Am I allowed to say here that SMT IV duology is better than SMT III?

Am I allowed to say here that SMT IV duology is better than SMT III? I only have two gripes with SMT IVA that hold it back from being my favorite SMT game

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  1. 4 months ago

    you're not allowed

  2. 4 months ago

    I wish there are more Saeki scenes
    shes my favorite character

  3. 4 months ago

    but how
    smt iii has the graphics, voices, the perfect press turn system, great fricking boss fights (in maniax)
    the smt iv duology has side quests and uh that's about it

    • 4 months ago

      Story, Characters, Music. More Demons. Atmosphere. Asahi.

      • 4 months ago

        Nocturne is only the favorite of people who have only played Nocturne.

        >SMT IV IS... LE GOOD!
        >SMT III AND V ARE... LE BAD!

        • 4 months ago

          Nah, nocturne and v are pretty great too.

  4. 4 months ago

    Nocturne is only the favorite of people who have only played Nocturne.

    • 4 months ago

      Nah its my favorite and ive played dds, 4, 4a, and 5. DDS comes very close though, just worse on a replay

      • 4 months ago

        >playing DDS
        >"hey did you know that boss lady is a hermaphodite????"
        that came outta fricking nowhere. like damn you wouldn't have even have known that unless you just randomly decided to talk to that specific npc at that time. DDS2 was wild. wish it was paced better but it's so fast to kill everyone you're just like wtf

        • 4 months ago

          You missed a cutscene somewhere buddy lol

          • 4 months ago

            what was the other hint? because I remember npc man telling you this pretty early

            • 4 months ago

              The whole hermaphrodite thing was explained in one of the main cutscenes when you reach boss lady's HQ, but yeah the pacing at the end feels a little crazy the first time, secone time i played it though it felt right, actually. Good frickin game

              • 4 months ago

                gimmie one sec, let me rewatch this what was the context again? ngl the only thing i remember from dds2 was the flashback, cielo being a fricking champ and the ending. oh and that opening.

                also lmfao >2/6 novels translated

              • 4 months ago

                I think the novels were written after the fact, and they have the full story cause they werent rushed. Its a damn shame

  5. 4 months ago

    I love the settings of SMT 1/2/4, where there's still a holdout of humans trying their best to live throughout the demon apocalypse, and swiftly changing world.
    3's dead world is cool in it's own way, but it's personally a big downgrade, and it's why I was VERY disappointed to learn that 5, the first fully 3d game since 3, would callback to 3 so much.

    Humans using tech to fight in human-filled Tokyo-fused guy wandering around the desert remains of Tokyo

    • 4 months ago

      based, smt is better when it's post apocalyptic/sci-fi, not just fantasy in destroyed tokyo

  6. 4 months ago

    The gameplay is better but that's it

  7. 4 months ago

    only episode 1 and 2 were good

  8. 4 months ago

    pick one

  9. 4 months ago

    can we talk about OP image rather than the gay ass SMT?

  10. 4 months ago

    >Bible Black came out over 20 years ago
    Why hasn't anything topped it since then?

    • 4 months ago

      yeah nowadays it's just the same moe shit anime style for H-anime which suck ass. The quality dropped a lot compared to BB and Resort Boin.

      • 4 months ago

        >Bible Black came out over 20 years ago
        Why hasn't anything topped it since then?

        Never watched it and never will

    • 4 months ago

      What's so special about Bible Black and why do you think nothing has topped it since then?

      • 4 months ago

        first is the length. it was 8 30 minute episodes and then a second season with 6 more episodes and 2 bonus videos. it told the complete story from the game and wasn't just the sex scenes lazily cut together. modern h animes are only 15 minutes or less and often don't even have a scene with every girl in the cast. second is the quality. it looks great, even better than many non-h animes. it even had high detailed pussies under the mosaics so the uncensored version looks even better. third is the content. the game it was adapting had an interesting scenario and covered a wide variety of fetishes. today all we get is boring vanilla or generic ntr shit.

      • 4 months ago

        Rimming and prostate massage scenes

    • 4 months ago

      Shoujo Ramune and Angel Blade are great too.

    • 4 months ago

      Because h-anime isn't as profitable as it was back then. Piracy with the evolution of the internet has made it so anyone can just stream a release day one, so they don't break even. Doujins and eroge don't get hit as hard for other reasons. It's not affordable to pour too much resources in h-animations.

      • 4 months ago

        I will call this bullshit until given prove since I see them sell just fine in japan. It's just regulation are harder and animators go for anime studios and such.

      • 4 months ago

        it is more complicated than that. I downloaded bible black from kazaa 20 years ago and it wasn't any harder than piracy today. the real problem is that physical sales are dead. video games and regular anime were able to save themselves with digital distribution and by expanding to foreign markets, but because of censorship and anti-porn regulation h animes didn't have that option. because fricking visa and mastercard decided that they suddenly care about what I spend my money on I couldn't pay for modern h anime even if I wanted to.

        • 4 months ago

          >it is more complicated than that. I downloaded bible black from kazaa 20 years ago and it wasn't any harder than piracy today.
          You just said it yourself, you DOWNLOADED it. Streaming entire videos wasn't as common as it is now. There's also the fact that you clearly did not download it on release day. These vidoes now get uploaded the moment they get shipped (physical) or the digital download is available.
          >the real problem is that physical sales are dead.
          Which is the same thing I'm saying, you're just going into extreme specifics. They cannot secure as many purchases as they initially could back in the golden age of hentai. It's not worth putting so much budget into animation quality if you don't break that far past even, especially when you're already (even if not by much) paying the cost of VAs and all the other things that come into making an animated production. Eroges have a much higher cost, but they have the convenience of being a much larger requirement to view. You have to download it, get pass the DRM or wait for the crack, and then you can play it. Almost all of the eroge pirating teams have also been taking steps to help eroge devs, even if they're still helping other people pirate them. They'll release a game in multiple parts but keep the final part from being downloadable until the first 1-2 weeks of its release, ensuring that anyone who really didn't want to wait would just buy it, and all the real pirates who would have never purchased it to begin with would be able to annoyingly wait until they upload it. Doujins are extremely cheap to make, so you can break even with even 90% of them being pirated.

          You're stuff about anti-porn regulations and piracy have absolutely nothing to do with it. The mastercard nonsense didn't start until 2-3 years ago, while the piracy shift had begun a whole 1-2 decades ago. The Koutetsu No Majo Annerose hentai animation is a perfect example of how not breaking even can frick things up.

          • 4 months ago

            streaming isn't any easier than downloading. plus nips are all rule followers and don't pirate as much as the rest of the world anyway. if you haven't noticed eroge are fricking dead too. you can put a game on steam and if it isn't shit it will sell, even if a million people pirate it. you can put an anime on a streaming website and make money, even if a million people pirate it. h anime doesn't have anything like that. like 50% of anime revenue comes from outside japan now. as a westerner how are you even supposed to buy h anime? you have to import the disc just like 20 years ago. there is no streaming platform that you can buy a sub for like crunchyshit, and there is no way to buy a digital download because dmm blocks my credit card.

            • 4 months ago

              >streaming isn't any easier than downloading. plus nips are all rule followers and don't pirate as much as the rest of the world anyway.
              Are you just pretending to be moronic? Bible Black was released in 2001, when streaming a 30 minute long PORN wasn't that common. People would have had an easier time downloading it back then, which was still a larger commitment just by a hundred of different factors, such as memory. Then again, why am I even wasting time with this. You thought the very recent Mastercard push had anything to do with the change. Most Japanese porn websites flat out IP blocked westerners from even viewing them a whole decade ago, so your other take about the censorship push wouldn't even have been a thing. You're applying western standards to a fricking Japanese market place, bringing up steam, streaming (in a 2000s context), and crunchyroll. The only people who even use crunchyroll in the west are absolute fricking normies that barely watch more than 3 anime at a time.

              • 4 months ago

                this is the revenue breakdown for tv anime. the pink section is overseas income. you are completely missing the point. physical sales in japan for games and anime are all dead. non-h games and anime have been able to make up for this by expanding to other markets and revenue sources. h-anime and games have been unable to follow this for various reasons and as a result are now suffering.

            • 4 months ago

              Do you even know why there wasn't another Bible Black after its last spin-off animation? I'll give you a chance to guess, so you can wrongfully use western standards as a reason why.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                The original Bible Black and Discipline eroge were made by the same person, Sei Shoujo. He did everything from writing to art to story for these games. While working on Discipline, he fell out with the company that owned it for various reasons. Discipline also had a deadline that they wanted to stick to, which meant that the game had to be released with an unfinished story (in the game, it abruptly jumps to 3 possible endings after a sports game event. The animated adoptions had to basically make up their own story, which is why the ending is so hilarious). After he left the company, he created his own company called Empress. Starless is the spiritual successor to Discipline. The original company is either bankrupt or just dead, since Sei was the one who actually made the games outside of investors and such. The copyrights for Discipline and Bible Black are stuck with him, so nothing will come of them unless someone is able to buy them back, if that is even possible at this point.

                this is the revenue breakdown for tv anime. the pink section is overseas income. you are completely missing the point. physical sales in japan for games and anime are all dead. non-h games and anime have been able to make up for this by expanding to other markets and revenue sources. h-anime and games have been unable to follow this for various reasons and as a result are now suffering.

                >starts post with mainstream anime sales graph for argument related to eroge that don't even air on television.
                >also brings in overseas sales like any of that shit matters for the hentai market
                Black person, what are you even trying to do here? h-anime and normal anime are two completely different things. These are tow entirely different markets, with entirely different customer trends. And why the ever loving frick do you keep forcing overseas stuff into this?

              • 4 months ago

                that's actually really interesting, thank you anon

              • 4 months ago

                I made a typo in my post. I meant the copyrights for the two franchises are stuck with the original company. Sei can't do remakes or sequels for them without the risk of potential legal trouble.

              • 4 months ago

                are you actually moronic or just pretending? the point is that non-h anime has been able to survive while h-anime hasn't because of opportunities to make money not available to h-anime. do I need to turn it into a food analogy so your tiny brain can understand it?

              • 4 months ago

                >the point is that non-h anime has been able to survive while h-anime hasn't because of opportunities to make money not available to h-anime.
                But that went without saying. You initially brought in censorship and American banks, then went towards OVERSEAS sales. You didn't know what you were talking about and now you're trying to pivot to something we can all agree on. Frick off.

              • 4 months ago

                things like censorship and payment processors are directly related to why alternate revenue sources are available to one type of media but not the other you fricking coon.

              • 4 months ago

                But like I said, the hentai animation market dried up a whole two decades before payment processors ever started cracking down on certain avenues... and again, that only applied to certain websites. NO payment processor is putting censorship or guidelines on officially licensed porn, it's just websites that let everything go unregulated. DMM has zero issues with Mastercard. You're just saying shit and hoping it sticks. Hentai animations are not getting fricked by censorship or banks, period. Stop bringing that into the equation. The only two major hentai websites that even had to deal with the Mastercard BS is Skeb and Pixiv, and that's because Mastercard in general doesn't like people selling adult material under the counter. It's literally just hentai commissions getting fricked.

              • 4 months ago

                crunchyshit went from a piracy website to a licensed streaming site in 2008. I'm not sure when billibilli started streaming anime but right now they are responsible for a significant percentage of anime revenue. how is japan supposed to get chink money for hentai when porn is banned there? how are eroge developers supposed to sell games on steam when there is a random chance that some troony might decide to ban their game after they already spent money translating it?

                you are still missing the point. what would anime be like without streaming? what would pc gaming be like without steam? the answer is as dead as h-anime. now ask yourself why there is no porn version of crunchyshit or steam.

              • 4 months ago

                >crunchyshit went from a piracy website to a licensed streaming site in 2008.
                That is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. Crunchyroll does not affect the Japanese hentai animation market. Crunchyroll was not being used by Japanese users to even pirate OVAs.
                >I'm not sure when billibilli started streaming anime but right now they are responsible for a significant percentage of anime revenue.
                Unrelated to hentai animation market. Irrelevant.
                >how are eroge developers supposed to sell games on steam when there is a random chance that some troony might decide to ban their game after they already spent money translating it?
                Eroge developers aren't having a big issue getting sales due to piracy. I already explained this in my initial post. Hentai devs don't even care about using steam for their eroge. Only a very few do it for localization, and that's usually the biggest hentai companies. There aren't even that many eroge on Steam to begin with. The vast majority are RPG maker hentai games that used machine translations to translate their dialogue being (somehow) sold like that, no cost to the original developer.

                >you are still missing the point. what would anime be like without streaming? what would pc gaming be like without steam?
                Why do you insist on acting like the hentai market and normal anime and video game market are the same? NOTHING of what Steam changed for PC gaming had any affect on eroge. Eroge have never had any issues running on any PC's. Hell, you don't even seem to understand why Steam was good for the mainstream gaming market in general.

              • 4 months ago

                >Crunchyroll does not affect the Japanese hentai animation market.
                this is the point you ape brained gorilla Black person. physical sale money started to dry up for all anime. non-h anime was able to make up for this with streaming. h-anime didn't have that option and is now left with no sales. it's the same with physical sales for games. pretty much all of the old eroge devs are either dead, turned to all ages, or are only surviving on gachaslop, because those are the only ways to make money now. if porn didn't have all of the restrictions that prevent it from being sold though the same channels that non-porn has access to it wouldn't be in the situation it is now.

              • 4 months ago

                Japan has banks that aren't dealing with any payment processor issues. You're referring to an entirely western related issue that does not affect them at all.

    • 4 months ago

      Even the other adaptations from the same publisher don't have the same level of detail as Bible black(Discipline and loveless).

      The only thing on the same level or higher is that incomplete hentai another lady innocent

      we had a few decent h-animations made in late 2000/early 2010 but since then it's all garbage.

    • 4 months ago

      Modern H is basically just drawn porn, whilst older stuff actually has a story that exists outside of just delivering that particular fetish. There have been a small handful of recent shows that have tried this, but they're still not as good.

      • 4 months ago

        The majority of the older stuff were adaptations from eroge, while many now are adaptations from doujins. It's obvious to see why the previous adaption types were more detailed in terms of plot.

      • 4 months ago

        What shows?

  11. 4 months ago

    What the hell does bible black have to do with Shin Megami Tensei?

    • 4 months ago

      Uh, something something satanism and occultism?

  12. 4 months ago

    If vanilla 4 had 4A's smirk, elemental affinities, and demon stat spreads, then it'd be perfect. They perfected the gameplay in 4A, but fricked up by making the setting worse, making the characters obnoxious hot garbage, and balancing the boss fights too much to the point of being boring HP sponges. It's ironic that the one Atlus game that would've benefited immensely from having an expanded re-release got a shitty sequel instead.

    • 4 months ago

      I'd also make most of the bosses after Medusa at least a bit tougher than they are, cause some of them like Koga Saburo are just sad, but otherwise, this.
      It's such a shame we'll never get that "perfect" SMT4

  13. 4 months ago

    Why does this studio name their VNs after King Crimson albums?

    • 4 months ago

      maybe because the studio director is a huge fan of KC?

      • 4 months ago

        I wonder what's his favorite album

  14. 4 months ago

    /smtg/ jerks off over the IV games but they suck. They've got cool environments and that's about it.

    • 4 months ago

      Music in IV is among the best it's ever been. IVA fricking sucks though. Quite literally the Persona of SMT.

      • 4 months ago

        IVA story sucks ass, but the improvements to the RPG parts are incredible. Wish we could backport them to IV.
        And you can still opt to kill them all at the end. Very satisfying.

        • 4 months ago

          Didn't even play IVA, never will. I just know it's bad, I can intuit these things. Killing anime trash teammates doesn't make it worth it, either. At least Doi fixed some of the atrociously bad guest designs from IV (while making bad ones himself like Dagda)

          • 4 months ago

            It's a huge improvement over IV since it actually has dungeons.

            Yes, IVA's cast is insufferable and the writing is insipid, but so was IV's.

            • 4 months ago

              IV had Kaneko's input to a minor degree, IVA had none of that. SMT is dead without him and Cozy. It's just a generic JRPG series now. No soul.

              • 4 months ago

                Kaneko wrote the plot but they fricking slaughtered the presentation of it.

              • 4 months ago

                Kaneko came up with something like 40% of the IV plot. some of that was taken and used for IVA because they just didn't put it in the game.

  15. 4 months ago


  16. 4 months ago

    iv homies be like uhhhhhhhh it would be good if it was uhh a completely different game
    4a nocturne and tbh2 are the best games in the series btw

    • 4 months ago

      DeSu2 is literally "DeSu1 if it was soulless shit"

      • 4 months ago

        yeah dude i love having the same party for the entire game while listening to the same 2 buttrock battle songs it's so heckin sovl kino based

        • 4 months ago

          Yes, and it's a much better designed game too.

          The only improvement tbh2 has is the great fusion music.

  17. 4 months ago

    After playing 1 I now see the appeal of Nocturne even more. Really takes a lot of the classic stuff with it, for both better and worse. It really feels like the sequel to the first two games. V is more fun than IV but IV's plot I at least followed, atmosphere was good too. Nocturne had a few puzzles in dungeons, and the 3D really helped. Out of the 3D games I have the least issues with it, but that's not to say I have none. Also it has Raidou/Dante, very important

  18. 4 months ago

    iv is the greatest rpg of all time

  19. 4 months ago

    Reminder that everyone should play eraMegaTen

  20. 4 months ago

    We needed more Bible Black

    The extras and the sequels aren't enough

  21. 4 months ago

    there are people who just viscerally hate IV cause Kaneko technically wasn't involved in making it, besides those anyone else will be fine with that opinion.

  22. 4 months ago

    I enjoyed 4A the most. The ultimate powers or whatever they're called attacking both the humans and lucifer and merkaba was great. Also had the best combat. Dagda, Krishna and Maitreya were great too

  23. 4 months ago

    >Finally get around to actually reading it
    >It's kino

  24. 4 months ago

    SMT would be better if it had sex.

    • 4 months ago

      Was it Giten or Ronde that had nudity and shit?
      Not sure where pic rel is from but it'd have been cool if more 18+ stuff came from Megaten

      • 4 months ago

        It was Giten.

  25. 4 months ago

    this has dick girls

    troony anime in 2000s way ahead of its time

  26. 4 months ago

    I never played apocalypse because it looked like they just added weeb shit to SMT4 and called it a day
    Am I wrong in assuming that?

    • 4 months ago

      no but it's really fun to play

  27. 4 months ago

    Nocturne has much better atmosphere but i'd say SMT IV/Apocalypse are about at the same level as that game

  28. 4 months ago

    I think that's an okay opinion to have under Our Lord's Gaze, even if it's wrong

    In all seriousness Apocalypse was really good but I'll admit I quit the game in the final dungeon (the actual final dungeon) because I didn't care anymore

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