Is the hype around Amiga Euro cope or is there something genuine there?
It seems like the only games to properly make use of the hardware are recent homebrews, was everyone in Europe a fricking moron before that?
Also most games kinda look and play like ass. The jank to quality ratio is off the charts.
What's the redeeming Features here?

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  1. 7 months ago

    >flamewar thread
    Atleast try to hide it better. There barely is any hype, it's largely idiots like you pretending a fringe group is an entire continent. It's just a computer that was better than most contemporaries, but still a computer before 3D acceleration, most people didn't even have one.
    It's like pretending all Americans are massively hyped about B&W macs or TRS CoCos when that's also a relatively small group just enjoying a shitbox they like. Maybe I should be like you and also make garbage threads like this and falseflag in threads, you sad sap.

  2. 7 months ago

    It has a lot of great software for artsy stuff - pixel art, music production, video editing. But if you run anything that's not a toaster as your daily driver there's way better stuff out there nowadays. When it comes to games, there's a handful of great ones, some ports that are better on Amiga than on the other platforms, but most of it IS jank and there's no denying it. We just didn't know better. As a child I'd play shit like Titanic Blinky or Hong Kong Phooey and think I'm eating good, don't even bother looking them up now, lol. If you want to play good titles on Amiga, stick to RPGs, simulators and strategy games.

    • 7 months ago

      It was pretty popular in the US, but that was before the /vr/ eurokiddos daddies were born. It was a great system but an inconceivable portion of the library was jank.

      >pixel art
      No. "Pixel art" is gay kiddo shit. On the Amiga it was just art. That happened to be done with pixels.

      • 7 months ago

        >It was a great system but an inconceivable portion of the library was jank.
        Simple rule of thumb was, if it was a platformer or some sort of action-adventure, it was shit. If it was strategy, RPG, puzzle, milsim etc., it was likely good to great.

      • 7 months ago

        >pixel art
        >gay kiddo shit
        You have serious brain damage

  3. 7 months ago

    >was everyone in Europe a fricking moron before that?
    The market was split evenly between Amiga 500 and Atari ST. Most Amiga games were actually multiplats built aroud the specs of the weaker machine.

  4. 7 months ago

    > yet another anti-amiga flamewar thread

  5. 7 months ago


  6. 7 months ago

    European developers who weren't named Rare just didn't get game design at the time. American game developers weren't much better but they had their niche in the form of simulation and first person games. But traditional Japanese genres like platformers, shmups, beat em ups and fighters were just completely not understood by the vast majority of western developers.

    • 7 months ago

      doing any kind of decent beat em up on amiga was just painful regardless. one button joystick, everything needing to run on a 1mb a500 (and from floppy disk), tonne of memory used just for bitplanes etc. attempts were made. elf mania was probably the nicest looking for amiga. gameplay is kinda meh but it takes a lifetime to load. anyway, if amiga had tile modes it would have made life easier for game developers.

      • 7 months ago


        Granted but the Amiga DD was an inexcusably horrible port done by (literally) one guy.

        • 7 months ago

          was ported from the atari st to amiga, which explains why it sucks so much wiener. quite a few games in late 80s on amiga were like this. lazy ports. was sad. as soon as you booted a game you could instantly tell it was an st port. homosexuals - all of them. anyway, double dragon c64 is better than this and that sucks massive wieners (great intro music though).

          • 7 months ago

            doing any kind of decent beat em up on amiga was just painful regardless. one button joystick, everything needing to run on a 1mb a500 (and from floppy disk), tonne of memory used just for bitplanes etc. attempts were made. elf mania was probably the nicest looking for amiga. gameplay is kinda meh but it takes a lifetime to load. anyway, if amiga had tile modes it would have made life easier for game developers.

            Beat em ups are not easy to design or program, they're quite complicated actually and few Amiga developers had the level of talent required to make them.

        • 7 months ago

          >Granted but the Amiga DD was an inexcusably horrible port done by (literally) one guy.

          Most Amiga arcade ports were done by one or two guys with zero assistance from the original devs, no source code, no assets, no nothing. There's a huge readme on one of the Capcom games (Mercs or Double Dragon I forgot), where the coder explains they had to get an arcade cab, read the ROMs, decode all PCM samples from it, decode whatever tile graphics they could get from it, run the arcade cab through an RGB frame grabber to get the missing bitmap graphics, etc. And then recreate gameplay either by looking at the 68k code they got off the arcade roms (if that was even possible, some games did not use 68k or had encrypted code), or by simply eyeballing the game.

          and again, this was done usually by 1 guy. Sometimes two or three if you had someone working on graphics and someone on music.

          • 7 months ago

            Taito were actually pretty helpful; many of their games were ported with the original code and assets available.

          • 7 months ago


            Granted but the Amiga DD was an inexcusably horrible port done by (literally) one guy.

            Double Dragon was also not a 68k game, it used three 6809s.

          • 7 months ago

            Do you have a link to it? This sounds like an interesting read

            • 7 months ago

              Most arcade ports in the 80s were done that way, only occasionally did one have access to the original source code. Everything on 2nd gen consoles that wasn't an arcade game Atari made themselves was same.

            • 7 months ago

              Most arcade ports in the 80s were done that way, only occasionally did one have access to the original source code. Everything on 2nd gen consoles that wasn't an arcade game Atari made themselves was same.

              >Do you have a link to it? This sounds like an interesting read


              >Sega wouldn't let us have ANY credits on the game, so I thought we might as well put some here.
              >I (Richard Aplin) wrote the Amiga and ST versions (though at the time of writing - 12th Nov.1990 - I haven't started the ST conversion yet!)
              >I much prefer the Amiga (doesn't anyone?) so I have done that version first, using all the extra hardware, then i'm going to bang out the ST version when necessary.
              >"Uncle Art" (actually a limited company!) did the (not very good) music.
              >- Oh yeah.. Apologies and sympathy to Uncle Tom (the person!) for the frick up with his amazing Double Dragon II music!
              >The bitmap graphics were grabbed from the arcade PCB video output by Andy Heike and Nick Vincent with the colour frame grabber, and the sprites were read, decoded and converted from the arcade machine's Eproms by me. (Not a bit of bloody help from Sega either!) They were remapped from 21 million to 16 colours by Andy Heike, Nick Vincent, and some students in Manchester.
              >I sampled the sound effects from the PCB's sound chip (not very hard at all!)

              • 7 months ago

                Very interesting thanks for the link 🙂

          • 7 months ago

            >Most Amiga arcade ports were done by one or two guys with zero assistance from the original devs, no source code, no assets, no nothing
            So who assisted the original devs?
            Almost as if eurojank shitters for Amiga were just incompetent.

            • 7 months ago

              >So who assisted the original devs?

              take a game like Golden Axe on Mega Drive. obviously Sega had access to the source code and art assets for their own game and the dev team could even consult the programmers of the arcade game for help.

              • 7 months ago

                You realize the arcade game came from somewhere too?
                Who assisted those guys?
                If you look up the dev teams for irem, etc these guys were also like 5 guys making a game in 6 months.
                The idea that japanese devs are to blame for not helping Euro devs to not make shit Games is hair raising.
                They had their own games to make and were equally small dev teams in their early 20s and late teens

              • 7 months ago

                > Wah wah let me Copy your homework
                So who taught the japanese to make good games?
                Are euros this much of a slave mentality people they can't do things on their own?

                If anything Japan and the US already perfected videogames and euros even fricked up copying them.

                >these guys were also like 5 guys making a game in 6 months.

                That's already over twice the size compared to the teams that did most arcade to Amiga ports, and probably over twice the months too.

                Fact is that when doing a port, publishers just think "oh just drop in the new assets, hit recompile and it is done", so they give unreal deadlines to the programmers to start with. These deadlines are only possible if the coders have access to the original game assets, so they can just indeed convert the assets and have the programmers rewrite the gfx/sound calls to amiga video/audio hardware.
                If they don't have that, they need to spend extra time to test the game and find every small nuance of it, have the artists redo all the pixel art from scratch, have the musicians recreate the music by ear, and so on. It's just not possible to do all that in so little time.

                There are plenty of good games on the Amiga but the arcade ports were done with the same mentality as chinese bootlegs, they got a teenager and told them to get it done by next quarter, and if the kid was super fricking lucky they managed to at least get a game cab in the office (the dudes porting Street Fighter had to go to the arcade to figure out the game).

              • 7 months ago

                unfair. they were working for big companies with top-tier tools and resources. do you think the poor sods at Tiertex had what Konami programmers had in terms of tools and tech support? they just gave them an Amiga and an arcade cab and said "ok have this port done in six weeks. cya."

              • 7 months ago

                Most japanese devs were a bunch of kids fresh out of college learning as they went, writing their own tools. If you actually knew your video game history you'd realize the cope that Amiga devs always brought up about japanese devs being these warehouses full of highly trained hackers is fricking bullshit.
                Japanese game development in the 80s is not only well documented, most of the devs are on twitter sharing stories of how development went back then.

              • 7 months ago

                They were also largely ostracized from polite society and didn't have access to a ton of capital. Japanese culture and government policy considered games and anime to be a waste of time compared to churning out more DRAM and VCRs, and a lot of these guys were looked at as being just barely above bums in terms of social standing.

                Japan opening its olympic ceremonies with a bunch of game and animu shit while barely acknowledging its consumer electronics past is pretty funny.

              • 7 months ago

                >They were also largely ostracized from polite society and didn't have access to a ton of capital. Japanese culture and government policy considered games and anime to be a waste of time compared to churning out more DRAM and VCRs, and a lot of these guys were looked at as being just barely above bums in terms of social standing.
                That's a bunch of bullshit you just hallucinated lmao
                No such thing ever happened and headcanon schizos like you are the reason why there's so much missinformation floating around. ostracized form society. Lmao what a crock of shit.
                On the contrary. That's why Japan fricking dominated the west in terms of videogame industry back then.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude got so mindbroken he started making up shit lmao

              • 7 months ago

                >There are plenty of good games on the Amiga
                I keep hearing this but then the games listed are all fricking dogshit.
                (With the exception of Chaos engine, I really like that one)

              • 7 months ago

                >Settlers, Turrican, and Worms are all dogshit

                get the frick out of here.

              • 7 months ago

                Turrican is fricking jank. Total shit game overhyped by eternally coping Euros. have you played turrican on the Amiga recently? Or do you just like the idea of turrican being good?
                Settlers was always mid and worms is fun but it's also not good. It's fun jank.
                Try showing those games to someone who isn't high on Amiga copium.

              • 7 months ago

                What makes it jank?
                The awesome sound? The smooth gameplay? The great animation?

              • 7 months ago

                >Settlers was always mid
                lol, fricking no.

                >worms is fun but it's also not good. It's fun jank.
                If a video game is fun to play then it is by definition a good game, they sold fricking 75 million of the series for that specific reason.

                >They were also largely ostracized from polite society and didn't have access to a ton of capital. Japanese culture and government policy considered games and anime to be a waste of time compared to churning out more DRAM and VCRs, and a lot of these guys were looked at as being just barely above bums in terms of social standing.
                That's a bunch of bullshit you just hallucinated lmao
                No such thing ever happened and headcanon schizos like you are the reason why there's so much missinformation floating around. ostracized form society. Lmao what a crock of shit.
                On the contrary. That's why Japan fricking dominated the west in terms of videogame industry back then.

                Games in the west were (and still are) driven by corporate executives knowing shit about software and games, putting unrealistic demands on developers. This got you shit like Atari Pacman which was something like a prototype demo put together in a week that the execs took away from the programmer and printed millions of copies of and crashed the fricking industry with it.
                Japan meanwhile had Nintendo who gave enough time for their developers to actually finish the game they are making. And then Nintendo America only brought over only the top game of every company every year to make the NES look that much higher quality while the Famicom was flooded with kusoge.

                Try playing shit like Hoshi wo Miru Hito, that was your average console game in japan in the 1980s.

              • 7 months ago

                >Japanese gaming was just nintendo
                Holy frick you are missinformed and potentially mentally moronic.
                You legit don't know about the HUGE japanese microcomputers, msx and nec PC series indie and homebrew scene?
                Pretty sure we don't need to discuss any further unless you did your history lessons.
                I don't need your hallucinations of how the scene was back then, because I know how it was.
                Maybe spend some time reading up on shit you have no business talking about.

              • 7 months ago

                Do you seriously think Nintendo was the only japanese developer and platform available?

                No, I don't think that Nintendo was the only videogame entity in Japan, but as far as the argument of eastern vs western videogames in the 80s, what really mattered the most was what Nintendo of America brought over on the NES.

              • 7 months ago

                Ah, yes, the computers of ten thousand porn games and inferior western ports. I would sure like that over classic European RPG, adventure and strategy games.

              • 7 months ago

                >I would sure like that over classic European RPG
                Name five.
                Secondaries like you always fill their ideas of eras they didnt experience themselves with their vague ideas of how things worked.
                Like those non-existent classic european amiga rpg from the 80s you just made up in your mind, because it's something you assume must have existed.
                The japanese were much more inspired by ultima than the europeans, that's why those "porn computers" as you call them are full of japanese rpgs, while amiga hardly has any european rpgs, let alone back in the 80s.
                There's a reason why there's no ys, xanadu, dragon slayer on amiga.
                Euroshitters were too busy poorly ripping off r-type.
                Man amiga didnt even get a Zeliard port, even MS-DOS got one.

              • 7 months ago

                Abandoned Places
                Crystal Dragon
                Elvira I-II
                Ishar I-III

                None of the JRPGs you mentioned are anywhere near as good as these. All the DOS ports of those games tanked because if you know any better, you're not going to play some game that's literally just walking into an enemy and hoping the enemy dies before you do.

              • 7 months ago

                Hahahahaha took you a while to find a list of "amiga rpgs".
                These are all from the 90s btw. You couldnt name a single "classic amiga rpg from the 80s" after all.
                That being said - to insist that a really terrible german might and magic clone from 1993(!! LOL) like ambermoon is anywhere near the importance, influence and quality of ys is laughable and shows me how severly mentally ill you are.

              • 7 months ago

                Personally I liked Bloodwych and bards tale during the 80s on Amiga,

              • 7 months ago

                also Bard's Tale was American developed, not Euros

              • 7 months ago

                Ok. But I played it in Europe. And that’s what matters.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, Ambermoon is far above the importance, influence and quality of ys, a game nobody outside of Japan and weebs cares about. Often cited as one of the most important RPGs of the early '90s. Not surprised now that you've been proven wrong you're desperately trying to save face.

              • 7 months ago

                >ys, a game nobody outside of Japan and weebs cares about
                I can assure you that anyone who's not a bong or a yuro has way more chances of knowing what Ys is than Ambermoon (which I, as a leaf, have never heard about until now). Ys is so popular that it's been ported to almost any system out there

              • 7 months ago

                Ambermoon wasnt even published outside of germany, the guy was either trolling, baiting or being a seething kraut.

              • 7 months ago

                Literally never heard of it, never seen it referenced anywhere until now. Ys literally has a parody series in Rance

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you so mad about Germans?
                Actual Japanese people love Germans, you know.

              • 7 months ago

                > sees wachenröder once
                > ja see japanees are laffing as
                German rpgs are infact so shit japanese people had to resort to make german sounding games like einhänder, wachenröder and götzendiener because german games were so fricking shit and cant be sold anywhere outside of germany (a country famous for also enjoying feces pornography)

              • 7 months ago

                This is why you'll never be Japanese.
                You need to learn to love the baumkuchen.

              • 7 months ago

                Baumkuchen is notoriously more famous in japan than in germany.
                Legit though, germans are fricking gay and cringe. Spergiest people on the planet. Basically reddit turned into a country.

              • 7 months ago

                Krauts also had to commit plagiarism just to make a serviceable platformer

              • 7 months ago

                >Actual Japanese people love Germans, you know.
                This is a common missconception and I've seen german nerds fall flat on their faces in japan while operating under the misassumption that japanese people loving a tall handsome guy called SIEGFRIED who got long golden hair in a manga or videogame translates to them loving a chubbyfat chipmunk faced russian rape baby germanoid mutt electrical engineer called "kevin" sporting a buzzcut or something.

              • 7 months ago

                Do you seriously think Nintendo was the only japanese developer and platform available?

              • 7 months ago

                >Nintendo America only brought over only the top game of every company every year to make the NES look that much higher quality while the Famicom was flooded with kusoge
                Every time I say this a get a bunch of weeaboos telling me how wrong I am. The Famicom library has tons of generic baseball games, horse derby, pachinko, mahjong, and very bad licensed games

              • 7 months ago

                not NOA but the publisher's US branches. like Konami USA would look at list of Famicom games and pick whatever they liked and thought would sell. sometimes they would call up Japan and ask for a US exclusive like Monster in my Pocket.

              • 7 months ago

                could be cheap too. remember how FCI chopped up NES Bard's Tale to use a smaller ROM than the Famicom?

              • 7 months ago

                >not NOA
                What does that mean? Nintendo of America just had to translate Famicom games without porting anything.
                Or is there some Nintendo arcade game that was only released on the American NES and not the Famicom or something?

              • 7 months ago

                A single ecchi mahjong game contains 1000x more soul than any pretentious eurotrash amiga game

              • 7 months ago

                >shovelware coombait slop is good because Japan
                Can't you just go to your X68k thread and LARP as a 40 year old Japanese man there?

              • 7 months ago

                even in Japan itself these games are ridiculed as being trash for sexless shut-ins

              • 7 months ago

                Not to mention Amiga devs were huge weebs but never quite managed to match what they were aping.

              • 7 months ago

                >Not to mention Amiga devs were huge weebs but never quite managed to match what they were aping.

                America also had their share of cringe weeb shit, pic related. It's just that Europe got Anime 15-20 years earlier due to a variety of factors. Such as: many large European cartoons got made in japan in anime style (Moomin, Nils Holgersson, Maya the bee), Manga Inc bringing over a frick ton of OVAs on subbed VHS tapes in the UK, and the French being turboweebs who started getting anime even earlier than any other place (they had Dragon Ball in the 80s already).

              • 7 months ago

                My Life Me was Quebecois/French, not American.

              • 7 months ago

                last time I checked Quebec was located in America.

              • 7 months ago

                Conflating Quebecer culture with the rest of Anglo North America is moronic. They basically exist in their own media bubble.

              • 7 months ago

                Is the schooling system in the US so fricking bad that you don't know what your continent is called? But OK, here's horrible cringe weeb shit specifically from the US to satisfy your OCD.

              • 7 months ago

                >"They're on the same continent so they have the same culture."
                Okay, so let Germany annex you then.

              • 7 months ago

                >thinks all of Europe has the same culture despite there being 20+ countries on the continent
                >EXPECTS others to differentiate between the 2 countries that make up North America

                typical moronic burger
                no wonder you don't get the Amiga, it is a too complex machine for you.

              • 7 months ago

                >North America
                >Countries: 23 sovereign states
                >Dependencies:23 non-sovereign territories
                lmfao at this retared youropoor

              • 7 months ago

                >the French being turboweebs who started getting anime even earlier than any other place
                They also got super sentai dubs 8 years before the US got Power Rangers

              • 7 months ago

                And Grendizer (named Goldorak there) is basically a cultural icon.

              • 7 months ago

                the Amiga had some weird ass games

              • 7 months ago

                >mfw my beloved yuri is gone

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, I'm sure some mahjong shovelware on the Famicom is better than Another World on the Amiga

              • 7 months ago

                Mahjong Game on Japanese soulbox:
                >the bing-bing wahoo sounds when you ron
                Another World on depressing europslop slab:
                >you run with too much momentum and not enough frames of animation through a featureless world
                >very little sound or fun
                >zero boobies

              • 7 months ago

                why not both?

              • 7 months ago

                >The Famicom library has tons of generic baseball games, horse derby, pachinko, mahjong, and very bad licensed games
                and they existed right beside goemon, recca, and moai-kun. shovelware doesn't matter in the modern day when you can just play the good games.

                >Settlers was always mid
                lol, fricking no.

                >worms is fun but it's also not good. It's fun jank.
                If a video game is fun to play then it is by definition a good game, they sold fricking 75 million of the series for that specific reason.

                Games in the west were (and still are) driven by corporate executives knowing shit about software and games, putting unrealistic demands on developers. This got you shit like Atari Pacman which was something like a prototype demo put together in a week that the execs took away from the programmer and printed millions of copies of and crashed the fricking industry with it.
                Japan meanwhile had Nintendo who gave enough time for their developers to actually finish the game they are making. And then Nintendo America only brought over only the top game of every company every year to make the NES look that much higher quality while the Famicom was flooded with kusoge.

                Try playing shit like Hoshi wo Miru Hito, that was your average console game in japan in the 1980s.

                >Try playing shit like Hoshi wo Miru Hito, that was your average console game in japan in the 1980s.
                by that measure, the uncanny x-men was your average console game in america in the 1980's

              • 7 months ago

                Tendies always have the worst taste. Containment board now.

              • 7 months ago

                They also ported it to like 5 very different platforms.

                Look up the average shitty US Gold arcade port.
                They ported the same game not only to Amiga but also the ST, the C64, Amstrad, and the Speccy.
                They even did some of the MSX and X68k ports too.

              • 7 months ago

                Speaking of Golden Axe, it had a pretty good Amiga port.

                As long as fricking US Gold doesn't do a port, it turns out decent.

              • 7 months ago

                >Speaking of Golden Axe, it had a pretty good Amiga port.

                lol lmao even

              • 7 months ago

                Now compare it to Sega's own Mega Drive port.

              • 7 months ago

                There's no way anyone sane would think the Amiga version is better:

              • 7 months ago

                The Amiga Version is so shit it makes the mega drive Version look like the fricking arcade.

              • 7 months ago

                >So who assisted the original devs?
                We are talking about the ports, not those who made the original games. When doing a port the game has to play and look as close as possible to the originals, and this is really fricking hard if you have to eyeball everything instead of having access to the original assets to create graphics out of, or the original code to analyze the gameplay.

                > Wah wah let me Copy your homework
                So who taught the japanese to make good games?
                Are euros this much of a slave mentality people they can't do things on their own?

                If anything Japan and the US already perfected videogames and euros even fricked up copying them.

                you can't do much without the original assets, even if you're Japanese. there are some mutilated ports like NES Donkey Kong where they didn't have the arcade source on hand. furthermore Micronics disproves the idea that all Japanese guys were A-list programmers.

              • 7 months ago

                >these guys were also like 5 guys making a game in 6 months.

                That's already over twice the size compared to the teams that did most arcade to Amiga ports, and probably over twice the months too.

                Fact is that when doing a port, publishers just think "oh just drop in the new assets, hit recompile and it is done", so they give unreal deadlines to the programmers to start with. These deadlines are only possible if the coders have access to the original game assets, so they can just indeed convert the assets and have the programmers rewrite the gfx/sound calls to amiga video/audio hardware.
                If they don't have that, they need to spend extra time to test the game and find every small nuance of it, have the artists redo all the pixel art from scratch, have the musicians recreate the music by ear, and so on. It's just not possible to do all that in so little time.

                There are plenty of good games on the Amiga but the arcade ports were done with the same mentality as chinese bootlegs, they got a teenager and told them to get it done by next quarter, and if the kid was super fricking lucky they managed to at least get a game cab in the office (the dudes porting Street Fighter had to go to the arcade to figure out the game).

                So why didn't they just make good original games or clones instead?
                Seems like a bunch of lousy excuses for delivering shit-tier software.

              • 7 months ago

                >So why didn't they just make good original games or clones instead?
                Because that takes bigger teams and longer dev cycles, and they need money to eat in the mean time.

                >Seems like a bunch of lousy excuses for delivering shit-tier software.
                you have to blame the executives who had no fricking idea how software worked, they just did everything to nail big licenses.

                unfair. they were working for big companies with top-tier tools and resources. do you think the poor sods at Tiertex had what Konami programmers had in terms of tools and tech support? they just gave them an Amiga and an arcade cab and said "ok have this port done in six weeks. cya."

                >they were working for big companies with top-tier tools and resources.
                if that was true, they could have delivered the source code, but this practically never happened.

                >do you think the poor sods at Tiertex had what Konami programmers had in terms of tools and tech support? they just gave them an Amiga and an arcade cab and said "ok have this port done in six weeks. cya."
                that's... basically what I said to begin with.

              • 7 months ago

                the publishers told them you're going to port Street Fighter 2 to Amiga in one month and you are going to like it. i mean, even David Crane thought home arcade ports were dumb and they should just make original stuff instead.

              • 7 months ago

                >So why didn't they just make good original games or clones instead?
                They did. But you prefer to b***h about a bunch of crappy cashgrab "ports" that you never played on a computer you never had that was discontinued a decade before you were born. Puts things into perspective, isnt'it?

            • 7 months ago

              >So who assisted the original devs?
              We are talking about the ports, not those who made the original games. When doing a port the game has to play and look as close as possible to the originals, and this is really fricking hard if you have to eyeball everything instead of having access to the original assets to create graphics out of, or the original code to analyze the gameplay.

              • 7 months ago

                > Wah wah let me Copy your homework
                So who taught the japanese to make good games?
                Are euros this much of a slave mentality people they can't do things on their own?

                If anything Japan and the US already perfected videogames and euros even fricked up copying them.

    • 7 months ago

      For "console style" gaming closest I can think of is Team17's Alien Breed series.

      Computer Gaming World (when reviewing the inferior PC port, but still) even recommended it to console gamers:
      >Though probably not suitable for the average computer gamer on this continent, this game can make for a pleasant arcade break for the less demanding player. Even better, Alien Breed would be the perfect gift for a friend who is regretting the decision to buy a computer instead of a Nintendo.

    • 7 months ago

      >garbage flamewar thread

      >a genuine weeb moron participates
      I am not giving any of you (You)s that you are looking for.

  7. 7 months ago

    Why do micros live rent free in this boards head?

    • 7 months ago

      Because they're a bunch of mainly US zoomers who think gaming started with IBM PC-compatibles.

      • 7 months ago

        Not even that, they think it started with the NES.

  8. 7 months ago

    I've heard so many older people mention Commodore more often than Amiga, depends on the region we talking about.

  9. 7 months ago

    >Also most games kinda look and play like ass. The jank to quality ratio is off the charts.
    >What's the redeeming Features here?
    It was fairly useful and affordable home computer for multimedia at the time. Many interesting titles originated on it and later enriched PC games library.

  10. 7 months ago

    Sword of Sodan was the showcase game they had on display to sell Amiga's back in the day.

  11. 7 months ago

    proper computer it was

  12. 7 months ago

    >The jank to quality ratio is off the charts.
    It was a computer, not a console. An "open" platform where everyone could just make shit for and publish it themselves without Commodore having any say in it.
    It's like crying PC is shit because there are millions of shitty shovelware titles for it.

    • 7 months ago

      The whole "console licensing = quality control" bullshit is just a bad cope. They were just an excuse for companies like Nintendo, Sega and Sony to gogue third parties for extra cash. A lot of shovelware was still produced and sold for those platforms, regardless of any "Seal of Quality". Amiga had it's shovelware, yes, but it also has it's share of quality titles that it's developers didn't have to pay an arm and a leg to have produced for it.

      • 7 months ago

        >but it also has it's share of quality titles that it's developers didn't have to pay an arm and a leg to have produced for it.
        Such as?
        (In b4 some obscure shitty platformer from Germany where you don't have a jump but a defecate button and that only this anon played)

        • 7 months ago

          Cannon Fodder?
          Turrican 2?
          Sensible Soccer?
          Chaos Engine?
          Lotus 2?

  13. 7 months ago

    any good amiga emulator with a good "romset"

    • 7 months ago

      Amiga Forever, paid bundle of emulator and ROMs that's preconfigured to work out of the box with various presets. There's probably a torrent for it somewhere.

    • 7 months ago

      Amiga Forever, paid bundle of emulator and ROMs that's preconfigured to work out of the box with various presets. There's probably a torrent for it somewhere.

      I keep hoping Zomb does an amiga dreams like his c64 dreams but damn he’s just obsessed with the c64 lol keeps releasing versions of that

  14. 7 months ago

    >The jank to quality ratio is off the charts.
    You mean like the NES and SNES? Yet we don't see you whining about those, I wonder why.

    • 7 months ago

      Because Amiga wishes it had game remotely as good as the worst nes and snes had to offer.

  15. 7 months ago

    the Amiga port of Pang is so fricking good

    • 7 months ago

      It was one of my fav non-jank Amiga games. I know it's an arcade port, but it's great. Rodland was amazing too.

      • 7 months ago

        the Amiga port of Pang is so fricking good

        yeah, this. Shame they left out half the levels in Rodland, but what is there is a clean an arcade port as ever existed.

        >There are plenty of good games on the Amiga
        I keep hearing this but then the games listed are all fricking dogshit.
        (With the exception of Chaos engine, I really like that one)

        Chaos Engine is great but there are tons of other greats too. Based on you liking CE, I'd recommend Speedball 2 as well, but after that would be general recs and YMMV:
        Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (give it a go, it knocks Top Gear on SNES out of the park)

        >Settlers, Turrican, and Worms are all dogshit

        get the frick out of here.

        What makes it jank?
        The awesome sound? The smooth gameplay? The great animation?

        Turrican is a pretty shit series IMO - looks great, moves and scrolls smoothly, sounds even better, and then plays like the dev thought no one would ever bother. Pick *any* run-and-gun from any console and it will play ten thousand times better.

        • 7 months ago

          >looks great, moves and scrolls smoothly, sounds even better, and then plays like the dev thought no one would ever bother

          • 7 months ago

            Very much the same, only sci-fi, yes.

        • 7 months ago

          >Turrican is a pretty shit series IMO - looks great, moves and scrolls smoothly, sounds even better, and then plays like the dev thought no one would ever bother. Pick *any* run-and-gun from any console and it will play ten thousand times better.
          It's even more hilarious when you read Julian Eggbrechts reviews for German videogame magazines where he shits on super c for being too clunky.
          Like this dude reviewed games far superior to the one he was making and was seemingly unable to take the proper clues.

          • 7 months ago

            Is Super Contra the SNES games they renamed Super Probotector for the PAL regions? That's a superb game. So yes, even funnier.

            • 7 months ago

              He also shat on Darius II.
              But generally it seems like he played mostly japanese import games for PC engine.
              Here's 106 of his reviews archived


              • 7 months ago

                to be fair, darius II is the worst darius game by a huge margin.

  16. 7 months ago

    nonetheless Rodland was a source port and proved you could make a very good port on Amiga with the actual original code and art assets. that was rarely ever available though.

  17. 7 months ago

    Atari 2600 Pac-Man was the first example of an arcade port disaster caused by tech-illiterate suits who could not understand why the game needed 8k ROM to be somewhat ok. they only knew that "bigger ROM costs us more money."

    • 7 months ago

      >they only knew that "bigger ROM costs us more money."

      reminds me of that guy who ported Another World to SNES.

      >I thought I could get this game running at 60 frames per second by putting a super FX chip in there. I got a copy of Starfox I pull the chip out figured out how the chip worked and started using it. I had OotW running at 60fps! I said "hey Brian the game is getting ready to ship, here's the cartridge I'm gonna need".
      >He looks at the price list and says "Can you get rid of super FX chip? It's too expensive!".

      >I found this trick that if I had static memory [WRAM] on the cartridge I can actually copy that static memory at super speeds using DMA and I said "Give me a cartridge that uses a static memory and I could get to 30 frames per second".
      >And he goes like "That's too expensive!".

      >I did make it so that I could get the software running again to run at about 30 frames per second if of course I'm using a fast cartridge because cartridges at the time you could buy them either 2.68Mhz [SlowROM] or 3.58Mhz [FastROM].
      >Then Fargo comes out he said "Can you use the slower ROM it'll save 50 cents a cartridge.".

      • 7 months ago

        they were French and yes they were cheap. Titus were also cheap as frick, most of their SNES games were 4 megabits.

      • 7 months ago

        Another World actually is a FastROM game, I checked.

  18. 7 months ago

    to be perfectly fair a lot of late 80s arcade games were getting too complex for the Amiga to handle anyway. many of these games never even got a NES port because they figured it couldn't do it. yet they thought a ZX Spectrum should get ports of 68k based arcade games?

    • 7 months ago

      right. see

      >Settlers was always mid
      lol, fricking no.

      >worms is fun but it's also not good. It's fun jank.
      If a video game is fun to play then it is by definition a good game, they sold fricking 75 million of the series for that specific reason.

      Games in the west were (and still are) driven by corporate executives knowing shit about software and games, putting unrealistic demands on developers. This got you shit like Atari Pacman which was something like a prototype demo put together in a week that the execs took away from the programmer and printed millions of copies of and crashed the fricking industry with it.
      Japan meanwhile had Nintendo who gave enough time for their developers to actually finish the game they are making. And then Nintendo America only brought over only the top game of every company every year to make the NES look that much higher quality while the Famicom was flooded with kusoge.

      Try playing shit like Hoshi wo Miru Hito, that was your average console game in japan in the 1980s.

      you couldn't explain to US Gold suits why a lot of these ports were a bad idea or the hardware wasn't up to it. it wasn't like Irem going "oh well the NES can't do R-Type, forget it."

      • 7 months ago

        to be perfectly fair a lot of late 80s arcade games were getting too complex for the Amiga to handle anyway. many of these games never even got a NES port because they figured it couldn't do it. yet they thought a ZX Spectrum should get ports of 68k based arcade games?

        the Amiga had quite good ports of Gauntlet and Commando as those were mid-80s games so it could easily handle them. by the time you get to SF2 it was pretty hopeless, even having the arcade source code wouldn't help that much.

        • 7 months ago

          same with the NES. it could do arcade ports well up to about '86 and then after that it had no chance to keep up anymore.

      • 7 months ago

        to be fair cartridges were expensive and Irem didn't want to damage their image by putting out an inferior NES port of R-Type. making a "port" of Double Dragon on Amiga cost almost nothing. i mean, US Gold were not an arcade manufacturer they were businessmen in the business of license speculation. as long as they got something that was a vague facsimile of DD, that was good enough.

  19. 7 months ago

    and LJN were the gods of cheap. they usually used CNROM or UNROM for their NES games and if it was MMC1 they bought Acclaim's clone boards as they were cheaper than Nintendo's.

  20. 7 months ago

    Amigacels are the most fragile of all retro fanbases.
    We should give them a special board where they can cope about how their one button joystick ports of japanese arcade games were sabotaged by the evil japanese corporations.

    • 7 months ago

      >We should give them a special board where they can cope about how their one button joystick ports of japanese arcade games were sabotaged by the evil japanese corporations.
      the problem was most of these ports never should have been attempted. whoever thought CPS-I games on Amiga were a good idea needed to seriously quit working in the software industry.

      • 7 months ago

        Worked on PC engine and mega drive just fine.

        • 7 months ago

          >Worked on PC engine and mega drive just fine.
          those were also newer tech. the OCS Amiga was 1985 hardware it was more of a Master System than a Mega Drive contemporary.

          the Amiga had really good ports of Commando and Marble Madness since those came out in the arcades in 84, 85. expecting it to do accurate port of SF2 which was from 91 and had 10Mhz CPU was asking too much. arcade tech was advancing really fast back then.

          • 7 months ago

            >We should give them a special board where they can cope about how their one button joystick ports of japanese arcade games were sabotaged by the evil japanese corporations.
            the problem was most of these ports never should have been attempted. whoever thought CPS-I games on Amiga were a good idea needed to seriously quit working in the software industry.

            No they shouldn't have been attempted but US Gold weren't that concerned with anything but your 9 year old self seeing SF2 on the box and thinking you were actually going to play SF2 on your Amiga instead of what amounted to a bad Chinese bootleg of the game.

          • 7 months ago

            The Mega Drive is cheaper hardware from 88 with the same CPU, less memory, and less capable graphics and sound chipset.

            • 7 months ago

              >The Mega Drive is cheaper hardware from 88 with the same CPU, less memory, and less capable graphics and sound chipset.

              MD is more capable than the Amiga in everything except PCM playback and framebuffer based games (which the MD was not built for). It also has less RAM but it makes up for that with carts being mapped to memory.

              • 7 months ago

                >MD is more capable than the Amiga in everything except
                >more colors
                >more sprites
                >more sound channels
                >sound data isn't sample-based so it has a smaller memory footprint (Amiga games tend to have very little music due to the memory hogging samples used)
                >not slowed down by memory mapped video
                >can flip sprites
                >two background layers
                If you needed a keyboard and lots of rewritable RAM the Amiga was better but it can't touch the MD for any kind of action game.

              • 7 months ago

                You are arguing backwards, dipshit. I was specifically saying the MD is better.

          • 7 months ago

            The OCS had superior bitmap capability to any 16 bit console. The blitter powered bitplane system was more advanced than the classic sprite/tile system in those consoles, except for the atari lynx which was essentially an evolution of the amiga hardware.

      • 7 months ago

        >most of these ports never should have been attempted
        Storage size issue aside (the RAM could be expanded anyway) the Amiga was powerful enough for these games. Original Amiga fighting games like Body Blows, Fighting Spirit, and Shadow Fighter look and run much better than those CPS1 ports. The Mortal Kombat games have downgraded graphics but very playable as well. No need for a special fighting board, there's the keyboard.

        Worked on PC engine and mega drive just fine.

        The Mega Drive had a huge cartridge capacity. The PC engine port is essentially two cartridges cobbled together because the game is too large.

        • 7 months ago

          >the Amiga was powerful enough for these games
          it's actually a little slower than the Mega Drive despite the same paper clock speed because the video RAM is memory mapped so the CPU has to stop to let Angus/Denise access it. the MD has other niceities like hardware flipping of sprites which the Amiga cannot do.

          • 7 months ago

            And it's only got one background layer. Like I said the OCS chipset is really more Master System tech level than Mega Drive.

          • 7 months ago

            "Powerful enough", I didn't say it's the ideal speed. CPS1 games were designed for sprites and tiles based systems with instantaneous ROM access. GPU and ROM cartridge matter more than the CPU in this case. Amiga has the superior pixel moving and screen updating capability though, as seen in the demoscenes, 3D games, and any game with image scaling.

            • 7 months ago

              >the Amiga was powerful enough for these games
              it's actually a little slower than the Mega Drive despite the same paper clock speed because the video RAM is memory mapped so the CPU has to stop to let Angus/Denise access it. the MD has other niceities like hardware flipping of sprites which the Amiga cannot do.

              The Amiga was powerful hardware. The only problem was pretty much the only developers were moronic British and German teenagers.
              That's why modern Amiga homebrew kicks the ass of all those old shit Amiga Games. The hardware was just never properly utilized until recently.

        • 7 months ago

          >Fighting Spirit, and Shadow Fighter look and run much better than those CPS1 ports
          You forgot "play" because they play like fricking ass

  21. 7 months ago

    Since this is now the dedicated Amiga thread, any reason why there was never a proper Zelda clone for Amiga? Seems like a missed opportunity.

    • 7 months ago

      Making a good Zelda-like is actually harder than most people think

    • 7 months ago

      Darkmere is Zelda-ish

      • 7 months ago

        Wouldn't it be closer to Landstalker?

    • 7 months ago

      You mean action adventure with very light RPG mechanics? The Faery Tale Adventure and Autoduel were older, much bigger, and had more complex RPG mechanics than Zelda. Moonstone is in the same genre as Zelda II.
      >missed opportunity
      Why? There's a zelda clone for TI-99 made in the 80s, you don't need something as powerful as the Amiga to play a zelda clone. It's capable of much more complex games.

      • 7 months ago

        >It's capable of much more complex games
        So where are they?

        • 7 months ago

          I suggest browsing this site:

          • 7 months ago

            I already know there is no competent Zelda clone on Amiga.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm confused.
              What does that have to do with more complex games?

              • 7 months ago

                Your point about complex games stands on it's own, but not necessarily in reply to that anon talking about Zelda clones. He was justified in asking you to clarify what you were trying to say.

              • 7 months ago

                That was a post made by a different anon but I interpreted his post to mean that the Amiga is technically capable of making a game with the complexity of Zelda or more, which it obviously is. It's an 8-bit game ffs.

              • 7 months ago

                again, not really an answer to why there isn't any Zelda clones apart from a why-would-you-want-to implication. Why may not have been the poster's intent.

              • 7 months ago

                If I wanted to play games designed for nine/ten year olds I would play them on a tendie

              • 7 months ago

                Why would you want to? Zelda was never anywhere as popular as mario, sonic, street fighter, and many other titles. Amiga devs saw no incentive to make a zelda clone. Why are zeldagays so narcissistic?

        • 7 months ago

          >complains that the Amiga has no complex games
          >while staning fricking ys
          Just when I thought anti-Amiga gays couldn't get any more moronic, they find new ways to prove me wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        How do you define complex? Most Amiga games are fairly simple stuff and got really outdated gameplay mechanics, even for the time.

        • 7 months ago

          Most games on any system were, except for the IBM PC because it sucked ass for anything with colorful fast moving graphics. Action games are just quicker to make and had a wider audience. But the Amiga had a shit ton of RPG and strategy games, as well as IBM ports. Shit, most PC-88/98 games with any kind of depth were IBM ports, the rest were braindead VNs and "action" "RPGs". The Amiga probably had more original "deep" titles.

          • 7 months ago

            That's bullshit btw. Like real crock of shit levels of bullshit.
            You keep alluding to specific genres and then you pull some mid german blobber nobody ever heard of (because it's shit) out of your hat and hope nobody will call you out on it.
            You like the idea of the Amiga, you don't actually like the Amiga. I doubt you even own a Amiga in the first place.

            • 7 months ago

              Says the guy who can't think of a single complex Amiga game of which there were a ton. Like all the MicroProse classics had Amiga releases. And all those autistic German sim games.
              It sounds like you never even seen an Amiga game.

              • 7 months ago

                You still can't name a single one. Only allude to them.
                Because you know they don't hold up well.

              • 7 months ago

                Do I really have to spell out MicroProse classics to you, you braindead zoomer? Like fricking Pirates, Civilization, Colonization, and X-Com?

              • 7 months ago

                Those were all ports you fricking dipshit clown. Civilization was even on the SNES, pirates even on the nes.
                We were talking about original games for Amiga, not ports of popular PC games that even the nes got.

              • 7 months ago

                >Those were all ports you fricking dipshit clown.
                Did I say they weren't?
                What does that matter with the argument at hand about what complexity of games the Amiga supports.
                >We were talking about original games for Amiga
                Who was? I certainly wasn't. What does it matter?

              • 7 months ago

                You claimed there is no Zelda for Amiga because it is far too complex for such a simple game. And for complex games you bring up a port of Sid Meier's pirates (also ported to nes btw) because your moronic kraut brain can't comprehend actual gameplay being complex. Gotta be a simulation game (that also ran on nes)

                You are fricking stupid you dweeb

              • 7 months ago

                >You claimed there is no Zelda for Amiga because it is far too complex for such a simple game.
                I didn't.
                Some other anon said that the Amiga is capable of far more complex games than Zelda which it obviously is. So again, what does that have to do with ports?

              • 7 months ago

                Show me the Amiga game that is more complex than Zelda.
                And I mean mechanically complex in terms of gameplay, not a port of some microprose spreadsheet simulator, Hans.

              • 7 months ago

                What does that even mean?
                What is your definition of "mechanically complex" that makes Enemy Unknown less complex than fricking Zelda?
                I really have no idea what you're even talking about.

              • 7 months ago

                Stop bringing up one of the worst ports for Amiga you fricking clown.
                Yeah I'm sure this turn based tactical strategy game from 1994 that ran like shit on Amiga is a better action adventure than Zelda.
                What are you even comparing at this point you moron?

              • 7 months ago

                Let me explain it to you in simple terms.
                Making a terrible port of X-Com for amiga, that is barely playable might cause a game thats cumbersome to play -
                but a far more impressive and complex work of programming would have been to create a smooth and fluid clone of zelda (since we're in the mid 90s with your examples, lets take zelda 3 as the template) that has 8 directions of movement, proper enemy behavior, pleasing graphics.

              • 7 months ago

                The X-Com port was absolutely fine though.
                I don't know in what world an elf moving in EIGHT WHOLE DIRECTIONS is more impressive and complex than a fairly decent port of a CPU heavy game on a cheaper machine with a much weaker CPU.

              • 7 months ago

                >The X-Com port was absolutely fine though.
                Na man, it performed like fricking shit.

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, dude it was fine.

                >don't know in what world an elf moving in EIGHT WHOLE DIRECTIONS is more impressive and complex
                Creating good and fluid gameplay is one of the most complex things in game development.
                Especially back then. Well "back then" since your only saving grace for the amiga not having a decent zelda clone seems to be the barely working 1994 port of X-com. I have no idea how your moron brain reached this point, but I guess this is what we're discussing here.

                There were plenty of games with good and fluid action as well, if that's what you suddenly mean with "complex". Lots of them already mentioned in this very thread.

              • 7 months ago

                >There were plenty of games with good and fluid action as well, if that's what you suddenly mean with "complex". Lots of them already mentioned in this very thread.
                I think enough people have shat on you for trying to compare civilization to zelda in terms of gameplay, I don't need to repeat that.
                Then show me the zelda clone for amiga that performs on the same level as zelda 3 for snes.

              • 7 months ago

                So your definition of complexity is now an "exact clone of Zelda 3" lol

              • 7 months ago

                When asked about a amiga original adventure matching zelda in complexity and gameplay you presented civilization and x-com. Needless to say you're moronic.

              • 7 months ago

                >Nah, dude it was fine.
                Maybe on your emulator, zoomie.
                Even amiga magazines back in the day complained about how poor of a port it was.
                I think in terms of review scores and lasting legacy zelda does infact beat the amiga port of ufo, if we were to compare apples and oranges like you do.
                Aside from that - comparing UFO and zelda for some fricking reason is one of the dumbest things I've ever read someone do on Ganker.
                Are you trolling or are you legit mentally ill?

              • 7 months ago

                That pic is talking about the A500 version.
                It complains about how it's slower than the A1200 version, which actually came first.

                When asked about a amiga original adventure matching zelda in complexity and gameplay you presented civilization and x-com. Needless to say you're moronic.

                >When asked about a amiga original adventure matching zelda
                Why do you lie?

                Show me the Amiga game that is more complex than Zelda.
                And I mean mechanically complex in terms of gameplay, not a port of some microprose spreadsheet simulator, Hans.

                >Show me the Amiga game that is more complex than Zelda.
                That's what you asked and that's what I gave you. And now you just keep moving goal posts until I have to come with an exact clone of Zelda 3.
                Ridiculous. Just take the L,

              • 7 months ago

                >don't know in what world an elf moving in EIGHT WHOLE DIRECTIONS is more impressive and complex
                Creating good and fluid gameplay is one of the most complex things in game development.
                Especially back then. Well "back then" since your only saving grace for the amiga not having a decent zelda clone seems to be the barely working 1994 port of X-com. I have no idea how your moron brain reached this point, but I guess this is what we're discussing here.

              • 7 months ago

                >Who was? I certainly wasn't. What does it matter
                Yeah, you were mostly talking out of your ass and rushing from Wikipedia page to Wikipedia page to somehow "make a point" no matter how incoherent.
                The original anon asked why there was no Zelda clone for Amiga and somehow you narrowed it down to "because Amiga got civilization". Like what the frick are you even trying to say here?

              • 7 months ago

                >show me games that are more complex than Zelda!
                >okay, here are some games that are clearly more complex than Zelda
                >NOOOOO YOU CANT DO THAT
                The frick is even happening now?

              • 7 months ago

                If you don't realize why bringing up a port civilization as an example of a original Amiga action adventure in the vein of Zelda your autism is too strong for this thread, Hans.
                I think you need to venture out to look for other Germans who can comprehend your autistic way of thinking.

              • 7 months ago

                >as an example of a original Amiga action adventure in the vein of Zelda
                Who did that?
                I mentioned it as an example of a game that is more complex than Zelda.
                Nothing more, nothing less.
                Read what people actually say, instead of bringing your own internal head canon into it.

                Yeah, or you could just play the psx port at this point.

                Didn't even know that existed.
                Was there are a mouse for the PSX like the SNES or did you have to play it with the controller?

              • 7 months ago

                >I mentioned it as an example of a game that is more complex than Zelda.
                So you think pirates is a more complex action adventure than zelda? With more complex movement systems, enemy ai, in real time (not turn based) etc?

          • 7 months ago

            Even the msx had a more complex library of games than the Amiga. and the msx couldn't even do harfwa scrolling

            • 7 months ago

              >Even the msx had a more complex library of games than the Amiga
              The original 32KB msx? The 64KB revisions? kek not even remotely.

              • 7 months ago

                Show me the equivalent of metal gear on Amiga. Or snatcher.
                With the same lasting legacy.
                Heck, even the Castlevania port for msx played better than the Amiga port

              • 7 months ago

                >Show me the equivalent of metal gear on Amiga. Or snatcher.
                >With the same lasting legacy.
                What legacy? Only reason people care about Metal Gear is because of MGS.
                And no one cares about Snatcher except for Kojima fanboys.

                And what does any of that have to do with complexity?
                Show me something as complex as Enemy Unknown on the MSX.

              • 7 months ago

                The enemy unknown port for Amiga was fricking atrocious you fricking clown.
                Legit unplayable. One of the worst ports.

              • 7 months ago

                Maybe the A500 version. I only played the A1200 one. It was pretty good.

              • 7 months ago

                Says more about you than you think. I doubt you played it on original hardware.

              • 7 months ago

                I doubt you've ever seen an Amiga in real life and you're just a moronic burger mad about everything that you don't understand.

              • 7 months ago

                I've seen several, back when they were still current hardware. That's why I know they were only used to play Simon the sorcerer, James Pond and that Kellogg's platformer by factor 5.
                For UFO you went dos.its really like this.

              • 7 months ago

                >For UFO you went dos.its really like this.
                Except a PC was a lot more expensive than an Amiga.
                There was plenty of reason to play pc ports on your Amiga.
                Now go away, zoomer.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, or you could just play the psx port at this point.

              • 7 months ago

                >lasting legacy
                Worms and Lemmings are more alive and popular than any of those kojimer slop.
                >even the Castlevania port for msx played better than the Amiga port
                Good port plays better than a bad port? Shocking!

              • 7 months ago

                Worms was released 1995. At that point psx and saturn already hit the market. The Amiga Version of worms wasn't the one that left a legacy, the PC version was.

              • 7 months ago

                This except not baiting. Also, the first Worms wasn't that popular. The series only exploded in popularity when Worms 2 released on Windows, with the famous worm design everyone knows (pic related)

              • 7 months ago

                >the first Worms wasn't that popular.

                not correct, it was extremely popular, and you could play it on anything from PC to Gameboy to Playstation.

                By comparison it's the 2nd game that wasn't too hot at the beginning, it was very clunky when it came to settings and content. They streamlined it a ton with Worms Armageddon and World Party, which were more successful and added a lot of stuff the game is known for even today. Worms 2 was basically Worms 1 with new graphics and the mortar.

              • 7 months ago

                Literally no one I know has ever played a Worms game before either Worms 2 or Armageddon

              • 7 months ago

                Who do you even know besides your mommy?

              • 7 months ago

                Everyone I know played Worms 1, Armageddon and World Party, but nobody played Worms 2.

      • 7 months ago

        >Moonstone is in the same genre as Zelda II.
        How do you figure?

        • 7 months ago

          nta but I can see some similarities
          You have a top-down overmap, you have side view for the action, and both are action-adventure/ARPG

    • 7 months ago

      Speris Legacy. And noone in Europe knew or cared enough about Zelda to attempt cloning it. The real deal was to make a Doom clone.

      • 7 months ago

        Agree, nintendo was pretty also-ran in Europe.

        • 7 months ago

          Not in Germany (the only place where Amiga ever mattered)

  22. 7 months ago

    The Amiga was only relevant for Europeans. I look at the list of WHDLoad titles for download and 98% of them are for PAL Amigas.

    • 7 months ago

      Australia used PAL Amigas

    • 7 months ago

      >The Amiga was only relevant for Europeans. I look at the list of WHDLoad titles for download and 98% of them are for PAL Amigas
      there weren't as many NTSC games but there are some for example EA and Microprose releases.

  23. 7 months ago

    here's what I mean. take Moonwalker. the Amiga has a pretty good sample of the first couple bars of "Bad", right? well that's all it has because of memory limitations. Atari ST games had way more music because it used PSG so the sound data took very little space.

  24. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Amiga did not come from Germany nor Switzerland.

    • 7 months ago

      Its not that the Amiga can't handle arcade ports very well, its that most the the devs did a half-assed job at best with their efforts. At least its not the Atari ST, Atari 2600, nor the cheesy NES version.

  25. 7 months ago

    Art thou feeling it, PCgays?

    • 7 months ago

      first off why does anyone care about arcade ports you can just play on MAME?

      • 7 months ago

        >first off why does anyone care about arcade ports you can just play on MAME?

        You didn't have MAME in 1993 on the Amiga.

    • 7 months ago

      None of these games matter. The game that matters the most is the one that's so good people are still playing it literally 30 years later.
      And inb4 you bring up modern sourceports, those only run smoothly with modern Amiga hardware that didn't exist back then. Doom doesn't play at an acceptable performance on 1993 Amiga hardware

      • 7 months ago

        it's like "yeah if I buy this $1k 68060 accelerator board i can play Doom at 10 fps XD"

      • 7 months ago

        >The game that matters the most is the one that's so good people are still playing it literally 30 years later.
        Another World?

        • 7 months ago

          Yes, I’m sure the modern Another World community is bigger and more active than Doom's

      • 7 months ago

        This was the real Amiga killer.
        Closest game Amiga got was Alien Breed 3D which ran in a small window with low resolution.

        Though tbf that's how I used to run Doom back in the day, but this came out the year before Quake. Killing Grounds was prettier, but required a really powerful machine to run smoothly. Alien Breed 3D has a remake though, that ironically uses GZDoom.

        • 7 months ago

          >Closest game Amiga got was Alien Breed 3D which ran in a small window with low resolution.

          and it came out in like 1996, required AGA machines and ran like ass on anything that wasn't an A4000.

          • 7 months ago

            A4000 cost like $3600 in 1992 and would've been a lot cheaper in 1996. That's way cheaper than a 386DX PC that's required to run Doom not like ass.

            • 7 months ago

              >a 386DX PC that's required to run Doom not like ass
              First of all, Doom doesn't run at all on a 286 anyway so a 386 is the absolute minimum requirement, it literally can't run on a 286 because it lacks the instructions to simply run. Also, Doom runs the same on an SX or DX chip because it doesn't use floating points calculations at all
              Doom also runs like ass even on the best 386. You need at least a 486 if you want a playable framerate with a screen size bigger than a postage stamp
              Pic related is the framerates you're gonna get on the fastest 386 (40 MHz)

      • 7 months ago

        That's 7 years after the Amiga OCS was released. Doom didn't kill Amiga, Amiga simply got obsolete. Also, it required 386DX to be playable back in the day. Those PCs cost at the very least 4 times the Amiga 1200's launch price. Only morons would expect Doom could possibly run on Amiga's puny 68000.
        >Doom doesn't play at an acceptable performance on 1993 Amiga hardware
        Neither it did on any PC weaker than 386DX. The only console capable of running it well back in the day was Atari Jaguar which had 2 powerful RISC chips running simultaneously.

        • 7 months ago

          It's funny how amigagays itt claim their crappy xcom port from 94 as the killer app that dabs on every other platform but simultaneously go "akshually the Amiga was only good in the 80s you chud"

          • 7 months ago

            >akshually the Amiga was only good in the 80s you chud
            Nah it was good throughout the 90s. Not everyone was willing to chug out $4000 and upgrade their system every year to play video games. The Amiga OCS kept getting quality titles up to 1995, as well as an extremely huge accumulated library of older games.

            >Doom didn't kill Amiga, Amiga simply got obsolete
            If you're not baiting I hope you'll think about what you just said

            Tell me how it's wrong. Motorola's 68000 family failed to keep up with Intel's CPU, it wasn't Commodore's fault that the Amiga platform got obsoleted. Even Amiga AGA was barely backwards compatible with the OCS. If they switched to the new RISC or Intel CPUs it wouldn't have been an Amiga computer anymore, and they didn't have the production line for it.

            • 7 months ago

              the problem was that they kept doing stupid semi-upgrades that went nowhere. AGA was years late and already obsolete at launch. they should've focused on the AAA chipset instead which was something like 4x stronger than AGA.

              Or the Hombre, but that was a completely clean slate with 0 backwards compatibility. Supposedly they wanted it made as a PCI card and it would've been a 3d accelerator about as strong as the Playstation but with Z-buffer, 32bit color, and up to 1280x1024 resolution. If they released that in 1994/5, it could've been the 3dfx voodoo but a year earlier.

              • 7 months ago

                There was nowhere to go for Commodore. All non-IBM compatible home computers were all failing, the AGA couldn't have been fully BC, and betting on the Hombre would've been risky. Their best chance would've been selling Amiga 500 refreshed models (in the same vein of Atari 2600 Jr and NES toploader) and launching a gameboy competitor. Only the handheld market showed some kind of promise back then for money starved tech companies with obsolete tech. Every company other than Nintendo either made wrong decisions or half assed it, even though it was easy to figure out what the handheld market wanted.

              • 7 months ago

                >Only the handheld market showed some kind of promise back then for money starved tech companies with obsolete tech
                Commodore was anything but cash-starved, they were actually making huge profits but none of that money went into R&D or new products, it was spent buying Irving Gould and Mehdi Ali new beachfront houses in Hawaii.

              • 7 months ago

                Irving Gould was really the wrong guy for the job, he was 65 when he took over as CEO, almost a decade older than Jack Tramiel. He wasn't exactly driven or out to do anything but pad his retirement fund. they should have gotten some 40 year old instead.

              • 7 months ago

                >Gould replaced Tramiel with Marshall F. Smith
                From wikipedia, but Gould wasn't a CEO, he was chairman of the board since the mid-60's

        • 7 months ago

          >Doom didn't kill Amiga, Amiga simply got obsolete
          If you're not baiting I hope you'll think about what you just said

          • 7 months ago

            NTA, but it's true. Amiga simply became obsolete, same as every other PC using 16-bit (or hybrid 16/32-bit) CPUs, including the 80286.

            • 7 months ago

              IBM-compatibles never became obsolete because they kept releasing new hardware that upgraded the architecture everybody used. In fact, if you're currently posting from an x86 machine, you're using an IBM-compatible

              • 7 months ago

                You're mixing up hardware architectures with instruction set architectures. And that's not correct either, the IA-32 instruction set has become fully deprecated as well.

              • 7 months ago

                >IA-32 instruction set has become fully deprecated as well
                I run 32-bit software all the time on my W10 machine, including newly compiled software
                >b-but, WoW64
                Don't care, 32-bit software still runs on my modern Windows machine

              • 7 months ago

                Now try doing the reverse, i.e. run AMD64 (it's AMD64 damn it, not x86-64, frick Intel) code on a IA-32 machine.

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, Commando, MM, and Paperboy are good ports but again they came out around the same time as the OCS Amiga. When they tried doing System 16 and CPS-I games then...yeah.

  26. 7 months ago

    this board is PERMA mogged by the Amiga, literal brainlet console kiddies who can’t fathom anything other than scotformers

    • 7 months ago

      hi, australiakun.
      Your life has been perma mogged by japanese video game devs!

  27. 7 months ago

    The patrician had both an Amiga and consoles.

  28. 7 months ago

    Amigagays are second only to Saturngays for extreme cope and delusions.

  29. 7 months ago

    XCOM was an Amiga original game, as was civilization, sims, dune and many other patrician games.

  30. 7 months ago

    speaking of all the zelda crap, as I recall Team 17 was working on a decent one (Witchwood) but it never got released because it was too far from completion and Worms was more important. The sound guy released the soundtrack on CD.

  31. 7 months ago

    Why didn't Amiga fans emulate Amiga on PCs back then?
    Amiga is fricking expensive and emulation is free and you don't need to buy a $2000 crt for it to work

    • 7 months ago


  32. 7 months ago

    >so mindbroken you have to constantly make threads about a home computer from the 80's that you hate in order to validate your own thinly veiled ignorant opinions.
    Amiga bros, I think we've been bullying the haters too hard lately. Go easy on them.

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