And he was right.

And he was right.

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  1. 3 months ago

    He was an butthole and that's why his jaw fell off and lived in brutal pain and suffering until the day he died.

    • 3 months ago

      you lost your jaw and died motherfricker

      LOL he lost his jaw and died with the last laugh. Art is about freedom of expression and video game design is more restrictive than ever, one the main reasons being the nonstop censorship, another being ridiculous costs. dude won.

      • 3 months ago

        Man what a fricking moronic c**t you are, do you even watch movies?

        • 3 months ago

          Stay mad, you Jackass. Nobody gives a frick about Hollow-wood nonsense, nor does it have anything to do with video games. Go eat a dick, You stupid b***h.

          • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >and video game design is more restrictive than ever
        What's stopping you right now from making your artistically approve vidya yourself?

      • 3 months ago

        Cinema started out as a gimmick and hasn’t gone beyond it outside of special circumstances.

      • 3 months ago

        >he lost his jaw and died with the last laugh.
        You posted this without a hint of irony?

      • 3 months ago

        >he lost his jaw and died with the last laugh.


      • 3 months ago

        >Nonstop Censorship
        Anon, is the censorship in the room with us right now?

        • 3 months ago

          Unironically yes

    • 3 months ago

      >this boomer said something
      >so its right

      have a nice day.

      who cares what this corpse said

      >[thing] is bad
      >because I said so
      whoa deep

      Ebert talked a lot of shit about things he had no clue about.

      Like most, he only became a critic because he was way too shit to make films of his own.

      this time respond without crying

    • 3 months ago

      This. Frick this old homosexual and frick reviewers in general. They just encourage people to have no inner-monologue.

    • 3 months ago

      Can't argue with that

    • 3 months ago

      That's so cruel, why was his jaw forced to love in brutal pain and suffering until the day he died, it didn't do anything wrong

    • 3 months ago

      what a gay

    • 3 months ago

      He should be exonerated for writing Beyond the valley of the dolls

    • 3 months ago

      fpbp, critics are all Black folk no matter which medium they claim to represent

    • 3 months ago

      >his entire career was based off talking shit
      >his jaw falls off

  2. 3 months ago

    >this boomer said something
    >so its right

    have a nice day.

  3. 3 months ago

    who cares what this corpse said

  4. 3 months ago

    >[thing] is bad
    >because I said so
    whoa deep

    • 3 months ago

      >this thing is not also this other thing
      NOOOOOOO if he says videogames don't exist in the same category as such wonderful products of human culture as "banana taped to wall" and "artist's shit in a can" he's saying it sucks and he's also personally insulting me NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

      • 3 months ago

        I remember someone arguing to me once that if everyone can do this why didn't you do this. Which is a perfect answer to make anyone mald harder. So maybe the point of it all from the banana itself to the defenders of the banana is to evoke feelings through provoking someone. Like... internet trolling. Except internet trolling isn't an art. It is just something you do for fun. God I hope all those modern "artists" just starve to death.

  5. 3 months ago

    Ayyo blud said what?

  6. 3 months ago

    Ebert talked a lot of shit about things he had no clue about.

    Like most, he only became a critic because he was way too shit to make films of his own.

  7. 3 months ago

    It's true, but that's not a bad thing. Games are entertainment, not art.

    • 3 months ago

      >creative funny sculpture
      >ugly piece of wood

      • 3 months ago

        >To this day, symbolism as a concept just PISSES ME THE FRICK OFF.
        Here's your "artist" bro

        >moron who can't understand art makes a gigantic, unfinished vanity piece solely because he thinks it looks cool and it gets placed right next to a statue of a guy literally sucking himself off for reasons he could never understand

        Peak contrarianism

        • 3 months ago

          >the concept of things conveying meaning fills me with rage
          He's a moron and so are you

          • 3 months ago

            I think you're just a homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      >To this day, symbolism as a concept just PISSES ME THE FRICK OFF.
      Here's your "artist" bro

    • 3 months ago

      >moron who can't understand art makes a gigantic, unfinished vanity piece solely because he thinks it looks cool and it gets placed right next to a statue of a guy literally sucking himself off for reasons he could never understand

      • 3 months ago

        > Someone creates something that he thinks looks cool.
        That's a very respectable motivation.

      • 3 months ago

        >vanity piece solely because he thinks it looks cool
        And that's a good thing.
        Art is supposed to be enjoyable first and foremost.

      • 3 months ago

        He understood it pretty well
        Art is full of pretentious pseud homosexuals that were too stupid, lazy and untalented to pursue other careers but needed to seem like they were contributing to humanity so latched onto art
        Man and womanchildren throwing tantrums, creating trash as a form of “self expression” and then trying to associate it with things of value is not art
        It’s literally just losers struggling to find meaning because they are losers

      • 3 months ago

        This is EXACTLY the kind of moronic opinion I imagine when paired next to an anime image.

        • 3 months ago

          And yet you're on an anime weebsite, weird.

          • 3 months ago

            no he isn't, also - death to tranime

            • 3 months ago

              go back

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          Yeah I am going to need the sauce of those big gazooms.

    • 3 months ago

      12 years later and now we have all been replaced by the self sucking morons, its so over

    • 3 months ago

      >Ganker filename
      glad to know fake reddit screenshots aren't just a modern phenomenon

      • 3 months ago

        >what is Gankerx

    • 3 months ago

      All this goofy ass modern art is a scheme for museum tax breaks

    • 3 months ago

      >wow I made a le cool dragon it took so much effort
      You know you're actually supposed to say something with art. Making a generic wooden dragon just because "bro it's a dragon, dragons are cool bro" isn't any more mature than making a crude, provocative sculpture of a guy sucking himself off.

      • 3 months ago

        >You know you're actually supposed to say something with art.
        This is for modernism gays, art without craftsmanship means nothing.

      • 3 months ago

        >You know you're actually supposed to say something with art.
        And he did with the dragon he said his skills are superior to you and dragons symbolise power, luck, royalty and nature force & greed

      • 3 months ago

        There is no objective to art since by definition it's just self-expression. You don't need to 'say' anything with it if you don't feel like it.

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      And these snob said Hitlers art wasn't good enough for them to let Hitler study art

      • 3 months ago

        The worst part is to everyone but the pretensious morons the art industry is only kept afloat because of money laundering. No one actually thinks some dude jizzing on a canvas is good they just act like it is.

    • 3 months ago

      The "artists" responsible for abominations like the sculpture on the right are the same people you see seething about AI nowadays.

      >creative funny sculpture
      >ugly piece of wood

      >To this day, symbolism as a concept just PISSES ME THE FRICK OFF.
      Here's your "artist" bro

      >moron who can't understand art makes a gigantic, unfinished vanity piece solely because he thinks it looks cool and it gets placed right next to a statue of a guy literally sucking himself off for reasons he could never understand

      >wow I made a le cool dragon it took so much effort
      You know you're actually supposed to say something with art. Making a generic wooden dragon just because "bro it's a dragon, dragons are cool bro" isn't any more mature than making a crude, provocative sculpture of a guy sucking himself off.

      >Gankertards are so contrarian that they'll pick a crude gay sculpture over a wooden dragon

    • 3 months ago

      His dragon's tail looks dogshit, the rest of it is probably no better. At least the guy sucking his own dick shows a good understanding of form, and a sense of humor

    • 3 months ago

      >hehe masturbation le funny
      >putting effort into sculpting le bad
      >this is coming from "people" losing their shit when le incels touch pp while looking at bidya gaymz

    • 3 months ago

      Have we ever seen the full homosexual dragon statue?

  8. 3 months ago

    Wat blud talmbout?

  9. 3 months ago

    And I should care why?
    I am just glad his click-piece makes some try-hard artcucks assmad

  10. 3 months ago

    Ebert was a movie snob who would probably hate your taste in movies, anon. Who gives a frick what that long dead corpse thought. After all, he never got to death stranding or bg3!

  11. 3 months ago

    He was 100% correct on a lot of things

    • 3 months ago

      >Anyone who would camp out in a tent on the sidewalk for weeks in order to be first in line for a movie is more into camping on the sidewalk than movies.
      Accurate and based.

      • 3 months ago

        Perfectly sums up the hype culture you see on social media. These people enjoy arguing and talkinng about games rather than playing them. Playing a game series like Yakuza/Persona is more like a character trait for them so they can fit in. Why have an interesting life whdn you can just spout memes instead of having genuine connections?

    • 3 months ago

      meh he just plagiarized Stan

    • 3 months ago

      extremely good critique

    • 3 months ago

      True, the word "fan" stems from "fanatic", fandoms are celebrations of mental illness.

    • 3 months ago

      "art" gays think a jogger doing fingerpainting in 2024 is a masterpiece. I don't take advice from boomers on shit and neither should you.

      >it saves you from having to know anything about anything else.

      And what the frick do most normies know. Their topics of conversation are basically three things; Yelling at a TV over millionaires who would never give a frick about them playing a game,"how's the weather", or wanting to gossip and spread rumor about the neighbors. Get the frick out of here with this enlightened shit.

    • 3 months ago

      >He was 100% correct on a lot of things
      Also his take on how reviews should do:

    • 3 months ago

      >He was 100% correct on a lot of things
      I should also add this. Super insightful stuff:

    • 3 months ago

      ah yes, he's right, he speaks truth
      I would never camp on the sidewalk, me, a real movie lover
      it stands to reason that everyone who does such a thing is not a real movie enthusiast like myself

    • 3 months ago

      i dont know who these israelites are sorry
      also i didnt ask though

      • 3 months ago

        He was a catholic and you're a homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      He's completely right and the kind of fandoms he mentions were merely the stepping stone for the brutal division of our digital society by ideological dogmas.

    • 3 months ago

      People can be right about some things and wrong about others. Humans are contradictory creatures

    • 3 months ago

      Hype huffers btfo, but all the tiresome psychoanalysis past the first paragraph is completely unnecessary.

    • 3 months ago

      >Your fannish obsession is your beard
      did he know?

    • 3 months ago

      >you like a thing… alot!?!? NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
      I’m no sidewalk camper, but i can smell the pretentiousness and contrarianism through my screen.
      No wonder Ganker venerates him.

    • 3 months ago

      now switch all references to lgbt cultism and it becomes even more accurate, but saying it gets you crucified

      • 3 months ago

        Or anything really. It'd be just as true if he was talking about rabid patriotism or being part of a music subculture or something.

    • 3 months ago

      Never have truer words been spoken, from "it's all about them" to always asking questions they know the answer to. I hate fandoms and I've never been part of a club in regards to anything I've had a liking for, especially to those things I've really taken a liking to. All it'd mean is sharing that with obnoxious people who keep pushing themselves into the picture.

    • 3 months ago

      I usually used the same tricks on every woman I ever fricked
      Plus I was Chad adjacent in my prime which made shit easy
      How's that any different?

    • 3 months ago

      Get fricked fangays

  12. 3 months ago

    I don't care if games are "art" I just want to say that Roger Ebert and all professional critics are worthless homosexuals

  13. 3 months ago

    i thought i heard he played some game and then took back his statement on video games. i dont remember what game it was. is this bs or did it actually happen? i cant even tell who's trolling who anymore.

    • 3 months ago

      I think it was Shadow of the Colossus.

    • 3 months ago

      I think it was Shadow of the Colossus.

      It was a game nobody on Ganker ever played.
      Shadow of the Colossus was one of the games that people tried to molest him with after his initial video games aren’t art post, like Bioshock or Flower, which he never played.

      • 3 months ago

        >It was a game nobody on Ganker ever played.
        Pretty sure it was Cosmology of Kyoto, a game that a lot of people have played back in the day.

        • 3 months ago

          And nobody on Ganker has played it.

        • 3 months ago

          >Cosmology of Kyoto
          Is it any good in 2024?

          • 3 months ago

            >Is it any good in 2024?
            It's no better or worse than it was in 1994. It's a deeply flawed mess of a game with really interesting ideas. It was barely playble back then, it's barely playable now, but the themes and approaches which were absolutely unique back then, are still absolutely unique today.

  14. 3 months ago

    He's right but he probably didn't say if after thinking too deeply about it
    Games simply contain art, but the gameplay itself can't be considered art

    • 3 months ago

      >Gameplay can't be art

      If the purpose of art is to illicit an emotional response, then gameplay is most definitely art. For example, A game with intentionally janky controls (goat simulator, octo-dad: Dadliest Catch, etc), works in tandem with the visuals of the game to produce laughter or even frustrationanger in players. Another comparison-- A violinist picks out a piece of sheet music... a pre-written piece that by itself is nothing, but when PLAYED by the PLAYER is not only an artistic experience for observers, but the interface and connection between the violin and the person playing it illicits an entirely different level of artistic experience and emotion from the violinist as they play (The difference in emotional impact between watching red dead 2 and PLAYING it). The act of typing a story is art (verb), the book itself is also art (noun). the beauty of videogames is that the person playing the game is simultaneously creating and enjoying art as they play through the game--this is especially true of story driven games, or any game where the player immerses themselves in a role (playing as a soldier, or a pro racecar driver, or a demon slayer, or a character they make up themselves).

  15. 3 months ago

    Ebert had some of the hottest takes and dumbest opinions you could have, even ignoring this one, his opinion on tons of movies were dogshit.

  16. 3 months ago

    Buy an ad homosexual.

  17. 3 months ago

    He was right. No one calls football or chess art, they are games.
    But /v is still seething over him because you want people to take your dumb hobby more seriously.

    • 3 months ago

      why cant games be taken seriously? They already are

    • 3 months ago

      But I'll look like a manchild if I admit I still play games in my 20s to my co-workers!

    • 3 months ago

      The majority of videogames are nothing like football or chess. Even competitive videogames have so many bells and whistles attached that they barely resemble sports.

      And the whole "videogames can't be art because they're interactive" argument goes out the window when you consider artforms like dance or skating, some of which also have competitions.

      The line between "art" and "game" is very muddy.

  18. 3 months ago

    I think Ebert was a great writer and his work is a testament to just how much merit has flown straight out the window the past ten years or so, especially in places like journalism. At least he had the integrity to admit he had no idea what the frick he was talking about. But I think he was right in the end because we have too many directors and developers trying to drag their Hollyweird shit into games now. The mediums are just not the same for that.

  19. 3 months ago

    All games are art because the entry barrier of what counts as art is extremely low. Saying games are art doesn't mean StarTropics is on the level of the Mona Lisa.

  20. 3 months ago

    How to trigger Ganker in one image

    • 3 months ago

      How to trigger a reddit tourist with one word

  21. 3 months ago

    why does it matter anyway whether games are art or not

  22. 3 months ago

    i think he's right more than ever now.
    however, everyone forgets that "real" "art games" were already perfected gens ago and there are very, very few examples

    the true art games are classic resident evil games.
    it has a basis in already-existing art as the dynamic camera angles in the game were heavily inspired by the french new wave era of film. back then, those similar camera angles were considered fresh and new and even considered avant garde.
    it just worked and those camera angles became the norm in cinematography until this day; it makes movies into movies if that makes sense

    the horror genre really benefits from these camera angles and simultaneously flows with the game. those angles can
    >highlight points of interest
    >highlight items
    >hide items (RE2 crank on top of the police file room)
    >hide enemies (RE1 hunter after getting back from garden)
    >point the player/viewer where to go to progress
    >tell bits and pieces of the story and lore with its atmosphere alone simultaneously through gameplay
    >showcase and display nice interiors
    RE2 was directed by kamiya who was in his early-mid twenties and mikami gave him around forty movies to watch to take note of the camera angles before kamiya started on RE2

    a big reason why people love RE2 so much is because of the nice, old police station aesthetics from the film noir period of film which took place around the same place as french new wave

    they're also just movie games done correctly because no movie takes place 3rd person over-the-shoulder view; a movie has camera angles. ICO/SotC and obscure do it pretty well too

    • 3 months ago

      a lot of stairs scenes with this angle and then the camera changes as you go up/down the stairs

      • 3 months ago

        a very nice way to show an obstacle

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            likely an homage to the scene with leon and luis tied up in RE4 from mikami

            • 3 months ago

              just turn around and start shooting

              • 3 months ago

                more stairs and a nice angle to show a dead body

              • 3 months ago

                i'm also extremely glad no one in japan was able to make a 1st person shooter back then so mikami decided to use these camera angles

    • 3 months ago

      you sound like a troon, not readin all that

    • 3 months ago

      dude, a camera angle doesn't make a video game art because the interaction is the native expression of videogames, resident evil is art by it being an expression through all mediums of his concepts through interaction rather than camera shots which work in tandem with the interaction but alone are totally useless, the first artistic games were the first videogames by conveying a concept through mechanics rather than anything else, it became more complex over time but videogames by being the expression of someone or a group with aspects they control to generate an experience which people can interpret just like movies but on a more complex manner through interaction with a general message and mechanics which generate certain interaction specifically with his own routines are art by it, even without at there still would be art by art not needing to be specific but just an expression of the author or someone else (see dancing, the routines change a lot and are dependant on the one doing it outside of the guidelines, even more when they have a subjective approach, art is a thing of any kind meant to express anything from someone with an idea, something that video games comply perfectly).
      fixed camera angles are cool but resident evil isn't art by it but his gameplay and themes.

      >the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination

      Games are art by definition

      Yeah a urinal is really "capturing imagination" these homies need to shut the frick up

      the urinal was a mockery to pretentious art without themes of his creators made to cleanse money through bad art, in general it's a mockery to what most people dislike about art galleries being a fabrication of external people to cleanse money and is sad that the message got derided to make people think less critically and thus generate their own expression rather than the monotony of repeating facets while not understanding their messages by people not wanting to generate expression but to break it and use it to coerce opinion and ideas of everyone.

      >the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination

      Games are art by definition

      kill that furgay pedophile from what i read here

  23. 3 months ago

    what he didn't tell you is that movies can't be art

  24. 3 months ago

    is this guy Jesus for moviegays?

    • 3 months ago

      he was easily the most prominent movie reviewer back in the day, yes. he and this other reviewer gene siskel whom he frequently disagreed with on a lot of stuff had a review show on TV and if both of them liked a movie then it was held by most people to be a surefire way to tell if a movie was worth going to see or not.

  25. 3 months ago

    Roger Ebert should lay off the fatty food.

  26. 3 months ago

    He is absolutely right. Games should be made to be fun not to be "art". Trying to turn games into "art" and "realistic" has ruined videogames

  27. 3 months ago

    >Article released 2010
    >Still talking about a literal who on the year of 2024
    Yeah Black person? Tell me more about things that mildly inconvenience you.

  28. 3 months ago

    >And he was right.
    well he's dead so by the nature of his inability to enforce his opinion he's wrong. Might makes right b***h.

  29. 3 months ago

    why don't you try refuting the old fogey?

  30. 3 months ago

    they can be, but as long as they pander to consoomers they'll only ever be products

  31. 3 months ago

    you lost your jaw and died motherfricker

  32. 3 months ago

    They can be art, when they're made by based right-wing chads. Cruelty Squad is art.

  33. 3 months ago

    And i don't want them to, people who think vidya is art try to hard to make it a movie(kojima) and forget everything that makes vidya a unique medium

    • 3 months ago

      just do it simultaneously through gameplay like classic RE

  34. 3 months ago

    Every time I see this kind of thread, I always assume whoever made the article was incredibly butthurt because they made a thing that was actually unrecognized, and decided to blame video games like a parent who doesn't actually know how to raise children.

  35. 3 months ago

    he was right

  36. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      based, the original is pure kino
      remake sucks dick

      • 3 months ago

        why? I only played the ps3 version and it was great

        • 3 months ago

          he's talking about the PS4 remake done by Bluepoint. the PS3 version was just a port of the PS2 version.

  37. 3 months ago

    >the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination

    Games are art by definition

    • 3 months ago

      >>the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination
      >Trying to apply this definition to any video game past gen 6

      No Sir

      • 3 months ago

        >seething bing bing or segafur

        • 3 months ago

          Please look up the definition of expression, you seething snoyboy

      • 3 months ago

        to apply this definition to any video game past gen 6
        Phantasy Star on Sega Master System was art

    • 3 months ago

      >the problem with modern art
      >posts the fountain in 2022
      >it's over 100 years old
      People are fricking idiots.

      • 3 months ago

        "modern" refers to a particular period in art history and is not synonymous with "contemporary"
        turns out you are actually the idiot.

        • 3 months ago

          >homie thinks modern means the XVI century

    • 3 months ago

      Isn't that furry an actual pedophile?

      • 3 months ago

        He's friends with a guy who raped his own sister, and now everybody knows.

      • 3 months ago

        redundant question, they'll always be one in the same

    • 3 months ago

      >"successful" instead of "good"
      we live in a society

    • 3 months ago

      >art becomes better the more people that see it

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah a urinal is really "capturing imagination" these homies need to shut the frick up

  38. 3 months ago


    There's absolutely nothing controversial about realistic nudes. Literally anyone in art school does that, either during a figure drawing or intro/intermediate painting class.

    And for the record, both of those pieces were garbage.

  39. 3 months ago

    Roger Ebert can never be an artist. Especially since he died after running his mouth so much that his jaw fell off.

  40. 3 months ago

    Never questioned him

  41. 3 months ago

    Ebert associated with the israelite (Siskel), therefore ALL of his claims are invalid even after Siskel's death. To ally oneself with the israelite is to have zero credibility.

    • 3 months ago

      If you ever bought a ticket to the movies or paid for some form of media be it music or television, you allied yourself with the israelite.

      • 3 months ago

        Slow day?

        • 3 months ago

          truth hurts huh?

          • 3 months ago

            What truth? Are you moronic? Your idea of "Being allied" is supporting something, and by proxy someone profiting off of it. Correlation/Causation Fallacy

            • 3 months ago

              Siskel and Ebert were infamous film critics from rival newspapers in Chicago with differing opinions which is why that landed them a tv show because they would usually have polarizing viewpoints and because of that love for films they were friends. So whats that have anything to do with your weird ass schizo shit?

      • 3 months ago

        I guess Hitler is allied with the israelites lol

        • 3 months ago

          Hitler never bought tickets to Hollywood movies, he'd always get bootlegged copies for private collection.

        • 3 months ago
  42. 3 months ago

    Art homosexualry was the beginning of the end of the game industry.

  43. 3 months ago

    He was right, but they can still be good.

  44. 3 months ago

    Ebert was 100% right if you put into the context that he was speaking of high art. Anytime you say otherwise, manchildren will explode into angry fueled tangents as if they're children with undeveloped brains.
    Why do I play videogames? Because it's a guilty pleasure and I don't care if its art or not much like I don't care if eating a hamburger and drinking a beer for a meal isn't good for you. I'm not interested in trying to convince an aging baby boomer generation that my games are "mature" Who gives a frick.

  45. 3 months ago

    >doesn't care about video games
    >doesn't play video games
    >shits on them anyway just to cause controversy
    if he were alive he would be here posting concurrent player numbers

  46. 3 months ago

    He was a Nazi so I don't have to listen to him

    • 3 months ago

      Wasn't he a literal unironic israelite?

      • 3 months ago

        You're thinking of Siskel, Ebert was a Christian.

      • 3 months ago

        What's an ironic israelite

        • 3 months ago

          Bernie Sanders maybe

          • 3 months ago

            He's a USSRaboo israelite, one of the worst kinds of unironic israelites

            • 3 months ago

              Mel Brooks then?

              • 3 months ago

                I've never heard much about him acting israelitey despite him being one, and he's a really funny israelite at least so he's innocent until proven israelite

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah anybody who'd harm him is just an butthole tbh.

      • 3 months ago

        Jews and Nazis are the same. Just like all women are the same.

        • 3 months ago

          "All on my weenus, and won't get off"? Where does that even connect?

          I like Ebert generally but some of takes were weird even at the time

          A true wordsmith.

          • 3 months ago

            Is it true that 6 million israelites were sent to concentration camps where they were tortured and had their pelvis crushed?

            • 3 months ago

              Get it right, antisemite. They were hooked up to masturbation machines, shocked to death in electrocuted pools, and catapulted off of train tracks into giant incineration pits. It sounds unbelievable... But it happened

          • 3 months ago

            >A true wordsmith.
            That's actually an edit of Ebert's review of The Exorcist lol

  47. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Your ass is happy

    • 3 months ago

      someone photoshop him in the AVGN attire

  48. 3 months ago

    > In France video games have equal status as an artform, alongside more traditional formats like painting and theatre.

    I'd rather listen to the opinion of France, the art capital of the world, than to that irrelevant boomer

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah I love me some french video games and french movies. Fricking moron. They haven't made art or been experts in art since the fricking baroque period. The only thing to come out france for a hundred years is Totally Spies and spicy yellow jacket protest webms.

      • 3 months ago

        Debussy was one of the best composers who ever lived and he lived in the romantic period

        • 3 months ago

          I'll penetrate debussy if you know what I mean.

          • 3 months ago

            I knew I'd get at least one of you but Debussy was legitimately one of the best piano composers who ever lived, if not the best. Listen to Claire de Lune, Nocturne, or Arabesque

          • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              are you ok

  49. 3 months ago

    I don't know his specific outlook, but I could see the argument being
    >Art is something you observe and form an opinion on, video games however are something you interact with to form an opinion of
    The key point being the difference between "interaction" and "observation".

  50. 3 months ago

    Who cares, art is generated anyway

  51. 3 months ago

    Yes, he was right. Games were never created to be art unless they are indie projects.

  52. 3 months ago

    Really, how can you expect non-gamers to treat games like art when gamers do not treat games like art? They do treat them like toys which are to be discarded when the next shiny toy comes out. Look at how the average gamer is drawn to shoddy remakes that have no respect for the originals, softcore porn gacha games, and FOTM GAAS games. Low effort and crude entertainment PRODUCTS. That's what most gamers want and that's what the outside world sees.

    • 3 months ago

      Somebody should pay you to write an article tbh.

    • 3 months ago

      that's caused by companies making a doctored view of video games as art to push mediocrity and nepotism through them to remove real competition and development, this is done to coerce opinion and generate more control on an emerging industry in comparison to other media they control, the solution of that is to show the medium in general and reflect on it as a meaningful thing while generating critical thinking on people around you so that they don't false on the same trap in other areas and video games as well, we shouldn't fault people who were coerced by ignorance rather than the people who remove their own ideas to put moronic ideas onto them by propagandist means.

  53. 3 months ago


  54. 3 months ago

    Ebert maybe could have chosen better words but he was right in that video games should not be trying to be movies. Video games can be an artistic medium but they do not have to be and when they try too hard, the customer can tell. They are at their core a cross section between toys and sports. They can have literary and visual arts aspects to them but they are a distinct medium from film and the harder they try to be movies, the more obvious the fraud is. I am of course talking about The Last of Us Part 2.

    Now, Helldivers doesn't even have a story in the conventional sense, but playing it feels more like being in a movie than any cinematic slop game I've played, because the game is creating your stories that you will tell to your friends, not just walking you through a pre-determined narrative full of scripted moments with mandatory pauses for combat.

  55. 3 months ago

    I've enjoyed video games a lot more since I stopped playing story-focused games. Cutscenes and dialogue options were sucking out all of the fun for me

    • 3 months ago

      Older story games can still be fun, the problem is the "cinematic experience" approach a lot of games take now. You aren't allowed to enjoy a story anymore without it being spoonfed to you in cutscenes and unskippable walk and talks

  56. 3 months ago

    guaranteed replies: the thread

  57. 3 months ago

    Can't talk shit now, can you Ebert?

  58. 3 months ago

    I like Ebert generally but some of takes were weird even at the time

  59. 3 months ago

    literature is the medium with INFINITE potential. you can do things in literature that will be impossible or too disturbing to translate into a game or a movie.

    the best part about literature is you can write an amazing grandiose book without having a billion dollar budget like you would with games or movies.the problem with games is to make something big you need a big budget, and big budgets mean you have to play it safe and sterile and not risk too much.

  60. 3 months ago

    the problem with video games is that the most important thing about games is gameplay and it has to be fun. if your game isn't fun, it's a shit game, so gameplay ALWAYS gets in the way of anything else you want to convey

    you want write a meaningful story? create beautiful worlds? have a deep meaningful philosophy or message? well cool,but the gameplay comes first.

    one huge advantage books have compared to other media is that books are ALLOWED to be boring. books can be informational, educational, expressive etc. and it is up to the reader if they find interest in it or not.

    • 3 months ago

      A book can be boring but i won't read it unless i have to.
      And there is no videogame i have to play, but if there was, it wouldn't need to be fun either.

  61. 3 months ago

    If you create, it is art.
    Art can be enjoyed in many different ways, and I really don't care what a film critic has to say about video games because obviously they wouldn't enjoy them like they would a movie, the same way a food critic wouldn't enjoy a painting because they can't eat it.
    Even if he is right, he's still fricking dead, and everything he's ever done will not matter in the future, if it even matters now.

    • 3 months ago

      >If you create, it is art.
      I create piss and turds in the toilet every morning, they aren't art

      • 3 months ago

        They could be. You're just not being pretentious enough about them.

        • 3 months ago

          I went to a modern art exhibit as a teenager and one of the pieces was an upside down toilet with a tv screen in the seat

      • 3 months ago
        u sure?

  62. 3 months ago

    It is art but it is crappy art for plebs

  63. 3 months ago

    >a boomer who doesn't even understand or play vidya
    Yeah, I'm sure his opinion on videogames is great and worth listening too....

  64. 3 months ago

    >this quote again
    Ebert later changed his view on this

  65. 3 months ago

    don't feed the trolls, don't take the bait

    don't feed the trolls, don't take the bait

  66. 3 months ago

    He's 100% right, now please stop treating games as "art" and make them good again

    • 3 months ago

      The issue isn't games being treated as art, the issue is games being treated as what soft sheltered upper class californians, canadians, and parisians think "art" is

  67. 3 months ago

    daniel fortesque lookin motherfricker

  68. 3 months ago


    >because the student was brave enough to create it,
    but, that's the most expected sculpture of all from an art student. it's playing right into the modern art professors hands. it's not subversive or controversial in a modern art museum, it's status quo.

  69. 3 months ago


    If I'm brave enough to stand on a street corner and squeeze out a fresh loaf on the sidewalk in the middle of a crowd of pedestrians does that make me a forward thinking artist

    • 3 months ago

      it makes you indian

      • 3 months ago

        Well then good morning, sir

  70. 3 months ago

    Wonder if he imagined his legacy not being his life-long work of criticism towards films as pieces of art, but a quote he utter in his bitter old days toward a medium he never got a chance to try and was too proud to admit he didnt know anything about.

    Also, making objective claims about a subjective matter. Lol lmao

  71. 3 months ago

    He died mad about it.

  72. 3 months ago

    Anything can be art but this fricker ruined movies and art for a long time.

  73. 3 months ago

    Yeah he was right,
    Cry about it

  74. 3 months ago

    >still and moving pictures, audio, storytelling, all count as art, but not when you combine it all into an interactive experience
    >the last of us TV show counts though
    your gay

  75. 3 months ago

    >music is art
    >cinema is art
    >but not games because frick you

  76. 3 months ago

    >his israelite owners cannot launder money with it
    >so he says it cannot be art

  77. 3 months ago

    Can art be videogames?

    • 3 months ago

      Better question: why do they have to be?

  78. 3 months ago

    He was right but should have kept it to himself. We're all suffering the after effects of this now.

  79. 3 months ago

    Movie games were just starting around that time
    The more LCD or at least casualgay-friendly games became, the more it's become present day slop
    The industry may have been close once, but I doubt we'll ever get that close again

  80. 3 months ago

    art is knowing how to encode an experience that can't be put into words, and can only be experienced. games are more than capable of this.

    • 3 months ago

      >art is knowing how to encode an experience that can't be put into words
      So... literature, including poetry, is not art?

      • 3 months ago

        it can't be put into words in the sense that it can't be conflated.

        • 3 months ago

          >it can't be put into words in the sense that it can't be conflated.
          That literally does not make sense. Did you mean "reduced"? As in "Art refers to experience that cannot be reduced to mere description."? That would make a little more sense. A poem cannot be reduced to description of it's subject matter - it's the very exact, specific wording that defines the nature of the experience. Similarly, a painting cannot be reduced to description of it's content or scene - it's the exact use of brush that defines the experience. And so on.

          Look, I'm not saying that your attempt to make sense of the concept of art is completely misguided, but you really need to rethink how you formulate it.

  81. 3 months ago

    Calling something art nowadays is just an insult

  82. 3 months ago

    I looked up some of his reviews because Americans treat him like some god of critique and he was insanely midwitted, he had a very surface level understanding of film let alone art

  83. 3 months ago

    the great wave off kanagawa is one of the most recognizable images in the world and is generally considered to be a masterpiece of illustration. but originally it was not high art, it was not made to be hanged on the wall of a palace to be admired by the few. it was basically a trinket to be sold to tourists, there is no original piece of this since these images were mass produced among many others, the worth of a single print did not exceed that of a cup of noodles, everyone had these hanging in their homes. still, does that take away the beauty of this image? the raw emotional power of the visual expression? of course not.

    to me video games will always be art, i love them because of the experiences they provide me and i look forward to new video games with excitement.

    • 3 months ago

      >but originally it was not high art, it was not made to be hanged on the wall of a palace to be admired by the few. it was basically a trinket to be sold to tourists, there is no original piece of this since these images were mass produced among many others, the worth of a single print did not exceed that of a cup of noodles,
      It is true that it was not concieved as "high art" because the very concept of "high art" - or in fact, the term "art" did not exist in Japan at the time. The notion of "high art" is something the west has invented only a few centuries ago, as a response to mechanization and industrialization of production. And the concept of art itself carries a very specific, culturally bounded western notions. Japan - before being confronted with western culture and literally being forced to invent a new term to correspond to western notion of art (which would become bijutsu, literally "the way of beauty"), only had the notion of dó/jutsu: which means literally means "a way" or "a path", but here it's used in the sense of "technique" or "mastery".

      To Japanese, the object was never the thing that really mattered. It was the process that was defining art. The craft, the techné, the method.

      It's also absolutely not true that the painting itself was a "trinket for tourists". While printing allowed for large(r) scale of production, and lead to situation where there is no such thing is "original work" - only older and newer print series - it was still seen as an object of highest value and achievement, and the prints themselves, especially from renowned authors such as Hokusai, were still very expensive, way out of a league for most of the population. High fidelity, distinct color prints like these were printed in series of 200 copies or so each year.

      • 3 months ago

        still, it goes to show that what we consider high art today wasn't it before. but why do we consider video games as not art? is it because we can just buy video games in the comfort of our homes and interact with them as we please? if so then nothing is art because i can just download it off the internet and hang it on my desktop. when it comes to video games, even though the game dev environments are highly corpotised these days does it truly mean that no one can express themselves through the medium and create masterpieces of game design? does the existence of capeshit nullify the artistic value of the visual medium as a whole? if anything i consider video games special since they bring something completely new to the table which is interaction, best games are masterpieces of interaction and saying they are just toys only works to cheapen the medium as a whole.

        So why exactly do people want games to be seen as art?
        What's there to gain from it?
        What's wrong with them just being entertainment?

        i just want people to call them what it is, which is art.

        • 3 months ago

          >nothing is art
          Art is a meaningless term that you could apply to literally everything.
          Art only exists so snarky jackasses can jerk themselves off and act superior to everyone else.

          • 3 months ago

            i don't think art is for snarky jackasses to jerk themselves off, humans have always created art and they will always do. art is beautiful and it conveys messages that cannot be said through words. it brings true experiences and in turn makes life a bit more beautiful.

            neither of these are true, video games are art but they should not be subject to critical analysis. no form of art should be.

            • 3 months ago

              Words can be art too Anon.

        • 3 months ago

          >still, it goes to show that what we consider high art today wasn't it before. but why do we consider video games as not art?
          Can't speak for others, but personally, I don't consider games to be art because they are not, by definition that I have been told / figuring out for more than a decade of being interested in the subject matter.
          And that is because I believe NO MEDIUM IS ART. The concept of art can only be applied to individual items (or acts or methods), not to the medium as a whole. So a game can be considered a work of art (if you can make a case for it and convince enough people), but games as a whole cannot. Just like an individual book, or composition can be declared works of art, but you can't say ALL texts or all musical tunes can.

          Games can be used as an artFORM - a medium that is usable to create something with an artistic ambition. But they are still a medium - medium does not have an inherent artistic value. Only artistic potential
          As for the resistance to the idea of games being an art form from others- I believe that in most cases, it has nothing to do with the idea of exclusivity of access. Most people have no idea considering movies, books and again, musical tunes, an artistically relevant medium, and all of them have been mass-distributed for centuries now.

          For the most part, people resistant to the idea of games having artistic potential, are just insecure. It's really that simple. They - for one reason or another - fear that notion. People like Ebert feared it would reduce the prestige of the medium he focused on: Cinema.
          People on Ganker mostly fear any kind of external value system, which is inseparable from the notion of art. Or they fear being judged on the grounds of their taste, which is why they often pre-emptively lower value of the entire subject field - nobody can tell you that you are a pleb for playing shit games if you call all games to be a plebian interest.

  84. 3 months ago
  85. 3 months ago

    So why exactly do people want games to be seen as art?
    What's there to gain from it?
    What's wrong with them just being entertainment?

    • 3 months ago

      >So why exactly do people want games to be seen as art?
      Why do you assume that it's about what people want?

    • 3 months ago

      Most people that want games to be art are insecure journalists that hate gaming. Are the people talking about wanting games to be art wanting more non-linear stories with player choice mattering or anything that takes the video game medium to present something meaningful or do they just want baby easy slop that a drooling moron can beat?

    • 3 months ago

      Because people don't want to be seen as wasting their time with pure entertainment, if you're self-aware that you're consuming a product innately lesser and not meant to be thought about, it results in insecurity.
      You can see this with how the games pushed as "art" are often just games that had cool stories. Silent Hill 2 doesn't really have any of its game mechanics relate to its narrative or themes, yet somehow it's a great work of art. Bioshock was what got thrown at Ebert constantly when he wrote that initial article, the game that has a literal morality system where to be evil you have to kill crying girls. It's like if Duke Nukem decided to take itself seriously.

      There's a great contradiction with games as well, where people gladly go on and on, prop up constant defenses for the games people have agreed are art, yet disregard other ones. Resident Evil as a whole gets disregarded, despite being on of the first game franchises to have its own dedicated writing company headed by a legendary Japanese TV and film writer, simply because it's zombie SF. It probably is one of the franchises that actually has gameplay congruent with its narrative, the first game in particular poses the challenging of fully solving the case (hence "You've Closed This Case Completely" or something along those lines on the ending title card), and you're set up against a guy who succeeds through your failure to do that. It's a story of human love for others and innate values of trust against pessimism, a guy who literally sells everyone he knows out, and the games even go back to deepen RE1's themes.
      When Wesker gets brought back, that recontextualizes the bad ending of RE1 as his complete victory over the player- you abandoned everyone and everything to reach your conclusion, so the case isn't closed, and Wesker wins. It's genius.

      And nobody considers it because there's not enough hacky twists about dead wives or how gamers are obedient dogs.

  86. 3 months ago

    Good, fewer pretentious buttholes trying to find meaning hot b***hes carved in stone.
    >hurr durr but what does it meeaan?
    >He made marble look soft


  87. 3 months ago

    Video games > art

  88. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      feminist analysis isn't legitimate criticism, it's women whining about dumb shit so they can larp as intellectuals.

    • 3 months ago

      She fails on the serious part

  89. 3 months ago

    I don't get it. I am just like him - completely closed up to new experiences. I am also stubborn and unlikely to change my opinion on stuff + I am an autist who has torouble putting myself in someone else's shoes. All those qualities would make me a horrible critic or reviewer. How come this old fart is a critic when he is clearly unqualified to be one?

  90. 3 months ago

    Have you noticed that nobody defines art before starting these pointless discussions? Because if you define art, there's no discussion in the first place...
    Either you define it more broadly, as any product of human ingenuity, and video games clearly are art, or you arbitrarily restrict the meaning to only certain types of products of human ingenuity, in which case video games aren't art because you've decided not to place them among the things you've decided to call art...

    In short, all intellectuals who care to make this kind of comment are pseudos, because they aren't even capable of realizing how moronic the basis on which the discussion is made is.

  91. 3 months ago

    Dumb old man

  92. 3 months ago

    >Crusty ass boomer has an opinion

  93. 3 months ago

    >some homosexual is wrong
    wow never happened before
    anyway, next

  94. 3 months ago

    Who is this grandma and why should we care about her opinion?

  95. 3 months ago

    Yeah, now this
    This is art

    • 3 months ago

      That looked like a broken sword from the thumbnail.

  96. 3 months ago

    this dude was unironically too dense to get that Starship Troopers was a satire which is funny considering the recent Helldivers release

  97. 3 months ago

    A guy who doesn't play video games isn't qualified to talk about what video games are.

    • 3 months ago

      And that's basically should have been it, but the riot he caused with that article is proof in itself that it had to be written.
      It's like the Mohammed drawings of vidya.

  98. 3 months ago

    This is the opinion of a man who never played Ikaruga

  99. 3 months ago

    Video games exist above art. Comparing them to art is insulting to video games. Come back when your medium requires the skills of every other inferior media to produce something decent

  100. 3 months ago

    >Ebert was critical of intelligent design and stated that people who believe in either creationism or New Age beliefs such as crystal healing or astrology should not be president
    Then stated
    >though he argued that reincarnation is possible from a "scientific, rationalist point of view”


    >Ebert publicly urged leftist filmmaker Michael Moore to give a politically charged acceptance speech at the Academy Awards: "I'd like to see Michael Moore get up there and let 'em have it with both barrels and really let loose and give them a real rabble-rousing speech."

    he was a homosexual and I’m glad he got cancer especially after he gave night at the Roxbury a big fat thumbs down because he can’t understand just a movie having fun not every movie needs to have subtext and be gay.

    • 3 months ago

      >he didn't like my religion
      >and also he wanted a guy to frick with the academy awards
      Wow, what an butthole.

      • 3 months ago

        no I’m just saying as a guy who is pivoted as a very smart intellectual movie, reviewer him saying that reincarnation can happen is totally moronic. and him supporting Michael Moore, whose movies are almost all propaganda as somebody who should speak up is also totally moronic.

  101. 3 months ago

    Our conception of art and artist are homosexual bullshit invented in the western world in the last few hundred years and most of the greatest and most beautiful works of culture to have ever existed were created by people who had never even heard of it. It is an intellectual bastion for those people who think "sovl" is just a buzzword because they have no soul and no capacity for the appreciation of beauty so they tell themselves that beauty doesn't exist and amuse themselves with intellectual titillation.

  102. 3 months ago

    This thread is
    >trolling outside of /b/
    >extremely low quality
    Also robert squarehead redacted that statement

  103. 3 months ago

    >video game cannot be art
    >but two hours of capeshit quipslop designed to sell funko pops sure is
    ok roger

    • 3 months ago

      >>but two hours of capeshit quipslop designed to sell funko pops sure is
      No they aren't. Scorsese is right

  104. 3 months ago

    He is right, but the people getting defensive are either zoomies or normie millennials who recently (within the past 10 years) became """gamers""" (I hate this term, but I'll use it for its brevity).

    20 years ago, gamers weren't obsessed with trying to prove that games are art. The only reason one would be is because they want to vindicate their interest in this hobby.
    Gamers back then were content with havnig games being seen as for children, same as with anime fans or DnD fans or card game fans, because they didn't give a shit what others thought, because they weren't gonna let anyone's opinion get in they way of enjoying their hobby.
    This is a purely modern phenomenon and is the product of social media (yes, really).

    With social media, you cannot have sincerity. Everybody is an open book with their profiles and everyone is a possible target for bullying.
    If you like something, and it's perceived as "childish", that WILL be used against you.
    So what do people do? They become pretentious. They give their interests higher meaning and value than they deserve so they can justify them.

    >it's not childish to play video games/watch anime, because it's art!

    Now every normie is "into" video games and anime, but not really, because inwardly they still see them as childish, so they need these moronic justifications of them being "art".
    It's the same reason there's a trend of realism in video games, because having an art style makes them look cartoony and childish.

    And this is why people obsessed with having video games be seen as art are zoomies or recent gamer millennials: Either they never knew life before social media, or they weren't interested with video games to begin with.

    Video games are not art, will never be art, should never be art.
    The only thing they SHOULD be is FUN, which modern games lack.

    • 3 months ago

      >20 years ago, gamers weren't obsessed with trying to prove that games are art. The only reason one would be is because they want to vindicate their interest in this hobby.
      What makes you think that gamers from 20+ years ago, when it was still a subculture about a niche hobby made by nerds for nerds, are the ones partecipating in this pantomime?

      • 3 months ago

        "weren't". Negation.

        • 3 months ago

          My bad. I must be drunk

    • 3 months ago

      >This is a purely modern phenomenon and is the product of social media (yes, really).
      You do realize the person in OP's post, and the whole surrounding controversy, already proves you absolutely, 100% wrong, right?

      Why are you trying to larp as an oldgay in such a pathetic way?

      • 3 months ago

        That's still modern, social media era, moron.

        • 3 months ago

          >That's still modern, social media era, moron.
          Ebert controversy happened in 2005.
          It's 2024. It happened 19 years ago. 1 year before Facebook became available to public, 3 years before the term "social media" was even coined for thing we know as such.
          Which would make it a whole ten years older than you are.

          Don't try to pretend to be an oldgay, kid. Especially not in this pathetic way. It's painfully obvious that not only were you not around at that time, but also that you can't even begin comprehending that time. You are already completely, 100% projecting your own, zoomer social-media groomed presumptions when you claim that the only reason why anyone would care about the concept of art is to seek validation.
          That is a perfect, 100% demonstration of a zoomer mindset who can't stop thinking about validation, and projects that assumption on everyone else.

          Go be a zoomer homosexual somewhere else, please.

          • 3 months ago

            >Ebert controversy happened in 2005.
            No shit there were always people that saw games as art and Ebert's comments were stirring the pot for them.
            The prevalent PHENOMENON that is WIDESPREAD is a modern one.
            It's like arguing that trannies aren't a modern phenomenon because they were in a movie in the 70's (e.g. Dog Day Afternoon).

            >That is a perfect, 100% demonstration of a zoomer mindset who can't stop thinking about validation, and projects that assumption on everyone else.
            Isn't that just confirming what I already said? That seeking validation is a zoomie thing, hence why seeking to validate games as art is a zoomie modern phenomenon?

            Are you really trying to disprove me by repeating my points?

            • 3 months ago


              He is right, but the people getting defensive are either zoomies or normie millennials who recently (within the past 10 years) became """gamers""" (I hate this term, but I'll use it for its brevity).

              20 years ago, gamers weren't obsessed with trying to prove that games are art. The only reason one would be is because they want to vindicate their interest in this hobby.
              Gamers back then were content with havnig games being seen as for children, same as with anime fans or DnD fans or card game fans, because they didn't give a shit what others thought, because they weren't gonna let anyone's opinion get in they way of enjoying their hobby.
              This is a purely modern phenomenon and is the product of social media (yes, really).

              With social media, you cannot have sincerity. Everybody is an open book with their profiles and everyone is a possible target for bullying.
              If you like something, and it's perceived as "childish", that WILL be used against you.
              So what do people do? They become pretentious. They give their interests higher meaning and value than they deserve so they can justify them.

              >it's not childish to play video games/watch anime, because it's art!

              Now every normie is "into" video games and anime, but not really, because inwardly they still see them as childish, so they need these moronic justifications of them being "art".
              It's the same reason there's a trend of realism in video games, because having an art style makes them look cartoony and childish.

              And this is why people obsessed with having video games be seen as art are zoomies or recent gamer millennials: Either they never knew life before social media, or they weren't interested with video games to begin with.

              Video games are not art, will never be art, should never be art.
              The only thing they SHOULD be is FUN, which modern games lack.

              >20 years ago, gamers weren't obsessed with trying to prove that games are art. The only reason one would be is because they want to vindicate their interest in this hobby.
              >Gamers back then were content with havnig games being seen as for children, same as with anime fans or DnD fans or card game fans
              Literally your own words being proven wrong, zoomie.

              >Isn't that just confirming what I already said? That seeking validation is a zoomie thing
              The only thing it confirms is that you are a zoomie trying to talk about era and mindset that you literally cannot comprehend.
              Again. Go zoom somewhere else. Or at least have the decency not to larp in this pathetic fashion.

              • 3 months ago

                Am I supposed to not talk about general attitudes because a few exceptions exist?

                The only zoomie here is you, and it's obvious because you can't respond to single point I made; you just repeat what I already responded to like the underdeveloped frontal lobe minor that you are.
                Stop pretending this zoomie obsession was always the norm. The only reason one would want their hobbies to be seen as "art" and "mature" is because they're underaged homosexuals like you.

              • 3 months ago

                >Am I supposed to not talk about general attitudes because a few exceptions exist?
                First of all, hilarious fricking goal post moving. Literally with each and every single subsequent post you make, you already completely contradict what you said originally.
                Second of all, this wasn't an exception. This was a massive event that resonated in mainstream media as well as niche channels for years. It wasn't an exception, it was a manifestation of a phenomenon. And that phenomenon being people who have been playing games since 1992 really, really fricking caring about how their medium is discussed and protrayed, and being very much pissed en mass by people who tried to belittle it.

                The bottom line is: You were lying. About everything you said. Which again - was proven by the picture on OP's post.

              • 3 months ago

                >First of all, hilarious fricking goal post moving
                It isn't; you're just illiterate:

                >Ebert controversy happened in 2005.
                No shit there were always people that saw games as art and Ebert's comments were stirring the pot for them.
                The prevalent PHENOMENON that is WIDESPREAD is a modern one.
                It's like arguing that trannies aren't a modern phenomenon because they were in a movie in the 70's (e.g. Dog Day Afternoon).

                >That is a perfect, 100% demonstration of a zoomer mindset who can't stop thinking about validation, and projects that assumption on everyone else.
                Isn't that just confirming what I already said? That seeking validation is a zoomie thing, hence why seeking to validate games as art is a zoomie modern phenomenon?

                Are you really trying to disprove me by repeating my points?

                Illiterate morons aren't worthy of (You)s.

              • 3 months ago

                >It isn't; you're just illiterate:
                No, I can read just well. Your attempts at arguments are just pathetic.
                >"20 years ago nobody cared about the status of videogames, this is only invention of social media society!"
                The Ebert controversy proves you wrong.
                >"Ebert controversy was already modern, social media era and not what I'm talking about!"
                Ebert controversy happened 20 years ago, long before the emergence of modern social media.
                >Uh, oh, uh, it's uh totally it's just an exception, and does not count! I'm not a zoomie I swear!"

                You are pathetic. Why do you keep posting? Do you have no dignity? No self-awareness what so ever?

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, the guy you're talking to is a moron. Gamers have had a sort of persecution complex since the early-mid 90s, and have been pushing games as true art since FFVI (but what put it into over drive was the triple combo of Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, and Resident Evil 2 all in the same span of a couple years).

              • 3 months ago

                >Gamers have had a sort of persecution complex since the early-mid 90s

              • 3 months ago

                You have no idea what was going on in the american public AND POLITICAL discourse in regards to games at that time, do you?

                But once again, thanks for accidentally revealing that you are a zoomie child that literally has no comprehension of anything but his immediate social media bubble.

              • 3 months ago


                Your shithole is irrelevant and not representative.

                >inb4 very American response

                Stop projecting your shithole's problems on the rest of us, the majority of "gamers".

              • 3 months ago

                Of course I know what happened. You people kept calling Nintendo games kiddy trash while praising Metal Gear Solid to the high heavens for hours of cutscenes.

              • 3 months ago

                >Gamers have had a sort of persecution complex since the early-mid 90s,
                It's all a bit of a more complicated story than just that. But yes, there was a massive, very concrete and very serious battle for the status of videogames happening ESPECIALLY in the mid to late 90's, because of the very real attempt to actively stiffle the medium, especially from american conservative interest groups.
                By early 2000's that shit was largely already sorted, but everyone who was involved in the medium for more than 5 years still had very vivid memories of how close games came to being entirely gutted as a medium - on a legal, political level, so they were still very, very prickly about the subject matter.

                Also, it's important to take into consideration that there were some quite considerable difference about the discussion on a regional basis. The constant - and well justified - push for games to be treated equally to other media was very much a western, especially american thing, though Germany and Autstralia were also very painful hotspots.
                But at the same time, a lot of regions, including Japan, former eastern european countries, and a lot more laid back western european countries (like Spain, France, etc...) had quite fundamentally different outlook, as games - or "geek cultures" were not actually demonized in them in the same way to begin with.
                The concept of games as a very serious tool of communication, on par with older media, was considered a common sense in countries like Czech republic, so to them, when later people like Ebert tried to essentially revive the older, 90's style contempt for gaming industry, they saw it as absurdity, rather than a direct attack.

                The whole history is complex and really interesting.
                Which is why I DESPISE zoomie homosexuals trying to project their own social-media obsession into it like this homosexual:

                >people who have been playing games since 1992 really, really fricking caring about how their medium is discussed and portrayed
                What gamer demographic is this?

              • 3 months ago

                Your shithole is irrelevant and not representative.

                >inb4 very American response

              • 3 months ago

                American site.

              • 3 months ago

                Were we discussing the site?

                What a moron.

              • 3 months ago

                You're on an American site discussing an American film critic's ideas that were prevalent in English speak, primarily American, communities.
                You're a moron.

              • 3 months ago


                Are video games exclusive to America?
                Anyone (Ebert) can discuss them anywhere (Ganker) and play them anywhere.
                Why do you keep pretending that America's problems are representative of the rest of us non-shitholes?
                What IS representative is the attitude of not being concerned with the medium being perceived as "art".

                Also: Not an American site.

              • 3 months ago

                >Your shithole is irrelevant and not representative.
                I'm Czech, child. Which is something you could have easily figured out by reading the rest of my post, that specifically and explicitly talks about the importance of difference between the nature of the discourse in other parts of the world.

                You really are getting just completely desperate, aren't you?
                And your inability to read text longer than a twitter post further proves my point.

                SOMEWHERE ELSE:

              • 3 months ago

                >reading the rest of my post
                >"please read the rest of my moronation"

                Why would I continue reading shit by someone who's proven to be consistently wrong?

              • 3 months ago

                Kid, literally admitting that you are too scared to even read your opponents full argument is not something that makes you look any better.

                Of course I know what happened. You people kept calling Nintendo games kiddy trash while praising Metal Gear Solid to the high heavens for hours of cutscenes.

                >You people kept calling Nintendo games kiddy trash while praising Metal Gear Solid to the high heavens for hours of cutscenes.
                Who exactly is "you" in this scenario?

              • 3 months ago

                Stopped reading.

                Stop being wrong, moron.

              • 3 months ago

                >Stopped reading.
                You already admitted you completely stopped reading a while ago, kid. Long before I called you that.
                What is the point of further drying attention to your immaturity like this?

              • 3 months ago

                > >
                Stopped reading.

              • 3 months ago

                I will never quite understand the need to continue to humiliate yourself after you lose an argument. If I was in your position, I'd be closing the thread and desperately hopping everyone forgets.

                But I do find it amusing, you falling apart and raging more and more because you have already been proven wrong, drawing more and more attention to how completely deranged and incapable of any self control you are.

                So please, continue drawing more attention to your failure.

              • 3 months ago

                Not reading that zoomie seethe post

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, which is fine, it's hilarious how you don't realize that you are doing exactly what I want you t do.
                Just keep dancing for me, monkey.

              • 3 months ago

                Not reading your zoomie seethe post.

              • 3 months ago

                What the frick am I reading?

              • 3 months ago

                >What the frick am I reading?
                What part of that post confuses you?

              • 3 months ago

                It doesn't confuse me. It makes me cringe.

              • 3 months ago

                So you can't put together a single point about what is wrong about it, but it still makes you seethe and piss yourself.
                Cool. Thanks for letting us know.

                Not reading your zoomie seethe post.

                Keep going, kid.

              • 3 months ago

                Your lack of self awareness is also cringe.

              • 3 months ago

                >Your lack of self awareness is also cringe.
                I'd strongly recommend not using words that you don't actually understand. Like "self-awareness". Othewise you'll end up in situations like this, making statement so hilariously ironic it makes it completely impossible to take you seriously anymore.

                Just admit that the post made you confused and angry, but you don't really know why, because you are a moron.

              • 3 months ago

                Americentric moronation (capital R).

              • 3 months ago

                A lot of people fail to understand that gaming used to be under heavy scrutiny (mainly because they weren’t alive when it happened), you had grifters like Jack Thompson riding the wave of moral panic and the politicians doing similar shit because it allowed them to gain support from moronic boomers that b***hed about their parents doing the same thing for Rock and Roll.

              • 3 months ago

                >people who have been playing games since 1992 really, really fricking caring about how their medium is discussed and portrayed
                What gamer demographic is this?

              • 3 months ago

                That's the opposite of what I'm saying.
                I'm saying they don't.

                It's the zoomies and normies that want games to be seen as art.

    • 3 months ago

      Guess if i had fun cumming over your mother masterpiece portraits they are not art anymore, sorry.

  105. 3 months ago

    Games created by very small passionate studios can be art. Nothing created by Blizzard/Bioware/Larian etc. can be art.

    • 3 months ago

      By that logic no large movies can be art either.

  106. 3 months ago

    >“Video games are art.”
    OK, so they should be used as a platform to support social change like artworks have been since time immemorial.

    You all are your own biggest argument against video games being seen as art.

    • 3 months ago

      >OK, so they should be used as a platform to support social change
      That's not what art is supposed to be. That's what art is supposed to be according to politicians who have no soul, only power interests.

    • 3 months ago

      You're getting your words mixed up, a platform for social change is called "propaganda" not "art"

  107. 3 months ago

    Who wants video games to be art or treated as such? Gamers just want good games.

  108. 3 months ago

    The guy spent his whole life shilling for and defending the artistic merit of israeliteslop. His opinion is worth less then nothing.

    • 3 months ago

      >The guy spent his whole life shilling for and defending the artistic merit of israeliteslop
      Well the guy is famous from turning an originally very insular, purely academic discipline of cinematology, into a incredibly popular american day-time TV show.

      How exactly do you think he managed to achieve that? You think it was through applying strict, non-pandering, academically rigorous opinions? Or would maybe pandering to the widest possible demographic be a more logical way to sell yourself to american masses?

      The success and fame of Ebert's movie criticism was specifically predicated by his mediocrity as a critic, and his ability to correctly read what the massive audience wants to hear. If he was a good movie critic, he would never became popular in the first place.

  109. 3 months ago

    >go to museum
    >buy ticket to enter
    >don't have to buy sculpture expansion to see something other than paintings
    >don't have to buy impressionist or flemish masters dlc
    >no battlepass where I have to clean up around the museum to get to see random works of art they chose for me
    The homie ain't wrong.

    • 3 months ago

      >>don't have to buy sculpture expansion to see something other than paintings
      >>don't have to buy impressionist or flemish masters dlc
      You've never been into a large museum, they have specific exhibits you pay extra for, which typically include sculptures or paintings by a specific artist or of a specific genre.

  110. 3 months ago

    As a person that wants video games to be good I don't want them to be art. They can have artisanship, but they aren't art themselfs. If anything they can be political art but never true art.

  111. 3 months ago

    By that logic film cannot be art either.

    • 3 months ago

      >zoomie cannot distinguish between games and movies
      The absolute state

    • 3 months ago

      You didn't even bother reading his essay on the subject.
      >A year or so ago, I rashly wrote that video games could not be art. That inspired a firestorm among gamers, who wrote me countless messages explaining why I was wrong, and urging me to play their favorite games. Of course, I was asking for it. Anything can be art. Even a can of Campbell's soup. What I should have said is that games could not be high art, as I understand it.

      >How do I know this? How many games have I played? I know it by the definition of the vast majority of games. They tend to involve (1) point and shoot in many variations and plotlines, (2) treasure or scavenger hunts, as in "Myst," and (3) player control of the outcome. I don't think these attributes have much to do with art; they have more in common with sports.

      >I believe art is created by an artist. If you change it, you become the artist. Would "Romeo and Juliet" have been better with a different ending? Rewritten versions of the play were actually produced with happy endings. "King Lear" was also subjected to rewrites; it's such a downer. At this point, taste comes into play. Which version of "Romeo and Juliet," Shakespeare's or Barker's, is superior, deeper, more moving, more "artistic"?

      I especially like Ebert's rejection of a "moving experience" being high art.
      >Many experiences that move me in some way or another are not art. A year ago I lost the ability (temporarily, I hope) to speak. I was deeply moved by the experience. It was not art.

      • 3 months ago

        >Ebert: If you can go through "every emotional journey available," doesn't that devalue each and every one of them? Art seeks to lead you to an inevitable conclusion, not a smorgasbord of choices. If next time, I have Romeo and Juliet go through the story naked and standing on their hands, would that be way cool, or what?
        People also seem to think he hates all pure entertainment, which he rejects in his second post about games as art from 2007.
        >That said, let me confess I enjoy entertainments, but I think it important to know what they are. I like the circus as much as the ballet. I like crime novels. (I just finished an advance copy of Henry Kisor's Cache of Corpses, about GPS geo-caching gamesters and a macabre murder conspiracy. Couldn't put it down.) And I like horror stories, where Edgar Allen Poe in particular represents art. I think I know what Stan Brakhage meant when he said Poe invented the cinema, lacking only film.

        >I treasure escapism in the movies. I tirelessly quote Pauline Kael: The movies are so rarely great art, that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we have no reason to go. I admired "Spider-Man 2," "Superman," and many of the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, James Bond and Harry Potter films. The idea, I think, is to value what is good at whatever level you find it. "Spider-Man 2" is one of the great comic superhero movies but it is not great art.

        • 3 months ago

          >I admired "Spider-Man 2," "Superman," and many of the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, James Bond and Harry Potter films
          outside of not being great art, these are also fricking boring

          • 3 months ago

            Peak contrarianism.
            Literally every film he mentioned was a cultural tidal wave.

      • 3 months ago

        >Ebert: If you can go through "every emotional journey available," doesn't that devalue each and every one of them? Art seeks to lead you to an inevitable conclusion, not a smorgasbord of choices. If next time, I have Romeo and Juliet go through the story naked and standing on their hands, would that be way cool, or what?
        People also seem to think he hates all pure entertainment, which he rejects in his second post about games as art from 2007.
        >That said, let me confess I enjoy entertainments, but I think it important to know what they are. I like the circus as much as the ballet. I like crime novels. (I just finished an advance copy of Henry Kisor's Cache of Corpses, about GPS geo-caching gamesters and a macabre murder conspiracy. Couldn't put it down.) And I like horror stories, where Edgar Allen Poe in particular represents art. I think I know what Stan Brakhage meant when he said Poe invented the cinema, lacking only film.

        >I treasure escapism in the movies. I tirelessly quote Pauline Kael: The movies are so rarely great art, that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we have no reason to go. I admired "Spider-Man 2," "Superman," and many of the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, James Bond and Harry Potter films. The idea, I think, is to value what is good at whatever level you find it. "Spider-Man 2" is one of the great comic superhero movies but it is not great art.

        >I admired "Spider-Man 2," "Superman," and many of the Star Wars, Indiana Jones, James Bond and Harry Potter films
        outside of not being great art, these are also fricking boring

        Peak contrarianism.
        Literally every film he mentioned was a cultural tidal wave.

        the opinions of ebert are wrong by a lot of art mediums varying by his practices like dancing and in general videogames giving a focused experience through mechanics, you cannot make a game character do something it isn't intended to do and if you play differently you are just using a different way that the mechanics work, you are working through the mechanics of the creator thus the game is still art by this moronic metric which it isn't even true on art by it being the expression of anyone which videogames are defined and other art shows, in general by this logic movie interpretation removes art of movies by the differing view points even if they have set ideas like video games which makes all of his essay really dumb and just juxtapositions of someone which sees the medium as board games (which are also art by being the expression of someone even if their expression varies more by rule changing or rule changing which by the set mechanics reinforce the message through the mechanics, this doesn't remove the expression and if it does by total modification the thing is just a new art piece rather than not being art, in general he is putting his warped view point of a movie critic onto other art by his lack of understanding and the act of putting this opinion as a truth even if it's inherently incorrect is very sad).

  112. 3 months ago

    Are you talking traveling exhibits or special ones? I haven't been to a museum in two decades but I wouldn't have called buying a ticket to the King Tut special exhibit DLC, that's another game. If they now charge entrance to the museum on top of the special exhibit ticket, sure, you're right.

  113. 3 months ago
  114. 3 months ago

    If videogays aren't, then you have no grounds to b***h about remakes/remasters, annua entry franchises, live service games, and other assorted cancer.
    Simple as.

  115. 3 months ago

    Didn't read this reposted bait thread, how do you lose an entire jaw?

    • 3 months ago

      Cancer treatment.

    • 3 months ago

      His jaw dropped from hearing the retaded statement "video games are art".

  116. 3 months ago

    I disagree with him, but he did us a great service by preventing wannabe auteurs from trying to make vidya.

    • 3 months ago

      Unfortunately, it seems he had the opposite effect. A bunch of failed film and media arts students flocked to video games to try to prove him wrong. And what came of it was the "art game" genre, which is not a genre, but a category of poorly designed and/or severely mislabeled games, since everyone involved in this debate (Ebert included) was a moron who didn't actually play or like games.

  117. 3 months ago

    The reason for why people like him cannot allow games to be considered art is because every obscenity and censorship law has exceptions for things that are considered artistic. If games are not recognized as art, they can be censored and banned by governments and corporations without regard to the free speech or free expression rights of the authors. The goal is to stifle video games.
    You only agree because you let them define what art is, and the definition they give you is either politically loaded or completely useless. Of course you don't want games to be like that, but if you expand your view a little, you'll see that you don't want any art to be like that either. Art means something very concrete; it is an expression that's external to a person and attempts to communicate an author's internal experience into another person.
    Video games are obviously art and therefore require the legal protections that are extended to all other forms of speech, expression and artistry.

    • 3 months ago

      First: Art can and is censored, some arts are too breathtaking to be safe for weaker mind, other arts are not adequate with their surrounding and necessitate to be kept in more appropriate place, if less accessible.
      Second: by that logic anything is art, shit on a plate is art, embezzling&money laundering is art, propaganda&disinformation is art. scams are artful.

      Video game is still art but it never really mattered.

      • 3 months ago

        shit to represent something is art, is bad art on the grandest scale but it's like bad food, it's still something edible but it's bad for your health and/or tastes like shit.
        for the first one, yeah and i agree with you, still the act of saying that videogames aren't art is a way to reduce the importance of their messages so that bad people can propagandize people on other controlled mediums which videogames didn't had for a long time, that's the reason that when video games got to be told that they are art they became more propagandistic, is a way to gather a false conveyor of ideas rather than being a real thing with messages which are good and matter rather than trash made to generate and encourage bad things of any kind.

  118. 3 months ago

    Art is not about a "message" but about self-expression and there are tons of games made for the purpose of self-expression, including some commercially successful and popular ones.

  119. 3 months ago

    >Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country
    Never respond to a moron that does not understand general statements like this or like "older gamers didn't consider video games art".

  120. 3 months ago

    Ebert was based. 50% of anons ITT will have unattended funerals.

  121. 3 months ago

    This guy gave Malignant 1 star. He's a hack and a fraud.

  122. 3 months ago

    >Blanket statement with no qualification or argumentation
    Aside from that:
    Developers who think of games as art almost always ends up with a misguided view of telling pretentious stories and trying to be profound. It's pointless to discuss whether games are art because we would be going in circles on the definition of art, and that has proven to be one of the most fruitless discussions in all of human history.
    Games are games. Who gives a shit if they're pumped in with cinema?

    • 3 months ago

      >Who gives a shit if they're pumped in with cinema?
      I do.

      It wouldn't be an issue if moviegames were their own thing.
      But no, this attitude encroaches on other games and genres and forcibly inserts pretentiousness in them.
      That's how we got Dad of Bore.

    • 3 months ago

      I care about the status of video games as art because art is given exceptions in most obscenity and censorship regulations around the world. With video games not being legally art, it's permissible for governments and corporations to censor the industry to death. That's why I care.
      My definition of art is anything that's made with the intention of communicating an internal experience from one person to another. Basically expression with a medium of choice. Gameplay loops are implemented and experienced with exactly the same intent, to make other people experience the fun ideas you had. This definition is a superset of "telling pretentious stories and trying to be profound."
      You're right that art itself needs to be defined for the sake of this discussion, but so long as you refuse to do so the present legal definitions will be used to attack your hobby.
      You're just not seeing how this affects video games. If video games are not legally considered art, then you can be legally punished for producing them.

      • 3 months ago

        >My definition of art is anything that's made with the intention of communicating an internal experience from one person to another.
        So the statement "you have AIDS" is art.

        • 3 months ago

          You wouldn't claim that it isn't covered by free speech, which is the real root of the question.

          • 3 months ago

            >You wouldn't claim that it isn't covered by free speech, which is the real root of the question.
            Actually, accusing someone of having AIDS in the public, when he does not, can be legally recognized as slander (I believe the legal term in English law is "deflamation") and can get you into serious trouble. It's absolutely not covered under free speech in many, many contexts.

            • 3 months ago

              However, if that statement is presented as part of an artwork and it isn't intended to damage someone's reputation or dignity, it should not be ruled as defamation.

  123. 3 months ago

    I don't hate him for being right I hate him for getting modern triple A devs so worked into a shitfit over being an "inferior" form of media that they all try to make movieslop to be taken seriously

  124. 3 months ago
  125. 3 months ago

    I'll never understand why some people can't wrap their head around the artistry of game design. It must be a low IQ problem.

    • 3 months ago

      Games can incorporate art, just like product packaging incorporates art.
      Neither is itself art.

      • 3 months ago

        Game design is very obviously an art.

        • 3 months ago

          Again: That's incorporating art.
          The game itself is not art.

          • 3 months ago

            Game design is an artistic effort. The creation from such an effort is art.

            • 3 months ago

              "Packaging design is an artistic effort. The creation from such an effort is art."

              • 3 months ago

                Your IQ must be very low if you think game design is merely packaging.

              • 3 months ago

                Your IQ must be very low if you think game design is higher than packaging.

              • 3 months ago


                Game design is about rules. A game designer invents new rules. This is a creative endeavor.

                A game is not just an assembly of art. To see games this way is to completely overlook game design as a concept.

              • 3 months ago

                Yes, and it's easy to compare it to something like architecture. If the parameters+motifs of chess can be considered aesthetically pleasing to the point of art, the principle applies to all games. It's hard for midwits to wrap their minds around this, since they don't have the brainpower to escape the gravity of relatable characters and plot twists.

              • 3 months ago

                >Video games aren’t even art
                All games are art. See [...]

                It’s not art. Or at least we need to redefine what “art” actually is now.
                Art used to be the manifestation of creativity through the manual application of talent. That is to say, the artist had a talent of transferring their vision onto a canvas or through an instrument by hand. Something very few could do.
                Now, we have 350lbs diabetics making coom bait with the assistance of computers and tablets calling themselves “artists.”
                morons making music with the assistance of computers and sound boards, calling themselves musicians.
                What do video game creators do that counts as “art?” The computer does all the work through coding and the application of computer generated models. How is this “art?” It’s not anything special and can be done by anyone who’s willing to take the time to learn the code and how use the necessary programs.
                You can teach someone to create a 3D model of a house, using a computer.
                You cannot teach someone to be creative and to make a masterpiece by hand.

                Video games are not art. They are a consumable product manufactured by machines for mass distribution.

                /the end

                no morons, it's art by being a set of expressions which are put on a piece, that's art, the expression of someone through a thing, mechanics by putting an expression or letting an expression is art and the other parts even if part of other mediums are still a part which works with the mechanics thus are art, by this logic movies aren't art by it being a package for pictures/ drawings even if they explain something else by the movement.
                videogames are art by definition by being a way of a person or a group to express something, they comply perfectly just like dancing and other art forms do, this debate is so moronic because it's based on the tarded idea that art is something uncommon rather than the natural human experience of being ourselves thanks to ideas from pretentious morons and other imbeciles, following this, changes of interpretation of art don't remove the art by still being an expression and this doesn't really happen in video games by them having a set of mechanics which can't be overridden and even if used differently they cause an specific set of results through them without any modification, thus still being the expression of the person who coded the mechanics, you cannot make a video game character do a flip if it isn't programmed to do one or has a physic engine capable, if that isn't there it isn't possible thus there is an intention to not do the flip, this part even if not true wouldn't remove videogames from being art from what i explained above too.

              • 3 months ago

                Occasionally Canadians get their e-girl onahole imports seized by customs because the packaging design includes lewd drawings. If packaging design was legally recognized as art, this would not happen. It's better for packaging labels to be art than not.

              • 3 months ago

                Why not argue for protections directly instead of inspiring pretentiousness into video games via "IT'S ACKSHULLY ART"?

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not inspiring pretentiousness into video games.
                You're the one thinking that that would be necessary for video games to be considered art. You're the one who has this standard.
                Your idea of "art = pretentious" is what's preventing video games from gaining this legal protection. The law isn't pretentious at all.
                You've fallen for the fricking memes. You're saying that we shouldn't do something that is obviously good because someone made the obviously good thing look unappealing by misrepresenting it. Art isn't what they claim it is, they're lying to you so that you don't know to take advantage of the law that's intended to protect you and the things that you like.

              • 3 months ago

                >Your idea of "art = pretentious"
                Do you know what pretentious means?

                I'm being serious.
                Do you know what it means?

                Art is not inherently pretentious. Pretentious literally means:
                >attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.

                Pretending games are "(high) art" literally fits the definition of "pretentious".

              • 3 months ago

                Video games aren’t even art to being with, let alone high art.

              • 3 months ago

                >Video games aren’t even art
                All games are art. See


                Game design is about rules. A game designer invents new rules. This is a creative endeavor.

                A game is not just an assembly of art. To see games this way is to completely overlook game design as a concept.

              • 3 months ago

                All games are not art, See

                It’s not art. Or at least we need to redefine what “art” actually is now.
                Art used to be the manifestation of creativity through the manual application of talent. That is to say, the artist had a talent of transferring their vision onto a canvas or through an instrument by hand. Something very few could do.
                Now, we have 350lbs diabetics making coom bait with the assistance of computers and tablets calling themselves “artists.”
                morons making music with the assistance of computers and sound boards, calling themselves musicians.
                What do video game creators do that counts as “art?” The computer does all the work through coding and the application of computer generated models. How is this “art?” It’s not anything special and can be done by anyone who’s willing to take the time to learn the code and how use the necessary programs.
                You can teach someone to create a 3D model of a house, using a computer.
                You cannot teach someone to be creative and to make a masterpiece by hand.

                Video games are not art. They are a consumable product manufactured by machines for mass distribution.

                /the end

              • 3 months ago

                How about I pretend games are toys. Is that also pretentious?

              • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              >Game design is an artistic effort.
              maybe at one time, now it's just hackfrauds copying hackfrauds.

              ...huh, maybe it IS artistic effort

  126. 3 months ago

    Art must be a painting and depict an object of european origin, and it must also be relevant more than 200 years later. Movies, music and video games aren't art and never can be.

  127. 3 months ago

    And it's okay. I've never considered any game (even not vidya related) to be an art of some sort. Art isn't a purpose per say, I just want some good time on a good game sometimes.

  128. 3 months ago

    Ebert will never be jaw

  129. 3 months ago

    Well yeah, no shit. I can't buy off some guy to "appraise" my shit-on-canvas video game at $35,000,000 in order to leverage it to avoid having to pay taxes.

  130. 3 months ago

    It’s not art. Or at least we need to redefine what “art” actually is now.
    Art used to be the manifestation of creativity through the manual application of talent. That is to say, the artist had a talent of transferring their vision onto a canvas or through an instrument by hand. Something very few could do.
    Now, we have 350lbs diabetics making coom bait with the assistance of computers and tablets calling themselves “artists.”
    morons making music with the assistance of computers and sound boards, calling themselves musicians.
    What do video game creators do that counts as “art?” The computer does all the work through coding and the application of computer generated models. How is this “art?” It’s not anything special and can be done by anyone who’s willing to take the time to learn the code and how use the necessary programs.
    You can teach someone to create a 3D model of a house, using a computer.
    You cannot teach someone to be creative and to make a masterpiece by hand.

    Video games are not art. They are a consumable product manufactured by machines for mass distribution.

    /the end

    • 3 months ago

      All games are not art, See [...]

      >What do video game creators do that counts as “art?”
      Answered in my post.

      • 3 months ago

        But you didn’t answer. Video games are not art. There is nothing artistic about them. Do you think everyone that’s a part of the company who contributes to the game is an “artist?” Does that include the janitors and the HR losers? Are they are artists too? They helped in form or another.
        Ohhhhh you’re an indie dev or a wanna be dev who couldn’t cut it in real tech like cyber security or AI… I get it now.
        Ok, if it helps you sleep you can go ahead and call video games art. The rest of us with triple digit IQs will call them what they are… products.

        • 3 months ago

          >Does that include the janitors and the HR losers?
          if a support staff disqualifies something from being art then movies are not art either

          I don't think Ebert would agree with you on that

        • 3 months ago

          >But you didn’t answer.
          Yes I did. Game designers invent new rules. This is a creative endeavor. Your post was already refuted.

          >There is nothing artistic about them.
          The invention of new rules is an artistic process. Therefore, game design is an art, and all games are art.

          • 3 months ago

            >creating new rules = art
            Are you unironically moronic?
            So, if I invent a new way to fry a potato chip, I’m now an “artist?”

            • 3 months ago

              >So, if I invent a new way to fry a potato chip, I’m now an “artist?”
              A culinary artist, sure.

              Why wouldn't inventing new rules be considered artistic? Is this not a creative effort?

              • 3 months ago

                Holy shit you have to be baiting at this point. It’s just not possible to as moronic as you. It can’t be true.

              • 3 months ago

                >I've lost the argument. Better call his posts bait to save face.

              • 3 months ago

                I didn’t lose shit you stupid homosexual. You’re not an artist no matter badly you want it to be true. AI has replaced any chance you might have had. And video games are not art and never will be.
                It’s time to stop posting, put your helmet on, and get to your job at the YMCA, Timmy.

              • 3 months ago

                >you are not le real artist!
                AI will never replace game designers because it will never replace artists. It will only ever replace laborers. An artist is someone who creates something new from an idea and that "something new" for game designers is rules.

              • 3 months ago

                AI already had replaced them you dumb homosexual.

              • 3 months ago

                No, it's only replaced laborers, and the labor aspect of art. But I don't expect someone with an IQ as low as yours to understand this.

            • 3 months ago

              >So, if I invent a new way to fry a potato chip, I’m now an “artist?”
              Yes, and you will never make it. Go back to cleaning tables, Jose.

            • 3 months ago

              By that logic anyone that has created new forms of painting or sculpting isn’t an artist, hell art itself wouldn’t even exist.

              • 3 months ago

                That anon doesn't have logic. He argues from a moral standpoint. No argument from reason will change his mind; to him, it is true that games are not art, because he is morally inclined to believe so.

              • 3 months ago

                What do morals have to do with whether something is art or not? That’s like saying the weather determines what is food.

              • 3 months ago

                >What do morals have to do with whether something is art or not?
                They don't. That's why nothing this guy

                >creating new rules = art
                Are you unironically moronic?
                So, if I invent a new way to fry a potato chip, I’m now an “artist?”

                says makes any sense. He's motivated by morality, probably derived from some political ideology.

            • 3 months ago

              The argument is about rules for a game.
              You're comparing it to a method of preparing food.
              Rules for a game exist to guide the experience of play. Within the game, the rules are absolute, and outside of it they are not real. The rules themselves are the medium within which the idea is encoded, and direct engagement with the rules is what allows the experience to transcend minds.
              If you would like to compare these two, you would need to device a way to directly eat the cooking method without the potato chip itself being the medium.

    • 3 months ago

      Shit definition of art. Art necessitates a medium, and you're saying that this particular one doesn't count because the medium is special in some capacity.

      But I'm literally pretending.
      You frick face.

      • 3 months ago

        The medium does all the work for you. How is that “art?”

        • 3 months ago

          My computer doesn't do frick without me instructing it to.

          • 3 months ago

            tarded normies think the computer is full of magic pixies and isn't the electric abacus it actually is

          • 3 months ago

            it's mining bitcoin for me 🙂

        • 3 months ago

          >the only interactive medium "does all the work for you"

        • 3 months ago

          if a renowned chef uses gas burners to cook instead of a campfire does that mean his product isn't food?

          using better tools to create better art has been all the rage since the beginning of civilization. Anybody who claims that somehow discredits it because it makes it more efficient and less tedious is just a pretentious poser clinging to some contrived sense of self worth

    • 3 months ago

      and videogames are based around manual input of code through a tool, thus are an artistic endeavor, the same as musicians not getting any music through music creation software if they don't put any effort, ai is just copied art from others to generate non creative copies rather than anything else, thus aren't art from the person and removes the intent of making art on the first place while at the same time being trash and awful, the computer inputs the things the person made to generate a result in the other it steals from others, one creates the other just replicates, art is the creation itself and videogames not made with ai comply with this, thus follow the definition of art as a medium of expression, the tools changing don't remove this just like using a different brush which can make certain things doesn't remove a drawing from being art.

      • 3 months ago

        >typing on a computer is now art
        Damn Shitllinnials and zoomcucks are truly fricked

        • 3 months ago

          >Typing isn't art

          Do you not know how movies, tv shows, and books are created?

        • 3 months ago

          the art of making something through typing is art, the same as using a typewriter to make a book, by this logic using a different brush makes a drawing not art by not using an specific one.

          >Typing isn't art

          Do you not know how movies, tv shows, and books are created?

          this too

          • 3 months ago

            >typing on a computer is now art
            Damn Shitllinnials and zoomcucks are truly fricked

            > You take us for a joke?

            • 3 months ago

              i like ascii art, thanks for showing it.

  131. 3 months ago

    Wubba lubba dub dub

  132. 3 months ago

    Roger Ebert was a great writer and entertaining personality. Part of what made him compelling was his ridiculous and shit opinions.

    Boomers are going to conflate his legacy with him being an authority on art, but even his biggest fans knew that wasn’t the case. They followed him because he was fun to follow. Watch almost any episode of Siskel & Ebert and you’ll see quickly that the show was fun because he was insufferable and erratic.

  133. 3 months ago

    in 100 years people will quote this just to laugh at him for being so moronic

  134. 3 months ago

    idk about that, but this is a pretty good Ganker image

  135. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      he had enough money to get himself a cool metal jaw but decided to live like a chinless homosexual so he could keep fitting multiple wieners into his mouth. truly the biggest homosexual to ever live.

      • 3 months ago

        > truly the biggest homosexual to ever live.
        Naw, close, but I think that title goes to

        >But you didn’t answer.
        Yes I did. Game designers invent new rules. This is a creative endeavor. Your post was already refuted.

        >There is nothing artistic about them.
        The invention of new rules is an artistic process. Therefore, game design is an art, and all games are art.

      • 3 months ago

        >he had enough money to get himself a cool metal jaw but decided to live like a chinless homosexual so he could keep fitting multiple wieners into his mouth. truly the biggest homosexual to ever live.

        Reminder Steve Jobs was richer and he chose sugar pills over chemo for a treatable and understood form of pancreatic cancer.

        My biggest cope is that rich or academic types rarely are truly intelligent. They are often deeply flawed clowns. Knowing Steve died regretting his decision makes it even more pathetic. He could have survived in a luxury clinic in switzerland or japan and fly in international experts, but no. Sugar pills. Yikes!

        • 3 months ago

          >Reminder Steve Jobs was richer and he chose sugar pills over chemo for a treatable and understood form of pancreatic cancer.
          last i heard he was coerced into taking them, effectively being murdered through malpractice. kind of like michael jackson

  136. 3 months ago

    Who the frick cares art is fake and gay, is this why modern games suck just to a please some dead rando?

    • 3 months ago

      No it’s more like pretentious Hollywood rejects keep flooding in to the industry and make games into movies.

  137. 3 months ago

    He's right. TLOU and Alan Wake 2 gays BTFO.

  138. 3 months ago

    >1970's: Videogames are a minor market compared to traditional media. "Videogames are for kids and teens."
    >1980's: Videogames have success, but still a small market compared to traditional media. "Videogames are for kids and teens, bleeps and bloops."
    >1990's: Videogames start getting into 3D, market keeps growing. "VIDEOGAMES ARE MAKING KIDS INTO KILLERS!"
    >2000's: Videogames start selling on levels of traditional media. "Videogames are for manchildren!"
    >2010's: Videogames start to outsell traditional media. "Videogames will never be art!"
    >2020's: Videogames are a 365 billion dollar industry, movies are 77 billion, music is 26 billion. (This space reserved for old media cope for this decade)

    • 3 months ago

      Why do so many act like games and gaming have always been a massive cultural phenomenon? Like I remember talking about liking games and being called a nerd in a derogatory manner. But now everyone is just forgetting that ever happened. Why is this?

      • 3 months ago

        If you grew up in the 70's-90's, you got called a nerd and learned to keep your hobby a secret at school. If you grew up in the 00's onwards, everyone was playing Pokemon, Halo, COD, Madden, etc. A lot of people also seem to forget that internet connection in the US went from 15-25% of the population in 1999 to over 60% in 2001.

        • 3 months ago

          Oh, almost forgot. The PS2 is STILL the best selling console of all time. That's how mainstream videogaming became in the 2000's.

        • 3 months ago

          No even in the oughts you still had people giving you shit for playing games.

          • 3 months ago

            >No even in the oughts you still had people giving you shit for playing games.
            In the era of GTA3, GTA:VC, and GTA:SA? The era when Vin Diesel was telling people "think Playstation"? The era when nearly everyone got a PC at home? The era when Pokemon fever was in full swing? Maybe in your backwater town, but the 2000's is when videogames became popular in the mainstream.

            • 3 months ago

              Just because shit was being promoted more doesn’t mean attitudes just changed. It was still considered to be a hobby of losers and psychopaths by many. For frick sake this was around the same time that homosexual Jack Thompson was doing his grift and all the Hot Coffee contravesy.

              • 3 months ago

                > Jack Thompson was doing his grift and all the Hot Coffee contravesy.
                Literally who and what?

              • 3 months ago

                You’re trying to argue video games weren’t stigmatized in the oughts but don’t know who Jack Thompson or Hot Coffee are? For frick sake you mentioned San Andreas.

  139. 3 months ago

    This was one of those boomers who built his career on hating things and trying to destroy what he hated. No one liked him, and when he died people were happy about it.
    Sadly there were people brought up with the idea that you have to please pieces of shit like him to be successful, being blissfully unaware that the whole art industry is just money laundering. If you get successful as a modern artist, congrats, you're now the fall guy for millionaires.

  140. 3 months ago

    'Art' does not mean 'good'

  141. 3 months ago

    He's dead. His opinions don't matter anymore

  142. 3 months ago

    >Mona Lisa
    >Mona Lisa in 3D space
    not art
    Make it make sense

    • 3 months ago

      That is correct. The Mona Lisa was hand painted by an actual artist.
      The 3D space Mona Lisa was created by a computer after some moron typed a few commands in, that is not art.

      • 3 months ago

        That's like saying the Mona Lisa was created by some paint brushes after some moron swabbed them around a little.

        • 3 months ago

          Not the same thing, but that’s thanks for playing. Now, run along before your village chief catches you on the communal tribe computer again.

          • 3 months ago

            have a nice day

      • 3 months ago

        Where do you draw the line, exactly?

        • 3 months ago

          >hey bing AI make me a picture of Petra from fire emblem 3 houses with huge breasts and a big fat ass, have her leaning over a bed with a warewolf behind her ready to frick her in the ass.
          >hey guys look at me I’m an artist!!!!!

          • 3 months ago

            That doesn't really answer my question.

      • 3 months ago

        >paint a picture with a drawing tablet and a computer
        >insert the result into a 3D space
        not art
        How moronic do you feel right now?

  143. 3 months ago

    SMT3, SMT4, SMTSJ and SMT5 exist

    sorry grandpa

  144. 3 months ago

    Correct and it never should be attempted to be made into art.

    No one gives a shit about artistic movies, and they just get memed on.

    No one wants to play video games for a fricking artistic experience.

  145. 3 months ago

    I honestly don't care if it's art or not. I like video games. Leave me alone and stop interfering.

  146. 3 months ago

    "Art" is fricking moron
    Some mentally ill women shoving eggs inside her pussy in the middle of a street is "Art", a bunch of random junk with some with some overly pretentious plaque explaining what that's supposed to mean it's "Art"
    I don't want videogames to be art

    • 3 months ago

      What a moronic literal philistine mutt you are lmao enjoy whatever slop you eat up homosexual.

  147. 3 months ago

    He's also dead. Really makes you think.

  148. 3 months ago

    He also thought The Thing sucked. He’s not the guy you want to choose as the arbiter of truth.

  149. 3 months ago

    >video games as an art form are still around
    >moron ebert is dead

  150. 3 months ago

    He's right, but not in the way he or Ganker wants it, maybe in a way he wants it, it just sounds like he doesn't want people recommending him stuff because he's not interested.
    people think that to be art video games need to be like movies, when the only way video games can be it's own artform is to focus on gameplay and make the story of the game work in ways that couldn't be done in any other artform
    But at the end of the day, being considered an art form or not by someone of renown, it doesn't even matter, what matters is what you think

    • 3 months ago

      videogames are objectively art, the thing is that you don't have to do anything to make them because it's inherent, ebert had a moron opinion and movie game tards are dumb by removing the thing that makes videogames art which is interaction.

      • 3 months ago

        here's a question these same people believe theatres/drama to be an art thing, would it still be art if the audience were allowed to vote on the sequence of events after each break?

  151. 3 months ago

    The dead speak?!

  152. 3 months ago

    Hentai games are currently the highest art form available to the adequately tasteful and discerning

    Only midwits and pseuds disagree

  153. 3 months ago

    And making comments about art someone else made is?

  154. 3 months ago

    good, art is overrated, videogames are superior

  155. 3 months ago

    >And he was right
    >thread full of midwits crying because a man born in a time before 30 sec twerking tictoks mocks their favorite toys
    OP was based today.

    • 3 months ago

      The ironic part about this post is that it’s made by some teenager looking for a quick hit of dopamine

  156. 3 months ago

    Legally incorrect, as a result of "Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association" games are considered art in the same way as movies or litterateur are.

  157. 3 months ago

    >And he was right.
    Given that most art is worthless trash as literally painted turds shat out by the artist himself, I can safely say, I cam glad not to be part of these degenerates.

    Hate to break it to this homosexual though: Many on a team of videogame developers are artists though. There are just smart people around (programmers) to keep them from starting to paint with their rectums.

  158. 3 months ago


    i've been posting that for years; just not that in-depth


    shame, yes

  159. 3 months ago

    >People who created huge parts of this are called artists in their field
    Checkmate jawless homosexual

  160. 3 months ago


    i think he's right more than ever now.
    however, everyone forgets that "real" "art games" were already perfected gens ago and there are very, very few examples

    the true art games are classic resident evil games.
    it has a basis in already-existing art as the dynamic camera angles in the game were heavily inspired by the french new wave era of film. back then, those similar camera angles were considered fresh and new and even considered avant garde.
    it just worked and those camera angles became the norm in cinematography until this day; it makes movies into movies if that makes sense

    the horror genre really benefits from these camera angles and simultaneously flows with the game. those angles can
    >highlight points of interest
    >highlight items
    >hide items (RE2 crank on top of the police file room)
    >hide enemies (RE1 hunter after getting back from garden)
    >point the player/viewer where to go to progress
    >tell bits and pieces of the story and lore with its atmosphere alone simultaneously through gameplay
    >showcase and display nice interiors
    RE2 was directed by kamiya who was in his early-mid twenties and mikami gave him around forty movies to watch to take note of the camera angles before kamiya started on RE2

    a big reason why people love RE2 so much is because of the nice, old police station aesthetics from the film noir period of film which took place around the same place as french new wave

    they're also just movie games done correctly because no movie takes place 3rd person over-the-shoulder view; a movie has camera angles. ICO/SotC and obscure do it pretty well too

    Really good post. Saved.

  161. 3 months ago

    I'm glad video games can't be art
    art critics are moronic, art itself is moronic, I want to be entertained not "experience" a painting made with smears of shit and piss that the artist intended to be a social commentary on white people's roll in modern society.

  162. 3 months ago

    All mediums are censored so whatever

  163. 3 months ago

    It's because it's a different form of enjoyment. Videogame art often forms in the amalgamation of different systems, and really, the appreciation of small details. You'd never see this guy clamor the sprite details of a Final Fantasy game because he's a jaded homosexual. Neither will your dad, because he's a boomer

  164. 3 months ago

    mona lisa sucks. it was just a painting a merchant commissioned for his merchant wife and it's the size of a small window

  165. 3 months ago

    Video Games are israeli propaganda machines, like TVs back in the 60s-90s and any postmodern art before that(a favorite of Marx and the israelites).
    >1961 began the repeal of Sodomy Laws
    >In 2013, Obama legalizes propagandizing its own citizens
    >2014 Gamergate and the replacement of males with homos or women in most gaming companies
    >2015 Video Game propaganda gets dialed up to 11 when a single businessman attempt to prevent a complete Globohomosexual takeover.

    Kids don't watch TV anymore, so they have to mindfrick you somehow. Video Games is How.

    • 3 months ago

      videogames started as science investigation endeavors and then made into products without interest or care, they weren't coerced too by their development going to other places rather than the us and having a variety of independent creators and messages, it was the opposite of propaganda, today that's different but like any medium it has a non propagandistic start which has to be cared and maintained to represent the points of the ones who create it (there are still by this reason not propagandistic things on any medium, they just have to be encouraged more even if they majority or not).

      here's a question these same people believe theatres/drama to be an art thing, would it still be art if the audience were allowed to vote on the sequence of events after each break?

      yes, there are theater shows which literally do that, it isn't uncommon on most theater, if you ask or tell the crew you can get a different ending on any popular theater exposition just by asking the actors.

      • 3 months ago

        lmao, visual novels with real people/twitch plays.

  166. 3 months ago

    A jaw dropping thread.

  167. 3 months ago

    > SHMUPs are the closest thing we will get to "art" projects in Video Games.
    > Literally just designed around pieces of background art that scrolls automatically and things happen in the forefront.
    > Its always thematically experimental or tries to improve upon what's already been done.

    Regular old movie games and shooters can't be art though.

    • 3 months ago

      >Its always thematically experimental or tries to improve upon what's already been done.
      This never happens

      • 3 months ago

        yeah, it is, it's a pretty fun experience.

        videogames started as science investigation endeavors and then made into products without interest or care, they weren't coerced too by their development going to other places rather than the us and having a variety of independent creators and messages, it was the opposite of propaganda, today that's different but like any medium it has a non propagandistic start which has to be cared and maintained to represent the points of the ones who create it (there are still by this reason not propagandistic things on any medium, they just have to be encouraged more even if they majority or not).
        yes, there are theater shows which literally do that, it isn't uncommon on most theater, if you ask or tell the crew you can get a different ending on any popular theater exposition just by asking the actors.

        then made into media with no interest or care from anyone*

        it always happens, stop playing only cave (cave always changes but it's more subtle tho).

  168. 3 months ago

    Meaninggays lost, coolchads won. Your esoteric symbolic piece of literature has no meaning if it isn't cool looking. Really, pulp had it right, just plop cool looking dragons and skeletons into a 100 page novel and we're golden. I don't care if your movie tells about the meaning of god and death and the uprising of the inhumanity in the modern society and how nature will overtake us and how bla bla bla bla, I want destruction and cowbows, and demons and sexy b***hes and boobs and swords and dragons and cool helmets.

  169. 3 months ago

    Resident Evil poster was the only one who made sense.

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