Any games like this?

Any games like this?

Preferably with limited resources and balanced units (no infinite resources, infinite ammo, useless low tech units)

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Any games like this?
    >no infinite resources, no infinite ammo, no useless low tech units
    Wut? Those are some of the key elements of this game and its clones. You're asking for a majorly different thing.

    • 2 years ago

      I will recommend you a Tiberium Wars (or just other C&C title, but this one fits description most)
      >no infinite resources
      Tiberium fields restore very slowly and if you exploit them too fast you end up with a dozen harvesters and little to no crystals for harvest.
      > infinite ammo
      Literally three units in entire game have to reload, and all of them are bombers. Reload takes like 5 seconds or so, so bombers are viable in this one.
      >Useless low tech units
      I honestly cannot recall an low tier unit that would become obsolete in later stages of the game, since they all get upgrades that give them the edge
      IE. GDI pitbulls (hit n run unit) can receive mortars which makes them usable against buildings.
      Is right, as SupCom or whole annihilation series relies on infinite resource and salvage scrapping, which basically makes them a genre on their own

      • 2 years ago

        Tiberium Wars doersn't have the scale of SC with large zoomable battlefields. There are no tactical and strategic long range weapons which make SC fun.
        I'm asking for exactly SC but with a little more realism and strategic depth. In C&C infantry is useless as are most other units - you just pump out the powerful stuff. Starcraft is the more balanced game every single unit every war asset has its role and remains relevant for a particular strategy but Starcraft is micro heavy looks shit and with its fast small scale microbattles not a real wargame but an arena like LoL with a few more units. In SC lower tech tier units are made completely obsolete by higher tech tier units so you get a game where "experimentals" are the only units you'll ever need and build. That's a waste of 3d models that's bad game design.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe those games like Steel Division/Wargame then but they don't have base building either it's basically another subgenre from what SupCom is.
          I don't think a game like what you want exists unless it's a mod or something on the Spring Engine, but even then I don't remember seeing something like that.
          Maybe you could be the first to make it.

          • 2 years ago

            The closest thing is probably wargame like this anon already said.
            If you really want limited ammo you have to start looking at niche games like Men of war.

            I did a quick search and came up with Earth 2150 but I personally haven't played it so I can't tell you if it's good or not.

            • 2 years ago

              To follow this up I also found this list.

              Scroll down to the videogame/rts section and have a look.

            • 2 years ago

              earth 2150 is kino (the strage thing is it have a grid so 1 unit for 1 block of space , also it have uniqe quirk of modifying the terrain but the ai is dumb as f , it just spam units at you so best way to win is hunker down with turrets make units untill you hit the cap and then kill the enemy , you can win 1v10 this way ) for that reason
              try earth 2160 moded into 2150 (the only mod on moddb for 2160) enemy retreat when outnumbered and is actualy thinking
              campaigns of 2150 still fun

              • 2 years ago

                >earth 2150
                The worst piece of shit ever made. The expansions are even more hellish, a shitfest of bugs. Frickers neither tested nor played their own game. Yuropoors shouldn't into RTS.

        • 2 years ago

          Limited ammo is a shit mechanic in every RTS that features it.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not going to argue about c&c infantry spam viability (you need to send in the tanks first to soak up damage).
          If you want more realistic supreme commander there's nothing more I'm afraid I've never seen such game.
          As for similarities there is:
          Total annihilation
          Planetary annihilation

          There are in fact some extremely realistic games but I cannot recall any that features so futuristic gameplay, those are mostly WW2 or modern combat setting.

        • 2 years ago

          Guess what, this kind of scale is possible (and fun to play) because of the limitless resources and simplified logistics. If scarcity was a thing there, the gameplay would look completely different.
          >"experimentals" are the only units you'll ever need and build
          Did we play the same game? Because T1 units are in fact viable in many situations. I think you have a very narrow definition of what 'useless' means to begin with.

        • 2 years ago

          >tarcraft is the more balanced game every single unit every war asset has its role and remains relevant for a particular strategy
          Are you high? Like half of every race's roster in either Starcraft is flat garbage and not worth building. It took two expansion packs for Terrans to stop straight-up throwing their factories away in SC2.

          >In SC lower tech tier units are made completely obsolete by higher tech tier units so you get a game where "experimentals" are the only units you'll ever need and build.
          Ohhh, I get it, your a moronic compstomp gay who doesn't belive in actually fighting before hour 3, fair enough continue on with your dumbfrickery.

        • 2 years ago

          wtf are you on about? It's like you've never played Tiberium Wars

        • 2 years ago

          > In C&C infantry is useless as are most other units - you just pump out the powerful stuff
          >In SC lower tech tier units are made completely obsolete by higher tech tier units
          >a game where "experimentals" are the only units you'll ever need and build
          Wow, this OP is moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            nice argument

      • 2 years ago

        >Any C&C
        >Not having useless low tech units
        What are you on?

  2. 2 years ago

    >another RTS noob filtered by FA

    • 2 years ago


      Guess what, this kind of scale is possible (and fun to play) because of the limitless resources and simplified logistics. If scarcity was a thing there, the gameplay would look completely different.
      >"experimentals" are the only units you'll ever need and build
      Did we play the same game? Because T1 units are in fact viable in many situations. I think you have a very narrow definition of what 'useless' means to begin with.

      I can speak from my own experience from playing the campaign. You just build the economy up while defending with shielded tech2 towers. Then you build a couple experimentals and steamroll the enemy. There's no point wasting resources on anything lower. I haven't played multiplayer but I did look it up and found some casts by gyle and in those games tech 1 does seem to be built throughout (probably because FAF balanced units via patches) but it's the "game enders" - experimental stand off weapons (nukes artillery satellites) - that end the game.

      My problem with infinite resources in this type of game is that it makes the game all about production instead of tactics. No matter how much of the enemy bases and armies you destroy it'll all be rebuilt quickly and it'll be like you never did anything. You can send your army to destroy a different part of the map but the enemy just rebuilds everything behind your army again as it moves. You gotta expand where you drive the enemy off. A big attack can kill a lot but you gradually lose your force as the enemy constantly produces so both sides will stream in new units to try to kill things at a higher rate and then it's all about who has the higher production.

      • 2 years ago

        >all about production instead of tactics
        The focus is on strategy, all right. What matters is the big picture, not finesse with small raiding parties. This is why I said OP question makes no sense to me, it's not what the game is about at all.
        Also, I disagree with the idea that limited resources remove that production-centered aspect. These games continue to be about numbers as you still need to control, exploit and spend resources as optimally as possible. Additionally, you also need to be mindful whether X unit trades effectively against Y.

      • 2 years ago

        >but it's the "game enders" - experimental stand off weapons (nukes artillery satellites) - that end the game.
        If your standard is "not wasting 3d models" then that should be the ideal, no? Both sides reaching end game tech frequently? Then again, I'd keep in mind those FAF replays are probably being selected for length, among other things.

      • 2 years ago

        >I can speak from my own experience from playing the campaign
        >I haven't played multiplayer
        There's your problem right there, even some people that do play multiplayer still thinks that you just turtle until you build an experimental army and then you start attacking after. That is not how you play it properly, if you are against shitters or AI then you can do that but it will stop working the moment you reach average skill level. The campaign is fun and all but it does a really bad job at teaching how the game is actually played since you practically have infinite time for objectives, the AI never progresses or attacks you (aside from the shit tier waves) and you are always inside your safe box, not only that but it incentivizes you to turtle and experimental only because the missions progresses with big steps and not linearly like in a real match, so before you complete a step and you know that the next one the AI will just spam 10 experimentals then you just build 100 experimentals before going to that step instead, it's the logical thing to do but teaches you bad practices.
        >"game enders" - experimental stand off weapons (nukes artillery satellites) - that end the game.
        The game enders are there to solve the problem that you have pointed out of "since the resources are infinite then I can stalemate for eternity", now it's not just about having big numbers or higher production because if you get a good game ender push then it completely fricks up your enemy's base and they can't do shit, if you couldn't do that then it would just stalemate forever because even if you had a bigger number of T3 it's not as dense and to the point where you finish your T3 spam war it probably was 40 vs 30 and now with 10-15 units left you can't really do shit to their base so it's a stalemate.

      • 2 years ago

        I can speak from my own experience from playing the campaign. You just build the economy up while defending with shielded tech2 towers. Then you build a couple experimentals and steamroll the enemy. There's no point wasting resources on anything lower.
        Here's the thing - the game feels this way because you played it against dumbfrick AI that doesn't frick your shit up for taking your sweet time and turtling.

  3. 2 years ago

    >any games like this but without the things that made it good

  4. 2 years ago

    Beyond all reason might be something for you to look into. There's some decent replays on youtube you can watch to see if it might be your thing. Also it's free to download right now.

    • 2 years ago

      Looks like an inferior Total Annihilation clone.
      Now "Total Annihilation clone" is not a bad thing. But "inferior" is.

      • 2 years ago

        NTA, but its whole deal is being a TA clone closer to TA than other TA clones but without literally reusing TA assets.

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