Alice Gear Aegis

Alice Gear Aegis is a 3D mecha musume shooting action game in which you take on the role of commander and assemble a team of up to three "actresses" to take out artificial-looking alien enemies called Vice.

Available on mobile and on PC through DMMGamePlayer.

>PC Download

>Official Website

>Official Twitter

>Japanese Wiki

>AliceGearP's Channel

>AGA Helper & EN Fan Patch

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    Recommended to only download the AGA helper. It contain all the other useful mods and make it easy to use. I never used the model swap mod but i heard some are outdated.

  2. 1 year ago

    ded game
    ded genre

    • 1 year ago

      >ded game
      >have enough money to waste on a (probably) shitty anime
      dunno about that

      • 1 year ago

        After the anime is over the game might be just like every mobage after getting an anime adaptation.

  3. 1 year ago
  4. 1 year ago

    I finally got Ryuuko after getting Kasumi a additional two more times. I thought it was over for me.

    • 1 year ago

      Good stuff, wish I could say the same right now.

    • 1 year ago

      Last minute roll, was hoping to possibly +1 Ryuuko and instead got Kasumi two more times. Nyoooooooooooo....

  5. 1 year ago

    How do people do this? I'm still at around +50.

    • 1 year ago

      Speaking as someone who has three girls at +999 and a fourth at +700, you just simply do hexes. Higher level hexes and more areas equals more qualia to be gained. So with this in mind, there are event maps that have hexes that are level 100+ with 2-3 areas in them and you still get full qualia from them even after the hex has been deleveled from a debuff hex. Grinding these hexes are really boring though and not very rewarding, so I recommend doing normal investigations instead. But either way it's a huge grind and you'll have to do thousands of missions.
      This is from the wiki.

      >4,378,800 / 122 = 35,891.8任務

    • 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago
  7. 1 year ago
  8. 1 year ago

    Must say, I really like the new cap for the hairstyle change it gives certain girls, and it looks way less out of place compared to the shark hat that also changes hair styles.

  9. 1 year ago

    y tho
    the main game isn't in the west

  10. 1 year ago

    Don't close your DMM game player for the update bros, there's a problem going around where you can't start it up anymore after. Luckily I had an old installer which unbricked it for me.

    • 1 year ago

      It's only a problem for Windows 7. 8 and up is fine it seems.

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't updated the launcher for months already. I disabled powershell and it can't auto update anymore. Win 7 btw.

      • 1 year ago

        I found a different workaround to get rid of the autoupdate.

        • 1 year ago

          yeah i got scared for a moment

          heres the source if anyone needs it

          It's only a problem for Windows 7. 8 and up is fine it seems.

          win8 is fricked too, only 8.1 and up i believe
          im not ready to "upgrade" yet to im glad theres a workaround

          supposedly they didnt intend this to happen so they will try to fix it themselves

          • 1 year ago

            >supposedly they didnt intend this to happen so they will try to fix it themselves
            I finally just updated and now I can't start it anymore.

            • 1 year ago

              did they take down the download link for older version?

            • 1 year ago

              nvm managed to grab the dl link from wayback machine


              download this version before it get taken down

  11. 1 year ago
  12. 1 year ago

    I didn't expect new Factors this soon.

    • 1 year ago

      40 tickets and only the rapping autist ;_;

  13. 1 year ago

    Ayaka got a new and very unique 立射 with directional input.

    • 1 year ago

      A shame her sp is kinda lame because this is pretty fun to use. Rei on the other hand I really dislike how she feels.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm definitely more a fan of Yayoi's version of the skill, plus she has jamming on her bottom skill so it's harder to get hit while using it. Though I do like that Factor Ayaka also has ペインレスキャノン to switch to.

  14. 1 year ago

    I wonder if I'm going to have to wait forever for Factor Chieri now.

  15. 1 year ago

    It seemed dicey for a while but I got her in the end.

  16. 1 year ago
    Frame Arms Girls are coming back.

  17. 1 year ago

    are there any android girls in this game?

    • 1 year ago

      But it's kinda complicated.

      • 1 year ago
  18. 1 year ago

    Another DMM Festival. Usual rewards of 1 Outfit Bag for joining.

  19. 1 year ago

    New anime preview

    • 1 year ago

      New anime key visual

      • 1 year ago

        >Rei and Mutsumi missing from their teams

  20. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago
  21. 1 year ago

    newb question returns. How do I find out where to get these mats? I just do multiplayer stuff every day, but I guess I've been screwed by RNG these past few months.

    • 1 year ago

      kinda wish in-game menu told you which part of the scheduled rotation it dropped.

      • 1 year ago

        There's a schedule in-game. Also make sure you set Mutsumi on the ギアオク screen.

        • 1 year ago

          This is the list of what drops from what. 4* elemental shells aren't in this list but they drop from 要撃, and which type that drops depends on the element of the bosses in the mission. You can also buy them from the weekly shop.

          This is the 要撃 schedule record. Certain mats only drop from the daily Monday to Sunday missions, so check the link above for those.

 either I watch the weekly shop, or I farm the Saturday daily...or I wait for the boss-specific raid which doesn't seem to have a regular schedule.

    • 1 year ago

      This is the list of what drops from what. 4* elemental shells aren't in this list but they drop from 要撃, and which type that drops depends on the element of the bosses in the mission. You can also buy them from the weekly shop.
      This is the 要撃 schedule record. Certain mats only drop from the daily Monday to Sunday missions, so check the link above for those.

  22. 1 year ago

    how scummy is the gacha in this game?

    • 1 year ago

      -can only hoard to a max of 50+5 free rolls
      -hoarded free rolls can expire after some months (forgot the exact duration)
      -most limited gacha (Factor gacha and collab gacha) will have 2-3 rate up char in one gacha
      -no pity even if you use premium currency to roll or whale it out

      Though banners last around 2-4 weeks and you can get 7-10 rolls per week depending on how grindy you want the game to be so if you're a luckchad you can get every *4 without paying a cent.

      • 1 year ago

        If I grind hard I can get 400+ scout points a day including the ones from dailies.

        • 1 year ago

          that require being a masochist or use macro

    • 1 year ago

      -can only hoard to a max of 50+5 free rolls
      -hoarded free rolls can expire after some months (forgot the exact duration)
      -most limited gacha (Factor gacha and collab gacha) will have 2-3 rate up char in one gacha
      -no pity even if you use premium currency to roll or whale it out

      Though banners last around 2-4 weeks and you can get 7-10 rolls per week depending on how grindy you want the game to be so if you're a luckchad you can get every *4 without paying a cent.

      forgot to mention that *4 rate are higher than most with 3%. The rate of rate up chars are also higher too with 2% for rate up so it's harder to get spooked by off rate char. Day 1 player here and i averaged to around 1 *4 every 2 weeks.

  23. 1 year ago

    Excited for the anime? What are your expectations of the anime based on what we've scene so far?
    Does the console game have a scene yet?

    • 1 year ago

      Comfy SoL with yuri vibes.

    • 1 year ago

      kissing scene between Yotsuyu and the new girl

  24. 1 year ago

    lol this picture really sums up dev favoritism very clearly. Especially Sugumi got her figure release confirmed instantly around her in-game release.

    • 1 year ago

      Agreed. They're clearly bias for these guys. Why are they even there and why does Pyramid keep trying to squeeze them in there?

      • 1 year ago

        This one start as april fools joke in-game but i guess there's enough sales/demand for them to keep making these one. Or maybe there's just some left over stocks over the years.

  25. 1 year ago

    Anything cool from the stream?

    • 1 year ago
      Seems they are letting you auto clear the gold, anima, and battery daily missions now.

      • 1 year ago

        + Main story and more stuff in the future, probably event missions.

      • 1 year ago

        and still no collect/exchange all accessories on event shop? They keep on adding characters and now it's a chore unless i use a macro for that shit.

  26. 1 year ago

    pls use my code bros

    • 1 year ago

      If it's one of those freebie codes, should use it to bait newcomers into the game.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, i know. The thing is i don't have friends that can be baited into this haha

    • 1 year ago

      Use my referral code here if you're thankful.

      Need a bit more carat so i can roll the happy scout in the future. Curse them for raising the minimum purchase so i can't cash in dmm point from event.

  27. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Will it be good?

  28. 1 year ago

    My referral if anyone is missing on the 10 draws

    • 1 year ago


  29. 1 year ago
  30. 1 year ago

    Get 1000 internets with the promotional code 1469555209

    Go, Go, Go!!

  31. 1 year ago

    How do the codes work?

    • 1 year ago

      Think you just click the top left when on that specific thing and enter the code

  32. 1 year ago

    Nice, Nodoka is going to be added to the game.

  33. 1 year ago

    Is there a starter guide somewhere?

    • 1 year ago
      Right click, then translate to English if your on chrome.
      The beginners guide will be on the left hand information panel or one of the first few links on the main page.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks anon, I used to play this game a few years ago but I lost my account, I like how you can reroll for some of the girls from the getgo.

    • 1 year ago
  34. 1 year ago

    This game seems neat. And it doesn't look like it's too difficult to extract its 3d models either. Though it doesn't appear that people have yet. I guess I'll play a little bit to see if I like it.

    If you'd like me to use your friend code please reply. In the meantime I'll try to look up a rerolling guide so I don't mess up.

    You guys are probably going to get a few new people because of the anime airing today.

    I hope to get Bukkiko once I understand how rolling works...

    • 1 year ago

      This should still be up to date with the available 4 and 3 stars in the initial roll.
      You get one 4-star out of the first 9 characters, then two 3-stars out of the whole pool.
      Roll for the character you like, but if you want to be lazy with farming, go for one with an energy sniper.

      • 1 year ago

        Version with weapons, typing, and names.

        • 1 year ago

          Touka a cute.

      • 1 year ago

        >go for one with an energy sniper.
        How does that ability work?

        • 1 year ago

          Energy sniper is a weapon type. It depends on the weapon but it basically fires a long range beam which pierces through all enemies and lingers a bit. It's the best type of weapon for taking care of small type vice and very beginner friendly. But it's also the most boring weapon type to use in my opinion. I used to grind with it and that got old for me quick.

          • 1 year ago

            Thank you for the explanation. For harder missions is a shield recommended?

            • 1 year ago

              Sword and shield which can also be dual swords sometimes is just a weapon type too. Every character has both a ranged and melee weapon. The weapon icons that you see on the character icons are just to show that the character is specialized in that weapon, meaning that she'll do more damage with that weapon (but even that can be swapped around once you get unlock passives from enigma and get the Another version of the same character from gacha, also collab characters come with switchable weapon specializations by default from enigma.)
              As for the recommended weapon type for harder missions, I'd say anything ranged if you're a beginner. But really, if you get good enough at the game you can clear everything with anything. It's just important to learn how to use your character. This is why people just recommend rolling for a character you simply like.

              • 1 year ago

                Also if you're a new player you definitely won't be able to clear this on Very Hard, but don't get discouraged, the only unique rewards from it are the title.

              • 1 year ago

                >meaning that she'll do more damage with that weapon
                Also I'd like to add that melee generally does more dps than ranged, but of course it comes with the added risk factor of getting hit as a tradeoff.

            • 1 year ago

              Also if you're a new player you definitely won't be able to clear this on Very Hard, but don't get discouraged, the only unique rewards from it are the title.

              as an addendum, you should definitely try clearing this at Normal
              the guest composer soundtrack's really sick and it's a fun time overall

          • 1 year ago

            I like to run a sniper and a dual gunner per team.
            That way I'm covered if I wanna do a lazy low-effort clear, or if I wanna move around more.
            Also, my favorites keep ending up in those two groups anyway.

          • 1 year ago

            snipers are fun if you try to line up your shots and take out as many things as possible
            but bazookas are more fun, yeah

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks again for the code. Was able to pick up the two aegis girls I wanted.

        Also, lucky! You get a free Gennai, Bukkiko, and other Frame Arms Girls just for logging in during the event!

        There's no way to use an item to promote a three star into a four star unit is there?

        • 1 year ago

          For collabs, 3*s are the freebies, while 4* is the gacha version.
          Non-collab are similar, except the free version you get when they come out is 1* instead.
          Helps to make sure you can get at least some version of characters you really want, but gotta spend your scout points if you want 'em at full power.

  35. 1 year ago

    >You can get a free 4* thanks to the anime
    Oh yeah, here comes the real rerolling.

  36. 1 year ago

    I have seen some people post some codes for new players on some places, What are those codes for?

    • 1 year ago

      It's for getting 1000 scout points, enter the code by clicking the top left corner here shown here

      Think you just click the top left when on that specific thing and enter the code

      After that it will be sent to your mailbox.

  37. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      look at her go

  38. 1 year ago

    The reroll is over.

  39. 1 year ago
  40. 1 year ago

    I found a phone with my old account active, I'm so happy.

  41. 1 year ago

    >Roll hoping for Another little girls
    >Get a bunch of girls with big breasts
    I feel like I'm being corrected.

    • 1 year ago

      I wish there was something you could do with the girls you don't want, like view a cutscene of them crying after being fired.

      Or a rejection scene where you tell them that they're too old, complete with laugh track.

    • 1 year ago

      Both mira and sitara are fun as frick so grats.

  42. 1 year ago

    I hit 50 scout cards with the login bonus so I rolled Another too and I got Akane.

    • 1 year ago

      Finished unlocking her passives and getting all her gear kitted out and to level 80. She's fun, I can see why I run into so many people playing her.

      • 1 year ago
  43. 1 year ago

    >Game is called Alice Gear Aegis
    >There isn't a character called Alice

    • 1 year ago

      No Alice,
      But we do have our own long blonde haired girl with a big ribbon.

  44. 1 year ago

    Do Another girls have their own unique gear or can I continue to use their regular unique gear?

    • 1 year ago

      Only 15 characters have Another gear so far. You can see which at the ギアオク. It's the green button below missions at the home screen.

      • 1 year ago

        >Ayaka has unique gear
        Damn, and here I thought I was done with my lv.80 leggings.

  45. 1 year ago

    Also Shitara is the only girl that has two unique sets of gear for both normal and Another.

  46. 1 year ago

    There's also 派生 gear which is normal gear upgraded into a different branch path starting from when you upgrade your gear from level 70 to 75. It changes how your gear works.

    • 1 year ago

      >It changes how your gear works.
      Can you revert it back or it's permanent?

      • 1 year ago

        You can change it back at level 80 and it will cost you mats.

        • 1 year ago

          >You can change it back at level 80
          Oh hey that's co-

          >and it will cost you mats.
          Yeah better try this approach

          I generally try to go for a second copy to try it out if the wiki description makes it feel like a drastic enough playstyle change.

      • 1 year ago

        I generally try to go for a second copy to try it out if the wiki description makes it feel like a drastic enough playstyle change.

  47. 1 year ago

    Returning player here, Is that Another gacha permanent?

    • 1 year ago


  48. 1 year ago

    Haha time for Nodoka.

  49. 1 year ago

    I have seen people guarding with the shield when using one handed sword, How do you do that?

    • 1 year ago

      Slide down after you melee.
      Some character have different moves so test it in training mode.

  50. 1 year ago

    Is there anything interesting on datamine?

  51. 1 year ago

    The first episode did a good job endearing me to Nodoka, I think.
    I certainly wasn’t expecting her to be literally me.

    • 1 year ago

      I think she is kinda annoying.

  52. 1 year ago

    The DMM game player neither runs on Windows 7 nor on Windows 11. I can only get it to work on Windows 10. What an amazing piece of software.

  53. 1 year ago

    Happy Birthday to Yoro-chan.

    • 1 year ago

      That's (you) with her right?
      Feels kind of weird to see her act so dere.

  54. 1 year ago

    I miss Momotan, bros.

  55. 1 year ago

    Anyone still needs to enter a code? Feel free to use mine: 1366713203

    • 1 year ago

      Where do you use the code?

      • 1 year ago

        Only 37 minutes left

        Think you just click the top left when on that specific thing and enter the code

    • 1 year ago

      I used your code and didn't get Stylet
      Enjoy your carats

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you.
        Surely Stylet will come back

        • 1 year ago

          It's OK I've got Bukiko anyway.
          Just wanted Styko because she's cute.

  56. 1 year ago

    I installed the latest AGA helper but it doesnt work anymore
    something to do with the new DMM launcher?

  57. 1 year ago

    >The Switch game only has 20 girls
    Jesus christ, I hope it gets DLC because no Shina kills me.

    • 1 year ago

      Game released back in September in Japan and no character DLC yet so don't get your hopes up

      • 1 year ago

        Oh right, it's only the english version that released just a few weeks ago, rip then.

  58. 1 year ago

    The mobile game kind of fulfills the niche the console game would otherwise have. Mobile gaming is so good in it's immediacy yet so terrible in terms of value. I hope it continues to evolve so it may eclipse consoles, yet the current trend of paying a fifth of the cost of a title for a single piece of content has me convinced we're still in the dark ages.

  59. 1 year ago

    Is it a waste to spend resources on units below four stars?

    • 1 year ago

      For gear yeah but it's fine to level them up to get the achievements.

      • 1 year ago

        >but it's fine to level them up to get the achievements.
        I didn't know you get achievements for leveling up the 3* and under girls.

  60. 1 year ago
    Posting this again for new people, very useful for farming scout points.

  61. 1 year ago

    For new players who are aiming for a specific unit, you can use this calendar to learn when you'll be able to roll for her:

    You can roll for a character on her birthday and the calendar lists when that is.

    • 1 year ago

      >You can roll for a character on her birthday
      I wish that was the case.

  62. 1 year ago

    I wonder which girls from BGHS are we getting this year.

    • 1 year ago

      Misaki and Sakura
      Maybe Renge

      • 1 year ago

        I want Kaede or Urara personally.

    • 1 year ago

      Kokomi/Urara or Sakura/Hinata feel like the biggest gaps to me, currently.
      On another note, looks like f*f is making it into Tennis.

  63. 1 year ago

    I just finished buying out all the 500k anima accessories, now my anima is going to go to waste again.

  64. 1 year ago

    I want to play Chinese version of the AGA console game on Switch, together with some other Japanese games. How do Switch's region system work? Can I simply go to a shop in my place or in Japan and ask them to hand me a Switch and done?

    • 1 year ago

      The Switch is a region-free console, so if you can find a physical copy it can run it.
      But, if I can ask, why the Chinese version?

      • 1 year ago

        I know Chinese language

  65. 1 year ago

    Have enough to upgrade one of: Asuka melee or bottom, Ayaka gun or melee. Which path should I take for these gears? Which one should I upgrade first?

    • 1 year ago

      >Ayaka gun
      Honestly I like the traditional path better because that's how I'm used to play Ayaka, going around and shooting a ton of times.

      Go for the right path because it has a nice attack after a Guard so you can combo it, and if you don't have the mats then just go for the regular path and change it at the end, that's what I did.

    • 1 year ago

      My priority is generally gun -> armor -> melee, since I don't melee that much.
      And agreed with

      >Ayaka gun
      Honestly I like the traditional path better because that's how I'm used to play Ayaka, going around and shooting a ton of times.

      Go for the right path because it has a nice attack after a Guard so you can combo it, and if you don't have the mats then just go for the regular path and change it at the end, that's what I did.

      on the Ayaka gun.
      The move looks cool, but in actual battles I found myself triggering it too often when I didn't mean to.
      So I'd try do dodge a pile of enemy bullets, and charge straight into it instead.

      • 1 year ago

        >So I'd try do dodge a pile of enemy bullets, and charge straight into it instead.
        Weird, I don't have this problem even though I vaguely remember it being a problem when I first tried her new dual. If I played Ayaka more I think I would prefer her 派生 because of the explosion at the end of her 立射 which is really nice against tightly knit packs of enemies. Ryuuko has the same thing too.

        • 1 year ago

          It seems like really fun too if you learn to use it.

        • 1 year ago

          I just figured out why due to someone's post on the wiki
          >あれ?これひょっとしてリフレッシュレート制限解除の有無で立3派生の入力受付変わってる?(うちの環境だと)制限解除ありだとスワイプでは出ず、制限解除なしだとフリックでもスワイプでも出る。てことは十字の矢印が出てる時はどの方向にフリック・スワイプしても派生が出てしまうから立3はむしろヤマダやTi2よりもハイリスクって事か -- チョコ集めのときに解除してそのまま忘れてた
          Basically I upgraded my monitor since the first time I tried it from 60hz to 165hz so it's harder or near impossible for me to trigger it while moving like that. So now I just tested by setting my monitor refresh rate down to 60hz and I ended up triggering it every time.

        • 1 year ago

          It seems like really fun too if you learn to use it.

          What moves/paths were shown in these videos?

          • 1 year ago

            For the first one I held down the non-boost key and just moved around.
            Second one shoot once, tap left, down, left, down, then for the second one same thing but the last move is up. There's many different combinations you can do. You can even shoot once, tap left, shoot again, tap left again, shoot again, tap left again, and then do up or down, for either the ranged attack or getting up close for the sword spin.

            • 1 year ago

              Also you don't necessarily have to do a long chain of moves like that, you can just shoot once, tap left or right, and end it with either a up or down.

            • 1 year ago

              The barrage of fire in the second vid from her 2nd path gun? And is the spinning sword from 2nd path melee?

              • 1 year ago

                Both of those are from her second path gun.

                This is her sword. You can press down after any stage to perform that attack you see at the end, but you need to mash attack a few times again at the right timing or it will fail.

        • 1 year ago

          By the sounds of things, I take it you're playing on PC with DMM?
          That'd probably be the main difference, since I'm playing mobile with the touch controls.

  66. 1 year ago
  67. 1 year ago

    I have been wondering, Do collabs that aren't バトガ get a rerun?

    • 1 year ago

      gay, DOA and Strike Witches all got reruns

  68. 1 year ago

    I'm running out of batteries and my storage is almost full of weapon 3* shells, please send help.

    • 1 year ago

      You gotta learn what's worth analyzing and what you should discard and then you will never run out of batteries.

      • 1 year ago

        >You gotta learn what's worth analyzing
        I have been analyzing everything but now I guess I should just go for money, shining weapon shells and S shells.

        • 1 year ago

          Gold and anima shells aren't really worth it unless you got batteries to burn. You get a ton of each just from doing investigations. S shells aren't worth it either unless it's one you need for your character. I only analyze random S shells when I'm about to stop playing for the rest of the day so I don't have to waste batteries on them. You should always analyze material shells (green ones) and 3* kit shells (orange ones) + gear medal shells if you want to buy the monthly gift token tickets.

          • 1 year ago

            >You should always analyze material shells (green ones) and 3* kit shells (orange ones) + gear medal shells if you want to buy the monthly gift token tickets.
            Got it, I buy the gift tickets so gotta keep doing the gear medal shells.

  69. 1 year ago

    Where do I get these guys from? I assume I have to go grief multi since I don't actually know how to play.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah they do, check here.
      Both of those mats come from the same vice but the lenses are a rare drop.

  70. 1 year ago

    Sometimes I get purple weapon from multis, Are they good for something or are they all shit?

    • 1 year ago

      It's a optional minmax item for characters that specialize in melee. You upgrade it and it rolls passives at random, and there's a particular passive it can roll that will increase your elemental damage by more than three 3* elemental kits worth of damage in a single slot. You basically sacrifice the functionality and damage of your personal shot gear for a generic shot weapon that increases the damage of your melee weapon and all your other skills. You can still use it to clear normal investigations just fine, and it might even be a buff to clearing speed when you use the sniper rifle and equip it on certain characters like Yotsuyu for example since her personal rifle works like a generic live ammo rifle to begin with and has this huge recoil when you use it unless you have her Another version which has a recoil reduction passive, and her Another rifle. It's kinda a waste of a passive slot though, so when I play her I use the sniper or her gift shop rifle. It's also particularly great for characters like Kaede and Yumi when specialized in melee since they have melee attacks that can hit from a range. When I play Yumi in multi, most of the time I won't even fire a single shot from my shot gear.

      • 1 year ago

        >will increase your elemental damage by more than three 3* elemental kits worth of damage in a single slot.
        Yo that's good to know, specially for my Yumi that just uses her sword most of the time, I'll look for that passive instead of just selling all of my purple gears.

  71. 1 year ago

    Are weapons with pink icons better than ones that are green?

    • 1 year ago

      Pink are personal character specific gear, so yes.

  72. 1 year ago

    Sugumi looks fun for a thunder unit.

    • 1 year ago

      She's quite popular, I always run into people playing her when doing multi. I think the top 3 characters I run into most for lighting are Sugumi, Yui, and Rita.

  73. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Is this real?

      • 1 year ago

        Seems to have aired on TV

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Eden's breasts are bigger than I thought they would be.

      • 1 year ago

        One of the bigger sizes for her age
        I wish her model's glasses were more misty/frosted like her portrait

        • 1 year ago

          Same here, if I wanted to see her eyes I would take her glasses off.

        • 1 year ago

          Maybe frosted glasses are her fan/affection accessory

    • 1 year ago

      Eden's breasts are bigger than I thought they would be.

      Where can I look her profile? She looks like a JK.

      • 1 year ago

        It's not out yet, she should be available on Thursday.

  74. 1 year ago

    Is there a reason why the e-girl and e-girl baba get free swimsuits?

    • 1 year ago

      Because they're hot.

    • 1 year ago

      Because they had to censor them.

  75. 1 year ago

    What are these?
    Also, do I need to use Sugumi's an gear to use her top skill? Doesn't seem like I can change my top

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't looked at her AN gear but I'm assuming her AN top has a K.I.S.S. that changes the skill? If so then yes.
      Also those papers are just for rolling glasses accessories at the gacha page.

    • 1 year ago

      >What are these?
      You can roll for glasses by using those.

  76. 1 year ago

    I'm too stupid to do the mode change and I dont really understand her SP but shes super fun in the trial mission. ttps://

    • 1 year ago

      You gotta attack once and press down twice to mode change when you have a full bar, same for the finisher. Her SP changes her shot gear.

      • 1 year ago

        How did I never try down twice - fatima turned me into a brainlet.

        • 1 year ago

          Don't have Fatima so can you explain what this means? Is Fatima OP?

          • 1 year ago

            She gets a massive attackspeed buff on melee+down+melee and shes one of my most used characters. I thought that was the only way for mode changes to trigger.

  77. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Oh no, she's cute!

    • 1 year ago

      Damn she is cute and so is her voice, I guess I'm rolling.

  78. 1 year ago

    Reminder to BGHS senseis that we may get a rerun soon so hold on your tickets and don't be swayed by Eden's edens

    • 1 year ago

      >we may get a rerun soon
      This year I will get Asuha.

  79. 1 year ago

    I forgot how cool Kasumi is.

  80. 1 year ago

    Is there a "best sp skill" list for each character somewhere or does it just not matter at all?

    • 1 year ago

      I think it matters but there is not enough people who want to create content about meta gameplaying

      • 1 year ago

        Well thats a shame.

        I forgot how cool Kasumi is.

        I finally got around to maxing their equips but both ryuuko and kasumi are crazy fun to play.

    • 1 year ago

      Ayaka's pretty fast at killing bosses since her skill Reloading fills her gauge in around 10 seconds after the fight starts.

    • 1 year ago

      It's preference mostly I think. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. Also you should know that different SPs have different charge gauges Usually 装着 and ranged SPs require the most, while melee require the least. Normal SPs that just do direct damage will do less overall damage than say if you use 装着 SP for the full 30 second duration + finisher. However with normal SPs since you just pump and dump damage in the duration of a few seconds you can immediately go back to charging your SP gauge after using it, whereas for 装着 SPs you usually want to take advantage of the 30 second duration + damage cut to dish out as much damage as you can until the stage ends. So with that in mind, if I were to do a 3 stage multi mission with Yotsuyu with her normal SP, I would be able to use her SP 2-3 times total, while if I took her Factor's 装着 SP I would be able to use it 1-2 times maybe, with one of those times not being used fully(using it before the boss spawns). It depends on the SP too since they all work different, and the situation you are using them in. For example if I were to use the training dummy and compare the DPS of me using her Factor's 装着 SP's time action attack with her 派生 sword time action attack, the 派生 sword time action attack would come up on top every time. However, not everything stands still like a target dummy just waiting to be hit, and while Yotsuyu's 派生 sword time action attack is quite powerful, it misses easily against moving targets. Her Factor's 装着 SP is much better in this regard since the attacks go out in ranged waves and her attacks pursue enemies better. It's also better defensively since you get super armor (can't be stunned, knocked back) and damage cut for the duration.

  81. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Eden a cute!

    • 1 year ago

      I can't wait to not roll for her.

  82. 1 year ago

    I hope we get more enigma for collab characters, I want to boost the stats of my PTD girls.

  83. 1 year ago

    Wrong Meganekko, back to the hex hell I go.

  84. 1 year ago

    >4* from free roll

    • 1 year ago

      I also got a 4*, I wonder if it's fixed.

    • 1 year ago

      I also got a 4*, I wonder if it's fixed.

      You're just lucksacks please explode

  85. 1 year ago

    >Low cut competition swimsuit
    Ah how disappointing, I guess they don't want my money

  86. 1 year ago

    Finally got around to reading the splash gear events, it was pretty fun.

    • 1 year ago

      Bring back Eden's nerd glasses

  87. 1 year ago

    Is there a Gravity with good mobility? Most of the ones I have are fricking slow as molasses, I'm too used to very fast characters in my other elements so playing gravity high level bosses is pain.

    • 1 year ago

      Serina, Rika, Hresvelgr and Marie Rose

    • 1 year ago

      Kanade and Serika. Especially Serika, she's like crazy fun once you upgrade her normal rifle to the silenced pistol + knife 派生. She shoots really fast with no recoil even though it's 実弾 and she charges her SP really fast. Plus she has a nifty charge shot with directional input even though it isn't shown visually like other shot gear with directional input.

      • 1 year ago

        I mean Serina.

    • 1 year ago

      Just use your fire actresses.

      • 1 year ago

        Huh, I didn't know it was a gradient.

  88. 1 year ago

    Serina was my first 4* gravity character. She's great fun, and got me through a lot of high level gravity stages, but I have since moved on to playing younger gravity characters.

  89. 1 year ago

    My go-to team for Gravity is Sadone and Anko.

  90. 1 year ago

    Just noticed this. Looks like they'll rework some of the early 装着SP finishers to work like the regular 装着SP finishers we see nowadays.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm going to miss being able to interrupt the backflip by using a skill, though the tradeoff is you get damage immunity now. It's going to suck for Another Yumi's SP though since she already got 100% damage cut when using her finisher + you will have to wait a few seconds until you can use her finisher so no more using it instantly after casting like this

      I very much preferred using her finisher instantly since the SP sword strikes don't do that much damage compared to her time action sword laser. You'd have to have a non moving target to get full damage out of it too since the last strike is a slow moving projectile compared to just shooting a high damage laser that can hit enemies at range.


      • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        >Another Yumi is going to suck now
        Nyooo my physical gravity hag.

  91. 1 year ago

    Hey guys! Metaslave here. The new girl good?

    • 1 year ago

      No such a thing as meta here.

    • 1 year ago

      The meta is roll the banners of characters you like. If there are no pickup banners that interest you and you hit the ticket cap then roll the permanent Normal or Another banner, I recommend the Another banner.

      • 1 year ago

        No such a thing as meta here.

        The meta is the girls that are the "daughter" of the higher ups because they're going to be strong regardless. The easiest to spot are Sugumi because the Art Director use her as a prof pic on twitter.

        For anyone that don't know it yet, in past interview they revealed that all (or some? can't remember much) girls are drafted by different people hence the "daughter". There's also time where the writer got complaints like "how dare you made my daughter cry like this" (probably referring to Aika where she have a fight with Ayaka) or the battle programmer (? can't really remember his actual position) got complaints along of "my daughter are stronger than this" etc.

        If you want to read it for yourself you can search it on either 4gamers, dengeki or famitsu. Can't really remember much but it's an anniversary interviews.

        • 1 year ago

          Man I can't believe that Electric is the daughter element.

        • 1 year ago

          This page has all their interviews.

  92. 1 year ago

    >new free swimsuit for Rin-chan

    • 1 year ago

      >Having to choose between Rin, Raiya, and Kanami

  93. 1 year ago

    >40 tickets and no Eden

    • 1 year ago

      10 days is enough time to farm 40 more tickets. But double PUs are hell so you might end of getting Kanami instead.

      • 1 year ago

        >so you might end of getting Kanami instead
        Shit you're right, it's gonna be hard but I can hear Eden cheering for me and at worst I might become a hex farming bot.

        • 1 year ago

          Prepare for this
          I gonna wait for AN Eden

          • 1 year ago

            It ain't over for you yet. Still 10 days left, that's like 20 tickets even if you don't play that much.

            • 1 year ago

              >that's like 20 tickets even if you don't play that much.
              That's just doing your hex dailies+regular dailies+multi?

              • 1 year ago

                >hex dailies+regular dailies+multi?
                That'll net you around 10. You'll have to farm some hexes a little bit also. Just load up this page to see where the scout points are, grab em, and move on to the next map. Or complete the map if it's one of those maps that give you points on completion or if it's a rare map. Some maps can go by real fast, some slow. I like to skip Barracuda. I also like to use tickets to skip blue hexes with 3+ areas, and I use gold to skip blue hexes with 2 areas, it really speeds up the process yet I still earn more gold than I lose. So you really only do red, yellow, and one area blue hexes (sometimes 2 area ones because certain ones drop good mats but you can skip these too if you don't care about mats). Just keep track of how many scout points you started with and stop playing once you reached your daily goal.

              • 1 year ago

                >and I use gold to skip blue hexes with 2 areas, it really speeds up the process yet I still earn more gold than I lose
                Yooo I never thought of that one, thanks anon, gotta grind now.

  94. 1 year ago

    How many main story chapters are out there? I'm on chapter 4 and I'm thinking on rushing the plot to get a ton of scout points.

    • 1 year ago

      Up to 6 right now.

      • 1 year ago

        Time to rush it then.

  95. 1 year ago

    Where can I find this mission? Reimei Chapter 3, 'Murakumo in the Moon, Wind in the Flowers"?

    • 1 year ago

      Chapter 1 - 3 any mission
      Check the wikiwiki if you need help with bingo missions.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you. Was able to complete the sheet.

  96. 1 year ago

    Can someone spoonfeed me on KISS , another gear, another gear skills, what to get on wish shop?
    Struggling to understand at all. Also, what are the current rate up girls like? Dunno what to pull.

    • 1 year ago

      Another gear is gear designed in mind for Another characters, you can still use them on normal characters though. Each piece of gear can go to a maximum level of 70. Each piece also has rollable passives, one main passive, and 3 sub ones. The K.I.S.S. main passives are the ones that change the gear to a good extent, sometimes completely changing the skill. Each full set of Another gear has two pieces of gear that can roll this K.I.S.S. passive, you can check which ones at the ギアオク or at the gear tuning page in the maintenance room(it will show up as a blinking black icon of a girl's head.) You should always buy permits from the daily shop, it's what allows you to roll passives on Another gear. The black ones are character specific ones which have a higher chance of rolling K.I.S.S. passives, and will show up randomly. You can change what character specific permits you want at the top right corner of the shop where it says Wish変更, you need to do this for both the daily and the weekly shop. Choosing a specific girl also gives a chance of the payed A gear shell that shows up in the daily shop to be specific to that character. There are only 16 girls that have Another girl so far, and if you don't have any of those girls, I wouldn't worry too much about Another gear at the moment.

      The weekly shop requires a special currency that you get from rolling passives on Another gear. It sells higher level permits that gives a greater chance of landing the high tier passives. You can also sacrifice mats when using A tier permits to increase your chances of landing higher tier passives. You will pretty much always want to use this feature when rolling passives. Another useful thing the weekly shop sells are mats that you need to upgrade Another gear. The mats tailored towards the character you have chosen in the top right corner. They are kind of expensive, and I wouldn't bother with them unless you can't be bothered to farm multi for them.

      • 1 year ago

        To make Another gear you need mats from multi, some of the drops like lenses, and the 4* elemental things can be hard to get since they are rare drops. The 4* things only drop from 要撃 missions. Sometimes we get them for free from events like the one we had some days ago, since Sugumi's Another gear was released.

        As for for what the current rate up characters are like, check He always uploads gameplay demos whenever a new pickup happens. If you're not interested in any of the current pickups then roll the permanent Normal or Another banner, I strongly recommend the Another one.

        • 1 year ago

          You can also check what passives you can get, and what the chances are by pressing on the permits for a bit. Also when rolling passives, it doesn't automatically overwrite your old passives with your newly rolled ones. You can choose to keep your old passives, or overwrite them. This is just so you can roll as much as you want without having to worry about bricking your gear with a bad roll, unless of course if you accidentally overwrite your good rolls by hitting the wrong button.

  97. 1 year ago

    Goddammit. I spent 60 tickets trying to pull Wang Honghua and the only thing I have to show for it are jack and shit. Now her banner's ending in a few hours and she likely won't be available again for months.


    Particularly scalding was this eleven-pull containing 10 out of 11 duplicates. The pool for this game is just too small. I understand this is par for the course but if people post about how lucky they are meltdowns should be encouraged too.

    God fricking dammit I wanted a happy ending with my spear wielding happy flat chinese vice fighting aegis wife but it just wasn't meant to be. And so I will be partaking in this fully flavored five course meal of Shanghai style utter disappointment.

    I suppose it's slightly better than those gacha that give you everything immediately but any attempt to paint these games in a positive light is just rationalizing.

    Maybe I'll play a little more to see what the next event is and to complete all of the campaigns but frick am I burned out on grinding. Woulda been smarter to work > get money > buy gems > get character. At these prices though there's not much value. Gamble a little to what, unlock something on an account I don't even own? The whole system is a mental case. At these rates you're better off spending the money on a model kit because then you have something that's tangible and yours forever. Can't EoS something that belongs to me.

    • 1 year ago

      I get you, I remember how back on Yui's first gacha I didn't get her, I just got her regular 4* on her previous rate up, not having an actual spark hurts.

    • 1 year ago

      Not as bad as when I spent 110+ tickets on Another Yasuri and didn't even get a 4*. I got over it though, I still get what I want most of the time.

    • 1 year ago

      If you're not too deep into the game and not too attached to your current 4* characters you can still reroll your account for her, the free random normal 4* out of a pool of 35 characters is still going on too.

  98. 1 year ago

    >check the character list after at least 2 years of not playing because lost account
    >Kasumi is playable but not her 2 other teammates
    Frick, and it seems like Kasumi isn't even in the new players selector ticket so if i want her i have to try my luck in the regular banner.

  99. 1 year ago

    Stream today, I hope the kit update is soon.

    • 1 year ago

      Hopefully Factor Fumika or Another Emi for tomorrow. My tickets are sitting at 49 right now thanks to Eden coming within 33 rolls.

      • 1 year ago

        fk it's SW collab instead for 3 weeks. I guess I'll just roll perm An banner.

        • 1 year ago

          >SW collab
          Please add more witches, I'm still waiting for my wife

          • 1 year ago

            If datamines are to be believed I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed.

            • 1 year ago
            • 1 year ago

              Anything interesting for June there?

  100. 1 year ago

    Is this the gun to get if using Shitara? She has so many guns it's hard to tell which to use...

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. You can also use filter function to make sure you're buying gear for the right character.

    • 1 year ago

      I believe that one is faster and a bit shorter range than her standard personal gear.
      Which is kinda neat, though it depends on how you want to play her.
      And I think the blue one is her normal but recolored.

  101. 1 year ago

    >first time watching the stream
    >pretty much just showing screenshots the whole time
    Can't they just create special site hosting all the pic? Why waste everyone time like this?

    • 1 year ago

      At least they straight up let you know that the game update information was only at the start of the stream instead of stalling it out until the end.

  102. 1 year ago

    Any new things from stream?

  103. 1 year ago

    >grind my soul away for Eden-chan
    >Get a 4* so it could be?
    >pic related
    Hahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    • 1 year ago

      I wouldn't feel too bad, Kanami is also really fun, also sometimes you just learn to love the characters you get spooked by. Though what sucks is if you do get into her, her Another banner already ended and you'll have to wait a while for a rerun.

      • 1 year ago

        Kanami is pretty cute yes.

        >her Another banner already ended and you'll have to wait a while for a rerun.
        I'm used to missing out on a girl's Another Version haha.

  104. 1 year ago

    [...] [Embed]
    Don't know if you are here but there's a video archive.

  105. 1 year ago

    >Fumika is getting a new sword with time action
    I'm very excited for this.

  106. 1 year ago

    I gave in and bought another swimsuit.

    • 1 year ago

      That was me during those anni bodysuits.
      I generally try to stick to f2p, but sometimes a game gives enough of a reason to open the wallet after all.

  107. 1 year ago

    Events refreshed. Let's see those free pulls. (If only to inspire hope.)

    • 1 year ago

      I didn't get anything either. I was kinda hoping they were going to give us a random 4* Witch like they did last year with BGHS.

    • 1 year ago

      Pictured are all the 4*s I got in my roll.

  108. 1 year ago

    these translations are dope

  109. 1 year ago

    Can anyone with Lynette check whether her enigma enable her to gain 100% SP charge at the start of battle? I might try to roll for her if she can do that.

    • 1 year ago
      Doesn't look like it.

      • 1 year ago

        >only 60% max
        Damn, what a shame. Her SP skill have a huge afk macro farming potential.

        • 1 year ago

          What does her SP do? Not sure if I get it

          • 1 year ago

            Huge AoE and it actually linger for a while . Actually i just want to use her for AFK farming on Battery N daily stage if she can get instant charge. It would be few sec faster and stable than my current setup. Try bringing support Lynette to that stage if you want to know why i want her to have instant charge.

  110. 1 year ago

    >Farm one last 10 for eden
    >See free roll for SW
    >Get 4* there and no eden on the farmed 10
    I shouldve known

  111. 1 year ago

    Got her. Can youtell me a bit on how to use her and is she good?

    • 1 year ago

      One of the best mob cleaner IMO with her main weapon being a sniper rifle and the blast radius of her SP being ridiculously wide.
      All you have to do is keep tapping the screen while moving, using her skills once a while then you have everything wiped out without much dodging.
      oh and the branched evolution of her rifle can be ignored if you just want to clear the daily no hit hexes mindlessly.

  112. 1 year ago

    Her new sword grants a buff that allows you to do a aoe attack, and it buffs her normal swings.

    • 1 year ago

      It's way better than her normal one for sure. I wish it's a branch evolution rather than separate weapon because now i have a useless lv80 +99 *3 kit weapon just gathering dust. The An gear at least still see some use in case i want an extra 30% SP charge every odd numbered stage.

  113. 1 year ago

    Is it better to sell weapons or sacrifice them to level up other weapons?

    • 1 year ago

      Sell them unless it have some +. You don't have to worry about excess exp when upgrading via gold and you also get gear medal or gear pay when you sell personal gear.

  114. 1 year ago

    I don't play Tama-chan much anymore but I finally decided to properly tune her gear and +99 her rifle since I have a bunch of mats lying around and the result was holy shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Very fun rifle and character in general.

  115. 1 year ago

    Duped regular Fumika, dumb gacha. At least she's 81 now. Dunno if I want to farm to keep rolling.

  116. 1 year ago

    Frick Double Rate Up banner

    • 1 year ago


  117. 1 year ago

    Onwards, to mission number three hundred and twenty four!

    I'm beginning to think that this series has too many characters for its own good but that's not entirely fair to say; I'm catching up through five years worth of content. Makes perfect sense for new characters to keep being released over time.

    Then on the other hand a lot of character's talent trees appear to be unfinished. And some have extra talent trees while others have skills that can't be upgraded yet.

    • 1 year ago

      My cute wife Tsukasa!

  118. 1 year ago

    Considering spending money on the game some time but I'm such a meta obssessed person and I don't know if there is anything meta to get. Some questions I have:
    What are some of the best deals to spend on?
    Are purchases easy for overseas players?
    What are the best characters to get for those happy banners that you get to reroll until you get what you want?

    • 1 year ago

      >What are some of the best deals to spend on?
      AFAIK there's never a deal for Carat but sometimes you can get extra freebies (costume bag) when there's an event.
      >Are purchases easy for overseas players?
      If you're playing the dmm then you can just buy prepaid point card, i think. For android you need JP google account first.
      >What are the best characters to get for those happy banners?
      Rolling normal happy scout aren't recommended unless you really want certain unit because normal *4 can spook you when rolling any pick up banner. Better wait for Another happy scout instead.

      >What's meta
      It's hard to actually decide which one is meta due to the ability to mix stuff between alt version. I'll try listing some that i feel like are ahead of the pack (easy to use on top of having good damage) from the characters that i have while mostly ignoring the enigma stuff.

      An Rin: Really strong melee SP and overall easy to use Heat ele melee char.
      An Yumi: Her branch/An sword have a pretty busted derivative move. Her SP are strong too but usually it's better to just use finisher instantly.
      Fa Yayoi: Really strong ranged SP skill. Spear are shit but her top gear can cover that.
      An Neo: Really good at mobbing too. Her melee are surprisingly good despite being a spear.
      An Kanade: Mainly good for mobbing but also good for bossing too. Her top gear have decent i-frame and cd while her bottom gear allow her to phase against any attack for few seconds. Her SP skill also really good for bossing. It replace the shitty spear and her bottom skill changed to a "shield" that erase most bullet.
      An Yui: Cute moefang. Strong too especially during SP skill.
      An Mira: Have a strong melee derivative combo but her ranged stuff are awkward to use especially against mob. When her SP skill active she become a pretty busted ranged unit.
      Sakamoto Mio: collab unit but she will get rate up in few days.

      If you really want to roll for normal *4 then i recommend either Neo or Yui.

  119. 1 year ago
  120. 1 year ago

    How do I cope with the fact that most of my favorite girls are of the same element?

    • 1 year ago

      The cast is very big. You probably just don't know enough about the other girls to like and want them. You'll learn to like some of girls you get spooked by.

      • 1 year ago

        Some elements don't have enough short girls.

  121. 1 year ago

    Is it worth it to level up A.Yumi's A.Bazooka or should I go for the purple gear route? Because I have a dual with 4 Gravity Power.

    • 1 year ago

      You don't have to but her bazooka can be useful for higher difficulties since it has a 100% damage cut and counter attack during the reload motion after you empty it out. But then again it's also hard to time it for a counter since it's a charge shot. Maybe level it up so you can get her unique poses in the 3D model screen.

  122. 1 year ago

    I wish I had this luck for girls I actually give shit about.

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty much me when i tried to get Perrine during previous collab lol. I don't watch SW but trying to collect all the glasses girls. Thankfully she's pretty strong and easy to use melee heat unit. Personally i really like the top gear, it got counter+regen+dmg cut and with enigma skill you can even add bit that absorb bullet. 30% dmg cut might be not much but when combined with the dmg cut during first melee attack it can reach 100% dmg cut (30+75).

      • 1 year ago

        This. The exception are Miki where i use 4 HP3 so she can reach 10k HP. Though her effective HP are much higher thanks to the heal on her top skill and enigma passive (+85% at most).

        Fun fact, or to be precise maybe a cursed fact, i got both to +2 while trying to get the other rate up char (Sadone and Perrine) and still don't have the one that i want even now. Both are also melee heat unit and i ended up using both a lot because they're strong and easy to use lol.

  123. 1 year ago

    Got Perrine. She any good? How does she play like?

    • 1 year ago

      I took her into practice mode and from what I can tell she's a lightning based rifle user. Her two skills let her heal and disengage while firing. Finally her SP attack is a large electric ball that kind of gets thrown like a spirit bomb and hits multiple times with some aoe damage.

      Seems like all of the witches' upper armor comes with a heal skill. I didn't play her too much though she seems quick and her rifle can charge up to do electric shots that explode and hit multiple enemies. Her melee attack, a rapier, hits five times(!) very quickly also.

      So basically a speedy electric gunner with an SP attack that can hit multiple targets. She doesn't deal very big damage but her damage is consistent and fast, and she's quick enough that she can dash in, deliver a melee combo and dash out before an enemy has the chance to counter.

      I like her a lot and will try to roll for a four star. Might pick up a green version of her rapier too as it's a solid weapon.

  124. 1 year ago

    They really ran out of money huh

  125. 1 year ago

    Which mod kit gives a better stat boost? HP3 or Def3? I want to mod Ayaka's gear and the wiki says it isn't worth it to increase her ATK and Fire stats for her regular gear.

    • 1 year ago

      Deciding on what kits to use depends on a combination of things like elemental passive type, what gear you use, and what your main damage source is.

      If I played Normal Ayaka (her passive type is 50%) using her normal gear in a melee playstyle, my main source of damage against bosses would be her time action sword attack which does Slash damage. Therefore I would use 4x Slash kits, or maybe do a combination of 2x Slash kits, 2x HP kits, depending on how comfortable I feel with the amount of HP she has.

      It can get more complicated if you want to use her Another gear on Normal Ayaka though, since its base stats are meant to match that of Another Ayaka's 86% passive, along with the fact that you can customize the damage output of it to an extent by rolling passives. So in theory you could use the same setup as above, but I like to just simply use elemental kits for any gear that is meant for characters that have a 86% elemental passive or higher, occasionally HP kits if I feel like it.

      You could also just slap on whatever you want, since kits will be removable and interchange soon hopefully, and new kits will be coming out.

      • 1 year ago

        >or maybe do a combination of 2x Slash kits, 2x HP kits, depending on how comfortable I feel with the amount of HP she has
        I already have HP 3* on her tops and bottoms so gotta give slash 3* to Cross.

      • 1 year ago

        >removable and changeable soon
        Can you expand on this like:
        When you heard it. Estimate time of arrival. What the changes will be like.
        I don't use them now so wonder if they'll be easier to use and worth using later.

        • 1 year ago

          It was announced during one of their streams a couple months ago. They will be adding new kits (like beneficial for heavy slow gear ie. low speed ones,) gear will also now have 2 kit slots instead of one, and you'll also be able to take kits out of gear you already placed them in. In it's current state kits are a one time use thing and if you want to replace them you have to overwrite the current existing one you have placed.

          They first announced it here.
          Then they gave a update on it here saying they plan for it come during springtime.

  126. 1 year ago

    I just drop elemental on everyone and call it a day.

    • 1 year ago

      This. The exception are Miki where i use 4 HP3 so she can reach 10k HP. Though her effective HP are much higher thanks to the heal on her top skill and enigma passive (+85% at most).

  127. 1 year ago

    >nothing in my last 77 rolls including free
    Luckily there has been nothing I really wanted and I've just been doing a 11 roll each time I hit 50 tickets.

    • 1 year ago

      Finally got something 20 tickets later. I've always wanted a 4* Mirie and I don't dislike Meika either.

  128. 1 year ago

    Is there any way to translate the android version of the game?

    • 1 year ago

      There is a way but no one that can are bothered to do it. PC ver can happen because it's mostly just MTL plugin.

      Your best bet are using some kind of OCR/screen reader app but i'm not well versed on that. It's gonna be awkward to use for sure.

  129. 1 year ago

    How to do / farm this?

    • 1 year ago

      It's not really farmable. Just treat it like the emergency command map but with extra steps. Finish it with at least 7k point to get all the rewards. Though you only need 3.5k if you only want the scout point. Tap the blue laptop to apply buff/debuff before sortie. The one without cost are debuff and it also increase your point accumulation rate for one sortie.

      • 1 year ago

        oops, wrong pic

  130. 1 year ago

    added some text.

  131. 1 year ago

    All out for Lucchini

    • 1 year ago

      This 5 reruns into a new collab shit is kinda exhausting not gonna lie.

      • 1 year ago

        and by 5 I mean 4

    • 1 year ago

      The left one looks cute.

  132. 1 year ago

    >only have to clear very hard now and then you unlock all the normal and hard rewards

    • 1 year ago

      Do i need to clear all the depths too? Already cleared depth 6 but the lower difficulty are still uncleared on me. My pc broke too so i'm getting blasted trying to do further on my phone.

      • 1 year ago

        No you don't, to clear the lower difficulty maps you just need to go to the map and press this button.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks, i didn't realize that they added new button.

          That's actually exactly the boss I need. Problem is I only really have investment in Fumika. I could bring in Stylet after upgrading her gear a bit more I guess.

          Fumika are a good all rounder and should be enough for multi.

  133. 1 year ago

    Are the odd and even turn elemental mod kits worth it?

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe like when you are doing multi and you are using a character with a 装着 SP. First area charge up your SP, then unleash in the second area. But overall I think the regular elemental kits are better.

  134. 1 year ago

    Nyooooo Yumi...

    • 1 year ago

      Such is the life of Yotsuya Yumi

  135. 1 year ago

    Having trouble with these 2 nodes on VH OP. Both need ice type. I have a few ice girls but some lack enigma, weapon upgrades and are weak. Which to use / upgrade? What to do?

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        For the right one go with double healer setup of Mia and Azuki and then one fire character. I tried just now, and cleared all the ice stages just by shooting from range without meleeing and using their SPs in a all melee spec. I only have their Anothers but but should be fine with just Normal. Make sure you get Mia's 派生 rifle since the charge shot is really powerful.

        • 1 year ago

          Gist of the first boss fight since I think that's the hardest part of the node. Just abuse I frames from skills and from swapping characters, and if you get hit just brute force through it by healing. For the last boss if your fire character dies you can brute force through it with just Azuki and Mia too just with their heals and because they will take significantly less damage because of their element.

          • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            Can I know what passives you run for them too?

            • 1 year ago

              I was full melee damage for it, so you should be able to do more damage than I did.

    • 1 year ago

      Managed to clear both nodes. Didn't know there was a depth thing...

      • 1 year ago

        It's new and there isn't any special rewards or titles for clearing it.

  136. 1 year ago

    What are the best ways to farm enigma, gold, purple stuff?

    • 1 year ago


  137. 1 year ago

    New girls any good or should I just spend all my tickets on Mio?

    • 1 year ago

      Just bee yourself bro.

    • 1 year ago

      Mio are good but she's a melee focused unit so i don't recommend her if you don't like how she play. Attack pattern on newer boss and higher difficulty are also kinda punish melee play so there's that too. I'd say try the *3 ver with replica gear first before rolling for Mio. I don't have the new girls and haven't touched the event yet so i can't really comment on them.

      How good are people in multi? Can they carry dead weight?

      Usually people won't care when newbie join as long as it's only 1-2 people. When in doubt just bring healer.

  138. 1 year ago

    >when you forget about reflect

    • 1 year ago

      There's also like two things you gotta know in order to not kill your teammates in multi.
      One is no energy attacks from the front for bosses that look like this.
      Another is don't melee the spider boss on its last phase when it is hanging from a thread or it will swing from it like a wrecking ball.

      • 1 year ago

        That's actually exactly the boss I need. Problem is I only really have investment in Fumika. I could bring in Stylet after upgrading her gear a bit more I guess.

  139. 1 year ago

    How good are people in multi? Can they carry dead weight?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes. I've carried teams but before that would get carried. Some characters like Aikawa perform even better in teams than solo because they can use skills to heal everyone or provide buffs.

      Buff doesn't sound like that big of a deal, right? But even if it was as small as 5% when it gets added to multiple players it makes a big difference(20% more damage for a group of four.)

      Anyways since there are people who have been playing since the start it's common to find max level players with max level gear.

      The other part of it is the Vice's AI. Enemies are designed around single player and will focus on one player at a time. This lets everyone else in the group get in free shots without taking any damage. You just unloaded as well as you can until the enemy switches to you.

      Then, as far as carrying goes, this game can be played on PC with a gamepad. Those times when everyone in the party dies mercilessly and one player remains and is able to flawlessly dodge every attack long enough for the everyone to revive you just know he's playing with a pad.

    • 1 year ago

      Multi ain't that difficult even with newbies, maybe with the exception of a couple certain missions in the rotation (like the double horseshoe crab boss 4 zone multi mission.) You should be able to clear anything as long as you have a full room, depending on the mission you can even clear it with two people as long as the other person knows what is up. Like 99% of multi rooms will welcome anyone as long as they don't have extremely high ping and take forever to load into a zone.

  140. 1 year ago

    >3 of my favorite girls have the same niche by having the same element, main weapon and most skills are the same
    God dual girls with one handed sword are so hot.

  141. 1 year ago

    I try to get the timing right on Kasumi's melee action thing. Rarely able to execute it and don't even know what the timing is. Is there a video or guide for this?

    • 1 year ago

      After her lunge attack (the 3rd combo) her left arm will shine briefly and you need to tap during that. The key is to stop tapping when she start doing back jump just before the lunge so you wouldn't accidentally make early input.

      • 1 year ago

        I could do after this tip. The delay and wait seems so long though and the attack is kind of slow. Wonder if this is even worth using.

        • 1 year ago

          Worth it when you can land all the hit of the full combo. The dps should be similar to the 2N SC (step cancel) or 1N Down Flick SC while having way easier input and no boost cost. Good for when the boss are charging or stunned.

    • 1 year ago

      Which Kasumi? There are two in this game.

      • 1 year ago


  142. 12 months ago

    I'm not really into gyarus or hags, but I'm starting to really like this gyaru hag.

  143. 12 months ago

    Looking for some feedback on what to level next and which weapon path to take. Google translating the wiki is somewhat confusing.

    I have 4 girls circled that I haven't gotten their gears leveled to at least 70 yet. Which girl is a good to focus on next?

    I'm also considering the weapon path for Kondo gun, Lynette gun, Perrine melee, Misaki melee and bottom, Murao bottom, Touka top, Asuka melee and bottom. Kondo's normal weapon seems weak but derive loses range for a combo thing(?) Perrine sacrifice hits for a timing action on derive(?) Misaki, Murao I don't know much about them. Asuka may not be too much of a derive priority because she's more supportive. Lynette I didn't really understand her derive info. Touka seem to lose utility(?)

    Also, trying to make a good setup for Kaoruko and Sugumi because I have both versions but it's confusing because I have both versions. Don't know much about Kaoruko but she has a lot of heal type SP and it's hard to choose. Want build Sugumi around her derived melee because it seems strong so I'm considering using a damage type SP instead of the transforming SP. Don't know if that is a good idea.

    Sorry to ask on a lot of things. Any advice on any one of these things would help.

    • 12 months ago

      If you just want to shoot, shoot, and shoot more Tsukasa is very nice.

    • 12 months ago

      >Which girl is a good to focus on next?
      I don't have Perrine and Lynette so i kinda hover to either Amane or Tsukasa. Normal Amane are healer+dps hybrid but her melee are kinda hard to use since it still use the standard slow Hammer animation but the derivative move are easy to use with lenient input window and strong too. Tsukasa on the other hand are strong at range thanks to her derivative Rifle. The charge shot are strong but a bit hard to use due to strict input window (if you wait for the light then you're already too late) and failing the input would stop your character in place. I don't have her Cross gear yet so i can't really comment on that.

      >Misaki melee and bottom
      Derivative for both. Derivative cross gear trade the ability to guard/counter for more damage. You can enter powered up state (atk speed up) by down flick. Doing it again while in powered up state will unleash a strong slash and end the state.

      >Murao bottom
      Derivative one. It deals massive damage at close-mid range (before the ball split). Downside are long 20 seconds down time and the buff changed from speed up to Bazooka buff. Though the buff duration on Normal ver are measly 3 sec so it doesn't matter much.

      >Asuka melee and bottom
      Derivative melee can enter powered up state and are big upgrade on damage so it's a must have for her. Bottom one depends on what you need. Derivative one lose damage reduction but have better damage and the bit/funnel will stay even if you swap her out. Personally i think the derivative are better.

      >Touka top
      This also depend on what you need. Normal one can heal, low CD and lots of ammo to spam i-frame dodge while derivative one have better damage and range. Personally i'll go with Normal one because the increase in survivability are massive.

      She's pretty much a healer/support. Probably need to wait until she get any derivative gear before she can deal damage.

    • 12 months ago

      as for Sugumi i don't have her AN so i don't know how strong the SP is but i don't think her derivative cross are that good compared to SP. First, it charge slowly so you really need to do a lot of melee before you can use it. Second, the finisher itself aren't as strong as Kasumi where the damage are close to actual SP skill.

      Does using equip type SP reset the gauge? If yes then there's no other choice then.

      • 12 months ago

        The equip type SP doesn't reset it but seems to be more of a shooting type SP and the gauge will just decay over time

    • 12 months ago

      Chieri's normal rifle quite dull compared to her pistol and knife rifle. With the pistol and knife she can do a charge shot time action which allows her to destroy projectiles while shooting her pistol and bringing her in melee range of the target to do some strikes with her knife, and then you have the option of pressing down to have her get out of range while shooting more projectiles that destroys projectiles. It's essentially a hit and run kind of thing. It does a decent amount of damage and you can spam it but it's not really practical to do so since the projectile destroying units that circle around her will only destroy projectiles once. It can destroy multiple projectiles that come at her all at the same time, but if there are projectiles coming at different intervals she will get hit. The full attack also takes kinda long to perform, making yourself a easy target, though you can cancel it early by pressing down. It's still a decent charge shot though and I find myself using it a lot against trash mobs.

      • 12 months ago
  144. 12 months ago

    Help, bros. How to break the freaking curse. I just want to complete my glasses girls collection...

    • 12 months ago

      Give her an eyepatch on the other eye. Glasses girl achieved

  145. 12 months ago

    >casually throw a 11 roll at AN Neo since I hit 50 tickets with the login bonus and I really like her even though I already have her
    Now I'm not going to get AN Shirley.

    • 12 months ago

      >nothing in 20 tickets
      Nyoooooooo it's over for me. I know a new event is coming on the 13th with possible new AN or Factors so I'm going to save my tickets.

  146. 12 months ago

    >Didnt get neo back when she came out
    >Luckshit her with 1x11
    Good shit I always wanted her because she looked fun to play.

  147. 12 months ago

    Y'all use any 3* or less? Any good just like that?

    • 12 months ago

      If you're new then probably. The one with good *4 gear are probably worth to use, or a healer. At +20 *3 can even use full loadout of *4 gear. For veterans probably not because they probably have a lot of *4 to not bother with *3 unless to cope with not having *4 of their waifu. *3 have lower stats and only 1 slot for enigma passive so there's little reason to use.

  148. 12 months ago

    I fricking love Another general gacha, now I can wait for Factor Yui.

  149. 12 months ago

    I'm addicted to rolling the permanent Another gacha too...

  150. 12 months ago

    >That finishing pose
    Why should I bother to use the regular 4*'s SP skill ever again? Hell I'm changing her SP too for the Another one.

  151. 12 months ago

    Are your pulls better multi or single? I only pull multi but I don't get a lot of 4* so may try single

    • 12 months ago

      You're just cucking yourself from one extra pull if you do that. It's somewhat a valid strat if you are doing paid gems though since it increases your scout level.

    • 12 months ago

      It's just RNG. My rolls average out at around 1 *4 every 2 weeks and that while ignoring the daily/weekly perfect dodge reward. I only doing single roll when my ticket are already at 50 and they announced banner that i want to roll in few days.

  152. 12 months ago

    Since we have Shot Gear that helps Cross Gear by giving that passive I hope we get a Cross Gear with the same passive to help those girls that are all about Shot.

  153. 12 months ago

    Upgraded Tsukasa gears. Went for derive rifle. She is strong but timing action too hard. Need more braindead gameplay and characters. Everything dps I have is timing action, risky or squishy

  154. 12 months ago

    >100 free accessory tickets

  155. 12 months ago

    Kit update coming on the 13th.

    • 12 months ago

      Is it a new one?

      • 12 months ago

        >new special kit slot for top and bottom gears
        >need to use a new consumable to unlock these slots
        >consumable can be obtained from ギアオク and events
        >new kit slots can be slotted with the regular kits we have now or the new gear specific kits
        >one new kit will be added on the 13th, with more gradually being added later
        >new kit coming on the 13th is for heavy gear bottoms, so like Shitara's Ganesha bottoms, Amane, Koyui, bottoms, basically the low speed gear
        >these new kits can only be slotted in the special kit slots
        >the new kit can be obtained from the new event on the 13th
        >you can remove and swap out kits now without destroying them

  156. 12 months ago

    >alcoholic drinks
    >next banner are probably AN Aoi
    >An Emi got skipped again
    Now that i think about it, recent banner are pretty much are the one who got shilled in the anime.

  157. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Looks like her 4* is coming

    • 12 months ago

      Is the anime good now?

      • 12 months ago


        I stopped watching it because I forgot it existed. That's how little of an impact it's having. And every Monday we get a full thread for it on Ganker and the OP makes several webm and we go over the episode, but...

        The plot never matters.
        Nodoka repeats her lesbian agenda each episode, never advancing.
        Worse Yotsuya barely reacts to her. She may as well not exist.
        Sitara does a Sitara-ism.
        Some random character that someone in the audience may like(like Ayaka) says a single line of dialogue per episode before shuffling back into the background.
        Meanwhile people in the thread act like it's the greatest anime of the season. And there's 20 webms made for something that just aired.

        It's almost like someone is being paid to make the threads.

        This is almost as bad as only 3 players earning trophies on its PS4 game.

        • 12 months ago

          I want yayoi to appear

        • 12 months ago

          It's actually pretty good. Funny references. Silly whatevers. People who like it actually like it. Kind of like Gintama.

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah the anime are pretty much an expensive promo for the "daughters". I instantly lost interest when they announced it will follow the same formula like the OVA since i find it absolute cringe inducing. The anime could be the Sky Girls mk.II but i guess it's obvious with how they treat the main story even in-game.

          It's actually pretty good. Funny references. Silly whatevers. People who like it actually like it. Kind of like Gintama.

          Gintama are in way different ballpark it's not even comparable. One thing for sure, i never cringed watching Gintama.

    • 12 months ago

      Just drop the ugly OC and give me that new shitara thanks.

  158. 12 months ago

    Will be disappointed if AN Aoi is just another generic equippable shot SP.

  159. 12 months ago

    So, Are the SW girls any good gameplay-wise?

    • 12 months ago

      Lynette is actually one of the best sniper in the game

      • 12 months ago

        Damn I didn't got her with the free roll.

  160. 12 months ago

    Better path for Kotomura Amane gun? I have enough for either path but don't wanna waste gold or have a second

    • 12 months ago

      Her 派生 bazooka is way better. It basically turns her bazooka into a energy sniper.

  161. 12 months ago

    Am I moronic or are there not enough tickets to get all the bunny outfits and ears?

    • 12 months ago

      It's been like that for all the weekly rerun events for the anime. Surprised you are just noticing that now.

      • 12 months ago

        Wow Colopl pls.

        • 12 months ago

          It's only for the normal rerun events that you get to buy everything. So after next week everything will return to normal.

  162. 12 months ago

    I began playing the gacha game last week because of the Strike Witches event and because I got interested in the game after watching the anime. What is the best way to get the tickets for the packs without paying real money?
    The event campaigns give me 7 witches and some other witches are in the gacha packs?
    The packs have the samr witches I got for free but with more stars?
    What do the levels above mean? I see two levels that are shown on an actress The one who csn be upgraded with the purple stuff and then another one that is low. Can the second one be changed?
    What does it change?
    Why is there no english release?

    • 12 months ago

      >What is the best way to get the tickets for the packs without paying real money?
      By doing the main story if you are a new player. Other ways are events, and the daily missions.
      Daily missions include gold, anima, and battery missions that rotate daily and can be found at the event page. Another is doing 5 multi missions (doesn't matter if you clear or fail them.) Last is clear 5 hexes in investigations without getting hit.

      >The event campaigns give me 7 witches and some other witches are in the gacha packs?
      We have 8 Witches total so far, you should have gotten the free 3* of each of them from your mailbox.

      >The packs have the samr witches I got for free but with more stars?
      The gacha versions are the 4* versions. Generally everyone only uses 4* characters in this game unless they are a new player. 3* characters are weaker and just welfare versions of a character. They do provide a extra outfit unlock though.

      >What do the levels above mean? I see two levels that are shown on an actress The one who csn be upgraded with the purple stuff and then another one that is low. Can the second one be changed?
      The level you see on character portraits are their enigma/master level. You level up this up by spending enigma to unlock nodes in their passive tree. Enigma is generally gained by doing missions with the corresponding character. Some event stories and missions award enigma too, but most of the enigma you'll be earning will be from using the character. Once you get a high enough enigma level on a character you can swap certain passives for that character. Level 30 is "Max" but you can go beyond that by spending even more enigma to get a max of +999. Each +1 after max grants a extra 1 HP. You don't often see many people that high since it is a big grind.

      • 12 months ago

        If you need even more scout points you can just grind investigations for them. I forget when it gets unlocked but you need to progress through the main story to unlock it. When you do get to investigations this page is a good resource to know since it has all the map layouts.

  163. 12 months ago

    I dreamed that Yui got a real kit.

  164. 12 months ago

    Whelp, I got her on my first 11 roll.

    • 12 months ago

      That's a passive I haven't seen before.

  165. 12 months ago

    Anyone know if these stack? I can't test it right now. I know it doesn't for kits but I'm not sure about passives.

    • 12 months ago

      I tested it a bit and it doesn't seem to stack and with either one on it seems to do the same damage.

  166. 12 months ago

    >Plan to put new kit on Anko because sniper
    >Nope, she's normal type
    Huh, fewer actual heavy types than I realized.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, most Snipers are EN, on the other hand my Yui will love it.

      • 12 months ago

        He's talking about the new kit type that gives you a shield over your HP that replenishes itself over time. That one is only for the heavy low speed gear types.

        • 12 months ago

          >That one is only for the heavy low speed gear types.
          Such as? I know Shitara is the poster child for them but I wanna know more.

          • 12 months ago

            Koyui, Amane, Rita, Nina, and then I can't think of any more.

  167. 12 months ago

    >AN Aoi counter doesn't count as being hit
    As a 完全回避 guy this is great.

  168. 12 months ago

    I wish you could buy A.Gear with only medals, having to deal with the double gacha of the Kiss shop fricking sucks.

  169. 12 months ago

    It's that time again.
    Participate to get a free outfit gay.

    • 12 months ago

      Just noticed now, but obviously I meant bag...

      • 12 months ago

        Kinda fits both ways, though.
        And if you hang onto your bag until next Frame Arms Girl rerun, it fits another way.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm gonna hold mine for the next batoga collab.

    • 12 months ago

      Do you still need VPN to download and use DMM?

      • 12 months ago

        No. I believe you still need it for certain games, but Alice Gear isn't one of them.

        • 12 months ago

          Awesome, gonna play it then.

  170. 12 months ago

    This is almost as weird as Mai's bag over her head.

  171. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Her SP looks very Factor-ish. Like a energy version of Factor Rin's dual bazookas.

    • 12 months ago

      What element is she?

      • 12 months ago

        Electric just like Yotsuyu.

  172. 12 months ago

    Counters are kino.

  173. 12 months ago

    I just started the other day and I'm confused how to get level 4 equipments. Do you level them up from 3 stars? I don't see anywhere to power up past level 60.

    • 12 months ago

      It needs to be gear that has a pink background. This gear is personal gear.

      • 12 months ago

        Does normal 4* Yotsuyu have those? I don't think I've seen those in my gear inventory. I'm saving my tickets for Nodoka's Gacha so I've only rolled on the starter gacha that let's you reroll at the start.

        • 12 months ago

          Everyone has their own personal gear. You get them from analyzing S gear shells or buying them from the gear medal shop. If you are playing Yotsuyu I recommend buying her Misogi rifle from the gift token shop.

        • 12 months ago

          All character with *4 version have personal gear. You can get it from specific gear shell or trade it from the shop. If you're new you shouldn't worry much about it because it need a lot of resource to upgrade it to *4. You can do hex/investigation mode to try to get personal gear and it's resource. Just make sure you're using the character that you want to get the gear to do the stage.

        • 12 months ago

          You should focus on doing the beginner guide missions for now, they give you green gear that you can use in the meantime until you can upgrade to personal gear. They also give medals that you can use to buy personal gear, I recommend using the medals to buy your final gear slot you are missing after you have gotten some personal gear. Also don't bother upgrading gear past 70 as a beginner since it takes a lot of resources at first.

          • 12 months ago

            All character with *4 version have personal gear. You can get it from specific gear shell or trade it from the shop. If you're new you shouldn't worry much about it because it need a lot of resource to upgrade it to *4. You can do hex/investigation mode to try to get personal gear and it's resource. Just make sure you're using the character that you want to get the gear to do the stage.

            Everyone has their own personal gear. You get them from analyzing S gear shells or buying them from the gear medal shop. If you are playing Yotsuyu I recommend buying her Misogi rifle from the gift token shop.

            Thanks I'll stick to the story mode first then.

            >I'm saving my tickets for Nodoka's Gacha so I've only rolled on the starter gacha
            I hope you got a 3* fire or gravity character as well or it might be hard to do certain stages. There are 4 elements in this game, but it's fine to just have 2. One electric or ice, and one fire or gravity. Also it's too bad that you missed out on the extra free random 4* they were giving out near the start of when the anime first started airing, but who knows they might do something for the collab. They'll be doing something next month for sure though since it's half-anni. Last half-anni they gave everyone a free 4* Factor character.

            Ah...I have a 3 star Aika thay has fire melee attacks. Let just hope I get a random Fire/Gravity next week. I do have a 2 star Virginia, Ayaka and Rin for Fire.

            • 12 months ago

              Since it's Nodoka that you really want, if I were in your shoes, I would wait until the 28th to play to reset marathon it to guarantee getting her though it might take some time. Even if you grind out like 50 tickets right now, you still might not get Nodoka on the day if you get unlucky.
              To reset marathon use a phone or emulator, login, get through the tutorial, retrieve scout points from present box, rush through the main story to get 10 tickets, drop 10 tickets on the gacha, if you get 4* Nodoka, then start playing from there, otherwise reinstall for a fresh account and repeat. You can even be greedy and not settle until you get a account that gets more than one 4* from the 10 roll, though this will take more time. Not sure how each run will take, if anyone has done it recently they can chime in.

              • 12 months ago

                I haven't done it since battle girls 1, and then we had a free 10 roll to go with it. So pretty fast then, plus it only took me like two tries anyway.
                You also get to redo the tutorial roll, if you've got a favorite starter. So that adds a little time, but you get two 4*s you like to start with.
                But if there's not a good front-loaded login campaign, gathering up the tickets for the non-tutorial roll is gonna be the main time sink.
                But you can also back up your old account, and jump back if things don't work out.

              • 12 months ago

                Might be more efficient to get points by doing these three events plus the marriage and the daily battery/gold/anima one and then doing the main story for reset marathoning. Just those will probably net you like 5 tickets. Then again I don't remember if the event page is locked or not until you reach a certain level of progression.

              • 12 months ago

                That's gonna be the last option if I can't get Nodoka with all the tickets I get. I'm just taking my time since I'm slow at ready japanese. Need to lookup some kanji here and there. I'll just.try to get as much ticket as I can get for now.

              • 12 months ago

                Use the friend/referral code if you haven't yet to get 1000 scout points.

                This is my code btw 1713457022

              • 12 months ago


              • 12 months ago

                I forgot this existed. This makes rerolling a lot more easier.

        • 12 months ago

          >I'm saving my tickets for Nodoka's Gacha so I've only rolled on the starter gacha
          I hope you got a 3* fire or gravity character as well or it might be hard to do certain stages. There are 4 elements in this game, but it's fine to just have 2. One electric or ice, and one fire or gravity. Also it's too bad that you missed out on the extra free random 4* they were giving out near the start of when the anime first started airing, but who knows they might do something for the collab. They'll be doing something next month for sure though since it's half-anni. Last half-anni they gave everyone a free 4* Factor character.

  174. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      It'd be funny if she gets a unique buff if paired up with Yotsuyu

  175. 12 months ago

    More gameplay footage of Nodoka.

    • 12 months ago

      I dislike that melee animation and speed. Probably has a counter too.

  176. 12 months ago

    >Go to the swimsuit gacha of a 3 person team with 3 bags thinking I got this on the bag
    >Roll 2 of them and got the swimsuits for the other girls of the team
    >Roll the last one and it's dupe
    >The horrible realization that swimsuit gacha is the bag gacha that you can get dupes

    • 12 months ago

      True horror awaits in the early volumes...

      • 12 months ago

        I dunno how I managed to lucksack my favorite's swimsuit there with only 2 bags but somehow I did it.

        • 12 months ago

          >Luckshat both Ayaka and Touka from their respective sets
          >But BGHS swimsuits ate my whole bag stash with endless Mikis and Kurumis
          >Had to save up more bags and wait for a rerun to get Sadone's
          Gacha. Can't win 'em all.

  177. 12 months ago

    Yay I got Another Yayoi, now I just need her Normal...

  178. 12 months ago

    Been doing some kit testing now that you can freely swap stuff out and I think I can say with confidence that ATK kits > elemental kits regardless of the character having 50% or 96% elemental passives as long as most of the damage you deal does the same damage type ie. live rounds, energy, slash, blunt. Good example would be any version of Rita(live rounds) or Yui(energy), since their shot, gear skills, and SPs all deal the same damage type respectively.

    • 12 months ago

      I love using my AN Yui so I will pump her belly full of 3* ATK kits.

  179. 12 months ago

    If I don't need a particular girl and just want a strong team, is rolling AN permanent banner a good idea? It does give bags on dupes and have a lot of AN as oppose to just normal versions on rate-up banners. Or is it better to pull specific rate-up banners?

    • 12 months ago

      Yea. AN ver usually have better passive and or SP skill so only roll rate up banner if you really want the girl.

    • 12 months ago

      I usually stick with normal permanent, since I've got more normals so higher bag chance.
      And one of my few ANs is Azuki, whose normal version I'd kinda like to get for more board.
      Specific is of course way better if you want someone specific. And also your only shot at collabs, aside from any free rolls.

  180. 12 months ago

    Got Fatima AN so now I have both versions. How should I set her up with both versions? How does she play?

    • 11 months ago

      It's really up to you. You can set her up as completely melee and or completely ranged damage focused by by swapping out her passives, also I'd say her branch bottom is better for melee but it's still really strong as normal since it can apply a debuff.

  181. 11 months ago

    Huh I knew you could abuse the Yotsuyu's dash sword attach with the brief invincibility it gives but I didn't know you can cancel the combo and go straight to spamming dash sword attack and burn through a boss's life until you still have dash. Forgive me if this is old news but I'm still new.

    • 11 months ago

      It's called step cancel or ステキャン for short. It's a fundamental of melee combat.

  182. 11 months ago

    I wanna play more but the trying not to dry up my source of tickets to get Nodoka is killing me. I also had to roll for 2-3 times because of over flow with noting but 3 stars to show. It's kinda sad to throw away this account though since Yotsuyu is almost fully built with a set of her personal weapons and armor.

    • 11 months ago

      That's why I would have started on the 28th. Also you'd be farming for a while anyways too to obtain Nodoka's personal gear since new character's personal gear isn't immediately buyable with gear medals.

      • 11 months ago

        At least I got started to learn the ropes, well most of it anyway. And I wanted to read some of the stories but it's mostly been fluff. Basically been Narukosaka = good, Murakumo =Bad, up to chapter 3 at least since that's where I stopped. Also the account can still be thrown away if I don't get lucky, I'm not looking forward to rerolling. So it's random roll like the others or would it be like the strike witches collab that's left in the event tab? Hopefully Nodaka is a permanent member.

    • 11 months ago

      Could start up a new account in advance and play on it.
      That way you get to play more, but you're also saving up even more tickets to try with.

      >It's kinda sad to throw away this account though since Yotsuyu is almost fully built with a set of her personal weapons and armor.
      It's a bit of work re-grinding it, but at least it's something you can get for sure on the new account too.
      It's the stuff I either can't get back, or at least have to wrangle away from gacha again, that are the real factor for me when I'm contemplating rerolling in a game.

      • 11 months ago

        Well that is what this current account is for so it's kinda a waste, specially since I might throw the other account again and go on a quick 10 tickets cycle to get Nodoka with rerolling. Although trying to get a more balanced team at the start would be great. I stupidly thought to get all of Yotsuyu's 1 to 4 normal clothes and forgo getting other elements on my 3 star team, with the other character on my team bein Aika the designated healer. But then the 2-3 rolls kind fixed that with other 3 star but sadly, or fortunately, no other 4* yet.

        • 11 months ago

          >Well that is what this current account is for
          And it sounds like that account's already about as ready as it can be.
          But I was mostly just suggesting it as an option to keep playing for the sake of playing.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah I'm trying not to get more tickets and just doing some coins, daily and investigation events for now. Can't really further the story part since that's gonna give me more tickets so that part's a bust. I'd just be doing the same thing anyway.

  183. 11 months ago

    >we are actually getting both normal and another Nodoka at the same time
    RIP my tickets.

    • 11 months ago

      Are you fricking kidding me?

      AND she will have different gear for her Another. Based.

      • 11 months ago

        Generally Another versions are way better than the regular one, makes me wonder if that's gonna be the case here too.

        • 11 months ago

          From the video footage it doesn't look like a 装着SP. Normal looks range based and her Another looks melee, also I might be wrong but maybe they will be different elements too? Electricity and fire.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh it actually is, you can see the element of the gear skills in the video.

          • 11 months ago

            >maybe they will be different elements too? Electricity and fire.
            Man imagine if that happens, the floodgates will be open.

            • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                Man I sure can't wait to use my oshi on every daily since I will have a version of each color.

              • 11 months ago

                Does this mean you can still swap weapons?

              • 11 months ago

                I don't think so since both AITs can't swap gear.

              • 11 months ago

                Really? I kinda remember SOL raptor can use Strike's gear but maybe i remembered it wrong. I only have the Normal version of both so can't really test it myself.

              • 11 months ago

                Really? I kinda remember SOL raptor can use Strike's gear but maybe i remembered it wrong. I only have the Normal version of both so can't really test it myself.

                Actually you're right and I'm wrong. They can swap gear. It's just not very effective to do so.

              • 11 months ago

                Maybe A.Nodoka has passives geared towards the other element.

      • 11 months ago

        Regarding the retweet campaign did the past ones get all the presents? Or are we stuck at around 2k retweets?

        • 11 months ago

          We never failed one as far as I know. We had at 5555 like and RT campaign for 5th anni and we cleared it though it look a bit.

          • 11 months ago

            Also I think that one took longer since it rewarded tickets for getting past event accessories. All the veteran players have all accessories so less incentive to like and RT.

            • 11 months ago

              Speaking of it was 1,400 when I opened it a while ago now it's 1,701 we might get past all the needed retweet soon.

              • 11 months ago

                Nice we got to 3k already! All I wanted was that free 2 free personal items. We'll probably go past 4k in.a few more hours. That's the anime boost for you. Was there precident to the admin adding extra gift though?

  184. 11 months ago

    Are you fricking kidding me?

    • 11 months ago

      Generally Another versions are way better than the regular one, makes me wonder if that's gonna be the case here too.

      >we are actually getting both normal and another Nodoka at the same time
      RIP my tickets.

      FRICKING WHAT?! So I have to luck shit both?! RIP my previous account then.

    • 11 months ago

      Just pyramid being pyramid as usual. The kind of fricker that did triple rate up on collab gacha without ceiling.

  185. 11 months ago

    Huh so there was an event last night and the 11s knew about the another Nodoka.
    Some were also talking about why Nodoka has 2 elements with her another. Some saying that since she lost her emission in the end that the change could be beacuse of her getting it back.

  186. 11 months ago

    New thread when?

    • 11 months ago

      When we die.

  187. 11 months ago

    I only noticed that the android notifications has skits on them. Any one know were I can read the older ones?

    • 11 months ago

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks. Also just a few more hours!

  188. 11 months ago

    The event is live!

  189. 11 months ago

    >30 rolls
    >Not even a 3 Nodoka
    Oh come on.

    • 11 months ago

      Nodobros...I lost...

      3* Nodo is in your mailbox

      • 11 months ago

        I used like 60 or 70 tickets, lost count. Back to hex farming for me.

        Yeah, also looks like Nodoka hates us.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm still confident I'll get her but I'll need to farm 400 points a day.

          • 11 months ago

            Tell me how?

            • 11 months ago

              Do investigations all day.

    • 11 months ago

      I used like 60 or 70 tickets, lost count. Back to hex farming for me.

    • 11 months ago

      50 rolls and nothing...Frick I can still reroll but I'll try to get at least 2 more 10x rolls before doing so.

      • 11 months ago

        At least they're the same banner, so landing a doublenodo account seems possible.
        I'd still keep track of the singlenodo ones, though. Good to have a backup plan.

        • 11 months ago

          How do you backup the accounts though? I don't have an open bootloader at the moment.

          • 11 months ago

            If you use Bluestacks you can have multiple instances. Or you can reroll on phone or tablet and then transfer to your DMM client for one single backup which you can overwrite later if you wish.

            • 11 months ago

              Options -> account settings -> set up ID and password.
              You can then log back into it later using that id and password.
              Dunno if they expire after a while, but it's not like you need them for long anyway.

              Can I combine both? Roll on both my phone and bluestacks so that I can have mutliple instances. Once I luck shit double Nodoka I'd save it to the DMM Client So i can play both on my phone and my pc. If I can't I'll stick with the another version at least, but autism wise I think I can do it since there's 2 weeks. Well that's the gameplan basically, wish me luck guys.

              • 11 months ago

                I would assume so, I don't see anything that'd conflict between them.
                I haven't actually tried it here, but I've done similar things for other games.

                >Sticking with Another if you've gotta pick one
                That's probably what I'd do, too; since you've got the free 3* version of her for light.
                And I thought that version looked cooler in that preview vid.

          • 11 months ago

            Options -> account settings -> set up ID and password.
            You can then log back into it later using that id and password.
            Dunno if they expire after a while, but it's not like you need them for long anyway.

            • 11 months ago

              Just checked Expiry is 24 hours. Just have to refresh my the Nodoka accounts.

              Here is my code 0265472132 to help you roll Nodoka

              Thanks I used it once but would reusing it to reroll be a good idea? Also one got an account with Nodoka(AN), Raiya and Anna!

              • 11 months ago

                And then a Double Nodoka account...But it's both Anothers...So close...Oh to the other guy that's rolling I can give this one if you don't want to roll.

              • 11 months ago

                >Thanks I used it once but would reusing it to reroll be a good idea?
                It's very good idea, since it will help people who shared the code to complete a mission in ソーシャル tab

              • 11 months ago

                Oh one more thing deleting an account in the options delete if forever even if you used the transfer to another device thing? All I've been doing has deleting the data but I tried using the dual app thing and I don't think I can just delete the data.

                Well I'll rotate with the codes present in the thread at least.

              • 11 months ago

                Never mind I can just delete the data directly and not affect the other app's user data. The dual app thing is a Xiaomi thing fyi. It let's you 2 instances of the same app.

  190. 11 months ago

    Office layout get mirrored? Also if you tap the drone you can admire everyone's ass.

  191. 11 months ago

    I hope I get Nodochan before we near half-anni. I really want to roll for some Factor reruns which are probably going to happen + new characters...

    • 11 months ago

      When is half anni?

      • 11 months ago

        Literally around the time Nodoka's gacha ends.

        • 11 months ago

          Shit, I need to save some tickets then.

  192. 11 months ago

    Happy birthday Yui! I wanted to draw this long ago but I couldn't find the time to do it, I love how her gear looks like a Bluebell also she's naked because a model's body is a piece of art, please admire Yui wholeness as much as you want!

    • 11 months ago

      Nice one Yui lover.

      • 11 months ago

        I didn't know they get a flower basket on their day, that's cute

        Thank you. I know a lot here also like Yui

    • 11 months ago

      Cute Yui, anon.

      • 11 months ago

        Thank you very much!

  193. 11 months ago

    I'm glad I have a stylus and a pentab with a screen I can use both hands to play the game on 2 devices without hurting my finger. trying to reroll on 2 devices is hard.

  194. 11 months ago

    Here is my code 0265472132 to help you roll Nodoka

  195. 11 months ago

    From all the rerolling I've been doing I've never once seen a Normal 4 star Nodoka. It's like she doens't exists for me. Bu then the Samurai guys is playing with the normal 4 star one.

  196. 11 months ago

    Here's the video earlier.

  197. 11 months ago

    Anyone else want me to use your code during my rerolling just post it here.

    • 11 months ago

      Here's mine : 0127693211
      I do want my rewards but I also hope you don't have to suffer too many rerolls for your desired account.

      • 11 months ago

        You don't have to worry about me that much I'm used to doing リセマラ. Also I'm dual wielding with my phone and bluestacks while watching something so it's not that bad.

  198. 11 months ago

    Now I'm getting consecutive Regular Nodoka. This is making me wanna use the other account that I got earlier and get another roll.

    • 11 months ago

      FRICK YEAH! I got both Nodoka! I did this and she showed up! . Even though the other 4 Stars are the same element a Both Nodoka at least I got the nice haul!

      • 11 months ago

        That's a keeper.

      • 11 months ago

        Grats anon

        >other 4 Stars are the same element
        Having at least 3 units of the same element would help you a lot on some high difficulty missions so it shouldn't be that bad.

  199. 11 months ago

    Here's my code. 0870168034

    • 11 months ago

      Sorry anon but I got both already

      FRICK YEAH! I got both Nodoka! I did this and she showed up! . Even though the other 4 Stars are the same element a Both Nodoka at least I got the nice haul!

      . I'll try to roll one more time and see what I'll get for you.

    • 11 months ago

      There anon you should have received it already. I had one in Bluestacks that I was rolling for the first free roll so it didn't take long since I was just rolling for Yotsuyu. As for the roll... no 4 star came...

      • 11 months ago


  200. 11 months ago

    One last thing the transfer to DMM is the same as the one to transfer phones?

    • 11 months ago

      Also how to use a procon? I've been trying to make it work but and it's not working.

      • 11 months ago

        What's a procon?

        • 11 months ago

          Nintendo swtich's pro controller. I've been trying to do it with steam but I get random inputs.

          • 11 months ago

            Nevermind got it to work by installing better joy and using the hid thingy in the settings.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah just use the code it should be cross platform.

  201. 11 months ago

    So events are time gated? And I didn't know the shop weapons were fake 3 star ones at least I know that the hex I did wasn't in vain. Also Fricking isekai? What were they thinking.

    • 11 months ago

      The shop green gear are replicas that anyone can equip. For events I like to wait until they are nearly over to do them for the scout points in case they suddenly spook me with a gacha I want to roll for.

      • 11 months ago

        You mean there's surprise gacha's during the event? Or are you just talking about those gacha the pops up every now and then?

        • 11 months ago

          There won't be surprise gacha with new characters during the event, but they could do a surprise rerun of something. You never really know when they will do a rerun since this game doesn't really have a gacha schedule. Half anni is soon too so I could save the event points for that or retrieve them for rolling for Nodoka.

          • 11 months ago

            Well the event is timegate so there's that but also I came to see what happens next to Nodoka so of course I'd want to know what happens to her. If it wasn't for that I'd do the same with the event.

          • 11 months ago

            >Half anni is soon too so I could save the event points for that or retrieve them for rolling for Nodoka.
            I want Factor reruns, I need Ayaka on my life.

  202. 11 months ago

    I've finally got Another Nodoka's personal sword but the timing to do the tap backswipe special attack is really strong. Might be almost as strong as the tops and bottoms' attacks but the timing is really strict. What happens is that after doing the last normal attack after pressing back Nodoka will raise her sword and it will flash and if successful Nodoka would do 2 attacks a short range followed by a long range slash. If you fail Nodoka would stumble. Not sure if I can pull this off in battles because of how strick it is in battles but it looks pretty strong if you master it. Also anyone knows how to the personal accessories? I want to complete both Nodoka's looks.

    • 11 months ago

      Usually you need to do their bond stories for accessories.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks I've been searching for it for a while now and I didn't saw it in the shop so I gave up.

    • 11 months ago

      I want Another Nodoka for this, it's just my type of playstyle. Still farming tickets at the moment and at 26 right now but I probably won't start rolling until I hit 50. Must fight the impulse to roll because of half-anni...

  203. 11 months ago

    I like the cow event.

  204. 11 months ago

    I have too many fire characters I like to play.

    • 11 months ago

      This but with Lightning, I just love a ton of girls from that element that 1 party isn't enough.

  205. 11 months ago

    Does the english patch also work on the jp android phone?

    • 11 months ago


  206. 11 months ago

    How many people came from the anime? Are you enjoying the game?

    • 11 months ago

      NodokaAnon here, It's been really fun doing hexes. I really like that the game isn't AS stamina gated as the other Mobile games so I can play as much as I want, shell management is shit though since it's a form of stamina. At least I can sell the shells or use batteries. At this point I'm in need a lot of resources to level up characters and weapons and is one personal tops away from getting all of Another Nodoka's personal equipment. I'm still a long way to go though with regular 4 star Nodoka and the other 4 stars I have. Oh and Rain code just dropped and I wanna play that as well.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh and another thing even with the gimped controls playing on the PC feels so much better than on the phone. Just being able to fly any directions and fire the rifle without stopping is a god send. I still have an issue with the moving the stick in any direction and that being registered as a swipe at the start but it's still a lot better than the phone controls.

        • 11 months ago

          You can enable the experimental gamepad option and it will play like PC version. There's also an option to disable dash from stick input.

          • 11 months ago

            Thanks! Now it plays better and you can still stop to flick the stick to dodge. Having a dedicated button would be better but It's good as is for now.

            you actually get a massively decreased rate of getting 4* gear shell drops if you do the hexes with a full storage
            for shell management id recommend clearing out everything but the 1-2* anima (exp)/gold shells and non-glowing blue gear shells, then trash them when it's just those shells left
            once youve been playing for long enough youll get so many batteries that it stops being an issue

            Still at the 中 hexes so I have to do a lot more to get to the higher stages.

            >you actually get a massively decreased rate of getting 4* gear shell drops if you do the hexes with a full storage
            Oh really? Had no idea. Been a while since I've farmed 4* stuff through investigations.
            I mostly use event 3* equipment for fun.

            I think the newbie Guide Mission give you a full set of basic 3* "event" weapons with green background that can go up to Level 60.

            I think I got most of those but the weapons are limited to specific types and elements. I need the ones that were not given.

      • 11 months ago

        If you don't care about the low grade shells, you can just play on despite the full storage. You can't lose 4* Shell drops from investigation Danger hexes, or stuff that's directly a shell reward from say buying them in shops, or getting them for clearing/completing a map.

        For the controls thing, you could try calibrating your controller in Windows.
        And in Alice Gear options in the menu, there's a few options like sensitivity to play around with as well.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah I'm trying to get into that mindset but I kinda want to at least get 3* gears of every element so that if I get a new 4* they can use that until I build/get their personal stuff. 3* are a b***h to process.
          Also about the sensitivity I tried to adjust it but not sure if there's a change or what.

        • 11 months ago

          you actually get a massively decreased rate of getting 4* gear shell drops if you do the hexes with a full storage

          NodokaAnon here, It's been really fun doing hexes. I really like that the game isn't AS stamina gated as the other Mobile games so I can play as much as I want, shell management is shit though since it's a form of stamina. At least I can sell the shells or use batteries. At this point I'm in need a lot of resources to level up characters and weapons and is one personal tops away from getting all of Another Nodoka's personal equipment. I'm still a long way to go though with regular 4 star Nodoka and the other 4 stars I have. Oh and Rain code just dropped and I wanna play that as well.

          for shell management id recommend clearing out everything but the 1-2* anima (exp)/gold shells and non-glowing blue gear shells, then trash them when it's just those shells left
          once youve been playing for long enough youll get so many batteries that it stops being an issue

          • 11 months ago

            >you actually get a massively decreased rate of getting 4* gear shell drops if you do the hexes with a full storage
            Oh really? Had no idea. Been a while since I've farmed 4* stuff through investigations.
            I mostly use event 3* equipment for fun.

            Yeah I'm trying to get into that mindset but I kinda want to at least get 3* gears of every element so that if I get a new 4* they can use that until I build/get their personal stuff. 3* are a b***h to process.
            Also about the sensitivity I tried to adjust it but not sure if there's a change or what.

            I think the newbie Guide Mission give you a full set of basic 3* "event" weapons with green background that can go up to Level 60.

      • 11 months ago

        I've written how to use batteries in a efficient manner in the previous thread. You'll never really run out of batteries if you know what to do.

        • 11 months ago

          Also clearing hexes in a certain manner is part of it. I've also written about that in the previous thread.

  207. 11 months ago

    >Roll the clothing bag on a swimsuit and get a dupe
    >Go roll my 10 tickets on Nodoka's gacha expecting nothing
    >pic related
    Guess I will have to buy the kit now.

  208. 11 months ago

    Nodoka's gear on the medal shop after her gacha ends, right?

    • 11 months ago

      I always forget the timing but it will be earlier than that.

      • 11 months ago

        I hope so, I don't wanna wait almost a month to get more of her unique gears.

    • 11 months ago

      Usually it's 1-2 week after the start of a banner.

  209. 11 months ago

    What's the circle bonus? I'm not advancing in that one for some reasons, I'm stuck at day 2. Is that a story thing?

    • 11 months ago

      What circle bonus?

      • 11 months ago

        I hope I finish it...

        • 11 months ago

          That's the daily login rewards.

          • 11 months ago

            Yes and here is the other bonuses. I should be at day 5 already.

            • 11 months ago

              Both of those are separate. For the regular daily one if you skip a day you can't get all the rewards and it will reset. Notice how it has a deadline saying that will end on the 11th.

              • 11 months ago

                But I haven't skipped a day? I've been playing the accounts 5 days straight since the 28th. Wait does that mean that I'll have to wait until the 11th for it to reset? It might have to do with me rerolling? Honestly it's been stuck there for days

              • 11 months ago

                I'm saying the login daily reset before you could finish the full 10 days, and since it has a deadline it reset back to the start, it's the same for everyone. Right now you are on day 2. Day 3 rewards will be handed out at 15:00 Japan time which is around 9 hours from now. I'm also at the same part of the daily reward too, as is everyone else assuming they have been logging in every day.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh so this bonus is shared with everyone whether you're a new account or and old one? Ok I think got it.

  210. 11 months ago

    Man I hate how RNG the gear tuning part is, I bought the 500 item one and I got good passives on everything but the KISS part.

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