Any drug-lord strategy games?

Where you:
>fight other cartels for territory and supplies
>bribe cops
>assasinate problematic poltiicans
>make marriage alliances with other drug lords
>avoid DEA raids
>sell out lieutenants before they backstab you
>construct vanity projects to inflate your ego
>recruit sicarios by radicalizing poor youngsters
>keep your wife happy
>groom your son to become worthy successor

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  1. 2 years ago

    Wouldnt it be too complex? It would be a grand strategy management rpg, like CK2+Anno.

    I would actually pay for it though, which I never so. Imagine bribing government offcials and placing a puppet as president, and if he is a traitor you bomb his house killing all his family.

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine the option to go full Suriname or something

  2. 2 years ago

    Constructor is similar but you're a corrupt property mogul, usually a 4 player map and you call in the mob and other shady characters to sabotage each other. property gather heat if you keep mssing with it and the city sends cops. pretty cool game though kind of old school, got a remaster a couple years back and its fundamentally the same but 3d iso instead of sprites and DOS

  3. 2 years ago

    Mob Rule comes to mind, it's the sequel of Constructor but mafia-themed. You manage properties, bribe cops so they don't shut down your businesses and compete with other mafia bosses. The campaign is completely on-rails which I hated.

  4. 2 years ago

    Might as well try homebrewing it
    >set in pseudo-Americas with two npc states, not-burgeria, and not-Mexico
    >cartels start in not-Mexico and try to import their product to not-USA to sell it for a high price
    >world is subdivided into provinces, but cartels don't own provinces but operate in provinces
    >in not-Mexico, each province has a finite amount of coca farms that might be bought
    >a drug compound can be built in that province to refine into cocaine, but production is limited by the number of coca farms within the province
    >multiple cartels can operate compounds in the same province, and rival cartel farms can be neutralized by attacks, but every attack within a farm increases DEA's interest
    >in other to move cocaine out of the compound a storage facility must be constructed in a neighboring province, each time a batch is dispatched into a storage facility, there a chance it is confiscated, unless local cops are bribed
    >moving cocaine from storage to storage until it reaches, not-USA where it can be sold, the further the delivery reaches the better it will sell
    >if multiple cartels export their product to the same not-US province, both sellers will lose a portion of their profits
    >hence cartels can negotiate about which province whose sales turf
    >naturally, if no deal can be made, sicarios can be sent to destroy their storage much like farms and compounds
    >in order to protect farms, compounds, and storage, sicarios can be placed there to protect there
    >succesful assault on enemy cartel place requires more sicarios, but enemy cartel doesn't know how many sicarios protect which site
    Hopefully that wasn't too complicated

  5. 2 years ago

    Cartel Tycoon

    • 2 years ago

      Why building so much of infrastructure, if you then can't even launder the money they are making? This is part of what makes this game unfun on fundamental level - certain mechanics are so poorly balanced, eventually you can outpace your growth into such level, you can no longer launder it in any way

    • 2 years ago

      This looks mobage tier.

      • 2 years ago

        Because it literally is

        • 2 years ago

          its over

    • 2 years ago

      I really hate omnipresent strategy games.
      I want to feel like I'm looking map with limited information about details, not a god floating on the sky monitoring every car

      • 2 years ago

        >By yes, I've been brain-damaged to consider obtuse UI to be adding strategic element to the game, not just being obtuse
        Let me guess - Paradrone, aren't you?

        • 2 years ago

          >paradox games
          >limited information
          Crusader Kings literally tells you exactly how many troops your enemies have wtf are you on about Black person

          • 2 years ago

            Summer school exists precisely for morons like you

            • 2 years ago

              >anon wants limited information instead of having literally everything being right in front of his face like he's some kind of omnipresent deity
              >UR PARADRONE!!!
              Go back to /gsg/ you fricking spacker.

      • 2 years ago

        Are there any strategy games that actually do this well (instead of accidentally doing it because they communicate information poorly)?

        I've been thinking about making a mod for Hoi4 with this general theme, minus the RPG/VN mechanics.
        You'd play as some kind of a crime organization in North America (from a mighty cartel in Mexico to a scattered street gang in Chicago), and the territory you own on the map would simply represent your gang's influence over that land.
        The government would only be represented off-map, and you'd interact with them through the decision system.
        Unit sizes would be down-scaled significantly (one battalion having 10 men instead of 1000), with tech and doctrines all adapted to add flavor. Stuff like an "Organized Brutality" doctrine oriented towards the Cartels that focuses on building a more professional "military" and ruling through chainsaw beheadings and machete massacres, or an "irregular warfare" oriented tree for street gangs.

        How would you deal with multiple groups being active in the same space?

        Wonder if you could mod Crusader Kings II and have a decent one.
        >map is either different parts of a city or a state
        >provinces are turf in different neighborhoods
        >repurpose temples, cities and castles to represent criminal enterprises
        >the Pope is the FBI or police
        >excommunication mechanic combined with imprisonment to represent being caught and convicted
        >have to bribe them or use subtle techniques to avoid arrest
        >have military order provinces with ungodly attrition that represent police stations and will attack and seize territory (cleaning out criminal operations)
        >dynasties are crime families
        >have different types of gangs
        >nomads = bikers
        >feudal = ethnic mafias and general crime outfits
        >republics = cartels

        Something based on the trade republic/silk road mechanics might be the best way to represent it, with the criminal enterprise layered over the political map instead of replacing it.

        • 2 years ago

          >How would you deal with multiple groups being active in the same space?
          I wouldn't. As I said, territorial control would be represented through map control.
          I'd slightly revamp the resistance system to represent the fact your gang doesn't actually control that area. Compliance would be a sort of "lawlessness" meter, while resistance would signify the strength of the police there.

  6. 2 years ago

    >buy hippos

  7. 2 years ago

    There is that shitty Cartel Tycoon game, but it's mobile-tier and really fricking bland, not to mention the "strategy" boils down to a waiting game

  8. 2 years ago

    This is too old for any of that but I still love it for nostalgia.

  9. 2 years ago

    Life of a peasant

  10. 2 years ago

    Tropico should have a option to build drug farms. It doesn't since I guess the devs thought it wouldn't fit the humoristic theme or because they didn't want the game to have M rating.

    • 2 years ago

      Thats more for its style being based around 1960's-80's Cuba, and then everything else being abstracted from the rest of the Caribbean/Latin Americ (devs are Germans, anyways)

    • 2 years ago

      the tropico 2 devs (who also made imperialism) were going to make a drug trafficking game, but it got cancelled and they shut down soon after

  11. 2 years ago

    I was just thinking of making a thread for strategy games about crime empires before I saw your post. Crime games seem like a fun idea.

  12. 2 years ago

    I've been thinking about making a mod for Hoi4 with this general theme, minus the RPG/VN mechanics.
    You'd play as some kind of a crime organization in North America (from a mighty cartel in Mexico to a scattered street gang in Chicago), and the territory you own on the map would simply represent your gang's influence over that land.
    The government would only be represented off-map, and you'd interact with them through the decision system.
    Unit sizes would be down-scaled significantly (one battalion having 10 men instead of 1000), with tech and doctrines all adapted to add flavor. Stuff like an "Organized Brutality" doctrine oriented towards the Cartels that focuses on building a more professional "military" and ruling through chainsaw beheadings and machete massacres, or an "irregular warfare" oriented tree for street gangs.

    • 2 years ago

      Face removals. Must have face removals.

    • 2 years ago

      There's a San Andreas mod, though it's very much WIP.

  13. 2 years ago

    It's not exactly this, but from what I've seen of it, Kenshi might be able to provide similar scenarios

  14. 2 years ago

    There is a Russian 1996 RTS "Legal Crime".

    It is mostly similar to many traditional RTS games but with some twists

    >Hire dudes
    >Have them walk around the map offering "protection" to nearby neutral businesses
    >Can upgrade those businesses to actually host illegal shit like liquor stores or brothels, which boosts their income
    >Automated courier characters actually carry cash from those businesses to your HQ and the opponent can intercept and kill them, stealing the cash
    >You control how much of your income to spend on bribing the 4 gov agencies, each providing some different bonuses like access to weapons, raiding enemy illegal businesses or letting your imprisoned guys go
    >Use cash to hire more dudes, expand until you reach territory of rival gangs, then fight them

    • 2 years ago

      I think I played the demo of this game. I had it on disc from some PC magazine.

  15. 2 years ago

    Rimworld with right mods.

  16. 2 years ago

    Wonder if you could mod Crusader Kings II and have a decent one.
    >map is either different parts of a city or a state
    >provinces are turf in different neighborhoods
    >repurpose temples, cities and castles to represent criminal enterprises
    >the Pope is the FBI or police
    >excommunication mechanic combined with imprisonment to represent being caught and convicted
    >have to bribe them or use subtle techniques to avoid arrest
    >have military order provinces with ungodly attrition that represent police stations and will attack and seize territory (cleaning out criminal operations)
    >dynasties are crime families
    >have different types of gangs
    >nomads = bikers
    >feudal = ethnic mafias and general crime outfits
    >republics = cartels

    • 2 years ago

      There already is a CK2 mafia mod. Doubt it was ever finished.

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