Any laptop gamers out there?

Any laptop gamers out there?

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  1. 3 months ago

    im a cum top gamer.

  2. 3 months ago

    yeah, whatchu want?

  3. 3 months ago

    yep, i have to do this to my cpu otherwise any game made past 2010 will cause to overheat in 5 minutes

    • 3 months ago

      Change your thermal paste you autismo

      • 3 months ago

        Do you know how fragile this piece of shit is, everything is so tightly packed

        • 3 months ago

          Got it, you're tech illiterate

        • 3 months ago

          There's probably a video of a dude opening your exact laptop's model and fiddling with shit.

          It's how I put thermal paste and declogged the exhaust heatpipes on my 10 year old MSI Apache - it's worth it anon, you can do it.

      • 3 months ago

        >buy one of those industrial grade thermalpads and put it in my laptop
        >no longer have any heat issues

        it just werks.

      • 3 months ago

        not the anon but it's not that simple, amd cpus got this problem in their majority, that's why u have to use and setup accordingly to your cpu.

        t.ryzen5 gay who traded for a lenovo intel i5 and never got that problem again

    • 3 months ago

      Based Nitrochad

      Uh does it really work?

      • 3 months ago

        what are your specs anon?

        • 3 months ago

          I have RTX 3050 i5 11th gen, 16gb Ram

      • 3 months ago

        I also have a Jade laptop (Swift X 16).

        yep, i have to do this to my cpu otherwise any game made past 2010 will cause to overheat in 5 minutes

        I know this feel. If you haven't already try limiting framerate instead using rtss. Losing all turbo can make you cpu bound in some games. My laptop is basically 2.1GHZ max with no turbo enabled.

        • 3 months ago

          i like how you can easily tell that both of the people are indian

          • 3 months ago

            nope they're from another SEA country
            Indonesia or Malaysia if I had to guess

      • 3 months ago

        wtf is that

      • 3 months ago

        it does work. what it does is it limits the computing power from 100% to whatever you set it to. obviously it means you can't 'max' it, but you're also saving your laptop from higher temps.

    • 3 months ago

      That's one way of doing it, I suppose.
      XTU or Throttlestop should give you more control. You might even be able to undervolt your shit to get a better performance to heat profile.

    • 3 months ago

      Dumb idea. You literally disable any sort of boosting if you do that which means you'll be CPU limited for some games since you're locked at base clock. Just use whatever software your machine is bundled with to adjust the TDP or whatever other settings are available to manage overheating. Using GHelper I set max temp to 85 and power from 30-80w depending on the game. Also allows you to set boost mode in there which I have set on efficient aggressive for CPU heavy games or efficient enabled for lighter games, and disabled entirely in silent mode.

    • 3 months ago

      How'd you do that?

      • 3 months ago

        That's the advanced settings under the windows power plan configurations I'm pretty sure.

  4. 3 months ago

    My brother has one of these for 3D graphics.
    Even when browsing the internet, it can turn into a jet engine for no reason.

  5. 3 months ago

    I literally run FFXIV off my laptop for craftbotting otherwise I use it to ERP with a chatbot.

  6. 3 months ago

    I bought a laptop even though I have a desktop just so I could see what the fuss was about with Linux
    Linux is garbage

    • 3 months ago

      About 5 years ago, when I had Asus X502C, I installed Lubuntu on it and it almost tripled its performance. But other than that Linux still sucks

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        There's nothing "hard" about it. I've been using linux on my servers for longer than you've been alive. It's objectively worse for gaming.

  7. 3 months ago

    yeah but I’ve been thinking of building a pc to basically become a console but keeping my laptop for work and other stuff
    probably a moronic idea

  8. 3 months ago

    I used to be, same laptop too, now I used a Switch and Steam Deck for everything, I don't play powerful games. My gaming laptop is now just my laptop, I am typing on it now. When I game on handheld I have my laptop play video's or podcasts in the background... I think I invented laptop NTR.

  9. 3 months ago

    I've had a handful of gaming capable laptops since 2011. Just got a used Acer Nitro with an older i5 + GTX 1050ti. Does surprisingly well in most games, even at real 1080p / 60fps.

  10. 3 months ago

    yeah, I have Legion Pro 5, it's pretty fricking good and runs everything

    • 3 months ago

      Fellow Legion owner here. I hope you didn't make the same mistake I did and didn't change any part of your thermal interface. Its thermal paste is supposed to be dry because it liquifies under high temperatures. Source: pic related and If you want to change it anyway, use Honeywell PTM7950, some people on that forum believe that it's the very thermal paste.
      >inb4: I don't speak your language
      Press RMB then "translate to English"

      • 3 months ago

        nah, I did the usual undervolting stuff and that's it
        it doesn't throttle when it hits 75, sometimes 80 degrees so I don't even bother with temp anymore

    • 3 months ago

      Only bad thing so far is that the speakers is not very good, I think the prob is the placement. I have a surface book 2 with the speakers on the sides of the top screen as it is designed to be detachable which sounds much better

      • 3 months ago

        Are they down firing speakers, the kind that needs to be on a flat sound-reflective surface to sound even ok?

    • 3 months ago

      Based. I have a legion 7 and pretty much love it. It plays pretty much everything I've thrown at it extremely well.

  11. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      what command is that?

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          thank you

  12. 3 months ago


  13. 3 months ago

    Only reason I have a laptop is so I can play in bed because I'm on my feet 12 hours a day at work so the last thing I want to do when I get home is sit at a desk or a couch.

  14. 3 months ago

    I have this same piece of shit laptop
    I hate this so much because temperature goes to 90c on any game and fan sound like a jet engine
    Never ever ever buy gaming laptop, this shit is a meme, also the build quality is dogshit

  15. 3 months ago

    I have one for when I travel or stay with my family.
    It’s a couple of years old with a 3070. it’s really fricking meh. I guess you either splash the cash for a 3-4K top of the line one or you have to live with really lousy performance. But I could never justify that money for one or two years of good performance.

    • 3 months ago

      >lousy performance
      what the frick am I reading...
      either you are running the thing with the "battery saving mode", accidentally play your shit with the iGPU instead of the Nvidia card, or you are some elitist 144fps / 2-4K gay.

      My 1050ti can do just fine 1080p / 60fps with modest settings in most games, even without FSR and such.

      • 3 months ago

        3070 laptop GPU is weaker than a desktop 1080

        • 3 months ago

          It's not the same thing as the desktop GPU with the same name. It's gonna be roughly equivalent to a desktop 2070 Super. Yes, that card will give you "meh" performance if the laptop has a 1440p screen or if you enable any sort of ray tracing.

          a desktop 1060 is still plenty enough to play any game, and it does not even support DLSS.

          >enabling Gay tracing
          your mistake #1

          >playing at 1440p on a fricking laptop
          second mistake of yours.
          even 900p looks more than passable on a 15-17".

          • 3 months ago

            Well that's entirely down to your subjective expectation isn't it? There is clearly and undeniably a difference between 1440p and 1080p on a 17 inch screen, whether or not the latter is adequate for you is down to personal preference. Some people would be happy at 360p, does that mean I can argue that a game runs well if it only runs well at that resolution?

            And there are plenty of non-raytracing games that are graphically demanding. Red Dead Redemption 2 would net you around 50fps at ultra settings on a 3070 mobile. Is that not meh performance for a 6 year old game?

            • 3 months ago

              >ultra settings
              Yup, a LITERAL idiot confirmed.
              Literally no game this day and age requires Ultra, and only tanks your performance.
              The RDR2's console original versions ran most settings at Low to VERY Low settings.

              Plus if all you play is generic triple-A slop, you deserve what you got.

      • 3 months ago

        It's not the same thing as the desktop GPU with the same name. It's gonna be roughly equivalent to a desktop 2070 Super. Yes, that card will give you "meh" performance if the laptop has a 1440p screen or if you enable any sort of ray tracing.

  16. 3 months ago

    My y key is fricking up and pressing it sometimes registers and sometimes not. What do?

    • 3 months ago

      buy an actual keyboard obviously
      even the good mechanical ones will cost less than a potential repair

    • 3 months ago

      just get a key that you rarely use (I chose the 4 key on the top row, I use the numpad for numbers anyway) and swap the keycap and/or the plastic/rubber underneath.
      I fricked up my S key and snapped the little plastic clip underneath, now it works perfectly fine.

  17. 3 months ago

    Yeah my laptap was pretty cool until after 3 years it slowed down to unusable levels

  18. 3 months ago


  19. 3 months ago

    Anons, is there any difference between aluminum and any other material cooling pad?

    • 3 months ago

      It just werks

      • 3 months ago

        Mine exploded after 4 years.

        I use a sealed box of floppy disks.

      • 3 months ago

        cooling pads do nothing. its being on a flat surface, improving airflow, that helps

        Yeah, I know that cooling pads do almost nothing, my question was: do aluminum or any other high heat conductivity material cooling pads actually work, or it's the same garbage?

    • 3 months ago

      cooling pads do nothing. its being on a flat surface, improving airflow, that helps

    • 3 months ago

      Is this a gamer cooktop?

      • 3 months ago

        No, you ignorant frick, it's a gamer meat dryer

  20. 3 months ago

    I've got a Katana 15 B13VEK and for whatever fricking reason I can only adjust the core and memory clocks, but I want to adjust the power limit. Why is it greyed out and how do I fix it?

    • 3 months ago

      It's probably locked in the vBIOS.

      • 3 months ago

        Locked as in no way I can safely unlock it? What alternative do I have to change the power consumption and lower temps?

        • 3 months ago

          You could try and find a compatible unlocked vbios, or dump the vbios on your own and edit it.

          • 3 months ago

            I said 'safely'

            • 3 months ago

              If you're asking if there's a way you can "safely" modify the fricking bios to increase the hard locked power limit on your components while knowing precisely frick all about what you're doing then the answer is quite obviously a resounding no.

  21. 3 months ago

    protip for my fellow laptop gamers.
    use quickCPU and set the CPU speed to something like 3/5 (kek) of your max
    it will literally never overheat and you won't miss out on anything, will be able to play whatever you want.

  22. 3 months ago

    I've got one
    it's fun and handles most games I want to play anyway
    nice to just sit on the beanbag/couch and play a vn comfortably
    have to use headphones though because the thing sounds like it's gonna take off if I play something like Helldivers 2
    it's better than my Steam Deck because I don't have to frick around with linux homosexualry to make any game I own work
    which kinda sucks because I really wanted the deck to be good
    but linux is a piece of shit so what can you do?

  23. 3 months ago

    how good are gaming laptops these days?
    do they overheat fast?
    do they crap out in a short timeframe?

    • 3 months ago

      gaming laptops will ALWAYS have an overheating issue but you can try to mitigate that with a cooling pad and a fresh application of thermal paste. As for lifespan, it mainly depends on how often you use and/or clean it, and what brand it is (seems lenovo is the go-to for longevity nowadays but I'm not certain on that)

      • 3 months ago

        >gaming laptops will ALWAYS have an overheating issue
        Really? There are zero gaming laptops with sufficient cooling for their hardware?
        Not even one?

        • 3 months ago

          not him but yeah. None. Even phones generate heat while gaming to the point of it being unconfortable. It's not something that has been solved. Steam Deck also overheats. Shit sometimes the switch does too for shit optimized games for it.

          • 3 months ago

            Phones I get since most don't have active cooling, but there's no reason a gaming laptop couldn't have a balanced hardware cooling assembly combination.
            How weird.

            What is the actual point of laptop gaming?

            The mobility, mostly.
            Being able to game in the bathroom, the living room, your parents house, your buddy's place when house sitting, etc, is really, really cool.
            If that's not a consideration, you might as well have a desktop.

            There was one
            assuming they're the same brand and specs and you give equal attention to maintenance and cleaning, I'd say you can get an extra year or two out of a desktop compared to a laptop, but this is also assuming you don't do any part upgrades (obviously desktops are the superior choice for this and you can get a desktop to last you way longer than a laptop on that basis)

            I remember that beast.
            A literal mobile desktop.

            • 3 months ago

              there's no such thing as balanced hardware cooling. It's just a fan and heatsinks. Anon take a step back and remember the heating issues the PS5 had. I mean if even that thing which is so much more spacious and literally half of it a heat sink has problems with heat then every laptop will struggle just as much. Especially since it's not a real graphics card. If you have an old one just screw it open and see how it looks inside and you'll never gonna buy one ever again

        • 3 months ago

          There was one

          how much longer would a gaming desktop last over a gaming laptop assuming the usage is the same?

          assuming they're the same brand and specs and you give equal attention to maintenance and cleaning, I'd say you can get an extra year or two out of a desktop compared to a laptop, but this is also assuming you don't do any part upgrades (obviously desktops are the superior choice for this and you can get a desktop to last you way longer than a laptop on that basis)

          • 3 months ago

            not the anon asking about the heating issues but is the acer predator still good or is it outdated?

            • 3 months ago

              If you consider 1080p@120Hz gaming with no ray tracing to be outdated, then yes
              Otherwise it can still confidently handle anything you throw at it

              • 3 months ago

                sounds good actually! idc about ray tracing and 1080p is fine for most games

              • 3 months ago

                sounds good actually! idc about ray tracing and 1080p is fine for most games

                It can handle emulation well to

      • 3 months ago

        how much longer would a gaming desktop last over a gaming laptop assuming the usage is the same?

    • 3 months ago

      Don't fall for the laptop meme
      Here is the garbage you'll have to deal with:
      - moronic LOUD FANS
      - Dogshit battery when gaming
      - cannot be upgraded in any meaningful way, meaning in a few years you'll have to buy another overpriced turd
      - if something breaks or your CPU/GPU dies, there's nothing you can do to fix it
      - Laptop GPU are not as powerful as their desktop counterpart, a """"""""laptop"""""""" 3080 is only as powerful as a desktop 3060/2070 super, a 3070 laptop is equal to a fricking 1080
      - overheating and thermal throttling

      • 3 months ago

        >moronic LOUD FANS
        Clean your fans and cooling system every year you homosexual, if you live an a place that's prone to dust accumulation than bump that number up to twice or even three times a year.
        >Dogshit battery when gaming
        Laptop batteries are become dogshit whenever you do anything that's taxing on the CPU/GPU,
        just look at how long the battery lasts when browsing the internet.
        >cannot be upgraded in any meaningful way, meaning in a few years you'll have to buy another overpriced turd
        Considering that games are becoming more and more complex the same can be said for GPUs eventually. We won't talk about consoles because this is a PC thread.
        >if something breaks or your CPU/GPU dies, there's nothing you can do to fix it
        That's one of the few caveats that laptops have. It's also why insurance, if the store you're buying the latop from offers it, is wise investment.

        > Laptop GPU are not as powerful as their desktop counterpart
        That's one of the trade-offs that you kind of have to accept with laptops. This is also why you should pay attention to the amount of integrated RAM a GPU has when buying a laptop.
        >overheating and thermal throttling
        See the first response.

        >let me whip out my gaming laptop at the frickin bar, everyone will clap.

        >let me whip out my gaming laptop at the frickin bar, everyone will clap.
        That sounds like more of a "you" problem than a "him" problem, why the frick are you pulling out a gaming laptop at a bar in the first place? Pull it out at a coffee shop or some shit like that.

        • 3 months ago

          >amount of integrated RAM a GPU
          And the TDP.
          There are models out there with TDP limits that cripple the performance of the part hardcore.
          As for the bar thing, one funny piece of information is that my manager (in partnership with his buddies) does actually own a bar.
          The last company party was on his bar, and they asked me to take my Quest 2 because Beat Saber is so fricking fun.
          That's not directly related to laptops, but it is a fun mobile technology related anecdote I guess.
          Those are the kind of guys that would 100% agree with taking our gaming laptops there for an impromptu LAN party, were our schedules to ever match.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not pulling it out in public period because I'm not autistic and can go 10 mins without constant fricking stimulation. that's why I built a desktop

      • 3 months ago

        >- moronic LOUD FANS
        use headphones, literally not a problem
        >- Dogshit battery when gaming
        plug it in then
        >- cannot be upgraded in any meaningful way, meaning in a few years you'll have to buy another overpriced turd
        SSD and RAM can be easily replaced, and a good enough technician can easily replace the CPU. GPU is the only component you're stuck with unless you get an external one.
        >- if something breaks or your CPU/GPU dies, there's nothing you can do to fix it
        There is a technician in my city who does exactly this, you can't upgrade it yourself like legos sure.
        >- Laptop GPU are not as powerful as their desktop counterpart, a """"""""laptop"""""""" 3080 is only as powerful as a desktop 3060/2070 super, a 3070 laptop is equal to a fricking 1080
        Only a problem if you don't know what you're buying in which case you shouldn't be spending hundreds of $ on anything. Unless you're rich and have money to waste in which case doesn't matter.
        >- overheating and thermal throttling
        The only real problem you listed, but is only really an issue for CPU-intensive games and can be mitigated somewhat with power limits and undervolting.

  24. 3 months ago

    Used to be. Not falling for it ever again. Same for steam deck. God these people are moronic.

  25. 3 months ago

    I hate how every single gaymer laptop looks
    I'm waiting for a laptop to arrive that doesn't exactly look premium, but it looks "normal". As in, nobody's gonna fricking bother with it. It can run RDR2 at 30fps, that's good enough for me.

    • 3 months ago


      Got this in 2020 (HP Omen 15). Literally just use it like a PC. Only add a 2TB SSD and there's this settings in the AMD that makes it hot all the time and changing the option makes it cooler significantly.

      I kid you not, I only choose this laptop because of its looks. The specs were secondary.

      • 3 months ago

        I have a pavilion plus and it honestly looks fricking nicer than any picture I've seen. It's like plastic garbage on internet and then I get it and this shit is sleek.

  26. 3 months ago

    what would be a good deal for a gaming laptop?

  27. 3 months ago

    I have a laptop with 6gb of vram, core i5 13th gen and 16 homiebytes of ram
    But I don't use it, I only play on my desktop with an rx 6600, ryzen 5 5600 and 32 nigs or ram + ssd

  28. 3 months ago

    What is the actual point of laptop gaming?

    • 3 months ago

      i assume for people who travel a lot.
      but personally, i like to use a desktop for "heavy" gaming and a work laptop for "light" gaming.

  29. 3 months ago

    Laptop bros? What are you gaming??

    Currently playing Rain World, and Nier Replicant

    • 3 months ago

      Risk of Rain 2 and The Finals

    • 3 months ago

      Playing mhw at 40fps 🙂

    • 3 months ago

      >bought lappy for $1250
      >8GB 3070 w/ i7-11H
      >undervolted it and sits nicely at 4.20ghz
      >run everything on high without temps ever going above 80C
      >able to use 2.25 dlsdr on most titles
      god life is cozy

      playing through mass effect LE for the first time w/ mods. bummed you cant go above your screens resolution but the game still looks beautiful

      • 3 months ago

        >undervolted it and sits nicely at 4.20ghz
        Based. The temps on my old gaming laptop went down like 15 - 20C after undervolting the CPU and the performance is just as good

      • 3 months ago

        >undervolted it and sits nicely at 4.20ghz
        Based. The temps on my old gaming laptop went down like 15 - 20C after undervolting the CPU and the performance is just as good

        How do I undervolt without using MSI Afterburner because my vBIOS apparently won't let me adjust power limits through it

        • 3 months ago

          I used Throttlestop to undervolt the CPU

    • 3 months ago

      I was playing rimworld and palworld before my laptop died on me.

    • 3 months ago

      Elden Ring

    • 3 months ago

      Frogcomposband. Truly I'm pushing my graphics card to its limit with this demanding unit of a game

    • 3 months ago

      Playing Cyberpunk 2077 in 4K/120FPS rn

  30. 3 months ago

    pic related is a (stock) photo of my lappy. any other questions?

    • 3 months ago

      pic related is a (stock) photo of my nappy. any other questions?

      • 3 months ago

        why do you wear diapers

    • 3 months ago

      Literally my old Lappy, had with 1660 ti still works but replaced with desktop. Still gaming casul gaems on it that dont make it heat up.

      • 3 months ago

        >1660 ti
        rich homie over here mine has a 970m.

        • 3 months ago

          Thats rough buddy, im on a desktop 4070 now

  31. 3 months ago

    >muh fan noises
    >muh uncomfortable temperatures
    if your shit isnt getting throttled for safety reasons, it's not overheating

  32. 3 months ago

    I bought this 2 year ago and i have to replace fans 2 time
    Msi Laptop have good performance but really not worth it

  33. 3 months ago

    unironically the main problem with laptops today is screen size. makes some games simply unplayable.

    • 3 months ago

      buy a monitor. I got a laptop because it was cheaper at the time than buying all of the parts individually. I just use it like a desktop, have a monitor, good keyboard, and mouse hooked up to it. having 2 monitors is awesome

      • 3 months ago

        >buy a monitor
        I draw the line at mouse and keyboard. Otherwise I just get a desktop pc.

  34. 3 months ago

    Why are steam decks praised but gaming laptops still aren't?

  35. 3 months ago

    Me but it's really pissing me off, performance has gotten worse. Game won't use full CPU or GPU. I'm pretty sure one of my fans doesn't work anymore. Last time I tried applying thermal paste I couldn't fully get it on there because it was under a heatsink that I couldn't find a way to unscrew.

  36. 3 months ago

    >rtx 3050 4gb
    how long do I have bros?? Atleast the Weebsona 3 reloaded runs.

  37. 3 months ago

    Got my laptop for an obscene amount if maple bux, but was worth it, plays helldivers at a higher fidelity than PS5 and at 90fps, with every setting maxed except textures and the upscale option.
    Just got my bonus though so might replace my ancient desktop. But not nessecary right now so might wait for 5000 series.

  38. 3 months ago

    My laptop looks 100% identical, except I think mine might have an i5 (I'm not going to bother to check)

  39. 3 months ago

    My gaming laptop is relatively new and this thread is scaring me, so you're saying that it's gonna die in a few years?

    • 3 months ago

      no, people are dumb. i think after 4-5 years it starts showing some wear and tear, but nothing too terrible.

    • 3 months ago

      It will depend on the specific model and how well you take care of it.
      laptops accumulate a lot more wear and tear than an equivalent desktop simply by virtue of being handled directly, moved, picked up and down, etc.

    • 3 months ago

      just clean it out every once in a while and you'll be okay
      be gentle on the hinges while opening/closing the lid, those are usually what goes first.
      I personally don't bother with shutting the lid unless i'm taking the laptop somewhere

    • 3 months ago

      Just depends on the manufacturer and how you take care of it. It's not like the old days where your CPU will melt, shit is designed to thermal throttle if it ever reaches maximum temps

      • 3 months ago

        Kind of.
        The GPU and CPU will not melt, but a badly designed laptop could have heat related issues on other components.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah I guess you're right. I've heard stories of USB ports or wifi cards dying because they were too close to heat exhausts, never happened to me personally

    • 3 months ago

      at the expense of some CPU performance, if you have an intel CPU then you can use ThrottleStop to undervolt your CPU. It should help with temps and improve some more GPU heavy games

  40. 3 months ago

    My laptop is over 10 years old, has been reaching 90+ celsius almost every day. Cleaned the fans every 2 years or so, replaced the thermal paste once. With toothpaste. Never gave me any issues.

    Buy Clevos if you can, I guess.

    • 3 months ago

      (obviously the battery lasts for about 2 seconds, but very surprisingly i'm still on the original power adapter)

  41. 3 months ago

    I have a steam deck

  42. 3 months ago

    How good is the Ryzen 7 7840U for light gay mes?
    Last modern game I played that was intensive was Lost Judgment. I'm not looking for that kind of stuff.

  43. 3 months ago

    gayming laptops are a SCAM do NOT trust this man. OP is a fricking FOOL and his head is full of water. you will never use it as a mobile gaming device, dragging around a mouse and always needing to have it plugged in because the battery life if 5 mins will stop that. it will had overheating issues and be obsolete within a year. you will get infinitely more out of a desktop, take it from someone who was using a gayming laptop for the past 7 years, its a fricking scam.

    • 3 months ago

      >dragging around a mouse
      I always just used the touchpad.
      People at work call me crazy for that too, then they go and act all impressed when I'm better at manipulating shit on the screen than they are.
      Funnily enough, I do have an USB mouse, only I use it on my Android TV.

      How do I undervolt without using MSI Afterburner because my vBIOS apparently won't let me adjust power limits through it

      You don't. Gotta unlock the voltage controls in the vBIOS.

      • 3 months ago

        >Gotta unlock the voltage controls in the vBIOS
        How do I do that safely? I don't want to accidentally brick my GPU

      • 3 months ago

        you got scammed, doesn't make gaming laptops a scam
        i've been using an acer nitro as my daily driver for the past 3 years, no issue
        even bought a second more powerful one last year, which i use to generate ai porn 24/7

        for the same price you can build a desktop with better specs, or build one with the same specs for less money, regardless of who makes it, you're making sacrifices to get it in laptop form. if you're not absolutely mega autistic and don't need 24/7 constant stimulation like a fricking zoomer, then having a PC that is slightly easier to bring places will come up so rarely that its not worth it.

        >bringing my gaming laptop to work
        they're patronizing you as the mentally moronic diversity hire. I have dedicated work PC because I actually do work at my job.

        • 3 months ago

          The notebook I use at work is not my own, it's the company's.
          And being able to take my gaming machine everywhere is the fricking best.
          Taking my gaming laptop and my Quest 2 to parties and gatherings and shit is a killer move. My friends and my coworkers love it.
          To be clear, I'm not disputing that a desktop is a better value. It's a better value across time too as you can upgrade individual components instead of throwing the whole thing away, if the mobility has no value for you.
          It does for me.

          >they're patronizing you as the mentally moronic diversity hire
          I see, so it's projection.
          Everything makes sense now. At least the thread knows not to listen to your advice now.

          • 3 months ago

            >let me whip out my gaming laptop at the frickin bar, everyone will clap.

    • 3 months ago

      you got scammed, doesn't make gaming laptops a scam
      i've been using an acer nitro as my daily driver for the past 3 years, no issue
      even bought a second more powerful one last year, which i use to generate ai porn 24/7

      • 3 months ago

        what's the cheapest laptop i could get to generate decent ai art?

    • 3 months ago

      I've got an ASUS TUF F15 last year when Best Buy was doing its Black Friday sales, I was initially wary of ASUS due to a friend having a 2021 F15 die on him a few months after he bought it.
      >Model: FX507ZI
      >Processor: 12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700H
      >GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop
      >RAM: came with 16 GB of DDR4 RAM installed, upgraded it to 32 GBs because 16 GBs is terrible in this day and age.
      >Storage: 1TB SSD

      Despite my fears it hasn't died on me yet, it works well enough right now and considering that I don't do a lot of "heavy" gaming the 4070 will serve me well until I have to upgrade it later. The one thing I KNOW I'll have to do in the near future is upgrade the SSD, having a lone 1TB SSD is iffy.

      They aren't a scam if you KNOW what you're getting yourself, one of the few points you're right about is the comparison between laptops and desktops (the latter will almost always be better than the former).
      >you will never use it as a mobile gaming device
      It's more mobile than dragging around a display, keyboard, mouse, the PC itself, and all the necessary cords needed to run a PC.
      >dragging around a mouse...
      That only true if you're only playing games that don't have controller support.
      >...always needing to have it plugged in because the battery life if 5 mins will stop that.
      This is true but that's because of the way the battery works the amount of power it can supply the CPU whilst unplugged. IIRC there are ways to get around this but they run the risk of damaging the battery.
      >it will had overheating issues
      As long as keep the laptop's inner workings clean, keep up on replacing thermal paste, and don't buy a model with a shitty cooling system then you're fine.
      >obsolete within a year
      This is tru to an extent but I just follow the same rule I do for TCGs: when the time to shift/upgrade comes, back up your data and sell your shit to get some scratch for new shit.

  44. 3 months ago

    I had a gaming laptop and was sick of turning down the graphics settings of every single game I played so the POS didn't overheat. I got a desktop now.

  45. 3 months ago

    I have a ThinkPad t14s from work with two separate partitions. Ryzen 7840u is a fricking workhouse jesus. Considering I have nothing else to play on at the moment it's pretty cool being able to play certain newer games at high at max resolution 60fps
    Anyone got any recommendations for optimizing this particular apu?

    • 3 months ago

      You don't get shit for using your work laptop for personal stuff? Would dual booting for this just be fine?

  46. 3 months ago

    Acer predator helios 300 reporting in. I travel all the time for work and pleasure. It's a necessity for me.

    • 3 months ago

      The one with the RTX 3070? I'm eyeing that model and the acer nitro 5 with a RTX 3070 ti to replace my recently dead dell g5.

      >Gotta unlock the voltage controls in the vBIOS
      How do I do that safely? I don't want to accidentally brick my GPU

      > I don't want to accidentally brick my GPU
      In theory, you shouldn't be able to, since there are checks in place and stuff, but you should go ask the in the techpowerup forum or somewhere like that.
      Go watch some nvflash tutorials and talk to some people on the tomshardware and techpowerup forums and such.

      • 3 months ago

        I got the RTX 3080 one actually. I'd definitely recommend it. Just make sure to do a quick stress test when you receive it. Acer is sloppy with thermal paste on cpu's sometimes. Ask them to re-do it themselves if the cpu gets into 90's and starts throttling. My first computer had that problem when gaming.

        Current one does everything I need so far gaming-wise. GPU also shares the system ram if it needs, so that 4gb memory never stopped me.

        • 3 months ago

          >RTX 3080
          How in the hell? The RTX 3070 has 8GB of vram, what the frick.
          There's something off anon, could you provide a GPU-Z screenshot?

          • 3 months ago

            Hmm, GPU-Z shows as 8GB indeed. Maybe Speccy fricked up somehow.

            • 3 months ago

              That's more like it.
              Speccy is weird like that. You want to use CPU-Z + GPU-Z or HWINFO

              there's no such thing as balanced hardware cooling. It's just a fan and heatsinks. Anon take a step back and remember the heating issues the ps5 had. I mean if even that thing which is so much more spacious and literally half of it a heat sink has problems with heat then every laptop will struggle just as much. Especially since it's not a real graphics card. If you have an old one just screw it open and see how it looks inside and you'll never gonna buy one ever again

              >I mean if even that thing which is so much more spacious and literally half of it a heat sink has problems with heat then every laptop will struggle just as much
              Not necessarily, but I get you.
              Engineering wise, manufacturers could implement better cooling solutions, but that would increase cost, so I suppose that's the real bottleneck, even if the form factor of the heatsink and fans is nowhere as optimal as a desktop tower cooler for example.

              >let me whip out my gaming laptop at the frickin bar, everyone will clap.


  47. 3 months ago

    I also have a nitro 5. It's been fine for every game I've wanted to play in the past several years EXCEPT Dragon's Dogma 2. That has me seething more than a little, but I've only had it 4 years so it's too early to upgrade

  48. 3 months ago

    Got a Lenovo legion 5 pro. It's not perfect, but it's pretty badass for a gaming laptop.

  49. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      What model is that?


      I have a little table like that and it's so good for playing games with a gamepad.
      Not so much using the keyboard and touchpad unless it's a turn based game or something, but still.
      Great buy.

      • 3 months ago

        here's my kbm setup
        like you said not enough real estate for FPS but good enough for RTS/turn based gaymes w/ high dpi.
        speaking of gamepads i just ordered one - hoping to get it by this weekend.

        • 3 months ago

          ok why am i upside down here?

        • 3 months ago

          Not a fan of using kbm with a laptop, but I get that I'm in the minority.
          I love my Gulikit Kingkong 2. I use it on everything. My phone, my Oculus Quest 2 , my TV, my desktop, my notebook.
          I like it so much I own 3.

          ok why am i upside down here?

          I just assumed you were Australian.

        • 3 months ago

          >not enough real estate for FPS
          There's plenty there unless you're a low-sens arm-aiming flick homosexual who practices with an aim trainer

          • 3 months ago

            yeah its doable for single player games ig

            don't post feet


            • 3 months ago

              No it's doable for all games homosexual. I have a setup just like that and I use it for TF2 just fine, probably because I'm not a hardcore sweatbag and don't need pinpoint aim flicks while playing as nothing but sniper

              • 3 months ago

                different demographics
                if you aren't one tapping heads from across the map in Valorant your "friends" will have some very choice words for you
                and its not like i was particularly great at FPS anyways so why bother

                can't tell if pajeet or 100% white muttistani

                somewhere in the middle
                100 % white pajeet

              • 3 months ago

                That's not what you said though is it. You said it's no good for FPS which just isn't true. It's no good for a very specific style of competitive FPS play. I took issue with your assumption that everybody plays that way.

  50. 3 months ago

    what's the best bang for the buck for ~1200$

    • 3 months ago

      Lenovo legion 5 but only when they go on sale, so you can save money if possible.

      • 3 months ago

        >Lenovo legion 5
        thanks beast

        • 3 months ago

          No problem. If you see the legion 5 pro version, I would recommend that one as well it falls in line with your price range and it's a more refined version of the 5. However, legion 5 is much cheaper, so that's a huge plus.

  51. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      don't post feet

    • 3 months ago

      can't tell if pajeet or 100% white muttistani

  52. 3 months ago

    gaming laptops are truly the master race solution for non-poors

    • 3 months ago

      damn you stupid asf cuh

      • 3 months ago

        envious poor Black person comment

  53. 3 months ago

    brown people thread

  54. 3 months ago

    I mostly just play old emulator games and watch movies on mine

  55. 3 months ago

    I have a legion 5 with a 3060 and it's pretty good except for one thing: the fans are mounted under the heatspreader and you have to remove it entirely every time you want to clan the fans and radiators

    • 3 months ago

      I'm looking at a disassembly tutorial and, oof.
      I get why they had to do that, that's some pretty good space optimization, but god damn.
      How often do you clean it?
      A tangential question for the thread, what kind of thermal paste do you guys use when doing maintenance on your laptops? Do you replace thermal pads too?
      Ever use that pad like phase change thermal paste, dos it work well?

      • 3 months ago

        I cleaned it at the end of last year after 2 years of constant use. For paste I use a random tube of cooler master paste I have lying around from my old desktop

        • 3 months ago

          Oh and I don't replace the thermal pads (or at least haven't felt the need to)

  56. 3 months ago

    I have one. I got it back in 2020 cuz I needed a computer for work, and the place I was in had very few options. I've been satisfied with it, but this I'm going to get a new high-end one.

  57. 3 months ago

    Bought this back in 2022. It's okay and gets the job done.

  58. 3 months ago

    Yeah. My parents got me an Acer Nitro for my birthday a year or so ago and it works perfectly. Obviously I'd be better off with a good desktop but you won't hear me complain about it.

  59. 3 months ago

    You don't even need a gaming laptop. I beat Elden Ring on a laptop with a ryzen 5 5500u playing on 720p and medium graphics

  60. 3 months ago

    I bought a cheap asus tuf from 2020 for 350 eurodollars, it was practically unused. Repasted and dropped tdp, works at sub-80 degree temperatures, it's fine.

  61. 3 months ago

    Yup, I love Crysis!

    posted on my chromebook btw

  62. 3 months ago

    writing this from a lenovo idea pad y580. For gaming I use a GPD Win max 2021 and a GPD win mini with a g1 when at home.

  63. 3 months ago

    Are gaming laptops good for game dev or should I just spend the money and get a PC

  64. 3 months ago

    Used to be one for the better part of the 2010s. I treat it as an all in one PC that fits inside a backpack so it stays on my desk plugged in. Not like it can play vidya on battery power in the first place

    Now that I'm not moving between places anymore I built a desktop instead

  65. 3 months ago

    I need my enormous screen. Laptop gaming is just not satisfying.

  66. 3 months ago

    I have never bought a "gaming chair" and never will!

    • 3 months ago

      >putting your laptop on a blanket
      bro... the thermals...

  67. 3 months ago

    Don't waste your money. You will literally get better performance for free by propping up your laptop at the back so it has plenty of airflow underneath. That will give you better performance than one of these obstructive pads.

    If you can afford $100-150, get a GT500 or GT600. They are the only cooling pads that work.

  68. 3 months ago

    >GAYming SLOPtop

  69. 3 months ago

    >Got the gaming laptop
    >Got a La-Z-Boy recliner
    Yep it's peak comfy gaming

  70. 3 months ago

    >moving to another country either this or next year
    >got a laptop instead of a desktop so traveling with it isn't cancer
    >runs any game but performs poorly on high end games
    >can't play vr
    honestly I'm regretting this and wondering if I should've just gone for a desktop and deal with the baggage cancer

  71. 3 months ago

    Yeah, I bought one as a desktop replacement but I haven't fully replaced my desktop with it, for reasons because I can actually eat over my dying desktop's keyboard, drink, use it to watch TV/movies, etc. Its not something I just stay on for a few hours to shitpost/game and leave, I'm literally on it all the time whenever I'm not at work, with friends, etc.

    Eventually I figure I'll need to switch over to the laptop once the HDD on this desktop fully dies, I already use the laptop for more resource-extensive tasks, like actually playing games. Would laptopchads here recommend I buy a docking station for the time when I need to do this eventually? I don't wanna change my habits just because I change machine.

  72. 3 months ago

    hell yea laptops are the best
    5 years old machine and can run literally everything
    moved my setup into my bed recently when I had a bad fever, it was pretty comfy

    • 3 months ago

      Are you black?

      • 3 months ago

        Eastern Euro, so yes

  73. 3 months ago

    At what cpu temperature should I start worrying about overheating?

    • 3 months ago

      Probably 95c for most of them, worst case scenario you start dropping frames randomly and blue screening or the machine just turning off by itself

    • 3 months ago

      It won't overheat, it's impossible by design, unless you live in a sauna. The CPU will throttle long before it reaches its thermal limit. The only concern is that this will rape your performance in the ass.

      Most laptops have options for adjusting power limits and TDP. On an Asus laptop you would do this in Armory Crate in manual mode. You should always do this, the stock turbo option is nearly always overkill and delivers unnecessary amounts of power and heat to the CPU for no gain. Most games will use 30-50% of modern CPUs at most, you don't need 80 watts of power for that.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm too lazy to figure out manual settings and just use the middle power option

      • 3 months ago

        I've been using throttlestop with these settings on my acer nitro
        I have no idea what I'm doing but saw someone doing it and it's been helping with the temperature

  74. 3 months ago


    Took me way too damn long though to connect my gaming laptop to a 27" monitor and use a different keyboard than the laptop one

  75. 3 months ago

    >nvida gtx
    bro how could you expect it to run the latest tripple a with a mobile gtx

  76. 3 months ago

    I'm a fan. Started with desktops then moved over to only Laptops over time. I just like being able to take em anywhere. Ever since I figured out you just lift the fricking things an inch off the ground I never had overheating issues ever again.

  77. 3 months ago

    why are you using laptops now? Just get a mini pc.

    • 3 months ago

      I swear to god that the LGBT community have gone too far

  78. 3 months ago

    I have an ASUS TUF A17 from a couple years back, with some Ryzen 7 and a 3060. I got it only because I had to move a bunch of times, I normally always prefer desktops.

    It's fine, it does its job better than I expected. I can emulate/play anything modern fairly comfortably. That said ASUS put a faulty WiFi/BT card in it and it straight up disappears from the hardware sometimes. The only solution is to disassemble and replace it with a better brand. Also there's no MUX switch and the HDMI port doesn't connect to the proper GPU, the only one that does is USB-C for some reason.

    Also I feel like even if a mobile 3060 is supposed to be fairly identical to its desktop variant, I'm getting consistently shittier performance than a friend of mine with a desktop 2060. And my GPU's wattage is higher than stock and is pretty decent so I'm really at a loss. I guess laptops are just shit but I have no alternative for now

    pic unrelated

    • 3 months ago

      hello sir the laptop runs very well sir thank you

      • 3 months ago

        I haven't played any of the games that the good sir doing the needful here is playing but
        >nuGoW, a fricking PS4 game can't even hold consistent 60 FPS

        Also I think my model is older than his, I have R7 5800H

    • 3 months ago

      >Also I feel like even if a mobile 3060 is supposed to be fairly identical to its desktop variant, I'm getting consistently shittier performance than a friend of mine with a desktop 2060. And my GPU's wattage is higher than stock and is pretty decent so I'm really at a loss. I guess laptops are just shit but I have no alternative for now
      Might be similar in architecture but you still could be power limited. If your GPU is maxed out while gaming then you know it's simply an inferior model. If it isn't then you need to check with Afterburner or HWinfo to see what's maxed out.

  79. 3 months ago

    >buying a laptop without a numpad

    • 3 months ago

      You're a homosexual if you really think this. Laptop keyboards are already cramped shit without a numpad, now you want to have your entire typing experience completely asymmetrical for the 2% of time you need a numpad? External mechanical numpad master race

      • 3 months ago

        >External mechanical numpad master race
        not only are external numpads dumb given how you most likely lose another spot for connecting USBs, but at that point why not just buy an external keyboard with said numpad OR, as mentioned earlier, a laptop with a keyboard with a fully integrated numpad?

        • 3 months ago

          You're a homosexual if you really think this. Laptop keyboards are already cramped shit without a numpad, now you want to have your entire typing experience completely asymmetrical for the 2% of time you need a numpad? External mechanical numpad master race

          nevermind the advantages you get in some games that heavily use said numpad

  80. 3 months ago

    laptop gaming is the dumbest idea ever
    if you want proper airflow you have to turn the fricking thing upside down lmao

  81. 3 months ago

    got the msi alpha 15 with the rx6600m 8gb for 700 dollars, upgrade the ram and get another ssd for 80 dollars, feels good honestly, this laptop is futureproof till 2030-2035

    • 3 months ago

      >this laptop is futureproof till 2030-2035
      I do envy people who don't care about graphics

      • 3 months ago

        just turn off memetracing and I can play every game at 60fps honestly

        • 3 months ago

          And you think that will be the case for another 6-11 years? You'll be turning DLSS down to ultra performance long before then.

  82. 3 months ago

    Nah, I tried to get one but they are overpriced to hell and back here in ex Yugoslavia.
    Ended up getting a 64 GB Deck instead and a 2tb ssd for 500-ish euros

  83. 3 months ago

    This thread reminded me of the last time I had a gaming laptop
    I bought a decent used laptop with a 1060 for 500 bucks. Hooked up a shitty monitor I already had for a 2 screen setup, shitty mechanical kb, and a cool deskmat, it actually made for a relatively aesthetic poverty battlestation. I used it for a year and it was the best pc I had ever had at the time, it served me well
    I ended up taking pics that really made it look like a kino setup, and sold it as a full gaming setup (including the mat, peripherals, an old headset) to some pajeet homosexual for 1500
    I then bought an actual pc with a 2070 super and 2 real monitors right before pandemic raped the market
    Thanks for the pc indiaBlack person

  84. 3 months ago

    Got this bad boy and i am not disappointed at all.
    Runs everything i need smoothly.

  85. 3 months ago

    Yeah, kinda, I have the msi stealth gs65 with a 1070 and a 6 core i7 as my main laptop, it's a nice little thing. Really just light gaming since I use a real desktop for games, but it's great as a general purpose daily driver with a little extra gpu power when I want it

  86. 3 months ago

    i have a budget nitro with a 3050 in it. thing gets hot as frick even when idling unless i prop the b***h up and let it breath and even then it still like to stay warm doing nothing.

    • 3 months ago

      Nitro 5 are the go to for people who really are on a budget, but still wish to play pc games. Unfortunately, despite being a decent budget laptop, it does get very toasty at times. I hear cooling pads may help with that, but I haven't tried one myself.

  87. 3 months ago

    I bought a Lenovo flex 5 as a Linux machine but it had a dead pixel so I'm going to return it and get something else. Why do the trails in the sky/crossbell games not work on Linux? I just want to replay the good games. Laptop gaming is gay.

    • 3 months ago

      >has a problem with Linux gaming
      >blames it on laptop gaming
      Linuxgays are delusional

      • 3 months ago

        Great reading comprehension shitskin.

  88. 3 months ago

    Got this in 2020 (HP Omen 15). Literally just use it like a PC. Only add a 2TB SSD and there's this settings in the AMD that makes it hot all the time and changing the option makes it cooler significantly.

  89. 3 months ago

    Laptop gaming is comfy gaming

    • 3 months ago

      we asked for your laptop, you dont have to post pictures of your MANSION
      holy shit, you live like a king

      • 3 months ago

        That could be you, anon.
        Take the minimalism pill.

    • 3 months ago

      it's cute how minimalistic men are.
      have a nice day, man!

    • 3 months ago

      Cringe weeb. Get a chair.

  90. 3 months ago

    There is one thing to do to keep your laptop from overheating and it's CLEANING.
    Once per year, open this bad boy up and take off the heat sink and the fans. Then clean the fans FROM THE INSIDE; open the frickers, take the blade off and remove the lint/dust mortar that is stuck on the INSIDE of the air evacuation grid.
    I swear, I always find it completely obstructed after 1 year of use.
    I get 75 C in games such as Elden Ring after cleaning (vs 90 when it's clogged).
    RTX 3070 / ryzen 6800

  91. 3 months ago

    my stinkpad runs system shock enhanced and thats good enough.

  92. 3 months ago

    i'm planning to purchase a laptop soon due to work travel. the thought of it already makes me want to throw up, but i suppose it will find some use.

    i think the laptop 4060 will suit my needs fine, but the 4070 is 200 more dollars. is the 4070 worth 200 dollars more?
    the screen will be a 1440p 165hz panel. i usually run a desktop 3060 on a 1080p 60hz monitor so i don't really care about fps over 60 but i suppose it would be nice

    • 3 months ago

      Laptop 4070 has the same power as a desktop 3060ti, so if you're fine with thar I'd say go for it
      Don't go for a 1440p monitor since your GPU will struggle playing some games

    • 3 months ago

      Those 100+ Hz monitors are literally wasted on laptops, AND they sap way too much power to boot.

      • 3 months ago

        you dont always play latest aaa. i am playing dragons dogma at 4k 120 without problem with laptop.

    • 3 months ago

      i'd say if you can, go for the 4070. extra performane is always nice

  93. 3 months ago

    back when i lived in the turd world, i used to play cs 1.6 on one of these bad boys running at 10 to 15 fps

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