Amnesia The bunker

Is this the horror masterpiece of the year? Why isn't it more popular?

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  1. 11 months ago

    They ruined their reputation and shitty clones saturated the market

  2. 11 months ago

    It's really really fricking good. I did a quasi no-generator run on my first playthrough and it was one of the best horror experience i had in recent years.
    Maybe a game like darkwood was scarier and moodier but it's too different to compare them.

    It proves they can still make good games when they let the competent people hand the project. I honestly can't wait for custom maps and stories to come out for this one.

  3. 11 months ago

    Would have been so much better with ink ribbons

  4. 11 months ago

    I think the game could've used an optional life system like darkwood to prevent you from doing things like suicide runs to find items

    • 11 months ago

      So it seems, so it seems

      Good idea

    • 11 months ago

      What do you mean?

      • 11 months ago

        NTA, darkwood has a sort of similar system in terms of rng granted, each run is a different map

      • 11 months ago

        Darkwood by default gives you a few lives. if you run out, the game's over. That's it. Start again.

        Bunker is short and replayable enough for that to work, and it has a small issue where the map is small enough and there's nothing really stopping you from just throwing safety to the wind and running blindly into a new area to map out items are without wasting your valuable generator fuel and then coming back to do it more safely. Giving you a potentially massive penalty for death would prevent that. Even Darkwood just makes it an option so it's not like it'd be foisted on everyone

        • 11 months ago

          Gripp's entire game design philosophy for horror hinges on not making the player redo content so he's in an odd place where he wouldn't want people to play the game from the beginning again but also players are incentivized to run through (effectively doing content twice) things to chart a course for after death.

          • 11 months ago

            But if you make players dead set on avoiding death, couldn't that prevent people from brute forcing sections and dying over and over again, which is sort of the death of horror?

            The balance to hit is that you want the player to win- a lot of horror games are easy because everyone knows that once you've hit fail state and have to repeat content, the fear is gone, because the worst has already passed. I'm actually really into the idea of lives and the potential of permadeath because it keeps things nerve-wracking with the presence of an actual consequence.

            • 11 months ago

              I think it makes sense tbh, Amnesia Justine did something similar - but it was too linear and short so you could still do the same thing to some extent.

              • 11 months ago

                *makes sense to have permadeath

        • 11 months ago

          I played Darkwood with infinite lives/dark souls corpse run backs, I thought it was either infinite lives or a single life in hardcore. I didn't know there was something in between, which I would have enjoyed, maybe for a future replay. How many lives do you get then? And can you find 'new lives' as items in the game or?

          • 11 months ago

            you get 4 lives and can restore them with secret items iirc

          • 11 months ago

            The other anon who responded to you is correct, but I want to say I tried to play it with the limited lives my first playthrough and the amount given wasn't close to enough. After about 3-5 hours in the game I was down to one life and nowhere near the end so I got frustrated. Tried to replay with infinite lives and there was little tension because there were no consequences and the long night sequences became boring.

            I really want to love Darkwood but the lives system kept me from enjoying it even though it seems like a good idea to me on paper. I feel Darkwood's difficulty is more about knowledge than anything, which makes deaths feel scary but not like they are my fault. So when the entire playthrough is put into danger because of stuff I couldn't have known the frustration outweighs the fear.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah i might have gone on a reconnaissance run or two, death has no real penalty in this game unless you've been outside the safe room for a loong time. But i usually did short and focused expeditions

    • 11 months ago

      Idk, this kind of game is made for you to make mistakes and find the optimal route, you shouldn't be punished for that when they game already punishes you for wasting resources

  5. 11 months ago

    it came out the same day as Diablo 4 so no one was paying attention, and now the streamers have moved onto other stuff
    they might get another chance around halloween

  6. 11 months ago

    I think i'm the only person to not have collected the Shotgun. I often left my gun in the safe and had to escape that situation without dealing with it the normal way. It's cool that you can tackle aspects of the game so differently

  7. 11 months ago

    >love penumbra and TDD
    >machine for pigs was fine
    >liked soma
    >hated rebirth
    will i like the bunker?

  8. 11 months ago

    I played on hard and I do have mixed feelings about some of the core design dissonance. Playing on hard will encourage you to play like a pussy and run back to the save room after every tiny event instead of staying in the area and pushing forward, because any encounter results in insta death. It pushes you to find ways to cheese the systems, so it ends up being less hard, you know what I mean? It rewards endless backtracking by resetting the beast once you leave. And because you're in the dark most of the time, it'll push you to do suicide/recon runs where you turn on the lights, just to recon what's valuable and where, then do a 'real' run in the dark without actually using fuel supply.

    Make saving limited like RE. Randomize item placement everytime you reload a save or die, not only once at the beginning of the game. Would solve these issues.

  9. 11 months ago

    Not sure if they did a lot of marketing. I thought the release was months away.
    Other than that, it's good, but very short unfortunately.

  10. 11 months ago

    It was neither fun nor scary

  11. 11 months ago

    very great game
    hope their next games are more like this

  12. 11 months ago

    Oh also still playing the Bunker but I am loving it so far. I can see what people are saying about the infinite saves. I just play on normal and try to play it "in-character." I don't feel the need to cheese the game systems to get an advantage.

  13. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Kill all rats

  14. 11 months ago

    shellshocked needs to rng wrench and cutters

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