Am I fricking stupid?

I've never played a CRPG, Baldur's Gate game, or a turn-based game like this before and I've gone into this game completely blind.
I seem to be getting the hang of it for the most part, but I'm 6 hours in and the combat still seems to escape me.
I don't understand half the shit that's going on. What the frick are Advantages and Disadvantages? Why the frick am I at level 4 and up against frickers with 80+ hit points?
Why are the skills/abilities of my main character so shit compared to the NPCs?
I'm currently in the Goblin's fort or someshit after finding Halsin and because I cannot kill every last Goblin and Goblin leader in the fort I've decided to instead find the Underdark where I came across Minotaurs that raped the frick out of me.
Am I missing something here? Do I really have to look up and use a meta build for maximum efficiency and ease with every single fricking RPG?
I'm playing a rogue build at the moment and using a dagger and crossbow.
There's so many options when leveling up and I really have no idea what to choose.

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Am I fricking stupid?
    Stopped reading there. Also yes, you are stupid.

    • 10 months ago

      I've never played a CRPG, Baldur's Gate game, or a turn-based game like this before and I've gone into this game completely blind.
      I seem to be getting the hang of it for the most part, but I'm 6 hours in and the combat still seems to escape me.
      I don't understand half the shit that's going on. What the frick are Advantages and Disadvantages? Why the frick am I at level 4 and up against frickers with 80+ hit points?
      Why are the skills/abilities of my main character so shit compared to the NPCs?
      I'm currently in the Goblin's fort or someshit after finding Halsin and because I cannot kill every last Goblin and Goblin leader in the fort I've decided to instead find the Underdark where I came across Minotaurs that raped the frick out of me.
      Am I missing something here? Do I really have to look up and use a meta build for maximum efficiency and ease with every single fricking RPG?
      I'm playing a rogue build at the moment and using a dagger and crossbow.
      There's so many options when leveling up and I really have no idea what to choose.


      OP is a dumb baiting homosexual

  2. 10 months ago

    Roll twice, take the highest result.
    Roll twice, take the lowest result.

    • 10 months ago

      >Roll twice
      Where am I rolling?
      How am I supposed to be rolling?
      The only time the D20 shows up is during dialogue.

      >plays rogue
      >doesn't know what advantage is

      Like I said, never played a BG game before. Hell I've never even played D&D before.
      I'm just bored and want to try new video games.

      • 10 months ago

        On a lower right side there is a page icon. It's a combat log. Click it and you will see all math behind every action and rolls you and the enemies are making.

      • 10 months ago

        The game rolls for you. Nearly every action has a roll behind it but you don't have to worry about any of that; your goal is to maximize the good rolls and minimize the bad rolls based on your stats.

      • 10 months ago

        rolls happen in the background for every stat check in the game. you only see the dice roll in dialog for fun and as a nod to life dungeons and dragons.

      • 10 months ago

        Every time an attack is made, you roll a D20 for your attack (this is done behind the scenes in game, but you can see the rolls in the combat log)
        If your attack roll + attack modifier from your strength or dex + any bonuses from magic weapons and shit meets or exceeds their Armor Class, you hit and then it rolls for damage. Otherwise you miss

      • 10 months ago

        The computer’s rolling for you in the background.
        Yes that means in the real life game you would have to roll for each attack over and over again.
        Shit’s tedious.

        • 10 months ago

          >Shit’s tedious
          Frick you rolling dice is invigorating

        • 10 months ago

          Nowadays there are dice-rolling apps for your phone, as a DM I've used those a few times for mass combat, very convenient

        • 10 months ago

          Roll two dice at once moron

      • 10 months ago

        If you don't have advantage you can't even use your best attacks (sneak attacks) with the rogue. That's why you are doing shit damage. You probably should have started out with something easier like fighter. Rogue is a fun class though. Just pay attention to the tutorials. You can access them from the map menu.

        You get advantage from a lot of different things. Being hidden from your attacker before you attack is the main thing. For ranged attacks you can get advantage by having the high ground.

        • 10 months ago

          the high ground is just a bonus, not directly Advantage

          • 10 months ago

            Ah, okay. I was wondering about that actually because the tutorials dont have anything about high ground. At least mine don't. I accidentally reset my tutorials when I was messing around with the character creator. I'm actually new myself to the genre.

            • 10 months ago

              yeah that's a thing the devs added in, not a regular rule in the original ruleset. i like it though

      • 10 months ago

        >Where am I rolling?
        >How am I supposed to be rolling?

        Unironically, everyone in this thread deserves to die. Holy shit you people are actually incapable of human thought.

      • 10 months ago

        >Where am I rolling?
        >How am I supposed to be rolling?
        >The only time the D20 shows up is during dialogue.
        holy hell, i can't believe people like you browse this board. it spells it out in-game

      • 10 months ago

        hey buddy you just blow in from stupid town?

  3. 10 months ago

    >plays rogue
    >doesn't know what advantage is

  4. 10 months ago

    >am I a shill?
    Yes you are

  5. 10 months ago

    The game is intentionally designed to be difficult so fights take you an hour or you're forced to constantly reload or pick certain paths or characters you didn't want just for gameplay.

    • 10 months ago

      kek Gankereddit is pathetic, can't even play a CRPG for babies. SAD! Go back to your anime slop games where you press 1 button

      • 10 months ago

        >le slop spamming homosexual is moronic
        name 5 jrpgs that do this

        • 10 months ago
          • 10 months ago

            4 to go

  6. 10 months ago

    The game has tooltips for everything so yeah you are stupid or have ADHD. I had no problems with a rogue build I did myself without looking anything up on tactician mode and I'm not familiar with this specifc DnD edition.
    Dual hand crossbowsbows thief with gloomstalker rapes everything.

  7. 10 months ago

    Advantage/disadvantage means when you roll for something (such as if you hit an attack or not) you roll two dice and take the highest or lowest value as your roll respectively, basically it just means you have a much higher or lower chance of success
    To win combat just roll a fighter or barbarian, and have a Cleric cast Bless on them

  8. 10 months ago

    when you mouse over anything in the game, you can press T to keep it up so you can hover over keywords and see what they do
    they have inflated HP because if you're not bad, you can use crowd control on them and spank them with all of your characters focusing on them
    they don't have better abilities, they have spells and abilities that you can have access to if you choose those classes
    use your scrolls, potions, and poisons if you're having trouble
    switch the spells that your spellcasters have prepared (cleric, druid, wizard) and see if those help

  9. 10 months ago

    I would say that at least in early game it is balanced around the player knowing that Bless exists
    Weird that the first party member is a Cleric that doesn't fricking have it prepared by default

  10. 10 months ago

    That's what happens when you play nothing but JRPGs. JRPGs have totally lobotomized your brains. You're so used to mindlessly smashing one button to win every battle that when you actually have to think for once, this happens.

    • 10 months ago

      >OP says he's never played a turn based game before
      holy frick do you read 3 words and then generate a response like a bot?

  11. 10 months ago

    I went into the game blind and had no problem at all. You don't need a broken build to beat the game, but you do need to know DnD and be persistent. If you hover your mouse over something and press T you can read what each highlighted word means.

    • 10 months ago

      >went into the game blind
      >just know DnD
      that's not going into the game blind really

      • 10 months ago

        Right, but that's the same as saying he just needs to learn the basic game mechanics (like what advantage is) which is what I'm trying to get across.

  12. 10 months ago

    >year of our lord anno domini 2 thousands and twenty 3
    >playing d&d shit
    just play any other frickin rpg

  13. 10 months ago

    Check out the BG3 wiki. It explains everything in simple language for newbies:

  14. 10 months ago

    It's less complicated than you're making it out OP
    Basically just
    >Get as much as your class's preferred stat as possible
    >Get as many ways to boost attack rolls as possible so you don't miss. Use Bless just fricking use it it's stupid good
    >Take advantage of terrain (high ground, explosive barrels, shoving people off cliffs)
    >If all else fails throw bombs and shit, they're guaranteed damage
    As a Rogue you also need to be using sneak attack as much as possible to keep damage up. For this you need to either have another ally within melee range of the target, or have advantage on the target which you can get by hiding. You can hide by leaving the enemy's line of sight and using cunning action: hide as a bonus action.

  15. 10 months ago

    >literally the most broken/handheld class
    >still having a hard time

    • 10 months ago

      >literally the most broken/handheld class
      That would be paladin, rogue still requires some thinking and preparation before combat on low levels

  16. 10 months ago

    >a turn-based game LIKE this
    A moron with reading comprehension, no (YOU) for you.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm glad no one else replied to your incendiary bait XD

  17. 10 months ago

    i'm having this exact problem. i'm level 4 there's no where to grind and you gotta beat level 6 buttholes with a ton of HP and a million goblin minions. not to mention i went into the game blindly and picked a druid so i have basically no way of dealing more than 10 damage max like i'm dealing no damage.

    then theres apparently a bug in the game where if you let gale die his corpse radiates necrosis and anyone near it takes 4 damage every second theyre near him and if you revive him the necrosis wont go away so your party just dies. the only way to fix it is by going to camp and sleeping but that kills your dog. The game is a buggy piece of shit. i want to like the game but its just impossible i have no idea how people are getting past these obsticles they must be like using a guide thats the only explanation.

    • 10 months ago

      >then theres apparently a bug in the game where if you let gale die his corpse radiates necrosis
      there's story reasons for this, anon

    • 10 months ago

      >then theres apparently a bug in the game where if you let gale die his corpse radiates necrosis
      its not a bug there's an actual reason for it

    • 10 months ago

      >picked a druid so i have basically no way of dealing more than 10 damage max like i'm dealing no damage
      Use Flaming Sphere, Call Lightning, and Wild Shape: Bear moron
      What are you trying to do with it?

      • 10 months ago

        you're talking about druid spells?
        i chose the spores option when leveling up i thought turning into a bear was gay furry behavior but the spores only do like 10 damage max and then there is the spikes spell you can only use twice which is the best way to deal damage as a spores druid. druids suck i fricked myself bt choosing that class i just thought their staff looked like a cool stick.

        • 10 months ago

          are you aware that you can look at your spell list and change what you have prepared (out of combat)?

        • 10 months ago

          Make mushroom zombies dumbass

          • 10 months ago

            i don't think you can do that at level 4

            • 10 months ago

              Dang you're right
              I think you do get goat form though, which is great cc while you have a fighter or barbarian clean up
              And as said before, Ice Knife and Flame Sphere are solid

        • 10 months ago

          actually, why am I helping you? you're playing a druid of your own volition and think transforming into a bear is furry shit, you sound fricking stupid

        • 10 months ago

          >i just thought their staff looked like a cool stick
          I have to agree, you do sound like a huge dumb ass.
          I'm all for choosing style to make the game harder, but that usually comes after understanding how the game works a little bit.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Are you skipping dialogue? He literally explains to you in ghost form why it's happening after dying the first time

      • 10 months ago

        the first time he died i was in a dungeon and a trap killed everybody so the game bugged out then he explained it but i was too busy worrying about the fact everyone died to pay attention to his moronic dialog about him dying.

  18. 10 months ago

    finally, i can choose what exists on the field

    • 10 months ago

      >DEX save
      it's shit

      • 10 months ago

        target the wizard or heavy guy

        • 10 months ago

          it's still ass
          single target, 0 effects, due to 90% of creatures in the game having high as frick dex low % chance of actually hitting (meaning you'll waste a 6th level spell slot)
          globe of invincibility is better if you position well

          • 10 months ago

            I already have globe on my wizard

          • 10 months ago

            >hides behind pillar
            >heighten spell (disasvantage) or even twin spell
            >delete heavy warrior or spellcaster (they never have counterspell for some reason)

            • 10 months ago

              >that one fricking homosexual in Moonrise tower with counterspell
              >literally the only dude in the entire game with it
              Hate him so much

              • 10 months ago

                One of the duergar next to the ebonlake has it.

            • 10 months ago

              they sometimes have counterspell but the ai is weird
              problem is heighten spell needs sorc, and no matter what you do this is a lot of setup for only like ~75 damage. A rogue using a sneak attack + haste will do maybe 50-60, and that won't cost you sorc points, or a 6th spell slot

              • 10 months ago

                I don't care, it's fricking cool to delete mobs with disintegrate

              • 10 months ago

                Disintigrate is more for the utility of whoever you fry having no way of coming back easily but I doubt that's particularly relevant ingame here

          • 10 months ago

            >waste a spell slot
            Does half damage on save. It's never wasted.

            >hides behind pillar
            >heighten spell (disasvantage) or even twin spell
            >delete heavy warrior or spellcaster (they never have counterspell for some reason)

            You can not target the same creature twice with twinned spell.

            • 10 months ago

              disintegrate doesn't do half damage on save, and yes i know twin spell can't target the same creature, but that still means it's two dead targets

    • 10 months ago

      That pretty poor for a level 6 spell considering it's single target and most enemies have over 100 HP by that time.
      My rogue literally does 30-40 damage per shot with just the basic attack and he can attack 4-5 times per turn.

      • 10 months ago

        >My rogue literally does 30-40 damage per shot with just the basic attack and he can attack 4-5 times per turn.
        care to tell me how?

        • 10 months ago

          dual wield -> 2 attacks per action
          haste -> 2 actions
          hide, sneak attack, then attack -> 4 attacks

          • 10 months ago

            you're telling me they broke sneak attack and made it apply to every attack? that doesn't sound right but I haven't played a rogue at all yet

            • 10 months ago

              No, you sneak attack once (which attacks with both your weapons), this costs one action point
              but because you're hasted you get to attack a 2nd time, but with a normal attack
              you can only sneak attack once per turn

              • 10 months ago

                should clarify, this also uses a the bonus point for the off hand normal attack. But sneak attack attacks with the off hand for free. I think

              • 10 months ago

                okay good i misunderstood "30-40 damage each shot" as every attack (4) does that much and that would be wild

              • 10 months ago

                If you cast hold person / hold monster the most you can get is 20 per attack, since each attack would crit

          • 10 months ago

            Haste also applies to spells in BG3.

        • 10 months ago

          3 levels in rogue, rest into ranger.
          With sharpshooter feat you get 10 damage flat on ranged, then 5 from 20 dex.
          That is 15 minimum dmg no matter what.
          Then your attack roll obviously.
          Then 2 dmg from a ring that gives acid dmg.
          Then 1-4 dmg psychic from gloves when you concentrate on a spell (which is always hunters mark as it stays active un less concentration breaks).
          You get 1 free attack from gloomstalker ambush.
          Then 2 regular ones from ranger.
          Then 2 offhand from thief bonus action.
          No idea if it's a bug but the offhand attacks have better attack rolls than main, I usually never drop below 80% hit chance.

          • 10 months ago

            There's a fairly easy to get Haste bow at the start of act 2 that fulfils the concentrate condition as well.

            • 10 months ago

              Bow is shit since you can't dualwield for offhand attacks, and don't you need to rest for it? My build works without resting. Also you get a handcrossbow that deals force damage in moonrise tower.

              • 10 months ago

                You do need to rest but it's real useful to have a free haste ready for some of the bigger fights. Not sure if you can pop it then swap to the crossbows.

    • 10 months ago

      Banish is a Lv4 spell, anon

      • 10 months ago

        Banish is temporary

    • 10 months ago

      my level 5 or 6 fire sorcerer was dishing out those numbers way before that spell came around

  19. 10 months ago

    I managed to kill 2 minotaurs in melee at level 4 on middle difficulty. You just gotta cc 1 fricker and put some grease under both. You can also cheese them with explosive barrels but I can't be arsed to. Not knowing the word advantage is turbo moron tho. It makes rolls easier since you have a advantage, like stun or some other cc. You can probably guess what disadvantage is.

    • 10 months ago

      I killed the minos by kiting them to the crystal shooting thing they stand there trying to break the gate while the arcane shoots the shit out of them.

  20. 10 months ago

    It is a bit gay that you pretty much cannot play the game (yeah yeah, you CAN but it's a horrid uphill battle) unless you have a caster in your party due to how absolutely vital magical buffs/debuffs and control effects are.

    • 10 months ago

      Its gay you need a balanced party? Why would you want to play the game without at least one caster? You have 3 other members that can be whatever you want.

  21. 10 months ago

    Im moronic and got to level 5 no problem without knowing bless was good and never used it, OP must be drooling kn the keybord. fighters and barbarians are just click to win

    • 10 months ago

      give them haste and watch them delete boss monsters

  22. 10 months ago

    Read the guide silly.

  23. 10 months ago

    this game is too stingy with the exp

    • 10 months ago

      One of the main problems of 5e because a bunch of gays think that delivering a potion should somehow make you stronger than killing an entire army.

  24. 10 months ago

    The most important thing to remember about DnD combat is that regardless of all the bonuses you stack on your characters, at the end of the day its all down to random luck of rolling dice.
    Just pretend you're at a casino and know when to hold em and know when to fold em.

  25. 10 months ago

    I'm at the same point, I die to the spiders fricking me up from the lower dungeon while the goblin homo-boss rapes my guys.
    Anyway the game irritates me and it's buggy, going to wait at least a month before playing again. Frick Larian.
    Going back to Jagged Alliance 3.

    • 10 months ago

      There is a fun way to deal with the hobgob boss that involves sneaking several barrels of explosives out of the locked room in the southwest corner

      • 10 months ago

        This fight was easy as frick dude
        I just blasted everyone from the rafters and dropped the obvious chandeliers on them

        Yeah I tried it once and then waited a bit. Was reading about the Act 2/3 bugs etc and looking at how many updates Larian uas been putting out (and now they rolled back the hotfix 4) I realized I shouldn't waste my time with this game.
        I assume September when it is releasing on PS5 is probably some kind of a functional deadline for the company - and most bugs should get patched out.
        Hard to really say. But I'm not happy with this product as of now.
        Once the esc key stopped working, I could alt tab and everything was fine but in the game I couldn't access the main menu at all... Could still play it. Like wtf honestly? Frick Larian.

    • 10 months ago

      This fight was easy as frick dude
      I just blasted everyone from the rafters and dropped the obvious chandeliers on them

    • 10 months ago

      bait them over to the spider pit and push frickers in???

  26. 10 months ago

    >Decides not to read a single word or ability description in game
    >"Bro why this game so hard. Why this story heavy rpg based off a literal textbook got so much readin'?"

    • 10 months ago

      You don’t need to read shit, just spec everybody to fighter and put heavy armor on them and a great weapon. Have your gang of morons just steamroll everything to the end of the game on tactician Martials are way too strong in this game or casters are just shit.

  27. 10 months ago

    Highest rated bear assfricking simulator of the year, awww yeah

  28. 10 months ago

    Read da rulez guys.

    If you think BG3 is conplicated try playing the Pathfinder games

  29. 10 months ago

    Does Gloves of Thievery affect pickpocket rolls? Because it certainly doesn't seem like it gives it advantage and the game doesn't show you advantage rolls outside of the dice roll animation checks.

  30. 10 months ago

    Turn based combat makes sense for pen and paper, you are using your imagination and rolling a dice to give some cohesion to that fantasy.
    Video games have no excuse, every encounter in this game could be halved if I could just attack when ever I want and use skills to determine what to do instead of having to hope that now that Im waiting for the enemy by standing around in one place to plan out their attack they dont get lucky and hit me well.

    • 10 months ago

      So, go play action game?

      • 10 months ago

        >Just stop playing
        Problem solved I guess, game improved significantly.

        • 10 months ago

          It's not a problem. There are cool things you can only do in turn-based mode. The fact that implementation leads to slow gameplay is bad, but turn-based can be quick too. Look at bullet chess or turn-based roguelike real time speedruns.

  31. 10 months ago

    >I don't understand half the shit that's going on. What the frick are Advantages and Disadvantages?
    It basically gives you a higher or lower chance to win succeed.. Some things reference it too, like sneak attack.
    >Why the frick am I at level 4 and up against frickers with 80+ hit points?
    You either went "too far" ahead with exploring "enough", whivh is stupid for a videogame, I agree, or the things your fighting just have big health pools.
    >Why are the skills/abilities of my main character so shit compared to the NPCs?
    They aren't, usually, outside of special creature, but that's because they are special creatures which make combat encounters more interesting. There are also some items that can give you similar abilities. If you want more flashy abilities, you probably chose the wrong class.
    >I'm currently in the Goblin's fort or someshit after finding Halsin and because I cannot kill every last Goblin and Goblin leader in the fort
    You only need to kill every leader, not every goblin. All three can be killed easily, with some set up. The hobgoblin can be pushed off his throne into the pit to his left, the drow can be lured to the bringe, and the bridge can be broken, and the elder can be caught alone in her room, then you cast hold person on her and kill her before she can do anything.
    >I've decided to instead find the Underdark where I came across Minotaurs that raped the frick out of me.
    I would not suggest willingly running into the minotaurs at level 4, but you can hover over them to see their levels and see that for yourself.
    >Am I missing something here? Do I really have to look up and use a meta build for maximum efficiency and ease with every single fricking RPG?
    Absolutely not at all, no.

    • 10 months ago

      >I'm playing a rogue build at the moment and using a dagger and crossbow.
      Sneak attack needs either a finesse or ranged reapon to work, so in general I would suggest using the highest damage weapons with those keywords (for melee either two scimitars/short swords or a rapier and shield, and for ranged a heavy crossbow), but most of a rogue's damage comes from sneak attack dice anyways, so it doesn't really matter what weapon you use.
      >There's so many options when leveling up and I really have no idea what to choose.
      I wouldn't recommend multiclassing if you don't know what you are doing, and for feats I would recommend just getting +2 to your main ability score, cause you just can't go wrong with that.

      Your main issue is that you should be reading the tooltips and item descriptions (and can do so more throughly by pressing t on an item or effect and hovering over words you don't know).

      Going back to a point I made earlier though, the difficulty of the game really is designed poorly. They make it seem like a sort of open world, but ultimately there are unavoidable encounters, and if you have avoided encounters up until then, you will get absolutely fricked. The only way to avoid this is by playong on easy mode, but when you do that, nothing adds up in 5e terms-- health pools are wrong, damage is wrong, etc.

      Ultimately the game should be rewarding exp for more than combat and quests, you should be getting it for successful dialogue interactions, lock picking, even getting through areas without being seen. Maybe it would be abusable, but it's better than having to explore all the "optional" areas and winning all the "optional" fights before being able to go further because everything you encounter just pushes your shit in-- until then, though, I would suggest the unlimited followers mod and/or the level 20 double exp mod.

  32. 10 months ago

    Average nu-BG fan right here

  33. 10 months ago

    Come the frick on, anon. Even on tactician the game is piss easy, and that's with me rolling whatever class I fancy, without autistic min-maxing. Hell, I don't even optimise my spell usage. I maybe cast bless and that's it, the rest of the fight I just use cantrips. I usually go through 5+ fights before I need to long rest, which is actively hampering the plot development.
    Hell, I had more trouble with certain jarpigs (like BS2 or RS2) than BG3. Acquire skill.

    • 10 months ago

      BG3 doesn't seem too focused on the pre-buffing honestly. A lot of more serious buffs require concentration. It's a weird feeling playing this after playing through PF Kingmaker and WoTR when a good chunk of combat involves you prebufing to the point where buffbot mods are almost required so you don't lose your mind with all the prebuffs.

  34. 10 months ago

    Take the thief subclass at level 3 and equip two hand crossbows.
    You now have 3 attacks per turn.
    One of them can be a sneak attack if you shoot an enemy standing next to one of your allies.

    And don't try to skip past fights. You need the xp to level up and fight the stronger stuff.
    If you're having trouble killing the goblins, try to engage them in smaller groups. Destroy the drums so they can't call for backup. You can also run away from a fight and come back. The enemies you killed will stay dead and you can revive anyone you lost with Withers.

  35. 10 months ago

    >got the necklace that lets you cast Misty Step for only a bonus action


    • 10 months ago

      >passed on Volo attempting to remove the tadpole with an icepick
      >savescum it out of curiosity
      >I can permanently see invisible enemies within 9m now

      Sometimes it's better to just roll with things

    • 10 months ago

      I think there are enough items giving misty step you can have them on all party members

  36. 10 months ago

    Level 5 is a game changer try to explore around enough to reach that level and you'll feel a lot stronger

  37. 10 months ago

    how should I be using Wyll
    he seems to want to play as a caster/melee kinda mix but his attack is pretty shit compared to the martials
    his best utility for me has been just blasting dudes off of cliffs with his eldritch blast

    • 10 months ago

      Fiend subclass with everything buffing eldritch blast. Might wanna go 3 lock and rest sorcery so you can get shit like action point blast and twin spells. Go tempest so you don't have to deal with wild surge homosexualry and get temp flight

      • 10 months ago

        Also you can get shit like haste, polymorph slow, tele door etc
        Make sure to get the robes that modify canaries with charisma. 20 is raw eldritch blasts before hex x3

  38. 10 months ago

    if i am forced to frick around in this game, are any of the chicks hot?

    Yes this is the sole thing deciding whether i purchase

    • 10 months ago

      I made my protector or whatever the frick a hot elf chick in the hopes I get to frick her at some point
      I heard we get to watch our character throatfrick someone too which I'm excited to see

      • 10 months ago

        The drow b***h from the goblin camp, so you have to side with goblins to get her.

        • 10 months ago

          how do i do that and how soon can i do it?

          • 10 months ago

            That's one of the first locations you have to go to. As for the sex, no idea. I'm doing mostly a good guy playthrough, so I killed her.

  39. 10 months ago

    Why don't you take a read to the DnD rules used, instead of complaining how much of a stupid frick you are?

  40. 10 months ago

    How close is BG3 to 5e? 5e seems simpler and straightforward but I'm not really complaining about it, if someone wanted more in-depth mechanics, they could just play 3.5 or PF.

    • 10 months ago

      It is a near direct translation, albeit with some minor balance changes to work with a video game better.

      • 10 months ago

        might give 5e a run for friends that want a easier dip into TRPGs, it's been surprisingly enjoyable

        • 10 months ago

          Bare in mind the following changes if you do:
          The various weapons skills like lacerate or pommel strike and whatnot don't exist in 5e proper, that was a (good) change to make martials more engaging, because martials in 5e proper are frankly pretty boring, and spend most rounds of combat saying "I attack" and that's about it.
          Many of the things that are assigned as bonus actions in BG3 are not so in 5e proper, things like chugging a potion as a bonus action, for example, is a change (though somewhat common houserule), as is being able to shove something as a bonus action. This once again, tends mostly to cause combat to be less dynamic for martials.
          Those are the big ones, but there are myriad other tiny changes to watch out for, just be sure to have people read their class's player's handbook entries carefully so they don't assume some power from the game is something in 5e proper.

  41. 10 months ago

    How good is the BG3 soundtrack? Any chance it will win best score at the game awards?

    • 10 months ago


  42. 10 months ago

    There's a huge spike around lvl 5 when martials get their extra attack and casters get a lvl 3 slot. I don't think there's enough lvl 3 and 4 encounters in the game to level to 5, you're going to have to fight lvl 5 and 6 when you're sub 5.
    If you think you can't win some fight no matter what, look for another one.
    Are you using all the tools at your disposal? Coatings, scrolls, special arrows?

  43. 10 months ago

    Anon... I cleared the whole camp at lvl 3 and I am also new to crpg. I do play rpg though so that might help. Basically you are stupid.

  44. 10 months ago

    I have just been making my way through tactician mode ands haven't really struggled outside of a fight or 2.

    I'm halfway through act 3

  45. 10 months ago

    D&D is an old and outdated system full of RNG, works well in a tabletop sessions where a non-autistic DM can decide to go easy on group or allow rerolls if they're struggling.
    However this shit completely falls apart in a video game with premade difficulty level.
    Still, BG3 is actually super easy on balanced difficulty - I haven't played anything related to D&D in years and I only learn mechanics as I go and so far I had 0 issues with clearing content (Killed the hag and cleared goblin camp with a lvl 4 group, the biggest problem was escaping the camp alive after killing leaders but the horn you get from certain three stooges trivialises this encounter)
    I still save scum the checks during conversations. The idea that I brick a romance or RP encounter (I don't want to consume tadpoles) because of a bad roll is just annoying.

    One thing I'm still confused about is the difference between saving throws and ability checks in combat. What's the purpose of Warlock's disadvantage roll on hex spell? I thought that means saving throws for CC spells but no, it's ability checks which I just don't understand.

    • 10 months ago

      >What's the purpose of Warlock's disadvantage roll on hex spell? I thought that means saving throws for CC spells but no, it's ability checks which I just don't understand.
      Athletics/Acrobatics checks to avoid being shoved around, if you want to help your fighter manhandle someone off a cliff. Hex is mostly for the extra damage though, it's a lot like Hunter's Mark.
      More on the tabletop end but in non-combat situations you could frick over someone in a lot of ways with it.

      • 10 months ago

        So basically hexing enemy strength is the way to go as this increases my chances to push enemies off the ledges etc?
        I don't think you ever use any other ability checks in combat if we talk about the skills that are tied to your proficiency and ability bonus?
        What would be the point of even hexing constitution then? To my understanding there are 0 skills associated with constitution, it's a pure saving throw/hp stat.

        • 10 months ago

          In combat, pretty much nothing
          Outside of combat con checks might be made for exhausting activities over a long period of time
          But you're right that it has little practical application to call con on Hex. Bestow Curse can do what you want for saves but you have to get in touch range for it.

          • 10 months ago

            Thanks. I think I finally understand most of this game.

  46. 10 months ago

    Who are the best starter NPCs to have in my group?

    • 10 months ago

      Depends. You probably need Shadowheart and Gale if you're not a cleric or a wizard.

    • 10 months ago

      My tactician run i had lazael fighter karlach barb Astarion monk and mc paladin. Everything except act2 tower entrance and final boss room were pretty doable maybe even easy.

  47. 10 months ago

    lol the game's easy, im almost done with act 2 and have gotten wiped once
    i have literally 20 hours of savescumming though on a 75 hour playthrough

  48. 10 months ago

    I ascended astarion. When does he frick off due to sunlight?
    I've tried to stop hi. Before the back carving and during the ritual and both times I've had to kill him or he ran away and he has some good fricking gear as a 3/9 Thief fighter.

  49. 10 months ago

    >There's so many options when leveling up and I really have no idea what to choose.
    now i know you haven't actually played the game
    2/3 of the level-ups offer 0 options at all

    • 10 months ago

      Multi classing? spell selection? feats? HELLO?

  50. 10 months ago

    They designed the game where every single encounter has ways you can avoid it cheese it or make it way easier. Always look around your environment and actually use your brain

  51. 10 months ago

    Respec everyone into Wizard. Use magic missile.

    • 10 months ago

      I know for a fact youre getting shitted on in explorer difficulty LMAO

  52. 10 months ago

    Advantage = roll 2 dices and pick better result
    Disadvantage = roll 2 dices and pick worse result
    Hmm interesting problems my fellow dude, try to explore the map maybe for some exp and gear. Try different strategies. Get yourself some nice buffs and melee fighters with big weapons. Use grease or ice shard to prone enemies and then rape them. Use throwables to rape small creatures like goblins. Eguip throwing ring with barbarian to throw goblins into eachother killing them or inflicting prone. Try ranged from high ground

  53. 10 months ago

    There's been million videos made for idiots total newcomers like you. Save yourself the headache and time, and watch some fextralife and wolfheart videos on combat, classes and mechanics.

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