one or two specific you're going to be waiting almost all event to get even a single one done. The best place to farm equipment is from whatever Normal stage they're listed in. However, farming the event is still really good because you get quite a few gems from the mission rewards for clearing the boxes out multiple times, as well as the shards for Summer Andromeda who is useful in certain situations, so I wouldn't stop farming the event entirely.

  44. 1 year ago

    Haven't played since new year. Is my daughter Amadeus good yet?

    • 1 year ago

      The game hasn't really changed much in just two months, not sure what kind of changes you're expecting. If you mean the anima tree, it's pretty underwhelming (only like 1-2% in stats and rather small value changes on skills) for a ton of money and chips so it's not worth even worrying about until you can get multiple units to 120, which is another huge money sink.

      She's alright on PVP defense tbh, the 2 turn skill bind can be really annoying if she hits the right unit.

  45. 1 year ago

    Well Darwin's voice was a surprise.

  46. 1 year ago

    Is it just me or is it getting harder to stay in the top ranks of arena? Ever since the arena update I've usually made the top 100 or very close to it with just a couple attempt refreshes per week, but for some reason this week I've been finding it hard to stay in top 200 even with one or two refreshes per day.

    • 1 year ago

      I do 4-5 refreshes every day and stay within top 10 weekly. I refresh more sometimes but never so that I end up negative.

      • 1 year ago

        Is it really worth it to refresh that much every day? Maybe I need to look at the rewards vs the refresh cost again...

  47. 1 year ago

    Has the game been crashing a lot more for anyone else? Ever since the Crash Fever collab, the game would crash whenever I tab to my phone's home screen. And with this current event, the game now randomly crashes when moving between the game's menus.

    • 1 year ago

      Haven't had any issues with crashing since the update that fixed the Snow Miku stuff, although I did have to do a data restore for it to work. Maybe try that if you haven't already?

      • 1 year ago

        Data restore didn't work for me, so I just did a clean reinstall of the game + data transfer. The game seems to be working fine now.

  48. 1 year ago

    Jesus, Eostre is a crazy good tank. Today is the first time my Wang Gang team has lost to a pure tank team in months, and I was barely able to touch her. Hopefully soon I'll be able to level up a phys team enough to actually have variety for my comps in arena...

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