All right you dried up husks of human beings, I want to play the classic FF games. What are the best versions?

All right you dried up husks of human beings, I want to play the classic FF games. What are the best versions? I don't really like how the pixel remasters look but if it turns out they're absolutely cumworthy then I'll get them.

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  1. 9 months ago

    FF1 and 2 - PSP
    FF3 Classic - Pixel Remaster
    FF3 3D - PSP or Modded Steam with the PSP additions if that exists
    FF4 Classic - PSP
    FF4 3D - Steam
    FF5 - GBA with Romhacks to fix the color palette and sound
    FF6 - same as above

    • 9 months ago

      This anon has the right of it. Rule of thumb for the 2D FF games is that if it has a PSP version, play that. It's the best version.

      Pixel Remaster is... Okay. Like you, I also don't really care for how they look. I wish they went for graphics similar to the PSP versions, but it is what it is. It's still a fine way to play 3 since no other version exists of that game besides the 3D abomination.

      • 9 months ago

        >Rule of thumb for the 2D FF games is that if it has a PSP version, play that. It's the best version.

    • 9 months ago

      This anon has the right of it. Rule of thumb for the 2D FF games is that if it has a PSP version, play that. It's the best version.

      Pixel Remaster is... Okay. Like you, I also don't really care for how they look. I wish they went for graphics similar to the PSP versions, but it is what it is. It's still a fine way to play 3 since no other version exists of that game besides the 3D abomination.

      Why do you guys hate FF3 and 4 DS?

      • 9 months ago

        the games themselves, or the 3d remasters? the definitive version of 3 is the pixel remaster, and the psp version for 4.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't hate them but they're such a different game entirely. That's why I recommend playing both but the 2D ones first.

      • 9 months ago

        FF3 DS is both a similar yet notably different game, like smaller monster groups, Job SIckness of weakening characters after they change jobs as the consequence instead of needing JP, and other weird shit. The "expanded story" is honestly not all that notable either. The PSP version is just more readily playable via better emulation if you go that route either way.
        I think 4 DS is more charming and cohesive a product than the later mobile/PC versions of it, like seeing party thoughts on the menu, but I can see why some would prefer to just hop for a more readily playable version on that too.

      • 9 months ago

        iirc they're harder
        seeing as they're 3d remakes they're also a fair amount different from just "straight" remakes
        they're both worth playing
        there's also the other content that is strewn around other re-releases because god knows IV has a lot of them

    • 9 months ago

      Anyone who recommends any other version for FF6 than the SNES version is a philistine and a moron. Bonus points for talking about romhacks. Hint: Romhacks can't fix the problems in the other versions and anyone who claims otherwise is supremely moronic. The music "fix" for the GBA version literally makes the music sound even worse than it already did. These fricking morons don't understand that the GBA sound hardware was just shit and can't reproduce SNES quality music. Nor can GBA games magically gain the higher resolution of the SNES version.

      List of morons:

      I'd call the pixel remasters the definitive versions of 1-6. I'd play those, then if you dig any particular one of them a lot then you can try the other versions.

      If you like say FF6 Pixel Remaster, you can go bother with a patched version of FF6a with the unfricked music and check out the (bad IMO) bonus dungeon. For FF4 you can try FF4a or the PSP version and its honestly RPGMaker-tier art, etc

      1-2: PSP.
      3: PR if you want original FF3, PSP or DS if you want remakes, both have their pros and cons.
      4-6: GBA with romhacks
      7-9: PSX
      10, 10-2: PS2 undub
      11: PC official
      12: PS2 undub or IZJS
      13. don't
      14: even
      15: think
      16: about
      17+: it

      • 9 months ago

        Everyone and their mother lists the amount of content per release as a reason why later releases are definitive. This despite the fact that a lot of this extra content tends to boil down to fighting additional bosses thrown in from other games to get extra jobs/gear for it. About the only thing I can really say "adds" to a release is the extra story in FF2 for the dead cast members, and even then that's not much to talk about. It's extra shit to kill and extra shit to get but I think these games are just fine as is and don't need all the extras.
        The fact that people are asked to tolerate FF4-6 GBA, with that horrible hissing noise and oversaturated assets even despite patches, only adds to the frickery.

  2. 9 months ago

    I'd call the pixel remasters the definitive versions of 1-6. I'd play those, then if you dig any particular one of them a lot then you can try the other versions.

    If you like say FF6 Pixel Remaster, you can go bother with a patched version of FF6a with the unfricked music and check out the (bad IMO) bonus dungeon. For FF4 you can try FF4a or the PSP version and its honestly RPGMaker-tier art, etc

    • 9 months ago

      Can’t wait for the shitposter basement dwellers to cry about you calling them the definitive edition. But yeah I agree.

      • 9 months ago

        I know I'll catch shit but I don't even really mean "the best", that's subjective. By definitive I mean "best version of the base content". The Pixel Remasters look good, had the original sprite artist keep the original look with a modern color palate, has fantastic arrangements, solid enough translations, and it's 1:1 to the original on content.

        I think FF6a's bonus dungeon is not very good, but I DO think FF4a's bonus stuff is really fun because it lets you swap in all the other previous party members which is a lot of fun compared to "what if you had a bad romhack version of phoenix cave". PSP FF4 has good arrangements I think but man, the art is so RPGMaker it hurts.

    • 9 months ago

      This. I say if you're doing it as a missed out of the early Final Fantasy and want to do some retrospective binge I'd say just get the Pixel Remasters. The PSP/DS era remakes are good but they can stray from the original experience too much for someone who is playing them because they want to see what they were like.

  3. 9 months ago

    Pixel remasters are cool even though some are rough and don’t translate the atmosphere of the originals that well. If you decide to play them however for the love of god use a custom font. The UI they used with a normal font looked beyond moronic.

    • 9 months ago

      > Pixel remasters are cool even though some are rough and don’t translate the atmosphere of the originals that well.
      Which do you mean and in what sense?

      • 9 months ago

        From what I remember playing them, they had areas with very high saturation especially the world maps suffered from it massively.

  4. 9 months ago

    cum all over your face you little degenerate turd worlder. how the frick dont you know the answer to this question asked several times a week, how have you not played these pieces of shit already in 30 god damn years, were you born in the 2000's, did your starry eye cum covered face just graduate highschool, imagine growing up with the terrible games you did and now you have to go back several decades to such outdated games.

    the 3D remakes are kinda neat, and you can't go wrong with the PSP versions of the first several.

  5. 9 months ago

    Never played any of them, gonna play them on ios once I get a new phone. Wish tactics ogre and others would also release on mobile

  6. 9 months ago

    Play the original release version of each lol what are you a little b***h or something lmao imagine being gay hahaha sucks to be you!

  7. 9 months ago

    They're all over 25 years old. Why would you want to play the classics? They have no real relation to each other.

  8. 9 months ago

    >Pixel Remaster for Ease of Access
    >Other ports for look/content
    >Original for purist experience
    It all depends on your preference

    • 9 months ago

      For the longest time PSP was the answer I gave people for the most accessible versions of FF1 and 2. So much so that I keep forgetting Pixel Remasters are now a thing and objectively easier to get into.

  9. 9 months ago

    AustinSV made videos on FF 1-6 going over all port differences.

    Watch and decide for yourself

  10. 9 months ago

    just play any of them. everyone has a different opinion on which one they like the best. I recommend 4, 5, & 6.

  11. 9 months ago

    play the pixel remasters 100%, has neat features like maps, mini maps (exploring the dungeons is so much easier and comfy with a map )
    and chest/objects counter to keep track of everything. autobattle is also in their aswell. frick purists.

    • 9 months ago

      > chest/objects counter to keep track of everything
      This alone makes PR worth it imo

  12. 9 months ago

    1-2: PSP.
    3: PR if you want original FF3, PSP or DS if you want remakes, both have their pros and cons.
    4-6: GBA with romhacks
    7-9: PSX
    10, 10-2: PS2 undub
    11: PC official
    12: PS2 undub or IZJS
    13. don't
    14: even
    15: think
    16: about
    17+: it

    • 9 months ago

      why not the remasters of X and XII

      • 9 months ago

        XII's remaster is fine and gets the job done. X's remaster basically skullfricks the artwork and character design as a very poor port. You can argue all the extra QoL stuff like cutscene/tutorial skipping or speed-ups depending on the release goes a long way, and that's your choice, but the only major reason anyone should actually care for them is having International content, but there's ISOs out there of the PS2 JP International with English anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        X remaster completely ruins the models and has shittier music as the default
        You're better off just emulating international edition with a cs skip mod

        • 9 months ago

          You can chose between the arranged and og ost the moment you start the game so this is false.

      • 9 months ago

        XII remaster is too fricking easy. The loot you can get from chests makes the game's difficulty absolutely trivial and it gets worse once you discover how to abuse chest respawn. Go for PS2 IZJS.

        • 9 months ago

          Loot distribution is identical between TZA and IZJS.

        • 9 months ago

          The Zodiac Age's difficulty shift comes from dual jobs and later releases/updates letting you change them compared to International Zodiac Job System being one job per character permanently. Generally speaking, besides some quality-of-life tweaks, renames, things like the tier-1 spells back to being single target again, they're the same core game otherwise.

          Well while we're are at it. Is the Live a Live remaster the definitive edition or should I play the english patched SNES version

          Live-A-Live's remake is pretty fine for the most part, though people are iffy on the localization of it. One specific scene in the caveman story was butchered by localizers that seemingly had no idea what the original scene meant. Plus the english rewrote certain dialogue to be less perverted/womanizing, and both JP and ENG changed one psycho bisexual martial artist stalker into just a relentless fighter. In terms of the overall polish and gameplay if you care more about that, the remake beats the pants off of the SNES version, especially in terms of content and additional stuff.

  13. 9 months ago

    why do people recommend ff1 psp? it fricks up the magic system
    does ff2 psp do anything that egregious or is it safe to play?

    • 9 months ago

      it adds some odd optional thing that can given overpowered gear

  14. 9 months ago

    Well while we're are at it. Is the Live a Live remaster the definitive edition or should I play the english patched SNES version

    • 9 months ago

      I haven't played this game yet because I read that the remaster changed something important. Can't remember what though

      • 9 months ago

        the remaster expanded the final chapter

    • 9 months ago

      It's a remake, not a remaster.

    • 9 months ago

      For Live a Live, I would recommend the english patched SNES version. It is faster when it comes to combat/text-scrolling and has aged well in terms of graphics/music.
      The remaster version is a bit hit-and-miss. There were some Quality of Life features added but the atmosphere and environment didn't translate well when turned in to HD-2D.
      Also, as some anon mentioned, the localization made changes a ton of the dialogue which toned down the game for the sake of ratings and modern sensibilities. As a result, the stakes feel a lot less high compared to the original.

  15. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      God I hate the psp artstyles, almost as bad as the m*bile versions

      • 9 months ago

        What's wrong with mobile? I thought it looked pretty good.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm talking about the old mobile and PC ones

          • 9 months ago

            You can't get older than a flip phone

    • 9 months ago

      What's wrong with mobile? I thought it looked pretty good.

      IS there a collection of the "lost" mobile FF4 sprites? I could never find them.

      • 9 months ago

        FF Wiki has the idle sprites, which is where I imagine that image sourced them from.
        Beyond that, I dunno.

    • 9 months ago

      The GBA versions look like just a bit upgraded ones, rest can suck a dick mhm.

    • 9 months ago

      The PSP sprites look like such utter amateur trash

      Goes to show how stupid people are when they still recommend those versions.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        It's literally artistically incompetent. And so are you.

        • 9 months ago

          Nah it looks great, you just have autism or something. Possibly aspergers too

        • 9 months ago

          I am an artist, a better one than whoever vomited and called it Pixel Remaster

    • 9 months ago

      how anyone can like PSP 1, 2, 4 is beyond me, but I can at least admit it's not as bad as mobile 5 and 6

  16. 9 months ago

    Does anyone know what the definitive versions of the first 3 dragon quest games are?

    • 9 months ago

      The SNES 1 + 2, and 3 with the patches. check the thread on /vg/ for them

    • 9 months ago

      The game boy ones

    • 9 months ago

      SNES with patches. Each game has recently gotten updates to their patches to eliminate the nearly decade old bugs they used to have, so they're actually the definitive versions now instead of GBC.

  17. 9 months ago

    My problem with the pixel remaster is the random changes that make no sense whatsoever. Like in 6, why did they make things so slow?

    - The opening credits with the magiteks walking are so much slower and they cover less ground. It doesn't even make sense that they're traveling as far as they are at that speed. In SNES it's quicker and even goes with the rhythm of the music.
    - In cutscenes where you ride the chocobo, they have their running animation but are going at a walking speed.
    - The minecart segment was slowed down to feel like a chill theme park ride rather than a fast-paced chase-like scene.

    I just do not understand.

    • 9 months ago

      Pixel Remasters may as well be remakes by category rather than ports. They're all using their own personal "unified engine" made on Unity, so a lot of liberties happen across all 6 games despite trying to recreate them closer to the originals.

      • 9 months ago

        But I mean, is it so difficult to simply speed them up?

        • 9 months ago

          Considering these are the same people that fricked up FF1's enemy/boss AI so that all of a foe's moves have the exact same chance of triggering, which means Chaos can spam party nukes or heal himself as much as the RNG gods want him to, these discrepancies aren't surprising is all I'm saying.

          • 9 months ago

            >all of a foe's moves have the exact same chance of triggering, which means Chaos can spam party nukes or heal himself as much as the RNG gods want him to
            That is fricked up. Are there any other changes like this in any of the PR games I should know about?

            • 9 months ago

              the fandom wiki documents a lot of the individual changes per game, but one other major change to FF1 I can tell you about is their changes to grinding spots; Peninsula of Power no longer works because they "fixed" the map enemy encounters, and things like the Hall of Giants were stripped down so you have to talk to specific enemy npc encounters and then leave the map to respawn them rather than as readily grindable random encounters.

            • 9 months ago

              FF4's XP gain is multiplied by some absurd amount. Less than at release but still higher than the original. And all the ATB related bugs introduced in the GBA version are almost assuredly still in if not worse.

              • 9 months ago

                >FF4's XP gain is multiplied by some absurd amount
                You sure? I heard it was only bumped up a little to alleviate grinding so you can play at a normal pace.

              • 9 months ago

                You didn't need to grind one iota in any of the SNES games

              • 9 months ago

                Last I remember playing 4PR, you level so fast that every time I hit a new story beat I was at least a level or two over the soft recommendation, consistently, just by playing. If you even bother to grind at all, you're a god for the next section of the game and potentially then some.

              • 9 months ago

                Just out of curiosity, what level should you normally be by the near-end of the game? When you're on the second visit to the moon to finally confront Zemus.

                I'm level 47 in the PR and a few times throughout the game I've hit some challenges. A few bosses really kicked my ass a few times.

              • 9 months ago

                Looking to averages across SNES, 3D and other ports, in the mid to late 50s by endgame and pushing the 60s if you want assurance, so you've got a bit of leveling to do.

              • 9 months ago

                That's odd though. I'm playing the PR version which everyone says levels you much faster. I've been playing at a normal pace - not running from any battles but not grinding either.

              • 9 months ago

                landing on the moon about 50ish sounds right, you'll gain another 10-15 levels unlocking the sealed weapons and getting to Zemus. This is normal in most versions

              • 9 months ago

                >unlocking the sealed weapons and getting to Zemus
                What's this? Side content or is that something I'll get to in the story before fighting Zemus?

              • 9 months ago

                When you enter the core, the moon crystals should briefly mention there are sealed weapons on the way to the final boss. There's basically huge gear upgrades for everyone if you fully explore. They are optional but they are rather large upgrades.

              • 9 months ago

                Nice, thanks for the heads up.

              • 9 months ago

                Depends on if you've done stuff like grabbing all of Rydia's summons

          • 9 months ago

            You say that like it's a bad thing. Dragon Quest 2's final boss could heal itself to full whenever it damn well pleased, and it had the MP pool to do it for hours. Chaos can just heal himself a little whenever he pleases? Big fricking whoop.

  18. 9 months ago

    >This same fricking thread again
    Do you want me to link all the times you've made this thread in the last week so everyone can see how mentally ill you are?

    • 9 months ago

      oh no, one of ten baldur's gate threads or one of fifteen thinly veiled off-topic threads got bumped off because someone wants to talk about video games

      • 9 months ago

        Anon, my issue is this dweeb posting this exact same thread verbatim over and over and over for weeks if not months on end. This is just as bad as the shit spam you're talking about

  19. 9 months ago

    Final Fantasy 5 is the best one to start up with. FF3 is shitty FF5 so do it if u want. Then FF4 then FF6 if you want a more serious story.

    FF1 is easy you can rape the game with back belts but you can do that in almost all games that have them.

  20. 9 months ago

    Honestly... only 1 and 6 are really worth playing. The original 6 are so boring/basic/archaic/samey you will probably go crazy playing them within a short amount of time, unless you've got the major autism. I personally played them all, but the majority of the time I wasn't having fun and I was an autistic kid desperately emulating for any content I could get.

    I did kind of like 5 I guess, the job system helped a lot. 3 also had a job system but was too archaic. 2 is PURE HOT GARBAGE LITERALLY ONLY FOR AUTISTIC COMPLETIONISTS ONLY, NO ONE DEFENDS 2. 4 has a bit of a following, but it does nothing for me. I think it gets overrated because the plot was maybe a little subversive for the time but nothing to toot about nowadays.

    • 9 months ago

      >4 has a bit of a following, but it does nothing for me. I think it gets overrated because the plot was maybe a little subversive for the time but nothing to toot about nowadays.
      4's plot is remembered because if you weren't a western kid who basically had no solid Dragon Quest access for obvious reasons, it was one of the first things of its kind to hit a mainstream appeal of story in a video game worth a damn. Plus it was the first FF with a story that people cared for compared to 2 and 3 being kinda whatever. People know 4 is trite and basic stuff nowadays, though the 3D remake adds a bit of charm to it at least, but it's a legacy sort of deal.

    • 9 months ago

      Keep in mind that the official English script in every version of 4 but the DS remake is a non-translation rewrite.

      • 9 months ago
  21. 9 months ago

    Just emulate the originals

  22. 9 months ago

    Why didn't I get a Pixel Remaster?

    • 9 months ago

      Because it fricking sucks balls, and they wanted a pure classic pack.

  23. 9 months ago

    Why do you want to play them, OP?

    To say you beat them? To take a stroll through history? Or do you really expect them to hold up?

    I'll say this: 1-3 are mostly good for novelties. It's cool what they achieved on a famicom. They're really ambitious. They don't hold up today.

    The SNES games were an evolution of the previous trilogy. They're starting to age, but they still have moments.

    Honestly, the best way to experience them is as they were released, maybe with patches. If you're playing a remake, you're basically playing mediocre to decent games with a coat of paint.

    • 9 months ago

      what a shit take

    • 9 months ago

      Does this hold true for dq and ultima

    • 9 months ago

      >Honestly, the best way to experience them is as they were released, maybe with patches
      Not OP but I don't completely trust patches. The people behind them have to add their own fixes as if they know what's best for the game. That's why you see translations that are too literal, or add some bullshit that wasn't in the original translation. You might see additional features that were never intended to be part of the game.

      Because of that, I prefer to play official releases. Even if it's by a different director, the original director is often involved in some form such as supervising it or approving changes.

      • 9 months ago

        Yea, patches are at your discretion. Stuff like auto targeting enemies when one dies, I think, is a worthy QOL patch.

        Translations kinda vary, and everyone has their own opinion of that shit

        Does this hold true for dq and ultima

        Never played Ultima, but for DQ, the remakes of 4-7 elevate the source material a ton.

        At least with 1-3, the remakes haven't added much and the core gameplay is very quaint. I think either the GBC or SNES of 3 added a class or two?

        4-7 have meaningful bonus content on the (3)DS. IMO, 4 is actually really cool on NES in some parts, again just on a technical level, but stuff like party talk and the bonus chapter on the remake are solid.

        • 9 months ago

          I just want to know how far back you consider playable. Like what the oldest game you approve of is.

  24. 9 months ago
  25. 9 months ago

    everyone's gonna say 5GBA but the extra content is lame. and I really like the PR music for 5.

    • 9 months ago

      None content added in the GBA ports is good.

  26. 9 months ago

    For FF4 and FF5, if I...

    >don't care for the PR graphics and remastered music
    >don't care for the GBA extra content

    Which am I better off playing, between these 2 specifically? Is the GBA worth it "only" for the extra content? Is the PR worth it "only" for the new music? I just want to play the one that is better for the default game with the default music.

    I also don't want to play the SNES version for a variety of reasons.

    • 9 months ago

      If you simply don't care, then you may as well get the PRs.

      • 9 months ago

        Ok. Why is that?

        • 9 months ago

          So suddenly you do care

          • 9 months ago

            Yes, I care for why you chose the option you did. I'm curious.

            • 9 months ago

              Because it's the most accessible.

    • 9 months ago

      I absolutely hate the PSP version's visuals but it does allow for classic music. If you get the console version of PR, you have classic music as an option, but if you get the PC version, you can mod it in. Generally it depends more on whether you want a crunchy small resolution game on GBA, or a subtly enhanced version on PR, and both have their issues and bugs while GBA has party swapping for endgame.
      I would recommend Namingway Edition for SNES, keeps the game JP authentic with some QoL, but you seem to want to avoid that.

      • 9 months ago

        >anything from Rodimus Primal
        >JP authentic

        • 9 months ago

          enlighten me on this because all I see is people saying "all these hacks/retranslations are rewrites" and no one actually has anything to back that up, just some unseen fandom drama
          keep in mind i shit on the Beacause translation for 7 because despite making the game clearer it's autistically fricked in how they try to be "literal"

    • 9 months ago

      >I just want to play the one that is better for the default game with the default music.

      >I also don't want to play the SNES version for a variety of reasons.

      These are mutually exclusive.

    • 9 months ago

      I would recommend the PSP versions of FF4/FF5 in that case. They have some Quality of Life features that the GBA version doesn't have and doesn't have any of the flaws that the PR version has. The PSP versions are fairly accessible as well since emulating at high resolutions doesn't tax your computer very much. It does a great job at keeping the atmosphere from the SNES version too.

      • 9 months ago

        FF5 isn't on PSP though, what would your next choice be? But yeah 4 looks great.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you want a few unnecessary jobs and extra boss fights? GBA with patches. Do you want FF5? Just grab a translated version of the SNES game, ignore the PS1 and its loading times + horrific YBURN localization. You want a version to play on your Switch or some shit, PR works and is one of the less questionable of the collection, but there's a LOT of rebalance changes. Localization-wise it's just the GBA version but with more adjustments.

          • 9 months ago

            oh gods, i still wonder how the frick do you frick that up so hard.

          • 9 months ago

            Why did they rebalance it? Was the original poorly balanced and they felt the need to fix it, or are they just changing shit for the heck of it?

            • 9 months ago

              A lot of the changes seem to be either for the hell of it, or at pure random. Like, nothing with the PR changes makes a lot of consistent sense besides 3 trying to "strike a balance", and even then it nerfs the hell out of Ninja and Sage to make them on par with other Jobs while making Dark Knights have the AoE blasts from 4.

        • 9 months ago

          Woops, my bad. In that case, I would most likely recommend the GBA version of FFV with the "Colour Restoration and Improvement" patch as well as the "Automatic Sprint, Learning, etc" patch. I would recommend the "Sound Restoration" mod too if it didn't have the occasional pop sound issues.

          I picked the patched GBA version over the PR version because they broke the game's balancing in the PR version by increasing the EXP multiplier which ends up decreasing the game's difficulty the later you get into the game. Unfortunately, there is no way to disable it either. The PR version also has harsh colour saturation combined with a slight stuttering issue that is harsh on the eyes for extended periods of time.

          • 9 months ago

            >they broke the game's balancing in the PR version by increasing the EXP multiplier which ends up decreasing the game's difficulty the later you get into the game.
            I see people say this with FF4 and 5, but that doesn't seem to be the case with me. I played FF4 at a regular pace, no grinding but no running from battles either. And I'm level 45 on my second visit to the moon, close to the end of the game. I looked it up and the appropriate level for this part is around 50.

            • 9 months ago

              Anon, they fricked the EXP for all of them in the remasters. Try 1 and get back to me.

              • 9 months ago

                >Anon, they fricked the EXP for all of them in the remasters
                I know anon, but did you not read what I said? I played at a normal pace and I'm pretty much right at what level I should be. I've also heard some people complain that it's harder. Especially 6 is apparently harder for some people. I don't get it.

              • 9 months ago

                6 is more to do with the battle speed

              • 9 months ago

                I see. But what about 4?

              • 9 months ago

                All I heard is that 4 is extremely easy.

              • 9 months ago

                Your anecdote doesn't invalidate the fact that the numbers are different, anon.

              • 9 months ago

                How do we know the numbers are different? Is there a site I can see for myself?

              • 9 months ago

                Also I should say that yeah, even though it's my own personal experience I'm finding FF4 PR noticeably more challenging than the GBA version. Strange.

            • 9 months ago

              Whoops I meant 47 but oh well. Also FF5 on GBA has a sprint toggle in config, why do you need a patch for that?

              • 9 months ago

                Oh, the ""Automatic Sprint, Learning, etc" patch is so that you sprint automatically and choose to walk when you need to. The other purpose is so that you don't have to constantly unequip and reequip certain skills after learning them like the "Always Find Pits", Always Passages", "Always Map", etc.

              • 9 months ago

                But you can go into config and set auto-dash to on.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh shit, you're right. That patch is for the SNES version. I got confused since the patch list I was looking at had the patch under the GBA patch section...

              • 9 months ago

                Now why I remember using that patch so vividly. It's because I used that patch for my SNES playthrough and it was a lifesaver.

          • 9 months ago

            I accidentally quoted myself, but sprinting is in FF5 GBA by default. Why do you need a patch?

  27. 9 months ago

    As a general rule, the pixel remasters are the best versions. For any of the games with PSP versions, however (FF1, F2, FFIV), the PSP version is a perfectly viable alternative.

    • 9 months ago

      >As a general rule, the pixel remasters are the best versions
      Bad opinion just wretched, vile stuff

      • 9 months ago

        >t. DS gay

        • 9 months ago

          Anon, I played them all on the original consoles at release. The pixel remasters are only just barely edged out by the GBA versions for being the worst ones. You're just too young and dumb to know the difference.

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              The bugs are part of the experience.

              • 9 months ago

                The average player may not ever experience certain bugs in an interrupting capacity, but I am never playing vanilla SNES FF6 without bugfixes.

              • 9 months ago

                I beat that game like 7 times as a teenager and never once did I notice any glitch.

                Meanwhile games like Mass Effect or Baldur's Gate 3 I'm lucky to go even a single session without running into a glitch so gamebreaking I had to reset the fricking game.

              • 9 months ago

                Wind God Gau, Psycho Cyan, Vanish instakill, and the evasion bug are all kino.

              • 9 months ago

                Bugs genuinely does not get more kino than VanishxDoom

            • 9 months ago

              Did I say that? The originals being jank doesn't make the dogshit pixel remasters any better. They look/sound like shit, and boosted exp in games where you didn't need to grind in the first place is just to appeal to zoomers' crippled attention spans. You're not playing the real game if you play the pixel remasters, and that's simply a statement of fact. You can polish squeenix's wiener all day and put all the words in my mouth that you want, it's not gonna change anything.

              • 9 months ago

                >Did I say that?
                Yes. I greentexted, therefore you said that, and you look like this

  28. 9 months ago

    >marketers successfully sold a "Pixel Remaster"
    Nice work to whoever was involved, truly a great feat of cattle-herding.
    From the same minds who sold "HD-2D" KEK

  29. 9 months ago

    >still recommending gba ports in 2023
    play origins for 1 and 2, op. 3 is the only case where the pr is indisputably the best version. ds/3d version for 4, and snes with patches for the rest. DO NOT play the 6 pr for your first playthrough; it’s actually one of the worst efforts despite what some will tell you

    • 9 months ago

      >DO NOT play the 6 pr for your first playthrough; it’s actually one of the worst efforts despite what some will tell you
      Can you give some examples why?

      • 9 months ago

        >much harder to “lose” the fish catching sequence for cid
        >healing buckets
        >opera scene(“fixing” the voice removes the charm imo, but this can be a plus depending on the person)

    • 9 months ago

      but what if I hate the ds look. I prefer 2D.

  30. 9 months ago

    >get pixel remaster
    >having fun
    >see that people have complained about screen stuttering
    >look it up on youtube to see specifics
    >now I can't unsee it when I play pr
    Frick. Should I just keep going and deal with the stuttering, or stop and play a different version?

    • 9 months ago

      I haven't seen this screen stuttering. are you sure it can't be fixed by switching your vsync settings?

      • 9 months ago

        I'm playing on Switch.

  31. 9 months ago

    With 6 at least I prefer to color palette and spritework of the original.

  32. 9 months ago

    I was gonna mention sketch bug but holy FRICK these games just got more and more fricky as they went along
    funny enough despite a number of exploits and glitches in the games after this that I remember, the documentation on them is a fraction by comparison

    • 9 months ago

      Is this for PR or the originals

      • 9 months ago

        originals, though I wouldn't be surprised if there's more or returning bugs at random in the PRs. shit like the sub-pixel stutter because they coded non-diagonal movement like shit is just incompetence at this point.

        • 9 months ago

          >returning bugs
          >in a remake

          • 9 months ago

            they may be remade in unity, but TOSE tried to recreate their earlier ports pretty accurately, and that includes the most random of stupid fricking shit when they didn't intentionally change something instead

    • 9 months ago

      Both VI and VII have some fricky glitches that let you do insane shit if you know what you are doing.

      >DO NOT play the 6 pr for your first playthrough; it’s actually one of the worst efforts despite what some will tell you
      Can you give some examples why?

      They fricked up the sprites hard.

  33. 9 months ago

    Okay... so are these just shitposts? Because I've seen this exact same thread topic almost daily

    • 9 months ago

      It's just bots arguing with bots anon. Training the language models. Don't worry about it.

  34. 9 months ago

    I: PSP
    II: PSP
    III: PSP for 3D version or classic remaster for 2DS version.
    IV: PSP
    V: Choose your poison
    VI: same

    • 9 months ago

      miss me with that rpg maker shit

  35. 9 months ago

    Play through the older ones on GBA because frick the 3D remakes.

    • 9 months ago

      The GBA versions of 4 and 6 are shit though. The rest are fine.

      The 3D version of 4 is by far the best one because it has actual good gameplay.

  36. 9 months ago

    How is it 2023 and there is still not definitive version of any of the 2D games with their original sprite art.

    >FF4 SNES was dumbed down for Americans
    >FF4 PS1 is okay but has low quality sound effects and long load times in a few places
    >FF4 GBA has low quality music and visuals
    >FF4 pixel has a bad aesthetic that makes it look like a fan or mobile game
    >FF5 SNES was never released in English
    >FF5 PS1 has awful load times and an awful translation
    >FF5 GBA, same as 4
    >FF5 pixel remaster, same as 4
    >FF6 SNES is decent except it’s glitchy and has issues with the translation
    >FF6 PS1 has awful load times
    >FF6 GBA, same as 4 and 5
    >FF6 pixel remaster, same as 4 and 5

    Is it so hard to just have updated and definitive SNES versions? Why does every version have to have some bullshit.

    • 9 months ago

      honestly I'm still waiting for people to import the GBA graphics of FF4 into the SFC/SNES version, since people have proven it's doable but the progress has been insanely slow

      • 9 months ago

        FF6 SNES has an unofficial fix for bugs and censorship that makes it definitive without introducing any fan content frickery. The Ted Woolsey Uncensored fix or something.

        With all of these versions of the game, you would think we would get a definitive one without having to resort to fan patches. It's ridiculous, especially with how popular classic Final Fantasy has been.

        Also I looked into the Ted Woolsey Uncensored and I'm not a fan of it. In the forum, everyone's always discussing how to further change it. Make this line say this, change that line to that. It continuously gets updates so it's never actually finished. All he had to do was fix what needed to be fix and leave the rest. No thanks.

    • 9 months ago

      FF6 SNES has an unofficial fix for bugs and censorship that makes it definitive without introducing any fan content frickery. The Ted Woolsey Uncensored fix or something.

      • 9 months ago

        >without introducing any fan content frickery
        >when ted woolsey uncensored is well known to use a "translation" that's full of completely made up bullshit because the author thought it sounded cool

        • 9 months ago

          I personally like it better without all the untranslatable japanese "I guess it can't be helped..." bullshit

        • 9 months ago

          Really? Can you give some examples?

          • 9 months ago

            Just look up the Legends of Localization comparison. It covers the SNES, GBA, RPGOne, and Google translations. Woolsey Uncensored uses the RPGOne translation as a base, and then randomly inserts bits of GBA and SNES wherever the frick they wanted, along with their own rewrites.
            So the majority of it is RPGOne, well known to be a bad translation.

            • 9 months ago

              >majority is RPGOne
              Why the hell would he do that? I was under the impression it was literally just the SNES script but minor changes to fix story inaccuracies or make the dialogue flow better.

            • 9 months ago

              >Just look up the Legends of Localization comparison.

              so you don't have it on hand.
              Got it

        • 9 months ago

          Really? Can you give some examples?

          Just look up the Legends of Localization comparison. It covers the SNES, GBA, RPGOne, and Google translations. Woolsey Uncensored uses the RPGOne translation as a base, and then randomly inserts bits of GBA and SNES wherever the frick they wanted, along with their own rewrites.
          So the majority of it is RPGOne, well known to be a bad translation.

          >majority is RPGOne
          Why the hell would he do that? I was under the impression it was literally just the SNES script but minor changes to fix story inaccuracies or make the dialogue flow better.

          >Just look up the Legends of Localization comparison.

          so you don't have it on hand.
          Got it

          This is a lie. The Ted Woolsey hack is 100% based on the SNES version and only differs where the SNES version was clearly mistranslated.

          • 9 months ago

            That's what I thought but I'm

            With all of these versions of the game, you would think we would get a definitive one without having to resort to fan patches. It's ridiculous, especially with how popular classic Final Fantasy has been.

            Also I looked into the Ted Woolsey Uncensored and I'm not a fan of it. In the forum, everyone's always discussing how to further change it. Make this line say this, change that line to that. It continuously gets updates so it's never actually finished. All he had to do was fix what needed to be fix and leave the rest. No thanks.

            and it's true that they still keep constantly talking about how to change things. That's why I don't care for it.

    • 9 months ago

      >FF4 SNES was dumbed down for Americans

      Think this is hilarious considering the entire JRPG genre is just a super-dumbed-down clone of American-made RPGs

      • 9 months ago

        You're looking at it from the wrong angle.
        PC and Console markets were completely different back then, particularly in the West.

        • 9 months ago

          But Wizardry and Ultima were also getting console ports.

          • 9 months ago

            Is it even possible to play Wizardry or Ultima on modern consoles?

            • 9 months ago

              Modern consoles? Maybe the Jap PS1 versions of Wizardry got a PSN release or something?

              • 9 months ago

                What about on PC

                Aren’t the originals ancient

              • 9 months ago

                Oh yeah you can get all the originals on Steam, GOG, or just emulate them in DOSBOX or whatever

  37. 9 months ago

    brb playing the after years

  38. 9 months ago

    just play the pixel collection. It's good enough and if you ever crave to replay any of the games get the original or recommended versions or whatever.

  39. 9 months ago

    PR is fine. I just wish it wasn't so bright.

    • 9 months ago

      The pixel remasters all look like trash, and things like big flashing !!! over your head on every interactable and mini-maps in dungeons that are no bigger than like two screen widths are pathetic dumb-down additions to games that were already for kids

      • 9 months ago

        They added that stupid ! shit to Chrono Trigger too. Frick off with that.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, I know, all modern square ports are total dogshit trash, what's your point?

    • 9 months ago

      for characters

      and for unfricking the world map

    • 9 months ago

      Frick, my eyes, what the frick did they do with the damn colors.
      Not even IV was this colorful

  40. 9 months ago

    Do you guys hate the graphics for every pixel remaster or just 6?

    1-5 all seem okay to me, not great but a little too generic pixel-y. But something about 6 really rubs me the wrong way. I can't put my finger on what it is.

    • 9 months ago

      I think they are all fine. I have little issues with 4-6 but nothing deal breaking.

    • 9 months ago

      Way too generic and a downgrade from every other version - including the originals

      They are way too bright, the character sprites don't fit the backgrounds, they reuse almost every fricking asset for every single game whereas the originals had distinct looks for each trilogy

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah the major issue graphically for me in all of it is how fricked up the battles look because they made the backgrounds big without adjusting anything else. It looks stupid and removes a lot of the "weight" of the combat, not that there was much to begin with.

      • 9 months ago

        I agree with all these things but I don't completely hate 1-5. I can deal with them.

        6 on the other hand, the backgrounds are great but the rest just pisses me off. Especially the sprites.

      • 9 months ago

        FF3 was PEAK famicom aesthetic

      • 9 months ago

        Compare the final boss of the NES version where they use the black floor for their advantage to have a boss that looks giant without having to sprite the rest of the body.

        Now look at them lazily pasting his sprite with shittier colors on top of a background like he's a floating torso, because the sprite was already made for All the Bravest so they could reuse it again wholesale but with a worse color palette

        • 9 months ago

          Why does everything about the PRs seem cheap and overproduced at the same time

          • 9 months ago

            Because it was OBVIOUSLY made by overcompensating interns trying to impress their masters

          • 9 months ago

            On one hand they got the original sprite artist of the NES/SNES era to come back and try to rework all the character sprites, plus rework changed enemy/boss sprites to be more authentic to their originals. On the other hand all of them have no color contrast because they emphasize super bright pastel colors to "look like they would on a CRT", and they clash horribly with the new or SNES graphics, or assets imported from later versions of the games and everything clashes horrifically.
            They got Uematsu himself to oversee the music rearrangements, but they still have the occasional feeling of a really dull sound mix or just sound overproduced and out of place for such simplistic games, like they were made in isolation on an OST disc rather than for the games and then slapped on.
            They return to mechanics like the Vancian Magic for FF1 or try to hit a middle ground on FC and DS for FF3 with the Job System, but then shift other stuff at complete random like having the balance of various versions mixed together, or keep shit like the Tents/Cottages and Ethers of FF1 GBA onwards, nerf or rework a few of the FF3 classes, strip out the Pensinula of Power and Hall of Giants proper, etc. while lacking ALL of the bonus dungeons and bosses for the sake of being "authentic".

            So many ideas for these sound great on paper and then felt like they were given next to no budget or real talented staff to actually fulfill things as a cohesive project.

            • 9 months ago

              I don't get the CRT thing. The new sprites were supposedly made to represent the way they were "supposed" to look on a CRT, but I don't buy that. The sprites look awful. They're telling us the characters in FF6 are supposed to stand out and be that jarring compared to the environments?

              Really, what's up with that reasoning? I refuse to believe that's the actual reason they changed the sprites.

        • 9 months ago

          I looked up the GBA version expecting to see the same thing but they actually gave him a full body. Holy shit, why could they not just use that?

          • 9 months ago

            The GBA versions are actually somewhat more effort than the PR ones, mostly.

            • 9 months ago

              The GBA versions had plenty of effort, that's not the reason they shouldn't be played. The reason is simply that the GBA hardware can't reproduce SNES quality music or visuals. And in the case of FF6, the translation is also worse and there's more censorship.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't get how the translation is worse. The SNES Woolsey translation has quirky one-liners but that's about it. The new one actually makes sense and tells a coherent story while being accurate. Also the SNES one has much fewer words to work with.

  41. 9 months ago

    What is the best "official" way to play FF5? Is it the remaster?

    Ps1 looks pretty kino but apparently the load times are shit.

    • 9 months ago

      GBA and it's not close

      • 9 months ago

        Really, why is that? Besides the extra content which I don't care for.

        • 9 months ago

          Pixel remaster is junk, as all of them are, PS1 has insane load times that the game isn't nearly worth putting up with, which only leaves the GBA.

          There is none. A English romhack of the SNES version is your best bet. Pixel remaster seems to be perfectly fine, but as usual some of the music isn't as good as the original.

          This guy's answer is correct, though, caring about the "official" version is for morons.

          • 9 months ago

            The official versions are better than any fan patches that make their own "changes" they think are better.

            • 9 months ago

              I suspect you're just an autistic moron, anon.

      • 9 months ago

        False. FF5 may have the best GBA version, but the music is still worse than the SNES version, and no it can't be fixed. The meme-filled translation is also questionable, though I personally enjoy it.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah, I agree with you anon, but he asked for the "best official version," which, given the limited options of those for 5...

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      There is none. A English romhack of the SNES version is your best bet. Pixel remaster seems to be perfectly fine, but as usual some of the music isn't as good as the original.

    • 9 months ago

      Emulating the PS1 version should solve the load times, no?

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        No, and besides the PS1 version has a bad translation.

        • 9 months ago

          The story is 3 paragraphs long in either language, I don't think the translation is that big of a deal

  42. 9 months ago

    Why the FRICK did they not let me buy a physical copy?
    If they didn't make them at all that's one fricking thing, but they DID! They just shadow dropped them at 3am once and then never again I'm so fricking mad.

  43. 9 months ago

    >resorting to a personal insult
    Well, at least you tried.

    • 9 months ago

      Do you even know where you are right now?

  44. 9 months ago

    If they weren't PUSSY homosexualS they would have built a CRT filter into the game

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      There is one, except it's really just a bilinear filter with scanlines on top

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah I mean a real one like autistics on the internet made for free. It's such a joke

  45. 9 months ago

    >SE will never remake any of the originals with hand-drawn Amano art for every asset

  46. 9 months ago

    either play the originals (in Japanese) for the definitive experience, or go with the PRs as the next best thing.

  47. 9 months ago

    "Son of a submariner" , ff4, then ff5 for customization. All snes. Frick it. Quit being greedy with your remakes.

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