
Alright, /vrpg/

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Which game did "it" better?

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  1. 8 months ago

    FFX no contest

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      very true

    • 8 months ago

      way better offline mmo than xenoblade

      • 8 months ago

        they are polar opposites in terms of design.

        >positioning doesn't matter
        >aoe spacing doesn't matter
        >no proper aggro system
        >completely flat geometry for level design
        absolutely not

        • 8 months ago

          This. Replaying it again and I can't take more than an hour at a time because the gameplay is just
          >turn on 4x speed
          >go through corridors
          >shit just dies
          >maybe switch some gambits, but mostly no reason to do so
          >maybe switch some party members to distribute levels
          >sometimes spend LP
          and that's it

        • 8 months ago

          >aoe spacing doesn't matter
          Just like Xenoblade

          • 8 months ago

            aoe spacing matters, especially if you use melia and Riki

  4. 8 months ago

    Did what?

    • 8 months ago

      Love story + defying God plot

      • 8 months ago

        FFX for the former, XB for the latter

        xenoblade chronicles 2

        this one excelled in cringe homosexualry

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        I think Xenogears is the best game for that combination but also because there's a God that isn't negatively depicted in the game as well

  5. 8 months ago

    FFX was better, whatever "it" was.
    Xenoblade gameplay was so dogshit that I had to quit like 15 hours in.
    cool environments though.

  6. 8 months ago

    xenoblade chronicles 2

  7. 8 months ago

    FFX is the definitive version of turn-based combat.

    Does Xenoblade do that?

    • 8 months ago

      DQXI on hard mode is a better version of it since you don't lose if you lose your party members, the ones in the back come in to fill the ranks. it also has a lot more spells and skills to play around with than FFX. only flaw is that you can't see the turn order

      • 8 months ago

        >better than anything
        Are you some kind of mouth breathing moron? FF X shits on DQ XI so much that comparing them is like comparing Terminator 2 to fricking marvel slop. In fact there is not a single jrpg series more dreadfully boring than DQ and this includes its combat. Holy frick why do people suck it off so much. Even on hard not only is it easy but its just so fricking boring. How can you like this? How can you say this is better than SMT, Shadow Hearts, Wild Arms, Trails, or even fricking H games like Demons Roots when it comes to turn based combat?

        • 8 months ago

          I don't know what to tell you. DQXI allowed me to use buffs, debuffs, status ailments, made equipment matter a lot, stat manipulation was important and could be modified from boss to boss, it was significantly more difficult and challenging especially act 3, building characters is a lot better than the tedious sphere grid system, the gameplay is almost identical minus the fact you can't see the turn orders, but you have a lot more spells, a lot more abilities, every character has different weapons, the crafting system is great and well thought out, the game is super polished.

          it can't even be compared to FFX. it's on another level.

          • 8 months ago

            the more the game goes on in FFX, the less options you have. the more the bosses are immune to stuff, the more restrictive the game becomes. in DQXI I was able to poison the bosses and exploit the poison. I could use sylvando's ladies First to make venorica attack twice. when a character dies the next character immediately replaces them. encounters are varied with interesting challenges like having a party member Frozen at random, without the game taking away your options like FFX does.

          • 8 months ago

            NTA but DQXI isn't bad at all but the problem with it is it revolves around heavily RNG mechanics, PEP attacks that come on at random, all the bosses on hard coming with desperate hit (and hard is the only way to play the game), and every boss towards the end of Act carries dispel so the thief whose name illudes message entire kit is useless.

        • 8 months ago

          >Tell me you're a little kid without telling me you're a little kid.

    • 8 months ago

      Kiseki refines on FFX's formula significantly. Kuro 2 is currently the best version of the CTB system.

    • 8 months ago

      ctb is bad

  8. 8 months ago

    XC: great story and game
    FFX:great story

    no reason to have to live in a world without both

    • 8 months ago

      Huh? If anything the gameplay of X is better then its story. Can bring anyone down any path with the unlocked sphere grid and can swap out any party member on any turn in combat.

      • 8 months ago

        Gameplay is more than combat. beyond the combat FFX is just hallway after hallway gameplay wise, with uninteresting areas to explore / "dungeons" with zero exploration whatsoever, and while the battle system itself is cool, the encounter design isn't that great.

        • 8 months ago

          >just hallway after hallway gameplay wise, with uninteresting areas to explore / "dungeons" with zero exploration whatsoever
          So just like every PS2 RPG besides what, the Wild ARMSes and Dragon Quarter?

    • 8 months ago

      >XC: great game
      >makes characters scream supportive lines during battles all the time to make the gameplay appear exciting
      It was honestly cringe-inducing. Just stick to ol' RRRRAAAHHH! stuff.

  9. 8 months ago


    FF10 was overall better but they're both flawed.

    XBC1: The first half of the first game was good. The shitty MMO combat was shitty, and the sidequests were shit, but running through the grandiose fantasy environments past fauna and flora with weird designs was cool. Good English dub. The story had me hooked. There was tension with a party member being killed. The bad guys felt threatening. Felt like there were real stakes. I wanted to find out what would happen next to Shulk given that he was embarking on a revenge pursuit that was unusual for JRPGs. Also you had Dunban and Dickson who weren't kids like most party members in modern JRPGs. The visions hyped up stuff like Shulk apparently fighting for an emperor. The game had great cutscene direction.

    Then I reached Prison Island and the tension plummets like a rock. A character gets resurrected and immediately any sense of stakes evaporates. Suddenly there is no more danger anymore. They didn't commit to killing the girl so there is no reason to expect they would ever fall through on anything bad happening to the rest of the party. Big derp writing moment where Shulk - who has been a revenge pursuit this whole time - is suddenly arguing "no we can't kill the murderous bad guy who betrayed us and is trying to kill us! Or else we will be just like him!". And then from then on the story starts going off the rails. It goes from being a grounded plot about a war between two nations and a revenge pursuit, and turns into your usual JRPG affair about fighting godmonsters for the fate of the universe and moping about existentialism and so on. At that point I tuned out.


    • 8 months ago


      FF10 also has gorgeous art direction. Character look better too despite being on older hardware. Music is also good. English dub is not as great as XBC1's but still good. Turn based combat is basic conpared to Trails games but fun enough. I found the cast overall likeable. Tidus, Yuna, and Auron especially. Plot is good though there is a boring stretch around the ice temple, but it never shits the bed lile the second half of XBC1. Also doesn't shirk from consequences like XBC1 did either; it commits to killing off Tidus.

      FF10 also has a palpable melancholic atmosphere, of a young man who never had a good relationship with his father (a sadly common tale today), of heroes on a forlorn quest trying to stay strong, and inevietability.

      The corridors aren't bad. You meet historians along the way who recount local history, or meet travelling summoners, or try to dodge lightning strikes. The journey is fun.

      Yuna being able to permanently summon aeons on the field and being able to control them rather than them being spells was very cool. Xenoblade never had cool factor like that. You could never pilot a mech in the mainline games.

      The only real weakness of FF10 was the Sphere Grid, which provided the illusion of depth, was tedious, and ultimately felt like a waste of time.

    • 8 months ago

      I agree that after prison island the game becomes shit, but I don't agree that you need deaths to create tension or stakes. I think the game did really well with the giant spider, then the hammer mechon guy (first time with the tentacles, then in the mine).
      But the more teammates you get, the worse the plot got. Sharla was 100% useless to the plot and served no purpose in the party. Plus the gadot thing ends in a complete wet fart and she wants reyn's dick the whole time, it's weird. She should've left after getting juju back, and it's not like you need a healer. Actually, she's detrimental and wastes a valuable damage slot.
      Then Melia. Now this is a part of the plot without any stakes, and just a brat like character that's fairly boring. Then the whole cuck thing with Shulk and Fiora, what a weird thing to put in.
      But the worst one at destroying any semblance of tension, dread or stakes is Riki. I know the hivemind just thinks RIKI IS LE BASED but he's just annoying and totally out of place. The whole nopon thing was completely moronic. After the nopon forest the game is never the same. It goes from slightly edgy revenge story to generic jrpg.
      The Mumkhar reveal is moronic and he dies in the most absurd way just so Shulk wasn't a murderer. The mechonis is giga boring and Egil is cool I guess. Then plot plot plot and yawn I'm falling asleep. What a boring game.

      • 8 months ago

        Game would have been better if that hack would have let Saga write this, Xenoblade lacks everthing in the writing that made Xeno exceptional. The Mumkhar reveal wasn't only shit, all villains were one dimensional and stupid while in Gears and Saga the line between good and bad was pretty blurred

        • 8 months ago

          line wasn't blurred in gears, the villains were very blatantly not good

          • 8 months ago

            Except Cain letting Fei do what he needed to since he felt remorse over killing Abel. Miang was grateful for being killed because apparently she didn't enjoy her role as humanities guidepost and Karellen committed all atrocities with the goal of bringing humanity closer Har.

            • 8 months ago

              You got it wrong, Cain was only a villain 10000 years ago, he's a totally good guy during the events of present day Gears. Miang dying has herself be manifested into Elly which activated Deus, she didn't give 2 fricks about what she did and had no remorse.

              Maybe you should become familiar with the games you praise before talking shit.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah, because Karen's personality didn't resurface either when she was about to die

              • 8 months ago

                are you talking about when Fei was a kid? Miang jumps bodies right before Karen dies, that has nothing to do with miang's personality. Miang mass genocided humanity at least 3 times and would do it again.

  10. 8 months ago

    Vana'diel > Bionis > Mechonis > Spira
    All are greats worlds to explore in regardless.

    • 8 months ago

      I like FF11 and its world is atmospheric but I wouldn't place up there as one of the most artistically stunning and unique fantasy worlds like Spire or XBC1. Sure, Al'Taieu and Sky look cool but they're only a handful of zones. Most of Vana'diel is mundane places.

      • 8 months ago

        Ivalice >>> all, anyway. I guess fighting over second place has some sort of appeal.

      • 8 months ago

        >Most of Vana'diel is mundane places.
        This is a good thing you tasteless zoomer.
        When everything is outlandish and magical, nothing is. The alien in moderation makes it truly memorable.

    • 8 months ago

      You are my brother.

  11. 8 months ago

    Whenever I have tried to play Xeno I am instantly put off by the over the top weeb for undersocialized boys shit. I guess you weebs call that shonen.
    Then the ear grating terrible british accents on top of that and poorly chosen dialogue add to my revulsion and I always drop it.

    Like the theme really grabs me, the two dead god body planet and one is mechanized vs. not or whatever is pretty cool but yeah FFXII is not like this, there the people actually speak like humans and not trading shonen quips back and forth all day.

    Even though I get the feeling Xeno has some deeper story that might be worth seeing than FFXII's admittedly all cutscenes and no substance story I can't do it.

    Maybe I should try it subbed instead of dubbed would help.

  12. 8 months ago

    FFX >> XC
    FFX >> XC
    FFX = XC
    FFX = XC
    XC >>>> FFX
    FFX >>>> XC
    Growth System:
    FFX >> XC
    XC > FFX
    FFX > XC
    XC >> FFX
    Side content:
    FFX >>> XC
    XC > FFX

    • 8 months ago

      >FFX = XC
      XC has way better music than FFX. FFX has some of the worse OSTs in FF history

      • 8 months ago

        I wouldn't say it's the worst, but yeah, XC has some of the best OSTs ever and I replayed this game after a month only so I can chill at night in Valak and Satorl

      • 8 months ago

        I wouldn't say it's the worst, but yeah, XC has some of the best OSTs ever and I replayed this game after a month only so I can chill at night in Valak and Satorl

        battle theme head to head:
        Xenoblade's battle theme is amazing and I love the guitar slowdowns that bring it back. My issue with it is that it's the same theme as in 2. Is it always recycled?

        Very good in a different way. I definitely like it less as music, but it's a good battle theme. The theme is completely unique to this game which xenoblade's is not.

        In general as a big fan of FFX I never loved the soundtrack, but I think the slow stuff matches the setting.

        • 8 months ago

          XC1 battle theme > XC2 battle theme, all the way. In fact, I like it so much, I feel it's wasted on trash mob encounters

  13. 8 months ago

    Never played ff, but that xeno was gut besides the philosophycal thing about God.


  14. 8 months ago

    I don’t know nor care what you think “it” is but Xenoblade Chronicles is the series I enjoy infinitely more now than I’m older.

    • 8 months ago

      Xenoblade mogs FFX by far

      Redpill me on Xenoblade then anons. Switch versions only. I got 80 hours into Xenoblade 2 and I liked everything BUT the combat. Too slow even on Fast Forward.
      If that doesn't change in the other games I don't think I can do it again.

      • 8 months ago

        combat in 2 isn't slow, in fact arts charge up too quickly if you have a dessert pouch item and keep fusion combos up.

        1's combat is more of of a standard real time RPG with mmo influence, 3's combat is an in-between of 1/2 but does its own thing with it (first xenoblade that lets you jump between controlling characters too). X is like 1 but with more emphasis on the character you control and less on the party members, mechs are present but mech combat sucks ass and gets rid of interesting mechanics present in ground combat.

        • 8 months ago

          >combat in 2 isn't slow
          You're delusional

          • 8 months ago

            it's not, you have to play by its rules using dessert items/fusion combo focusing instead of insta blade combing

        • 8 months ago

          >the game is actually fast if you go to this one vendor and buy this one item that the game doesn't try to draw your attention to, and then constantly have that item on all your party members

          can we move past these shitty defenses?
          sure, you Could find these one arbitrary game mechanics or items hidden in the game that makes the game far more enjoyable, and it's great that people are trying to make others aware of how they could be having more fun with certain games.
          But that doesn't excuse the poor design of the game.
          Most players played through this game never touching Narcipear Jelly.
          You may have been told about it, and now You have more fun with it.
          Most other plays though have played the slow base XC2, through Absolutely NO fault of their own.
          If they devs really wanted the game to be played like that, they should've done something like make that pouch item be how the game works in its base state.

  15. 8 months ago

    Xenoblade mogs FFX by far

  16. 8 months ago

    being shit? FFX

  17. 8 months ago

    XC = FFX
    XC's story is more entertaining than FFX's but FFx has a deeper plot than XC1, it's rare when an FF plot has more depth than a xeno game but here it is. Both games have world breaking flawed worldbuilding and lore but that's an entirely different subject that I won't waste my time on. FFX has better protags, XC has better villains though the villains in XC aren't very good either

    XC > FFX
    By Uematsu's own admission, he was lacking in inspiration for X. Despite still having some killer tracks and great backing by Hamazu and to a lesser extent nakano, XC1 fires on all cylinders and is a better listening experience

    FFX ? XC
    they're way too different to compare. FFX is a tried and true system refined while XC was a lot more ambitious with flaws. I personally get bored of FFX's combat around thunder plains whereas XC keeps me going longer but a lot of people hold the opposite opinion too

    XC >>>>>>>> FFX
    no need to explain this one, not only is level design far superior but the act of moving through it is more fun as well.

    >Side content outside of exploration
    XC = FFX
    FFX has a lot of shitty mini games and the time wasting monster hunt thing for the arena, it does have a few nice side stuff like hidden aeons. XC has a lot of shitty side questing and the annoying colony 6 restoration thing but heart to hearts and some smaller dungeon-like areas are nice.

    >Party building/customization
    XC > FFX
    X's sphere grid is an illusion that has little variation with jump spheres, the weapon customization mechanic is also superficial. XC's gems have more impact on the game, it has different passive trees for characters, and most characters have multiple ways of being built with unique arts.

    XC > FFX
    While FFX has excellent aesthetics, the various area of bionis/mechonis simply have it beat

    Overall I think XC is better, but both FFX/XC are mid tier games relative to their FF/Xeno as a whole

    • 8 months ago

      actually I take back the last part, I'd say X is a high tier FF, not mid

    • 8 months ago

      I really liked the protags in XBC1. Maybe individually they aren't too great and pretty tropey, but I like they all need each other to outweigh their flaws. They also have much better chemistry than the group in FFX. It doesn't feel like they are friends with each other in FFX, they are all friends with Yuna only. While in XBC1 Reyn and Carla help each other, Seven and Melia help each other, Shulk and Dunban help each other. I think in XBC1 the party compliments each other and that which well with the gameplay, which is all about working together to acheive results. It's one of my favorite aspects of XBC1, perhaps even the best one next to the incredible music.

      • 8 months ago

        I do agree that the xc1 cast has better chemistry but the lack of depth is my issue. Tidus and Yuna have a lot going on with them, as does Auron and the reveal that Wakka was a huge racist came as a surprise. The only protag in xc1 with a bit of depth is Melia

    • 8 months ago

      >FFX ? XC
      >they're way too different to compare. FFX is a tried and true system refined while XC was a lot more ambitious with flaws. I personally get bored of FFX's combat around thunder plains whereas XC keeps me going longer but a lot of people hold the opposite opinion too
      FFX hands down for me. It has the cool camera angles throughout the battle, and there is a bit more interesting stuff going on, such as armored enemy's that Tidus' light sword bounce off of that you need Auron to shatter, or flying enemies that can only be hit by Wakka's ball, or fast enemies like wolves that will dodge anyone's attack except for the fast Tidus.

      >XC >>>>>>>> FFX
      >no need to explain this one, not only is level design far superior but the act of moving through it is more fun as well.
      Honestly I have found very few JRPGs where exploration was fun. Maybe Atelier Ryza with the verticality and swinging on ropes and etc.

      • 8 months ago

        >such as armored enemy's that Tidus' light sword bounce off of that you need Auron to shatter, or flying enemies that can only be hit by Wakka's ball, or fast enemies like wolves that will dodge anyone's attack except for the fast Tidus.

        problem is the game introduces this very early on and never evolves. It doesn't help that the game stays really easy until the post game too. That's why I get bored with FFX by thunder plains. XC1 is easy too but there's more variation in combat among characters so I can keep rotating which of the 7 I control.

  18. 8 months ago

    bot of these games are very different and don't really share any similar characteristics. that being said, XC is the better game by a very large margin.

  19. 8 months ago

    I long for the day when people stop pretending FFX is anything other than a mediocre game. The story is bad, the characters are bad, the music is mid, the art design is atrocious, the gameplay is WAY overrated. It's like Crisis Core in that everyone judges the story by the VERY end, forgetting the 40 hours of horseshit preceding it.

    You know that thing that everyone says about FF7, that people only like it because it was their first Final Fantasy? That's actually true for FFX.

  20. 8 months ago

    Xenoblade is a much better game than FFX for everything except the combat system

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