Anachronisms in your settings

That's a serious thread.
I know fantasy settings are supposed to be medieval yet realistic, but I honestly think it's not a big deal to include some things that feel more modern and familiar to us, such as fast food chains, modern synthetic materials for clothing (nylon, etc), soap and shampoo for hygiene, some sorts of fast communication and mass media devices (telephone, TV) and so on to make life in the medieval fantasy world more comfortable. Not everything is supposed to be covered in mud, you know.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    If you’re baiting frick you but if you’re serious you should try to stay away from anachronisms as much as you can because they cheapen the setting. There a bunch of medieval settings with stuff out of the early modern period but that doesn’t stick out too much. Adding modern concepts to a medieval setting makes it boring shit.

    • 2 years ago

      This. No-game gays don't realize how historically regressive the average normie group can get. Why else would evil people complain about "turning back the clock".

  2. 2 years ago

    ok but other then the fast communication none of this shit is relevant to an actual GAME outside of worldbuilding circlejerks
    >fast food chains
    go to bed americlap

  3. 2 years ago

    >Made-up world
    Pick one and only one

    • 2 years ago

      Fast food wouldn't even be too horrible for a fantasy setting. From what I know sometimes supermarathon runners will in between eat borgir and candy because they are very calorie dense and have a high gkycemic index score, meaning it's energy that's very quickly absorbed. Great if you need a quick boost of energy, not so great if it's sedentary and your body stores it as fat while barely filling you up.

      Add to this the fact that hamboigahs, especially the meatier ones with extra cheese, have a lot of protein that helps in building and maintaining muscle. While medieval man did not understand the science behind it, as early as the Ancient Greeks it was understood that you need to eat a lot of meat to pack on muscle.

      Finally there's carboloading where you eat a lot of carbs in preparation for intense work (like a multi day sports event or something) to build up good energy reserves.

      In other words I could imagine the dadbod barbarian ordering two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s one with cheese and a large soda while claiming he's "not fat, just bulking" and boasting about how much he could bench in high school.

      • 2 years ago

        >Three oinkers wearing pants, plate of hot air, basket of Grandma's breakfast and change the bull to a gill, got it.

      • 2 years ago

        She only wants your money and will never know you even exist lol

        • 2 years ago

          Yes. The same applies to others on YouTube, actors, comedians, writers and pretty much anyone in the entertainment industry. Everyone only cares about your money or what you can otherwise do for them. I feel sorry for you if it took you this long to figure it out.

          • 2 years ago

            difference is that those industries aren't s built on incel simps trying to buy a fake relationships from some screeching asiatic lol

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, and? What's your objection, that there are services for incels to alleviate their loneliness, or that our society created enough incels to make those services financially viable in the first place?

              • 2 years ago

                Lonely incels would be better off going to see prostitutes than watching a V-tuber for countless hours.

              • 2 years ago

                To play the devil's advocate, it's more often an emotional need rather than a purely sexual one. It's why ethots are such a recent phenomenon, it's a completely different niche from the sex trade.

                Incels should spare society and take a long walk off a short pier

                I appreciate your honesty in openly admitting that men either are useful or should kill themselves. I appreciate it more than the recent whining that male suicide is an issue, followed by the complete dismissal of all problems leading to it.

              • 2 years ago

                Emotional labour might be the term you are looking for.

              • 2 years ago

                Incels should spare society and take a long walk off a short pier

            • 2 years ago

              Most of those industries spend literally tens of billions hiring think tanks to find out how to achieve the same level of attachment as a single autistic asiatic pretending to be a dog, lol. 99% of all industries nowadays run on brand familiarity and attachment by promising a sense of belonging rather than delivering an actual quality product, lol.

              • 2 years ago

                >1 John 5:21 "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."
                Crazy how much capitalists hate the Bible.

        • 2 years ago

          >Recognizes a relatively new tuber at a glance
          >Calls others a vsimp
          big oof there famalam

          • 2 years ago

            >"you know what Hitler looks like, so you must be a Nazi!"

            • 2 years ago

              Recognizing a vtuber is more akin to knowing the angle of the curve on Goebbels's dick.

      • 2 years ago

        Historically mountainfolk would survive for weeks on flatbread and cheese, for those reasons.
        They didn't know our science, but it's basically the fats and carbs are the best thing to keep you light but energetic during extended high stress efforts.

      • 2 years ago

        >Fast food wouldn't even be too horrible for a fantasy setting.

        It literally existed, in fact the urban lower class in Roman cities often got most of their food from places like this since their houses were too small to have a kitchen. Higher food prices in general meant the menu was a lot simpler, but the general concept is very old.

        • 2 years ago

          >RVME was feeding its citizens ye olden mcdicks millennia before burgers ever set foot on american soil

          • 2 years ago

            Keeping the Republican tradition alive in more ways than one, boys.

          • 2 years ago

            What's even more of a mindfrick is that across history, the price of something like this seems to almost always converge on the 'bottom' of the wage pyramid. The price of a combo meal at McDonalds tends to stick to the minimum wage such that it costs about the same as 1 hour's worth of work will pay. Choose a spread of years and look them both up if you don't believe me. It's harder to find the information, but the same seems to be broadly true of its ancient equivalents. On top of that the stuff you get at the Roman shop would be very cheap by in today's market, which suggests that the price doesn't want to sink too far below that either, and this type of business will just end up selling more or less expensive food to maintain that price point.

  4. 2 years ago

    >fantasy settings are supposed to be medieval yet realistic
    Wrong on both counts, frick off moron.

  5. 2 years ago

    You should make anyone who wants to join your group watch A Knight's Tale and study their reaction once they realize a bunch of medieval peasants are stomping out the baseline of We Will Rock You. From there, make your own decisions based on the type of game you want to run.

  6. 2 years ago

    Assuming this isn't bait and you are being genuine this sounds awful.
    Even if you aren't against anachronisms in general, which a lot of people of are, your specific examples are both boring and kind of dumb.
    >fast food chains
    literally why? This is one of the worst parts of the modern corporate hellscape we live in. Why would I want this in my fantasy? Not to mention the fact that individual taverns with unique owners and regulars is much more engaging.
    >modern synthetic materials for clothing
    There are a huge variety of natural clothing materials if it's really that important to you to describe clothing in detail. Hell if you want anachronistic clothing just add denim it's possible to hand make and actually practical.
    >soap and shampoo
    Soap isn't an anachronism at all it's existed since before the middle ages although it wasn't very pleasant smelling but that's what perfumes were for which have also existed for thousands of years. Shampoo is, but why even bother mentioning it?
    >fast communication and mass media devices
    This is the only thing on here that might actually be good and interesting for a game. Many settings do use scrying or other magic to approximate a telephone system although most don't have TV because why? It's a game about adventuring. How does TV help?

    So other than the communication thing most of these are either bad, wrong, or just completely irrelevant.
    Maybe I'm wrong though and normies are really dying for fast food, latex, shampoo, and TV in their fantasy.
    But why would you ever care about what normalgays want when designing a setting?

    • 2 years ago

      Not OP but it doesn't sound like too much of a stretch for an alchemist to discover a synthetic fabric like nylon or polyester

    • 2 years ago

      >fantasy settings are supposed to be medieval yet realistic
      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Aahhhhhh... Frick I needed that. Thanks OP.
      As for the rest, in order. Fast food was eaten by Romans, and probably other civilizations before them. They had stores where food cooking in pots and on grills, names and pictures of things on things on the counters, and the price. You came in, you ordered, paid, got it, you ate on the move since most didn't have enough space for people to sit. If that's not fast food nothing is. Pic of fast food joint in Pompeii.
      Shampoo was used since the bronze age. Not what we have now, obviously, but mixtures of herbs and oil or water depending on the region, era, and how rich you were.
      Mass media? You mean town criers? Also communication devices have been a staple of fantasy since LotR. The Palantir.
      None of this is new. Some of it is even real. Except the nylon. I don't see why you need that. Just use leather or wool or any plant based fabric like cotton.

      No they didn't.

      Soap? Not in the modern sense, no. But similar stuff. Hair care? Absolutely. A lot of it went into hair care. Oils and dyes, even wigs were a thing. Burgers? Not per se. Definitely grilled meat patties wrapped in fat served WITH bread. But not in bread with cheese and vegetables and sauces. What

      would burgers even be anachronistic? the Romans had burgers

      posted is using ancient ingredients to MAKE a burger, but it's not what they did.

      The most prominent anachronism is probably stable universally recognized currency.
      Also fast food is not anachronism, they had it in ancient Rome (known as thermopolium).

      FYI fast food isn't anachronistic: The thermopolium, or fast food restaurant, of Regio V in Pompeii.

      Ah damn. You guys beat me to it.

      • 2 years ago

        I was waiting for someone to bring up pompeii fast food. it would make sense in any city that sees lots of trafic. I want to add that in the middle ages and later periods it was very common to have food stals and street food vendors, especially during festivals and the like

  7. 2 years ago

    There is nothing wrong with introducing fancy clothing materials and pantyhose to a fantasy setting.

  8. 2 years ago

    What about Eberron, where the dragonmarked houses are magical megacorporations that provide all kinds of magical conveniences, up to and including television/movies/broadcasts/streams/illusory VTubers?

    5e Exploring Eberron, page 28:
    >Most theaters employ illusions to add special effects to a performance, whether provided by magewrights or static items. Dream parlors provide entirely illusory entertainment. House Phiarlan’s latest innovation is the crystal theater. A large device uses a tiny scrying crystal to project an image on a screen. The crystal is tied to a single location—one of the grand stages in House Phiarlan’s central demesnes. This allows the patrons of a crystal theater to watch a live performance occurring on a distant stage. As this practice expands, this could provide entertainers and bards with a global reach; Phiarlan might even pay adventurers to license the rights to dramatize their exploits.

    You can watch television/movies/broadcasts/streams/VTubers (given illusory disguises) in Khorvaire.
    >Wondrous item, common (requires the Mark of Shadow)
    >This is a small stone disk bearing a sliver of siberys dragonshard and engraved with the Mark of Shadow; it can easily be concealed in the palm of one hand. While holding the Shol eye, a creature with the Mark of Shadow can use an action to record an image in the eye. This can be the full vista of what the bearer can currently see, or it can be focused on a specific individual or object within line of sight. A Shol eye can only hold a single image at a time. If a creature with the Mark of Shadow works with the eye for the duration of a short rest, they can transfer the stored image out of the eye and onto a sheet of parchment or similar material.

    You can also hire a Phiarlan or Thuranni photographer to snap pictures.

    Meanwhile, House Sivis offers many forms of magical telecommunications.

  9. 2 years ago

    >are supposed to be medieval yet realistic
    Says who? If I wanted a historical game I wouldn't play a fantasy game not even set on Earth

  10. 2 years ago

    The most prominent anachronism is probably stable universally recognized currency.
    Also fast food is not anachronism, they had it in ancient Rome (known as thermopolium).

  11. 2 years ago

    Anachronism can be fine and fun as long as they work within the rules but don't make them pervasive. You want to be able to do them when they lose their whimsy. One certain town has restaurants that are similar to real world fat food. One wizard made one set of clairaudience magical items that happen to look like Motorola Razrs and when he gets to 2g level he wants to add clairvoyance to them and make them look like iphones.

  12. 2 years ago

    >I know fantasy settings are supposed to be medieval yet realistic
    What moron said that? Fantasy is about imagining the impossible or improbable; always has been.
    Aside from that, there are no anachronism in my settings, because my settings are never set in our universe.

  13. 2 years ago

    Fast food chains have always existed and so have walk-through windows for curbside service.

    Soap has existed forever also. Only moron Germanic people didn't bathe regularly.

    • 2 years ago

      There were no menus until modern times.

  14. 2 years ago

    I agree profoundly! In my setting all players are hinting at becoming vtubers already.

  15. 2 years ago

    Soap is ancient. Pre-Roman britain had soap. They also had hair care. Rome had burgers and market stalls selling them.

    • 2 years ago

      The only things isicia omentata have in common with hamburgers is being made from finely cut beef and being a street food.

      • 2 years ago

        Given how much pig meat the Romans ate it'd probablybe a hamburger rather than a beef burger. Also it was served between slices of flat bread.

        • 2 years ago

          Hamburgers are beef burgers
          The Romans didn't have the curing salts needed to turn pork into ham
          Isicia omentata was made from any meat they had on hand and they had a lot more beef than you seem to think.
          isicia omentata was served on a pile of local greens with a small loaf of bread as a side.

    • 2 years ago

      No they didn't.

  16. 2 years ago

    would burgers even be anachronistic? the Romans had burgers

  17. 2 years ago

    FYI fast food isn't anachronistic: The thermopolium, or fast food restaurant, of Regio V in Pompeii.

  18. 2 years ago

    Assuming you aren't a troll
    1) Just play urban fantasy is 2022 Seattle with magic, you doofus.
    2) While my faux Medieval setting has stuff like the metallurgy and alcohol distillation of the 16th century, I justify this as the impact of gnomes, dwarves, and the spread of knowledge via sages and magic. All the elements of those technologies existed in the Real World in the 13th century, they just hadn't been 'added together' yet.
    On the other hand I have ship technology stalled at the 7th century or so. in Real Life ship technology stalled from the fall of the Western Roman Empire until the 3th-14th century with some advanced ships in China and Scandinavia in the late 12th. I justify this with two points - magic allows you to bypass this, and - in an FRPG the oceans are really fricking dangerous.

  19. 2 years ago

    Is this one of those "no chocolate or potatoes it's not period accurate" things?
    homie I have fictional vegetables created by fictional creatures, using fictional magic.
    I have fricking GMO plants and animals.

  20. 2 years ago

    Depends on your tastes and how rotten your brain is. I'm pretty autistic, so my anachronism is 13th century khomies using hinged helms of later periods, like the sugar loaf and bascinet, diamond-section long swords and cavalry flails (the one handed version).

    Personally, your suggestions are bad because they are simply uninteresting and irrelevant, aside from out of place. Why a fast food chain? As far as I'm aware, everyone loves to visit unique taverns and inns. TVs and phones? I mean, I guess you can have giant mirrors acting as screens and telepathy scrolls, why have phones? Soap has been made for ages, and nearly every type of fiber was hand made, you don't need modern nylon.
    Food, types of clothes like shirts etc, chemical knowledge, are all better options

  21. 2 years ago

    How about instead of having your stereotypical fantasy world with modern comforts how about come up and create your own world that has such features and how they impact said world and cultures.

    • 2 years ago

      Because I'd like to run the game rather than muse on such things.

      • 2 years ago

        You must be a fun DM if you hate worldbuilding that much.

        • 2 years ago

          Been often told that by my players, yeah.

        • 2 years ago

          Crazy how Europeans dislike "classical fantasy races" that they create new ones from scratch.

  22. 2 years ago

    Just don't have a medieval fantasy world, moron.

  23. 2 years ago

    >I know fantasy settings are supposed to be medieval yet realistic
    You already fricked up. 2/10 replied.

  24. 2 years ago

    >I know fantasy settings are supposed to be medieval yet realistic
    Only if you're a mudcore c**t.

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