>Almost 6 years since announcing Elder Scrolls 6. >Over 12 years since Skyrim

>Almost 6 years since announcing Elder Scrolls 6
>Over 12 years since Skyrim

How did Bethesda frick this up so badly? They could have milked the Elder Scrolls IP like crazy but instead they blew 200 million on Starfield.

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  1. 4 months ago

    Who cares. Can you believe vidya butts poster has made almost 1000 threads in one day? Can you imagine how mad the jannies are right now? fricking lol

    • 4 months ago

      imagine if they just let him go

  2. 4 months ago

    >Over 12 years since Skyrim

    • 4 months ago

      Look at him now look how they butchered my boy


      • 4 months ago

        Joseph appears aggreaved

    • 4 months ago

      >this video is older than 80% of Ganker posters
      sad, still I feel nostalgia watching the preview with todd howard showcasing the world of skyrim

  3. 4 months ago

    You think you want Elder Scrolls 6 but anyone who was remotley responsible for anything you enjoyed about the series has long since left.

    Elder scrolls 6 will be worse than Starfield.

    • 4 months ago

      The last person they lost that was really talented was Ted Peterson. Tbat was almost two decades ago. They will be fine.
      Well except for Microsoft forcing the woke shit that is. That is a killer. Forcing an agenda kills creativity. Look at Starfield.

      • 4 months ago

        Well lets be honest, after the starfield failure Microsoft is going to force them to get the next Elder Scrolls game out the door ASAP. Except it's not even in pro production yet, so it's going to be extremely rushed with no passion behind it. It's going to be worse than starfield guaranteed

      • 4 months ago

        Jeremy Soule. No, they will not be fine. They are already in a not so fine state.

      • 4 months ago

        Adam Adamowicz, the lead concept artist for Skyrim and Fallout 3, was talented.
        Fo3 had the gamebryo nightmare visuals, but his designs at least made things disgustingly gross.
        Skyrim was a late console-lifecycle game so it was never going to look too amazing, but it fixed the potato people and renfair world issues Oblivion had because of his weird designs.
        Then he died.

    • 4 months ago

      They all left because Todd took 10 sweet years to develop starfield instead of TES 6. Yes it's gonna be shit.

    • 4 months ago

      >Elder scrolls 6 will be worse than Starfield.
      nah. I actually have hated on bethesda for longer than you people here who praise skyrim have even known they existed (most probably).

      They have made improvements to their games since Skyrim. Fallout 4 and starfield had better perks and leveling than skyrim. fallout 4 had better dialog/speech system than skyrim. Bethesda has been experimenting with new things and then responded to backlash about not enough NPCs, Voiced protag, Dialog options, lack of RPG stats, etc. and they have been trying to add more RPG stuff to their games and make them a little less dumbed down. If starfields travel system had worked the way they originally wanted it to I think the game would have been better received.

      Skyrim wasnt even that good, its best quality was the atmosphere, and 90% of the atmosphere came from the music. The next elder scrolls will be mechanically better than Skyrim, and have better RPG elements, but it wont have the music so skyrim fans will say it doesnt "feel" right. And thats how that will go down, feel free to screencap this.

  4. 4 months ago

    >milked the Elder Scrolls IP like crazy
    But that would have been bad. Why are you acting like that would have been a good thing....?

    • 4 months ago

      It's not what is good or bad, it's the fact that Bethesda is incompetent. Skyrim gave the elder scrolls a crazy amount of recondition and they never capitalized on that. They basically just let the series die and their company along with it. They went downhill anyways and tried to milk Fallout with Fallout 76, if they weren't stupid they would have milked the more popular series (even despite ESO)

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah but you're basically just asking them to shit out es6 for shekels. Ideally a developer would spend more time with a game to create a higher quality product. Although, Bethesda seems to still frick things up even with time

  5. 4 months ago

    Todd will add a Tamriel planet as Starfield's DLC and it will be the last TES related thing Bethesda will ever do.

  6. 4 months ago

    >could have milked the Elder Scrolls IP like crazy

    They got a MMO

    • 4 months ago

      >Dog shit MMO that doesn't appeal to the average TES enjoyer
      >No identity
      Yeah I'd take a real game over that pile of shit any day of the week

    • 4 months ago

      You will NEVER be the main character in a MMO
      You will always be another npc

    • 4 months ago

      It looks like some cheap rip-off of skyrim, which already looked bad in 2011, with worse combat (somehow)
      Crazy that there are people who actually play that

  7. 4 months ago

    Just think. We could be sitting here showing each other our TESVI lusty lizard waifus and sharing coomer mods. We could be discussing Ulfric Chadwiener's total victory over the imps and the mershits and his crazy enslavement of the Redguard race.
    Instead we got Starfield.

  8. 4 months ago

    elder scrolls is a raped corpse

  9. 4 months ago

    Bethesda is dead, just accept it man.

  10. 4 months ago

    Its actually embarrassing how poorly Starfield was received, and it was rumored to have bombed since they had a budget of 500 million who knows if that accounts for marketing too.
    All those years spent making a shitty game with a terrible setting
    Its like they're doing everything they can to not make an elder scrolls game which is really stupid, are they afraid of killing the series with VI? Skyrim only did well because it released at the perfect time

  11. 4 months ago

    Be glad it was starfield they fricked up. Let's hope es6 has no loading screens

    • 4 months ago

      You're a fricking moron if you actually think TESVI isn't just gonna be starfield with procedurally generated dungeons with only one decent sized city in the whole game

      • 4 months ago

        I have to believe they can drop a BANGER. Their fans would buy literal shit from them though so I can only pray you're wrong.

        • 4 months ago

          Bethesda games have just become more formulaic and uninspired from Skyrim onwards
          Fallout 4 copied skyrim's loot system and the whole game revolving around looting dungeons, just like Skyrim
          Fallout 76 was taking that even further and excluding the story entirely in favor of extremely low effort fetch quests, before they put out DLC because the game was bombing
          Starfield is yet again the same system, this time instead of copy/pasting 3d dungeon layouts in pieces like they've done since Morrowind, they leaned on procedural generation to make 10,000 planets with nothing to do but go to a base to shoot guys to get loot
          They aren't even RPGs anymore and they're as predictable as a new Assassin's Creed or Far Cry game.

  12. 4 months ago

    You just made me remember STARFLOP HAHAHAHA

  13. 4 months ago

    When is it releasing again?

    • 4 months ago

      Probably ~2029

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