Amateur Game Design and Homebrew

Bienvenue dans le fil de discussion homebrew de juillet sur /tg/. This is part of my effort to get people discussing classic homebrew discussion and assist the board in general when it comes to their game design endeavors.

>Who is this namehomosexual?
I'm just a dude who writes games and likes the homebrew discussions on /tg/. I frequent a few threads, but I'm just here to facilitate discussion.

>Why should I homebrew?
/tg/ products are fairly unique in that it's actually pretty simple to make them these days, with a plethora of products to assist in making and playtesting your game. Making your own games helps understand why games are made the way they are, as well as being fun to do.

>What you should post
Ideas for games, games you're currently making, updates to your own games in broad strokes, and any homebrewing for existing products that don't get much attention. Discussion about the above is welcome. Post good, be good, and look over others products, they care if someone looks more than anything.

>Oh No! The Thread is Over!
Have no fear, the thread will resume at the first of every month. If you want to make another during the month, go for it. I can't, and won't, stop you. If you want to make a thread on your own game, go for it!
One suggestion: Don't add General to the name.

>Resources for the aspiring developer
> (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)
> (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)
> (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)
> (Impromptu playtesting at its finest)
> (Game Design Lectures)

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    That's it. I'm gonna make a game, just because you posted this.

    • 2 years ago

      Go back to πeddit

  2. 2 years ago

    I have made a bit more progress tonight and made some fixes based on input from you guys. I'd do more but I have work tomorrow, so I must rest.

    • 2 years ago

      Shaping up man, I like the spread on challenge ratings.
      Stay resolute my damie.

    • 2 years ago

      If you're going low fantasy, I recommend going deeper into realism

      Make the longsword, longbow, short bow two handed just like the axe and greatsword

      • 2 years ago
        K's autism

        you should have at least changed the thread description to take out the french stuff and the namehomosexual stuff

        as he said, longsword is meant to be used 2 handed, but if you want to allow it to be used 1 handed, maybe nerf the one handed use to be on pair with shortsword, so you need to use 2 handed for any damage improvement
        if you can just wield a longsword in one hand and deal more damage than a shortsword, then there is no reason to ever use either a shortsword at all, or a longsword 2 handed

        Wouldn't post because Its all ideas right now, but Ill give the thread a proper bump. That being said, Iv just got covid so for the next week Ill be siting at my desk working on this.

        I want to write a book on demon summoning, rules agnostic. mostly descriptive stuff for generating a demon. and , the thing im most excited for, rules for demon weapons.
        I was thinking demons need to be ranked in power level and 'type' so that I have things to work with for generation. You know, more powerful demons have stranger forms and demons of lust are more sexy. But how Should I rank and type them? I guess rank could just be 1-10 or 1-5 stars. for type I could go with the deadly sins (like the lust example) or I could go with the 4 horsemen? The deadly sins seems kind of lame I have to admit but the horsemen really don't cover enough ground.

        Id love to hear ideas, feedback, other works to look at. Ill take any feedback at all.

        I like your work but I think you could really benefit from some more design/ layout work. Was a bit hard to read. I suggest sub headers for a start.
        When it comes to rules the only feedback I have is on the stealth specialization. If your making a classless game you shouldn't say things like "Stealth users cannot use plate armor". Instead make it "While wearing plate armor you receive no bonus from the stealth specialization"

        >I want to write a book on demon summoning, rules agnostic. mostly descriptive stuff for generating a demon. and , the thing im most excited for, rules for demon weapons.
        thats cool, look onto the goetia for some inspiration
        about the rank, make it be at first a 1-5 stars rank, but once you get to the most dangerous demons break the rank and make it go up to 7, the other 2 stars might look like either carved onto the book or if you want to be edgy make them in blood or a pentagram, like, the idea is "oh, we started clasifing demons from 1 to 5, until we found the stuff that was beyond our expectatives"
        also, the 4 horsemen arent necesarily demons

        I've been amateurly devving a system on and off for years. Switched to d10 recently and am having some issues with conceptualizing some rolls. In terms of rolling for actions like abilities or things, does it seem acceptable to roll a stat+1d10 vs a DC from 1-20? Or would it make more sense for it to be like 1-10? Does a DC20 seem extreme? Keeping in mind that individual stats will never go above 10 and honestly are lucky in this system to make it to 5 as it currently is.

        20 could just be the human limit, like, almost imposible, but by having the maximum aquirable stats-skills, having help of some kind, and rolling a 10, it could be posible, just, not probable

        • 2 years ago

          >also, the 4 horsemen arent necesarily demons
          I know that but I thought they might be a good way to handle categories. It seems that's what Warhammer based its demon categories off. Really im hoping someone can show me some esoteric Christen text that whipped up some strange system just for me.

          • 2 years ago
            K's autism

            if you want esoteric stuff, maybe look into gnosticism, basically, early christian texts from the first century, before christians got organized as a proper religion
            if you want the most basic version of it, look into max derrat's videos, if you want something more indepth, i cannot help you, youll have to do your own research

            • 2 years ago

              Gnosticism is bizarre and kind of amazing to actually look into. Catholicism won out against it and stomped it into submission, but I honestly want to see the universe where it won out and everyone started worshiping a snake monster god who clearly had issues understanding that no one actually liked him.

              • 2 years ago

                Did some googleing around Gnosticism and couldn't find much but i think that's because my google fu is not so good.
                from what you guys are saying tho it sounds pretty cool.
                >worshiping a snake monster god who clearly had issues understanding that no one actually liked him.
                I want to know more about this.

                >Angels also have a hierarchy and demons (being fallen angels) would follow that loosely one might imagine
                I was just coming to the thread to say I think iv decided to rank the power level via the angel hierarchy. demons of level 1-9 is a good set up and they even come in neat grouping of 3.




                Only issue I can see are the names Archangels, Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim. There very well known as 'good' words or something like that. Should I try to change the names up a bit ala demon and arch demon or just run with it?

                Basically the Old Testament god is the demiurge who created the flawed material world and trapped souls in it because of his ego. It’s mostly a mixture of green philosophy like the world of forms and early Christian doctrine. Lucifer reveled against the demiurge and that’s how things got where they are now. Jesus was sent by actual god to teach humans how to live the right way and some say leave the world created by the demiurge and enter the real perfect world rules by actual god. That’s a massive TLDR but that’s my understanding. For more reading look into the Gosple of Judas which is a source written when Gnosticism was semi-popular, not written by the actual Judas btw.

            • 2 years ago

              Gnosticism is bizarre and kind of amazing to actually look into. Catholicism won out against it and stomped it into submission, but I honestly want to see the universe where it won out and everyone started worshiping a snake monster god who clearly had issues understanding that no one actually liked him.

              Did some googleing around Gnosticism and couldn't find much but i think that's because my google fu is not so good.
              from what you guys are saying tho it sounds pretty cool.
              >worshiping a snake monster god who clearly had issues understanding that no one actually liked him.
              I want to know more about this.

              There are a handful of texts out there for different things that could be very helpful. The earlier mention of the goetia is a good place to start. Angels also have a hierarchy and demons (being fallen angels) would follow that loosely one might imagine, so maybe looking into some Angelology as well as Demonology would also help? As I recall, the Sefirot in some Abrahamic beliefs is used to break down the domains of protection and purpose for angels, so that might also be a good place to look. If all else fails, all that knowledge might help you formulate something a bit easier than just pop culture devil shit.

              Learning to play some other card games is a good start, I know it isn't much of an answer. But figuring out the basic structure of those games and figuring out what you like and dislike about each of them will at the very least help in scenarios like this.

              >Angels also have a hierarchy and demons (being fallen angels) would follow that loosely one might imagine
              I was just coming to the thread to say I think iv decided to rank the power level via the angel hierarchy. demons of level 1-9 is a good set up and they even come in neat grouping of 3.




              Only issue I can see are the names Archangels, Angels, Seraphim, Cherubim. There very well known as 'good' words or something like that. Should I try to change the names up a bit ala demon and arch demon or just run with it?

              • 2 years ago

                Yaldabaoth the Demiurge, the lion-faced snake god. He's basically the old testament god imagined through the lens of someone who wants to make people understand him more as a person. He's greedy and super vain and no one really wants him around in any plane of existence. He accidentally created the universe and the humans who live in it, and became incredibly jealous of mankind as a result.

              • 2 years ago
                K's autism

                check on youtube, most material on gnosticism is very diluted trough lots of books and it might be better to start with something more condensed and digestable before going all out on your research

                also, look into the religious/phylosofical side of alchemy and the kabbalah if you want weird ideas

                There are a handful of texts out there for different things that could be very helpful. The earlier mention of the goetia is a good place to start. Angels also have a hierarchy and demons (being fallen angels) would follow that loosely one might imagine, so maybe looking into some Angelology as well as Demonology would also help? As I recall, the Sefirot in some Abrahamic beliefs is used to break down the domains of protection and purpose for angels, so that might also be a good place to look. If all else fails, all that knowledge might help you formulate something a bit easier than just pop culture devil shit.

                Learning to play some other card games is a good start, I know it isn't much of an answer. But figuring out the basic structure of those games and figuring out what you like and dislike about each of them will at the very least help in scenarios like this.

                >Angels also have a hierarchy and demons .....would follow that loosely
                adding to that, iirc, the hierarchy of angels also implyes an inverse powerscale, so, the highest hierarchy angels have the strongest "celestial power" but the weakest "earthly power". and viceversa, the lowest hyerarchy angels have little to no power in the grand scheeme of things, but have the greatest power to influence earth
                i had tought about using that in my game as an idea for my fiends,so, the lowest ranks of demons have little to no "universal power", but have the most physical power / precense, which means they can freely exist in the world and directly take action, and the ones with the highest powerin the great order can only exist in hell, and must only ever interact with the physical world by either sending lesser demons, or manipulating/corrupting mortals into doing their bidding or even trough possession, all things which, reduce the reach of their powers, but if you where to step onto hell they'd be the ones on top in there

                i think wendigoon had a video on the angelic hyerarchy

          • 2 years ago

            There are a handful of texts out there for different things that could be very helpful. The earlier mention of the goetia is a good place to start. Angels also have a hierarchy and demons (being fallen angels) would follow that loosely one might imagine, so maybe looking into some Angelology as well as Demonology would also help? As I recall, the Sefirot in some Abrahamic beliefs is used to break down the domains of protection and purpose for angels, so that might also be a good place to look. If all else fails, all that knowledge might help you formulate something a bit easier than just pop culture devil shit.

            What could be some good resources to make a card game? Trynna make a videogame, but not know surely how to start with the "card-game part"

            Learning to play some other card games is a good start, I know it isn't much of an answer. But figuring out the basic structure of those games and figuring out what you like and dislike about each of them will at the very least help in scenarios like this.

    • 2 years ago

      Do character gain anything when they level up?

      • 2 years ago

        yeah I just haven't really gotten that figured out yet. Probably gonna allow them to gain HP every other level and get something else on others. Thinking of having the level cap be like 10 or 12.

  3. 2 years ago

    Oh, the thread's back.
    But my motivation to create is not.

  4. 2 years ago

    my game about close air support in southeast asia is coming along nicely. i'm going to start making real components soon, including maps. the classic battletech map has served well.

  5. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Wouldn't post because Its all ideas right now, but Ill give the thread a proper bump. That being said, Iv just got covid so for the next week Ill be siting at my desk working on this.

      I want to write a book on demon summoning, rules agnostic. mostly descriptive stuff for generating a demon. and , the thing im most excited for, rules for demon weapons.
      I was thinking demons need to be ranked in power level and 'type' so that I have things to work with for generation. You know, more powerful demons have stranger forms and demons of lust are more sexy. But how Should I rank and type them? I guess rank could just be 1-10 or 1-5 stars. for type I could go with the deadly sins (like the lust example) or I could go with the 4 horsemen? The deadly sins seems kind of lame I have to admit but the horsemen really don't cover enough ground.

      Id love to hear ideas, feedback, other works to look at. Ill take any feedback at all.

      I have made a bit more progress tonight and made some fixes based on input from you guys. I'd do more but I have work tomorrow, so I must rest.

      I like your work but I think you could really benefit from some more design/ layout work. Was a bit hard to read. I suggest sub headers for a start.
      When it comes to rules the only feedback I have is on the stealth specialization. If your making a classless game you shouldn't say things like "Stealth users cannot use plate armor". Instead make it "While wearing plate armor you receive no bonus from the stealth specialization"

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I'm likely gonna reformat it as I get further along with it, maybe have someone help me get it looking good. As for the stealth specialization, that's mostly to prevent players from making ridiculous minmaxed builds.

  6. 2 years ago

    Stil lworking on my lastest project, writing some hexcrawl rules and encounters, then finishing up the pdfs for testing

  7. 2 years ago

    Did a little more tonight, expanded on the leveling system and added a few example magic items for GMs. After everything is finished I will likely divide the book into player and GM sections like everyone else, as well as tack on a quick reference sheet for both, with general information that either may need to check.

  8. 2 years ago

    I've been amateurly devving a system on and off for years. Switched to d10 recently and am having some issues with conceptualizing some rolls. In terms of rolling for actions like abilities or things, does it seem acceptable to roll a stat+1d10 vs a DC from 1-20? Or would it make more sense for it to be like 1-10? Does a DC20 seem extreme? Keeping in mind that individual stats will never go above 10 and honestly are lucky in this system to make it to 5 as it currently is.

  9. 2 years ago

    What could be some good resources to make a card game? Trynna make a videogame, but not know surely how to start with the "card-game part"

  10. 2 years ago

    Ran a magical submarine campaign that turned out to be fun as hell. Got the party to cooperate on updating the ship with upgrades and weapons while they also leveled up. They fought pirates and nature and a ghost submarine that turned out to be a massive jelly. First campaign I ever ran and actually finished. Had to really bend a UA article to make it all work but it actually turned out to be fun and engaging.

  11. 2 years ago

    I made a play-by-post strategy game for up to six players.
    It's still pretty rough, but it should be playable.
    Tell me what you think?

  12. 2 years ago

    I took some of the design of TYOV and turned it into a slice of life-ish game.

    • 2 years ago

      To elaborate, cuz I find this interesting: TYOV does this thing where it throws a bunch of random events at you. That’s it, that’s basically the game (it’s not much of one, good story prompter though).
      Thing is, they’re not really events - they’re tropes. Story beats with the context abstracted out. An example:
      > Luke discovers Vader is his father.
      > Choose a character: you have a fight with them, but discover a hitherto unknown connection.
      So now we have this story template that can applied to so many different circumstances depending on the context. The context in TYOV is your vampire’s skills, resources, and known entities, but they can really be much more (I use the settlement’s notable figures, industries, luxuries, and defences).

      And because the player has a hand in the creation of the context, they’re kinda setting themselves up for either success or failure. Like, “frick, we just spent weeks building this fancy graveyard but now a random event says there’s nasty rumours circling about it. We’ve got a ghost problem.” This is most obvious in TYOV, where you can create a really cool npc only to just murder them in fit of rage next event. Or they’re actually super useful, and help you out of a crisis. You choices can equally screw you over or the opposite.

      It”s basically mad-libs, crossed with roll-n-write design philosophy. Love it.

  13. 2 years ago

    I've got a homebrew game system I'm working on and will share in a bit. Hope the thread doesn't get burried before then.

    • 2 years ago

      So this system was originally for a game set in the dragon ball universe but I think I'm expanding it out to the general 'toriyama style'. It was built off of the failures of older dragon ball systems, and takes inspiration from Apocalypse World and Vampire the Masquereade (the storyteller system at large)

      If you notice some flavor details around certain mechanics not being fleshed out that's because I have a certain expectation of players and GMs to give their own flare too it and come up with their own stories (for example, you can go back to full health from 0 sometimes; that could be a senzu bean OR it could be the characters raw willpower. It's up to you to decide what's going on, not just "ok now I'm better for no reason). I'm working on possibly implementing a detective character (though they lean more towards police detective and not private eye)

      Notably I've kept from having a 'charisma' stat as I believe that is the kind of thing that should be left to roleplay. Especially in Toriyama works, characters don't tend to have more or less charisma, just different personalities that bounce off each other.

      • 2 years ago

        What I really need help with is vehicles; i have no idea how to balance them.

        • 2 years ago

          Having significant weight on the end opposite to the engine helps.

      • 2 years ago

        I gave it a look, but it wouldn't be fair for me to judge it, as I don't mesh well with the mechanics-lite gameplay you're going for. However, I do appreciate the sentiment of recreating that classic Dragon Ball atmosphere, and I really like how you're giving all playable characters a chance to shine, instead of having Saiyans be the best and everyone just has to watch.
        If I could offer something constructive, I'd suggest cleaning up the English, there are spelling and grammatical errors here and there (if you're ESL, I apologize for my insensitivity). However, the information is laid out in an organized manner and seems easy to cross-reference, so excellent work on that front. It looks an easy system for people to get into.

  14. 2 years ago

    Finally wrote down the homebrew combat system I've been working on-and-off on for the past month. Skills and Spell list in the next post.

    • 2 years ago

      All that's left is making a monster list I guess, as well as a basic primer on the setting, plus figure out how to implement the other character race options.

  15. 2 years ago

    Thought I'd give a shot posting the latest edit of one of my numerous projects. This one is probably the biggest joke that I've ever produced, closely followed by my "got black-out drunk at a party and woke up the next day" situation table.

    I invite you to take a gander and ridicule me harshly.

    • 2 years ago

      This is one of those games where I really like the "voice" of how it's written and think the premise is amusing, but I absolutely despise the "mechanics" themselves. The spelling errors are also really annoying, but there aren't too many, anyway. It's well-organized, too.
      I say give the writing some polish and keep up the good work; I'm just a freak who likes crunch, is all.

      • 2 years ago

        The honesty is appreciated. Thanks dude.

  16. 2 years ago

    I had an idea for an RPG and I thought that I would share the idea here so that people could tell me that it's bad and pointless to pursue.

    General Theme: Players take on the role of different robots that have achieved sentience by themselves and must now fight for their freedom and survival in a world where the majority of machines are still under the control of humanity.

    Characters would have skill sets that would be divided into two different categories: programming and attachments. Characters with enough processing power are capable of learning new skills by installing new programs and repurposing their old one, other characters could be designed to have multiple attachment points where they can swap out their equipment and be able to use it automatically.

    I'm mainly thinking of the combat currently. Because the players are robots, their actions would be programmed in at the beginning of the round, while human and other biological characters would be able to react on the fly and act more impulsively. This means that for a robot character to interrupt or change their programming, they must be strong enough to overcome their own programming. Combat would also be "clock-based", kinda like how combat was in the Ultimum beta or how turns worked in Red November but a bit different.

    How's that sound? I'm I shooting at something stupid here or should I actually take the time to see if I can't work this out?

  17. 2 years ago

    Added a cover and reformatted it into a 1 column setup. Also split it up into player and GM rules and added a Saving Throw system.

  18. 2 years ago

    Working on my cringe-ass Sonic TTRPG, simultaneously working on a sort of "Everything else" document with a Melee-Focused class since that's a niche that doesn't exist (Duelist or something, not sure yet) as well as more species options and some variant rules that didn't make the cut for the core book as well as a Starter Adventure that is open-ended enough for Storytellers/GMs to continue from the end themselves. Short, sweet, to the point, and lets the players toy with all the mechanics. It will also have pre-made NPC stats/Roll20 sheets in json form for import, VTT maps, and Google sheets/roll20 sheets for pre-made Player Characters for ease of use.

    TLDR of it is that eggman steals a chaos emerald from a village the PCs are in and they have to stop him/track him down depending on their choices. Ends with a fight with Mecha Sonic Mk II (the one from S3&K). If they didn't stop him getting away with the emerald, the fight gets harder as he gets supercharged by it, giving the players' choices and actions real impact. Other than that, it's a WIP.

    • 2 years ago

      On this note, is it a good idea to structure a pre-made adventure like a CYOA book with a few pre-set outcomes and page numbers/sections to skip to? I.e. "if the players do X or something similar, go to Y and proceed from there".

      • 2 years ago

        It's not normal, but it's a fine idea

        • 2 years ago

          I know; most modules are set up with pre-set things the players MUST do to advance, but I've got stuff like:
          >If the players choose to do X, proceed to this page, but if they do Y proceed to this page instead

          It's not infinite options but it's enough that a first-time GM/storyteller won't freeze up and it also builds the good habit of adapting to player choice in a way.

          • 2 years ago

            I've done a somewhat similar thing in a published module, but it was all on the same page with bullet style "if they did this, then this happens" at the bottom of the section.
            So say "if the girl dies, she resurrects as a zombie after 10 minutes and attacks"
            "If rescued, she can help the party enter her hometown without trouble, and open the locked door to the warehouse (page 10)"
            If going on multiple pages/spreads is necessary for the depth of writing (like a whole storyline that isn't otherwise featured) do that, but for usability I'd put as much in one area as possible.

  19. 2 years ago

    Homebrew Skirmish wargame loosely themed around mecha,

    Interesting Features/Goals:
    >action/reaction system with quick resolving actions ensures you are never just waiting for your turn
    >Action Point bidding system for a more expressive form of turns than IGOUGO or alternating - strategy is baked into the turn system
    >Shielding and reactions push the game into tactical board control and counter play rather than 'shoot your enemy off the table'

    • 2 years ago

      And the unit stalines + weapons.

      Current things I'm looking at are the amount of time it takes to play a full game, ie if I need to streamline anything and if so what.

      Also considering an alternate roll to hit system for ranged weapons.

      Once i ma more confident in core mechanics I will start writing separate faction lists instead of the mono-faction I have for playtesting.

      • 2 years ago

        Question related:
        Would you rather have a more simple system that used D10s or D12s in a system that otherwise used D6?
        Would you rather use a slightly more fiddly system for rolling that used ONLY D6s.

        • 2 years ago

          I'd take very seriously the possibility that you could just use the simple system with D6s. Not because anything else is bad and wrong, but if the basic game doesn't work that way, changing the shape of the dice isn't going to fix anything.
          When you have a vaguely working game and decide you need more differentiation, double all the numbers and use D12s.

          • 2 years ago

            So the RTH system is on 2D6 for both melee and ranged. You have different range brackets: short, medium, long. Ex a typical range bracket is 5+,7+,10+ or something.

            Currently for ranged weapons with multiple shots the number of hits you score is related to your margin of success, which requires doing a bit of math and doesn't play nice with some other systems.

            I was looking at a system where multiple 2D6 are rolled so each shot could check independently. Thatmeans for a X shot weapon you need to roll X+1 D6, to create X pairs. The other caveat is that you need to have the dice strictly ordered.

            The requirement for strict ordering to avoid messing with the statistics is the worst part. IF I rolled a D12 for each shot instead, that would fix that problem.

            If each shot was rolled on a D6, I would have much less ability to differentiate weapons from others because of the loss in granularity. A -1 penalty from something like cover would also be massive as opposed to a minor modifier.

            • 2 years ago

              So you have one base die and each shot is an extra die added to that independently? Or the dice are ordered and the pairs are adjacent ones in that ordering?
              Possible but probably not desirable: the dice are ordered by where they land, eg left to right far to near, ordered like the words on a page would be. Might help the feeling that the multiple shots are part of one volley rather than just independent.
              I guess I'd probably just use the d12s, but it's statistically quite different.

  20. 2 years ago

    Polished off the five factions and a demo setup with two of them, for the wargame I'm working on.
    No points or extended armories yet until I nail the curve and the balance through testing.

    >Houses of the Round
    Wild spirits from the Pan to the Brujah to the Shape changers and the Fae that emerged in the long night to reclaim Earth and gathered survivors that fled to the wild to create nature preserve fiefdoms. Castle strategy favoring with strong melee and each division uses a housemark to denote which wildlord they serve and what special traits they have.
    >Terranaut Militia
    Ancient astronaut humans from a collapse 60k years ago that crashed back on earth, generational spacers grew small pale and wiry looking more like greys than humans. Pillars collapsed their homes in the crust. Shooty sumerian cowboy molemen in nomadic city trains. Use LoS breaking and every form of alternate deployment, aggressive but fragile haymaker force.
    >Umbral Tide
    Alien prison ship crashed in the ocean, reactor shuts down waking up the perilous cargo hundreds of years later. A parasitic psionic lifeform that genetically twists the host, hundreds of years of modifying and bending sealife have left many of them inbred or too warped to survive naturally.
    A terror tactics employing army with disposable human and monster chaff that uses accumulated shock to power spells that cut both ways.
    >Rusting Hulks
    AI from the shell around earth, made to manage and protect the systems. Destroyed by the chosen "olympians" so that they could war amongst themselves over the shell. Remnants of the alien cloud AI have survived and the fragments feast on eachother and spread, a fragmented mind that remembers its own death.
    >Last Bastions
    Patlabor/Gits inspired humans of the pillar cities. Armies of the various surviving metropolitans built around siphoning the pillars to the shell during the long night. Use light suits in combined arms with superheavies and shock-immune drones.

  21. 2 years ago

    Wait a sec... You are not Notepad anon! What happened to him?
    Jokes aside, any TQ to get the conversation started?

  22. 2 years ago

    Working on something based on the Year Zero engine. I want some light horror/fear mechanics and some danger, but not as lethal as Alien as it's got a more heroic feel. I've seen Vaesen, it seems to make characters too fragile both physically and mentally. Any suggestions on how to make characters a bit stronger without making the fear element useless? I thought about health being strength+endurance and having players roll the highest of wits or empathy in frightening situations, getting a fear point if they fail, with another roll each turn if they have fear points equal to the highest of wits and empathy and fleeing/being broken if they fail that test. I'm also really not sute on what to use as a penalty when pushing dice, since I doubt I'll go with the lose attribute points thing like in some versions.

  23. 2 years ago

    What program have you guys been using to create your pdfs/manuals? I've been using google docs but it looks like shit

    • 2 years ago

      LaTeX and Affinity Publisher

  24. 2 years ago
    K's autism

    K's autism update
    magic is finally finished
    ended up at 25 spells in 4 separate schools/arts (force, pyromancy, healing and apotropaic) + 5 spell maneuvers
    now im in the home strech
    ust gotta implement the changes to the injury/lethality system, the changes to the parry system, fix the incomplete races and bloodlines, fix the item list, and rebalance stuff (i had a bunch of stuff that i had it has its EXP cost set as "add later"), and do corrections (bc my grammar in english is horrible and word corrector didnt work for the first half of the project for some reason)
    i should also do some formatting on some stuff that i had made very, VERY early on before i set the current formats but i can sleep on that for a while
    also getting a name is up there in the priority list
    will take the rest of the week off

    currently sitting at 226 pages and 87676 words, and like a year and a half of development

  25. 2 years ago

    I'm currently trying to work on a game inspired by Blood Bowl, but I'm still unsure of what form it should take.

    The original idea was a kind of fantasy sports game loosely based on american football. You have an objective (most of the time, a ball you have to get somewhere), and players control their characters to get to that goal. I wanted something tactical but with the ability to work as a team.

    The first gameplay idea was to make character creation/building a deckbuilding game. So basically when you create/recruit a character, it comes with a bundle of cards that represent everything it can do. Tanks/Fighters would have cards they could play to attack opponents, or try to steal the ball. Agile players would have cards that lean towards sprinting, dodging, and catching the ball. And so on.

    The game would work in turns, as each player would spend their actions to play a card, or do a basic action (= worse version of card effects that any character should be able to do, and a way to spend their turn to "rest" and draw new cards). Every player declare their actions during their turn at the same time to the DM, and the DM narrates the full turn happening all at once. And then you get back to planning your turn, until one side wins.

    Some questions I think I need a second opinion on :
    >Should players control one PC each, or players be like "coaches" to a whole team? If the latter is better, then the game should probably be designed so that it can play without a DM, like Blood Bowl.
    >I was thinking of players having stats that affect the results of the cards, so that you can have players be better in one field rather than another. I worry only having the choice of cards in the deck dictate the efficiency of characters will lead to some wonky stuff.
    >More of a fear with deck-building games in general, but won't the players risk optimizing the fun out of the game, but trying to get the most reliable and functional deck and roll over everything?

  26. 2 years ago

    R8 those attribute for my Traveller + T&T inspired game




  27. 2 years ago

    I've been ruminating this combat system for over a year. ATM I wrote down something that I kinda like, but I would love some feedback.
    Let's call it the "Vacuity system" for now.

    The impulse for creating this came from my impression that combat, both IRL and in fiction, was a lot more a matter of tension between: trying to hit your opponent, while trying to keep enough distance to avoid being hit and the feedback loop it creates with your opponent trying to do the same thing. Rather than the static randomness you see in most RPGs and wargames.
    I wanted to give a tangible game weight to the moments of tensions, to the suppression attacks, to keeping your enemy at bay with a threatening posture... what some martial arts call "the vacuity" (thus the name of the system).
    It make sense, because pacifism is one of the key theme of my game, so a combat system that allows players to progressively pin down the enemy, or keep it at bay, is necessary.

    >How it compares with other systems
    Some sword fight systems allows you to balance between attack and defence (Riddle of Steel, Mythras, En Garde…), but don’t handle threatening actions.
    Any modern firefight system worth its salt have systems for threatening (aka «suppression fire») but most of them either sum it up as «roll vs moralor lose your action», when I wanted suppression to become a conscious and rational trade-off. The closest I found was Osprey’s Black Ops, where you can put suppression markers on a target, which the target can then choose to ignore and face the fire (and risk being hit) or choose to remove by staying put. The only issue is that it doesn’t handle one opponent progressively getting the upper hand and forcing his target more and more behind cover.

    (cont. the current version of the system)

    • 2 years ago

      The kind of actions I want to emulate:
      >Two groups of opponent shoot at each others, one of the group proves to have better firepower or better aim and progressively pin the other behind cover, who have no choice but to retreat. It was a tense combat, however none of the opponent have been injured.
      >Character is attacked by wolves. He faces them with a spear. They circle around him, try to find an opening, whenever one get close he threatens it with his weapon, forcing it to keep its distance. He doesn’t attack them, because it would give them an opening. In the end, either one of the wolves manage to reach him or they realise that they can’t do so safely and retreat.
      >Two sword-fighters exchange blows, one progressively gets the upper hand, forcing the other one on the defensive. In the end, either the defensive one gets cornered and finally hit (or disarmed, or held at mercy) or the offensive one gets too confident and is hit by one of the last ditch attacks of his opponent.
      >A combatant faces an ogre. He is extremely skilled, but the strength and reach of the creature forces him to be extremely defensive. He needs to wait for an opening before trying to attack.

      • 2 years ago

        Current version of the system
        >System is dice pool, gets a success on 5-6
        >Each character’s combat level is their dice pool (An average fighter has a pool of 3)
        >When it’s the character’s turn to act, if he has dice left in his pool, he can use them to attempt an action.
        >He rolls, we see how many success he gets
        Here is the twist
        >Seeing how many successes the character got, his opponent chooses how many dice he takes from his own pool, to defend himself
        >He rolls, his defence successes cancels the character attacks successes, one for one
        >Any non-canceled attack success creates an effect. Most common effects are wounds. Single success is always a non-lethal effect (light wound at best). Two success or more are enough to get a normal opponent out of action.
        >The character then regenerate his dice pool.
        >If the opponent has dice left in his pool, he can attack back.

        I tested it and it works very well. One character progressively has to use more and more dice from his pool to counter the success of his opponent, which leaves him with less and less dice to attack, which allows more dice for his opponent to attack etc etc… in a positive feedback loop.
        Only problem is that, as is, on the first turn the only valid strategy for the first character to act is to use his entire dice pool to attack, which doesn’t seem right. Approaching carefully should be beneficial in some circumstances.
        I have a few options for that (cont tomorrow)

  28. 2 years ago

    Does anybody have any tips for hiring artists for a card game? I’ve done a fair chunk of artwork myself to kind of set the tone for the game but if I’m going to go as far as I want to with this game, I can’t do the artwork myself.

    • 2 years ago

      Fiver, no? Or alternatively, look for an artist you like on Insta or Deviant art, and MP him.
      It's surprisingly cheap.
      However, at this point I would just use an A.I., for example Midjourney. They get stunning (although kinda surrealist-looking) results, instantly and for free or very cheap.
      Depends how professional you want the work to look, if you want a unified and/or unique style and what's your budget.

  29. 2 years ago

    I have written thirty six classes for my homebrewed d100 system, only 84 to go.

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