All these names sound the same.

All these names sound the same.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    You all heard them from your mom 😀

  2. 7 months ago

    You mean because they're all meaningless? Yeah.

    Besides Fenix I need to hear Protoss names dozens of times before I start remembering them.

    Alarak at least stands out from other Protoss names even if it's still nothing special.

    • 7 months ago

      it's phoenix innit?

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, it is short for FRICK Enix, blizzard were hardcore square fanboys and couldn't handle the fact that actually solvent Enix saved their favorite jarpig creator.

      • 7 months ago

        It's why he's the only one that's easy to remember. He's a Dragoon. Dragoon are fallen Protoss who are allowed to fight again. Phoenix. Only name with meaning.

        All the other Alashan'rais and Tolaruuns mean nothing.

    • 7 months ago

      All names are meaningless unless you're named after a real word like the Victorians did. Yes, even the ones that have a meaning in a foreign language.

      • 7 months ago

        One thing I've learnt when looking up names for my game characters is that basically all names across all cultures have meaning.

  3. 7 months ago

    I'm the anon who gave up on Starcraft's campaign in one of the other threads.
    After taking all of the advice given me in that thread I've come to enjoy Starcraft's gameplay but I still don't like the OG campaign (at least not the terran one).
    It's too tedious of a loop when basically every mission has me build up a base, build up an army and then I have to grind against two fully built up bases.
    The fact that the campaign AI is very passive doesn't help, since there's no real challange, and progress is very slow even on max speed.
    I got to the mission after New Gettysburg and I thought "cool, we rebels now, so maybe now I get to play a mission where I'm on limited resources or an infiltration type mission" but nope, it's just standard grind against two terran bases.
    I'm thinking of reading up the story or whatever and skip to Brood War's campaign since I heard it has a more varied mission design and is more difficult in general or just frick around in skirmishes/ bite the bullet and get my ass kicked in MP.
    I tried the first few missions of the other campaigns as well and both Zerg and Protoss seem more interesting than terrans too in terms of gameplay, at least to me.
    I think the Dragoon (if that is what it's calles) might be my fav unit.

    • 7 months ago

      Brood War has a really excellently designed campaign, even if the story does get a bit goofy.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd say try out the Mass Recall mod for SC2, since it has a few difficulty modes that make it more of a challenge than vanilla. There's also UEDAIP, which is about half-good, but has the opposite issue where some missions are *so hard* with their challenge they just become frustrating dogshit.

  4. 7 months ago

    Fenix, Tassadar, and Zeratul are the only 'tos names that I know who the frick you are talking about if you mention them to me, the rest are described by what they are; the butthole, the dark templar b***h, and litterally who?

  5. 7 months ago

    >ITT: mptrannies

  6. 7 months ago

    I don’t get it. Is Raynor or Mengsk better? Should the names be Goodguyor and Batrayem? Or should we name aliens Bill and Edward?

    • 7 months ago

      >Is Raynor or Mengsk better?
      Are they easier for you to remember?

      • 7 months ago

        Kind of same. I agree about Aldaris and Artanis because they sound the same to me, but I have no problem remembering Tassadar and Zeratul.

  7. 7 months ago

    I really dislike it that they removed the gem bandana from Zeratul and turned Raszagal from this granny with her hair looking like 80's glam rock hair into this SCII style rendition.
    Also remembered the massive backlash when Blizzard changed the High Templar's eyes from red into blue.

  8. 7 months ago

    names sound too arabic for a faction named after the greek word for "first"

    • 7 months ago







      I remember all their names. They all sound different.

      That's because they are split into clans using real world cultures as aesthetic inspiration.

      • 7 months ago

        "All the is" with a ebonics accent.
        A Tan is (good for you).
        Phoenix, AZ.
        Rash al ghoul from batman.
        "Thats a there" with a ebonics accent, or possibly a baltimore accent.
        Zer are a tool.

  9. 7 months ago

    Yeah, because they're extremely generic, like everything that Blizzard shits out. The names are basically a mixture of generic fantasy names and fictional arab mysticism, like the stuff Lovecraft wrote about.

    • 7 months ago

      My my, aren't you opinionated about names. So what, prey tell, would be "good" names for these characters?

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