>another fighting game I plateau in and watch as my retarded hands and brain throw everything away, just getting mad at myself

>another fighting game I plateau in and watch as my moronic hands and brain throw everything away, just getting mad at myself
>frick up no matter how many hundreds of hours I practive
If I could go back in time I'd convince myself to never think fighting games were cool, but now I'm stuck in this vortex topical of self loathing when I continue to underperform.
I'll get mad now, swear off this shit, and then in a week or two think about how cool it is when I actually am winning and download it again. Frick this shit.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Post a clip.

    • 3 months ago

      Have a seox 66H bnb.

      • 3 months ago

        That's just you fricking around in training mode. I meant a match.

        • 3 months ago

          I'll just save you the trouble anon.
          >You need to be more patient, you're trying to take your turn when it's not your turn.
          >You're frequently pressing advantage when you don't have the frames to back it up, so you get called out.
          >There's a big over-reliance on rhapsody as a neutral crutch, you're exposing yourself to lows too easily
          >You need to use your ultimate skills more, Zeta's really powerful when your opponent has to fear these things.
          I know the whole deal and have tried practicing it, but it doesn't stick. This happens in every game. I'm just angry I'm just smart enough to know what to do, but just moronic enough to not be able to do it.

          • 3 months ago

            's a big over-reliance on rhapsody as a neutral crutch, you're exposing yourself to lows too easily
            Zeta-casual here as well, sitting at S rank. used L-Rhapsody a lot until I got fed up with it and eating shit. Watching some pros seems like they use the H-version instead (blocks mids and lows). Though I tend to get thrown more than anything regardless. Meaning, I feel that pain.
            Zeta is certainly strong, but I can see how someone might struggle thanks to her actually subpar normals, lack of DP and good mixups. Not to insult you, but maybe try someone more braindead.

            • 3 months ago

              Is this what Zeta players tell themselves? She doesn't have good mixup? No, the average character doesn't have good mixup. Zeta has well above average mixup. She doesn't have a DP? Ok your parry beats safejumps, also pretty sure parry into knee followup is safe on block and can be a starter

              Idk man just stall until 50 meter and then either jump back divekick into a full fricking combo or fireball into full fricking combo. She's got great pokes and universal 66L means you can play RPS in mid screen whenever you want

            • 3 months ago

              >lack of dp and good mixups
              I blame simplistic new age fighting games for moronic comments like this

            • 3 months ago

              Also you're supposed to use H parry because the others aren't even active on frame 1. Someone who meaties you properly would beat you every time you tried L or M

              How the frick did you get to S on L Rhapsody?

              • 3 months ago

                >How the frick did you get to S on L Rhapsody?
                Didn't use it that much anyway and when I did, I ate shit. You want to space, use your beam (from a good distance, it can get easily punished), bait them with delayed arvess spears or use her very good 66L. Keeping them at bay with 5M or 2M is also instrumental.
                But overall, it all boils down to big whiff punishes that lead into a combo of ultimate arvess spears, or carrying them into the corner (which she is very good at) and then try to pogo them down into whatever combo you have learned. Be annoying, jump around, Arvess spear into them, they block, fly into the opposite direction to get back into safety. It's all about finding that opening.
                I'm really not the best to teach anyone how to play Zeta anyway, what am I doing.

                Is this what Zeta players tell themselves? She doesn't have good mixup? No, the average character doesn't have good mixup. Zeta has well above average mixup. She doesn't have a DP? Ok your parry beats safejumps, also pretty sure parry into knee followup is safe on block and can be a starter

                Idk man just stall until 50 meter and then either jump back divekick into a full fricking combo or fireball into full fricking combo. She's got great pokes and universal 66L means you can play RPS in mid screen whenever you want

                It's not even a parry, only if you spend meter. You can get mashed out of it. Even out of the knee follow-up by light normals. And it has a slow startup compared to some actual parries, meaning you can't just throw it into a blockstring like Seox for instance can.
                There are two situations where I struggle playing as Zeta: when the opponent is overly aggressive with his better normals. Or when he's overly turtly and hunkers down. In both situations, she has no better or even worse options than anyone else.

          • 3 months ago

            I’m having the same problem in uni2 with knowing what I should do but not doing it

  2. 3 months ago

    With fighting games you literally have to be willing to just accept loss and turn every match into a learning experience and ask yourself how you could've done better.

  3. 3 months ago

    >another fighting game where I buy it on discount to check it out and it seems like a cool and fun fighting game but its dead af at this point, only to get a "definitive edition" release months later that I'd need to buy at a premium markup new game price just to experience
    Its all so tireseome.

  4. 3 months ago

    >plays less
    >take more breaks
    >change characters and switch back later on
    Works in every fighting game.

  5. 3 months ago

    is it me or are people getting better at the game every week, i keep playing but i'm rank is a standstill

    • 3 months ago

      Well of course
      The more time passes the more these games' only remaining players are people passionate about them. Sadly fighting games rarely get new blood

      That said, lobbies are always full of D-A green square baddies

    • 3 months ago

      I played the game for a few weekends in the first few weeks of release
      Now when I go to casual matches everyone has 10x more wins than me
      Granted this is more of an issue because I don't play the game that much but I feel ya

      • 3 months ago

        Wins don't mean anything

    • 3 months ago

      wouldn't it mean that if everyone else around you is getting better and your rank isn't moving that you are getting better as well? does that make too much sense?

      • 3 months ago

        yeah but i want to be in S++1 not A5

  6. 3 months ago

    >new to fighting game genre
    >go to casual because I got rekt in ranked
    >half of them are AFK exp farmers
    >half of them are some A~master with rainbow weapons whose actions I cannot really comprehend, but seems to counter all my moves. I am lucky if I can even get them to half HP.
    >watching replay doesn't help because I see as much as I know, and 90% of the time is me being asspounded on the wall
    >very rarely, I get matched with low level freebies, in which case I destroy them no sweat.
    >half of the time playing this game is spent queuing up, watching beautiful combos, and beating up AFKs.
    I can't improve in an environment like this.
    Like, I know I suck, but at least give me similar opponents. This is like asking a person completely new to Mario 64 to replicate the 8 min TAS speedrun.
    I need stairs. Fricking stepping stones.

    • 3 months ago

      >>go to casual because I got rekt in ranked
      This is a bit of a misnomer. Casual simply means there's no stakes, but it will also throw you against anyone.
      The point of ranked is to match you with similar people. If you're losing, you'll keep losing until it finds people on your level.

    • 3 months ago

      Fwiw I'm S on another character but wanted to pick up 2B and had a microcosm experience like this. Couldn't find any balanced matches in casual, had to go to ranked and B is such a clusterfrick of first timers and super sweats. Not sure if I even ended the night positive or not but was tilted out of my mind stuck playing 200 ping matches with people who teleport in the air and mirrors vs people who clearly haven't left training mode since patch.

      This is all to say, it doesn't get better. This is just how it is. It's a frustrating genre sometimes

  7. 3 months ago

    Do you get much time in to play long sets, like with friends in small player lobbies? I've been learning the genre for a couple of years now, still suck balls at it, and I find nothing sticks very well unless I can grind practicing it against the same couple of opponents for a while.

    • 3 months ago

      Yep, been going to our locals on and off for a decade. Been at this as an 09er (yes, mods, this means I started playing fighting games in 2009. A janny got me banned for assuming I was saying I was underage.)
      I get all of the ideas but the disjoint between having the knowledge and applying it has always been a wall for me and it's infuriating. I can tell you exactly why I lost a set immediately after it. There's rarely
      >I don't know why I lost

      • 3 months ago

        Ah well I'm afraid I've got no advice for you then old timer, you've got a lotta years on me and I'm super stoked to hear it never gets better :^)

  8. 3 months ago

    see, this is why I pick anime fighters with cute girls
    If I'm gonna suck, might as well suck with a character that looks good, against a character that also looks good

    • 3 months ago

      >I play a ugly game with ugly characters for 1000+ hours because it has slightly better gameplay
      You'd have to be mentally ill to do this

  9. 3 months ago

    I'm pretty mad because I'm running into one and done endlessly. People have quit wanting to play the game and either want easy wins or easy ranking points. I'm not even good and I want to get better and playing against randoms just isn't helping.

    • 3 months ago

      What character do you play?

      • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Oh I thought you were talking about Granblue, my bad. Not sure about the situation in other fighting games. Tekken has a severe one and done/plug problem

    • 3 months ago

      another newbie here, i only have fun playing offline with other people. plus they give tips and shit and are just delighted i am here. online feels like a soulless husk of a fighting game experience

      • 3 months ago

        Should I go to locals if im bad

        • 3 months ago

          by locals i mean meet ups where people just play together, not a tournament with brackets or anything. i am fricking awful at fighting games and i am having a lot of fun

    • 3 months ago

      Playing Lowain or Metera now is painful as theres so many gap closers and 66L is strong af. These two characters have to massively play differently to what they normally want to do and work harder due to shit tools to get a win. It was hard before but now people know how to really abuse how shit your proper reversals, metereless DP, and having to deal with stubby normals and shit damage.

      I one and done any Gran/Djeeta players as its insanely boring to play vs them spamming the exact same basic loops and having to wait for my turn for 70% of the match only. The rest of the cast is mostly interesting with their mechanics until it devolves into the long corner bounce but its at least interesting to fight.

      The game suffers from too many gap closers for a small arena and insane damage where on certain characters if you frick up twice on RPS youve lost the round where as others have to work hard to even get into RPS scenarios and even then have to win it 3-5 times.

      • 3 months ago

        Skill issue. He's one of the best characters in the game.

        • 3 months ago

          He's really not
          >'muh theres people at master level with him'
          Thats more the players being good themselves. His normals are crap outside of far M and low M, he's lost a load of setplay with the katbot, ult katbot is dogshit, ult awesome sauce is dogshit RNG on whether you even get the benefit of it being an ult. You can only really bounce/chain of H awesome sauce, your reversals can be spot dodged easily and the H is the only good one as the other two only block high or low, He has no DP without meter, he cant do mcuh off midscreen, his 66 moves are crap as if they wiff youre in a terrible position and the crossup on the 66H doesnt matter when theres a guard button. Both his supers are crap vs players who know what theyre doing meaning you only get hits if they frick up and jump when you have HPA ready or you chain them into it (hard to do and hard to juggle more than twice), Yggy is crap outside of being invincible as anyone with a brain can dodge 90% of the attacks.

          He's fun in spite of this and you can win but it feels as though he's stuck playing the OG GBVS like several other characters as they get stomped by core game mechanics.

          • 3 months ago

            >'muh theres people at master level with him'
            No, he tops tournaments consistently

            • 3 months ago

              In spite of him being fricking shit. Pros playign at tournments who can win in spite of a bad character doesnt mean the character isnt bad. Metera is dogshit in this game and still has pro players make her work. It doesnt invalidate the core issue of the characetr suckign or having to play a weird way to work in complete antithesis to what they played like in the first game/are intended to play like with their kit. You cant say a character who ignores 90% of their kit is good. Its not even niche use for some of it, its just straight up useless and a waste other than trying to fakeout.

  10. 3 months ago

    does this game feature Monika?

    • 3 months ago

      Sadly no.

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